tv The Five FOX News February 12, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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and in philadelphia, where i come from, when you get caught doctoring the evidence, your case is over. and that's what happened. they got caught doctoring the evidence in this case should be over. ♪ ♪ >> juan: hello, everyone, i'm juan williams along with greg gutfeld, shannon bream, jesse watters and dagen mcdowell. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." >> juan: you are looking alive at the senate floor, senators getting a chance to ask both sides questions on the impeachment trial. that comes after former president trump's legal team came out swinging earlier today. trump's lawyers getting a chance to challenge the house impeachment manager's case. the team accusing democrats of
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twisting the former president 's words and manipulating evidence. take a look. >> but they manipulated his words. you will see where they stopped it. they gave it a very different meaning from the meaning it has in full context. let's watch. >> you have to get your people to fight. he told them. >> you have to get your people to fight, and if they don't fight, we have to primary the hill out of the ones that don't fight. we are going to let you know who they are, i can already tell you, friends. >> juan: the trump legal team also accusing democrats of hypocrisy when it comes to using heated political language. putting together several videos like this one. >> democrats are fighting as hard as we can. >> democrats are standing up to fight. >> we know we have to fight. >> democrats are going to fight
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like hell. >> we fight like hell. >> we are going to fight like hell. >> fight like hell. >> i will fight like hell. >> i and many other senators in the house will fight like hell. >> we are going to fight like hell. >> we are going to fight like hell. >> fight like hell. >> we are going to fight, we're going to fight, we are to fight! >> political revolution, that being millions, millions, millions have got to stand up and fight! >> juan: dagen mcdowell, let me start with you come after the questions finish up, the whole g will come down to a senate vote this weekend, i guess. i've heard republican senators said the democratic managers did make a strong case but trump is out of office and this might not be constitutional. is that the best argument for
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acquittal? >> dagen: yeah, it is. 44 republicans voted that this was unconstitutional and so expect them to vote the same way on the issue of conviction or acquittal. this turns into a big infomercial for the democrats' marketing campaign, if you will. watching those videos today, the democrats' high ground quickly melted into a mud ball. incendiary language from the democrats, check call for confrontation, check abuse of power, check ignoring and dismissing the suffering of americans amid the summertime riots. livelihoods were destroyed, check on that. but of course remember all this atrocious behavior was going to end when president trump left office, that they were going to govern in the best interest of all americans and we are not saying that. thousands of jobs destroyed on day one by president biden, i'm glad about the vaccine rollout
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to pay for his own mistakes and a lack of a plan and according to reports, and eight has now threatened a political reporter for pulling a story about one of his relationships. i will destroy you, nasty, misogynistic language. so i get the left's moral mountaintop is also about morale at the end of the day. >> juan: greg, a lot of the lawyers, today they were saying that they think this whole impeachment trial by the democrats was an act of political vengeance by the opposition party and i've got to tell you, i watched a lot of the trial and i thought some of it riveting. i thought it was scary to see how close vice president pence came to being caught up by the mob. i think it was awful to see a writer with a stun gun looking for nancy pelosi. so i just thought i would ask you, do you think this was a worthwhile exercise or do you think it was a waste of time?
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>> greg: waste of time. next question. actually, you know what, except for today. today, it was so important, today was so important to show cnn's viewers the full context of the charlottesville quotes. all they kept hearing whenever they would hear about that is fine people on both sides of the lawyers play the entire context so chris, had to sit there and go on my god, he did disavow racist and white nationalists and antifa, and also that undermined the entire story that joe biden had ran his campaign on. they went oh, fine people, the fine people comment. by now, it is so important that that got shown. maybe joe seen the full context should admit that he was wrong for calling everyone who supported trump racist.
