tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News February 5, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PST
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25,000 pyramid. it went with inflation. >> bill: you got the -- >> dana: bucs and points. i don't know what that means. hopefully i'll figure that out. >> bill: i'm for the chiefs. hi, harris. >> dana: she is probably for the chiefs. >> harris: i am going for the chiefs. republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is set to speak at any moment. just one day after the democrat-led house took the unprecedented step of voting to remove her from all of her committees. i'm harris faulkner and you are "the faulkner focus". 11 house republicans also voted with democrats to strip congresswoman greene's committee assignments over controversial statements she made before being elected to congress. now some republicans say they would like to see certain democrats suffer the same fate for controversial remarks that they have made. and house minority leader kevin
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mccarthy warns democrats the tide may turn against you in the future. >> you will regret this. you may regret this a lot sooner than you think. if that's the new standard, if people are held to what they have said prior to even being in this house, if the majority gets to decide who sits on other committees, i hope you keep that standard because we have a long list you can work within your own. >> harris: sooner than you think, he says. also in focus this hour claims of hypocrisy against a major book publisher, rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel reacts. a new battle over whether taxpayers should be on the hook for $650 billion in student loan debt. steve forbes will weigh in. first let's bring in florida
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congressman matt gaetz of the house judiciary committee to talk about our top story. i understand you did not vote with those 11 republicans to remove marjorie taylor greene from her committees, why? >> it wasn't an attack on marjorie taylor greene it was attack on the voerts. she got more votes than i did and most of the people in the entire house of representatives. about 75%. ist was also a power grab for washington it is dangerous when congress becomes the internet police or social media police sitting in judgment of the comments people made even before their time here. matter of fact we don't hold people accountable for the statements they make while they're in congress but now we see this republican woman specifically tar g*eted -- targeted and i think there is a double standard. marjorie taylor greene expressed contrition. we know that in congress we're not just representatives, we're representative of the people in
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this country. there are many americans who get lost in some of the dark recesses of the internet and they have to climb out of that. i think marjorie taylor greene is a better person today than she was when she made some of these odd statements online. i hope that we all grow and continue to be better people and certainly the step by democrats reverts us to more of a deplat forming posture. >> harris: that's interesting. it goes along with reprogramming which is what some democrats have talked about doing with trump supporters, those people who voted, the 74 plus million people. it is interesting that you chose that word because they really are cousins in the realm realigning someone's thinking. i want to ask you, congressman, what it has been like on the hill behind the scenes as much as you can share among republicans. even the minority leader mccarthy condemned some of the statements that congresswoman
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greene has said particularly she, you know, hit it head-on yesterday. 9/11 did happen. there were some things that were more than odd. so what was the conversation like behind the scenes? >> i saw contrition from marjorie taylor greene. i saw someone who has grown personally, who regrets things that she said. and remember, the internet has a lot of dark places whether it's pornography or some of these bizarre fan fiction elements. people start by kind of getting obsessed and then they end up even creating dangerous content and spreading that. marjorie taylor greene indicated her understanding that when you mix things that are true with things that are not, you can really harm people. i think there was a lot of listening, a lot of understanding and i think we're a stronger conference because the vast majority of us stood up for this woman who is being targeted and who i think has grown.
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we have to extend grace to each other online. i'm not among the republicans for ocasio-cortez for overdramatizing her trauma during the january 6th events at the capitol. there are moments where different people react differently. if we all extend each other a little grace maybe we'll have the opportunity to work together. >> harris: congressman, we understand that the congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has just walked out and going to the microphone. i was reading on her twitter this morning. she threw it down against democrats. you have given me a lot more free time now. what will i do with that? maybe giving us a taste of what we're about to hear. let's watch together. >> it's recording. it's going out. >> first off, thank you all for coming out here today and being will to hear what i have to say.
