tv Hannity FOX News February 4, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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this moment. i hope that moment doesn't last long, but i guess that is what we are. we will be back. 8:00 p.m. every weeknight, the show that is the sworn enemy of lyon, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. and so, at 9:00 p.m. eastern, sean hannity takes over. >> sean: all right, talker, thank you, and welcome to "hannity." tonight, democrats have been in charge of congress, the white house, for just 16 days and as predicted, their vindictive radical extreme agenda is now taking center stage in that swamp. as we speak, the bite in the administration now is quickly implement jane aoc's insane green new deal agenda destroying tens of thousands of high paying jobs in the process all with the stroke of a pen signing now 47 executive orders and actions, which is over two and a half times more than obama, bush, and clinton combined. now, meanwhile, next week the u.s. senate is set to hold
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another pointless vicious unconstitutional impeachment schiff show. the outcome is predetermined to smear trump one last time. in the house, democrats are waging a campaign against republican freshman lawmaker who has been on the job for one month and one day. joe, by the way, if you are still awake, you are still with us now, you are leading a country with great unity. got to give you an applause for that. and tonight during a house wide vote, congresswoman, margie marjoriewas stripped of all -- because of the things that she said before getting elected. house democrats went ahead with their punitive measures even though congresswoman taylor green has now disagreed about her previous beliefs and conduct during an unscripted speech on the house floor today. let's take a look. >> when i started finding this
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information, things that were not true in these posts, i stopped believing it. and i want to tell you any source and i say this to everyone, any source of information that is a mix of truth and a mix of lies is dangerous. you see school shootings are absolutely real. and every child that has lost those families mourn it. i also want to tell you that 9/11 absolutely happened. i believe that day crying all day long watching it on the news. added is a tragedy for anyone to say it didn't happen. and so, that, i definitely want to tell you that i do not believe it is fake. these were words of the past and these things do not represent me. >> sean: i'm glad the congresswoman delivered that speech. but ultimately for democrats, this is not at all about marjorie taylor greene, the new congresswoman. instead, it's a mere political
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ploy. they want to smear all conservatives, all republicans as extreme conspiracy theorists. almost every single sanctimonious democrat that voted today, they are all guilty of the biggest hoax, the biggest conspiracy, the lies that they have told for three straight years. that's right, the big trump russia collusion lie. they have put this country through -- for three years and everything they told the american people was false. now working in support of the big lie, they have their allies, their press office. we referred to them as the media mob. and listening to these lying trump russia collusion truther's dull mys of the marjorie green taylor saga, it's pretty sickening. she apologized. she said that her beliefs were wrong, misguided. my question is when the
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democrats going to follow suit? when will the media mob correct so many stories they all got wrong? here is my prediction. down there will freeze over first. don't hold your breath. they are feigning their pony outrage as usual and playacting. this is the most important story of our time. it's not. congresswoman green, she hasn't set the agenda for the republican party. the way the radical squad led by the real speaker of the house, congresswoman o garcia cortez does for the democratic party. you people know congresswoman. i don't know a conservative or a republican that supports or condones those past beliefs that she disavowed today. the real story here is that democrats have now opened the floodgates with alarming new precedent. apparently voters at elections, they no longer matter to them. according to those who voted to remove congresswoman greene from
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committees, a standard that doesn't believe dell might apply to themselves, those who voted for her by a whopping 70% of tht don't matter to the people who voted today. think about that. their votes just discounted. lawmakers outside of her district, they are calling the shots including many truly insane conspiratorial democrats, the ones that have never apologized for their past radical views, anti-semitic statements, and so much more. we'll have more in a moment. now members of congress cannot can reportedly bepenalized for s believed. hours ago, she asked this all important question. who's next question or take a look. >> who's next? who is next? everyone has said things they wish they didn't say. everyone has done things they wish they didn't do. so who's next? who will they cancel culture attack next question today it's miss greene?