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and then the other important point is that montage where they effectively demolished the incendiary language defense by showing it's not just a montage, it's showing how subjective your analysis can be depending on your ideology. trump can use the same words as democrats but he's evil and they are not, that was the whole point of showing these words, is that you as a human, you are not supposed to see out of context words as meaningful because they are out of context, they are abusing the language and they are meaningless. so that just destroys that whole argument. there is a key difference between democrat and republican language. it happens after an event. the republicans are all law and order, condemning all mayhem. democrats use the protection of protest to defend their preferred mob. it's mostly peaceful. those things burning down, that's rare. in a weird way, the democrats
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have mob rights and no one else has mob rights, nor does anybody want them and i think that's what we learned today which is why today was meaningful, for me, anyway. it was good to see. >> juan: i think there's a big difference between what we saw from democrats' language and what we saw at the capitol. >> greg: you just proved my point. >> juan: okay, all right. jesse, let me come to you. i was struck, graham and cruz are supposed to be impartial jurors but they were consulting with the trump defense team so i didn't like it, but i'm always looking for common ground with you, jesse, so let me ask you something else, the attack on the capital i think we can say was fueled by trump's false claim that the election was stolen. are you willing to now say that joe biden won the election fair and square and there was no sizable, systemic fraud?
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>> jesse: [laughs] juan, nice try. i want to back up to your earlier part. none of these senators are impartial. this is a political trial. you think chuck schumer has an open mind? into your other question, juan, yeah, the trump legal team was not able to prove that there was enough fraud that would have changed the result of the election and i can say, president biden, i don't understand why you think that is some sort of gotcha question, i live in the real world. but today, you saw what the defense presented, you would see that the democrat prosecution fell apart today. they have been trying all week to make trump an accessory for a crime that he didn't commit by criminalizing standard political language that is protected under the first amendment and it's the same language that the democrats themselves use. when a democrat says fight like hell and someone hears that and they firebomb a republican
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office, they shoot a congressman or insult a police officer, can therefore the democrat politician be impeached for incitement? under that standard, they could. how many years have we heard democrats say trump is a racist, he is a traitor that colluded with prudent, and he's an evil man and you want to then say every bit of violence committed against a trump supporter can now be criminally liable if you said something about that and you are a member of congress? i can say that trump may be pushed this thing too far, or that the january 6th rally was maybe a little overcooked or he put mike pence in a bad spot, but if you think the democrats this week proof that donald trump intentionally incited an insurrection? there's no way. number one, they never offered any proof that he intended for this to happen.
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number two, under the criminal code this doesn't reach incitement whatsoever. and i don't see how you call it an insurrection would know when he been pulled out a gun and a few hours later, they certified the electors. >> juan: all right, okay. shannon, we are glad to have you with us. nikki haley, trump's former u.n. ambassador said that trump lead republicans down, the party shouldn't have followed him and now she doesn't think trump will ever run for office again. what do you think, shannon? >> shannon: she's looking for the path forward. keep in mind, she's probably going to run in 2024 so she has had to make calculations to think that far ahead. she also talked in that interview about how upset she was, furious, angry at the way vice president pence was treated after his loyalty and friendship for all these years for president trump. she said let's take the ideas of trump that works for the g.o.p. we don't want to go back to the
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pretrump g.o.p. but let's move forward with other people. she thinks he is too tarnished, we will have to see. remember, all the stuff introduced, this is not a real legal proceeding or trial. it's political in nature. if anyone is upset about what has been introduced, they opened the door to charlottesville and all those other things, to open the door for the video we saw today so they only have themselves to thank for what we saw in the defense. >> juan: things, shannon. ahead, bipartisan backlash and calls to criminally prosecute new york governor andrew cuomo after a top aide admits to withholding information on nursing home deaths. also, don't forget to follow "the five" on social media so you can continue the conversation. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: new york governor andrew cuomo facing bipartisan backlash, calls for impeachment and possible criminal prosecution over his top aide secretly telling democrats that cuomo hid nursing home deaths because the feds were investigating them. melissa derosa said his team froze because they were worried that giving out the information "would be used against him." that aid trying to walk back that statement today saying the governor's office was "comprehensive and transparent." greg, it keeps on getting worse and worse for governor cuomo.