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i just want you to know that for the press i truly support freedom of press. i think it is one of the things that makes our country so great and i really hope that you will be able to tell my story a little bit better instead of just reporting and repeating maybe some things that you don't like about me or things that were on social media in 2018. you see the reason why i ran for congress is because i really don't respect what our government has become. as just an ordinary american, someone who has had to work hard all my life, someone who has been married for almost 25 years and raised three kids. i have to tell you my kids are the greatest part of my life. i love our country, i love our freedoms, and i sincerely want all of your children, my children, and all of us to continue to have the
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opportunity to have the american dream. but our government is failing us. you see we're approaching nearly $30 trillion in debt. as a successful business owner for over 20 years if i ran my company the way this government runs and spends and wastes and puts us in debt with our own hard earned tax dollars, i would be out of business a long time ago and we would be homeless on the streets. it's much worse than that. for decades now this government has sold out our american worker, sent our jobs overseas to foreign countries. we've opened our borders wide open to be flooded with illegals coming into our country. think about kate steinle who was murdered on a pier in california. she died in her father's arms. tricia, her father served our country four tours, four tours in the middle east protecting our freedoms. when he came back home his
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daughter was killed by an illegal alien in texas. these are the things that shouldn't happen. but these are the policies that are allowed and continue. our country has made it legal and funded with our tax dollars over 62 million abortions, murdering god's creation in the womb. that's a sin, a disgusting evil that is unfathomable. i can't even believe it continues. here is the thing. all of these women that have gone through that, it leaves a hole in their soul that never heals. those women have been taught this is the way that they should achieve. this is the way they can build a career. this is a way they can solve the problems that they didn't want in the first place. it's a horrible lie. it is a terrible lie. as a mother and a woman who has had a successful career, i can tell you being a mom is the
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greatest gift of my life. i really hope that america can end the evil of abortion. also want you to know that free speech matters. free speech really matters and yesterday when the democrats and 11 of my republican colleagues decided to strip me of my committee assignments, education and labor and the budget committee you know what they did? they actually stripped my district of their voice. they stripped my voters of having representation to work for them for the budget. a successful business owner that knows how to make a profit, not a loss. that's what my district voted for me for. i'm a mom with three kids who has taken my children to gun-free school zones their entire time they went to school. when i was in 11th graitd at 16 years old when joe biden
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created gun-free school zones one of my school mates brought three guns to school on a school bus in duffel bag. brought them into the school and the first period class because he was very upset at two of his classmates. he pulled out his weapon. went to take control. the coach in the classroom knocked him to the floor but he was able to reach in and get another one of his guns, fired his weapon, took control of our school and we were held hostage in our classrooms for five hours. i want you to know i know that fear that david hogg felt. it is terrifying. it is terrifying when the only person in the building with a gun is very upset and is there to do evil and there is no good guy with any guns to protect us. that's why when i was in washington i could go from senate office to senate office just like david hogg and say vote no to gun control because we need our second amendment rights. we need to be able to protect our children with good guys
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with guns. just like the people up here protected themselves with 30,000 national guard troops. imagine that. they want to leave our children defenseless but they will surround this place with a big beautiful border wall and a whole bunch of good guys with guns. these are the policies that disgust me. these are the policies that disgust the american people. and these are the policies of hypocrites. you see, when the people in charge want to spend your money and spend your money and you have no choice but to give it to them and believe me, i've been a good taxpayer for years now and i always will be. and then they want to spend our hard-earned dollars over to foreign nations and so-called foreign aid to fund things like border walls and bridges and schools and roads and abortions, that's wrong. our tax dollars should stay here in america. our tax dollars should fund our
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border wall, our bridges, our schools, our roads. they should help our homeless. they should help our people, our forgotten, or orphans, our foster care children. that's what our hard earned tax dollars should be doing. not what these people here have been doing for decades. those that are in charge have been here for decades, decades. do you know the average age of retirement is around 64 or 65 years old in the private sector. but not here in congress. they cling to power as long as they can because apparently it's addictive and they can't give it up. this is something that i just can't tolerate. i can't take it. and the american people are so sick of it. you see, a record number of americans voted for president trump. record number of republicans voted for president trump. do you want to know why?
