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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  February 11, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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thank you very much, janice dean. you can see her on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning. you can see my on fox prime time. welcome to tucker carlson tonight. happy thursday. why the democrats so angry. it doesn't seem to make any sense. in november, the democratic party won everything, full control of the federal government. they seized for years while they were out of power. that made sense. winning seemed to enrage them even more. did you watch democrats on television today at the impeachment hearings. they are crazy people, yelling and making threats. it is bizarre. you would think they would get to work fixing the country they
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inherited. they promised to do that. instead, they talked about breaking things and hurting people. maybe it is intrinsic. there is a certain low-character person who becomes more vicious in victory. there was never a reason to kill people that were captured. they did it because they enjoyed it. adam schiff and nancy pelosi have a little bit in them. imagine being adam schiff's landscaper or nancy pelosi's housekeeper. imagine how they treat the staff when no one is watching. imagine waiting own them in a restaurant. how would they tip? they flatter the boss and scream at the intern. they suck up and spit down. jeff bezos is a god to them. you mean nothing. naturally, the democratic party is constructing a world designed to serve jeff bezos. you are an afterthought in that world. if you get in the way, they will punish you. they already are.
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you have the right to say and think what you want and read and watch what you want, threatens them above all. why? if you have access to information, you can form your own judgment, judgments that are independent of theirs. a free internet is their enemy. they started a sweeping mass campaign. yesterday, google pulled a pro-life news site off of youtube. why? because google supports abortion. children distract the labor force. if you are raising your family, you are not serving shareholders. google doesn't want to debate. they just shut it down. hundreds of thousands of subscribers to life side news will no longer be watching videos that question abortion, because they are not allowed to. today, twitter shut down james o'keefe's project var i tas. there was no justifiable reason
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to do it but no one in the media asked questions. project veritas has been known to spread misinformation, politico announced it. the person that wrote the sentence, child reporter, anna, whose twitter handle bragged she went to cornell, didn't bother to explain what that so-called misinformation was. you know what it was? project veritas had criticized the people in charge. anna didn't question that charge. she seemed pleased to play a role. good work, an in. you work at political now. you get to be america's room monitor and tell the rest of us what to say. all the child reporters feel that way. that's why they are in favor of it. project veritas is off twitter. they are not satisfied. they will not rest until there is not a single human being who questions any of the plat tuds that they memorized. differ versety is our strength,
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trans rights are human rights. they accept what ever the central committee decides is the slogan of the day and anyone that mocks or disagrees is silent. in the name of diversity, we must have uniformity. of all the impediments of achieving this goal of uniformity, which would include centuries of tradition, the first amendment of the constitution, the fact that this was a free country, of all of those, this channel, fox news, is the most significant hurdle to getting everyone to sing from the same song sheet. fox is the last big organization in the american news media that differs from the other news organizations, the only one. there is everyone else standing in crisp formation in their starched matching uniforms in little caps patiently awaiting orders from the billionaire class. there is fox news off by themselves occasionally saying
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things slight different from everyone else. there are still journalists willing to think for themselves and brave enough to say so out loud. it seems like that's what journalism should be but in 2021, it is very rare and the ol i garks hate it. jeff bezos has sent his personal describes to end fox news. they have written a number of columns suggesting that fox news must be silenced. they have gone on television to demand that fox news is silenced. here is one of his employees. >> there are other option, including the fact that cable operators, like comcast and charter, which send out to hundreds of millions of people, they can demand accountability in the way that facebook and twitter have done. there is also the possibility of reviving the fairness doctrine. >> there are a lot of ways to silence fox news, he has explained on television and in columns. he doesn't call it silencing fox
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news. he says, we must demand some accountability. make it go away, get in line. no more unauthorized questions, no more criticizing jeff bezos. he is not the only one saying it. in the last 30 days, a single columnist at the "new york times" called nick christophe has written three separate columns demanding that someone, please, yank this news channel off the air immediately. just yesterday, christophe suggested that this show, the one you are watching, was somehow guilty of terrorism, of violence, something we have been opposed to consistently for four years. how are we guilty yand? ashley babb, the unarmed protester occasionally watched this show from time to time at 8:00 p.m. ashley babot is dead. she paid quite a price for entering the speaker's lobby without permission and no one mourned her.