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i guess the biden doj's dropping the nursing home investigation but the state of new york is coming after him. >> greg: this scandal sent his political career to one of his rest homes because i don't think it's going to survive, nor should it. the one thing that bugs me is how his team apologized to the state democrats for putting them in a difficult position. may be apologizing to them first is not a good look. there's a whole other group of people you should be apologizing, like to the victims' families, it was a political apology. they are more worried about how the fallout would affect them politically, and they didn't seem too concerned about the press because i guess they figured the press would run cover for them, because they have in the past. remember how much they love their cuomo. i went on amazon to look at
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reviews for his book and entertainment weekly, a great, terrible magazine said that andrew cuomo is a hero that america never realized it needed. what clueless, drooling automatons the media has become. not including all of us. >> jesse: and of course not. and i do enjoy that magazine. >> greg: oh, it's terrible. >> jesse: shannon, some of the criminal charges they have been looking at here, when you are hiding body count in the middle of a federal investigation, that can be considered conspiracy misdemeanor or possible obstruction. it doesn't look good for andrew cuomo. i imagine they will be lawyered up for many, many months going forward. >> shannon: i think you're right and it's not just republicans. you would expect the g.o.p. to be calling him out and going after him but something has turned because you saw that report from the very left wing attorney general there in
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new york that if she laid out the numbers and laid them bare, that seemed to really be a crack for them because now somebody has leaked this call they were having with democratic lawmakers, somebody shared that information so you are losing democrats now and some of them sounded really ticked off about the position they've been in. after apologizing to the cuomo team but apology not accepted by senate committee chairman rachel mae who was a democrat there. the issue for me is feeling like i had to defend or at least not attack this administration but it appears it was covering something up. when you are losing these democrats, now they are so angry they are turning on cuomo and his team. if they team up with the republicans, i think there will be investigations for years to come. it's not good when you've lost your own party. >> jesse: because remember what this is all about, the governor mandated that infected patients must go into nursing homes and then when the feds
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investigated it, he hid it and played games, so this is really about getting answers for families who still don't know how their family members passed away or weren't even allowed access to their homes to say goodbye to them, it's heartbreaking. >> juan: yeah, i think it's a very ugly situation and i think cuomo has to be honest about the numbers, jesse. there should be repercussions if he's not honest about the numbers. i would say that about any politician, and i think in this situation, with all the families and the emotion involved, it's doubly true. you've got to be accountable as a politician to your people, the people of new york state, that is who he took an oath to. the excuse i'm hearing is he said he was fearful for the aides said she was fearful about the trump a administration politicizing all of this, that just doesn't do it for me. i don't care about the politics
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of it, you got to be straight with people when you are dealing with something so explosive. i will say this, the total numbers are the same in terms of deaths. not that they are hiding the total numbers, it's what was going on at the nursing homes and he was of course actively thought to keep beds available on hospitals but you've got to be straight with folks. finally in terms of picking up on the bipartisan nature, your member would have been down in florida with governor ron desantis. you had ron desantis absolutely firing and he said it wasn't keeping the numbers the way he wanted them kept so they could open counties and eventually her home was being rated so i think we have to call all these politicians to account for playing games with covid numbers. >> jesse: yeah, i think that was debunked down in florida, that whole situation. dagen mcdowell, i recall in katrina where managers of nursing homes were brought up on big charges when they lied and
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people died during that tragedy, i can't see why this would be any different. >> dagen: there should be criminal charges related to this. i wonder how cnn and the cuomo borough show is going to handle this issue because that's what was going on, when they sent covid positive patients from testing those patients, organizations representing nursing home employees warned te state and warned cuomo, please don't do this, it will result in deaths. and now we know it's more than 15,000 elderly people died including in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. do you know what cuomo was doing? he was feeling the warm glow of that spotlight from the left media while people like
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janice dean were crusading to get accountability for their dead loved ones and for all of the families grieving. just give me one breath. by the way, the woman, melissa derosa, she was in "harper's bazaar" last year under the voices of hope issue and a glossy photo, i think standing in front of the state capital, andrew cuomo not only was he yakking it up with his equally bad haircut brother, he went on and barely got asked about the nursing home order on "good morning america," cbs sunday morning, and ""the tonight show"" with jimmy fallon but he did get a real pretty interview with him and his family in "people" magazine. i think that was about the time his book came out. without people like janice dean, i don't think we would be where we are today and it's the
