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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 5, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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have a great weekend. no politics. enjoy the super bowl. enjoy the time with your friends and family. we'll take care of everything and get back to business monday. have a great super bowl weekend. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from a very busy friday nights. days before the senate impeachment trial begins. the lawyer for former president trump is here exclusively to break down the defense. also, as this weekend, so too does our series on how the black lives matter curriculum is infecting your school. if you think it's only in big cities, wait till you hear from one outraged mother. it's scary. raymond arroyo debuts freestyling buyen in friday's follies. first, the unholy trinity. that's the focus of tonight's
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angle. two months ago, president trump was roundly ridiculed for making this observation. >> for months, leading up to the presidential election, we will warn that we shall not declare a premature victory. we were told that it would take weeks if not months to determine the winner to verify the results. my opponent was told to stay away from the election. don't campaign. we don't need you. we've got it. this election is done. in fact, they were acting like they already knew what the outcome was going to be. >> laura: well, turns out he was right, this is not some paranoid fantasy. there was a real and vast conspiracy to unseat him and now it's laid out as clear as day in the pages of "time" magazine.
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the article written by nancy pelosi molly ball describes this effort as "a well-funded cabal of powerful people working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information." they were not rigging the election, they were fortifying it. they believe the public needs to understand fragility in order to ensure that democracy in america endures." mrs. ball wants to cast this, maybe shadowy left's heros of democracy. one of the umbrella groups called it the democracy defense coalition. catchy, right? that's not what they were up to. now, this wasn't about protecting democracy but about knocking out trump using any means necessary. tonight we're going to lay out
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the three major players of this unholy trinity. first is big tech. it's no secret that mark zuckerberg are leftists and supported biden. time reports in november 2019, mark zuckerberg invited nine civil rights leaders to his home. they warned him act the danger of the election-related falsehoods. took brain storming, conversations to get to a place where we ended up with more rigorous rules and enforcement says bonita gupta. she's biden's associate attorney general.
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perhaps a reward for her good work. now these meetings paid huge dividends for the biden team. in the months before election day, the social media giants were joe's ministry of truth. they erased the "new york post" bomb shell on the hunter biden laptop and all the china con -- connections. a poll from november found that 4.6% of biden voters would not have voted for him had they been aware of the hunter biden scandal. biden only beat trump by 4.4% of the vote. of course, we can't leave out the fact that zuckerberg was key to realizing mass mail-in ballots. he donated $300 million to local
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election offices and the liberal activists masquerading as nonparter voter education. they expanded vote by mail and enrolled millions of voters that brings me to number 2. blm. when it came to turning out voters at the polls, these marxist radicals were indispensable. they created election defenders in early voting and election day they surrounded lines with a joy to the polls effort that turned the act of casting a ballot into a street party. black organizers recruited thousands to ensure polling places would stay open in their community. in other words, blm was really
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loyal biden foot soldiers. i seem to remember someone saying something about this six months ago or so. >> what you're seeing on the streets that left ward lurch of the democratic party is their reaction against you. not just that they despise trump, but they despise you. your patriotism, your church going, your christian values. you represent the old mesh that they want to destroy. root and branch. >> laura: the third anti-trump force in this unholy trinity is of course big business. now back in september, we saw a lot of headlines like this one from cnn. pro business chamber of commerce is backing 23 vulnerable house freshmen for re-election. 18 of those democrats voted in support of a $15 minimum wage, which has long been a goal of big labor and the chamber