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it's because they loved his policies. they loved his fight, they loved the fact that for once we had a president that stood up for america, stood up for american businesses, and remembered the forgotten man. he was a president that didn't care about your skin color because god created us all equal and thank god our constitution affirms that. he was a president that wanted every single person to achieve and that's why we supported him. that's why i've always supported him. when i tell you republican voters support him still. the party is his. it doesn't belong to anybody else. this impeachment trial that is going to happen next week is a circus. it is a circus that allows media companies to get lots of clicks, lots of views, and sell ad dollars. and you know what? that's pretty disgusting, too. everyone here knows that he did not cause this attack on the capitol nor did i, nor did any
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republican. the responsibility falls squarely on those that invaded the capitol. the ones that planned it ahead of time. those are the people that should be held accountable. i was in the chamber, unlike aoc, representative ocasio-cortez that faked her outrage with just another hoax that gets shared everywhere. you see, those kind of fake lies like aoc, representative corey bush telling people that i attacked her when it was on video that she attacked me. this is the kind of fake outrage that is dividing our congress along with the fake outrage on the news every single day that's dividing our people. you know what the media does? you guys are great at it and i'm telling you this because i want to like you. but you are doing a really good job at addicting our nation to hate. teaching people to hate people
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like me, president trump, and then on the right it's the same way. teaching people to hate aoc, ilhan, omar, nancy pelosi. it goes both ways, doesn't it? but teaching people to hate and addicting them to it is killing our country. it is causing people to no longer be friends. families to no longer talk to each other. even husbands and wives getting divorced. parents not talking to their children and the other way around. it's terrible and shameful. when you have such a platform as you have, what do you want your legacy to be? do you want your legacy to be the platform that destroyed our nation and caused our people to hate one another or would you rather be a platform that told the truth because you are given the great gift, the freedom of press so you can tell the truth? i would love for you to be that platform. i would be so proud of you. i wouldn't be mad at any of you.
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i had the greatest opportunity yesterday and i'm so grateful for it. i got to say what i had done wrong. and do you know how freeing that is? i'm not kidding. i seriously feel blessed by god and i got to say i said things wrong. i believed things that were wrong. and you know, i'm so happy i got to do that. my district is thrilled with me. people all over the country are thankful and supporting me. and for that i'm grateful to them. none of us are perfect and when we go about our life thinking that we are, we're such hypocrites. truthfully we really are with if he think we're perfect and can judge one another. that's such a mistake. so going forward, i have been freed. he feel freed because you know what is happening on these committees? we have basically a tie
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ranically controlled government right now, the democrats. we have joe biden writing executive order after executive order and doing whatever he wants up there in the white house. we have nancy pelosi leading the democrats in congress to do whatever they want. they don't care what republicans have to say. they don't care about what our districts and voters have to say. they only care about pushing their socialist agenda through. they only care about taking away our freedoms. that's not right. so if i was on a committee i would be wasting my time because my conservative values wouldn't be heard and neither would my district's. right now my republican colleagues are being told that their white skin makes them inherently racist or that their service in our nation's military to our country defending our freedoms makes them bad and a domestic terrorist. how are we at this place? how have we come here?
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the few bad actions of some do not define the many. and that's the truth. they kicked me off my committees after spending a year promoting, supporting, funding blm, defending, lying and calling these people protests when there are buildings burning in the background and trying to get the criminals out of jail. so they want to kick me off committees for social media posts that were conspiracy theories. that's pretty hypocritical. you see, the american people won't forget. they are still reeling from the devastation of this past year. where cities were burned, people attacked, police officers still dealing with it attacked night after night. they take them home with them and it hurts their families. occupying federal buildings, taking over police precincts,
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so much the image. tearing down statues and monuments, erasing our history. this is what has happened. i do not condone what happened on january 6th. it was one of the scariest things of my life next to being held hostage in a gun-free school zone when one of my fellow students took it over with a gun and no one protected us. it was terrible. so i am going to ask all of you, think about what you report. when you are on the news calling riots peaceful protests, the american people are disgusted with you because you are lying. when you are promoting people that protect these things and want to continue it, people are sick of it. they are fed up because they lost their businesses and they may have gotten hurt and they are tired of being attacked because they want to wear a red hat that says make america great again or they voted for trump and were proud of it.
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things have got to change. and i tell you again i'm fine with being kicked off my committees because it would be a waste of my time. i'm a very hard worker and i'm proud of it. so now i have a lot of free time on my hands, which means i can talk to a whole lot more people all over this country and i can talk to more people and make connections and build a huge amount of support that i've already got started of people that want to put america first and don't care about the party lines and don't care about any of the political identities involved. and that's something that i am very excited about. so i look forward to going home and seeing people in my district. i am thankful and overwhelmed by their support. i'm grateful that i had the opportunity to say the things that i don't believe and i shouldn't have said in the first place. and i'm really grateful to my
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god because he forgives me and that's what being a christian is all about. i have a message to other christians in this country. don't be lukewarm. that's not what your faith is for. our savior died on a cross so our sins can be forgiven and he doesn't want you to be quiet about it. he wants you to share the gospel with everyone. that being said i will let you guys go about your day. i will take questions, yeah. >> i wanted to ask you. you talked yesterday i wasn't here but you said on a video on january 2019 read it. you said -- >> who are you with? >> i'm with cnn. they can reach out and no longer serve in our government and a crime punish *bl by death. >> did you see my speech yesterday? how many stories did you report on russian collusion conspiracy lies.
