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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  February 5, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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♪ "tucker carlson tonight" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight" i'm mark steyn in for tucker. what is the united states congress for as they tell us incessantly. it's the citadel of democracy. even though it doesn't do any of the things other democracies too. there are no debates just staff or written speeches in which a man pretends to be addressing a legislature by talking to himself in an empty room like an eric swalwell presidential rally. sometimes they move a staffer adjacent to the great or tore to look agoing to.
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no legislation. whenever a 5593 page covid relief bill is, it's not a law. none of the so-called legislators of the so-called legislative branch right or read their own, quote, legislation. i used to be naive enough to think these perversions of laugh were at least written by staffers. like that nice lady who sits next to chuck schumer who looks her best to be dazzled by his rhetoric. my best guess now it's a google algorithm. the lobbyists enter their wish list at stiff the and then the algorithm turns it all together and you find out you are getting 60 bucks for every month you haven't been allowed to open your gym or hair salon and some village hedman in who gives astan 30 times that take your child bride to work day promotion. it's not a parliament. it's not legislature not a citadel of democracy. it's a per severitied will dungeon of democracy you are
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hanging upside down and no safe word. last night we finally found out what the citadel of democracy is a citadel of. it's a citadel of psychotherapy. it's a self-help group for people who suddenly know how to help themselves. by direction of speaker pelosi survivors took to the floor of the house to tell their stories of survival. >> some are already demanding that we move on or worse, attempting to minimize, discredit, or belittle the accounts of survivors. in doing so, they not only further harm those who were there that day, and provide cover for those responsible, but they also send a tremendously damaging message to survivors of trauma all across this country. >> mark: you might think that's what tremendously damaging to survivors of trauma is for an insulated ruling class protected by its own dedicated police
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force to start appropriating the language and status of victimhood for themselves. talk about your cultural appropriation. we don't want to belittle the accounts of survivors as aoc says. aoc survived ted cruz trying to murder her. if you are also a survivor a ted cruz murder attempt, they have now got a ribbon for that although juliette mistook it for a noose. some survive january 6th by being in an entirely different building far away from the building anything was happening in. in the same way some survivors is survived pearl harbor by living in idaho for the entirety of 1941. in the 180s robert sorenson a connecticut state representative cramed to have opinion a vietnam combat. when it turned out he wasn't mr, for the first time ever the american public had before them a war in theirisms, he explained. every single person in these
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united states fought in that war in vietnam. so, in a sense, i was there. so in a sense, even though she was back in her own home, recovering from the covid vaccine shot she got months before your grandma is ever going to get it. even though she was not present at the capitol, rashida tlaib was there in spirit. rashida tlaib the woman that screeched to impeach the mother bleeper was sobbing and complaining about the heated rhetoric. >> the problem being here existing as a muslim mom imagine my team which i lovingly just adore their diverse, i have lgbtq staff. i have a beautiful muslim that wears her ha jean proudly in the halls. i have black women that are so proud to be here to serve their
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country and i worry every day for their lives. because of this rhetoric. >> impressive. that is the ultimate diversity. diversity of congressional entourage. asked a member of the norwegian parliament whether she had any lgbtq staffers, any muslim staffers, and any black female staffers and she told us i don't have any staffers. but in the american system a congressional survivor can delegate her survival like everything else to her staffers. that free's up time for representative tlaib to teach her kids four syllable words. >> when your son was your momma loves you mom, bullies don't win i said baby they don't woe because we are going to go in there and we are going to impeach the [bleep] >> mark: it's almost like there is some kind of connection between calling the president a mother bleeper and a more
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general degeneration in respect for politicians. maybe some university could do a survey about that. survival can exact a terrible price. pity poor dean phillips a middle aged white bloke representing an overwhelmingly white strict in minnesota. he in there figuring there is no way i can get a piece of this survivor action short of having my transition back dated a month and then the muse descends. dean phillips it turns out is also a survivor he was so traumatized that he was driven to pass for republican. for i felt that the insurrectionist who were trying to break down the doors right here would spare us if they simply mistook us for republicans. but within moment, i recognized that blending in was not an option available to my colleagues of color so i'm here
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tonight to say to my brothers and sisters in congress and all around our country i'm sorry. i'm sorry for i have never understood really understood what privilege really means. >> mark: he had never understood what white privilege really means until he hold up in a stationary cupboard with adam kinzinger and mitt romney for three hours wearing old security pass for trent lott found behind the third urinal in the men's room. asked to talk plausibly about small government and individual liberty. but adam and mitt just laughed in his face. national legislatures do come under attack through the years. the house of commons westminster may 11th, 1941, the mother of parliament gone, totaled. winston churchill didn't hold a
