tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 9, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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we will never be the media mob. we'll give you news, information, opinion -- we are the whole newspaper and the price. they say they are news, they are not. they are abusively biased. let not your hearts be troubled. why? laura ingraham takes you the rest of the way. laura? how are you. >> laura: i'm glad you pressed the trump lawyer on the first lawyer who presented the case. >> sean: a little meandering, a little free associative. go ahead. >> laura: it was terrible. you are way too charitable. if you hired that guy in that case you are paying the bills on, it would have been, like, i'm sure you are a nice person but -- >> sean: oh, boy,... >> laura: how much time could he praise the democrats, how much about he loves the senate. it was like story time at trial,
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i'm sorry! going to get into this, pretty worked up about it given the stakes for the constitution and the country. i'm glad you pressed -- the second lawyer, schoen them was much better. >> sean: have a great show. >> laura: i am laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. now they want to purge law enforcement as well. and pretending that remember they cared about the police? we are going to tell you the truth later on in the hour. also tonight, an advisor to the w.h.o. says the organization's dismissal of the covid lab leak theory, they said that today. he's saying it's a lie and he's brave enough to tell us why. but first, the impeachment circus kicked off the day with house dems making this argument making the case to impeach a president no longer in office. >> the argument is if you can meet in the
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you do it with constitutional impunity. you get away with it. this would create a brand-new january exception. >> laura: that look like a dna chart. the media approached it all with the usual uncritical live. >> quoting the framers and quoting , disqualification is powerful here to protect the country. >> house impeachment managers made a very, very powerful case. >> wanted most powerful and disturbing pieces of an opening argument i've seen covering a trial. >> laura: do they send around talking points to each other because they know nothing about the law themselves? okay. for all the boot licking, made no difference itself. they had the evidence to prove it because they couldn't convince retiring g.o.p. senators like rob portman or richard byrd to flip, they have nothing to lose. despite language to the contrary
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over the past few weeks, no g.o.p. leader from mcconnell to john thing broke ranks either. to put it simply, 44 republicans voted against the impeachment trial to continue meeting the democrats still have zero chance to convicting former president trump. they need 67 votes to do so. meanwhile, trump lawyers continued that the impeachment trial shouldn't be happening. >> on this unprecedented snap impeachment process, every fundamental constitutional due process americans believe that is part of what makes this country so great. how and why did this happen? it's a function of the insatiable lust for impeachment in the house for the past four years. >> laura: their obsession with trump obviously hasn't ended with trump leaving office. they crave trump at this point. they want to make an example of him and what they really want to do and i've said this before,
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they want to demoralize you and scare you. but leaving processes of constitutionality aside at the moment, what's inside the article that the democrats have brought -- remember what's inside. let's read it. "and cited by president trump, members of the crowd he had addressed attempt to interfere with the constitutional duties of the certified results of the 2020 presidential election, unlawfully breached and vandalized the capitol." they are saying that president trump incited those people who breached the doors. here is the key part of this january 6th speech that the impeachment managers would rather you not see. >> i know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. >> laura: "marching over peacefully and patriotically." patriots don't break doors or
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put people's lives in danger. that's not what patriots do. are the trump words the words of someone trying to foment an insurrection? joining me now is congressman devin nunes, ranking member of house intel media, and former clinton impeachment babar. the process arguments of course matter. but i think the weakness of the democrats' articles impeachment, i wish president trump's team had spent more time just on that. your take? >> they got across the main message for this is about canceling the guy who got 74 million americans to vote for him. they don't want him on the ballot in 2024 and they are so focused and except, that's the word you use, they are so obsessed with that that they are willing to ignore the constitution, willing to ignore due process, they are willing to ignore the facts which as you point out the president said peacefully and patriotically go
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down to the capital and make your voices heard. think about this past year, laura, democrats told us you couldn't go to church, couldn't go to work, go to a loved one's funeral, couldn't go to school, now they are trying to tell those same americans you can't vote for the guy you want to vote for in 2024. that's how obsessed they are. i think the american people see through it all. i think they understand that this is ridiculous and as you said, the president is going to prevail here which he should based on the constitution, the lack of due process, and based on the facts. >> laura: congressman barr, i thought it was interesting that congressman cecily and refused concede that his chief justice not showing up to her side was in fact significant. watch. >> let me state this very plainly. it does not matter. it is not significant. when the current president is on trial, if he doesn't preside the vice president presides.