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who is a going to be tomorrow? conspiracy theories. the democrats peddled the biggest conspiracy theory of all time, the russia hoax. >> sean: come to think of it, what republicans do take back the majority, they've got a pretty good shot for my position in 2022. there are plenty of conspiratorial democrats. they should be removed from their committees, right? apply standards equally. every democrat that pushed the trump russia conspiracy theory, the lies, they should all be stripped of their committees if we are going to have a one standard fits all. and as you pointed out last night, congresswoman o cassio cortez, she told voters that the world was going to end in 12 years. congresswoman ilhan omar tweeting that evil is real is hypnotizing the world. speaker pelosi, adam schiff, maxine waters, dozens of others, they all push the russia lies and the openly speculated the 2016 election was rigged or
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stolen. ignoring hillary's dossier and ignoring what we now know on the record about christopher steele and the source and that this was all russia disinformation that hillary paid for. never wanted to comment on the truth. they said that the president of the united states was putin's puppet. pretty crazy stuff forgetting of course that he said vladimir i will have more flexibility after the election. it doesn't even take into account their violent inciting x insurrectionist language. mark my words, today's political stunt, it will backfire for democrats in keeping with their while this action does absolutely nothing to improve the lives of you, the american people. this is nothing more than yet another political ploy. by the way, don't ask them to say the pledge of allegiance. why? because at the beginning of the committee meetings, jerry nadler
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said that would not be necessary in his committee. take a look. >> in the spirit of national unity and national pride, which i know we all aspire to a greater extent at the beginning of each meeting, the chair or one of the designees of the chair will have the opportunity to lead us in the pledge allegiance. we are all aware that in these times, it's important for the country to see members of congress working together on some things and i recognize myself to speak in opposition to the amendment. it is unnecessary. the house begins every day with the house of the pledge of allegiance. we are covered by that. there is no necessity to say it twice during the same day. >> sean: it's interesting. nadler is still awake for this hearing. here with the reaction, the author of the best selling book "firebrand" former congressman matt gaetz. all right, jim jordan, i will take the bait. who is next? who is next?
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>> well, it could be anyone and americans don't want to live in fear. we have this thing called the constitution, bill of rights, and the first amendment. during the impeachment debate, i said don't think they cancel culture won't come after you too. it took all of 13 days for that statement to be proven true. because what happened last week? in san francisco, the school board said that dianne feinstein elementary school will no longer be named after senator feinstein. so even a liberal icon who is the representative in the united states senate for decades, even she is not woken off and she gets canceled for something she said 37 years ago. that is how dangerous this is and the democrats are playing with fire. we should not do this and that is why the judiciary committee is going to stand up and talk about what they cancel culture mob is doing, how they are attacking our system and make sure that we push back on this and it stops happening.
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because it should not take place in this great country. >> sean: i watched closely the hearing with nadler today, matt gaetz. what does it take all of 10-15 seconds to say the pledge of allegiance. this is unacceptable to congressman nadler. >> jerry nadler gave a speech i gave the office version of patriotism today. jim jordan and i are speaking to you today from the capital city that is draped in barbed wire, that is crisscrossed in barricades. outside the capitol building, a woman who got over 75% of the vote in her district was denied her opportunity of full service because democrats believe the people inside of washington, d.c., here for this occupation no better than the people throughout this great country. it's a travesty. i'm glad that jim and i are here fighting to ensure that there is that opportunity to have people that disagree on substance without trying to totally cancel
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one another. i think it's also interesting that as they were objecting to the pledge of allegiance, the reasoning was rather tortured. democrat congressman said that the pledge of allegiance is a symbol of white supremacy and to reinstate it would just reinforce racism in our country. i thought, gosh at a time there is a search for unity, we could do a lot better than this type of divisive rhetoric emerging from democrats. >> sean: you know, jim jordan, no one can defend the comments about the plane hitting the pentagon or these school shootings didn't happen or all of the other things that we talked about last night. i have no idea what caused her to think those things. she says she doesn't believe them any longer. i've never heard a democrat or anybody in the media mob ever apologize, not one time for the lies they told america and what they did to this country, dragging this country through their entire conspiracy theory
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over three long years. all of it got debunked. nobody said anything. >> yeah. no, i mean james clapper said publicly that there was collusion but what did he say behind closed doors when he was under oath in front of the intelligence committee question ricky said there was no evidence of any kind of collusion between the trump campaign and russia to metal with the election. it was a fall from the get-go and yet they pushed that conspiracy theory so much. guess what? on january 6th 2017, when it came time to count the electors for president trump victory of the democrat chair a rules committee, sean, objected to alabama, the same guy was started today's debate went after marjorie taylor greene. the start of the day, going after her, that individual four years ago was the one that said we can't accept the electors from alabama based on that conspiracy theory. so, talk about a double standard. i mean alabama, sean. president trump won alabama by 30 points. so, he tried to overturn the rule of the people in that state