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opposes. the chamber's overture may have been greasing the skids. a week before election day, alfcio adviser mike podhorzer received an unexpected message. the u.s. chamber of commerce wanted to talk. they began to discuss a joint statement pledging the organization's shared commitment to a fair and peaceful election. now, the chamber says this alliance was formed out of concern for economic disrupting civil disorder. but that is a real reason? like ensuring there's access to cheap foreign labor, endless streams of people coming across the border. trump kept labor markets tight by clamping down on work visas and scoring our border. that's great for american workers. the chamber of commerce hated
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it. so did the corporate cronies. aflcio likes porous borders. hurts their members but they salivate at bolstering their ranks and increasing dues. biden's policies would give them that and now we're getting a glimpse of what our economic future will look like. >> the first jobs report showed employers created 49,000 jobs in the month of january. >> showing how bad the jobs market is and how slowly recovery will be. >> a gloomy outlook for recovery in the united states. >> laura: democrats have control at least two more years. the more we learn how they got there and the more we see the disastrous results of their policies in this collaboration, the easier it will be to end that control and give it back to those of us that want to empower
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americans. not just manipulate them. that's the angle. joining us now and i'm delighted they're with us, jesse kelly, host of the nationally syndicated jesse kelly show and mat walsh. jesse, this was a -- call it a conspiracy. it was actually smart of the democrats to do this. but it was obviously a collaboration of extremely powerful forces that don't always agree on every issue. they agreed on one thing, they had to get rid of trump. >> yeah, trump was a system disrupter. it's not about trump. it's the american people. anybody slightly on the right that believes in anything traditional about america, they have to be crushed. trump's presidency was a shock to the system. that's what i call them people that work together. they measure that trump was gone and make sure he never happens again. it's not about what they just
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did. it's what they're going to do the next four years to make sure there's another one. it's bad right now. >> laura: matt, then to get rewarded with a plum job in the justice department after having help organize these meetings to expand the voter roles. it was never about educating the voters. it was about scaring the voters into thinking that they were going to die if they went to the polls. >> yeah, that's why -- i mean, i look at this and i think everything you laid out and laid out in "time" magazine, looks like privilege. we hear about systemic privilege and tied to just being white, if you're a white person. it's never opinion clear where the privilege is coming from. seems like that privilege is tribalistic. if you're on the left, that i control you. they do everything behind the scenes to elevate you and your politicians. if that's not what privilege
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looks like, i don't know what the word means. >> laura: jesse, when people keep asking wherever you go, when are things going back to normal? some of us a year ago, almost a year ago now said when you started hearing that phrase "the new normal", beware. they didn't like the old normal. now we find out looks like we're not going to back to normal any time soon. big shock. bloomberg gives away the game saying when will life return to normal? in seven years hat today's vaccine rates. in other words, they need more time for climate change, normalization, slow down, getting people used to a lower standard of living for a cleaner planet. seven years sounds about right. >> it won't be seven years either. politicians are a bunch of power hungry idiots and you've given majors and senators the ability
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now to point to businesses and point to people they don't like and shut them down and destroy their life. this coronavirus disaster is everything that they love. like you pointed out, they're obvious about it now. it's not just what they're doing, they're bragging about it. we have pop that openly lie to you and tell you and demand that you say it's not a lie. we forget about china now. china is the number 1 geo political foe. we have someone that just got busted with a chinese slump buster and went back to the intelligence committee. they do it and rub it in your face and demand you say how much you love it. >> laura: matt, it's so crooked that it's almost -- almost becomes its own i don't know going satire but it's our lives and our country, so it's really not funny at this point. matt, i know you talked about this. dr. anthony few which i says like he's a professional scold.
