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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 4, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PST

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stuff that people need to think about. thank you, sir. jillian: thank you. >> thank you. jillian: download the fox news app. and download the app. and scalp the qr code on your screen. todd: it "fox & friends" split edition comes right now. have a great edition, everybody. todd: democrats approving a budget resolution paving the way for congress to approve a covid-19 relief bill without republicans. >> the president talk as lot about unity but white house staff is working with a different playbook. >> the cdc director is ramping up the pressure on teacher's unions. the safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated. >> biden and his party bought and paid for by the teacher's union. >> john kerry caught being a hypocrite you came with a private jet. >> only choice for somebody like me. >> the american people are so tired by being lectured. >> many biden administration
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rejoin the jcpoa without any -- >> snubbing our friends like israel but they are cozying up to enemies like iran. >> "u.s.a. today" column argues white privilege is the reason tom brady has gotten a pass for being a trump supporter. >> so typical that we always work politics into the escapism of sports and tom brady has been nothing but class. ♪ saliva highway that is the highway wide open. a lot of people stay out of the city they don't work here anymore. it was icy and snowy but the good news is just as we have cleaned it up more is coming. but the good news is also that we have 27 million people vaccinated in this country. that's good. but the bad news is, steve, ainsley is not in studio. steve: you know what, brian. take avenue of americas and get on 95 that highway. get down to the capitol beltway and get off at route 7 and that
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is where you will find ainsley earhardt today. she is 213 and a half miles from studio f here in the heart of midtown, manhattan because you are on assignment with the folks. ainsley: exactly. when we saw brandon -- when we saw that video of him standing behind the podium. steve: the mad dad. ainsley: we respectfully call him that because he said what every country across the country wants to say. we have him on our panel. we have 3, 6, 7 parents sitting with me in this room. we are all socially distanced. steve: that's great. brain. ainsley: this is brandon. he was on tucker carlson's show. we showed so many clips of that viral video that alicia put online. thank you for doing that and a speaking out for all of us. what's happening this week? i heard that y'all are going back hybrid in march. >> on tuesday the school board voted 8-1 to allow children go
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back to the hybrid model. so now we are working on go trying to go from two days a week to five days a week. ainsley: do you think you had a hand in this. >> i'm a father who spoke up for some other families. even across the nation there are so many kids who aren't in school. did i have a hand? i don't know. i contributed where i could and i'm dealing with it like so many others with their kids and trying to do better for their education. ainsley: it's so funny in our industry how in one second one soundbite can change someone's life. everyone knows how are across the country. did you expect that. >> no, i didn't. alicia texted me she posted this hey get ready for attention i said i don't think so. who is going to recognize me? and next thing you know my friend are saying they saw me on the media and, look, that's great. this isn't about me. this is about the kid. ainsley: right. right. we were talking earlier on "fox "fox& friends first." kid tonight have a europes. teachers have unions to speak up for them but y'all are your children's union. alicia, what made you want to
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post that? >> ultimately, ainsley i think that i wanted people to see what i see. i see these parents that are just like me that are struggling every day with their children trying to get a fair, free and quality education. you know, we can't have a one size fits all model. ainsley: you have three kids at home. >> i do. 9, 7, and 2. i made a promise for the virginia voters that i asked to vote for may last fall that i was going to stand with them and fight for them to get their schools back open. it's a fight i'm going to keep. brandon and so many others are willing to stand up and fight. i'm glad i just got to show the nation exactly what we are experiencing here in loudoun county because our voice does matter and our children matter. ainsley: thank you. speaking of voices you penned -- you have a son who has a very limited category. you stood up in front of the school board. your son was going to speak and you asked if you could is speak for him and they said no. >> exactly. my intent was to show the school board the challenges my son was
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facing with the distanced learning. there was no way heed could stay in front of a laptop and focus. i took my son with him. i speaking from my view as a parent what my perspective was. and then i signed up for my son separately. i said he can't speak for let me speak on his behalf. i know what his challenges are and i was cut off saying i couldn't speak for him. and a lot of challenges there. ainsley: right. that's what worries so many of us the most. these children that do have challenges and they need to be in the classroom and legally they are supposed to be there and getting extra help. there is an educational program all of a sudden iep. >> it's an individualized education plan and tailored to fit the needs of each individual student. ainsley: your son is not getting that. >> no. his services have been reduced drastically since the distanced learning. the distance learning model itself is a one size fits all. it's not the way it's supposed
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to work. it's supposed to be tailored to each individual person. ainsley: the power of the parent steve and brain. it's amazing that all these parents spoke out. the school board had to listen and they didn't have a choice. we will get into some of that in the politics. they spoke out and now the kid are coming back. brian: can they hear there? steve: they cannot. ainsley: can you all hear brian and steve? they cannot. do you want to ask a question. brian: a little bit later. maybe relate to them. not only did they want to get back in school, the science says they should be back in school. and this is rochelle wolenski she is cdc director and shea says schools, hey, ladies and gentlemen, can reopen even if teachers are not yet vaccinated, listen. >> there is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vac sip nateed in order to reopen safely while we are implementing the
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criteria of the committee and state and local guidance to get vaccination across these communities. i would also say that safely opening of schools is not-that vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite for a safe reopening of schools. brian: they are a priority, absolutely. they are doing it in most states. but in san francisco they got to sue. they are not even having any progress. in chicago they are at impasse. they have to wait few more days. yet, other areas of the country are doing it and doing it successfully. the one thing that's consistent. if kids are not in school at all ages, they are suffering. and yesterday guys, we know we featured one parent whose son killed himself in the first week of january. he couldn't wait anymore. it weighed on him. that was a star quarterback on his football team with 11 college offers. steve: it's just terrible. no doubt it's taken a toll.
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but why are some states able to open up and others are not? here in new york city, the schools are not open. michael bloomberg, the former behavior new york city said yesterday this is a problem with the unions and teachers are going to have to suck it up. watch. >> it's time for joe biden to stand up and say the kids are the most important things. and -- important players here. and the teachers are just going to have to suck it up and stand up and provide an education. the president has to stand up to the unions. we have a lot of city and state and federal employees who run risks. that's part of the job. you run risk was to help america. steve: mitch mcconnell said yesterday congress has paid $110 billion to make sure that the schools are safe. he says science is not an on obstacle. money is not an obstacle.
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the obstacle is a lack of will power not students but rich powerful unions who donate rich sums to democrats stranglehold education in many communities. in fact, out in san francisco, it's quite ironic the city of san francisco is suing the san francisco school district to force classrooms open. all right. we're going to be talking about this throughout the morning. ainsley, let's talk a little bit about speaking of powerful democrats. let's talk about john kerry. ainsley: all right. so brian always says john kerry, what do you say, brian? he takes his private plane, then he jumps in his limo and jumps helicopter that lands on top of his yacht. brian: that's the life he lives. ainsley: there is nothing wrong with working hard. you know. and having money and being able to spend it however you want to. buff the problem is it's a double standard. when is he standing up there and he is accepting a climate award and saying that he's going -- we
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are going to go zero emissions in america yet is he flying this gas guzzler over to iceland to accept the award when he was secretary of state under barack obama. and he was interviewed by the local press in iceland and we found the video in 2019. listen to his -- him defending why he took a private plane. >> it's the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle. i negotiated the paris accords for the united states. i have been involved in this fight for years. i negotiated with president xi to bring president xi to the table so we could get paris. and i believe the time it takes me to get somewhere i can't sail across the ocean. i have to fly to meet people to get things done. what i'm doing almost full time is working to win the battle of climate change. and in the end, if i offset and contribute my life to do this,
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i'm not going to be put on the defensive. brian: yeah. ainsley, the problem is. ainsley: we are not asking. brian: we're not asking him to sail. we're asking him to hop on american airlines. brian. ainsley: take a row bet. brian: maybe take first class and act like everybody else and then go ahead and solve the world's problems. and that's the problem. how could he be this clueless? steve: well, i think the -- i think where he has it wrong aside from on a variety of issues, is the fact that he said for somebody like me. ainsley: i know. steve: this was in 2019. he was out of power. he was talking about how he is traveling. he has got to be places. he didn't have to be any place. he cited you know what i did when i was somebody. but he wasn't anybody then except somebody who accepted an award. people know -- they look at the hypocrisy and, brian, you are absolutely right. father would have been in american airlines or icelandic
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airlines in coach or in first class, that seat would have burned 40 times less the carbon than his private jet. and that is why senator kennedy of louisiana says, look, he is just part of the managerial and people are sick of it. >> i think the american people are so tired, so tired of being lectured by the man managerial elite. the insurance politicians. the academics, the academies, the corporate phonies. the tuna tartar crowd who live in the expensive condos with the high ceilings and the important art on the wall who think they are better than the american people, who think they are smarter and more virtuous than the american people it and who
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think they are special and that the rules don't apply to them. steve: you know, and ultimately. it's absolutely fine to take a private jet. are do not lecture us about why we can't do it. ainsley: is he so calorie. senator kennedy said the tuna tartar elites. brian: what have we been doing for the last two weeks? interviewing people on the xl pipeline. interviewing people in the oil and gas industry who have lost their jobs the day they made the announcement as he sits there and gleefully says don't worry. a lot of other jobs are coming online like solar panels eventually with a big smile on his faces a his wife catches, in cashes her ketchup checks for him so he has unlimited spending account. look at what's happening on sunday 6:15 a football game. the kansas city chiefs against tom brady. one of the easiest games to sell as the reigning vpp best quarterback ever.