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conflict someone to preside over trial if there were conviction! >> laura: ken starr vehemently disagreed with that last night on the show and said, it is entirely significant that the chief justice declined to be part of this. your take? >> welcome the first of all, chief justices do not like to sit on impeachment trials. that was obvious a generation ago when justice rehnquist had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the clinton impeachment. with the last impeachment, president trump also puts the chief justice in an uncomfortable position. but the fact that this chief justice properly reads the constitution that they cannot impeach -- they cannot convict a former president is very significant. otherwise since president trump as the president was impeach,
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they are going to try home if, in fact, there was a constitutional basis for the trial, the chief justice would be sitting in that chair. the fact he is not is very significant. >> laura: congressman nunes, house impeachment managers played video of the violins on january 6th. they produced quite a presentation. it included a very disturbing moment. i have to warn our viewers, it's graphic. watch. >> laura: congressman, that's the moment ashley babbitt was shot dead. we still don't have report exactly what happened, who shot her, what was the actual finding in the report.
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was it capital police capitol police, whatsecret serv. you can't tell what's going on here. why don't we know this? >> i'd start with what we are talking about, actual evidence. if you go back four years, five years now, opened an investigation into trump, no evidence, but they investigated the trump campaign for supposedly colluding with the russians. i feel like we are at groundhog day a year ago, i think we were on your show during the last impeachment they had a year ago and when the evidence was actually presented, the evidence was that the democrats were actually coordinating with someone who really wasn't a whistle-blower and the ig testimony sitting behind locked doors, no one has seen that likely because the inspector general involved in all of this was actually also meeting with the democrats and their staff. so fast-forward, look at what has happened here. okay, there was a violent mob arriving. we want everybody prosecuted.
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during every prosecution you'll have to present evidence. but what they are trying to conflate is that donald trump participated in a rally and told everybody to come to washington and have a rally. perfectly legal, one of our basic rights as americans. when you look, the rioting, the mob, the looting, that's what i hope that the trump lawyers will raise this and republicans will raise this, democrats were saying this. democrats in previous past not voted to certify electors. >> laura: 100%. the unanswered question that byron york wrote about days ago, still have not got answers. if a president is going to be impeached for something, we better have a full report. it's just one question. by the way, the blm riots of
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congressman barr, and the january 6th riots in the capital, they are all terrible. let's talk about the damages that were caused. we need to put this in perspective given the democrat rhetoric inciting people all last summer. upwards to $2 billion, injured 200,000 police officers, resulted in 30 deaths. the speech when he five right injured 50 officers and five deaths. congressman barr, deaths are deaths, but when you repeatedly say that america is a systemically racist country come up get people out of restaurants and threaten people just because they supported trump, their and their families, there is never a charge of incitement going the other way ever. >> no, it's a one-way street like so many things are to the democrats in today's world are, is a one-way street.
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the fact that there were riots this past summer, spring, and into the fall is irrelevant for their purposes. of course, it doesn't fit their narrative. the riots that were sucked across this country because hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, damage that cannot be replaced, small businesses shut down from the lives lost, families torn apart. and yet the left still to this day will have america believe those riots, those demonstrations were mostly peaceful. it's laughable. >> laura: basically just blew off any concern about violence over the summer. watch. >> took out the undisputed evidence of actually what happened in this case, you'll see video clips, of other
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politicians, over democratic politicians, using what they considered incendiary language. they think this will establish some sort of equivalency. that's a gimmick, a parlay game, meant to inflame partisan hostilities. >> laura: republicans are trying to foment that division, rep resented of jordan. some violence dismissed, other violence taken serious enough to impeach him and the congress. >> what happened last summer though, while it was going on we had democrat members of congress say that while the violins taking place in the streets, we had democrat members of congress say we need more unrest in the streets. at the same time there was unrest in the street. compare what happened in the situation where the president said peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, whether the attack was planned when the president gave his speech, the sergeant of arms
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told capitol hill police when they asked for additional help, he told them no. those are the fundamental facts that show this is so much different than what happened last summer when you had people encouraging the very thing going on at the time it was going on. that's the problem and americans i think see through all of this. >> laura: congressman nunes, it really is the case, is it not, the democrats for all of their boasting and they think they have the wind at their backs now because they had control of both sides of congress and the presidency, they don't seem secure just making their policies, putting them front and center, putting it to the american people. they are absolutely obsessed with stopping another trump run for the present and see. >> yes. it's very odd because that's exactly what it looks like where they do not want president trump to run again but what you are also not hearing and jim mentioned a little bit about this, the intelligence he is good in days leading up to that.