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we are saying this as a show. now, we need to ban any television shows that ashley babbott might have watched. we need to close the pain down. john wayne casey liked the nick christophe column so he is guilty of mass murder. that's what he is saying. we would never say something like that ever. it is too stupid. nothing is too stupid for nick
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christophe or "the new york times." what christophe lacks in reason he makes up for with vehement. he can't stand that someone somewhere might be forcibly disagreeing with him. it would be nice if he said it out loud. i'm calling for censorship. be a man and admit what you are doing. of course, he will not do this. these are not men but craven servants of the democratic party, feline, not canine. all of their aggression is passive aggression. watch another slope-shouldered tool of the ol i gaurky fan censorship. >> tucker carlson is telling viewers that this network, cnn, is trying to force fox news off the air, which is passively false. while some cry cancel culture, let me suggest a different way to think about this, a harm
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reduction model. reducing a liar's reach is not the same as censoring freedom of speech. freedom of speech is different than freedom of reach. >> oh, let me suggest a different model, the harm reduction model. notice the see duck tiffly imprecise language. it is not a fashcious crackdown on free speed by the ruthless and power-mad billionaires but just harm reduction like methadone or nick core core et, a way to get better. sean davis helped to found the federalist. they have come for him. he joins us tonight. sean, thanks so much for coming on. never want to sound like we are complaining. we hate talking about the show on the show. however, in the last several weeks, particularly in the last 24 hours, the call to take this show off the air by groups
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funded for real by the ford foundation or by george soros, by michael bloomberg, by jeff bezos, has become deafening, going after our advertisers, the companies that carry our signal into your home. what is this about? it is not just about us? what is it about, do you think, the censorship? >> it is about the complete totalitarian takeover of the left in america in 2020 and 2021. it used to be there was an authoritarian strain on the left, they want to control, put a mask on, don't athis, you must do that. totalitarianism is worse and more sinister. they want to control what you say and think. they do that because they think they should have total control over everything. eventually, as we learned in orwell's 1984, eventually, when they start banning words they don't like, they will start banning thoughts they don't like. in 1984, orwell wrote the
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revolution will be complete when the language is perfect. this is all about controlling language to control thoughts to eliminate ways of expressing things they don't think you should be thinking. it's as simple as that. i just can't believe the cowardice and the complicity of the entire media class in all of this. at some point, the revolution is going to end and the kids at politico and the daley beast and cnn and msnbc are going to ask, why didn't you say something for hurting people they thought was true? what are they going to say? >> they will pretend it is somebody else's fault. this is what they all do. we grew up where if a time you were arguing with someone on the playground and they didn't like what you were saying, you would say, this is a free country. i can say whatever i want. i'm not sure kids say that. the thing about speech is, it's an important as an end to speak our thoughts. it is also important as a means.
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speech is the pressure release valve that we have as a society. when people can argue things, when people can talk, they can avoid taking other measures. the more they throttle speech, the more they are bringing about the violence which they swear they actually oppose. >> how ironic for anyone familiar with american history that extends back before november. "the new york times," which won the most famous free speech case in american history is leading the charge against the first amendment, firing their own employees for having the wrong beliefs trying to shut down fox news. did you ever think you would live to see that? >> it's shocking, especially with the guilt by association. if a bad person watched this thing, we must cans that will thing. this is the paper that published hitler. this is the paper that ran interference for stalin and for the soviets. >> it got us into the iraq war where so many americans were
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killed, injured, or im pofr ishd. sean davis, great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. there is a lot going on in the country. people who want to live like we lived maybe three years ago tend to be moving to a small number of states. florida is one of those states, one of the free states left. because of that, the new biden administration is seeking to punish florida. no administration has ever suggested anything like that. marco rubio joins us to explain what's happening and what he plans to do about it after the break. every veteran family deserves to fulfill their dream of owning a home and to continue living that dream throughout their lives. at newday usa, we have va refinance loans to do just that. from refinancing to lower your monthly mortgage payments to refinancing and getting cash for your family. whatever you need, we're here.