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not staying out of controversy through no fault of his own. "u.s.a. today" i know it's still printing. editorial written by nancy armor calls out tom brady's white privilege. saying brady's ability to enter and exit the debate choosing to shield himself from accountability is the height of why the privilege. as this country grapples with the far reaches of sis stem mechanic racism expectations and allowances are granted will be onusly different. even brady's aversion of talking about politics and current event itself a form of privilege. the problem is, they guess is, that he is friends with donald trump. never talks politics with donald trump. a few years ago when trump was running said it would be great for my golf partner to actually get it. never been shy about saying is he friend with him. we know president of the united states was a candidate on the patriot sideline. bob cavity the owner and the president are great friend. why does he have to apologize is it white privilege to vote for, like somebody else, assumingly
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like the other 75 million who voted for donald trump, maybe twice. why is that showing white privilege? steve: well, she was citing the fact that in that post game interview, you know, there was a maga hat in his locker when he was playing for the patriots. and his comments supporting his friend but he had known him for, i think close to a decade he had known donald trump. here's the thing. she had said things about tom brady back in 2017. so, obviously, she has got a problem with him. and she wrote this op-ed. joe concha was on "fox & friends first" a little while ago and had this observation about people in the athletic world who are targeted for nonathletic things like political ties. >> it's so typical that we always work politics into the escapism of sports. tom brady has been nothing but class. what -- how do you hold somebody account being for as you said doing what 74 million people did, including tiger woods, i believe also is supportive of
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donald trump and was supportive of him or the great jack nicklaus or mike tyson. should we take away his heavyweight title from 30 years allege or herschel walker heisman trophy. held accountable? he was part of 75 million people. brian: ainsley? ainsley: you know, some people just live to tear other people down. if you don't belief me get on social media and read some of the comments people write. it's just mean and cruel. i want to watch the football game. you know? i want to watch tom brady and all of his teammates no matter what color they are. they are a team. they're playing together and supporting one another. we talk to these parents and a lot of their kids aren't able to play sports. they are very depressed and they want to get back out there on the field. we need to come together as a country and stop tearing each other down. can we just watch the darn football game. brian: i will give you an example. in this story they say well patrick mahomes did not have that opportunity. he is from a biracial family.
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yes, he did. if you are asked that question like michael jordan punted for 15 years. he wanted nothing to do with politics. he had to be begd. by phil jackson to support bill bradley for president because they were presidents of knicks. bill bradley they chose not to do. i hosted a show with jim brown famously one of the most impactful athletes when it came to social issues in the 1960's and 1970s. he was frustrated that michael jordan didn't speak out more. he understood it. he is so powerful he could help. everyone makes their own decision. i don't think people judge you by that. they weren't calling michael out disappointed he didn't do it. tom brady is choosing not to get involved in the political process. he didn't show up at the white house. he didn't want any part of it after winning the super bowl. steve: the one who is making this political now is this columnist who is writing about. what do you think? email us at we also are on facebook. all right. it is 6:17 now here in new york city. we are going to have headlines
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in a little bit. meanwhile, here in new york, the "new york times" urging president biden to appoint a relation czar to combat disinformation. is that really something we need in america? we're going to discuss. plus, does scrapping the pipeline really help the environment? one laid off worker has a reality check for the administration. coming up. ♪ to veteran spouses everywhere we salute you.
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are. brian: the "new york times" is recommending the biden administration at least one editorial writer is appoint a reality czar to deal with disinformation on the internet. it's a proposal our next best says may seem silly but should be taken seriously maybe because it might happen. joining us now editor-at-large reason magazine matt welch. you are saying not pause you because you thinkit should happt seriously. >> since the capitol people we we need truth in reconciliation style committees that measures can all gather around the umbrella of one single truth and there is a lot of people congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is one of them saying we have to do something about this misinformation and
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perhaps think about a truth commission as well. so there is a lot of people in academia, in journalism and in politics who are calling for things like this and it's a little bit disturbing when you see people saying that literally the headline is how the biden administration can help solve our reality crisis. i don't think that is the exact role that government should be playing. brian: right. especially with this new we are trying it if-to-figure things out about big tech. what do you do with misinformation on the internet that people might be taking wrong and take extremity action with? >> i think it starts in the home. in the consumption element of it. some of this, a lot of this is consumer demand driven, right? people want to believe stuff that isn't true and i think it is legitimately disturbing in the wake of january 6th to see how many people believe things who are storming the capitol themselves that have been adjudicated 60 times in courts and they didn't pay any attention to it. precisions playing into that and whipping that up.
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that's all true. but, from a media standpoint, especially, those of us who are in the profession, the best way to do this is not to deplatform. it's not to say as many people have been saying like let's get the fcc against fox news. no, you don't shrink the public square. if you are in journalism and you are worried about misinformation and all of that. the best thing that you can do is do your job better. don't get stuff wrong. if you are the "new york times." if you are this reporter, kevin roose is a technology reporter a guy that said that bit coin was going to die in 2014, right? get your own stuff right, that way you can become more compelling and maybe spend a little bit less time lecturing people on the way that they consume media themselves. brian: matt, the scary thing is i think you know this and you point that out it's already happening. when you think about that "new york post" story that was 100 percent correct with hunter biden affecting an election. you are deciding what we see when you see all these people deplatformed because they say the reality police who are the individual platform owners are
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shelving these people. they are deciding what the reality is and what your reality, what the reality you will receive. >> yes. and what happens when you make some kinds of speech taboo. you are going to make it more popular. if you drive everybody into a corner. if you say you people are just not, you know, quality enough to be able to have cvem or a public square. what are you going to do? you will make whatever they have been saying more sexy. this happens all over europe where speech is much more curtailed. you can't deny the are a meanian genocide in half a dozen countries in europe. legally you are under sanctioned if you do that what does that make you want to do? makes you want to go somewhere and go the arm ar are a meanian genocide didn't happen because the feds aren't coming after you. brian: not stopping us. no one is stopping you et tore at reach magazine thank you so much. >> thank you. brian: you are no longer eligible for the reality caesar czar soyou know.
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ainsley is speaking with parents fed one school closures. thousands of jobs canceled all in the name of climate change. the plea to the biden administration from a laid off pipeline welder next. >> put us to work. we are not looking for a handout. we don't want to get on a government check. we want to go to work. ♪ s too late, or where i am. one dose of ubrelvy works fast. it can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours, relieving pain and debilitating symptoms. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: migraine hits hard. hit back with ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. research shows that people remember commercials with exciting stunts.. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance,
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steve: 6:30 in no. nikki haley accusing the biden administration of softening the u.s.' stance on the country of iran. ainsley: haley is calling the move truly dangerous. brian: here we go. benjamin hall joins us live as a terrorism verdict is handed down for an iranian diplomat over a bomb plot. benjamin? >> yeah, brian, steve and ainsley good morning. this is major news out of brussels. an iranian diplomat guilty of plotting a major terror attack inside europe and then trying to claim diplomatic immunity to get out of prosecution. the third counselor officially at the iranian embassy of vienna was in fact working with iranian intelligence. he was caught red handed in 2018 after carrying a bomb on to a commercial flight from iran hidden in a diplomatic bag beforehanding it over to a sleeper cell. the target was iranian
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opposition rally where 100,000 people had gathered including rudy giuliani, newt gingrich, and the iranian opposition leader. that attack was foiled after a tipoff from an unnamed foreign intelligence service. iran in the spotlight after testing a solid liquid fuel rocket this week they say it's to launch satellites they say it was a test for long range ballistic missiles. there is a fear that the biden administration is going to join the iran deal but not ask for any changes in it. nikki haley spoke about that earlier. as an aside, i was at that rally in pairs two years ago that was targeted and i can attest to how many people would have been killed had this iranian terror plot gone head. a try to export their terrorism around the world. steve? steve: benjamin, thank you very much. here in this country, thousands of people lost their jobs in the first six hours of blue collar joe biden's presidency, including one of our next guests who has been a pipeline wrestled for more than 20 years.
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>> put us to work. we are not looking for a handout. we don't want to get on a government check. we want to go to work. we want to do our job. we want to provide for our family and we want to go home. and that's what i would tell the government right now. steve: that guy is it a member of the pipeliner's local union 798 for a union whose members are out of work. adam joins us now founder and executive director of power the future. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. steve: adam, in that zuction i mentioned joe biden as blue collar joe. when he was out on the campaign trail that's all he was going to talk about make sure people in the middle class, the blue collar were going to have jobs under his administration, and in the first six hours, he got rid of your blue collar jobs. >> over 40 years in politics and he is going to call himself blue
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collar? i doubt his hands has very many calluses on it. it doesn't make him blue collar. get out and work every day. that's blue collar. steve: you want to work. you were planning on this job. but just, you know, they pulled the rug out from under you. what are you going do now? >> you know, that's really good question. my wife and i, we have a daughter in college. how too we pay for that? how do we add to retirement? provide healthcare, all of these things? how are we going to do that now? it's a really good question. you know. may run for office. you know. seems to be pretty easy these days. steve: you don't have to, adam, because the administration is saying that guys like you who lost their job they're going to be really good high paying union jobs for you somewhere, some time doing something like maybe building solar panels. >> you know, the 11,000 union jobs is very important.
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like you said, four major crafts, pipeliners, local 798, teamsters, you know, truck drivers, operating engineers, equipment operators, laborers all the way down. you know, i just don't see that happening. not to mention the other domino effect people that are going to lose their jobs once we bring in our support. you know, where is all of that going to come from? you know, it's just not going to work. steve: daniel, you are say that the diesel industry actually could have something to do with this. >> absolutely. this idea that the keystone pipeline was a new way to get -- or a new connection between texas, which was going to refine the oil and canada where it was coming from. the fact of the matter is that this oil has been transported for years but it's been transported by railcar. and adam and his colleagues told me that every railcar burns 7 thousand gallons of deville in
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diesel inone trip there are mule trips a week. the railroad industry is the one behind. we have to abolish this myth this is about climate change. this has nothing to do with the environment. it has nothing to do with the environment left or the green movement. this is because the people who run the railroad industry gave an awful lot of money to the biden campaign, particularly perk sharier hathaway and biden rewarded them. let's be blunt and honest and not hide behind this green movement which is what the democrats always do. they always claim it's about the earth and it's about politics pure and simple. steve: dam, you are saying unequivocally that adam is out of work because of a political pay back? >> absolutely. pay back whether it comes to solar panels and wind turbines. there are people poised to make a lot of money. you have to see where they're spending their money. look at the folks advising the
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biden administration right now. brian deese most of all from black rock who has spent years telling black rock investors to invest in green technology. now is he in charge of the economic council. what is he going to advise the biden administration do? buy green. who is going to benefit? black rock. this happens all the time in washington, d.c. let's be honest about it and stop trying to tell people like adam that they are bad for the environment and start telling him honestly you are just on the wrong side of the political conversation. steve: it's terrible. blue collar joe was for the blue collar until so many lost their jobs just two weeks ago yesterday. adam and daniel, thank you very much for telling us your story. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. steve: you bet. we will keep you posted on adam's progress. meanwhile, it's the moment so many parents across the country can relate to. remember this? >> the garbage workers who pick up my freaking trash risk their lives every day more than anyone
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in this school system. figure it out. steve: this morning ainsley speaks with that father, there he is without a mask. along with more parents in virginia who are demanding their schools reopen. and from our friends at fox bet. why don't you download this morning the fox bet super 6 app. and play for a chance to win 5,000 bucks. all you need is to predict six outcomes in the fox bet super 6 quiz show. this is new. topics range from entertainment to sports. it's all free. just download the fox bet super 6 app. today and play and you could win 5,000. ♪ ♪ the new myww+ is our most holistic weight loss program ever.