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therapy session. the house of commons in ottawa just a couple of years ago a jihadist comes down the center block firing his weapon and the sergeant at arms, which is basically a fill better and sullivan ceremonial position he carries the mace into the chamber each day as the symbol of royal authority, the sergeant of arms had to grab the rusting pistol in his desk drawer and take the guy down. this is not that. never mind the ones who weren't there. there is no evidence the ones who were ever encountered a single insurrectionist or member of the public. if any of these survivors had broken through the army of staffers and done what boozey old boris yeltsin did facing down the coup on top of a tank in 191 they would be the run away favorite for the 2024 nomination there were victims on january the 6th. the ladies shot at close range
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by capitol police who seems to have been memory holds by the memory certain police officers themselves but not the political class. we are degenerating into an even more pathetic alternative reality here. for years now the dominant public discourse has been between the state and approved victim classes. those identity groups recognized and favored by our society. and now in the most audacious move yet people with enentourages people who can't remember the last time they had to write a personal check. people's whose husbands get 2.8 million bucks to consult with someone they wake up with every morning. a declaring that a ruling class ever more diswekd from the rhythms of american life is, in fact, the ultimate victim group in our society. dana loesch is a nationally syndicated radio host and is always great to have her with
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us. dana, there are actually victims particularly these last seven or eight months in the united states, but i would not put aoc in rashida among them. >> no. i would not either, mark. and bravo by the way for that most amazing monologue. i have been sitting here giggling while i was listening to you i have to add before i answer your question privilege is also being a member of congress and being able to be protected by 30,000 national guard members who are armed and also requesting crewmanned machine guns while you have federal courthouses on the other side of the country attacked and ice facilities and the rest of us attempting to disarm. mark, to your point, i thank you for having me on this. you're absolutely right. there have been a lot of victims over the past year and actually years before that that i don't believe received an invitation to go and share their lived experience of trauma? i don't think at horse anderson
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the father whose son was killed by far left activists that place chaz the place they tried to garden but didn't successfully. i don't think he got an invitation to go and share his lived experiences david done's family one of the officers in my town st. louis murdered by matters and antifa rioters. their family wasn't given appear indication nor, mark, i don't think anybody in minneapolis, any of those business owners that had their livelihoods burned to the ground they weren't given invitation oh, mark, also nor were the families and children and staff at the ronald mcdonald cancer center in chicago when violent leftist rioters attacked that facility and they were all terrified inside, oh, mark, one more, i don't think also that the family of the children in virginia in richmond, virginia, when apparently according to reports, violent leftist set a building on fire which actually was their home and then they tried to block first responders from getting there and rescuing the children inside. to my memory, i don't think any of those victims have been
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invited to go and share their lived experience on the floor with the squad. >> mark: no, and thank you for mentioning all those, dana. they are unknown and unnamed to this appalling insulated ruling class that now seriously thinks essentially that they are the victims of the masses. dana, it's always great to see you. thank you for remembering the many victims in this land from the last, the many true victims in this land from the last seven or eight months. last night, we told you that bank of america had scanned through its customers private financial information following the january the 6th capitol riot. we have an update on our exclusive reporting. that is straight ahead on "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪
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oh, you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that. cause when you hook our community up with the internet... boom! look at ariana, crushing virtual class. jamol, chasing that college dream. michael, doing something crazy. this is the place where we can show the world what we can do. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wifi-enabled lift zones, so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ ♪ >> mark: last night we reported exclusively that bank of america secretly went through its customers' private financial data after the capitol hill riot and sent a list of names to the feds. >> tucker: bank of america is, without the knowledge or the consent of its customers, sharing private information with federal law enforcement
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agencies. bank of america effectively is acting as an intelligence agency. but they are not telling you about it. in the days after the january 6th riot at the capitol, bank of america went through its open customers' financial and transaction records, a lot of them. now, these were the private record of americans who had committed no crime. people, who as far as we know, had absolutely nothing to do with what happened at the capitol on january 6th. >> mark: we know that bank of america scanned through its customers' financial records, specifically bank of america squealed to the feds on customers who met at least the following four criteria. number one, customers confirmed as transacting either through bank account, debit card, or credit card purchases in washington, d.c. between januar. number two, customers making purchases for hotels or air b and bs in d.c., virginia, and maryland after january 6th.