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and get a new samsung galaxy starting at $17 a month. learn more at or visit your local xfinity store today. . the country is a lot less free than it used to be. some states are trying hard to remain american. the biggest of them is florida. florida's leaders have managed to protect for the most part their constituent's constitutional right even during the pandemic. a lot of places, those rights were canceled. florida did not go into a total lockdown, many businesses and beaches stayed out. what was the result? according to our public policy expert, anthony fauci, florida should be leading the country in coronavirus deaths. that's not true or close. florida has performed far better than states that shut down completely and forced people to isolate, states like new york and new jersey. last summer, at the height of the pandemic, new york and new jersey had five times the number
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of coronavirus deaths on a per capita basis and far more people live in florida than new york and new jersey. new york still has more corona cases per day. today, we have learned it is even worse than we thought in the northeast. it turns out that new york's governor, andrew cuomo, sent more than 9,000 coronavirus patients from hospitals to nursing homes in the early days of the pandemic. those numbers are almost twice as high as what we thought, twice as high as what officials had recorded in new york. according to the "new york post," a top cuomo aide admitted it was a cover-up, lying, putting out the real numbers that would be, quote, used against us. all this is uncomfortable for our media to talk about for obvious reasons and not just because cnc literally ploys the brother of the governor of new york. florida proves that people don't need to give up their rights as
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americans just because some bureaucrat demands they do. just because some career politician wants more power. at msnbc, which exists to protect career politicians, there is only one solution, florida's leadership needs to be punished immediately. >> republican governor ron desantis cares more about keeping the state open for business than about keeping people alive. >> how do you roll out a national plan when you have to go through governors like him? is there a way that the administration can get around people like ron desantis? >> really quickly, though, what do you do with dumb governors? you have governors like randy san it is who don't care with covid. what do you do with recals trant governors, republican governors so eager to claw their way to the top of the trump food chain, they have picked up his war and lack of respect for life itself. >> the defenders of democracy there. is there a way we can get around people like ron desantis? people meaning elected officials
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voted in state-wide? in other words, how can the federal government shut down the state of florida and overthrow its governor? the biden administration is considering its options. they have come up with a plan to punish florida and its governor. according to the maple herald, and we are quoting, the biden administration is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions, including on florida. anonymous white house source explained what's going on here, a quote for the anyones. listen, quote, this is a war and we are at battle with the virus. war is messy and unpredictable and all options are on the table. what? all options are on the table. this is war? who are you talking about, american citizens. a rare moment of honesty from an anonymous white house official. no administration has ever suggested doing anything like this. the white house is singling out specific states for punishment. today, ron desantis made it clear he knows what is going on
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and will resist it. >> i think it would be unconstitutional, it would be unwise and it would be unjust and if you think about it, restricting the right of americans to travel freely throughout our country while allowing illegal aliens to pour across the southern border unmolested would be a ridiculous but very damaging farce. so we will oppose it 100%. it would not be based in science. it would purely be a political attack against the people of florida. >> the pre-text for shutting off florida from the rest of the country is if there is a mutation of the coronavirus spreading in the state. that mutation is also spreading in california, the biggest democratic state. no one in the white house is talking about destroying california or its governor. instead, they are defending gavin newsom from a democratic recall effort against voters. democrats know what this is.