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i had been briefed on that morning by capitol hill police officers who were wondering what intelligence i had and if i had seen anything, but they knew the groups they knew to be here. they are so worried about this because for some reason there was the smallest 15 i've ever seen in the capital as we get closer to the inauguration of a new president. you had the request for additional security that was denied. ultimately the speaker of the house is responsible for that. nobody is asking those questions but what did the speaker of the house now and when did she know it? >> laura: we've got to keep pursuing that. that's extremely interesting and a phenomenal conversation tonight, gentlemen. thank you so much for being here tonight. we are going to move on because there is something very perverse going on in our country. we have woke agitator is looking shame and cancel, deep
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included at no extra cost. we've got you covered. so join the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction. and get a new samsung galaxy starting at $17 a month. learn more at or visit your local xfinity store today. ♪ ♪ >> laura: >> laura: and now biden's snitch patrol. that's the focus of tonight angle.
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you probably encountered the busybody phenomenon during this never ending covid the the social media friends who comment on your instagram posts. nice dinner party, but looks like more than ten people at your house! the super bowl parties in tampa bay? they had covid scolds in a froth. >> large crowds of mostly mask was fanned celebrating the super bowl win. >> man, you can just animate the covidhi being spread. >> florida is going to kill all of us. i really felt that way. >> asked them, what are you doing about this? >> laura: i think people just hit florida now. encouraging us to tell on one another since the shutdown began. >> you know the old expression about snitches.
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in this case, snitches get rewards. we want to thank you for turning folks in making sure we are all safe. when you see a crowd, a line that is not distance, a supermarket that's too crowded, anything, you can report it right away so we can get help there to fix the problem. spew and so horrible, mayor. last april when the associated press seemed thrilled snitches aret emerging as enthusiastic allies of cities, states, countries using to work the directed limit of person-to-person contact. complaining to elected officials shaming perceived spot law on social. while the ccp must be very proud and our very own social critic system, we've done it to ourselves courtesy of unhinged progressives who are happiest when they are ordering someone else around.
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this is funny in one way but it's pernicious stuff. every level of our society, last fall students were encouraged to write out their friends who had the nerve to attend parties on ndcampus. that's a way to build class. now my guest is about 90% of these sanctimonious snitches are frustrated bitter lefties with too much time in their hands. case in point, taylor lorenz, a reporter who covers the challenging tiktok beat for "the new york times." we learned she recently strayed from covering stupid pet dance videos to snitching on a silicon valley group chat. she tried to embarrass mark and b falsely accusing him of using the word " retarded" on the
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platform clubhouse. she diluted it by saying that people needed to be more careful about context and when they use certain words. according to "the federalist," for months had obsessed over conversations on clubhouse. last fall, lorenz alleged that several men were perpetuating sexism and misogyny. but people like miss lorenz are kind of everywhere. with biden in office, the snitches are even more emboldened. you don't -- they don't eventh want you to freely communicate in private now. earlier this month, "new york times" tech writer says i'm worried about telegram. other than private messaging, people love to use telegram for group chat. up to 200,000 people can meet inside a telegram chat room. that seems problematic. you know what else seemsme
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problematic? that these seething snitches have more in common with the oln fashion soviet thought police than they do with the free-speech liberals of the 1970s prethat's what is problematic. one of the most disturbing aspects of the rise of snitch andd ditch culture is how the left is using all to divide families. we've seen how children who rat out there the conservative parents are praised by corporate media and e social media darlings. this woke 18 year old spotted her own mother in a viral video taken outside the january 6 the riots. >> laura: the mom was the one punched in the face. her daughter then called her out in a tweet. and then the daughter did an
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interview with tmz. >> i would've had no idea she was there if that video of her getting punched in the face wasn't viral on twitter. >> laura: down the road i can see government officials moving to liberate children from their conservative parents on the pretext of preventing kids from getting radicalized. >> i present her with educated points and facts that i have studied or researched because i want to be as, like, unbiased as possible, and she'd be like, no, that's nots right. >> no, that's not right. like totally. family snitching pays. she's read $74,000 for college on a gofundme pages since tweeting about mommy. i guess if she's babysitting or waiting on tables to pay for tuition...
