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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  February 7, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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closed. and visitors get temperature screenings before entering, they are rescued over 500 animals in southern california. that is our "fox report," i am jon scott, thank you for watching. judge jeanine: helene welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. the dafs what -- the disaster of what's happening to our kids, being robbed much their education. the disaster we are seeing in real-time will probably result in the loss of two years of public education and hamper our children for decades to come. while our children are not back in school. children in other countries who
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will be their competitors are back in school. the reason is joe biden is unwilling to fight for us and our children. he's unwilling to give our children an equal footing in a future competitive and dangerous world because it's bead holding to the politics -- he's beholding to the united federation of teachers. donald trump would have made this fight a non-negotiable one for our children. president biden promised to implement a national strategy to safely open the schools which he has not done. when jen psaki was asked about the status of the chicago schools, the third largest in the nation and the impasse, she demurred, saying the white house
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was aware of the situation and hopeful they could come teen agreement. there was, however, no commitment to standing up to the teachers union on behalf of our children. >> if it comes down to a binary choice, who would the president choose, the kids or the teachers. >> i think it's unfair how you posed that question. judge jeanine: that's precisely the issue. everyone knows the cdc, national experts and anthony fauci all support the re-opening of schools. the biden white house downplayed the cdc study saying it only applied to certain areas and not official guidance. since when are the cdc recommendations not official guidance? joe, have you become a science
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denier? is that the price you are willing to pay for teacher union support? >> the schools are open and safe and we are ready to welcome our students back. and they have been ready for some time. judge jeanine: but lightfoot stood alone with no one from the teachers union to even negotiate. the national catholic education association reports its schools boast a total enrollment of 1,600,000 plus students. and they have moved heaven and earth to keep their classrooms open. it's been all private and public schools. most of the private schools are open and they have been teaching. most of the public schools receiving public money are
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closed and not teaching. note to taxpayer. biden has spoken out about school choice repeatedly in line with the uft. the private schools are getting along. but the parents of children in public schools are paying their taxes so their children can go to school. the public schools received $68 billion to assist them in making it safe to return. the teachers have been paid, but parents are doing the jobs of the teachers, not getting paid for it, and still paying school taxes to pay the teachers. public school teachers have been paid since this pandemic began. the science has been clear all along, the children are rarely if ever susceptible to covid. so if we take billions from public schools to re-open and
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reports are much of that money hasn't even been spent. number one, where are we considering paying them for money? number two, what did they do with the money they received? number three. why aren't they back in school? so what to do? in san francisco, 54,000 children haven't been in school for 347 days. and they are being turned into quote zombies by online schools. to those teachers use and abusing this pandemic to sit home while they are getting paid while parents do their job. one question, are you being played by the union? if your loyalty is to the children, and i believe for most you it is, then you are being used about it unions leveraging our children for their political pocketbooks. i understand the need for teacher safety. but it's been almost a year and
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billions of dollars spent for your safety. the truth in the unions want more money. it's a money grab whether it's l.a., boston, cleveland, it's about getting money to do what they have already been paid to do. san francisco is suing their tone school board. new york city isn't thinking about regular schooling before next september, assuming thinking thinking. michael bloomberg said it best. >> it's time for joe biden to stand up and say the kids are the most important things. by important players here. and the teachers just are going to have to suck it up and stand up and provide an education. judge jeanine: there is no substitute for in-person in-school learning. i keep hearing teachers aren't in this to get rich.