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it is punishment for the largest republican state. last march, when the white house floated a broader lockdown that would affect the northeast, the governor of new york was app pa plek tick. he called it a federal declaration of war. a lockdown is what they did in wuhan, china, declared the brother of cnn's anchor. we are not in china or wuhan and it would be illegal. we are right. democrats have changed their view. they have decided we are going to punish this the state to which all the taxpayers in our big, failed, ugly, gray, dirty, crime-ridden states are fleeing. these people are the most effective real estate salesmen the state of florida has ever seen. they are punishing florida for it. marco rubio represents the state of florida in the united states senate. he joins us now. senator, i have to say, this seems, given what's going on in california, i don't understand the scientific basis for a suggestion like this. it seems very obviously political punishment. how does it strike you?
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>> it is quite ironic. the day after donald trump imposed the china travel ban that joe biden accused him of xenophobia and then tweeted out travel bans anywhere in the world do not work. now, he wants to impose them on american citizens. if you arrive at the u.s. southern border with a child, you will be allowed entry to the country and allowed to stay here pending an asylum trial. if you are an american citizen living in florida that wants to travel, they will put some restriction in your way. we should pass a law making clear this is not within the power of the administration to do. you can't stand in the way of the ability of americans to travel freely in their country for something that is not supported by the science. >> it seems like a pretty radical thing to say and the kind of thing you might say to stoke conflict, make people feel like they are really under attack. shutting off states from the rest of the country. why would they float an idea
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like that. >> they are trying to punish florida, florida has embarrassed new york and it hosted a super bowl with actual people in the stands. the predictions about florida didn't come true. they are like, we can't do this. we have to come up with something. i think there is an element of that that involves punishment. i really do. >> if you look at the state of new york, we are not going to get the numbers for probably another year. it looks to me very much, checking the real estate numbers, like they are losing their tax base at very high speed for florida. they must recent that. >> not just from the that. we have never had people move from florida to california. they are coming to california. the airlines have rerouted a bunch of flights to florida, to all kinds of communities. people are telling what they think. it is not just pandemic. it is streets that are not liveable, garbage that isn't being picked up, anarchy in the streets, more than just pandemic. the pandemic is terrible. it has added to all these other schools that aren't open. there are kids in california that haven't gone to school.
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i read tweets about high school football prospects that have lost their senior year, stuck, and had a terrible record on covid. >> if you mismanaged a state so completely that everyone with a job flees. >> you get an emmy. >> should you be allowed to force the rest of the country to bail you out? that's what they are going to try to do. >> those are pre-existing debts. we should not be in the business of saying, we were already in trouble to begin with. this is a good opportunity to get you a bunch of money to help fund all the mismanagement and terrible union contracts and the mess you have made of cities and states. this is not about helping a city that needs help. that's one thing. let's say their tax base was wiped out by the pandemic. this was about pre-existing debt, pension plans that are bankrupting cities and states. they see it as the latest opportunity to get bailed out. >> unlike pretty much everyone else, you are from the state of
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florida. congratulations on that. you were in early. senator rubio, great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. so if you doubt the public health experts, people who want to shut down florida, for example, you risk losing your job. last night, disney made an example of the star wars actress who dared step out of line on social media. we'll tell you what happened straight ahead.
