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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 13, 2021 3:00am-7:00am PST

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for children's national hospital. you can look at auction items with a 20 minute zoom call with me. number 147. bid on ♪ say geronimo ♪ say geronimo. pete: february 13th, 2021. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast which is why we hope you stay in bed. don't get up as brian kilmeade says. he will be on the program later on along with his daughter. if you saw something from this week, they are talking about sport and how it effects the lives of so many kids. jedediah bila, will cain great to be with you this morning. jed, good morning. sacred jed good morning to you both.
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it's also almost valentyn's day. i will be making something delicious. we want to wish a happy val's day. we will be celebrating today and tomorrow. will: today is the perfect day to be that conversation. if i'm a failure at anything in life it's how to make valentine's day special it. is number one holiday i fail at. pete: just some flowers, a card, chocolate, boom to be. will: clearly a better romantic. start on february 13th. start our planning today. to do list it says valentine's day day here get it done. pete: today is actually galentin's day. there is a whole section of cards i went to get a valentine's day card don't tell anybody. i think if you don't have a relationship, then you are with the falls on garentinte's.
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jedediah: it's when you are single. get a card and chocolate. listen, no matter who gives me chocolate. they are my best friend. my husband, my best friend. i don't care who it is. chocolate is welcome from everyone. will: gale. in tine's day to prepare for valentine's day. the truth eventually comes out and accountability still exists you have reach for hope. today, in the state of new york. it appears both truth and accountability are making their way to the top of everyone's list. starting with democrats in new york state. first of all, 14 democratic new york state senators have now joined the call for accountability when it comes to governor andrew cuomo's cover-up of the nursing home death in this state. it was underreported it. eventually came out that that 9,000 seniors or patients were placed into senior homes raising the death count in the state and then covered up by the
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governor's administration. here is what democratic state senators are saying in a joint statement. it's clear that the expanded emergency powers granted to the governor are no longer appropriate. while the executive's authority to issue directives is to due to expire on april 30th we urge the senate to advance and adopt a repeal as expeditiously as possible. repeal the emergency powers granted to him throughout this pandemic. pete: governor cuomo was the truth teller. follow the facts, follow the science. i have been given me extraordinary powers to shut down and lock down your life and i'm doing it because i'm telling you the truth except i'm not. except we fudged it. except we hid it and covered it up. you emphasized it, will, correctly these are democrat senators of a powerful governor running against his own party saying we need to strip you of these powers and ultimately could go a lot further than
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that. democrats, will, another one robert holden a new york city councilman, presumably he's a democrat. talking about governor cuomo last night on tucker. listen. >> he has made all the wrong moves so far. and, you know, 36,700 people have lost their lives in new york state. and is he taking victory laps. is he a self-promoter. he has got a book, which should be fiction now. he has covered up so many things, including probably 6, 7,000 deaths of seniors that he forced into covid-positive seniors forced into nursing homes. it spread like wildfire in nursing homes. then he denied it and blames everybody else for it. we have to do the right thing. i don't care if you are a democrat or a republican, whatever. if you lie to the people, you don't belong in office. and he is constantly lied. he covered up for his image. jed yesterday yeah. not only the book, the emmy, i mean, the media tour. i mean, this guy, no one loves
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cuomo more than cuomo. he was out there front and center talking about how fantastic he was. and i mean he really made it a centerpiece of his supposed legacy. that legacy is rotten as it turns out. and full of deceit and a lack of transparency and lies. and a lot of mistakes that he should own up to that had he initially come out and said i made a big mistake here this is what happened and been upfront with people i think there were a lot of people in those early months that may have said you know what? this is horrible. we lost loved ones but he has owned up to his mistake and perhaps there would have been some forgiveness for him. i don't know to be perfectly honest. a media walk back in many ways. either have to be silenced and pretend they never praised him or walk it back and tell people the truth about this. new york is one source not pulling any punctuations on this. there is a op-ed headline from the post. cuomo lied and covered it up. we need a federal investigation to find the truth. and here's a quote from that
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editorial board. perhaps a special counsel is needed. cuomo has long and strong ties to biden who reportedly considered him for attorney general. cuomo was at the white house friday as he met with the reporters and president and other governors to discuss stimulus legislation. new york needs to get to the bottom of cuomo's and company pack of lies. full truth and accountability. this becomes front and center if he is being considered for attorney general that is outrageous. the biden administration is going to think twice now that they have the facts on this and people on the both sides of the aisle are woke and have their eyes wide open and saying i don't think this guy should be in aen. will: interesting term woke in a different way. any prospect of him becoming attorney general of the united states is dead on arrival. we start with as we laid out for you. democrats calling for the repeal of his executive authority through the pandemic. pete hypotheticalled there is something more. you heard from democratic city councilman in new york city not just a democrat but probably on the far left.
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that's no small assumption. that's accurate. you are probably on the far left calling for potential impeachment of cuomo. some even suggesting it could go as far as pursuing criminal charges for this kind of cover-up. you have got. pete: headline right here. corrupt. will: how far this goes. pete: very damning evidence coming out of a cover-up. continue to bring the story to you. we were waiting yesterday for information from the cdc because they were going to give guidance on the reopening of schools. big question whether or not it would include a requirement. a vaccination for teachers it does not which people believe means schools should be reopening more quickly. here is what the cdc said are requirements for reopening schools. the most recent data. universal and correct use of masks. physical distancing. hand-washing and respiratory etiquette. cough into your elbow. cleaning and maintaining health facilities. contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine. another quote from the cdc.
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this operational strategying pathway to reopen schoolings and stay open through consistent use of mitigation strategy universal and correct use of masks and physical distancing. jed, we have waited a long time for this. a lot of kids have been out of school for a very long time in ways that seem to contradict the science. here we are the two most important mitigation strategy for schools wearing masks and social distancing. that's what we were waiting for right there? jedediah: yeah. we have known that all along. remember, i did that expose in the summer, i went to a school. they were very able to make that happen. this is really just about the teacher's unions at this point. and let's face it. all teachers, even if they came out and said teachers have a right to be vaccinated first. all teachers aren't going to decide to be vaccinated some are going to say they don't want to be vaccinated. what happens then? i will say also though, one side note. some parents i talk to are concerned about the protocol itself. and have opted for other measures because even though they are saying yes, schools
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should be able to reopen. they don't want their kids in masks all day long. they don't like some of the extracurriculars have been infringed on the way they have. there is a segment of the population that is going to reject that because they feel even that goes in the face of science. so there is a lot of components of this. i know that's not a popular opinion with many. think about it a small child in a mask all day long. some parents tonight like the sound of that and i can't blame them for that. will: open schools. open them now. open them yesterday. open schools. enough caveat. enough hemming and haws. enough talking about. open schools. do it yesterday. we can talk about people opting out of schools. that's fine do what you want for our own child. as a father of two boys sitting at home for a year staring at zoom screen hours on end, let me tell you kids need to be around kids. they need to socialize. they need this in their life. open schools. enough with all of this excuse-making.
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do it yesterday. pete: yep. the problem is they are so beholden in so many places what they say privately unions are the impediment. one of the schools students can sign waivers. zoom them in or say my kids are going into school without masks and they don't wear masks at all. jedediah: let me say really quickly babies, too. i haven't been able to socialize my baby because you do a lot of mommy and me stuff at this teenage. we are not allowed to too it. those things are closed. there is going to be developmental issues even with kids one and two years old at this point for all of the stuff that's been shut down. what's the impact in that? are people going to study that and disclose all of the hazards emerged shutdowns the way they have been been. i think we will have issues. will: enough, enough. open. let's turn now to capitol hill. the senate could vote on impeachment as soon as today. lucas tomlinson joins us live with more. lucas? >> good morning, guys.