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beginning of the end of andy cuomo's political career. just one more thing, i wanted to wish a happy 60th wedding anniversary, it was yesterday, to janice dean's now deceased in laws, mickey and dean newman. we grieve for you, janice, and we are so proud of you. >> jesse: well said, dagen. ahead, a group that has spent years trying to take down trump is imploding in scandal. the lincoln project accused of turning a blind eye to sexual harassment allegations and so far, crickets from the media. ♪ ♪
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>> shannon: one of the biggest anti-trump projects, the lincoln project, surrounded by scandal after spending years attacking the former president. the groups former cofounder john weaver is accused of -- the lincoln project said it was shocked but a new report says top leaders of the group knew about at least ten allegations against weaver and that was months ago, coming to us from new york magazine and the associated press as well. greg, i want to start with you. their whole modus operandi was taking the moral high ground against president trump and now according to these reports, there were reports to numerous people at the lincoln project and yet they say as of january they didn't know what was going on. >> greg: they were lying. it's interesting now that trump is out of office, almost like coincidentally, the lincoln project no longer is being projected. now the ap posts this scandal at
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an appropriate time when it has no effect on the election, because they knew if they had done the story they might actually help trump so everybody that knew that pivots from their perch of high morality, claiming trump was unfit. i am told by an anonymous psychic who has regular conversations with the dead that she quotes abe lincoln as saying, get this of the lincoln project is one of the top two worst things that ever happened to him. >> shannon: ouch. okay. with that in mind, they don't occur to you because one of the people that has come out to speak against them was jennifer horn, part of founding the group. she has now turned against them. she says she is devastated by all that has come forward and yet we have them, somehow they got into her private dms on twitter. they posted these messages between her and a reporter. i think they have since been deleted but what does that say to you as far as an intimidation
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tactic, something that seems very sketchy? >> dagen: i think they are proving to be what we already knew they were, and it wasn't about anti-trump. i just want to remind people of the lincoln spend millions of dollars trying to defeat susan collins among senators. they spend millions of dollars on advertisements targeting her in a very misogynistic way, let's just call it what it is. they called her a trump stooge and guess what, she won. so it didn't work. and also winning the day today would be the credulous -- a demo, remember what rick wilson said? it's a good day for them. >> greg: [laughs] >> shannon: juan, we have some of these people who are prominent members very involved with the lincoln project going out and doing other interviews and not being asked about john
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weaver. how is that possible, juan? >> juan: i think the one everyone is talking about, shannon, is george conway, the husband of kellyanne conway. conway says he really cut ties with the group i guess in the middle of last year and he says he didn't hear these rumors about weaver until after the election. so i guess that's the best to say about that. but on the media part of it, i'm not saying when i look at politico, the hill, "the washington post," "the new york times," i see lots of reporting on this. it's hard to miss a sex scandal if you are a democrat or republican. it's hard to miss. the lincoln project raised i think it's $90 million but they spend less than half of that in terms of advertising, so the
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rest of it was going into the pocket of the people who are leading the organization. i think that is the real scandal, you know? >> shannon: these rumors are out there, these stories have been out there for a long time, we hear these things. so jesse, they say they didn't know all this time. do you buy it? >> jesse: no, i don't buy it. it reminds me of michael avenatti. you guys have a media darling that swoops in and they are great and they are really useful, and the minute they become not useful, they just implode and then the media forgets about them. anybody with any street smarts saw this coming a mile away. the rumors are out there since the '90s and a lot of these guys running the lincoln project had deep financial debt. to juan's point, if you bring a $90 million and you only spend $20 million on ads, the rest is
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overhead, that means it went into the pockets of the firms that these guys ran. i don't know if this is your typical sexual harassment scandal or what, or if it goes deeper, if it involves minors or if people are going to come forward within the organization and make accusations, whatever it is. if it goes in that direction, i don't think you're ever going to see another lincoln project member on television again. >> shannon: they say they hired an outside body to come and do a thorough investigation. they also say they are releasing people from exposure agreement so if people want to come out and share their stories. ahead, britney spears and a major legal fight with her own father over control of her massive fortune and really her life. a big development in that story is next. ♪ ♪ daddy, is that where we're from? well, actually...we're from a lot of places.