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as you've noticed, if you got the wrong politics if you oppose communism or don't fully trust public health experts who have no idea whoo they are doing and lie, you can be fired. another example tonight, an actress in a popular disney plus star wars series is the latest to be fired. fox's trace gallagher has that story tonight. >> before she became an actress, gina cora know was a mixed martial arts fighter and criticized for posting political statements like mocking mask
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wearing and alleging there was voter fraud in the 2020 election. now, she has been fired by disney for an instagram post that compared the political climate in nazi germany to what's happening in the u.s. she wrote, most people don't realize to get to the point where nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being jews. how is that different for hating someone for their political views? the very same comparison was made two years ago by pedro pascal, posting pick tours of children confined by barbed wire and children allegedly being confined in i.c.e. detention centers in 2018. the picture isn't from the u.s. it is reportedly palestinian children in the west bank. same sentiment, wrong picture. the disney double standard is
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being questioned. they wrote, gina's corona's post made the point that mass violence starts with hatred for your neighbor. it is one perspective of the commandment to love your neighbor. many others are canceling disney plus. gina corano says she stays vocal on social media because she has seen both sides of the aisle get bullied on twitter. this time, it appears very one-sided. trace gallagher, thanks so much for that, appreciate it. matt walsh is one of the smartest observers of this stuff. he joins us now. thanks so much for coming on. one of the reasons this is particularly galling and ominous is that disney, by and large, is programmed to our kids. it is a channel right into the minds of our children. with that in mind, how do you assess them?
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>> disney has been radically leftist. i am glad to hear people are canceling disney plus. we have to start thinking. there are companies out there that are actively working against us in the culture. they are working against us, brain washing our kids. they want to turn our kids against us by the messages they are feeding them. are we going to keep supporting these kind of companies? this is just one example. in this case, this is just one example. it is so absurd. the idea that a nazi or holocaust or hitler comparison is now anti-semitic. then everybody on the internet is an anti-semite. this is the most common rhetorical tactic. gina corona has not only a case of being canceled but this is defamation. lucasfilms came out and said she was denigrating people for their religious beliefs. that is not an interpretation of
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what she said. that's a lie. >> can i clarify? i think that's right. she was anti-nazi, right? she wasn't endorsing the nazis. she was criticizing the nazis. >> the only way you could interpret it as no-nazi, is if you any she was warning about hatred of your fellow man. that is not what she was doing. as far as nazi comparisons go, this is one of the more legitimate ones we have seen. the point she is making -- she is not saying right now conservatives are being rounded up and sent to concentration camps. she is saying, when you take a certain group of people and start demonizing them and dehumanizing them for their beliefs it can lead to very bad places. the ironic thing is the left is proving her point by the way they are reacting, making up lies an calling her an anti-semite. they know it is a lie. they think she is a cultural
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heratic and has the wrong views. that is dehumanizing when you think it is okay to defame someone when you disagree with their political views. >> when did everyone on one side get so idealogical that all that matters is you have to bow before certain idols and you get a pass to do what you want? i don't remember the country being like this a few years ago. >> it's been a long process. that's the thing about cancel culture people need to understand. there is no cancel culture on the right. the right doesn't have a cancel culture, because in order to cancel someone, you have to have institutional power. there is so much on the left about systemic power. they say you can't be racist unless you have systemic power. that's ridiculous. racism is an internal heart thing. you have to have systemic institutional power to cancel someone. only the left has that. that's a left wing phenomenon. they are the only one that is do it, intensely idealogical. that's the number one thing that determines if you are going to
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be canceled, your political views. >> i think that's exactly right. matt walsh, great to see you font. thank you. >> cancel culture, it is happening everywhere. at some point, it will end. i do think that the people that stood up in the face of it will get the credit they deserve. some of those people are the ones that own and run this channel. whatever you think of fox news, the people that run this place are tough and principled. that's why we are still here. i wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. it is demonstrably true. we are still here. joe biden's state department has identified a new national security threat, not iran or china or russia. no. it is you. we have obtained internal state department documents that describe the terrible threat you pose to america. straight ahead.