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busybody's claim they are trying to save lives with their snitching. but we know that is not true. they are silent when blue state mayors are caught violating their own covid dictate and made excuses when their entire city blocks were in flames because of the blm riots. this is not about standing on principle. snitches want riches and of course they want power. their political overlords of the biden administration themselves are masters of snitching. that entire job description, that's an entire job description for anthony fauci, shaming america for wanting to go back to normal. it's time to shame them right back for turning americans against americans. and that's the angle. joining me now is dave rubin, host of the rubin report and author of "don't burn this book." this isn't just one issue of covid, you're outside on the
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trail and they literally jump to the other side of the trail if you don't have a mask on in the middle of summer. it's pervasive on a whole host of issues and it's having a very corrosive effect on personal relationships and even families. >> yeah. laura, you gave me so much to work with in that beautiful intro. i am here in crazy l.a. where if i'm walking my dog people walking their dogs the other way on other sides of the street will pull them in different directions. the dogs are going to start having nervous breakdowns and i'm only partially kidding about that. we are going to give dogs the same anxiety -- but really quick on "the new york times," the taylor lorenz story on clubhouse and everything else, that's exactly what wokeism will bring to every industry. wokeism and social justice and the ideas of equity as opposed to equality will destroy every single institution whether it's educational institution, a
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journalist institution, a governmental institution, wherever it goes it will destroy things. there's something more nefarious going on with "the new york times" which is the reason that they write allor of these anti-tech stories is because they don't like competition! people are starting to realize that youre don't need the paper formerly known as "the new york times" to get information anymore. it is pure left-wing propaganda. we all know it. "the new york times" wrote a piece, the general is who you mention who wrote the piece about telegram, that's where the bag is a coordinating, he wrote a piece that included me about a bunch of youtubers leading people to be altright. it also include a libertarian economist milton friedman. they do not want competition, generally bad ideas they have. >> i think they don't want freedom. these are the same people who are praising china's response to the virus where you have a few
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people making all the decisions for everybody else because everybody else is dumb and uneducated. even the 18 year old girl ratted out her mother. i tried to give my mom facts like... try to give her facts. but they are the ones who are terribly uneducated, dave, about history, what this type ofs thought police, you know, these thought police patrols, what they will do when it backfires on them. >> when you see eric garcetti say "snitches get rewards," it's not much a jump for kids to turn in their parents. this will affect, it'll affect families, local communities, it'll affect everything. it does have something to do with belief, that the general belief system that these people have, is they can control the world. they can create a system all the generations before them could never create.
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all the people before them that were backwards from a racist bigot homophobes, they did all of these horrible stuff, all these educated follow the science elite "new york times" people and their woke partners who are antiracist, although they are actually racist, that's the irony, only day if given enough power can perfect society. you know this, laura, any time youw get to utopia, you end up n dystopia and many ways that's what we are in right now, we are in a modern dystopia. we don't quite see it. >> going back to this obsession with president trump. president trump really has revealed these folks for who they really are. they don't -- they don't want people to have any say or meet in private or even go to church when they want. families getting together, there is too much tradition in family and they do not like any of that. they find all of it a threat and
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it took four years of donald trump to really explode this out, a lot of us knew this was happening. we really see them for who they are and what they represent. >> laura: absolutely. >> i've suspected liberal public friends applauding jack dorsey for suspending he broke a lot of thesepeople, . when you see what's going on with impeachment right now, nobody cares except for the media elite and the wokers ters the litany of other issues that may be government should have something to do with, instead where are they doing? impeaching a guy who is out who can get on spotify because they booted him from that.