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have you apologized for russian collusion conspiracy lies? have you -- i don't have to -- i don't have to -- >> would you stand by the fact that nancy pelosi is guilty of treason. >> you owe the people an apology. you lied about president trump. i have done mine yesterday. next question. >> did any of you hear my speech yesterday? >> you are saying he is deserving of death. >> congressman, what do you see as your role going forward? >> my role is the job i got elected to do. i will vote very conservative, pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-border, pro-america, pro-american businesses, pro-economy, pro-jobs. we need to reopen this country and need to put kids back in school. keeping them at home is killing our children. depression is high, suicide is high. we canceled prom and graduation, canceled their lives.
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i will be working hard on those policies and i will be holding the republican party accountable and pushing them to the right. >> what do you say though those 11 republicans. >> you mentioned aoc and i wanted to ask you about that. your supporters know you as mrk cg. a lot of comparisons that could be made positive and negative attention on both sides of the aisle. would you say that perhaps you maybe scare democrats and the media as well as aoc who made waves about republicans? >> there is a comparison between us in the fact we really don't care what other people think about us because i can say that for myself. i've never met her but i assume she probably feels that way. but there is a major difference in us. aoc embraces policies of socialism or what you could call communism. she wants to have all the power and then the people that she claims she wants to help her
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policies would reduce them to poverty. and they wouldn't have many freedoms left. so there is a big difference in us. i support our constitution and all of our freedoms and i will work very hard against her policies. >> one more question if i may. representative adam kinzinger on twitter said there is no remorse for your comments and a huge desire to be famous. what do you say to him and the other republicans. >> there were 10 that voted for impeachment against president trump and they definitely paid the price. they heard from republican voters. there were 11 that voted against me yesterday. and that is something that our leaders should be very upset about. kevin mccarthy and the rest of the republican party is working hard to take back the majority. when you have republicans in the ranks voting against one of their own, opening the door for democrats to go after every
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single republican next, that really is a big betrayal and that could cost us the majority in 2022. people are angry. that's all i've heard from people all morning furious about that. i hope my republican colleagues really think about what they've done. i'm sure they will hear from their voters at home. the base is loyal to president trump and the base has been very loyal to me and they've shown me that. >> my question is, is there anything that you have said that you now want to say i'm sorry for, not just you regret or walk back but is there anything you are sorry for saying in the past? >> of course, i'm sorry for saying all those things that are wrong and offensive and i sincerely mean that. i think it's good to say when we've done something wrong.
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>> david hogg was an adult when i talked to him. i don't -- he was working with the organization that was -- they were going around working hard for strict gun control laws. i'm very opposed to those policies and so being in the same situation as david hogg my voice matters, too. and so i'm not sorry for telling him he shouldn't push for gun control. what we need to do is protect our children. i think you are expecting we should protect our children and your baby as well with good guys with guns and not allow them to be sitting ducks. >> wasn't it you who had comments saying nancy pelosi should get booted -- >> this reminds me when you guys would ask president trump. president trump would say i denounce white supremacy and
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you would ask him again and he would say i denounce it. i have said it. here is the thing. when you want to keep telling the same story over and over but you don't want to tell the truth that's your problem. and that's how we end press conferences. >> harris: congresswoman marjorie taylor greene with the media as she spoke for several minutes telling reporters that she wants to like them but they have to do their jobs basically. she says i want to like you. the media has been addicting the public, our nation, to hate of her and she even said congresswoman aoc. she said it goes both ways, media from both perspectives. and she said i want to tell my story and i want you to tell my story a little bit better directly to the media and that was before she started taking
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some questions. there was a lot there and representative matt gaetz is still with me from florida. i want to bring you back in here. your top line reaction to that. >> bravo. it was so good i almost had to smoke a cigarette afterwards. policy focused, graceful. she pointed out the hypocrisy in the media. most importantly we saw yesterday democrats made marjorie taylor greene certainly the most powerful freshman in congress and possibly one of the most powerful republicans in congress. what other freshman could command a press conference like that and get it carried live with the views that emanate from her district. she have is off the leash right now. i think she will be a major communicator. if she shows the grace and the focus and the attention to policies that matter to everyday americans like she did in that press conference she will be a very successful congresswoman.