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♪♪ ♪♪ ocean spray works with nature every day to keep you healthy . if you are looking for an honest assessment of the national security threats we face, george soros might be on the list. george soros makes your country weaker. he made a lot of countries weaker. he famously shorted the bringsish pound and nearly broke the bank of england and
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contributed to the 1987 financial crisis that brought down the bank of thailand. if you were asking someone to assess national security, you might not ask him. he kind of seems like one. the biden administration does not agree with that, clearly, they love george soros. here is evidence of that fact. >> joe biden's state department we learned yesterday held a virtual event called discussion on racism being a national security threat. according to a state department document this show obtained exclusively, one of the speakers there was tom perielo, the head of george soros foundation in the united states. presumably, he didn't want anyone to know where he works or warn anyone about his boss. he said the real threat that we face according to this lecture at the state department is racism. oh. in other words, your attitudes,
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because if you disagree with them, they call you a racist even if you spend your whole life trying to be color blind. you are a racist if they disagree with you. the real problem, tom perielo explained is america itself. america's police officers, political opponents to the democratic party. joe biden has basically said this out loud. >> we have taken steps to acknowledge and address systemic racism and the scourge of white supremacy in our own country, forcing us to confront systemic racism and white supremacy. it has just been weeks since all of america witnessed a group of thugs and insurrectionists an thugs and political extremists and white supremacists violently attack our democracy. i believe we are in a battle for
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the soul of this nation. the simple truth is our soul will be troubled as long as systemic racism ace loud to persist. >> you can't call biden a liar. he is reading off a cue card written by somebody else. you do wish somebody in power would define systemic racism for us. what is it? can it be measured? are there studies? what the hell are you talking about? they will never define it. if it were real, why would people be moving here from non-white countries? why would they be encouraging immigration into this country if this country was controlled by systemic racism? that would be dangerous to the people coming here. they don't believe what they are saying. this is a way to get you to be quiet and for them to draw more power to themselves. just in case it wasn't already completely clear to you and it should be, then we've also
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learned that the virtual meeting was held on zoom. oh, zoom. state farm is holding meetings on zoom. last year, an indictment revealed that zoom had an agreement from the government of china to spy on meetings conducted by their users. they proactively monitored meetings that might upset the communist party of china and shut down calls. china did into the shut down yesterday's call. it accomplished everything they wanted. our loaders weren't paying attention to actual threat but casting more aspersions on enter own population, dividing america. this is the genre of a story we can't get enough of. last year, seattle city council member wanted to defund the police. you know what happens next, what always happens when you do that. in december, she had help from police, because she started threat receiving threatening e-mails. their still are police and she wants them working on her
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personal concerns. jason has been on top of the story and joins us tonight to gloating. good to see you. explain this story. the defund the police lady is now mad that the still-funded police aren't doing enough for her personally. >> yeah. she is not getting the vip treatment that she so, obviously, deserves. she got these threats. she didn't report them to the police. she put out a press statement. when the spd found out about them, they started the investigation and kept her abreast of the situation. these were e-mailed threats and they have to do some tracing. we believe there is some spoofing of e-mails that were the case lear. so they actually have to dig in. this doesn't happen overnight. they are doing whoo they can. she thinks they are dragging their feet, not doing it fast enough. this is a single detective in a department that is underresourced because of shama sawat, in a department that has
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one of the lowest staffing levels they have seen in several decades. there is a reason they might be a little slow. they are doing what they can. on it top of that, she does not understand how policing works. she is taking issue with some of the questions she is being asked. she is mad that the detective asked her how she felt having received these e-mail threats, not realizing when you get threatening e-mails, you have to establish you actually had a reasonable threatening feeling, right? she is mad they are trying to establish a crime had occurred. you can watch a single episode of law and order, literally any of them, and understand that about policing. as she is focusing exclusively on trying to fire all these officers, she should probably understand how they do their jobs, because then she probably wouldn't be complaining about all of this. >> if you defund the police, you
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should be exempt from police protection. if you defund the police, no police protection for you. too frustrating. hard to believe you live there. good luck, jason rantz. >> thanks, tucker. they try to take away your protection and prevent you from protecting yourself. mark and elizabeth mccloskey are facing felony charges from defending enter home from violent threats from blm. we want to bring you an update and talk to mark mccloskey directly after the break.