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♪ ♪ >> dagen: yeah, that's britney spears. britney spears is in a major legal battle with her own father to control her $60 million fortune. here's the quick back story. her dad jamie spears was granted conservative ship over her estate back in 2008 after the pop star allegedly struggled with mental health issues and was hospitalized and she has been fighting to regain control for years. the controversy getting a lot of attention because of this new documentary. >> she accepted that it was going to happen but she didn't want her father to be -- that was the one request. >> any time there is that amount of money to be made, you have to question the motives of everyone close to that person. >> dagen: britney spears just scored a legal win, judge ruling that her father will no longer
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have sole control over her money. i watched this documentary and the shocking thing is, and there were many things that were shocking, is that she has literally no control over her life and even health decisions because of this legal entity. >> shannon: and would also shock to me is she is 39. i'm agent, i can't believe britney spears is 39 years old. she had a really rough time. she has had two kids, so she is a mom too and she can't even make her own decisions. i can tell you that i know somebody who was on tour with her for a while and said that period with the umbrella and the shaved head was really, really difficult. she was not in a position, this person thinks, at the time to actually take care of herself. at one time it may have made sense but she has been pushing back. there has been a whole hashtag free britney thing that has gone on for years and years but it's interesting her boyfriend spoke out too. they have been together for five years, he has never spoken publicly about her life.
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i think he has really try to respect her privacy but for him to come out now and say negative things about her father, and by the way, he said i didn't come to this country to not be able to express my freedom. i want to have a good relationship with her dad, i hope we will someday, but that to be really the only public statement we have heard from somebody that close to her makes her really think about what's going on. >> dagen: i saw this as the legal system failing this woman in a way because she is trapped and can't make any decisions with her own money. in fact, she dropped out, she was going to perform in las vegas again at this residency, and she said, i'm not doing at. >> juan: everyone is talking about this, it's really a sensation, this documentary, i'm curious to see it. one, i think she has been a childhood star. at 39, who knew, but it always
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seems like she is so young and america, we chew up child stars and spit them out and we are so tough on them and this poor young woman, she had some mental health issues. i think you've got to consider that but keep in mind, she's a real person with a real heart and some tough times. so when you talk about her, i just think we need to talk about these young stars in a way that's more considerate of who they are and give them a little more room because people have been very tough, i think, not just the father, i'm talking about the public. >> dagen: wait until you watch the documentary. you will say that times 100. but her fans are so loyal, they're the ones who started, the podcast, they are the ones who started following her instagram doing a podcast about it. they thought she was sending messages to the world and they have kind of led to this. >> jesse: we stumbled up on
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the couch and watched the britney documentary, and i felt the same way as the fans. i got those messages loud and clear. in all seriousness, we watch something else. in all seriousness, i had a buddy who worked as a photographer for britney during a stretch and my impression from him is that her father was really financially predatory with her, and she was experiencing deep anguish for many, many years because she felt like she went through a meltdown. and who hasn't gone through a meltdown? i'm going through one, i'm sure everyone on the show has gone through a meltdown. you shave your head, you smash a window with an umbrella. maybe now that, but everybody has their moments. she's different. either she came from, not as sophisticated a background and she was the biggest pop star in the world at the time and she had a moment. but her father allegedly took advantage of that and really snuck his tentacles and has her
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in a financial straitjacket and i guess she has to move the jurisdiction to get out of this because i agree, and i think the legal system has not given britney a fair shot. >> dagen: free britney. >> greg: just because you're watching the documentary, it doesn't make it sophisticated. this ain't the battle of algiers. it's a documentary on britney spears, so i know that it's about, about 5:44:00 p.m., there is a lot of media bloggers and hacks who don't have any ids as to what to write about but want to go home so i thought i would help them with their headline and then you can write the rest. "while impeachment rages, "the five" devotes whole segment to britney spears." and then they can do some juicy pull quotes and just put it in order like you normally do, little picture of britney, you are done. you are welcome.
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>> greg: "fan mail friday," the male is back in town, and ail first question from instagram, what is the worst investment you ever made? i'm going to go with shannon, first off i would like to apologize for making you work an hour later than you should be from now on. >> shannon: it's going to be great and i love to laugh and i always laugh when i watch your show so it's going to be good energy. worst investment, when i was a kid, on sunday's there would always be an ad for sea monkeys customer can you send your money away and it said you could train them to do tricks and they would live in this aquarium and stuffy mom always try to talk you out of it, it's not going to be what you think it is. i saved my allowance and got that and she was right.