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day five of impeachment trial. democrats who also used explosive language. >> we can whine or we can fight back. me, i'm here to fight back. >> will continue to fight. >> fight. this is going to be a fight. >> we will also fight him and challenge him in every way that we can. >> this is what is our fight right now. >> there is the fight. >> there's the fight. >> there's the fight to defend. >> we just have to fight. this is a fight for our country. >> democrats say the word fight needs to be put in context. trump's defense team says the attack on the capitol though was preplanned. >> you can't insight what was already going to happen. when you crossover from nonviolent means, no matter how ridiculous or absurd. that's fine, is he exercising his right to inciting violence, that's what this trial is about. >> a two thirds vote is needed in the senate to convict. that means 17 g.o.p. votes are needed. it appears that's not likely with only 5 or 6 g.o.p. senators
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willing to join their democratic colleagues. "the washington post" snapped this photo of bill cassidy's notes the house managers did not conduct the dots to show that president trump knew that the capitol was going to be violent loss of life. president trump never called his or for five days later. will: thanks lucas. pete: thank you, lucas. appreciate it. not much of a trial if you know what the outcome is going to be. we have known. lots of sound and fury. ultimately the president's lawyers only took about three and a half hours to make their case which many people think was pretty powerful stop when you think you are ahead. we will see. 0:00 today they resume and vote whether or not there will be witnesses or they will make a final vote. all right. still ahead, the leader of anti-trump group the lincoln project, facing disturbing accusations. but, after praising their effort to stop trump, the media has decided to stay silent on the scandal, of course. is it a copy dense that all -- that three of the founding members are all msnbc
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contributors. joe concha weighs in next. keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60%.
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allowance on 2020 buick encore gx models. >> in addition to all the anti-trump stuff which the lincoln project is doing a marvelous job on. >> i want to congratulate you all the lincoln project. the sole member of the group. >> the lincoln project. >> the lincoln project. >> the lincoln project. jedediah: how embarrassing the media praised the lincoln project for attacks on the administration shocking largely silent that the anti-trump group face its own scandal. pete: anything to do with the three founders of the lincoln project are msnbc regulars? will: here to react is fox news contributor and media columnist for the hill joe concha. good morning to you. let's get your reaction to this story which gets more scandalous by the moment. >> it really does, doesn't it?
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you look at this in aggregate in terms of the lincoln project and andrew cuomo and the media both so behind that entity and that man. look. the lincoln project raised, guys, nearly $90 million since their inception in late 201. obviously all that fueled as an anti trump machine, right? and the people running it have known since june, since june, according to an associated press report that one of their co-founder was sexually harassing young boys. offering them jobs in return for sex. and if you knew that, you are a grown man, your george conway who we never listened to in a thousand years if his name wasn't conway or steve smith or rick wilson. you have this information. the money is too good coming into this organization and god knows how it was spent, well, as a result, you have a media that now hopefully you would think doesn't put these guys on the air again to get that last
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anti-trump soundbite as you said, msnbc has them on regularly. cnn, anderson cooper has had george conway on twice since these stories broke in the axios and the associated press and now in a bunch of other places as well and still will not ask george conway about his co-founder. that's all you need to know it's dereliction of cute. sacred jed let's take a listen what was asked and not asked. >> i think we built the most successful super pac in american political history. >> and all the money went toward where it should? >> out of $87 million that was raised by the lincoln project, about 63 to 66 million of that money went to voter conduct -- contact. >> where did the other money go. >> the law requires that you make disclosures. but you don't have to disclose subcontractor payments.
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jedediah: now, there have been a lot of questions about their finances. that's fine to ask. where were the other questions about the scandal that emerged? i mean, did i miss it? >> i think did you -- no, you didn't actually i should say, jed. one point after this story broke in january, the first story around weaver, specifically. january 15th axios. had you co-founders like steve schmid on 17 times like cable news ned works not fox news that weren't even asked about john weaver. that was a very good point bill maher just made. 63 million of about the 90 million that you had went towards advertising and overall expenditures does that the mean that the other 25 million went into the pockets of the people that run this? that's the thing here. so that's why the lincoln project you are not going to hear much about them anymore. because i think it just died. i have no idea how anybody would
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donate to this group again. this is their legacy and how they are going to be defined and therefore they won't be around for too much longer. pete: joe, another topic we want to get your insight on you wrote a op-ed about it by the way. strong words but a weak response when a biden aide breaks the rules. deputy press secretary t.j. duck low threatening a reporter because that reporter was going to disclose his relationship with another reporter. joe biden has said his administration will not tolerate anything like this. he only got a week of unpaid -- he is still employed, will not be paid for a week? that's it? >> joe biden, january 20th. if you disrespect anybody, if you talk down to nebraska,any of your colleagues, you will be fired. literally what the president said no ifs, ands or buts. it deputy white house secretary speaking in the most sexist, misogynist terms to a reporter
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darn good reporter by the way. going under the biden rule you break my rule you are gone. that doesn't happen here. only get basically a week vacation. one week suspension and the bottom line is that jen sacky the white house press secretary knew about this toxic conversation between her deputy press secretary and this reporter for three weeks and did nothing until vanity fair story came out. yeah, the most transparent administration in history? i don't think so. from psaki to biden on down they failed this test. got to go i'm going to do a ax-throwing event with my wife for valentine's day. i heard that's the way to go. maybe flowers as well. i could use any advice you have as far as this big holiday is concerned. will: we need your advice. we wanted to ask you one more question, joe. if you might stick around for one more second. we want to land this plane right where it took off. we took off talking about wrapping up cuomo into this idea of the media ignoring certain aspect of coverage. here's the "new york post" today
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of course talking about cuomo being corrupt. take a quick look, joe, at the rest of the media circuit. this is how much they talked about this story. abc 20 seconds, nbc 14 seconds. cbs seconds. get your quick reaction to the media's ignoring of this story. >> oh, yeah. well this is the pattern, right? cnn had him on dozens of times and never asked about the nursing home situation. this governor needs to resign. we are now in criminal territory at this point and thank god for janice dean for keeping a light on this when no other media person would. and she does the weather. the people who report on cuomo should have done that. good for her. and hopefully we have seen the end of andrew cuomo now i have really got to go. pete: go through some axes happy valentine'sbr day. norwegian. sail safe. feel free.
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the group has been pushing for 2 million signatures across the state before the march 10th deadline. the campaign manager and finance director of rescue california ann duenez moore joint us now to explain. thank you for being with us. you need 1.5 million signatures to get a ballot initiative to recall gavin newsom. by the way why do you want to push for million? is this for a cushion for safety? >> well, actually 1.5 million is the number of valid signatures we need. so that would be 100 percent valid, all of them. so the strategy is always to get somewhere in the neighborhood of 82% which would mean we would have to have a minimum of 1.8. remember, signatures are not
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handled the same way ballots are handled. they are discarded behind closed doors and you want to make absolutely certain that there are no shenanigans that can affect your outcome. we want to get the 1.. but we want to make extra certain that those signatures are enough to recall the governor in the late summer, early fall. >> now everyone watching it sounds like you are well on your way to getting the number of signatures. for everyone watching not everyone from california understands this process. tell us how it this would work. if you get the signature it forces a ballot initiative? what happens after you get the signatures? >> the signatures don't force a ballot initiative. they force a special election. so, once we get the signatures and then the registrars, we turn them into each county in california to the registrar voters in each county. and then they, in turn, validate
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the signatures and report to the secretary of state. it gets kind of complicated. but some time by mid to late june then the secretary of state will then inform the lieutenant governor that, in fact, there are enough signatures to force a special election. and that lieutenant governor is obligated to call the data on that. and we are expecting that to be late august to mid sent. will: really quickly, anne. before we go in the process of gathering signatures, i don't know how much voter or constituent interaction there is, because some of this happens online as well, i believe. what is the major reason that people want to recall gam? is it the hypocrisy or shutdowns is? what is the major reason for the snrl. >> all of the above. i think you will find ultimately it's going to be like the see saw political reaction to covid and unplanned decisions and sort
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of knee-jerk reactions to a crisis that needs not political attention but policy attention. i think the french laundry was sort of a turning point in all of that i think you are also going to find the $31 billion in covid jobless benefits is really going to be what sinks him. he has had a precipitous fall, 20 points in his approval rating in the last month. i don't think he has hit bottom. i think it's going to continue. will: all right, anne dunsmore. keep us up to date on this effort. it will play out throughout the summer. >> thank you. will: one day away from the daytona here on fox as florida businesses gear up for the great american race and another championship of sorts of sports in florida. ashley strohmier joins us life from the will. download the it will super 6 app. predict 6 outcomes in the fox bet super 6 quiz show.
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pete: we are revving up for the daytona 500. only this year 30,000 spectators will get to see the great american race live. jedediah: how has that impacted tourism and local businesses who usually get a big boost?