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number 3, customers shopping at a weapons-related merchant between japan 7th and their upcoming suspected stay in the d.c. area around inauguration day. and number 4, customers making any airline related purchases from january the 6th. we know that bank of america used these criteria to identify 211 customers of alleged interest to federal law enforcement. one of those customers was interviewed by the feds and cleared of any wrongdoing. bank of america told us they don't comment on law enforcement inquiries. but insisted they always comply with the law. francey hakes is a former prosecutor, always glad to see her, and she joins us to assess the legality of what bank of america has been doing to its customers. francey, what's your take in this? >> well, you know, mark, it's
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really odd and interesting the statement the bank issued today didn't say anything about search warrants, subpoenas, or court orders. which i would expect in the hub hubbub when this came to light they would immediately fall back on having been given legal process in order to comply with these requests. the constitution of this country is a fourth amendment does not allow these kind of searches when it's not particularized. that is a particular term that we use in the law particularized searches. that is a federal agent has to go a federal judge or appear before the grand jury and get an order or a warrant or a subpoena and hand it to someone like the bank and say person a, francey hakes is suspected of committing a riot or insurrection or incitement on this day at this time in washington, d.c. and we expect that the evidence you hold in your bank would show that she was there, which will
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help us prove that she committed a crime. that is required by the constitution. it does not look like that was done here at all. the supreme court has held many times that federal agents cannot rummage through data in order to try to find evidence of a crime. financial information is highly private in this country. and is given high level protection. >> mark: isn't there a slight contradiction then there between your constitutional rights and the post 9/11 security state where, for instance, fairly routine transactions the bank -- for example, it began with the $10,000. if you put in a check for 11.5000, they are to notify the feds. and then people started putting in -- it became a requirement that if they were just below 10,000 that in itself was suspicious you had to report 9750 deposit.
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hasn't banking as tucker put it, in effect, become nationalized in the arm of the state under the post 9/11 regimes? >> well, mark, known one way. those are suspicious activity reports for financial information that suggest you are using the bank in an illegal way. that somehow your transaction itself is illegal. that isn't used to prove that you were in a particular place committing a completely unrelated crime. i mean, a murder is committed in downtown atlanta tonight down the street from where i live and they suddenly ask all the banks in the area to tell them all the customers who were transacting. that's not the way the constitution works. that's not the way liberty loving country works. that's not the way federal law enforcement is allowed to utilize private companies and i will be very interested to see what else the bank has to say about whether or not they were given legal process. if anyone is prosecuted using this information, i suspect they
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will have a very easy time kicking that data out of court for violating the fourth amendment. >> mark: well, let's hope so, francey. because as you point out these are all actually entirely routine activities. using a debit card in the washington, d.c. area the idea that that is somehow is -- there is enough probable cause on that to list everybody who used the debit card -- this is ridiculous stuff. thank you very much for that, francey. undocumented immigrants infected with the coronavirus are now flooding american hotel rooms and the biden administration is paying for it. which means you're paying for it. that's coming up straight ahead on "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪
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>> mark: there are now 3,000 illegal immigrants being caught every single day right now on the southern border. a year ago that number was much lower, roughly 1200 aliens were being caught every day last year at this time. we spoke to former customs and border protection commissioner mark morgan about this surge. he told us, quote, the crisis is already upon us. so, what is the biden administration doing about this crisis? they are encouraging even more illegal immigrants to come here as quickly as possible. first, joe biden has signed an executive order releasing thousands of illegal aliens all at once. the new administration is reviving what's known as the catch and release policy. the biden administration has said three factors have led to the decision to release illegals. first, an increase of migrant
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traffic, specifically families from central america and unaccompanied children. second, mexico's revel to accept additional families with children underaged 12. and, third, the coronavirus, which has greatly reduced border patrol detention and transport capacity here is how customs and border protection officer rod puts it. cbp has seen a steady increase in border encounters since 2020 which aggravated by covid-19 restrictions and social distancing guidelines, has caused some of facilities to reach maximum safe holding capacity. per long understanding practice when long-term solutions aren't possible, some migrants will be processed for removal provided a notice to appear, and released into the u.s. to await a future immigration hearing.