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based on a conspiracy theory. but today, they take marjorie taylor greene she can't represent the people in her district like she is supposed to? >> sean: this is ridiculous. you know, matt gaetz, he had a star with apologies. jim jordan, i don't think there's enough hours in anyone's broadcasting to go through the entire list. [laughter] >> listen, we all need more grace, sean. all of us should extend that grace as well. speak all of us have fallen short. i only kid you because what you are a bit of a fire. all right, that would be a good show. firebrand with matt gaetz. what you think western mark all right, thank you. >> jim jordan would be my first guest. appearance to call on me. great. i'm calling it. anyway, after years of heaping praise on the radical socialists
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and so-called squad, the media mob, of course they are now treating the newly elected female republican lawmakers much, much differently. what a shock. the bias from the journalists. you know, typical places fake news, cnn, msnbc. here is former advisor for the trump campaign, lara trump. one thing that i liked, laura, is i like the fact that more republican women are getting elected in droves actually. >> yeah. it's a great thing to see, sean. we need more of it. i hope more women on the republican side to side to run for office. but we had a really incredible 2020 election for republican women. so kudos to all the ladies out there. you know, i heard you in your tt this. why not have the same standard across the board for everyone. we were talking about the way that congresswoman greene has
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been treated, it's terrific to see but it shouldn't shock anybody because hypocrisy runs so deep in washington, d.c. but it's exactly why we have to pay very close attention to 2022. it's exactly why we need good republicans to get out there and run for these offices. because the american people are tired of the games and the politics in washington, d.c. they just want people to get the job done. >> sean: you know, and to me as a lifelong movement conservative, and that's what i am. i'm a reagan america first contract with america conservative. to me, i keep it simple. you know, the president's agenda, donald trump's agenda was very clear cut and those of the things that he fought for, the promises he made and delivered on. i want to keep it focused on that and it seems like the last thing democrats want to have is a debate on raising taxes.
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bureaucratic regulation, affordable health care borders, et cetera. >> yeah, but you are exactly right. i think republicans need to remember that our elected officials, not to take the bait from the democrats. they want us to go down these rabbit holes. they want to distract everybody. what the american people care about, sean, is exactly what you saw from donald trump. he is the reason why he is so beloved by so money in this country. the reason why he got people to come out and vote for him. probably more in account of the votes they threw away and this past election. but it's because people care. they want their kids to go to good schools and they care about good trade deals. they care about energy independence like we saw for the first time under president donald trump. they care about a secure border. they care about all of the things that he delivers. they don't care about the nonsense and all of the politicking in washington. they care about putting food on
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the table and putting money in their pockets. i think republicans in washington, d.c., would really serve themselves well to keep that in mind sometimes. >> sean: boy, that just, it keeps it simple. stick to the agenda. make promises. fulfill the promises you make and it ends up being good politics. the president got 12 million votes the second time around here lara trump, thank you. all right, tonight we are just days away from the wild schiff show 2.0. the charade is now set to begin. nancy pelosi has some words of encouragement for her colleagues in the senate. go nancy, cheer everybody up. march down the field to stupidity. go ahead. >> the health managers are walking in. >> they don't know that. they don't know that. they haven't heard the case. they haven't heard the case. the court of the senate, they will make the case in the court
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of publiublic opinion they wille their case. and for history and posterity, as our founders said to ves and our posterity they will make the case. but i have great confidence in them and we'll see. we'll see if it's going to be a scented of courage or cowardice. >> sean: they didn't make their case. what case? nancy pelosi thinks it's courageous to spend america's money with a predetermined outcome and in abusively biased judge that already made up his mind before conviction? nancy pelosi thinks it's okay to figure out why there was such a massive desk or really, nancy? take a look. >> as far as the impeachment by trial is concerned, senator graham said if the democrats call any witness, republicans will be prepared to call in the fbi and tell about
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people who planned this attack and what happened on the capital. what is your response to that? >> your question is a waste of time. >> sean: wow. do we not want this to stop completely, make sure it never happens again customer by the way, nancy pelosi is in charge of the house. why did she work with the sergeant and arms and the capitol police to prepare for plan march when they knew hundreds and thousands of people would be going to the capital that day? we now know the fbi court documents, capital police, "washington post," fake news cnn, and yes, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, they have all provided evidence that the breach was in fact planned well in advance of the president's remarks. and keep in mind, one of the managers actually as jim jordan had mentioned, challenged a 2016 election results. you cannot make that up. and so, democrats don't actually believe that challenging election results is incitement.