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will: ashley strohmier looks into it and joins us live from will daytona beach, ashley. >> i am here even though you might not be able to tell with all of this fog but i am at the daytona speedway sht national speedway as you said this place fits more than 100,000 fans but there is only going to be 30,000 tickets lotted. i did talk to tourism officials in this area about the impacts of coronavirus and if they think the 500 is going to give it a boost. >> this daytona 500 is not like any we have seen in years past, many, many hotels restaurants, bars, gift shops depend on the 500 and the sell out crowd. right now the stadium seats about 104,000 people and they have limited it to 30,000. that's two thirds less. last year this small community of 585,000 people brought
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10.2 million visitors to volusia county. for every dollar spent on resting a room, 21 cents goes to the hotel, 27 cents what do you do on vacation? you go shopping. and 52 cents goes to gasoline, restaurants and amusement. we are the economic engine and when we're down they're down. who is affected? you are affecting the room keepers, the sales people, the front desk people that we have to furlough and use part time. they're the ones that are suffering throughout this but hopefully there is a bright side coming in and we have the vaccine and hopefully more and more and more will be able to travel and enjoy the great features of daytona beach. ♪ ♪ you. >> there is not nearly as many people here at the daytona 500 as there would have been even last year right before cody hit. how is this area adjusting to
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the changes? >> we're telling people that come to the area always be safe. you know, travel, visit responsibly. our tagline right now is wide open fun. and at no point has it ever been more relevant than during this pandemic. we are known for racing and we race initially on the beach. so you will find lots of outdoor places to eat, restaurants on the water. the beach, of course, is super wide and super flat. so you can walk. you can run. you can surf. all of the things that you and your family and your fellow race fans are going to want to do while you are in the daytona beach area. >> how many rooms are here. >> 1 4? they're totally booked out. >> totally booked out across from the daytona international speedway. if you want a view of the race obviously from our hotel. >> florida has been at least the option of having hundred.
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your hotel is 100 percent capacity. compared to some of the other states it they are not even at 25% capacity yet, do you think there is advantage for your area because of the more of the lax rules in the state. >> absolutely. prime charleston, south carolina. it's almost night and day to what some of the states are doing. we are thankful to be in the state of florida. >> and, of course, florida weather is always a factor when it comes to this race. it was a lot more foggy earlier. and it is now starting to clear up. so maybe that can be some good luck. but rain or shine, can you catch race coverage on fox sports starting at 11 o'clock on sunday and fox at 2:30 it will be great. back to you guys. >> thanks so much we will be watching. download the fox bet super 6 app. pick six outcomes for tomorrow's big chance to win free to play download the fox bet super 6 app. now. we were talking about nascar and it pete hegsets said to me joey
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jones big nascar guy. joey general's, retired fox news contributor bomb tech and nascar guy needs to join us now. joey, i noticed something being at the super bowl. serve excited to stlees event it's not normal. it's not business as usual. the economic boon that herb hopes for. it's the pest you can hope for in the current environment, joey. >> absolutely. the thing 'nascar is it it's probably the best position to have a great tv product. they were losing in person attendance the noise from the cars is so loud that most of the rah ten dance comes from what you do before the race starts. once the race starts the tv product is good. ironically enough once fans can go to any event they will flood. in nascar is taking the opportunity to change the schedule around and add races like road course races and i think we will have a real surge in attendance by the end of the year. jedediah: you know, joey, i'm really interested in your personal story on this and how racing helped you in your
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recovery. because oftentimes we don't talk about enough how involvement in sports has a it impact on people and what people are missing by not being engaged in them. can you speak to that a little bit? >> sure my uncle is now a fourth generation moan shiner. the first one to be legitimate and my grandfather learned on how to work on race cars here in north georgia. my family has been in racing for 50 years now. i was in a featured in a documentary about nascar with kurt busch and dale earhart jr. it's something that's been a part of my whole life. as life would have it and irony as i recovered i met this nonprofit that was taking wounded service members to nascar races and after my trip, i said hey, why don't you let me escort the wounded service members. so i got to know the nascar community really well and ended up spotting for kurt busch for a race. absolutely. i'm the kind of guy if you want me to recover. give me a goal to do not just sit here and do pc all kay. for me that was a big part of being well enough to go to the
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nascar track six months after injury and take a group of wounded vets and walk them around and that's what it was for me and it was about a year after injury that i finally started doing it. once i got the goal i had to complete it and nascar still is such a community compared to some of the other sports as a fan you can walk up and touch these cars 10 manipulates before they go on the track for the race. it were only nascar can get away with it and it's amazing place. pete: one of the few guys talk nascar and pull it off in a bow tie. there is no contradiction. it's. will: it's a camo bow tie. are. pete: it's beautiful. joey jones a renaissance man for sure. thanks, joey. >> thanks, guys. will: two nypd officers are injured and 11 protesters arrested after a black lives matter march turns violent overnight. some of those accused of attacking a daily news
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photographer as well after mistaking him for a cop. sources telling the "new york post" about a dozen people surrounded the photographer shoving him and beating him with their fist. he suffered a bloody nose but was not otherwise seriously injured. gun permits will no longer be required in utah. governor spencer cox signing a bill into noah law allowing people over 21 to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. the measure gets rid of regulation force law-abiding citizen. the law goes into effect may 5th. and this valentine's day a sheriff's office is asking you to turn in your ex. officials in nash county north carolina say if your ex has an outstanding warrant etherly be offered a valentine's day weekend special that includes one night minimum stay, limited edition platinum bracelets and free transportation with a chauffeur. sheriff's office says all they
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need is a location. that's a fancy way dressing up narking on your ex. space something. jedediah: talk about revenge. i have heard of a lot of revenge on ex's. that one takes the cake. i don't know if i would have it in me to do that guys. would you? will: depends on how it ended. pete: yeah, i would. anything is possible. all depend on how it ended. you have got to know the location. that's not always easy. rick, i don't know, what do you think? break the tie here. what do you think? will: rick is a definite yes. rick: everything is possible. it just matters on all of the circumstances. will: right. rick: yeah. why not? did you get something for turning them in that's what i want to know also just some deep satisfaction at that moment. current temps right now are really cold all across parts of the northern plains. down in the southern plains. the cold air is in place. also with the cold air we have a really active storm pattern set
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up. that means a lot of the people are going to have a lot of contacts over the weekend and into the early part of next week. if you can at all, just stay home. first storm we are watching is a storm across the southeast. a lot of rain, two inches of rain across the southeast. northern side of this starting to get the cold air mixed in. and freezing rain situation going on. maybe half of an inch of freezing rain especially across parts of the central virginia. that's going to cause massive power outages and you cannot drive at all on easy conditions. so, be very careful. another storm we will watch i will talk about that later on come in throughout part of the west and fort texas for tomorrow. if back to you. will: i will be watching these weather reports. pete: is he having a physical reaction to your weather report. will: i have got to get somewhere tomorrow, rick. it's valentine's day. rick: no, you don't. just stay home for valentine's day. will: i'm not going to get into it right now, rick. pete: it's a thing. thank you, rick. jedediah: thanks, rick.
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pete: president biden potential travel ban bleft backlash as it should. brian mast says this is another example of america last policies the congressman joins us live next. ♪ ♪ ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪♪♪ it's velveeta versus the other guys. clearly, nothing melts like velveeta. ♪♪♪ carl shopped for the lowest mortgage rate and chose amerisave, a choice he'll never regret... ...unlike the choice to hitch hike. ahhh! which ruined his hand modeling career...
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it's over. don't worry, carl. things are looking up. visit now. lower mortgage rates mean higher savings. pete: florida senator marco rubio one of florida senators recall blasting biden he wants to it will implement a travel ban on the sunshine state. you arrive at the southern border with a child allows to stay here. american citizen in florida wants to travel they will put some form of restriction in your way. pete: here to react is retired army ranger and florida congressman brian mast. congressman, thanks for being here this morning. i don't mean to chuckle. but we heard a lot about travel
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bans vis-a-vis the previouslious administration apparently florida is a big threat. >> yeah. look. this just goes to as we talked about american last policies. they will put other people ahead of americans and i think it really goes to some communist foundation. they want to see a commonality across all states even if f. that commonality is a common misery. they don't want to see the florida g.d.p. advance against the new york g.d.p. or the california g.d.p. even though it's because we have a great governor that's allowing our people exactly what america is all about, just simply freedom and, you know, i think i would stay in one other way because pete buttigieg was the transportation secretary that was talking about this. and the way he said it was really important. he said well, we are going to follow the science. they are going to wash their hands of everything going on, throw their hands up in the air and say well the science told us that we had to could this. and that's what they are going to do for the next four years.