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you can't go to the super bowl party, no wedding, no parties, no graduation, maybe a rose parade in 2027 or something like that. this is just a joke. vaccines, no vaccines. none of it matters, matt. >> yeah, it doesn't. of course, we know it's about power. the thing is, we have given these people like anthony fauci or go down the line, the mayors, governors, town councils, teacher's unions, we've given these people more power than they could have ever dreamed of having. it would take a lot of integrity and discipline to relinquish that power even for the best of people. even the best person for them to give up that kind of power, give it to them, takes integrity. these are not people with integrity to begin with. so we're really screwed. >> laura: moving the goal posts and admitting it. thanks, gentlemen. thanks for joining us. i want to give a little coverage
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hearing in the house homeland security committee that happened yesterday. the take-away from experts, most of the lawmakers that were assembled is that this fight against domestic forces. domestic terrorists, extremists would take ten to 20 years. how did they get at that number? they couldn't say, which brings me to the second shocking thing. the fact that very few republicans stood up and spoke out against this insanity. in fact, the only one willing to say pump the brakes, whoa, what are you talking about was a freshman congressman who has been in office less than one month. >> do you agree that people can have differing opinions on differences and ideologies, but they won't affect the jobs that they do for our country, be it in the military, law enforcement or political office? >> i fully appreciate and
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protect the right that americans have different opinions even though that i don't like. freedom of speech is not the freedom to commit sadition. >> i talked about ideologies. >> laura: vetting people for idealogical extremism. that congressman, georgia's andrew clyde joins me now. congressman, it's clear that democrats are trotting out these so-called experts to conflate the idea of having differing opinions with if you're a conservative and you supported trump, then you're guilty of sadition. you still have your integrity and you stood up. >> thank you, laura. i appreciate that. yes, that witness was very concerning to me in his testimony. i don't believe in a political litmus test. we all raised our hand to the
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same oath of office, to support and defend the constitution of the united states. as a navy officer, 28-year veteran with combat experience, you know, i defend that first amendment right for everyone. >> laura: it's reported tonight that you and congressman louis gohmert were fined $5,000 for bypassing house medal detectors. a second offense, by the way, you have to sell your house. it's a $10,000 fine. that won you a new fan, by the way. you didn't know this. this was over at cnn. watch. >> and drew clyde of georgia and louis gohmert of texas. talk about elitist. too good for safety? so much for the party of law and order, right? this is why other members of congress are scared. who won't go through a security check? what do you have to hide? >> laura: mr. beef cake over
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there at cnn is talking about men being scared? because you're walking around -- your response to that. >> you know, this is a constitutional issue. those metal detectors are there to detain us or to -- that's a violation of article 1, section 6 of the constitution. we're going to the house floor to vote. we represent 700,000 people in our districts. the constitution says that we cannot be impeded when we go to the floor to vote. >> laura: congressman, are you going to pay the $5,000? >> i'm going to fight it. i'm going to appeal it. i'm going to take them to court, this is unconstitutional. we're all set up to do that. i had to have standing, laura. >> laura: maybe you can ask nancy if you can borrow here ice cream and sell it. you going to do it again? $10,000 next time. running up the tab here. are you going through the metal detector next time? >> i've done it a couple times.
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that fine was for a couple days ago. i've had a couple of times since then, i think. so i'm probably up to $25,000 by now. >> laura: maybe next detention, you'll have to write it on the board. i won't go through the metal detector. thanks. how will former president trump lawyers manage next week's impeachment circus? one of them is here. the effort to recall california governor gavin newsome has reached a milestone. we have an update next.
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>> laura: donald trump's impeachment trial begins monday. such a joke. democrats know it's going to be a dead. earlier this week, sensing their bluff had been called. chuck schumer said the senate could still pass a censure resolution. house impeachment managers tried to spice things up with a little drama with faux outrage over trump's refusal to testify under oath. so ridiculous. obviously it was never going to happen. but while dems flounder, trump's legal team is preparing their trial strategy. here to tell us more, one of the attorneys representing the former president, bruce castor,
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former pennsylvania acting a.g. thanks for joining us tonight. walk us through some strategy without giving it all away for monday. >> thank you for having me, laura. i gave away the strategy when we filed the answer on tuesday. we'll follow that almost exactly. the primary issue is the issue of jurisdiction meaning does the senate have the jurisdiction to remove a citizen that doesn't hold office. the provision for dealing with impeachment says the punishment shall be limited to removal from office. so the democrats -- >> laura: bruce, they clearly don't want to focus on that issue. they clearly want to play a lot of video from january 6 and use this as a campaign commercial for democrats and pushing, i