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and certainly, their rhetoric is quite over-the-top as we have been chronicling in the recent days and weeks. a political stunt, a waste of time and money. but while congressional democrats play their dumb predictable hate trump games, the biden administration is unilaterally enacting an insane climate agenda, all with the stroke of a pen, bypassing an entire branch of government. biden might cancel all oil and gas pipelines. great. we'll end up setting more piece to thousands and more americans killing their high paying union career jobs. here with more, fox news contributor, dan bongino. start with the part of this that jordan was talking about. it's ironic, isn't it? the guy leading the charge is the guy that challenged donald trump in 2016, dan. >> well, you know what's even worse? let me just say before we start, this is an impeachment for dopey
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people. so if you are dopey, you believe it's a real impeachment. if you are smart, you are laughing at the stupidity. he sends a letter and in the letter he says listen, president trump, former president trump, you are a failure to respond and to testify. we will draw a negative inference from you. apparently he laughably is a member of congress and hasn't read the constitution. you know sean, we got this crazy thing called the fifth amendment where you don't have to testify against yourself. he doesn't know -- i'm really happy david is an actual lawyer and cleared that up for him who, eight, comically made that dopey mistake. but again, the charges and there are utterly absurd. we already have the transcript of what president trump said. we have repeated it on the air. now you are inciting violence by asking people to march and i quote "patriotically --
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excuse me, and peacefully." i really don't understand how that it is inciting violence. how does that not implicate people like maxine waters which we heard about. again, this is an impeachment for idiots. if you believe this is serious, you should take enhancing supplements. >> sean: let me lean on your former law enforcement background here both in the nypd. so apparently now we have court documents. we have investigators. we have capital police department. every indication that this was preplanned. it identifies specific groups even reported by the fake news media. how do you make the argument that the words of donald trump that you accurately quoted, which as many of you will peacefully patriotically march to the capital so your voices can be heard, and it was
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apparently preplanned by these groups that they are now in the process of identifying. we see pipe bombs being laid out the night before. how do you make the claim that this incitement based on the words trump to call for peaceful march, when in fact they were doing it anyway? >> welcome i'm glad you brought that up. it's a two prong test here. they are trying to prove that president trump incited it. yet you actively stated there was some postop intelligence that came out that this was preplanned, which would take away that first leg of the stool suggesting that president trump somehow had something to do with the planning? that's utter absurdity. there is a clear standard. you have to ask for any lawless action. not that you should. i'm just talking about the law that you should or shouldn't do. you can talk about violence and not that you should, but you
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can. you have to be clear and insight a lawless action, not some obstruction. he didn't even do that. he said go march peacefully and patriotically for an operation that appears to be preplanned. again, this is an impeachment for stupid people. if you believe it, i'm sorry. you are just really stupid. there is a thing called evidence. you don't have any. that's kind of a problem in your case. >> sean: all right, real quick, any days when we are going to get parler back up? >> shooting for monday. monday looks good, fingers crossed. >> sean: we will say our prayers. we will light the candles. do whatever we have to do. we want our freedom of speech back. all right, dan bongino, thank you. congresswoman garcia cortez being accused of exaggerating the danger that she faced during the capital riot. what is the truth? up next, a congresswoman hu's
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♪ ♪ >> sean: now congresswoman ocasio-cortez is under scrutiny tonight accused of misleading the public about her experience on january the 6th during the violence at the u.s. capitol building. and she is accused of falsely implying that she was inside the capital when rioters stormed the building when in fact she was in the nearby cannon building. we want to be clear of course no one is discounting the shot, the stress, the suffering that people felt that day. but here are the events as she described them on instagram live