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they are going to science away every freedom that we have in this country they're wrong in way if i went down to the doctor at the v.a. brian, don't drink -- stop eating bacon, stop using your body like an amusement park, scientifically, he would be correct. but, as an american, it's my freedom and right to do all of these things that. we can take away your freedom from you if that's what the science supports. and that's fully unamerican. pete: how do they yell science and 24,000 enter our country while block floridians from traveling? >> hypocrisy. that's the perfect word for it. we have seen it from the very onset of this administration. it's not that this country is going to have one high standard that republicans and democrats and anybody else can rally
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around. it's that we're going to go forward and we're going to have the most obvious double standard that exists that has ever existed in this country. whether it be with media censorship or the freedom of americans to travel around this country. or the autonomy of different states to go out there and manage their own states. they are going to have a double standard and i think that's what we're going to see for four years. unfortunately. pete: as you pointed out now eating bacon and drinking beer can make a science denier. you made a good case for it. i appreciate it. good to have you. >> good to see you. pete: good to see you. pete: democrats pushing hard for $15 minimum wage and young people nationwide support it. our next guest says teens may actually be hurt the most by a wage spike? we'll explain why ♪ ♪
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jedediah: as house democrats try to push $58 minimum wage. next guest says it would hurt teenagers the most. education it and washington trillion brad polumbo. this doesn't get talked about enough. talk about the impact. teenagers getting first job in particular. >> yeah. vul. so a $15 minimum wage is about feel-good policy. not sound economics because not only do the economics and the research show consistent job losses from minimum wage hikes but they show those job losses concentrated among women and minorities and teenagers. you know my first job was at a subway making sandwiches. i was unreinably hungry and
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teenager as a 17-year-old. i never would have gotten that job and started in the workforce if they had to pay me $15 for that. i was not producing that in value. kids like me at that time that would never get started and it would hurt them in the long run. >> i think i'm still unreinably hungry. that's a great expression. i'm going to steal that brad. let's take a look at the impact of $15 minimum wage. 1.4 million jobs lost. 900,000 americans lifted out of the poverty. $54 billion added to the nation's deficit. so, i want to play delve's advocate for a second. what about that second number, that 900,000 lifted out of poverty. what do you say to that and to people who say listen, we have to force this $15 minimum wage because making below that isn't sustainable? people can't survive on less. >> it's not a good trade-off to lose 1.4 million jobs for 900,000 people sees rise in income. if you find that peeling guess what that? that rise in income stunt mean much. companies pass on the cost
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through rising praises. they did a study on mcdonald's that showed they didn't lay people off because they're a giant corporation. small businesses that have to fire people. what they did is they passed prices on by increasing 100 percent to include the cost of minimum wage hikes. even if they see a nominal rise in their wages. their actual standard of living doesn't increase much because they got hit with price hikes. the long and short of it the minimum wage hikes do not help the people they're supposed to help. they only hurt the economy overall. jedediah: brad thanks for being with us this morning we appreciate it. >> thanks. jedediah: still ahead senator rick scott. ronna mcdaniel. are jean patterson and rob smith and jeff gordon. don't miss it. ♪ ♪
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♪ can. will: a beautiful shot of the sun coming through the fog daytona, florida, one day before the daytona 500. february 13th, 2021. also the day before valentine's day. aka the day i go furiously running through a mall losting will store to store to find just the right thing. the process that always takes longer than i hope because i have no idea what the right thing is, jedediah. valentine's day is tomorrow. today is prep day. jedediah: you know, i think you are overthinking this, will. i really do. i think you are overcomplicating the matter. some chocolate like pete said, flowers. make something homemade.
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i don't think you are a kitchen kind of guy. if you were, keep it simple. once you start to complicate things you just drive yourself crazy. ladies like it simple. don't forget the card. the card is very important. you have to write something in it. something meaningful. will: here is the hangup on keeping it as i remember. you know if you have a buddy who you haven't talked to on the phone for a long time you want to talk to him. you like him but you know it's going to be an hour conversation and catch up. you keep putting it offer and putting it off. before you know it's six months before you talked as opposed to the bud i couldn't call and have 15 seconds conversations with. if you treat romance once a year thing. others then you feel like you have to catch up. simple doesn't do it. chocolate is not enough. go big to make up. it's the hour long phone call. pete: clearly you indicted yourself. you feel the pressure to make up for 364 days not giving the love. will: right. pete: deliver the card. make the phone call. i got about 10 people that are on that list of phone calls i need to make. no doubt. my wife and i talked last night
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we said mutually we are not doing valentine's day maybe giving a card. christmas and my wife's birthday. a whole thing. keep it simple and everybody will be happy, will. my advice today. will: all right. pete thank you for being here on this saturday morning. three more big hours of the program and we are starting this hour in california. because will talked earlier to anne who is part of the effort to recall gavin newsom. the citizens in california are just about fed up with the dictatorial nature in which he handled the lockdown, the hypocrisies of the double standards that he has shown on the economy there which is sputtering. they have reached a significant milestone in their recall effort. they hit the 1.5 million signatures needed to effectively trigger a recall. now, ultimately, they want to go further than that because you need 1.5 million valid signatures inside california. you are always going to have mistakes. people that don't qualify. so they will keep pushing into march to get the number that's bullet proof that triggers a
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process that he could be facing a ballot initiative. a referendum. a revote on him in august. will: that's exactly right. you mentioned march and august. the process that plays out and timeline plays out you could potentially be looking at a recall election between gavin newsom and a republican challenger some time this summer. as you mentioned i spoke to anne dunsmore. campaign manager for rescue california behind getting all of these signatures. and this is what she had to say about why gavin newsom is potentially getting recalled. >> i think you are going to find that ultimately it's going to be things like the up -- the sea sw political reaction to covid and unplanned decisions and sort of knee-jerk reaction to a crisis that needs not political attention but policy attention. and i think the french laundry was sort of a turning point in all of that i think you are also going to find the $31 billion in
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covid jobless benefits is really going to be what sinks him. he has had a precipitous fall 20 points in his approval rating in the last month. i don't think he has hit bottom. i think it's going to continue. will: you know, jedediah, to remind our viewers the french laundry incident amid statewide economic lockdowns went to a five star fancy restaurant and had dinner with, by the way, i believe some lobbyists for the healthcare industry. just the height of hypocrisy. this entire story, jedediah going to tie into the next story when it comes to the new york governor is, to me, hope. it's hope that despite media lies for months and months on end and mismanagement that people ultimately vote with their feet and vote at the ballot box and can ultimately enforce some accountability on these governors who have totally mismanaged and lied to the public. jedediah: you know, i love california as you guys know.
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i'm routing for california. i think they can turn it around. they can turn it around with their votes. they have to make that decision though. and my concern is that people in california will continue to elect politicians that are following the same line of thought on these policies just in adherence to this democrat line saying i always voted democrat. i have to vote democrat. that's who i believe in even though democrat policies are tanking californians. what it relies on is common sense for people to sit pack and say you know what? maybe i always voted democrat it's not working. let me change it up and try to do something different. let me see what that does for businesses in california. i do know though that a lot of people who lean left in california have suffered enormously in terms of their own private businesses and are tired. they are really really exhausted. i think it is a moment if there were a moment where things could change, this would be that moment. it's also important to note that we have ronna mcdaniel on the show. later on rnc chairwoman. up at 9:00 a.m. and they donated $250,000 to that recall that
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gavin newsom effort in a plea to kind of get those numbers up because i think people have really had it and there is going to need to be a decision made here. as i said often people are picking up and leaving states like california it. shouldn't be that way though. it really shouldn't. california is a beautiful, beautiful state. it can be saved by the people who live in the state. pete: the rnc adding over a quarter of a million dollars on the effort shows on the national level they recognize this is legit and likely trigger election with huge consequences. when it comes to lockdowns and terrible governance. we look at california and then new york says hold my beer. because we have got andrew cuomo and it's even worse here, so bad that his own party as we reported earlier in the program. 1 state senators democrats are saying to end his emergency powers. by the way if you add those 14 democrats to 20 republicans in the new york state senate, that's a majority. they will be able to repeal it looks like his emergency powers. his own party turning on him because of the cover-up of nursing home numbers it's on the
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cover of the "new york post" this morning saying corrupt as his own party starts to indict him and call it a criminal abuse of power what governor cuomo has done to the elderly here in the state of new york and all citizens who he lied. to say got a big story like this. we are covering it. the "new york post" is covering it. last night if you watched the network news. you have might have been forgiven if you missed it. this is how much time abc, nbc, and cbs dedicated to the fact that a prominent governor who is at the white house today at the white house meeting with joe biden about covid ducked questions from reporter on his way out. ultimately you get that little coverage, you are trying to hide from something. will: get that little coverage of something that could potentially be criminal, pete. this is a corruption issue of covering up deaths in a state of new york by executive order. and one thing i want to highlight that jedediah said here. so while many in the national media, most, in fact, focus on personality conflicts or whatever else is going on. they like to focus on the big shiny object.