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brian: what a great shot of the city. whose idea was that and that cameraman we owe you a favor. i love that shot as the suspect
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begins to many do up. for a brief period of time we are purple as a country or as a city. steve: if you notice very carefully in that picture we are rocking the cass paw. brian: we are not allowed to stay up past 10:00. that was the restrictions of the pandemic we all know about. hard to do the dancing we do at night at the clubs. jillian mele knows all about that. she is upstairs assembling the news. >> i know as much about dancing as you, brain. brian: not much. jillian: urgent manhunt underway after a police sergeant is shot in texas. releasing these photos about the suspect: the sergeant was shot point blank while responding to a suspicious person's call. police say the suspect kept shooting as he ran for cover. he is fighting for his layoff at a hospital after undergoing surgery. we will keep you updated on that. we now know the name of the gunman in the deadly fbi shooting. authorities say david lee huber
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opened fire on five agents while serving a search warrant at his south florida home. special agents laura schwarz and daniel al fen died. three other agents were hurt. christopher wray visited the crime scene yesterday and met privately with the fallen agent's families. baseball stadiums will soon become coast vaccination hubs in a push to get more shots to americans. oakland coliseum will host one of the first vaccination sites operated by the federal government in california. new york city yankee stadium will open tomorrow to bronx residents by appointment only. the fall government hopes the centers will administer 6,000 shots per day to accelerate the rollout as cdc data show 8% of americans have received 1 part of the dose. special trifecta super bowl flyover. despite not getting to watch the big game the ace pilots say they are in it for the fans. >> i just hope everybody sees
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that their nation's air force is the best in the world and really feel that sense of pride to be an american. jillian: three different bombers will roar over the stadium for kickoff for the first time ever. that's a look at your headlines. send it back to you. steve: that is cool. all right. thank you very much, jillian. now, let's take a look at the day ahead. and janice dean has got the weather machine and the current temperatures. janice: yep. the current temperatures is going to get cold next week. the coldest day of the season will arrive. we have blizzard warnings in effect across the midwest where heavy snow and blowing snow is going to cause reduced visibility and it's going to be dangerous across the roadway. this is our first system. we are tracking. that one is going to move into the northeast over the next 24 hours. and the low will move up to canada. we will still see the potential for rain or snow. then we have another round heading in this weekend. sunday through monday. we will have to monitor. behind that another round of the
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possibility for snow in the forecast for the midwest, the great lakes, and the northeast. so the bottom line is we're into a very busy wintry weather pattern. so stay tuned to your local forecast and then we get the coldest air of the season as we get into the weekend and next week. that is going to dive as far south as the mississippi river valley. maybe close to the gulf coast. so something we have to watch. this frigid air and very dangerous temperatures. we will keep you posted. ainsley, my friends, over to you. ainsley: hey, janice you want to watch this because you and i are both have school aged children and this important topic about reopening schools. the cdc says schools can we open without vaccinating our teachers. have yet to transition back to in person learning. you may remember this dad whose message went viral. >> the garbage workers who pick up my freakin' trash risk their lives every day more than anyone
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in this school system, figure it out. or get off the podium. because, you know what? there is people like me and it a line of other people out there who will gladly take your seat and figure it out. ainsley: well, this morning we are speaking to brandon as well as other parents from the surrounding area by b. why in person learning is so posh to them. brandon joins us now along with this wonderful group of parent. brandon, what got you to that point? >> ainsley, i'm just a parent like so many others who are hoping for their kids to be back in school. after a month of no plan and no action. you get frustrated. we are just asking our elected officials it is a call for action. a call for moving forward. ainsley: sounds like we lost his mics, guys. get another mic on him. brandon stand by. there you go. you can finish, sorry, brandon. >> this is a call for action from our elected officials to make a plan to get our kids back to school.
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ainsley: you are 00 only parent from fairfax everybody else from loudoun county. >> justing to our school board voted to come back to a two day a week hybrid model. we are obviously still advocating for a five day return. there is one hidden asterisk. ainsley: i'm being told we are having problems with the audio. we are going to go to commercial. just stick around. we are going to come back with this conversation with our parents. we will fix our problem. sorry. ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? incomparable design makes it beautiful. state of the art technology, makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month
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for thirty six months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. every veteran family has earned the right to their american dream. for thirty six months. the freedom and pride that comes with owning their own home. at newday usa we help more veteran families every day make the most of their va home loan benefits. to buy a home with no down payment. it's just another way we're committed to veterans.
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[. >> we are live down here in virginia talking to these parents about opening up the schools and we are going to get back to them coming up. we have a whole crew, phis, you know what it's like behind the scenes. they have been up all night fixes this entire room preparing us for this. we had this little technical issues with the mike phones and we will fix that and talk to them coming up. brian: talk about this first, ainsley, we were talking about it in studio yesterday. we know these daily press conferences the press secretaries have and jen psaki has a wide range of questions. most of which we understand according to the daily beast she gets briefed ahead of time on. let's talk about space force evidently shea thought it was kind of funny that donald trump
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created another branch of the government which is a branch of the air force which is the space force. listen to her response a couple of days ago when asked about the space force. ask whether the president has keeping the face force. >> it's an interesting question. >> it is an interesting question. i'm happy to check with our space force point of contact. i'm not sure who it is. brian: the next frontier of space where china is thriving, ainsley. ainsley: it almost seems like it's so transparent. donald trump's space force so anything that he has created they are signing executive orders, they are getting rid of it all. and she is laughing at that. not realizing she is making fun of a military institution. and our men and women that are in the military are so
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incredible. and that didn't cross her mind at the time and that's why she walked it back. this is what she said. >> the top republican on the house armed services committee is asking you to apologize for some of the comments you made yesterday in the briefing room about the space force. will you apologize? >> i did send a tweet last night. you may not all be on twitter. maybe they are not on twitter that said we invite the members of space force here to provide an update to all of you on all the important work they are doing and we certainly look forward to seeing continued update from their team. they absolutely have the full support of the biden administration. and we are not revisiting the decision to establish the space force. steve: well, that's good news for the people who have at the space force. you know, and when she said it's the plane of today in the room she was referring somebody asked about the color scheme of the air force 1. and so that was probably what she was mocking the question.
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but the good news is, the space force folks say they are ready, willing and able to go to the white house and go ahead and talk about their mission. you know, for the people who are in the space force and people at nasa, for that matter. i know i saw some mail from marco rubio's team, they want to know whether or not this administration is behind the artemis project which is essentially going to put people back in space and on the moon. and at this point, they have not heard from the biden administration that they're 100 percent behind it because so many jobs are riding on that particular mission. brian: yeah. and by the way, i actually was able to do that for fox nation. and it's amazing. they want to get to -- they want to let elon musk go to the moon and us go to mars. and we are going to need to be able to get that investment. part of that is space force. because, if you want to protect your satellite, if you want to have a space shield, a shield, a
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missile shield, that's where it's going to be implemented, ainsley. this is no joke. i'm shocked that she has to go out and clarify that i guess because it's donald trump. ainsley: we are americans. we want to be first at everything, right? so we need. this we need to stay up to date. instead of another country attacking our satellites or discovering something that we haven't been able to do because we get rid of space force. this is an important part of our military. brian: thought so. ainsley: we support the men and women that work there. steve: for now it's absolutely fine according to jen sack werey. still ahead on this thursday. president biden pushing plan for america including a major increase in the minimum wage. talk to a restaurant owner who says this would force him to cut people on payroll. in the morning, i wake up and the first thing i do is go to my art studio. a couple came up and handed me a brochure on prevagen.
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that is cool! grandma! very cool. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ are. jillian: >> if they think they are going to shove it down people's throat that's not going to happen. >> do you think it's fair to have boys running in the girl's track meet. >> i recognize the concerns. >> president biden's executive order allows biological males to compete on women's teams. >> this is, of course, the opposite of fairness. >> asking you to apologize. >> wow, space force. >> did i send a tweet last night. you may not be all on twitter. >> steve: does scrapping the pipeline environment.
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this has nothing too do the environment. people run the railroad industry gave an awful lot of money to the biden campaign. >> figure it out or get off the podium. ainsley: you were furious that night. >> our children are the most important aspect of our lives. they have to have a voice and we have to protect them. ♪ nothing but a good time ♪ how can i resist ♪ it's nothing but a good time. steve: live from midtown manhattan and looking at the empire state building. this is "fox & friends" for february 4th, 2021. it is a thursday and about 250 miles south of where brian and i are sitting in our tv home, ainsley is on location talking to the folks about why so many schools are still stuck closed. ainsley: i know. well, remember the video. we called him -- affectionately called him the mad dad because he spoke out for all of us for parents who want to get their kids back in school. there he is. we saw this video.
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it went viral. he became famous all over the country. we said, do you know what? they are having their school board meeting this week. they are trying to get the kid back in school. let's go down there and have a conversation with these parents. democrats, republicans. everyone can relate to this conversation. we are all having it around our dinner tables. so we came down here and talking to them. you will hear from them coming up. brian? brian: yep, we are. i think it's probably the most important issue whether you are watching as grandparent, upand coming parent. college kid watching us now. everyone has been affected by. this of the ones that are going to have the long-term effect because we are not acting quick enough are the students. and a lot of it is because the teachers are willing but the unions won't let them. and we are seeing that in california. we are seeing it in north carolina. we are seeing it in new york. and certainly seeing it in virginia. meanwhile, we will get back to that conversation shortly. house democrats approve a budget resolution. paving of the way for congress to pass a covid-19 relief plan with just one party. steve: but democrats are moving forward without any republican support at this point.