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>> greg: i sent away for the x-ray specs. they didn't work either and i got arrested. how about you, juan? worst investment. >> juan: i was on a board once and a friend was ahead of one of those medical genetics outfits in san francisco and they were making money and they said this thing is coming on, why don't you put some money in this and i thought, i never do that kind of stuff, i don't know anything about investment, so i did it and it went away like a balloon popping. >> greg: jesse? >> jesse: i thought i was really smart and i told my dad to buy a google its ipo when it was $100 a share and now it's $2100 a share so once it started taking off my dad thought i was this great stock picker and he was like what else do you got? i said dad, blackstone and blackstone opened and then it went straight down and my dad lost a lot of money, so i'm not
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in the market anymore. >> greg: how about you? worst investment? >> dagen: first husband. [laughter] i am a very good investor. we had a contest here on fox news on saturday morning and just mutual funds, i beat the s&p 500 and the three dudes on the panel, year after year on the contest but the first husband and the engagement ring because diamonds are a horrible investment. man, do not ever buy an engagement ring. i had to sell it on ebay for like, $0.30 on the dollar. >> greg: but the worst investment for me, 15 years ago i bought a metropolitan for $13,000 and i sold it to dana perino for $4,000 because you can't argue with a friend when you are selling something! so i just took the offer. >> jesse: i was going to say that shirt. >> greg: it's called a
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turtleneck, it's not a shirt. to be what that's what i mean. >> greg: turtlenecks are quite elegant, you should consider getting one. is that it for me? "one more thing" is up next. that's it. ♪ ♪ some say this is my greatest challenge ever. but i've seen centuries of this. with a companion that powers a digital world, traded with a touch. the gold standard, so to speak ;) hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy.
2:53 pm
i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
2:55 pm
i knew about the tremors. but when i started seeing things, i didn't know what was happening. so i kept it in. he started believing things that weren't true. i knew something was wrong, but i didn't say a word. during the course of their disease around 50% of people with parkinson's may experience hallucinations or delusions. but now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. the only fda approved medicine proven to significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions related to parkinson's. don't take nuplazid if you are allergic to its ingredients. nuplazid can increase the risk of death in elderly people with dementia related psychosis. and is not for treating symptoms unrelated to parkinson's disease.
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nuplazid can cause changes in heart rhythm and should not be taken if you have certain abnormal heart rhythms or take other drugs that are known to cause changes in heart rhythm. tell your doctor about any changes in medicines you're taking. the most common side effects are swelling of the arms and legs and confusion. we spoke up and it made all the difference. ask your healthcare provider about nuplazid. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> [laughing]. >> oh boy, time for "one more thing". >> tomorrow night a heck of a show. 10 p.m. brand new. you will love it. let's do this. >> greg gutfeld's workout tips. your favorite pommerannian demonstrating how to pre-stretch
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before you hop on the ppelaton. why are little dogs always so happy. frozen margueritesa by the hot tub. >> jesse watters? >> i think that was a german shepherd. feeding frenzy. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> we have not seen inovation in the snack food industry like this. 3-d dorittos. they sent them to me last night. i had a bag of spicy ranch. they are amazing.
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i.e., will try the chill-cheese nacho. you buy a packet and there are like 4 chips. these are stacked to the brim and they are fat and filling. 3-d dorittos. saturday night we have mike pompeo talking about the china coronavirus cover-up and a "watters world" investigation into teacher union raft. >> sunday the great america race. the dayton 500 on fox. starts at 2:30 p.m. eastern time. clint is a madman and fox nation
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is sponsoring 3 drivers. 53 car, 51, and 52. can you watch them all drive around that fantastic track. there they are. go, guys. >> nice. >> all right. >> well, friendly reminder to everyone watching this weekend is valentine's day. it's sunday and the look of love is everywhere. take a look at the white house. first lady jill biden decorated the north lawn with colorful hearts each with a message: love, unity, strength, kindness. healing. president biden and his wife took a stroll with their dogs in the field of love. she wants to lift spirit as we deal with covid.
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>> all star panel raising money for children's national hospital. you can look at auction items with a 20 minute zoom call with me. number 147. bid on it. >> all right. that's it for us. have a great weekend. >> bret: i remember bret baier. breaking news. 3 big stories. the cdc released new guidance to get kids back to school but are not mandating schools reopen. new york governor andrew cuomo is taking serious heat from both parties over nursing home deaths after words from his aid show a plan to withhold data. we begin with the defense of president trump. we are in the question and answer period. trump's defense team starting and finishing their argument today in a litt
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