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they like to focus on president trump. what you're actually seeing play out is people's lives affected by policies and places like california and new york. and what do they do? they recall that governor or, as you point out, jedediah, they move out. they vote with their feet. there is an exodus. people literally leaving these states like new york and california and moving to places like florida that the media will tell you is a hell hole. why are so many people choosing to modify to the place that the media tells you is bad and away from the places the media tells you is good. just an odd, incredible indictment of the truth right there. joe concha was on earlier talking about this media blackout when it comes to what's going on in new york. >> this the is pattern, right? cnn had him on dozens of times and never asked about the nursing home situation. this governor needs to resign. we are now in criminal territory at this point. and thank god for janice dean for keeping a light on this when no other media person would. she does the weather. the people that report on cuomo
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should have done that good for her and hopefully we have seen the end of andrew cuomo. jedediah: yeah, you know, guys. i have a friend who owns a business in new york. she still owns that business. when new york shut down, she picked up and she went to los angeles and operated out of there. she is a facialist. where is her eye? her eye is on miami. are people need to work. successful woman worked her whole life to build a skin care business of her own. it's incredibly frustrating. see people across aisle as i said. this is not going to be a democrat or republican issue. this is going to be a survival issue for people weather they say who is going to enable me to work to put food on my table for my family and not lose all of the great things i vrkd hard for with for extended lockdown no end in sight no oftentimes based on the science. when you talk about new york in particular. janice dean has been at the forefront of exposing what andrew cuomo was actually doing
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when the media was covering up for him. she has been doing it on social media and television. she joined us yesterday on "fox & friends" to talk about this latest news on the cover-up of these nursing home deaths. here what happens she had to say. >> they admitted that they have covered up this governor for months, almost a year. that we have been wanting answers. in the nursing home massacre in no, state. this needs to be an investigation. we need the full law on this. and i heard that biden, president biden has dismissed the doj lawsuit. so do you know what? i'm going to keep crying from the mountain tops. he needs to reopen it and get it done. i am not a political purpose. i have never spoken out on political matters. but because i did not see the coverage of this story, that's why i became an advocate. pete: it was her two in-laws who died in nursing homes there was no information. she was courageous enough to speak up. turns out she was on to
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something. and on to something big. as we get new developments on this we will bring it to you. on another story, in a world of cancel culture gotten also to the bachelor. i used to watch the bachelor. know and love chrin the host of it. down the middle guy, he helps manage the divas of the talent and how it all happened. will everybody loves him. great guy guy. ultimately someone who had been on the show attended a frat party in their past and ultimately there is a push to condemn that former cast member from the bachelor. chris harrison went out and defended that on extra. defended that cast member. listen to this. >> this is, again, where we all need to have a little grace, a little understanding and compassion because i have seen some stuff online, again, this judge, jury, executioner thing where people are just hearing tg this girl's life apart and difings into her parents and her
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parents' voting record and it's unbelievably alarming to watch this. >> yeah, so if you know the show, the person that they are talking about is rachel. she is actually on the show right now this season of the bachelor and she is expected to be the person in the lead, actually a lot of people anticipate that she will in fact win. this picture emerges from her at a frat party in 2018, not that long ago and at this old south party paying tribute to the old south. i thinks it was on a plantation. coupled with some comments she had a h. made on social media. she had liked a picture at one point that had a confederate flag in the background. there is a lot of controversy. what chris harrison is come out and saying let's hear her side of the story. let's have her come forward and explain herself if she will before we make a decision to immediately cancel her and decide if she is in the need she needs to be removed. and he discloses in an interview with another former bachelor who can took offense to it. keep in mind we have the first
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african-american bachelor right now. when you are talking about issues of race this is front and center. i don't know how this is going to play out. it's a fascinating conversation. we talk about this in politics. look at it. now across culture. big shows everywhere. will: i will say, jedediah, you spoke of the intricacies of the bachelor i could only in sports. the fascinating how you broke that down so easily. jedediah: i'm a pop culture girl. [laughter] jed. will: i could tell you were wandering she was not. i took a stance better my intentions were to simply ask for grace opportunity to speak on her own behalf. now what i realize caused harm wrongly speaking in a manner that perpetuates racism. for that i am so deeply sorry. the cancel culture moves from the contestant to anyone who would ask for grace in listening to her side of the story. pete: grace, understanding,
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compassion, forgiveness, pointing out going to the parents' voting record. what does the parents voting record have to do with it? everywhere. jedediah: as a note, guys, he has apologized. >> chris hairson has apologized. rachel has apologized for many including in bachelor nation it's 23409 enough. people are done with her. that says a lot about the audience, too. and where the country is. it's a fascinating consideration. will: i'm not above reality tv. i'm more of a survivor guy than a bachelor guy. jedediah: that's a good one, too. will: still ahead et cdc confirms what we already knew. schools can reopen without teachers being vaccinated. so will president biden stand up to the unions and listen to the science? congresswoman nancy may says the kids aren't all right. and schools must open now. here here. she joins us next ♪ ♪
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pete: with the back-to-school guidelines the cdc confirmed what we have known for months. scals can open safely before all teachers are vaccinated. the as the joe biden biden administration faces. the kids aren't all right. open schools now as will has said all morning. she joins us us with more. representative, thanks so much for being here. the cdc confirmed what we already know. in fact, the trump administration said the same thing. it's safe for schools to reopen. yet, many are not. why? >> well, if we follow the science and the data, kids with
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certain precautions in place at the schools, they are okay. and i'm a single working mom. i work full time. virtual school has had detrimental effect on our children. 17 million kids across the country depend on school lunches. 31% uptake in teenagers going it the er for mental health visits and emergencies. academic failure rate over 600 percent. and this is insane. we know that kids are safe at school with those precautions in place. and, yet, we are not following the science or the data and we're too long great harm to our children right now. pete: why is that? the cdc report, it's too big mitigation ideas. strategies. the two most important ones, wear a mask and socially distance. which we have been hearing for a year. why can't the schools open? >> well, we're seeing some schools do that now. my kids actually just went back for in person school two days a week. they're doing a hay brid option it. should be parents making these
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decisions and not the government on what's best for their children. our kids need to learn. i'm even willing to say hey, give teachers the option of being vaccinated. let's do that even to make this happen and give this opportunity to our children across the country, but millions of kids are failing right now. and they are not being educated. teachers are working hard. but it's just the virtual school doesn't work for most people. especially working families. pete: when i say schools are open a lot of those are private schools. >> right. pete: ultimately in public institutions teacher's unions standing there saying we need to defund the police before we open up our schools. >> this is the impediment. >> look what happened in virginia. where the teacher's unions said hey vaccinate our teachers and reopen. they offered that and decided no we're going to walk that back. and not do that anymore. that's not good enough. this is terrible for our kids. i really feel for those folks who don't have help at home. i'm lucky to have family and friends nearby who have been very enful to us and our family. not everybody has that option.