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ainsley: griff jenkins is live in washington with the partisan plan, griff? >> good morning, ainsley, brian and steve. this is what a super majority looks like. democrat are pushing ahead with a truly partisan path to pass the 2 trillion-dollar relief bill. yesterday the house passed a budget resolution setting the stage for a vote in the senate where the leaders are at odds over the lack of unity. >> we're going to all work together with this president. we are united as one. big bold package working with our republican friends when we can. >> the president president talks a lot about unity. but his white house staff and congressional leadership are working with a different playbook. >> this, as the president who promised bipartisan unity at his inauguration offered in the oval office his support for one party rule. >> this is our new home for a while anyway and a w. a little bit of luck and grace of god
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longer than just four years. >> in the senate democrats cannot afford to lose a single vote. joe manchin appears uncomfortable with steam rolling his fellow republicans making him the most powerful man in washington at the moment. >> i want it to be bipartisan. so if they think they are going to basically we are going to throw all caution to the wind and just should've it down people's throat. that's not going to happen. griff: expect a late night tonight in the senate with a vote rrama. none expected to pass could push into tomorrow. ultimately we will see if this new super majority can wield its power on final package on budget reconciliation. brian: real important update, too. senator schumer has has to play perfect game. that includes senator cinema and senator marchen. one thing he made clear flat out i don't know how he goes back on this. he said i'm not for the $15 minimum wage. that's part of the panel u7 i
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understand too, joe biden has told others is he willing to be more targeted with this $100 to that check not looking to move off the total of 1. trillion. we will see if there is any negotiating at all or if it's just with joe manchin. that's what i'm curious about, steve. steve: you know, i think one of the curious things that we heard yesterday out of the oval office after joe biden said to the democratic senators there, the oval is your new home and he said with a little luck we will get four more years and then chuck schumer and some of the committee chairs seated around the table knocked on a wooden end table like let's hope that's the good luck. but what the other curious thing was that the president said he thought this was going to pass with some republican support which, if it's going to be $1.9 trillion. i don't know of any republican who thinks that that is economically smart as look how
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feels about something. the quinnipiac did a poll and two third of america, 60-some% support 1.4 trillion-dollar plan. like $1,400 direct payment. given reconciliation it's got to all be about the budget the $15 minimum wage thing probably not going to us cut the mustard. won't be in the final reconciliation bill. ainsley: right, i know. if you are an hourly worker that sounds great. $15. it's now 7:25. it's double what you are making. if you are a restaurant owner or small business owner cut jobs and trrm people shopping in your store or eating in your restaurant. when it comes to the covid bill what people care about is making sure people have enough vaccines. long lines and people are
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waiting in new york because of the snow storm i thought about they couldn't get their vaccines on monday and tuesday because the city was shut down do. they go back to the line? signed up for monday and tuesday, do they now can't sign up for another two month? because my friend who signed her parents up. she signed her dad up. then the computer system crashed. and she couldn't sign up her mom. when she finally got, in she was signed up for two months later. steve: oh my goodness. ainsley, i did hear a story i did hear a story the people scheduled for monday and tuesday they would be rescheduled later in the week. brian: right. ainsley: good. brian: listening to me rather than wcbs. unbelievable. so insulting. steve: it was afternoon. brian: how dare you. ainsley: one more thing, brian. i think people were excited about getting those checks. if you tonight make enough money one of my family members doesn't make a lot. she is getting those checks.
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trump giving her 600 and excited about the 1400. the republican plan was 1,000 per person that goes a long way. now she can buy two tires she needs for her car. that's not the point help people out of work. if you make under a certain amount you are getting that check. brian: i think that's a good point. the checks are an issue. i think both sides are on that. curious to see if they forget the minimum wage. shows they are more targeted with the funds people that need it as opposed to say it's going into my savings that shows negotiating. joe biden maybe might very well perhaps get that 1.9 trillion. just got to show some give. if he shows no give, he will not get even susan collins, i don't believe, but as senator mcconnell brought up. senator mcconnell says listen, you haven't even spent the hundred billion we gave you in december on a credit card now we are in january. first week in february and you haven't spent even the last two big rescue packages. so there is a logic to this. one guy that always speaks about
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fiscal issues but wasn't speaking about that yesterday is senator rand paul. they were talking about trapped gender student athletes, boys, metropolitan that are transitioning or decide that they recognize themselves-though is always a difficult descriptor so thanks for giving it to me. decides that they are going to be competing with women. they see themselves as a woman. and what happens is the top 20 athletes that do this every man physically can beat an elite woman. so that means girls sports pay a huge price. it's ultimately in trying to be fair to transgender you are being unfair to every woman that want to compete. just look at martin that navratilova who said that a few years ago. here is senator rand paul attacking this issue. >> what do you think in general about girls running in boys track meet like they have been doing in connecticut? >> i think it's important to education systems and educators to respect the rights of all
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students including students who are transgender. >> does it bother you like the top 20% of boys running in track meets beat all of the girls in the state? do you think it's fair to have boys running in the girls track meet? >> i think it's appropriate -- i think the legal responsibility of schools to provide opportunities for students who it participate in activities and this includes students who are transgender. >> you are okay then with boys competing with girls? >> respectfully, senator, i think i answered the question. brian: it's not fair to girls. it's not fair to the girls. steve: so that was rand paul asking questions of the man that the president would like to sees a the secretary of defense. miguel cardona who is currently the, i believe the secretary of education for the state of connecticut. what's curious about that back last year the office of civil rights told the state of connecticut that allowing lining call males to participate in
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girls sports violated the rights of female students under title 9. and the reason this is such an important issue to senator paul and others is because the first day of his administration, president biden signed an executive order calling on schools to allow transathletes to participate in sports corresponding to how they now identify. so now biologically born boys can compete against girls. selena seoul was on a connecticut track team and has sued said that is simply not fairletlet. >> biological differences between a female's body and that's why sports have always been segregated and that's why it should continue to be segregated to protect women and to give them a fair chance at sports.
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you want to love everybody and identify how people want to identify. you definitely see both sides. i live in new york. some of my friends, we have open conversations about this because new york is such an open-minded place. and you know i grew up in a different part of the country. and it's a different dialogue down there. so i'm trying to be just as open-minded and hear everything, hopefully we can come to a solution so everybody is happy in this. brian: you can't. they should not be competing with girls. it's not fair to the girls. flat out. so, i don't really think it's even a tough issue. ainsley: all right. jillian has headlines for us. jillian: led's begin headlines with. this fallen is a salute to brian sicknick. the international guard veteran remembered by loved ones. his brothers and sisters in blue and lawmakers during a ceremony in the capitol rotunda where his remains laid in honor. officer sicknick died in the capitol riot last month. hundreds of police officers lined streets from the capitol
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building to arlington national cemetery for his burial. extremity weather now. every state in the country is expected to see below freezing temperatures next week. forecasters say a polar vortex will hit most of the nation by week's end blasting states with artic air. it comes as millions in the northeast dig out following a massive snow storm earlier this week. janice dean will keep us all updated. the cdc director announces schools can reopen without vaccinating teachers. it comes as san francisco sues its own school district to reopen in person learning. first lawsuit of its kind in california and possibly the entire country. in chicago, cps and the teacher's union reportedly reached a tentative plan to provide 1500 vaccine doses per week to union members. students are still virtually learning. and now to this: a former marine corps veteran has served in afghanistan and iraq is named as honorary captain of the super
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bowl. veteran james martin who helped virtually connect veteran families during the pandemic joined us earlier on the importance of giving back. >> if you have the means to do it, then go forth and do it. make the world a better place. >> martin will be a part of the pregame coin toss. tune in before kickoff when tom shillue hosts a fun fact faceoff before the big game on sunday. here on fox nation favorites. former nfl player chris valletta, emily compagno and joe concha as they play live for the coveted trophy. bring your competitive spirit and beverage of choice. look at your headlines. steve: thank you, jillian. you cannot cheer. and you cannot sing. brian: right. steve: according to dr. fauci. ainsley: but you can have your beverage of choice. brian: right. yourself, 6 feet away from everybody else and put the mask right back on between sips. that's all i ask.
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tom shillue for me should replace it alex trebek. i would not be surprised if he isn't on the short list. he's that good. biden push for america increase to the federal minimum wage. restaurant owners like our next guest says this will force them to cut payrolls even more. and from our friends at fox bet, check this out. as the music comes. in download the fox bet super 6. this can chris chulo on the drums. play for a chance to win $5,000. it's a snare drum. all you need to do is predict six outcomes at fox bet super 6 quiz show. topics range from entertainment to sports free to play. download the fox bet super 6 app. now. chris, you can stop. ♪ ♪ ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, ♪ ♪ yeah, that's all me ♪ ♪ nothing and me ♪ ♪ go hand in hand ♪
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>> well, president biden ran on it and doubling down on his push to raise the federal minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. prior to the pandemic the congressional budget office found that raising the federal minimum wage to 15 bucks would cost people 1.3 million jobs. they would lose their jobs because of the increase. well, our next guest says this part of the so-called rescue plan will just make things worse for certain businesses. here to share his concerns chef and founder and owner of ford's fish shack in virginia tony stafford who is just about 10 miles from where ainsley is sitting right now. tony, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, how are you? steve: i'm doing great. we hear so much about $15 an hour, which would be phased in over the next three or four years, something like that. but your employees are adamant. they do not want to see $15 an hour because right now they are
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at the tipped minimum wage at the federal scale which is $2.01. and then when you add their tips. they can make a lot of money. >> yeah. i have got servers my average server makes 25 to $30 an hour. so, you know, they are incentivized to do a great job by the better job they do the more money they make from a guest. and if all of a sudden we have to change it around and we will have to change it and become an hourly -- server will become an hourly paid position, they will actually make less money than what they're making now. so my servers -- my tipped employees are like no we don't want this. invent advised give great service and make a lot of money. steve: you are hoping if this goes through and in the last november election, the state of florida passed $15 an hour for the minimum wage in that state. so if they do it at the federal level, you hope they will have a carve out for tipped employees? >> yeah.