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in other words, there are so many coronavirus patients that the biden administration simply compelled to release them into the country. but don't worry, the white house assures us that this is all very safe to screen all these brand new u.s. residents. the government is now sending 10,000 coronavirus tests to cities in south texas. any illegal immigrants who test positive for the controversies are being sent to nearby hotels at taxpayer expense. if you were planning on taking a trip to south texas, you should know that there is a god chance your hotel is about to be flooded with covid positive patients. the biden administration wants you to know that you can check in any time you want and if you stay long enough if your suite, you might check out permanently. buff the food news doesn't stop there, the biden administration has also said it willed a 700 beds for, quote: unaccompanied
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minors at a newly reopened shelter in texas along with 500 additional beds day processing facility in donna, texas. the department of health and human services said those beds would be needed soon. quote: hhs is mindful of these children's vulnerability and our priority is the safety and well-being of each child in our care. hh anticipates the need to start plating children carrizo springs in 15 days or soon after that. sounds like kids in cages are making a comeback. don't be ridiculous when the democrat party puts kids in cages, it's just a sign of their big heartedness. lara logan is an investigative journalist and the host of "larr la logan has no agenda" return to the border on fox nation. that alone is worth the cost
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your fox nation subscription harrahs what do you make of this. >> there is a number of critical things being left out of that overview, mark, in that statement from can you say ton and border protection which are namely that this isn't something that the biden administration has been forced to do. when they announced that they were ending the remain in mexico program, which compels people who want to claim asylum to wait in mexico, that was really the signal for many people to come here. because now they know that they can -- will be released. but, critically, at the same time, lawsuits brought by people who are pro-immigration and pro-open borders and a ruling from the judge mean that family groups now are defined as any child 12 years and under. and the definition of a group has been expanded. so it no longer has to be your mother or father.
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a close relative like that. it can be a more distant relative. also, earn in the family group is now eligible for the same, you know, notice to appear and be released. and on top of that, there are so many people now coming that what they are doing is the processing center is full. it can't take fewer patients because of covid. everyone who comes in that group with a child adults or not. they can now be released into the country. they are not being taken to mcallen and processed fully. there is no interviews to make sure it actually is your child. there is no d.n.a. testing. the form that went from this, you know, with all the questions and the information that they would gather has now gone to a quick on your own recognizance release form which is an or form. where they basically write at the river they're giving -- they are doing this one form, getting a few basic things from you. have no idea what is true and what isn't drew. do a criminal background check in the computer system. and off you go. that's it right there.
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and you are supposed to walk into mcallen and maybe you show up. maybe you don't. >> mark: just let me make, i guess, a kind of primitive point here. we live in a locked down world in which international travel for anybody is basically dead now on the northern border. if a business went from buffalo wants to go to a business meeting in toronto, he has to have a three day quarantine at a government isolation facility and pay a $2,000 fee. why is the southern border, you know, you have got borders -- someone from london can't go to paris. have you got borders all over europe. why is the southern border of the into australia, why is the southern border of the united states uniquely immune from the pandemic restrictions? >> because it's a political hot potato. and the people who are pro-open borders and pro-much more
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expansive immigration program, they see the pandemic, when it comes to the southern border, as being an illegitimate reason to return people back to mexico. so, under title 42, public health restrictions, the trump administration came up, you know, with this -- they return everybody. and now they -- it's uncertain what's going to happen with that. >> mark: that's amazing, lara. thank you for that. and if you haven't yet seen lara's show on fox nation, you really ought to. the boston and they took all this information from me and the department of homeland security called me up a couple of days later to check if i was complying with it and i was on the up and up. apparently on the rio grande none of that matter, amazing. if you want to own a gun, you might need to under go a psychological evaluation. we'll tell you why. that's next on tucker. ♪ ♪
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>> mark: texas congresswoman sheila jackson lee is now demanding psychological evaluations for every gun owner. her plan would require interviews with, quote: the spouse of the individual, any former spouse of the individual, and at least two other persons who are a member of the family of or an associate of the individual to further determine the state of the mental, emotional and relational stability of the individual in relation to firearms. and they would, of course, be an $800 processing fee if you want to own a gun. so you would still have the second amendment. it's just like a bit of an entry fee to access your rights under it. according to sheila jackson lee this law is needed because of all those ak-47s on the street. >> simple legislation that could be passed. i think it is crucial in america that we do so.