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many people have to work two jobs. we have kids that need -- that rely on those school lunches as their only people during the day. we have kids that don't have internet at home and you are in rural areas. we have got to do everything we can to educate our children. i guess it's not part of the narrative, right, that the left wants us to hear. kids can't be educated and safe. pete: widen the achievement gap massively as people who don't have help and can't afford to go to private schools will remain closed because of teach's unions. unbelievable. congresswoman mayes, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. pete: new documentary shining light on brittany spears' legal battle to control other life. we will discuss why fans are rallying to #free britney why justin timberlake is now apologizing. that's next ♪ ♪
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will: we're back with quick headlines, start wag fox news alert. a dallas police officer is killed by a suspected drunk driver overnight. the department says the officer was standing near his cruiser blocking the scene of a crash when he was hit by a car. the driver was was reportedly speeding. he is now facing charges behind bars. the police chief tweeting in part our department is once again mourning but heartened by the strength of his family. godspeed my brother. police officers are harassed by portland protesters overnight. the department says officers were pelted with snowballs outside the station while trying to move their cars so they wouldn't be damaged. due to a alaska resources the cops tried to stay out of sight as much as possible in an effort to deescalate the situation. the rioters also smashed windows
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at a coffee shop and medical clinic. no arrests were made. jedediah? jedediah: thanks, will. brittany spears scoring a legal victory in her quest for freedom. a judge overruling the pop star's father to keep sole control of her investments as a new documentary raises questions why he still has power over her entire life after more than a decade. >> i didn't understand what a conservativeship is. especially for somebody capable of so much that i know firsthand she is capable of. why is she still in this? why is her dad making all her decisions. >> something is going on behind the scenes here. >> any time there is that amount of money to be made you have to question the motives of everyone close to that person. jedediah: here to discuss is attorney jonna spilbore. thank you for joining us this morning. this free britney movement has gotten more powerful since the documentary. >> yes. jedediah: can you tell us with this small court victory that
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britney achieved. >> you hit it on the head it. a small court victory. britney -- very unusual that britney has been under this conservativeship for a dozen years. basically what is a conservativeship? it's not a power of attorney. that's something that is the least restrictive it. is so restrictive that it becomes you. her father has the right to do whatever he wants about and over britney's life well he did until this small victory over her objection. so the fact that she has now gotten a baby step away from his total control is a victory for her. jedediah: that baby step is obviously that the father and a bank actually, a financial institution will be joint on that as opposed to just being the father having full control. so i want to ask you though about this conservativeship. two things emerge in the documentary. one is that this was a high functioning individual who was touring. who was promoting products. who was -- and, yet, has no
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control over her finances and the second thing is that what if one of the lawyers in the documentary says these things are almost impossible to undo. is that true and why? >> okay. so i'm requesting to disagree with that second statement. but this has been weird, jedediah, from the beginning, for the reason that you said. she was a popular entertainer. wildly successful. now, granted she had what everybody calls a public meltdown somewhere around 2008. but do you know what? a lot of people can have a meltdown. it doesn't result in a conservativeship. like i said, when you are mentally healthy and a business person or you are an entertainer, you hire people to help you make decisions. you hire a lawyer. you hire doctors, you hire business managers and wealth divorce. she didn't get to do that because a judge granted her father full control. that part to me has never made any sense because, look, in a perfect world, if britney wanted to put all of her $60 million on
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red, that's her right. if she wanted to stop performing, that's her right. but, under the conservativeship of her father, it's not her right. and slowly, i think she is trying to get out from under that completely which could be the next legal step for her. jedediah: important to note she wanted a bank to come in and take sole control. if you want someone to be there let it be a bank a financial institution just not my father which i think is incredibly indicative of what is going on in the relationship behind the scenes. another thing that emerged, jonna. justin timberlake came out and issued an apology not only to brittany spears but janet jackson. i'm deeply sorry for the time in my life where my actions contributed to a problem and system that condones my a subject any and racism. i specifically want to apologize to brittany spears and janet jackson. questions he was asked about her virginity and the way he answered them that he is apologetic for. does he deserve some blame for this downward spiral that
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britney experienced? >> oh, boy. that's a little bit of a loaded question. but i'm going to say no. i mean, because i'm a person -- we all take responsibility for our own actions. i don't blame britney for having the public meltdown. -- there is no shame in that. there is no shame in that. it is so unusual that a court granted. that's another thing, a court has to grant these conservativeships just like a court has to terminate these conservativeships. it's very unusual unless a judge was convinced that britney was such a danger to herself that the only way that she was going to safe her life was to have her father take over. that's the only way that a judge can really grant the type of conservativeship that was granted in this case. very, very unusual. but, look, britney has had a dozen years to get healthy. and she is doing well. shea doesn't need this anymore. let's totally free britney should be the next legal step here. jedediah: we should know that we reached out to her p.r. team and
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her attorneys and we have not, you know, heard back from them as of yet. jamie spears weighed in on the push page 6 last august he said it's up to the court of california to decide what's best for my daughter. it's no one else's business. i love my daughter and all of might kids. it's private. it's not private anymore. it's quite public actually. perhaps it being public will enable some change to happen here. jonna spilbore, thanks for joining us. important topic. it's not going away any time soon. >> thank you. jedediah: coming up, new york restaurants finally opening indoor dining. for many it's still not enough to save their business. >> oh my god, so good. we have waited so long. >> 25% means survive right now. we definitely are not going to make it if we don't change that. jedediah: carley shimkus hit the streets of new york with a message to new york leaders. tonighting bret baier benefit special hosts include: all
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♪ ♪ ♪ you just keep me hanging on
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♪ will: let it go. you are halfway there. go all the way. pete: i don't know the rest of the words. that's the only part i know. it's a fitting song that we kick off the 7:'0 part of our hour here. just hanging on because that's how a lot of businesses are feeling as they inch toward a little up door tining. the wait is finally over. indoor dining returning to new york city. will: yesterday that's when restaurants began operating at 25% capacity which is a start, i guess. it's still a long way where business owners want to be. red jed carley shimkus hit the street to talk to some restaurant owners. what did you find? >> good morning, guys. after months of serving food outside in the cold no, restaurant owners were finally allowed to open their doors and let customers back inside. the big question is will these loosened restricts help save these struggling businesses? and i heard a wide range of responses. check it out. >> it 5% capacity starting today, how do you feel about it? >> oh my god, so good. i mean, we have been waiting so
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long. >> 25% of 100 percent. like 100 percent of the bills keep coming. >> starting and stopping takes you out of your rhythm. but being back into business is a great feeling. >> 25% means survive right now. we definitely are not going to make it if we don't change that. we at least need to go to 50%. >> do you think you should be have been allowed to open at 25% capacity sooner? >> sooner? yeah. i think it could have been handled better a lot sooner. >> i mean, i understand the safety comes first. but the city has to do something for us, too. west chester, long island. i believe 50%. i just don't understand why new york city doesn't. >> it's just -- i hate to say it's political but i'm going to say it i think it's very political. new york city was used as a pawn.
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>> this is your whole life. this is your livelihood. >> that's right. >> you put so much into it. >> my family life. my co-workers a lot of people depending on this. so we have support right now. >> mr. cuomo and mr. de blasio, please work with a small business owners. especially the restaurant industry. you shut us down but you have to think about us, too. we have got employees. they have families. they have kids. >> do you think that people can eat inside and stay safe? >> absolutely. absolutely. come in. if you are not well, stay home. >> yeah, you know, to be honest i had some pretty are emotional conversations some are going better than others. the ones that are struggling are really struggling. i spoke to one man so stressed out and felt so bad for his employees because he hasn't been able to turn a profit in a while. they are not getting paid right now. he says that he goes home and he thinks about dying. i couldn't believe that he
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shared that with me. i ordered from his restaurant last night as well. that's a little taste of what's going on and to get to the question at hand, 25% most restaurant owners say that, you know, it's better than nothing but it's not great. especially if you own a small restaurant. 25% is two seats. they really need more loosened restrictions as well. the. pete: said it so great. 25% open. paying 100 percent of my bills. how do you make that? great work. good job. thank you. jedediah: thanks, carley. we will turn to some headlines for you now. the winner of alex trebek's last episode has died. >> answer, daily will double. >> bangladesh. >> i don't think you have missed any of the danelly doubles and you uncovered all of them in the games in which you competed. >> brayden smith's family says the five time champion died unexpectedly last week. he was only 24. the cause of death has not been
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released. his mother tweeting in part we are so grateful that brayden was able to live out his dream on jeopardy. and four states advancing bills that would require transgender student athletes to compete against others of the same birth gender. lawmakers in north dakota, mississippi, utah and tennessee insist the bills are to create an equal playing field for female athletes. similar bills are under consideration in at least four other states. and a family gets a surprising visitor at their home in massachusetts. the homeowners finding a barn owl in the fireplace. received the call saying got stuck as it chimney good resting place. checked the owl for industries before releasing it outside. the state recommends putting a metal cap with a screen on your chimney to prevent incidents like this. those are your headlines. i tend to look for santa claus in the chimney not owls.
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i would be pleasantly surprised if i found an owl, guys. that's no surprise. will: close the flue. he doesn't come down. pete: do you know how easy it is to forget to close the flue. you leave it open you forget. jed you would open it up and say i want to snuggle with the owl. the owl would peck your eye out. they are very mean. jedediah: bite me or something terrible no question. will: it's the line of danger. pete: which ones can you snuggle with? will: also searching for rick reichmuth. there he is. for the latest on the weather. go ahead and give me the bad news. pete: we have canada again. rick: canada. this is repeating loves when i do canada's weather. pete, canada is where all the cold air is bottled up this time of year. sometimes that cold air comes down to where you are, feet, and these why it matters to you and a lot of people in the lower 48. cold air in place.