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you know, as an industry that, you know, has 60%, 70% of their employees being on tips. this is really going to decimate full service restaurants if we go to $15 for a raise. carve that piece out of and be sensitive to that let us be able to still incentivize our tipped employees to give great service and make a lot of money. think about that. these are real good paying jobs that we don't want to lose. and i have got people that come in and work three or four hours after they work their day job and leave with 100 bucks, 120 bucks. it's important we don't lose them. steve: absolutely. you know, you are helped greatly by the ppp money back in up of last year. in fact you were on this program talking a little bit about it. it helped you right through the summer. during the tough times until, i think, october and you ran out. what happened then? >> yeah. i mean, you know, when winter
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came and fall came, the cold weather came. no one wanted to set indoors. it's been kind of slow. you know, a lot of people are still doing takeout and pickup and delivery. but we have got to get people vaccinated. we have to get people back to the restaurants. because we want to bring our employees back. we want to hire more people. we want to bring jobs back. steve: really, that's what it is all about. it's all about jobs. people who work in the food service industry. that is their first job. that's a job after the other job. it's, you know, the side hustle job. we need more jobs. >> yeah. i mean, how many people started first job as a dishwasher or a host or busboy. those are the jobs that we want to bring back. those are the jobs we want to protect. those are the jobs i have been hired over 300 loudoun county public school young men and women who we're their first job. that's something i'm very proud of. we want to keep that tradition going. we just got to be conscious of this minimum wage and, you know,
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and protect those jobs. it's all about jobs, jobs, jobs. steve: let's give you a shoutout. it'sford's fish shack there in northern virginia. do you have a website so people can order takeout? >> we could ford's fish we have a food truck that goes around to the neighborhood. so if you have an hoh and want us to come to your neighborhood, give us a shoutout. we have got delivery. we are open for super bowl sunday. check us out but support all small businesses right now. every small business in everyone's town needs help right now. steve: i used to live in an hoh about five miles from where you are sitting right now. maybe they will take you up on it. tony stafford, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve have. great weekend. steve: you bet. you as well. still ahead on this thursday, ainsley is live in commonwealth of virginia this morning. speaking with parents fed one school closures and there they are. they are coming up next. we are going to talk to them. plus tom brady and patrick mahomes pitting old school vs. new school in the super bowl. fox sports nfl analyst is going
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brian: super bowl 55 three days away. fans are gearing up for a great show down. great game playing against each other. old vs. new. 43-year-old tom brady tampa bay bucs first year with them face off against patrick mahomes mvp going back-to-back super bowls. called a number of games last season for fox sports. let's bring in three time mark,
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welcome back. >> it's always a pleasure welcome you. brian: i remember covering you as player. tell me if you think this analogy works. this remind me a little of the broncos-packers. back-to-back. best quarterback in the league brett favre. most famous and respected john elway. elway pulled off the upset. fame newsily your owner pat bowl len would say this one is for john. at the end of this, will the owner of the bucks be saying this one is for tom? >> certainly could happen. the thing that amazing me about tom brady is 43 years old. we talk about that. everybody has been trying to write his obituary for five years. he continues to play. here's the thing that is amazing. not being by your success. still going out there and being the hardest worker. still going out there and being driven. still going out there and leading your football team. it's amazing to me what he has been able to accomplish. this is going to be the tenth super bowl he has played in.
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an incredible accomplishment. i love the analogy. of the old dog vs. the new. the old quarterback vs. the new goat quarterback. fantastic matchup. brian: 27-24 great game. tyreke hill, one of the fastest smallest phis in the league was unstoppable, three touchdowns, 269 yards. can you scheme against that? can you actually come up with a way to stop him this time? >> well, one of the things that you have to be able to do is obviously you can't give up the 40 to 60-yard touchdowns over the top. because their speed is that great. once you get into the red zone in that shortened area, it eliminates some of the speed of the opponent. so, because that field is short, you don't have to worry about being beat over the top. play with your heels at 8 yards. end line 12th defender. if you can stop them in the red zone, negate some of that speed.
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brian: right. >> and play well there and make them kick field goals you have a chance. they are going to score. they are that dynamic on the offense side of the ball. brian: giants able to beat the bills high powered offense keep the offense off the field. i wonder if that will work again. first, real quick, your prediction, mark? >> i think kansas city is going to win it. but i think. [applause] >> going to be a tight game. i wouldn't be surprised if tom brady and the buc is pull it off. like eating a and it wish for me. brian: can't tell the difference. fox bet super 6 game. terry bradshaw given up $4 million of his money already. >> yeah. brian: what about a chance to win $250,000 more of his money. >> fox bet, download the app. it's a pick six game. you pick six things right you have a chance to win 250,000 bucks of bradshaw's money. bradshaw must have -- he gets
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paid more than me if he has given away $4 million over the course of the season. just the fox bet app. that's all you got to go do. brian: so broke he has to do that reality show every week to make ends meet to pay the phone bill. unbelievable. mark, great season broadcasting the weirdest year ever. of course my last question to you there is no hype because there is no teams. there is no press. there is not going to be capacity crowd. does this make this a normal game. >> you know what? i have always said that and i got to play in three of them so i was blessed to be able to that that. as soon as you get your first hit. in as soon as the ball is snapped and the first play goes off. it just becomes like -- it becomes like any other game you have ever played but like no other game you have ever played. just a football game but put the enormity on the back burner. i think this does help a bit. brian: bring some jenga for halftime because it goes on forever from the player. >> absolutely. brian: great analysis. talk to you soon. >> thanks, buddy.
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take care. brian: you too. school closures having dramatic negative impact on students and their parents. ainsley ire hart is in virginia speaking with parents fed up with the status quo. a conversation you don't want to miss next only on "fox & friends" ♪ ♪ will this is what community looks like. ♪♪ caring for each other, ♪♪ protecting each other. ♪♪ and as the covid vaccine rolls out, we'll be ready to administer it. ♪♪
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ainsley: we are back continuing our conversation about the push it get our kids back to school with these virginia parents. joining us now we have this wonderful group of so many different views but they all agree on one thing. open up the schools, right? so alicia posted a video, the one that we all saw that went viral of brandon at the podium ranting about get my kids back in school. each your little kids spoke, right? you had a 5-year-old. you all each had one minute for your arguments. >> that's right. my 5-year-old and 8-year-old
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both spoke before me. >> you and your wife just moved back here. you left new york. i'm leaving new york they will open up schools down in virginia and they didn't. >> that's right. we had hybrid learning a short amount of time. 8-year-old only had four days and 5-year-old 10 total. family in you day celebrated their 100th day. ainsley: school board thankfully heard all of your arguments and they have decided to go hybrid for everybody not until march, unfortunately. at least the kids will be back for a few months before school is out for the summer. now tell us your story, your son has limited you have three kids twins and then your son has a limited vocabulary. >> children like my son with special need they try to have a structure in place. like routines are everything. schools provided that structure and routine. so when schools shut down, he struggled. we had a lot of behavioral issues, temper tantrums, melt downs, property destruction. now my wife and i we work full time and she is out there
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working in person as a behavioral analyst working with other kid on the spectrum and i was able i was able to work from home because i have a very supportive liar. it broke our hearts to see him struggle like that. so i decided i will go to take him to the school board because i don't see any discussion from the school board talking about kids with special needs. so i took him to the school board we had. it was very difficult decision to make because he wasn't even willing to stand in the line, wait for his turn to speak and having a melt down. finally we made it inside. we each had one minute to talk. i was telling the poured that look my son, he can't even stand still next to me for a minute while i talk. is he literally walking around saying hello to all the board members. he can't sit still here. how can you expect him to sit every day in front of a computer and focus and get an education. that's just not possible. ainsley: i know a lot of the parent who were upset and we have the video to prove what happened. they said a parent can speak for a minute and you did. and you asked if you could speak
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for your son who has a limited vocabulary and they said no. watch this. >> not get free and appropriate public education this school year. instead he relied on all of you to be his voice to make sure he gets an education that is right. he hasn't stepped foot in a classroom for over 10 months and made zero progress towards his iep goals. he can't speak for himself so i can't speak on his behalf. >> sir, you are the one that said he cannot speak. >> exactly i spoke on his behalf and i'm now speaking for myself. if i could? >> sir, i can only allow one speaker one minute. >> talk to my. ainsley: how does that -- i'm sorry, you can't do that? >> we can't even talk to the school board. ainsley: you can't talk to the school board they don't want to hear your opinion. >> our limit is 10 people per zoom session. they are not doing any in person sessions. if you want to be one of the people who speak fairfax county school board you have to log in
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and get 10 speaking spots between 6 a.m. and 6:01 a.m. if you are not allowed to speak on preapproved topics they will cut you off and go to the next person. steve. ainsley: tell us about your situation have you two children with adhd. >> both of them started out in public schools. my older one was a poster child for success. he was my straight a student. honors classes. ap classes. we weren't too worried about him after we transitioned to the online model. my second grader at the time we knew he was not capable of managing his own day in an online environment. we were fortunate to get him into a private school. and since then my 3rd grader now is in private school. my ninth grader is in public school. the two of them have completely flip flopped. and the difference is that human-to-human touch, in person education makes all the difference. ainsley: have you thought about putting the high schooler in a private school. >> i can't find a high school --
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financially we can't afford two kids. and this financial burden, 30% of our county is in a low income and economically disadvantaged. they can't do it either. it's not just about my kids here. this is about an educational inequality that spans throughout our hispanic students of which 25% are failing. our special needs kids, 19% are failing. our english learning students we have students from other 200 nations in our public schools. 35% of them are failing in this virtual model. and i'm fortunate that in fairfax county our school board is finally after months and months of delaying, we finally committed to a two day in person hybrid model. that's a great start. and that's thanks to the efforts of all of our parents who have been doing all the grassroots organization. ainsley: right. >> we need to get to five days. ainsley: that's hard. i will talk to rahm right here in the front. that's hard. how do you tell parents okay.