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why the standdown. why do they need more money to come back. why are they being paid for a job as they sit home and parents not skilled at teaching who have jobs of their own are doing the teacher's job. why is it teachers can't teach if chatter schools, public schools, and private schools are open. and they are doing nothing more than gaming the system by putting up hurdles that the cdc and private schools have proven is safe. the shame is our children are suffering physically, emotionally, and mentally because of the total disregard for them. child suicides, mental health problems have gone up enormously. and abused and neglected children are not even identified as our children suffer. but our global competitor's
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children are not suffering. they are pushing their children forward. there is no room for union politics in this deadly game we are involved in. and dithering with piewnons which joe biden is apparently comfortable with is the worst thing we can do to our children today. if you are not elderly, prove to me you are not game the system. in all this time have you ventured out of your home? have you taken your garbage out to the curb? have you gone the your haircut or colored? have you gone to the grocery store? the pharmacy? the gas station? have you gone to a starbucks for a cup of coffee? have you been in a hallway with other people coming out of your apartment. if you have, explain why going with children in a protected environment is more dangerous than being with adults in those
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situations. you tell me why first responders and doctors and nurses and police and truckers and those who stock the shelves and clerks in the grossy stores, hose to deliver your mail, amazon, ups, they are work and you are getting paid for doing nothing putting our dmirnt back of the line. you are the weak ones, you are the unfaithful ones. you don't deserve a job with three months off. all those first responders, they are our heroes. they are america's heroes. you are anything but. we can't afford to keep playing your games and paying you. our children will never make up the lost years you have frank them. teachers unions, not only have american school children been failed, but america as well. that's my open. let me know what you think on facebook page and twitter hash
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tag judge jeanine. jeanine. if you like my open you will like my new book "don't lie to me." joining me to give his take on the battle to open schools, kentucky senator rand paul. thanks so much for being here. our kids, teachers unions, they are the ones who seem to be on the line. it appears the biden administration is taking a hands off approach to this. what kind of damage is this going to do to our kids? >> i think immeasurable the damage. i have been saying to dr. fauci and the experts that none of the studies indicate that the kids are big straight ahead owe d -- are big spreaders. we have studies from private
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schools that have been in session and haven't missed a beat without major spread and teachers getting sick. the unions are saying we need to pass the green new deal and have gender equity. it has nothing to do with teaching the kids. when is the union going to care about teaching our kids. >> what kind of damage do you think this will do to our children. >> the thing is there is talk of increased numbers of suicides and isolation. but most parents aren't capable of teaching. some are extraordinary teachers. but others aren't. they are either work or lack the education to be good teachers at home. being at home without professional instruction is a disaster for kids. it's putting them nearly a year behind. when going back to school they
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are doing poorly on testing. poor kids start out at a disadvantage. the rich kids with educated parents start out at a higher level. they tend to narrow the gap throughout the year. and economic disparity is leading to educational disparity. judge jeanine: not to mention all the other issues with depression, suicide and real problems like that. why is the president taking a hands off approach to this? >> i think he's so behold be to so many d he's so beholden to different special interest groups. the mayor is pointing out what a blessing it is for kids to go to school, particularly economically deprived kids. she is pushing back on the
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union. they are saying we are not going back to school until the disease is gone or everyone is vaccinated. even the cdc which is overly cautious are saying schools can open. private schools have stayed open without significant illness among the teachers or surges. it's interesting to see a democrat mayor pushing back against the teachers union. judge jeanine: the commander of the strategic command issued an alarming statement. he's concerned about the possible nuclear problems with russia or china. what do you make of that? >> i have said for a long time we need more communication. it's a difficult situation in the sense we have had nuclear treaties going back to reagan and gorbachev where we had some
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parity between china. but they have an enormous and growing military budget and economic output. i think the best thing we can do at this point is not to think there is an immediate solution or immediate nuclear treaty we can get to. but we need to have an ongoing conversation between our arms exports and their arms exports, and it needs to be in as collegial as possible way, even though we have our problems with russia and china, even though we are adversaries, and they are doing human rights violations, we still need to have these conversations. judge jeanine: this dire warning by the admiral who was confirmed in 2019. why is he now warning about this? what has happened to him? he didn't seem to have this concern during the trump administration. but within a month all of a
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sudden this is a big concern during the bind administration. >> i think the great super powers, russia and china will look and judge the new president and see whether he will stands up to them. there has been question of hunter bide and the biden family ties to chinese business. and i do think there has to be an ongoing conversation beyond partisanship. i'm with reagan that we do need nuclear parms control and nuclear arms discussion. judge jeanine: later tonight, lara logan, tomi lahren and leo terrell. how could biden's soft stance on crime even dane injure and your
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judge jeanine: welcome back. i'll president trump pushed for law and order. president biden has aloud chaos
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and crime go almost unchallenged during his first weeks in office. he thinks an i face an idea. but an idea hasn't been terrorizing seattle and portland, criminals have. joining us, ohio congressman jim jordan. well, you know, the "new york post" has a headline, biden's some of the on crime posture will wreak havoc on u.s. cities. why would he tolerate that. >> it's where the democrat party is. they are not even going to deport illegal immigrants with criminal records. they are the party of open borders, defund the police, they bailed out rioters and looters
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and part of antifa, the chair of the judiciary committee said antifa is a myth. they are supposed to be protecting the constitution and protecting your rights thinks an i a is a myth after -- thinks antifa is a myth after what they did last summer. judge jeanine: the president talked about unity on his first day. yet everything the democrats have been doing seems to be the exact opposite of unity. do you think that message is being sold to the american people? are they buying it? >> no, they are not buying it. they are passing a $2 trillion packable. why don't we let people go back to work. that would be the best stimulus.