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this past week. as always, we let you decide. >> just bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! and so, i opened the door when all of a sudden i hear that whoever was trying to get by got into my office. and then i just started to hear these yells of "where is she?" where is she? i mean, i thought i was going to die. no one was yelling. he wasn't yelling like this is capitol police. this is capitol police. and he was looking at me and all of this anger and hostility. the situation felt so volatile with this officer that i run over. i grabbed my bag. and we just start running over to that building. >> sean: now, following those remarks #itwentviral, it
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trended on twitter. nancy mase also pointed out the apparent misleading nature of her recounting the events tweeting "you seem to be triggered by facts, so let me be clear. i have not once discounted your experience. it was harrowing for all of us. in fact, insurrection in our hallways. your eagerness to politicize absolutely anything that deserves condemnation. earlier today, ocasio-cortez spoke to reporters off-camera claiming that >> sean: mace was misrepresenting her remarks. here to react to that, south carolina congresswoman, nancy mase. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, sean. thank you for having me on this evening. >> sean: you were to code down. two doris down. she was claiming that there was banging on the door. where is she? where is she screaming loudly on
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the halls. i imagine that you were there at the time. did you see or hear that? >> no, the capital police were there to protect us. the only thing protecting us between us and the violent rioters was a 7-10 minute walk away in the huddle under the capital. quite far actually where the capital please. they were there to protect us and evacuate us. there were two threats, one at the democratic headquarters and one at the republican headquarters. thank goodness the police were there to protect us. they were there to evacuate us not once, but twice that afternoon. >> sean: okay, now i understand the two buildings were actually connected underground. >> it's a 7-10 minute walk. if you walk fast, you could probably get there in five or 6 minutes. but it is a hike. at one point during this entire event, i was stuck under the tunnels. i mean, this is a traumatic experience and i'm not going to go into discount that for anyone that lived through that day. it was a very harrowing
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experience but we have to separate fact from fiction. and the facts are there was no violent mob in the hallways. the folks who were there to riot weren't in the building. and so we have to be very clear and not exaggerate this experience or take advantage of it and politicize it in any way, shape, or form. that was my entire point, was to be truthful about it. the one you actually said that the problem with her story is that the rioters didn't storm the building in question. insurrectionist's never stormed the hallway. sorry, -- >> they didn't get anywhere near us. 18 office buildings. >> sean: so they weren't anywhere in the hall. there was no yelling on the hall. no one was banging on anything of the hall and there was a strong police presence in the hallway you were, which i'm sure probably was comforting. i don't think anybody would want to live through anything like that. >> no, you never want to go through what we went through and i'm not going to discount those feelings at all. this was a very traumatic and
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harrowing day. it was a dark day in our nation's history but we have to be truthful when we share our stories and experiences because we want everyone to understand what we went through and believe us when we talk about it. but when you exaggerate it and are dishonest about how you represent what actually happened, it waters down everyone's trauma and i have been very vocal about the experiences that day. >> sean: you know, it's a big difference if they were outside your door and basically saying they were coming for her, you know, and they are out there shouting "where is she?" "where issue? "and if they are not in the hall and the police are in the hall and i'm sure the police were calmly guiding everybody and protecting everybody in that process. not anything anyone wants to go through. >> no. >> sean: but certainly the story she is telling then, you're basically saying absolutely not true. >> it's not true. and i made that statement a factor earlier today. and she literally lost it on her