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>> laura: great to see you tonight. thanks so much. the w.h.o. has just dismissed the covid lab leak theory.oyo has braved to come on and will tell us why next. -what, you mean-- -mhm. -just like that. -wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. it could be the death of someone you know or a health scare. that's why today could be a great day to call
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♪ ♪ >> laura: >> laura: we told you about the cd ties between biden's cabinets and china but it is joe's picked too head the cia wo has the most extensive tcp link today. since 2015, william burns has served the president of the carnegie endowment for international peace and according to the "daily caller," the new foundation took millions from pro-china interest for a businessman who is the member of two organizations directly tied to the communist party. as much as 250,000 from the china-u.s. exchange foundation. that is a think tank that help advance the ccp's you political
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ambitions. also invited a number of congressional staffers on a junket to china. in 2019, they met full of bigwigs. staffers who attended they were surprised that vern able to have thatmuch access to officials. this man is poised to lead america's spy agency? before leaving office, former president biden that u.s. schools set with the confucius institute, those are front for ccp propaganda. later tonight we learned that the biden administration quietly asked asked the trump plan allowing the operation to continue working in the shadows. while biden lets china's public and that infect our schools, thh world health organization is becoming a global super spreader of chinese disinformation.
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the head of the team that the w.h.o. sent to investigate the origin of covid more than a year later made this absurd statement today. >> we also look for example at the wuhan institute of virology. it's very unlikely that anything escaped from such a place. we also know that when the outbreak happened it was extremely rare. >> laura: let's get this straight: the w.h.o. wants you to know that they start spreading for the wet market that's a very close to not one but two high-security chinese virology labs, one doing function research. joining me now is w.h.o. advisor. jamie, what did the w.h.o. fail
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to do in its wuhan investigation? >> the investigation itself that'ses very short, two weeks f quarantine and two weeks of meetings. q but the actual investigation was done by chinese authorities. so the w.h.o. investigators where basically receiving reports from the chinese officials. as i see it, the big failure is that they outlined four possible ways that covid could have begun. one was direct back to human, second bat through an animal, intermediate host, third through shipping or some kind of frozen food from somewhere else, and four the accidental lab leak that you know, laura, for more than a year i've been one of the leading advocate saying that we have to look very seriously aty option four. but rather saying let's look more deeply at all of those possibilities, the w.h.o. investigators and we should look at the first three, but not at the accidental lab leak.
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i'm just miffed that this has happened. i think it's really terrible. we don't know, most of us don't know how covid began, butov certainly in the accidental lab leak is a very, very possible possibility. >> laura: what v needs to be done inat order to determine how the virus started? how would originated? >> in the best of all possible worlds, we'd have an international team that it be able to go a to china and have e ability to do an unrestricted forensic investigation of the wuhan institute of virology and other sites. this has been in many ways a potential crime scene. we will not get the information from the chinese so what we need to do is build an international consortium of private scientists, professors, willing governments and others, to say that we need to get to the bottom of how covid began, we need to be fearless, ask tough questions. yes, most of the evidence is in
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china but there is lots of evidence that is elsewhere. i'm actually part of the community of scholars who are connecting digitally around the world trying to ask the tough questions, trying to get to the bottom of this. but it's going to be really difficult and i think today was an unfortunate step backwards. >> laura: the problem is also, is it not, china's outsized influence and money that it donates quite generously to all sorts of academic and researchal institutions that frankly depend on that money. china has an enormous reach across the globe and there are a lot of people, i'm sorry, but they do not want to get crossways with chinage now, now that china's running the field. >> unfortunately it is true. let's take it to two parts. first it's with the w.h.o. you andn i discussed the last time i was on the show, law iraq, the challenge of the