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because the violence has many roots, housing healthcare, poverty but certainly it has the tool and that is guns. that is automatic weapons like ak-47s and others more sophisticated. >> mark: the last time i took notice of sheila jackson lee she was complaining that hurricanes had too many white names like hurricane nigel and we needed to have more black names for hurricanes like hurricane latifah. so maybe actually she is the one who should be undergoing the psychological evaluation. colion noir is a gun rights advocate and he joins us to assess this proposal. what do you make of this colion. >> honestly i think the proposal is disgusting. because what it does is takes a constitutional right and turns it into a privilege. you have to think about it. with all of the requirements
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that hr 127 would require, if i'm of the lower economic status, i'm not going to be able to afford to have the right to defend myself because i'm required to pay $800 just to actually exercise my right not to mention the cost of actually buying the gun and buying the ammunition for the gun and then requiring insurmountable amount of training just to exercise a constitutional right. you have turned it into a privilege. i think it's disgusting. >> mark: yeah. and this idea that you have got to have four people who have to testify about your mental state. can you imagine the size of the bureaucracy that would be required to do that? i mean, she thinks she has figured out an end run around the second amendment though. and around the second amendment and she is pretty confident that her party will go along with it. >> well, to be honest with you, can you blame her? at this point they control the senate and house and executive with joe biden in office.
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she is emboldened and most of the other politicians who are anti-gun are also emboldened. that's why she would try to pass this disgusting piece of legislation now and hasn't tried to do it before. in her mindth way she sees it we control the u.s. at this point. so if i can put as much of this as i can into this particular bill, i'm more than likely going to be able to get it passed. and if anything this should tell all the people in this country and demonstrate this was never trying to pass common sense measures. this was always trying to restrict your right as much as possible. because when they do have the power, look at the things that they are trying to pass. somebody who is doing something good doesn't try to pass something like this. >> mark: right. that's actually a critical point. usually when people start talking about common sense measures we can all agree on, there is none of that here. she is just saying we're going to drive a stake through your right to own a firearm. it's over. we're not talking about common sense measures we can all agree on. slippery slope. any of that. she just wants to kill it stone dead right off.
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>> and then on top of that, he we are going to try to fleece you for as much money as possible by trying to make it as expensive as possible to exercise a constitutional right. could you imagine them trying to do that with any constitutional right that we have in this country. but for some reason. >> mark: oh, yes. no, no. i could imagine that. actually. they could well do the same thing with the first amendment. if you want to plush controversial book, you will have to pay an $800 processing fee and we will check out whether your ex-wife thinks you a in ther. they could apply that all the way down through every basic liberty here. that's why you should always stop this thing when they come for your first right. thank you very much colion, great to have you are with us. great to see you tonight. the boss of amazon, jeff bezos, he is the richest guy in the world. but that's not enough. so he has concocted a creepy new plan to squeeze every possible bit of life out of his hapless it will.
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that's coming up next on tucker.
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>> mark: amazon workers at delivery stations are now claiming that jeff bezos, the richest guy in the world, is forcing them to work mega cycle shifts. these mega cycle shifts run from 1 o'clock a.m. to noon. and according to one news report, any worker who doesn't comply with being threatened with termination. the one and only dr. siegel is here. he is the author of covid, the politics of fear and the power of science. dr. siegel is working for jeff bezos good for your health? >> well, it may not be. but this report i have to tell you, mark, you may be one of the wittiest men of the 21st century. if you go back to the 20th century 1936 the if you pleasiest man i ever knew put
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out a movie called are times charlie chapman pointed out it wasn't the machinery it was the dehumanization of the individual. you lost your personality. let's flash forward now 85 years to chicago. dch 1 warehouses closing down. amazon saying hey, we're going to put you together last mile delivery of our product to a 10 and a half hour shift starting at 1 o'clock a.m., mark. 1 o'clock a.m. and finishing right before noon. and meanwhile, a group called dch 1ian united is saying what about the $2 per hour pay raise and 20 minute breaks? i'm saying as a public health person i'm saying what about the lighting? what about the working conditions? what about the food? what about masks? how close together are these people? because it may very well be conducive for falling, for depression, for mental health issues, for spread of the virus.