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what if you have to go to work? what do you do two days and do with your kids the other three days. >> it's hard, ainsley. so, you know, when it comes to our students, our kids in schools, we can do it safely. and smartly. and having said that, you know, one of the things that you know, we had to set the example and lead from the front. our school board, i speak for loudoun county. i believe this past board meeting only 4 persons present in person. last board meeting only 5 persons present in person. as a parent and former school board candidate that i irks me and hurts me. sets the tone i see my school board meeting showing up for part time work. ainsley: will you run again? >> i will run for school board again. that needs to be changed. and the teachers see that school board is not a political place.
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i understand we have ours and these school board is not a stepping stone for higher offices and people around me have that misconception. and having said that teachers see that they see four of my representatives sitting online not being paying attention texting. distracted. ainsley: have you seen with your second grader your daughter 7 years old reading at high level and have you seen a slip. >> last years when schools shut down there was no plan in place like herb says failing to plan is plan to fail. no plan in place. had a drop in reading levels. luckily my wife and i were able to help her come up to speed with her reading levels. ainsley: you don't have the means to do that. >> exactly. we would have the ability to work from home so we are able to spend our time with her. not every parent in loudoun county and a lot of school district don't have the ability to provide. ainsley: patty is the lady in the red dress in the back. patty has six boys and most concerned about high school
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students. >> i have four sons in college. one moved out and the youngest is 16. sophomore at briar wood high school. weigh as vivacious popular, athletic, he played football and basketball. and now i have seen with this isolation he is in his room for six hours a day in front of a screen. i can't even interact with him. he has lost all motivation. his 3.7 gpa has plummeted. and he is supposed to be on the varsity football team but the schedule for that has really shortened. but, now his chances of playing in college are going to be affected. ainsley: how does that make you feel when you hear the cdc say teachers don't need to be vaccinated now and it is safe to return to the classroom. >> it is safe to return. if we can get grocery store clerks to go back to work. if all of us can go back to work. why can't our teachers go back to work? i just don't understand the disconnect.
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ainsley: thai, i know for you mental it impact. you have three boys. >> senior year. correct. i would echo a lot of what she said about the kid withdrawing and hiding in the basement. we have done a lot better through the year. it started out rough. but we had some really good teachers that made adjustments and helped the kid. so we are doing okay. by comparison of some of the stories that i hear. but my kid are seniors and they are missing all their milestones. all the memories that we got when we were seniors they are not getting. applying to colleges is rough. they are competing with kid from across the nation who are in school five days a week who have had the chance to take the sat numerous times. and it's rough. i don't think they are learning everything those kid are learning because it's impossible. and, again, i don't blame the teachers at all because we have had some really good teachers this year. it's just the framework of distance learning isn't right.
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ainsley: i know it's hard for we think about our kid more than we think about ourselves. you planned so much for your boys this year. it's your last year with them at home, probably. this is a special year for y'all. a year where you wanted to embrace them and experience prom and experience, you know, the class photo or the end of the year, whatever they do. the party at the end of the year. and that's all taken away from your family. >> right. it's a little witter sweet. bit. i was glad for the hybrid vote. it's bittersweet for me because our year is kind of over really. we in the last semester. and when i went to my kids and said oh the board voted for hybrid and my son said it's too late. where were they in september, october, november? we needed it then. it's too late. ainsley: i know. alicia, you are on the front row right here in the maroon shirt, which is south carolina color and your husband went to usc, i know. so what would you like to say? how is this affecting your family specifically? how many kid do you have? do you have three. >> i have three. 9, 7 and 2.
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affected my family as well. my 9-year-old is significantly regressed with when it comes to reading. my 7-year-old struggles because is he all boy. and, you know, sitting in front of a computer screen just doesn't work for him and my family, like many others on this family are dual working families. we struggle because we are having to figure out what we are going to do and evolve through. this you know, you mentioned a few minutes ago talked about child care. you know, we have really struggled with that at my home because we are trying to figure out what we are going to do as thee models keep changing. and, you know, an average family of three in loudoun can look at a $5,000 child care bill. and that's a reality to them right now. and, you know, we are all taking on this burden together but we are looking for a path forward which is why we are going to fight for five. we have to be able to move forward together. ainsley: does anyone want to talk about why the school board -- why have they -- why did they wait this long to open up when so many other school district around the country are doing it perfectly fine and the
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cdc says you can do it? >> i think a lot of that is thanks to the national pressure that we have put on them because right now you are seeing exactly what is playing out. we have showed the cdc has talked about it. the american association of pediatrics has talked about it. we have shown that the model is there. it is safe. there is -- rawmed talked about a few minutes ago we have people on our board that make these political decisions that it shouldn't be. we need leaders. and that's top down. and i see this time and time again. and we see it in loudoun so badly right now. that the priorities should be our kids. and i think when you shine a light on something so awful as what happened to many people on this panel, you kind of force people into a decision that they have to start actually making progress. and it is unfortunate it took national attention, but i think that took a lot. ainsley: brandon, europe video is really the reason it's
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getting -- your county is getting a lot of national attention. aliscia posted it. how does that make you feel? you are implementing change. this is america and these are real stories that small people can make big changes that impact so many lives. >> that's right. look, i'm just a dad. but the amazing thing about this is there had have been so many people reached out all across the u.s. who said we are in similar situations. thanks for speaking up for us. >> maybe they are not in the position to speak up because of employment or whatever. the nice thing about it is i'm just happy to be a voice for the moment. but there are so many people throughout the country who want their kid back in school and encouraging them and giving them the hope and the desire to go out and speak up is an amazing thing. >> one thing i want to add is because of the public comment that brandon made, our interim superintendent had to jump in and ask us for more patience and grace. so, i understand, you know,
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asking for patience a month from an event, two month, three month, but after a year patience? that got parents more stirred up and i don't think that was the right message from the school system. >> they are playing defense. you can never win a game by just playing defense. >> very tone deaf is what we got from the school board. response to brandon's message. ainsley: thank you very much. we will check back in with you. i'm told sending it back to the studio and steve you are going to take it over. he. steve: great discussion. thank you, ainsley. meanwhile more with her in a little bit. meanwhile, president president biden has vowed to cut down on car done emissions may want to start with his own climate czar john kerry. kerry's private jet raked in frequent flier miles including 2019 trip to iceland and here's the funny part. he went to iceland to accept an award for climate leadership. when asked about the hypocrisy
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at the time, back in to 19, here's how mr. kerry responded. >> it's the only choice for somebody like me, the time it takes me to get somewhere, i can't sail across the ocean, i have to fly to meet with people and get things done. but what i'm doing almost full time is working to win the battle of climate change. i'm not going to be put on the defensive. steve: of course not. joining us now to react is the president of cohen hagin consensus and the author of that book false alarm bjorn lomb borg. good morning to you. >> hi, steve he is asking us to do what he will not do. >> in some way, steve, i think you could say that kerry is showing us how hard it actually is to cut our emissions and he is leading the way. steve: exactly. >> nobody really wants to give
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up their car or the ability to heat or cool their home or fly. most people actually like these things. and that's why, you know, lots of people make these promises but the actual impact is going to be a lot less. steve: we love the idea of green energy but at this point fossil fuels are so much more economical, you know, you get an electric car, you plug it in. the electricity comes from a coal plant. >> there is certainly a lot of concerns about electric cars. and they only cut a little bit of emissions right now. because, as you say, we get a lot of our power from coal. but the relates is also most of the choices that we can make actually have very, very small impact. so, imagine if everyone who used to fly, back in 2019, when that was still a thing, is everyone in the world who used to fly stopped flying for the rest of
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the century, the impact would be minuscule. we would only lower temperatures at the end of the century by 0.05-degree fahrenheit. likewise, when people talk about, you know, cutting carbon emissions with electric cars. even if you got all the way to 130 million cars, which was what the international agency hopes for 2030 it would only go cut 0.4% emission. hard to cut. when you try to do it, it's not going to matter very much. this is not about personal people making promises to, you know, go to an electric car or a stop flying. it is about innovation. >> it is about innovation. and science wise, we are just not there yet. >> no. and, look, what we really need to do, and biden is talking about this as well. is he going to spend $500 billion a year on climate? but some of it is actually really really well-spent money.
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it is on innovation. if we spend money on getting smarter, better technologies that can also get with lesser maybe zero carbon emissions by mid century, everyone would win. because we get cheaper opportunities. we would actually be able to do something about climate, and also remember, most people around the world still want to get on an airplane for the first time for instance india 1.4 billion people. only% have ever flown. steve: great point. bjorn great analysis. >> thank you. steve: john kerry on his jet travel: a wild suggestion that tom brady is getting a pass from talking about politics. ♪ ♪ ready to juvéderm it? correct age-related volume loss in cheeks with juvéderm voluma xc,
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how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance for $349 a month for thirty six months. so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> democrats approve the budget resolution paving the way for congress to pass a covid-19 relief bill. >> a mob to in the congress. >> the only choice for somebody like me. >> what he simply means is he is the chosen one. he doesn't have to follow the rules which are being imposed on the rest of us. >> white privilege is the reason tom brady has gotten a pass for being a trump supporter.
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>> tom brady is nothing but class. >> president biden coming down on his push to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. >> $30 an hour, all of a sudden have to change the ground and make less. >> figure it out or get off the podium. >> you were serious that night. >> they have to have a voice and we have to protect them. steve: i was not having their song by will be now. welcome back. the final hour of the show. bill hammer asleep again. it is an exciting day, the president of the united states will go to the state department, this is my foreign-policy.
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we will see if anthony blinkian is texting. brian: in the commonwealth of virginia, last week we saw that guy who was in front of the loudoun county school board yelling at them. ainslie is in the room with him, he has not yells at her yet. explaining the problems that every one of those parents are facing because local governments will not open the schools although a little good news, loudoun county decided we will come back to school. >> brandon spoke at the podium. how many when you originally spoke. the impact is incredible and another parent speaking out and you gave them the courage to do that. and it worked. >> trying to help kids get back to school.