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favorite social media top platform, twitter. and so, i know i'm doing the right thing, doing the right job when i've got members of the squad coming after me all day long on twitter. and as the old adage goes, sean, judge a woman by the enemy she keeps. i'm totally fine with that. this was a terrible and awful experience. we have to separate truth and facts from fiction when we share our experiences about this. it's very important to make that very clear in this instance. >> sean: you know, like every american, i look at what happened. we knew hundreds of thousands of people were there. they requested troops even before the events. 6 separate occasions they asked for troops. now we are finding out that there was intelligence and investigators are now finding out that there were people that preplanned a lot of this and i don't see anybody really uniting behind the idea of a 9/11-style commission to make sure this never happens again to our country. >> there should be an
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investigation. we should know what happened and when it happened. i'm a single working mom with two cokids in middle school. i flew them up. i was excited to have them there this week but a republican threatened to shoot me on social media in the events leading up. i send my kids home early. i got home the first flight because i was worried and if i was worried and the rhetoric i was seeing on social media and online and coming out of different voices online, you know, i would hope that our law enforcement monitoring the situation might have better information. i remember at one point i was stuck in the tunnel under the capital and a red two weeks ago that there were rioters that knew that people were stuck in the tunnel under the capital at one point during the riot and they were trying to find a way to get down there and find us. and i remember during all of this i was standing right next to congressman saying if anything happens, i'm going to be safe because i have military
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force who i admire and respect. he's going to save everybody in that tunnel. but this was a traumatic experience and it is not okay to exaggerate or politicize it. >> sean: let me just say this. i agree with you about politicizing something but i will say this. we have to protect our institutions, how this can happen in a post-9/11 united states is inexplicable to me. we've got to fix it and without a protect all elected officials. this isn't about republican, democrat, conservative, liberal. we've got to protect elected officials period. >> i would like to pour out my protect our police. if they want to learn more, it's nancy thank you for having me on tonight. >> sean: thank you and what you are welcome anytime. coming up, zero experience hunter biden is profiting off of his father's name. he just found a new way to do it. there are no oligarchs involved,
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♪ ♪ 's they want all right, believe it or not, hunter biden has an upcoming memoir. coming out. it's called "beautiful things." it will focus on his relationship with his father as well as chronicle his struggles with substance abuse. it is being published by gallery books, which is part of a publishing giant. full disclosure, the published my last book. the same publisher that hashed their deal with senator hawley. joining us now with reaction, the tyranny of big tech," i hope
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they gave you a big advance and you don't give it back. i'm not sure if that is part of the equation. >> welcome you know, sean, this is just a classic left-wing hypocrisy. what we are seeing here is that they have an agenda. they want to push their ideological agenda and they want to silence and punish conservatives. and they tried to do it with me although i'm not going to be silent. but you and i both know they are trying to do it across the board on social media. they are trying to go after small business people. republicans. it is unbelievable and we just have to stay in it. >> sean: there want to be putting on this big loud show next week with a predetermined outcome. first you agree that it is predetermined. >> it's predetermined and i can't imagine that the democrats get the numbers they need. it is totally unconstitutional. it is a sham trial and it is a disgrace to have the senate meeting going through with this. >> sean: okay.