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and also, mark, and this is really ironic, what about the children at home who are stuck at home because the schools are closed in chicago? and these mega cycles aren't only in chicago. they are around the country as well. i have a prescription tonight. i don't have a business degree, i have a medical prescription. we need lighting. we need breaks. we need separation. we need food. and most of all, we need workers who do not feel that their forced to work here under these conditions, mark. had. >> mark: you sound like a victorian social reformer and with jeff bezos as one of those mustache twirling super villains of the 19th century. i don't think he thinks of himself like that but if he didn't also own "the washington post" that might be how the press portray him. dr. siegel, always great to see you. thank you for that. >> shout schildkrout to charlie
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chaplain. >> mark: absolutely shoutout to charlie chaplain. the cdc more health issues has issued new guidance ahead of the super bowl because that's super crews. according to the cdc, fans should avoid chanting or cheering. instead they should, quote, stomp with their feet, clap or bring handheld noise makers instead. if that sounds ridiculous, dr. fauci wants you to know that you are a needs to shut up and stay quiet as he said lay low and cool it. he sounds like a gang leader in west side story. meanwhile los angeles restaurants aren't even allowed to have tvs on at all as one los angeles bar owner pointed out none of this makes any sense. >> what are we going to tell people? you can sit outside on one of america's biggest sports holidays but you can't watch the game? you should look at the bigger
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picture. if 500 people are allowed to go into walmart and shop next to each other. why can't i have 30 people inside watching the super bowl? >> mark: kevin is hercules and he also runs the best twitter feed of the alleged biden era. this is the greatest tweet of the alleged biden era so far. kevin, this was your terrific tweet on jen psaki. could you see it where you are? do you want to read it for us? >> i can't see it unfortunately. >> mark: i will read it for you. kevin goes here's my jen psaki impression. how does the biden administration plan on saving american lives from covid-19? yeah, i will have to circle pack on that but in the meantime did, you know we have a pan sexual accountant? that's the greatest tweet of the alleged biden era and kevin
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sorbo came up with that. from the fun stuff to the joyless super bowl, what do you make of all these regulations? >> it's all craziness. been doing it for a year now. i remember when fauci came out in march you don't have to wear a mask you are fine. i know behind closed doors dude, don't tell them that. tell them they have to wear a mask. as we know they are using fear as a weapon and all about controlling our lives and look what it's doing. i look at sporting events because i love sports and degree up playing sport. i am watching football and basketball. i miss college basketball that's about it. i'm watching golf today and watch players walk around they don't have masks on and caddies don't have masks on. one cameraman 50 yards away by himself wearing his mask. we can walk into restaurants wearing a mask. the minute we sit down we can take them off because covid hangs up higher than where you are seated. it's just weird. i don't dismiss what's going on with this vice. know it's dangerous and contagious.
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the relate 99.7 recovery rate if you get it. look what they're doing to businesses around the world let alone america. >> mark: something slightly creepy about it. two third of the people in the stadium are actually going to be cardboard cutouts because apparently it's only safe to play professional sports in front of cardboard cutouts now. you are an actor. would you want to be on the winter garden on broadway playing to 2,000 cardboard cutouts? i mean this is actually the death of any come come moon activity, isn't it. >> i don't know how any professional sports owners can keep paying salaries. nobody showing up for these games. all long. i recently went tote ohio state alabama college football game down in miami. there was about 1,000 people in there. it was at least interesting to hear something, some kind of noise. because i know it gets the prayers going. they love it and get into it. it's just strange watching sports right now the way we are
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watching them. >> mark: it makes a lot of noise and it their argument is it's like covid dancing in the air and descending on people for miles around. we will see how it works out with this super bowl, kevin. because it's a different way of doing things. thank you for joining us and keep tweeting because that is recommendation trust me. >> mark: fabulous tweets. thank you for that, kevin. >> there is more to come. thank you. >> mark: yeah. you got jen psaki quicker than anyone. thank you for that, kevin. that is about it for us tonight. tune in next week because i will be hosting fox news prime time 7:00 p.m. eastern time and i'm basically going to be tucker carlson's warm-up act and that's the gigs don't get any better than that, do they? so i will be tucker's warm up act and tucker will be back here 8:00 p.m. eastern time on monday in the grand universal scheme of things, of course, we are all
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mere warm-up acts for the one and only sean hannity. who is standing by with a full 60 minutes of fun and frolics for you. do have yourself a fabulous weekend. tucker back monday. ♪ welcome to hannity this friday night. straight ahead we are going to have a preview super bowl lv, super bowl sunday on its way. let's hope for one day, a few hours, don't try to politicize the game pretty much like they keep everything else in the world after the year that we've had. i think we can probably all collectively as a country use the 4-5-6 hours of nonpartisan entertainment without any political hysteria. more coming up on that. first tonight we are nearing th end


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