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let the economy go and flowsh id under president trump. it's tough to unify when you are putting in 40-some executive orders within a number of days. i like the language president trump had during the inauguration. there was good talk about unifying the country. but the actions certainly haven't followed. that's what i think americans see and understand. judge jeanine: it is the language some people are buying and 11,000 people lose their jobs the first day with the xl keystone pipeline. they plan to try the president. how do you continue to impeach a president who already left office?
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>> this is an obsession with them. they tried to remove him from office after he got there. now they are trying to remove him after he left. the case is so strong for the president on constitutional grounds. think about this. they are trying to remove someone from office who already left. there is a reason the chief justice is not presiding because there is note a president under investigation and under trial. the constitution, the president wins. the lack of due process? this is impeachment by reflex. there was a two-hour debate in the house. at least what adam schiff did last year, at least there were hearings. there were subpoenas and depositions. i got to cross-examine witnesses. adam schiff's impeachment looks great compared to this crazy thing. but the most important thing, the facts.
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how do you incite a riot that was already planned. how do you incite a riot when the president said peacefully make your voices heard. on january 20, 2017, 19 minutes after the president took his oath of office. the washington headlines were campaign to impeach the president has begun. we'll hopefully move forward and stop some of the radical policies you just mentioned. thank you so much. and up next, how do biden's immigration orders not only threaten our border security but our recovery from the pandemic. mark logan and
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>> live from america's news headquarters i am jon scott, joe biden takes' tough stance with iran's supreme leader, telling him that the u.s. will not lift sanctions until iran gets back to negotiations table. president indicating that iran
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must first stop enriching uranium. >> chicago kids could be being back-to-school this week, the announcement after the mayor said a tentative agreement had been reached with the teachers union today it would avert a strike. >> i am jon scott, now, back to justice with judge. with. back to "justice with judge jeanine." >> it's 4:00 a.m. on the southern border in texas. >> another day at the border. judge jeanine: that was part of
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lara logan's special. biden has signed an order after order rolling back the trump policies that deterred illegal immigration and kept our country safe. joining me to discuss all this and more, foxnation host lara logan and mark morgan. good east coast to both of you. mark, ways the difference between what's happening at the border compared to two months ago when president trump was there? >> 180 degrees. under president trump's administration we had the network of tools and policies and support to address the illegal migration crisis. by every single measure it was successful. by february of 2020 we reduced
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the illegal flow by 75%. the families coming up from the northern triangle countries all but trickled to basically nothing. just a couple hours after he was inaugurated he made our borders less secure, our country less safe and even dangers our men and women on the borders protecting this nation. judge jeanine: you did a great job on the border. what else are you seeing? there is violence and obviously we know about the vieio tees. now the drug traffic seems to be a real issue. >> the drug traffic is through the roof. they are functioning as a parallel shadow government pant mexican government taking orders
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from the cartels. they are so wealthy, they have more money than anyone can ever imagined and they are unconstrained by the rules of war. so they do whatever they want. and they are controlling that border. the narcotics they are pushing over the border aren't what we are used seeing. these are synthetic narcotics made in labs that are cheaper to produce. they are made in enormous quantities, and they are deadlier than we have known. and they are mixed in with all kinds of drugs. young kids think they are taking a pill to study for an exam and what they are really take is fentanyl which could kill them. they think they are taking xanax, it's not xanax. it's fake. who is helping them do that?