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don't know, universal mail-in ballots and keep it going because they need trump to be part of the drama. otherwise they'll focus that their standard of living is declining. so what do you do when that kennard is being pushed? >> 2020 was an unusual year and it wasn't all due to covid. there's a lot of tape of cities burning and courthouses being attacked around federal agents being assaulted by rioters in the streets cheered on by democrats throughout the country. many of them in washington using really the most inflammatory rhetoric possible to use. certainly there would be no suggestion that they did anything to incite any of the actions. but here, when you have the president of the united states give a speech and says that you
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should peacefully make your thinking known to the people in congress, he's all of a sudden a villain. so you have to be careful what you wish for. it's all prosecutor's trick. when you don't have a case, you put up the flashy stuff and smooth over that it doesn't connect up to the guy on trial. >> laura: you have duelling video? they're going to do that. so will you -- i know president trump loves video clips and video montages. will you respond with maxine waters, a number of other democrat officials not speaking out about the antifa and extremist rallies the last summer? >> i think you can count on that. if my eyes look red to the viewers, it's because i've looked at a lot of video. >> laura: they do look red, bruce. they do. i'm seeing a little red there. pelosi was asked why democrats
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are even bothering with this impeachment, bruce. this was her response. >> why bother? ask our founders why bother. ask those that wrote the contusion. ask abraham lincoln. you cannot go forward until you have justice. if we were not to follow up with this, we might as well remove any penalty from the constitution of impeachment. >> laura: i still can't get overhearing her through the mask. a lot of her friends are tearing down statues of abraham lincoln. she's still quoting him. it's the constitution, the oath of office that the president took and that's their big argument. he disgraced the office and they're going to make their case. >> what the speaker just said there is laughable. first of all, by the house impeachment resolution logic,
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they can go back and impeach abraham lincoln. they can impeach donald trump if he's dead because he's not in office. they can also impeach abraham lincoln because he's not in office. they can erase him like they're erasing his name off of the schools in san francisco. that's where nancy pelosi is from, right? it's a crazy argument. fortunately and it's funny that the speaker would use the words she did, we do know what the people that wrote the constitution were thinking because they explained it in the federalist papers. the federalist papers, it's very clear that the clause which they spent a lot of time writing concerning the removal of the president was not a punishment. it was an emergency measure to remove from office a person that was a problem. they left the courts to be the arbiter of whether somebody violated the law and should be punished beyond removing them from office.
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>> sean: so it is very specific in the federalist papers that the framers of the constitution expected that removal from office would be the only thing that would flow for conviction after impeachment. >> laura: they'll point to a cabinet secretary in the 1800s having been brought up on impeachment charges as well as they left office. we're going to be watching, bruce. big time in washington. >> laura, that's an interesting argument. that fellow in the 1870s, he did not end up getting convicted and he did not end up being debarred from office. had that happened, he would have gone to court and he would have prevailed. now you'd have real precedent. because it happened and there was an acquittal doesn't make it precedent. >> laura: so he's giving away the case. so nancy and company, they were probably anticipating that. great to see you. good luck monday. the reason democrats are forcing an impeachment they know is
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going to fail, they want to distract you. an inconvenient fact. they have absolutely no idea how to govern. look no further than their pathetic track record in a state like california. governor gavin newsome represented the future of the party within california. california dreaming all the way. what has he done? california completely bungled the vaccine roll-out prioritizing illegal aliens and prisoners over seniors. >> sean: businesses and schools still closed. violent crime is rising in the state's biggest cities. unsurprisingly, newsome's political future is in dire straits. the effort to recall him is expected to hit two million signatures by march 17. half a million more than they need. joining me now, a leading republican, state senator melissa melendez. they're confident that they have a shot of winning the recall
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election. however, could you just get another bad democrat at the other end of this? >> well, good to see you, laura. you know, there's always the possibility of getting another bad democrat in california because they're everywhere. the last time a democrat decided to run in a recall election to run gray davis, that guy's political career was over before he could blink his eyes. so i don't think we'll see that again. gavin newsome better pay attention because he seems to think that it's just republicans that are upset with his leadership. it's not. i can tell you, it's democrats, independents. it's across the board. he's not paying attention. he thinks just because someone has a d behind their name that they'll vote for him no matter what. i have news for him. they're tired of being locked up, losing their businesses, kids being stuck at home in front of a computer all day long. they're done. he doesn't realize it or he's
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not accepting it. >> laura: he tried to spin his vaccine roll-out this way. >> no one is satisfied with the pace of distribution of these vaccines. of course. we have more work to do. but we have made demonstrable progress and we will continue to build on that over the course of the next days, weeks and months. >> laura: days, weeks and months. state senator, wrap it up. >> california has received about 7 million doses of the vaccine. you know how many we put in arms? four million. he's bungling it all over the place. he's bungling it. >> laura: senator melendez, thanks for joining us. up next, freestylin' biden. raymond arroyo has it on friday's follies.