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ainsley: he has a set of twins and a son that has limited vocabulary and watch that video, you wanted to speak, couldn't stand up for very long at the meeting but you decided to take him. he had a temper tantrum and was going to speak at the podium and doesn't have a voice. what did they say? >> i have been trying to explain, let me speak for him but the chair was too focused on the rules. they would not let me speak, not possible and putting the point across. ainsley: how is he getting help in the classroom? >> he has a very good teacher,
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good support structure. good routine. he loves going to school. the only thing we have done, you try to put a computer in front of him that is not going to work. he's not going to learn. forget about progress during the year. he has lost them in there is so much loss we need to make up. we definitely bring them back full time in the school. sean: it is challenging to be a parent and your son has additional challenges and you tell me he has meltdowns and temper tantrums and being in school, needs that. how in the world are you getting through day by day. >> it is a struggle, she is out
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there making a difference. if i am lucky enough to work from home, therapists helping out those behaviors and education is so important that is what is missing right now. the formative years are so important, every day he is not in school is a day he is falling behind compared to his peers. let's get them back in school. ainsley: people say the unions don't want to go back and teachers are lazy and don't want to go back. we have learned through the process how much we value our teachers and they don't get paid a lot of money and they go every day. it is a challenge at the end of the day when you get to bed, now a moment to myself and she comes into your bedroom and wants more milk or whatever. my -- my sister has 20 plus kids
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in the classroom every single day. i don't know how she does it and she doesn't get paid a lot of money. what is going on in your district? what is going on the school board? why not get back? >> it is not the teachers falls, it is not the parents or the students. it is lack of leadership at the top. our school board. i hate to go political because we talked about this, not about politics but our school board is majority democrat. our board of supervisors is majority democrat. lieutenant governor, attorney general, we are being controlled and our taxes go up. we need to do this on a bipartisan basis and should not be about politics. it should be how families need to work at home with their children.
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it is a struggle. i don't blame the teachers. i blame leadership. we are going to come back to all of you but these are fascinating conversations. change is happening. they spoke out. steve: the hottest issue in this country. joe biden, stand up to the unions to get kids back to school, when you have somebody at bloomberg telling the democratic president that you know patience is done. the rescue package joe biden wants past, looks like they will pass it out of party lines out of the house. it is clear that he will get $1.9 trillion in a single party vote because joe manchin is not on board.
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part of that package is the $15 minimum wage and it is too much money. reportedly according to politico joe biden has announced flexibility on the cost of the package and also says he will look to target who gets the $1,400. the republicans are at 1000 each. they do not want to head a check to the state, joe biden, $350 billion to the states that are hurting because of this pandemic. steve: joe biden called republicans into the oval office to talk to them about what is going on. they said we think it is closer to $600 billion and he said no, sorry, elections have consequences and i say to be closer to $1.9 trillion. yesterday he had a bunch of
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democrats in the oval office, make yourself comfortable folks, here for four years or maybe more. watch. >> with a little bit of luck, it will be longer than four years. brian: then chuck schumer knocked on wood. he would like to see joe biden get another four years, they can get a lot of stuff done. through this reconciliation provided joe manchin get on board or executive orders. on the first day the big one was the executive order got word of the keystone pipeline. as we have been telling you thousands of jobs just like that, the collateral damage jobs, the hotels and hardware stores and liquor stores, we had on the first hour on "fox and
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friends" a guy by the name of daniel turner with power the future talking to the keystone people and he said joe biden can say he did that for climate change but that is just a load because it is about political payback. >> the railroad industry is behind a lot of this. we have to abolish the myth that this is about climate change. this is nothing to do with the environment for the green movement. this is the because the people who run the railroad industry gave an awful lot of money to the biden campaign particularly berkshire hathaway, biden rewarded them. let's be honest and not hide behind this green movement which is what the democrats always do, they claim it is about the earth but it is politics pure and simple. steve: he said it wasn't about
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climate change, all about kickbacks back to political supporters. >> the climate change envoy is john carrie, secretary of state under barack obama, a video from 2019, he got an award called the arctic circle award, flew to iceland and the reason he got it was for his help with the paris climate accord and environmentalists praised him for that. he flew his private jet over there and the president of iceland criticized carry for flying his private plane to the award ceremony that had to do with the environment because it is a gas guzzling machine. reporting iceland in 2019, why he took a private jet.
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>> the only choice for someone like me who is traveling the world to win this battle, i have been involved in this fight for years, negotiated with president xi, the time it takes me i can't sail across the ocean, i have to fly to meet with people and get things done but what i am doing almost full-time is working to win the battle of climate change and in the end committee if i offset and contribute my life to do this i will not be put on the defensive. >> if you want to fire private plane or jump on your yard or work hard you deserve that but don't tell me how to spend mine,
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that you will have 0 carbon emissions, get rid of your car, change this and that, getting rid of the keystone pipeline, taking away your job and not replacing it with something else until alternative energy is here in five years, meanwhile you can't pay your mortgage and he jumps on a private plane, tells us not to fly private but he does the same thing and by the way americans pay for that private plane. heinz 57 and catch up in my refrigerator right now. >> i'm having trouble having catch up these days. it is not exactly yellow. i don't have fries. let's talk about this. the way to do it is be aware of the earth, be self-conscious and bring of innovation, to move forward with alternative options. no one told ford to get rid of all sedans that aren't electric
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but they will only sell sedans that are electric generated. that is the market in that direction. people wanted you give it to them but you tell me to stop drilling tomorrow, stop making it yesterday and resentment builds especially when you hop on a private plane, there's an option besides to file but in private plane. it is called a commercial flights. the footprint significantly less. you could get for first class because you are 6 foot 9 and you need the extra legroom. blumberg talked to steve from the copenhagen consensus and he is definitely aware of the need to go green but sensibly. listen. >> he is showing us how hard it is to cut our emissions and leading the way. nobody wants to give up their car or their ability to heat or cool their home or fly. most people like these things and that his wife but people
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make these promises but the actual impact will be a lot worse. >> your wife's family worked hard for that money and we should respect that, go windsurfing and less of a footprint, they found a wetsuit his size. you will talk more about this. he will be a problem over the next four years continuing to destroy this economy while saying he is green conscious. jillian is upstairs providing news for the country without much of our carbon footprint. jillian: a final salute to brian sicknick. his brothers and sisters in blue and lawmakers during a ceremony in the capitol rotunda where his remains way and honor. he died at the capital riots last month.
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hundreds of police officers lined the street from the capitol building to arlington national cemetery for his burial. consulting giant mckinsey and company agreed to pay a $575 million settlement providing drug like is like perdue to aggressively market opiate painkillers was the attorney was reach to attorneys general in 47 states and dc following lawsuits that mckenzie failed to push the painkiller oxycontin. at least 400,000 americans have died from opioid overdoses since 1993. the cdc and a director announces schools can open without vaccinating teachers, this comes as san francisco sues its own school district to reopen in person learning, the first lawsuit of its kind in california and the entire country. in chicago cvs and the teachers union reportedly reach a tentative plan to provide 1500 vaccine doses per week to union members but students are still virtually learning.
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john travolta throwing it back for a super bowl commercial. >> the red one. ♪♪ it ain't good ♪♪ i got good ♪♪ ainsley: the ad featuring travolta and his daughter ella, the father daughter duo re-creating the dance from the hit movie grease. brian's favorite move. ainsley: i have so many moves i enjoy. thank you. we may be in a pandemic that there will be a super bowl and a movie commercial to look forward to. ainsley: martha stewart might pop out of the bushes one day. ainsley: not likely but you never know. ainsley: still ahead.
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did youtube just cancel the u.s. senate? senator ron johnson revealing about reps testimony on covid-19 treatment got taken down, his warning on big tech censorship next. download the fox super6 apps and play for a chance to win $5,000 was all you need to do is a good outcome in the best super 6 quiz show, topics range from entertainment or it is free to play. download the fox super 6 apps now. enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? when did you see the sign? when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage, and got them back on track. get started at
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videos that was deemed, quote, inappropriate, senator johnson wants -- the censorship should frighten us all. what did you find out in that doctor's testimony who welcomed all come -- ask me anything i will show you the data. when did you find out that was taken down? >> since we had a hearing december 8th i just watched it. views rose to 7.7 million, half
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1 million on my website, it wasn't passing the youtube sensors, they took off of fox news. it may be available on some sites with fewer views but this is dangerous when you have censorship of information. louis brandeis, supreme court decision 100 years ago that dealt with fallacies that might cause societal harm, there is more speech and not silence. we are moving in the opposite direction. sean: jefferson did something similar. youtube said we enforce community guidelines regardless of speaker and in that regard to political viewpoints and covid-19 misinformation we remove the two videos in question. misinformation, doctor telling about his studies on the results
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which -- who is the doctor at youtube with the stethoscope with the delete power? >> the witness in my first hearing was fired by his institution because he testified, doctor corey is ostracized and vilified. this makes no sense whatsoever. they have failed us in not spending money and time and effort to exploring repurposed cheap generic drugs, these drugs are $20 for a treatment. that economic incentive is a travesty regardless and frontline doctors risking their lives, having courage and compassion that basically say go home, isolate your self, be afraid, and save your life in the hospital.
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it is a dark chapter, and american journalism. >> >> you have to ask your doctor. and something a patient ask for, >> because of what the health agencies have done an authorization for emergency use, patients are asking to fill prescriptions and they won't. there is a huge disincentive because hospital associations can get sued. fewer doctors practicing medicine using off label prescription. doctors have absolute prescription rights on any fda food drugs.
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and how we advanced medicine. hydroxy clore quinn is primarily used for autoimmune diseases. it is how we advanced medicine. in the midst of a pandemic, this is tragic and hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives because of this resistance. steve: i can tell how frustrating you are, thank you. the family of a fallen hero gets a helping hands for one of the greatest organizations to offer towers with the support of that foundation means for first responders, that story next and still had parents pleading to officials to let their children get back in the classroom and speak live in virginia with them next.
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>> breaking news, us marshall has been shot while serving an arrest warrant in baltimore. the officer has reportedly been taken to trauma. we will provide any new updates. steve: sacramento honoring one of their finest public servants. terrace deputy adam gibson was killed in the line of duty in a shoot out in january leaving behind a wife and 9-month-old daughter. >> thank you for always loving us with all your heart, we miss you so much and we are saying goodbye but see you soon. we will see you soon. steve: that was his wife, rachel.