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it's the chinese. they partnered with the cartels. they launder their money for them. more than 81,000 americans have died in the last fiscal year. judge jeanine: why would president biden allow this. he clearly knows the issue. most americans know the issue. >> i can't answer the why because i'm not inside his head. but i can tell you they planned for this. they planned to welcome numbers of refugees over the border. they are shutting down all the internal security checkpoints. they are moving agents from security. there is no more security patrols when you are doing migrant care and make sandwiches and change diapers and transporting people and processing them. this was definitely part of the plan. they expected this to happen. and the assumption is they
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wanted this to happen. judge jeanine: i will go to mark morgan. two weeks ago i did an open on this. the issue of covid as we see the caravans coming in, and one of these migrants said biden will help us all. he will give us 100 days to get to the u.s. there is so much talk about covid, teachers not going back to school. what is the impact of people coming into this country and the covid pandemic. >> that's something we don't talk about enough. the numbers we are seeing under any circumstances. i say we are in a full-blown crisis right now. you add covid on top of that, those caravans take on a new meaning. i refer to them as mobile covid petri dishes.
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they are shoved in unsanitary stash house. it's exposing the migrants to the pandemic and also the workers. because of biden's open will door policy. we are averaging between 3,000 to 3,500 people trying to enter this country a day. it was jeh johnson that said a thousand is a bad day. the crisis already upon us. judge jeanine: is jen psaki getting a preview of the questions candidate during her press briefings?
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>> we believe a free press isn't an adversary, rather it's essential. free press is essential to the health of a democracy. judge jeanine: president biden saying that thursday despite reports of his communications staff asking reporters in advance for questions they were going to ask during the press briefing. can you imagine the reaction from the left if trump screened his questions? joining me tomi lahren and leo terrell. do you think -- i will start with you, leo, do you think joe biden missed the cancel culture news? he's so in favor of a free press and free speech? >> it's almost hilarious. it's limited press to what they
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want to push across america. the press treated donald trump like he has some type of playing. they do not believe in the first amendment or freedom of the press. they are right now since last year, joe biden has not been asked a tough question. why? because the press dislikes donald trump. yierm i'll tell you right now. ever since he has been president, judge, the press has given him locally pops, softball, ice cream questions. they want to script their message to america. donald trump had to answer questions object the spot without any type of notification and he did an outstanding job. >> so back to tomi. the fact that joe biden talks
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about a repress when the press is unwilling to print certain things, how does that strike you? >> at the end of the day he was a basement candidate. now he's a basement president. he sent jen psaki out there and they prescreen the questions. joe biden doesn't take questions or answer questions. then the press secretary doesn't take the questions. donald trump love him or hate him. he would stand outside of a helicopter for 20, 30, 40 minutes and take the tough questions. he spoke to the american people. and what did they do to him for it? they took him off twitter, instagram and facebook. judge jeanine: it's amazing. we know simon and shoeser, they
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are not going to print the thank youly book. but they are going to print hunter biden's book "beautiful things." he gets rewarded with a book deal. josh hawley exercise his right as a representative from the state of missouri and he gets canceled. to the democrats, cancel me, i don't care. true republican, true trump republicans are not going to be shut up by the left. it's very, very clear. the left wants to dominate the agenda. i'll tell you, cans thing donald trump off social media did not deter 75 million trump supporters. because we are here louder and stronger. judge jeanine: aoc said she was
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in fear for her life when she was in the cannon building and not the capital. what say you? >> i say aoc smollett * is wait sounds like. but we are not allowed to question aoc or her experiences. but i think she is better fit for instagram or the bachelor or the who is wives. she loves a good instagram live. and she is good at it. i encourage her to pursue that path instead of destroying our country. judge jeanine: what's really making tomorrow's super bowl a must-watch game. no one better thank break it down and herschel walker. don't go away.