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪
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>> laura: it is friday. that means it's time for friday follies. i almost tricked you. for that, we turn to raymond
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arroyo. ray, you have a new segment for us this week. i cannot believe it. i've been waiting this for weeks, months. i think years i've been waiting for this. >> laura, i noticed when president biden goes off script, interesting things start to happen. he's trying to sell his big stimulus plan in today's edition of freestylin' biden. >> you know, with -- i don't know. >> people are -- i tell any of you, they're really hurting. people are being evicted. just look at the number of people who are needing and seeking mental health services now. people are really feeling the hole. they don't know how to get out. >> there's going to be a bigger hole soon in their budget. listen closely to what taxpayers will be getting out of the stimulus package. >> i'm not cutting the size of the checks.
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they're $1,400 period. that's what the american people were promised. >> laura: whoa, whoa, whoa. promised by whom? when -- was he in georgia last month? wasn't he promising $2,000 checks or did i mishear? >> if you send john and the reverend to washington, those $2,000 checks will go out the door restoring hope and decency and honor for so many people who are struggling right now. >> there it is. $2,000. you see, laura, truth is fungable, period. he was, he was a coal miner's son. he was not going to back fracking. he fell in love with jill the minute he met her even though she was married. none of these stories hold together in the end. >> laura: he seems a little more emphatic when he was in georgia. i see a flat lining presentation
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from biden the last few days. like every once in a while, check him, dust him off. i don't know what is happening there. what else? >> biden is not the only one having difficulty with facts, laura. last night we were the first to bring you coverage of aoc's congressional therapy session where they shared their experiences in the capitol riot. you heard of the disney plus show wanda vision? this is alexandria's vision. this is her vision told by an ensemble of supporters. call it insurrection day live. >> all i could do is thank allah. i felt bad for alexandria and my colleagues. i saw it and i thought thank god i'm not there from the shooting in charlottesville to a massacre
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at the senate, all it. it's all led by hate rhetoric like this. >> this is like bad method acting. apparently you can have a break down over events thaw i don't there for. despite the drama, rasheeda talib, the hateful rhetoric, this is the woman that she brandted israel a racist state. she's a good one to talk about hateful rhetoric. aoc was in her office about a block from the capitol. it's amazing how they fabulate this stuff up. >> laura: it has nothing to do with the impeachment trial starting this week. i know. i get the sense, raymond, that they're all beginning to transition into a syndicated daytime talk show. didn't it seems a little bit like okay, oprah is moving on to her next chapter. there's something that is very
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scripted about this whole thing. just -- seemed more political than emotional. who am i? facts don't matter though. her truth. they did this, my truth is what matters. so just ask the media who ran to defend the squad. >> doesn't have to be real the threat for you to belief it's imminent. >> it's what you believe. >> it was so upsetting and so frightening watching the privacy and safety in my kitchen. so to hear your terrifying account of that horrible day was terrifying. >> will there be a place to allow members to retell their experiences to remind i guess other members of how scary that day was? >> laura: hold on. gail king, it's scary from the double subject zero wolf range
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with the wide beautiful pine board floors in the glorious kitchen overlooking the pacific ocean. >> these people are calling for a reality czar. aoc wants to reign in the media for spewing misinformation. what is this if it's not misinformation? where you're claiming to be present at an event that you were at home for? it's amazing. >> laura: what else, raymond? >> the reason we're seeing this public display, it brings back a historical precedent that might make sense in the coming week as we look at this trial. the president's trial even though he's left office. in 897, there was something called a cadaver senate. they found a cadaver guilty. a few days later, they fished the bones out and miracles started to happen. the people turned on pope
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stephen vi and threw him in jail. political retribution trials rarely end up well. >> laura: first cable show in prime time to even mention pope steven. never happened before. >> the cadaver senate. look it up. >> laura: could be every day on capitol hill. >> they go to cable television for that. >> laura: have a great weekend. this week we've spoken to civic and educational leaders regarding the poisonous blm curriculum that is flooding schools. tonight we speak to an outraged parent. she's not from where you would think. america is streaming with fox nation and the streaming service that features fox news favorites and original shows on topics that i know you care about. celebrate with fox religion, go
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>> laura: all week this show has described the destructive and racist lesson plans that are being pushed by black lives matter acolytes in schools across the country. this toxic curriculum is not just relegated to d.c. and new york city, it's also happening in places like ames, iowa, where the school district has their own blm week of action and parents there are up in arms.