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>> tucker: last summer, mark and patricia mccloskey were having dinner in their home in st. louis when a group of rioters threatened to kill them on their property. mccloskeys did what every american has the right to do. they defended their property and their lives. >> let's go! let's go! let's go!
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let's go! [drum beats] let's go! >> tucker: it's their house. they didn't do anything wrong. they're just having dinner at their house and these lunatics show up and threaten to kill them. they tell them to back off. they used firearms to do it. "the washington post" tried to ruin their life. nobody defended them. nra which exists to defend the legal right of gun owners to defend their lives and property totally ignored them and still has to this day and, of course, the legal system in st. louis totally political has tried to destroy them. mccloskeys are facing charges for unlawful use of a weapon and tampering with evidence. they face up to four years in prison each. so as crime rises around the country, we thought it'd be a good night to check in with mark mccloskey to see how that case is going. what's the status of your legal fight? >> thank you for having me, talker. we're still charged with two
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felonies. it'll cost us four years in prison if convicted. the judges in our cases have thrown the circuit attorney off the case because she used us in her campaign advertising and the judges ruled that she gave the impression she was charging us for political purposes. she was attempting to inflame the potential jury pool, meaning our peers, accusing us of being -- having racial motivations and impinging our character based on our wealth, our social position and the judges concluded that she gave the impression of having jeopardized our rights to a fair trial. she's been taken off the case. she's still fighting to get back on. i mean, both trial judges ruled against her. the court of appeals ruled against her. we don't know if she's going to take this up to the missouri supreme court, but just to show how apolitical she was, she doesn't want to let go of this. >> tucker: scary! i don't think most people -- i'm in this category -- care what color you are, how much money
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you have, as an american, you have the right to protect yourself on your own property from a violent mob threatening your life. has any -- and that's why i think this case is so important because it's not just about you, but it's about all of us. has anyone stepped forward to help you? the nra. [indiscernible] one day i hope he explains -- but one day has anyone else stepped up to support you? >> we have gotten a lot of support generally around the country but as far as actually helping us, well, we've got the governor of missouri who has vowed to pardon us if we get convicted but we have to get convicted first. our state attorney general has filed a motion to dismiss which hasn't yet been ruled on, but as far as the local government here, we're out there on our wild lonesome. >> tucker: what is this costing you? are you worried not just for yourself but for our country? >> the country, tucker, is in such a world of hurt, i mean, we have got as now my representative in the house of congress, we've got corey bush who led this mob to my house,
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not just once on june 28th but twice again on july 3rd and on july 3rd, her mob was expressly there to kill us and burn down our house and she is standing outside of my house with a megaphone chanting "you can't stop the revolution." she has the gal to stand up in congress and say that anybody that supports insurrection should not be allowed to be in the halls of congress. my god, she has advocated revolution in front of me and her organization in the state of st. louis has vowed to kill us and burn down our house. the hypocrisy is absolutely amazing. >> tucker: and you didn't even do anything? just a lawyer having dinner with your wife because they didn't like the way that you looked! >> they broke down the gate. they come in. they are hundreds of them screaming, shouting, threatening and all we did was keep 'em at bay. not a shot was fired. >> tucker: you did the right thing! >> yeah, well.
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>> tucker: it's amazing anyone is even questioning what you did much less trying to prosecute you for it. mark mccloskey, godspeed, appreciate you coming on tonight, thank you. >> thank you, tucker tuck. >> tucker: >> we're back on tomorrow, the show that the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. sean hannity on now. >> hannity: glad you're following up on that case, tucker. good show. welcome to "hannity" tonight. we're tracking multiple breaking stories, these are huge including day three of the senate's impeachment ship-charade show they have going on. we have tonight just breaking, a brand-new scandal rocking the never-trump group called the lincoln project. oh, wait until we follow the money and the cover-up. that is straight ahead. but first breaking tonight, even bigger news, new york governor andrew cuomo has been caught in what is a massive undeniable nursing home cover-up. look at this according to an absolutely b


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