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>> harris: congressman gaetz, at one point she said her job will be now because she won't serve on education and labor committees and the budget panel as well. she said with that free time she is going to be holding the gop accountable and pushing them to the right. is the party going to change or has it already changed? she said this is still president trump's party. she said it doesn't belong to anybody else. >> i welcome marjorie taylor greene's contribution to shaping the contours of our party like i would welcome that from any other member of the republican conference. when she takes about the american first policies of not invading everywhere an inviting everyone across our borders illegally. that's important. we have republicans that want to reverse to the days before president trump and without president trump tweeting every day and sharing kind of a daily message for us to all rally around, i think it is ever the more important that the people who hold those america first
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views express them and marjorie is right. she will have a lot of time on her hands to insure she is communicating with the people of our country about what both political parties are doing and frankly both political parties need to be held accountable to do the work of our people. >> harris: you know, there are some things that i'm trying to hit here that will be headlines. this i anticipate will be one. she said going forward she has been freed from committees. that is such an interesting way to look at it. democrats in charge now, the president north of 46, 47 executive actions and orders in his first couple of weeks. she said she doesn't have to be part of all of that dictator-like type system. what does that mean to you? >> in the house of representatives, republicans have essentially no power. it's a tough thing to have to admit but it is true. how the house of representatives works.
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our job is messaging. laying out a compelling vision for america and inviting people to that vision through elections so that hopefully we can regain the majority in 2022. if imagine ory will be out there communicating a vision that draws people in, it will help our cause. so the notion that by serving on the committee you are able to impact an outcome in the minority in the house of representatives is a bit of a fiction. yesterday i try to introduce an amendment to the rules in judiciary just to say the pledge of allegiance and because i'm a minority member, republican, every democrat voted against it and we won't say the pledge of allegiance. the control nancy pelosi and the democrats exert over this institution. >> harris: i want to go deeper on that and we'll come back to greene. jerry nadler slapped down your request to begin each committee meeting with the pledge of allegiance. here is what he said.
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>> it's unnecessary. the house begins every day with the pledge of allegiance. we're covered by that. there is no necessity to say the pledge of allegiance twice or even the same day. >> harris: the daily caller exclusively obtained this audio. i think you will want to hear this. fox news hasn't independently verified. it appears to show house democrats making fun of your pledge of allegiance request. let's listen. >> i wake up in the morning and pledge allegiance to the flag. i go outside regardless of the weather and i pledge allegiance and get on my knees and pray. if i do that am i supposed to do it again? how many times a day should i do that? >> do it at least every hour. >> i remember in first grade we had something like this. >> i remember, too. on fridays at 10:00 we ducked
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below our desks because of nuclear bombs. >> you wrote a book being a military brat and what patriotism means to the people who sacrifice. it is disturbing to hear my colleagues making fund and just by saying the pledge of allegiance. jerry nadler has the i gave at the office for patriotism. in these times when our country needs to see republicans and democrats can do something together that we can come together in some ways, i just thought it would be a nice gesture before debating some admittedly divisive issues. corey bush is also on the judiciary committee. new member. she have opposed my amendment to say the pledge of allegiance because it was a symbol of white supremacy. i thought it could be something unifying and you see from either mockery or incendiary comments about race or an unwillingness to spend an extra
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15 seconds recommitting ourselves to the flag we face democrat opposition to that effort. >> harris: you've been very transparent where the power lies right now. this president had promised, congressman gaetz, there would be not just bipartisanship but there would be unity around certain ideas. is that happening? >> i'm hopeful for it but i didn't hear nancy pelosi make the same commitment. i hope the president listens to republicans on everything from the coronavirus to foreign policy but there are different views within the republican party. i certainly hope that president biden doesn't reach for the trade policy of paul ryan and the foreign policy of dick cheney. i think there are policies that president trump was working on that are for the benefit of the people in our country and i think president biden would do well to give some credence to the successes and to the progress that we've made over the last four years. >> harris: congressman matt gaetz. we came together on a number of
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issues but primarily brought together by marjorie taylor greene and getting to watch her and get your first response. good to see you today. appreciate your response. rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel is now with me. first i want to get your reaction to congresswoman taylor greene and what she just said about your political party. let's watch and we'll come back. >> he was the president that didn't care about your skin color because god created us all equal and thank god our constitution affirms that. he was a president that wanted every single person to achieve and that's why we supported him. that's why i've always supported him. when i tell you republican voters support him still. the party is his. it doesn't belong to anybody else. >> harris: those words are where i started with congressman gaetz because i think it is such a huge headline that the party still belongs to president trump.