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i'm glad you got another publishing deal. i'm glad to hear that. she has since left the company but she was there a long time. what bothers me and all of this as they are choosing sides here. and that is a problem for me. and if big tech, for example, they never censor. they never fact-check the russia collusion we know to be lies and conspiracy theories but they are silencing conservatives left and right. and then they shut down a group like's before and shut down the president of the united states and the story of "the new york post" about hunter biden and the laptop. and there is now a full on criminal investigation into him. all i know, senator, is there an investigation into you going on right now
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>> not that i know of, sean. the russia hoax. they pushed it for years. turns out that there was no collusion. there were no crimes committed. it is absolutely unbelievable. and now, hunter biden, the guy that is under investigation for numerous crimes, including money laundering, connected to his father. and yet, the local media celebrates him with what they are trying to punish conservatives. this will only succeed if conservatives agreed to go along with that, if we agree to be silenced, and i for one i'm not going to be silent. >> sean: so, the person that is leading the case from the house is a guy that actually challenged the 2016 election results. doesn't that seem a little bit of irony there? >> it's pretty amazing, sean, that these democrats who objected after republicans won back the election in 2001, 2005,
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and 2017, now they said that if republicans do that, if republicans do the same thing, they raise specific objections. they are seditious. they are traitors. they are criminals. it's total hypocrisy. it's a total power grab. they know it's a power grab. that is why they are doing it. we've just got to stand up and expose that life or what it is. >> sean: has there been any other push back? i know they were talking about we've got to remove senator cruz and senator hawley. you were asking for an audit, something that you have the right to do. any other consequences that you have faced as a result beyond that of what we know? >> well, the democrats, they wanted us to be stripped of this or that, expelled. i'm not going anywhere. i'm not going to bow down. >> sean: and those that speculated you were doing this to run 2024. you said no, you are not. >> i'm not. i'm not doing this to do
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anything other than my job, which is represent the people of missouri. and i was representing them on january 6th, sean, and i'm going to keep doing it. >> sean: we have more senators like yourself make a strong stance, fight for their beliefs, and also stand up for this very important principle of liberty, freedom, freedom of speech. we will be better off. senator, thank you. we are looking forward to it. coming up, democrats are coming for your second amendment rights and it's serious this time. we will get reaction. dana speaks out, next. ♪ ♪
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pace where americans are very wary of buying second amendment. for example a new democratic bill reportedly would force all gun owners two to go through psychological evaluations. let me examine you from the government i'm here. along with your family members and furthermore, the legislation introduced by congresswoman jackson would dramatically expand the justice department's ability to survey a legal gun owners and raise the age to owning a firearm to 21 years old. here with the reaction syndicated radio talk show host dana. they will talk to and ask for a psychological of the persons ask if they have a divorced spouse? >> yeah, sean, good to see you again and good to see you tonight. i know, right.
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the spouse, the way that hr 127's rate and it includes associates. not just your family members but associates also. i'm sure you know in this era of our parents, it's going to go so well when people call the cops over somebody not wearing a mask in their backyard. honestly, the people who should have the psych eval's are the people in congress who proposed this type of legislation. those are the people who need any type of psychiatric evaluation or members of congress. not law-abiding americans. applying this precedent to the second amendment, are we also now going to establish a pattern to apply to every single rights? the second amendment is not the second class right in this bill is bonkers. ask me to have you ever been a supporter of donald trump? is not going to be one of the psychological profile questions by your government psychologist? >> rights? yeah, i can only imagine some of
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the questions they will ask. the other troubling part of this is this is going to -- in terms of how this is going to be determined, what's the criteria to determine whether or not someone i guess mental health renders them ineligible to purchase or carry is entirely left up to the ag. it's not actually medical professionals that are determining the criteria. at least according to the linkage of the bill. it's actually a lawmaker, a politician the ag that's going to be determining that. it's kind of scary and it reminds me under the obama-biden administration when they were determining that anyone who is a social security beneficiary, including veterans too come out that they needed help with their finances was suddenly ineligible to carry a firearm because they needed the assistance. they decided this, bureaucrats who determined that without any aid of any mental health professional. >> sean: by the way, i always
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ask people, god forbid a person breaks into your house, wherever, what are you going to do? i know what i'll do. what will they do? i have to make a comment. i think you're the guest of that gets the best score ever in the history of the show for their own background. is that your own studio? it is? >> it's my own studio in-house, god bless america. my friends help to did this. >> sean: everybody's doing this kind of zoom appearances and you know, that's a great background. congratulations. good to have you back. >> thank you, i want to feel like i'm surrounded by patriotism. >> sean: all rights, more "hannity" after this. ♪ ♪
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get ready for next week, they're going to go nuts. we will be here to chronicle all of it and we will fight back as they say they fight back. let not your heart be troubled, laws of the independent, where not the media mob. laura ingraham standing by to take over right now. of >> laura: hey, sean, we will see how serious they are about fixing the problems ailing america. this is what they do, they can't quit trump. they can't quit them. they need him, they need him, they need him. actually governing is hard. donald trump actually did an amazing job of governing. they can't stand the fact that now it's hard work. now it's a mode and, we will get into that tonight. emoting tonight, it's like a "oprah winfrey show." you won't believe the video, we will get onto it.
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