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another 4 to 5 days. along with a that cold air really active storm pattern the combination of these two things is really bad news for a lot of people. the first spot the storm we have down across parts of the southeast bringing a lot of moisture and rain. see this pink area there across parts of virginia. especially. that's an ice storm we are going to be watching. maybe up to half an inch of ice accumulating on every surface. that means power outages and roads are completely impossible that you won't be able to get passed them at all. storm coming from the west. a really powerful storm. a lot of rain and snow. that storm by tomorrow gets in across parts of the south to areas of oklahoma, a lot of snow, panhandle of texas, a lot of snow. and eventually be seeing a bit of an ice stlorm as well. texas into louisiana and arkansas. sorry, will. all right. guys, back to you. will: haven't lost hope yet. once you put that purple on texas i will be upset. keep it pink for now. pete: the question how well equipped are texas airports for cold weather? that's the thing.
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minneapolis could handle that just fine. will: de-icing and snowplows. pete: rick, thank you very much. appreciate it. tomorrow's race on fox will be the 63rd running of the daytona 500. first time music super star pit bull will be one of the team owners racing for victory. daniel schwarz suarez will be the driver behind the will of pitbull's car joins us next ♪ ♪ i'm ready to go ♪ ♪
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nascar driver daniel suarez will be behind the wheel for the new team and he joins us now. daniel, thanks for being here this morning. your personal story, by the way is fascinating. you grew up in mexico. before we get into pitbull and the daytona 500. i think it's kind of good to put this in context the growth of the sport. how did you become a nascar guy growing up in monterey, mexico? >> well, first of all, thank you, will, for having me. you know, it's a long story. i would say that every single race car driver has a different background, a different story and for me definitely different i don't come from family of money i racing family. i don't come from contact with racing. to actually be a professional race car driver odds were pretty low. actually, this is something that people and i talk a lot and how we share a little bit of our
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background nothing to something. that's pretty cool to be able to make a career in mexico and then think hey, why not go to the united states. actually when i moved to the u.s. back in 2011, i didn't speak english. i didn't have anything. so it's been a pretty cool story but i am really looking forward to continuing to write some good memories and have some good races, of course. >> will: nascar is just are not an american sport it. actually was a regional sport. we know that. a southern sport in the united states. o-to-see it grow beyond the borders is something. your new boss pitbull talked about you and this growth of nascar. listen to this. >> through these races, through the cars and through our story, we just want everybody out there to enjoy and we are going to utilize it as a form of europe phiing. when it comes to nascar and watching the cars race. it's all about letting everybody know that no matter what in life, if you focus, you work hard for it. you can achieve it.
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and that's my story and daniel's story. will: is that how you see it as you listen to pit bull? >> of course. you know, pitbull, we have known each other for a few years. and we have a few friends in common. and now to be able to put all these ideas together in racing, that's my passion biggest part of my life is amazing. and people want to be successful in the racetrack really extremely important. but, the vision that people have as well as the other owner of the racing to do great things outside of the racetrack, to help communities, to help with the programs and to help others to make nascar for everyone. i think that's something very unique. and that's one of the biggest reasons i'm part of the that who he race. will: pitbull is an owner, you
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are driving the daytona 500 tomorrow who grew up in mexico. quite a story for nascar and its growth. the daytona 500 airs on fox. good luck tomorrow. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you, will. and thank you very much for the sport. i appreciate it. will: you bet daniel suarez take care. download the fox bet super 6. six outcomes. chance to win. free to play. download the fox bet super 6 app. now. the south florida real estate market is shifting into high gear. a look at the housing boom hitting the sunshine state next. ♪ ♪ these days, it's okay to do some things halfway... but taking prescriptions shouldn't be one of them. so cvs has a proprietary search tool
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being. pete: welcome back. as the blue states empty in florida. the south florida real estate market is heating up. miami-dade, broward and palm beach counties seeing total home sales reaching $4 billion in november. jedediah: coming to us live from a house for sale in boca raton founding partner mitch row sell and founding pathner pam tome. thank you for joining us. i'm looking at that beautiful picture. sunshine, gorgeous, very jealous here from new york as always. i will start with you, pam, it's been an interesting market. a lot of people fleeing to florida right now. a lot of interest in from places like new york in purchasing homes. what do buyers and what do sellers need to know right now
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about the south florida market? >> well, yes. we have had a big influx in -- from buyers coming from the northeast. also other places like chicago and california. the snow birds have gotten younger. listen, the snow birds knew what they were doing in the 180s and everybody figured out now that you could live in florida as a second home or as a primary residence and with covid it's only accelerated that. people want to be able to be outdoors. warm weather activities. and enjoy an open market here that we have in florida. pete: absolutely. mitch, is it hard to find a home seller's market? buyer's market what are you looking at. >> 100 percent seller's market. i have been working with my wife pam since we got down here. and literally nothing on the market. i will find something on zillow or i will text to pam and a day later it's gone. i have been in the real estate business for 30 years. i have never seen a market this hot. the problem is there is just
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nothing to buy. and as pam mentioned a ton of buyers down here. so when something hits the market, it's gone. pete: so if you sell, it's also hard to find a new home to buy as well which creates a cycle, amazing. we appreciate it. mitch and pam, beautiful home. let you get back to selling it. i'm sure it will be gone by the time our show is over. appreciate your time this morning. >> thanks so much for having me. jedediah: i needed to be a buyer's market. it will get there. coming up, in the wake of cuomo's cover-up in nursing home deaths. bipartisan calls to repeal the governor's power. tom reid reacts that's coming up. ♪
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♪ here we go now ♪ here, here, here we go ♪ jedediah: happy saturday, everyone. welcome. you are seeing daytona beach to, florida right there. a live shot the daytona 500 live on fox tomorrow. preparations now underway. you definitely won't want to miss it. of course, we are all jealous of that florida weather. i will be talking about that until it warms up here in new york city. here this morning with pete hegseth and will cain talking about the latest in politics and valentine's day as pete and i remind will that you can keep it simple and still make it a win. pete: this is a fast ball holiday, folks. don't make it complicated. it's easy. i think we should work some collective bargaining though. talked about florida. get those pictures. collective bargaining as host of "fox & friends" to move the entire show down to florida. i know we can get brian and steve on. pretty sure to get ainsley on. will, i think texas is kind of a hangup for you. we can get you over to florida. if we all collectively bargain,
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maybe we have a shot. move the whole show to florida. will: brainstorming phase of this debate? i would like to enter a few more potential outcomes, you are right. if it's counsel to florida and new york you have my vote, my friend. the question is are we still fielding options? pete: i don't think we are. brian and steve both like florida. since the weekday gets a big share of the vote. i think that's pretty much what we're looking at right now. we will have brian kilmeade in n the program. we ask him whether or not he is open to that. will: i feel all of the sudden outnumbered. it feels rigged. pete: anywhere but here. will: over the past year it's really quite stunning how many lies the american people have been told. take a quick category and quick inventory, people still don't know the truth about, for example, the origins of covid. it's just now we are starting to recognize oh, yes, it might have come from a lab and that's not a conspiracy. we were told for years that economic shutdowns were necessary. business shutdowns were required. schools should be shut down. we know now that that's not true. we were told the hunter biden
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story was a irrelevancy conspiracy. know that's not tru. getting details of how brian sicknick died granted or taken as a conclusion to this point. eventually, hopefully the truth comes out. here's a lie that the truth now seems to be exposing. the governor andrew cuomo handled this coronavirus pandemic like a hero. like a emmy award-winning bestselling author heroic figure. not anymore. 14 democrat new york state senators have issued a joint statement saying the following. it's clear that the expanded emergency powers granted to the governor are no longer appropriate. while the executives authority to issue directives is due to expire on april 30th. we urge the senate to advance and adidn't a repeal as expeditiously as possible. why, jedediah? it's clear that this administration in new york has covered up, lied and absolutely mishandled the coronavirus pandemic by putting sick people in to nursing homes where people died and they covered up how
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many died. yesterday jed he is sphwrafl and pointed the blame to everybody but himself. hasn't owned up to any of this. conducted a whole book tour. wrote a book. got an emmy. it's sphwrafl. i'm glad to see republicans and democrats alike come forward and now speaking out that he wanted toed avoid investigation by the justice department. they kept those numbers under wrap. i mean, so many people lost families in these nursing homes and for so long didn't get answers. i think it's fantastic that at least now they are getting that closure of getting answers that they weren't crazy. that something was terribly wrong in the way this was mishandled and maybe there will be some accountability now that they are potentially seeing with cuomo. robert holden new york city council member talked about cuomo's book in particular and said it should be in the fiction section. pretty accurate portrayal in my opinion. check him out on tucker. >> he has made all the wrong moves so far. and, you know, 36,700 people have lost their lives in new