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is she right? >> well, the president received 74 million votes increased his margin by over 11 million, increased his margin with minority voters to the highest in any republican in 60 years. he is the most popular republican. there is a throat to unpack with what she just said. i wish she would have said it three days ago before the vote was taken. to hear her apologize and the republican party doesn't support qanon theories or deniers of 9/11 and saying sorry for some of the things she said in the past. it was so important that she did that. then she talked about what we do believe. we're pro-life and care about school choice and everybody having an opportunity to access the american dream. rule of law, making sure our borders are protected, reverence for our men and women
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who serve in military and law enforcement. so many of the great things she talked about do exemplify our party and important she distanced herself from some of her past statements. >> harris: you wish she had said it three days ago you might not have had the 11 republicans vote with democrats but i don't know if you believe that you could change the democrats' minds. a quick yes or no and we'll move on. >> no, of course not. democrats don't hold their members accountable. we've seen that with omar and tlaib but democrats, of course, will always go after republicans every chance they get. >> harris: we'll move to this. president biden at the state department yesterday ronna in his first major foreign policy speech declared, quote, america is back. former secretary of state mike pompeo asked what exactly does that mean? watch. >> does he mean back to when isis controlled the caliphate in syria that was the size of
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britain? i hope not. does he mean back letting china walk all over us destroying millions of jobs in kansas and south carolina like we know so well. i hope that's not what he means by back. does he mean back to dysing allies and friends like israel and treating terrorists in iran like friends? i don't think the american people can afford to go back to eight more years of barack obama's foreign policy. >> harris: your response and your thoughts on what america is back means? >> i think mike is right, secretary pompeo. biden's -- he is continuing to do that. joining the who. not hoeltding china accountable for the virus that has decimated our world. joining the paris climate accord. china again not held accountable but the u.s. is. getting rid of the keystone pipeline, killing energy jobs and making us more dependent on the middle east. every foreign policy decision
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that joe biden makes is wrong. so yes, he is back to his old ways and hurting our country. >> harris: ronna mcdaniel i'm glad you were here today to respond to congresswoman marjorie taylor greene but all the other news happening this hour. good to see you. pressure is building on president biden to pick a side in the fight over reopening schools. will it be the teachers unions? or america's children? pick a side. the latest answer from the white house. veteran homeowners: during uncertain times, money in the bank can bring you and your family real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa.
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i love foreign travel. >> harris: white house press secretary jen psaki insisting president biden wants children in the classroom but not saying if he would stand up to teachers unions over safety concerns to get it done. today's "new york post" front page gives the president an f failing grade on reopening schools. the post wrote this. biden needs to stand up for the country's school kids, their education and return to the classrooms. power panel slides in now. fox news political analyst is here and former obama administration staffer. jana, i come to you first for your thoughts on this? >> i think the slogan when joe biden said he was for working men and women was a farce, why? his first days in office he cancels the keystone pipeline costing thousands of good paying jobs. he is standing in the way by way of supporting the teachers union who gave $43 million in
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donations this past election cycle to what as you can expect democrats. he have is not for the parents especially in the place like the city of chicago where i'm from who rely on their kids being in school so they can go to work. a lot of minority parents and students who are living in poverty in some cases. these are people who need to have their children in school so they can work and he continues to stand in the way versus trying to encourage them to pass a deal to get these kids back in school. >> harris: you use such a good example because it is like top of the news this week, chicago and the mayor lightfoot there who stood alone, roger, there was not another democrat with her yesterday and she was trying to navigate this situation. it has turned out to be a mess. she can't get the teachers to do what she needs them to do. why won't biden pick a side and get this done? >> first off, harris, thank you for having me. great to be here. i read the post article.