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w.h.o. is it's an organization created, funded by states. by definition, the w.h.o. needs to balance big power politics. the w.h.o. is in a really tough position. but then these are broader chinese influence operation all around the world. look at a place like australia where they are really suffering from all kinds of intervention, including the most aggressive intervention in australia was political system. it's not just there, it's all around the world beer that's one of the big challenges that we face because for those of us in the democratic world, we have t certain norms that we think about interacting with civil society groups, with business in china, many ways playing by a different set of norms and if we do notay recognize that and respond aggressively and creatively and wisely, we are going to lose so much of what we spent many decades building. >> laura: we learned today that beijing is saying that any
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country that decides to boycott the beijing olympics is going to be subject to all sorts of sanctions and a really aggressive -- china responds very a aggressively when anyone questions them. but jamie, your willingness to discuss what's at stake is really admirable. thank you so much for coming on. >> my pleasure, laura. >> laura: the left's plan to deprogram extremists. it includes sheriffs who keep us safe. one of them is next.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: the left began its mission to purge conservatives from government by targeting the military. gremember looking for all those extremists? activist reporting that breaking rising mainstream influence making it unobservable to serve in themilitary and pols lawmakers. former fbi counterterror analystclint watts say it's a lf shares that make me nervous because they are elected,el politics mean you go with party. her to respond is sheriff richard della thisisn't just insulting to
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law enforcement, in my mind it's incredibly dangerous. >> is very dangerous but they are very clever. what they are doing, laura, it's whatt happen in the summer where the narrative outpaces the what they are saying is what are electedervous sheriff's. they serve the public in their communities and what they are seeking to do is eliminate elected sheriff so they can take control over law enforcement. we saw in the summer from 35 superintendents men and women of color removed as chief sheriffs and superintendents because they did not adopt the narrative they were supposed to. you see this now trying to undercut the constitution, trying to take power away from the sheriffs.
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theto sheriff's of thanksgivingo count how many people are at home. it's insulting. i do notti want members who areq and nonsupporters, i do not want to waste these premises, they are trying to paint all of us with the same brush. spew what i just have to askru you, i am worried about this being set as the narrative as we get closer to the warmer weather. people thought, biden is in office, going to be no more blm riots, there's going to be something that happens and then you add this to the mix, law enforcement is rife with white supremacists? come up put a target on your back, forget about getting rid of elected sheriff's, puts the target on your back? >> continues narrative that all police officers are racist, they
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get up in the morning to go shoot men of color. what's disturbing about that is a narrative outpaces the facts. for instance, nobody knows that 16 children were killed in drive-by shootings in the wrong place in the wrong time. hardly anybody knows the name of those kids but there's no condemnation, and the protests. the other thing is law enforcement during the summer and into the fall, we were ambushed in cars in los angeles, we were throwing -- bottle rockets were shot at us, rocks, bottles beer they condemn us. they say we are there to murder people. they set this narrative. the only profession when all that is done in a friday night, you call 911 on saturday and begged for help, we don't care what color you are, we don't care what your religion is or your politics, we go. it's very scary because it continues to undermineca law enforcement and authority. the statistics and the facts really outweigh that
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law enforcement is the enemy on the young, black and brown people. new york city last year 1500 shootings and almost 500 homicides, 90% of the victims were black and brown and over 90% of the suspects were black and brown. >> laura: sheriff, we appreciate you joining us. we are out of time. we are following the story, don't you worry. staying on it. a virtual court hearing takes a pretty funny turn. i think so. i couldn't stop laughing. the last bite explains.
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>> it is but i don't know had to remove it. she is trying to. but i'm prepared to go forward with it. i'm here live but i'm not a cat. >> i can see that. >> laura: thanks for clarifying. it is pretty late tonight. that lawyer rob said if i can make the country chuckle for a moment in these difficult times, i'm happy to let them do that at my expense. what a good sport. i can't take those filters often my kids put them on. that is all the time we have tonight, shannon bream with "fox news @ night," i think i watched it ten times. >> i have watched it ten times shannon: i have watched it at least 10 times, it is the best thing to happen today. it is we are working on it.
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