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joining me is now eve leaderhouse who is not thrilled with brainwashing of her second grade dater. thanks for joining us. did the school district include any input from parents or solicit it before they began spreading lock, stock and barrel this propaganda? >> no. it was made public to the teacher's and parents from what i understand just barely a week ago on friday, the 22nd. so we had not even two weeks to digest this information. >> laura: your daughter is in second grade. tell me what she's learning. >> well, while the school district said that the black lives matter at school is not affiliated with the black lives matter globally. the school program is still
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using the 13 principles of black lives matter at school. so every day they tackle a few different issues going down the list of 13. >> laura: some of them include topics that are in my mind not suited to second grader, at least not any that i know, including globalism, loving engagement diversity, trans agenda affirming, queer a firming, collective intergenerational, the black villages principle has a section that says disruption of the western prescribed nuclear family. that is a principle of this black lives matter curriculum. so your doubter is supposed to be engaged in disrupting the
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nuclear family? i don't know, her own? i'm not following that. >> yeah, we're clearly not fans of that either. this is being introduced to kickoff black history month. we celebrate black history month. we had a communitiwide celebration of martin luther king just three weeks ago. but the black lives matter curriculum goes far, far beyond and quite frankly we believe off track of celebrating black history month. >> laura: this is left wing marxist propaganda. this is indoctrinating children into a far left radical perspective. politics is the least of it. it's about sexual identity, which most parents want to have that conversation with kids before the second grade teacher does. it's about how to organize a family. it's about what people think
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about issues like intersectionality, which is what people learn at in college but now pushing this on second, third and fourth graders? what? >> let me add, this is starting in preschool. this is districtwide. the preschool, kindergarten, first graders are also learning this information. >> laura: quick question. are there other parents with whom you've spoke also upset about this and perhaps afraid to speak out? you're very brave to speak out. a lot of people don't. >> i appreciate you saying that. there's a lot of concerned parents. also a lot of fear. we're adults but there's a lot of name calling a lot of bullying and social media is just a train wreck.
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>> laura: well, thank you for having the courage to speak out to raise these issues. eve, thanks so much and keep us up to date if you would. >> thank you for your concern. >> laura: the biden press corps getting really tough for fan boys. the last bite explains.
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>> laura: i know what you're thinking. america has rough seas ahead with biden at the helm. but thank god we have a brave, courageous press corps willing to ask the tough questions. >> how does it feel to ride air force one as president? >> it's a great honor. i didn't think about it tell you the truth. i was reading the paper. >> reading the paper? >> any plans for the weekend? >> like he hasn't been on air force one before.
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he was vice president for eight years. do you remember trump being asked that? whether he enjoyed the first ride on air force one? no, you're a criminal, right? that's all the time we have tonight. have a great weekend. enjoy your family and your friends. shannon bream and the "fox news@night" team take it from here. >> shannon: hello. welcome to "fox news@night." i'm shannon bream in washington. a torrent of news tonight. president biden says it doesn't look good for the $15 minimum wage making into it the nearly $2 trillion covid relief package. there's more news from the presidential super bowl interview that is just ahead. in a dramatic step meant to appease iran, the biden state department says they're removing iran's yemeni proxy from a tearest list.


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