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i also read the "wall street journal" article which lays out more of a comprehensive case. there are a number of barriers that need to be gotten through. first and foremost the status of the next relief package is very important. we are not hitting our vaccination goals. and yes, no one should be surprised that unions go to the mat for the safety of their members. just look at something like the meat packing industry which is one of the least unionized businesses in the country where the virus tore through it like a tornado. >> harris: this evidence doesn't show what you are pointing to. the cdc said it. the new director has said it. the evidence does not show. the scientific data do not show that teachers need to be vaccinated because the data don't show that the little ones are super spreaders. that's just a one and one match there, right? so for you to compare it to a
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meat packing industry type of situation where they are side-by-side. it is completely different osha situation that is watched than what the data show coming right out of the cdc. it is a little mind-boggling. is that politics or did you just not know? >> i grant your point. my point was more about -- we shouldn't be surprised ooun yons go to the mat for the safety of their members. >> harris: it doesn't match up. this isn't a safety issue for them. >> the biden administration has very clear that they want parents earning and children learning. they don't even have their secretary of health and human services or secretary of education in place yet and all the policies currently under review. i'm assuming the numbers show we probably didn't hit our vaccination targets in january and look forward a bit. we don't have full control of the federal machinery yet and won't hit our vaccination targets in february. >> harris: in your argument in
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every state i know about in that 1a and 1b category teachers aren't in it. what you are saying is you want states and school districts to go outside of the boundaries of the things that have been established, those people, the elderly, those with morbidities, you want teachers to step in front. i want my kids in school, too. i hear you. but we have decided through our situation with the fda, the vaccines, cdc what keeps people safe. if unions aren't on board with that somebody tell us the rules. roger, i'll come right back to you. go ahead. >> one quick point. unions have been talking about safety and covid but yet in chicago as an example they don't want to be in a classroom with 20 or 30 kids but are saying that they would go out and strike with 25,000 other teachers. what does that say about safety standards?
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>> harris: roger. >> you can look new york, chicago and california. let's look at alabama where 30 teachers or public school employees have died in one district because they were aggressive about reopening. i agree states should have the latitude now they wish. they have had to dial that back and reimplement a strict structure. to try to move forward in a way that we review the current policy which the biden administration is doing across the board we get control of the federal machinery and then we work with states to try to get kids back into the classroom. i don't see why anyone should be shocked that's the plan or that teachers unions are trying to protect their members at the same time. >> you have no evidence to support the tracing came from students in a classroom. they could have come from anywhere. >> harris: i'll jump in. the overarching question is why won't president biden pick a side and stand up to the unions
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based on his new cdc director's data that show that all that has been done is enough to get those teachers into the classroom vaccinations or not part of the equation. i'll scoot. great to see you both. "outnumbered" is next. you don't want to miss it. a di, traded with a touch. the gold standard, so to speak ;) mike shopped for the lowest mortgage rate and chose amerisave. a choice he'll never regret... ...unlike using perm plus, a shampoo which attracts cats. lots and lots of cats. visit now. lower mortgage rates mean higher savings.
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>> february is black history month end to kick off our coverage we are bringing you the inside story of the megachurch pastor in dallas texas, bishop td drake. he now leads a 30,000 member paris and a multiple media empire. lauren green is live in new york. >> bishop td drake says so much more than a teacher. all of this serves a higher calling. >> i want you to start right now, i have something to tell you right now. >> bishop to td jakes is a christian pastor with a passion. the men began preaching to a congregation of ten has become a global phenomenon crossing racial and cultural boundaries. >> we all need each other. this tribalism that we break into whether it's politics or
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race or by religion is counterproductive to our existence as human beings. >> born in south charleston, west virginia, his mother and educator, his father started his own janitorial service. he grew up in the racially and politically tense years of the 1960s. he turned to the only help you newcomb of the bible. >> i was searching through the pages looking for mentoring and guidance and answers and to fill the void of losing my natural father and ran into my heavenly father. that started a journey which i am still on today. >> his global ministry is based out of the 30,000 member potter's house in dallas, texas. his entrepreneurial palace expanded an empire to include film, books, and hosting radio and tv shows. since 2,000 oncoming con men magazine called him america's best preacher. >> i met a communicator. whether it's on the stage or
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with a pen i am communicating to this generation. >> bishop jakes has made it a top priority to reach out to the black community about the safety of the covid vaccine. harris, back to you. >> harris: loris, thank you very much. "outnumbered" on the other side of this break. did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin.
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that's me. with no income verification and no appraisal va streamline refi from newday usa >> we begin with a fox news alert as we await president biden's remarks as senate democrats are plowing ahead with the nearly $2 trillion covid-19 stimulus plans, signaling they will move forward with their agenda without any republican support. the senate in a marathon overnight session past a buzz at resolution 51-50 along party lines. vice president kamala harris had no tie
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