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tunnels for towers stepping in to make sure the family supported in this time of tragedy. let's bring in the chairman of tunnels for towers, good morning, frank. lieutenant david beckwar with the second into county sheriff's department. lieutenant, start by telling us what happened with deputy gibson and a little more about it. >> deputy gibson was involved in an incident with a suspect for burglary and ultimately the suspect barricaded himself in a vehicle and subsequently during that operation was shot and succumbed to his injuries. steve: his widow rachel holding their 9-month-old baby sophie. tell us a little about him and his family.
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>> an amazing man. that is what i can tell you. he was a marine, served his country overseas three times, was a deputy sheriff, k-9 handler, a friends to so many. he leaves behind a great hole in our organization, our law enforcement family and certainly his loving family and friends who we've gotten to know the last several weeks but the man was a hero not only to all of us that knew him. steve: i can tell it is hard for you to talk about. frank, you saw the story and we saw rachel and their baby sophie. pick up the pieces of their lives, you have a very generous offer.
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>> rachel is watching this morning and as a country we have to come together and make sure we take care of families left behind and sacrificed, deputy gibson gave his life for his community and he is a superhero. the tunnels for towers foundation, we asked everyone to join us on a mission, donate $11 a month and we can take care of every police officer, you heard of another one that was just shot in baltimore today, two fbi agents that were shot and no longer on this earth and their families left behind. $11 a month we could change. we have to instead of putting a target on police officers should kiss the ground they walk on because they give us the country
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we have and i hope we turn that around and we have to make sure we are there for you and your family and not be forgotten by your husband. steve: this is the first of 120 houses tunnels for towers will provide as you celebrate your twentieth anniversary. >> our goal is deliver homes for catastrophically injured servicemembers, goldstar families and first responder families and there's a lot more than 120 which we ask everybody to join us. building mortgage free homes, it is a shame it has to be done. >> the money comes from kind folks like you, visit
5:37 am thank you for joining us from sacramento. meanwhile the push to get kids back in classroom reaching a fever pitch, ainsley will talk with a group of parents in virginia, they are coming up on "fox and friends". ♪♪
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school board decided to open at the hybrid level. fairfax who was closed since march 13th, the largest school district in the state, tenth largest in the country, not a child has been back in the classroom since last march. >> it will be the year by the time our students are back in school. ainsley: why don't they do it next week or two weeks? >> we have been pushing for the since last fall and the plan the approved this week is the plan we had already in place to execute in august. for our school board they have been continually kicking the can down the road. we are fortunate to be where we are today. the true goal is by getting them caught up over the last few. ainsley: i can't imagine. will anyone share their personal story? what an average morning is when you get kids fed and get them on zoom, do you have to have 3
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computers if you have 3 kids? you have 3 kids. >> my 2-year-old is always trying to climb all over my 5-year-old and my 5-year-old is in kindergarten, she's not as engaged, my 8-year-old is trying to hide in a different room so he can pay attention. trying to work from home, manage the household, so many complications go into it. jillian: up to age 6, 80% of the brain is developed. with my daughter at the end of last year. does that go through your mind? you have little kids. >> definitely not. one of the biggest concerns is their vision. our eye doctor, both children have suffered significantly with their vision. we talked to their eye doctor,
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reduction of time on screens and required to do their education, a challenge each child having to face, talk about a routine and it is chaos because when you are talking about a 7-year-old and a 9-year-old, probably better than most but talking about working at chrome book, how to use all these systems that go down more times than not and work all these power points and how to use these systems, it is just not logical. >> teachers are wonderful but they were sending worksheets to print out, had to get your crayons out, a lot of additional work as a parent when you are trying to do your other jobs. >> teachers do a great job, very much appreciate all the efforts.
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haven't even spoken about specials, you have pen some of them - independent learning. if it is art, what would it be like. they ask you to do jumping jacks, it is crazy, the morning session ends at noon, sometimes at 1:50 and watching them from home you go crazy. to a great job at the elementary level, reminds modification, you have to stay on top. >> the social aspect. i haven't asked any of you what was your kids reaction about
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going back. >> this has been back and forth, distance-learning hybrid. survey, two or 3 times. and and his day is in the room by himself. and these guys, the other angle is the high school kid is left alone coming in the room by themselves, and they are in front of the screen for 6 hours.
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>> he lost his son. he was a star football player. he had a cute kid and much going for him but his dad said he missed his friends and didn't realize he had depressive issues until covid-19 hit. what about the laziness aspect. when we were zooming we were in pajamas. are we teaching our kids, is it nice to realize what is important or are we like, drink alcohol during the day? >> i feel for the teachers. if i look at my kids zoom, the typical zoom session, kids mute their microphone, kids turn their cameras off, 80% of the medication is nonverbal and imagine being a teacher in front of a room of 30 blank screens, teachers don't have a mechanism to receive feedback and when it comes to picking up these mental and social aspects teachers are not able to be our eyes and ears to determine when kids are
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starting to have issues and it is because the virtual environment is engineered to produce these disastrous results. >> anyone else want to talk about their concerns? >> to answer your question my kids are very excited about going back to school. my 9-year-old skipped around the house and my 7-year-old went around doing yes yes yes if things go his way. the chalice patty and the older children feel as they never got those heiskell students, they were robbed of the opportunity to have hybrid reform. our school board took that away. my 9-year-old, four days, four days before they took it away in the last time. our children are in this weird mental state of not knowing if it is a good thing or taken away
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again. ainsley: if someone gets kim jong un for do you contact trace and people stay home but you don't shut it down. >> in theory an excellent idea but once loudoun county reached a certain threshold, it wasn't a threshold based on students or the entire county, that is not a metric that make sense. our schools need to get back in the classroom, we need leadership. in 2021, and impactful year. the general assembly, great bipartisan bills we are talking about -- what is more impactful as we have 100 state delegates, schools will be the number one ticket. we have statewide seats, we need business leaders, outside people who were in the ticket with us
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and fight with us. it is so excited to see other folks coming to the forefront and ready to fight with us. people are coming from everywhere. ainsley: great, just the mom, more people came to the next meeting and sending kids back. hopefully the next step is 5 days a week which would be wonderful. let's bring in doctor mark siegel. >> i can hear you, very exciting segments. ainsley: they have been wonderful and have some questions. you have some medical questions or concerns. >> looking at guidance from the cdc, down to a minimum of 3 feet
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so under which scenario would 3 feet be acceptable and when would you need 6 feet? >> i would start with 6 feet as the default. that is what you are shooting for but moving in and out of classrooms in different times when you're heading somewhere, you need to make sure you are wearing your mask. the surgical masks are better than the cloth masks but sometimes schools have their own masks they make and emblems that have been looked at and designed properly. the key is there is no evidence of increased transmission in schools whatsoever on, people looked at kids and teachers and 32 cases were traced to schools, enormous overreaction when kids go to school, safer than when they were home. >> patty and the red dress had a question for you.
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>> i have a highschooler and i feel there's so much emphasis on getting young kids back because of covert response -- covid-19 response. they are worried because they tend to get covid-19 little easier. what can the school do to prepare so that high school kids can go back? >> ainsley said it before very smartly. first of all highschooler's like little kids need each other, they need to buddy up, see their friends, their teachers and that is so important psychologically, physically and mentally but if cases occur you don't have to close the whole school. you can contact trace and see who had it and one class goes home for a few days. it is a lot easier to go home for a few days if you know what you are looking at.
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the high schoolers do not get more serious cases the way you are thinking. high schoolers get mild cases also and don't transmit it to adults as large a rate as adults transmit it to each other. it is much much lower. ainsley: you were telling us your biggest concern was mental illness or mental health. two teenagers, she has twins. do you have a question about this for doctor siegal? >> i am concerned about the mental health aspect. it is harder to trace, harder to quantify. most of the evidence we have is anecdotal and tends to be kind of dismissed. i wonder if there is anyone we can turn to and present that, more persuasive. i heard a psychologist referred to it is a covid-19 epidemic, it is a mental health epidemic. >> usually important point.
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centers for disease control reported 31% increased visits, the pandemic, kids that are out of school. you can't trace it and you have to keep an eye on children for exactly that. i recommend more and more interaction than you usually do, ask your child how they are feeling, check to see what their friends are and now they are back at school, here's a key piece, teachers are more nervous than children, you should talk to your child's teacher. how do you feel? they could have a vaccine if they want but not just the vaccine, teachers have to be reassured it is a safe place and they are not going to get sick and statistics show they are not going to get sick. ainsley: anyone else have a question, about the vaccine, how old should kids be? anything like that? >> demanding that students get vaccine, what is your recommendation?
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do children need the vaccine before returning to school? >> that's not going to happen. we are studying it in children, children over the age of 16 can have it. we are looking over the age of 12 and younger. these are safe vaccines but not going to kids first. we need to give a higher risk groups including teachers. i predict it won't be vaccinated to go back to school as a child, that's not going to happen in the fall. ainsley: you are a hero. you have been working in the hospital and you're doing a great job. all the medical teams are out there, so our parents, fighting for all the kids to get back, god bless you all. stay with us. more "fox and friends" coming up. ♪♪ right by your side ♪♪ ♪♪ for what you need?
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so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time. >> it has been such a pleasure to come down here to virginia to interview this panel of parents, have conversations with them. thank you all for being here and for starting this and standing up for all the parents and kids out there. alicia thank you for posting the video. we appreciate everything. patty, kay, justin, ron, we thank you, too. god bless you and your children. keep fighting. steve and brian. >> that's great.
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good job, ainsley. come back. tomorrow will be our super bowl friday show. different during a pandemic. live at a diner in tampa and will cain will be broadcasting from tampa all week long. >> we have to handle the other 49 states and get them back to school. thanks for watching, everybody. >> bill: good morning, everybody. public schools facing growing pressure to reopen. cdc saying they can do it safely without vaccinating teachers first. in chicago the teachers union that city demanding more vaccinations before they go back and get this, the city of san francisco is suing its own school district to try to put kids back inside the classroom. >> dana: cdc director saying schools can open with distancing and masks. watch this. >> there is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen. i would also say that safely opening a school is not -- the vaccination of


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