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judge jeanine: welcome back. when he snaps the ball tomorrow, tom brady will become the oldest person to ever play in a super bowl. he's 43 years old, and this will be his tenth. the guy challenging him, patrick mahomes is quite a few years younger. here to react, former nfl star herschel walker. this weekend is definitely your weekend. what is your take on the two, young versus old, youth versus experience. how is it going to play out? >> it will be a good game.
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you see tom brady, you have got to give it to him. he has incredible guts to go out there and continue to play. patrick is a neighbor. i'm rooting for kansas city. one thing that's very, very unique, this will be a great, great game. i think people have something to look forward to. i hope it won't be politicized. judge jeanine: is mahomes the next tom brady? >> you could say he's the next tom brady or even better. tom brady is in a class by himself right now. he went into tampa. at the beginning of the season the coach was trying to put his system in. but anyone who knows football, if you watch tom brady, that
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means he's throwing timing routes web's not taking the deep steps back to pass the ball, and he reads the defense very, very well. they really have given the tampa bay buccaneers courage that they can win this game. but patrick mahomes who is an incredible athlete, incredible player, kansas city, they are the best in pro football today. you will have two teams meet this sunday that will put on a great, great football game. this will be a great, great game. judge jeanine: certainly people need something to look forward to in this pandemic. tom brady already had six rings. what do you think it is about tom brady. the guy is unbelievable. he says he will play until he's 45. what is it about this guy that
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says i am not going to stop? >> i think it's a resilience, how he takes care of himself. how he continues to work out, train, do the things that you should do to keep yourself ready to play. and he's mentally strong. that's one thing you have to do, you have to put mentally and physically together. you can't just be one and not the other. that's what makes him a great, great player. they know they can get the job done. when he first went to tampa people thought it was a big mistake. even i said why would you go to tampa? i think he's proved everybody wrong. he proved me wrong. i think right now the people in tampa are excited. i'm excited. you ask yourself how long will this guy play? right now he's stale playing at the top of his -- he's still
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playing at the top of his game. throwing the ball well. looking liking a young quarterback. the question of is, how long will he play? judge jeanine: it's never enough for all of us who love football. herschel walker. thank you for being with us on this special weekend. next, our old friends adam schiff may want a new job in california, and you are not going to believe what it is. my can't miss closing statement is next.
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judge jeanine: and now my closing statement i wrote friend adam schiff may now want to be attorney general for the state of california. what's with california anyway? they come up with some real doozies, don't they? take nancy pelosi, you can thank her for the san francisco event
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people outside of restaurants and patrons watching over caesar salad while the restaurants are closed most of them roads leading -- laying claim to their side of the street and take governor gavin newsom. you can thank them for the shutdowns in california of small businesses and students of public schools suffer while he enjoys himself keeping his winery open in eating escargot at the french laundry. take kamala harris she was a prosecutor who worked her way up and went from being pro law enforcement to pro criminal promoting the bail bonds for those who violate tour up our streets and cities during the december rioters. adam schiff in ka pinocchio lied repeatedly about having evidence of russia collision with donald trump as he single-handedly sought to impeach president trump. there was no rhyme or reason, he
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was just pure political hatred and despite his promises special counsel mueller's report made clear the investigation did not establish that members of the trump campaign or trump conspired or corrugated with the russian government in its election interference. so it sounds like schiff has the perfect background to be california a.g., guy who claims to have evidence but has none and is refuted by his own party and continues to push forward false allegations. one thing a prosecutor cannot we does a zealot who cares little about evidence and simply prefers to destroy individuals for his own political benefit. then again, california and adam schiff might just fit in. that's it for us tonight. thanks so much for watching her diamond jeanine pirro advocating for truth justice and the american way and i will see you
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next saturday night. in the meantime i'm on local on cameo. ♪♪ mark: hello america i am mark levin, it's a great honor to have doctor thomas sowell on the program a man i have followed my entire career actually as a teenager. you had an enormous influence on me and some other people. welcome we appreciate you being here, particularly in these times, first of all you have written a fabulous


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