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york state. he is taking victory laps. is he a self-promoter. he has got a book which should be fiction now. he has covered up some things, including probably 6, 7,000 deaths of seniors. that he forced into covid-positive seniors forced into nursing homes it. spread like wildfire like nursing homes. then he denies it and blames everybody else for it. we have to do the right thing. i don't care if you are a democrat, republican, whatever. if you lie to the people, you don't belong in office. and he has constantly lied. he covered up for his image. pete: the book is fiction. keep the emmy because good acting. always played the truth teller, straight talker. just the facts. follow the facts. we only follow science here in the state of new york that donald trump guy over there he may try to get us to do things but we play it straight. it turns out the whole time as revealed by his top aide they knew what the numbers really were. they understood that an empty javits center, an empty uss comfort but what the impact
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would be of them taking covid patients and putting them into nursing homes and they covered it up anyway because it was all about his image. and they knew the media would cover for them and they're counting on the fact that they will continue to cover for them. the "new york post" this morning has the word corrupt and his face on the cover as it should. the network nightly news as we covered, barely gallipolised at a mention of the fact that one of the most prominent democrats in the country who was just at the at the white house yesterday to talk about covid-19 lied about this and 14 members of his own party in the state senate calling for him to be stripped of emergency powers pop culture, hollywood, academia, corporate hr departments. i'm beginning to think whatever the system tells you that jacob blake was unarmed. that cuomo was great. that desantis was terrible. i'm beginning to think that whatever the system tells you is a lie. i'm beginning to think whatever the system tells you the truth
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is exactly the opposite of what is actually true. here's another story that's going to come as a real shock to you if you haven't been paying attention to the truth. the cdc now has issued their requirements for school reopenings. brace yourself. here's what's needed for schools to reopen. universal and correct use of masks. physical distancing. hand washing. he had cut, cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine. i know we here and i can't see you there, jedediah through the screen right now. i know are smiling and we can at times get is that correcty. this is because all of these lives these lies have caused. the cdc is issuing guidance we knew to be true it's not months ago it is almost a year ago, jedediah. jedediah: here is a quote from cdc guidelines. this operational strategy presents a pathway to reopen schools and help them remain open through consistent use of
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mitigation strategies. especially universal and are correct use of masks and physical distancing. we knew that the in summer and known that nor months. what's despicable here frankly is despite all of the negative side effects that are now front and center, you talk about a spike in suicide. a spike in mental health visits to ers from teenagers. we have all of that information. and yet, it has still taken this long. you see academics decline in students. you see developmental decline in some cases. there is going to be a lot of catch up that students have to do not just when it comes to cleaning applications and things like that. but just socially. you learn as a kid from being around other kids. that's how you grow from playing sports, from being involved. so the fact that they sat on what could have been done months ago for what? exactly? that's the question everyone should be asking. who benefited from this and why? pete: masks, physical distancing and hand watching. those are the big recommendations. by the way six months ago was issued by the cdc that said the
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same thing urging schools to open. but, of course that was during the orange man bad administration when you can't listen to it because they are clearly not following the science and they want to reopen recklessly. now joe biden says he wants to reopen and the teacher's union in certain places absolutely refused to. and are the achievement gap just as you pointed out, jedediah, just gets wider wider. if you are wealthy enough to send your kids to a private school where they are wide open maybe they are not wearing masks because they can sign a waiver or whatever. you are good. if you are not, you are stuck in a public school that doesn't even have an online option and hasn't been in person for almost a year. we had representative nancy mace on the program a representative from south carolina. she has a couple of kids in school and she talked about this dilemma. >> my kids actually just went back for in-person school two days a week. so they are doing a hybrid option. it should be parents making these decisions and not the government on what's best for their children. our kids need to learn. millions of kids are failing
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rate now. they are not being educated. teachers are working hard. it's just the virtual school doesn't work for most people. especially working families. this is terrible for our kids. i really feel for those folks who don't have help at home. i'm lucky to have family and friends nearby who have been very helpful to us and to our family. not everybody has that option. we have got to do everything we can to educate our children. i guess it's not part of the narrative, right, that's the left wants us to hear. kids can be educated and be safe. will: you bring up the achievement gap thus another lie told. those who purport to speak disadvantage or it advocate for those falling behind futures as we speak. pete: charter schools those have to go away before we reopen too. will: the senate can vote on impeachment as soon as today. lucas tomlinson joins us with more. good morning, lucas. >> good morning, will. today is likely the last day of former president trump's impeachment trial.
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have not called any witnesses. democrats who also used volatile language. >> we can whine or we can fight back. me, i'm here to fight back. >> continue to fight. >> fight. >> this is going to be a fight. >> we will also fight him and challenge him in every way that we can. >> this is what is our fight right now. >> there is the fight. >> there's the fight. >> there's the fight. >> and then there is the fight to defend. >> and we just have to fight. this is a fight for our country. >> critics say the word fight needs to be put in context. trump's lawyers argue the deadly riot at the capitol was preplanned. >> you can't incite what was already going to happen. when you cross over from nonviolent means no, matter how ridiculous or absurd. that's fine. is he exercising his right to inciting violence, that's what this trial is about. >> 17 g.o.p. vote are are needed to convict the former president. only five or six appear willing to do so and join the democrats. "the washington post" photographer snapped this photo showing one of those senator's notes who is on the fence louisiana bill cassidy the house
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managers did not conduct the dots to show president trump knew that the attack on the capitol was going to be violent and result in the loss of life. then president trump never called his vice president during the riot at the capitol five days after that. guys? will: thanks, lucas. jedediah: thanks, lucas. take out how you feel about impeachment or not. bottom line is everyone voting already knew how they were going to vote before they heard any of this. the truth is people out there in the country are not focused on impeachment trial. in their minds how to put food on the table for my families and what's going on with my kid in school. donald trump is no longer in office. on the biden administration and what that administration is going to do to help them or not help them. frankly that's where it should be. pete: it's amazing because the biden administration has enabled this and had a chance to call out and say we want to move past this and focus on agenda instead we have seen the show trial had a preordained outcome. we know exactly where this was going. the house managers went on for a couple of days. the president's attorneys
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ultimately only needed three and a half hours yesterday to point out this is common political language. we have free speech. a lot of other dynamics here. may make for good television on cable news people aren't focused there, will. will: that's the point i wanted to highlight. if you were in a genuine pursuit of truth you would call witnesses. it's trial by video. trial by tv. that's what all of this is about. all right. coming up, tensions simmering in the sunshine state over reports that joe biden wants to slap a travel ban on florida. and florida lawmakers are fed up. florida senator and former governor rick scott sounds off next ♪ are ♪ won't stop the beat ♪
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and save at ♪ ♪ jedediah: joe biden is taking heat from florida lawmakers over a report he wants to implement a travel ban on the state. but data shows florida only ranked fourth on the list of most coronavirus cases in the past week. here to react is florida senator rick scott, he is the republican senatorial committee chairman and the former governor of his state. senator, thanks for being with us this morning. we have been talking about florida a lot. i have to say new yorkers are jealous when we see images of that florida sunshine. we are glad to have you with us. weigh want to ask first and foremost what you make of that potential ban. it hasn't been inside yet but is it being mulled over because of the increase in actually the covid-19 variant from the u.k. in florida.
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what do you think? is a ban a good move? bad move and why? >> no. this is just ridiculous. this is a wishy washy policy consideration by the biden administration to hurt florida businesses and families. i mean, this makes no sense. look, biden and the democrats all around the country are jealous of florida. they are jealous that everybody wants to move. you just had the article about home prices. why are they up? because people are leaving new york. they are leaving illinois or california. they are coming to a place with can lower taxes better weather and more job opportunity. this is an attack on florida businesses and ann attack ton florida families. makes no economic sense no. science in this. wasn't biden the group that was supposed to follow the science. there is no science in this at all. jedediah: so what do you say to those who say well, it's not about florida, actually. if we have an uptick in a variant which we know the u.k. variant is highly contagious. we have that in texas or california, we could, you know, mainland with a ban on one of those states? what's your response to something like that.
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>> what they ought to focus on is they ought to focus on making sure that we have a good testing program. we have a good tracing program. every state needs to have that just make sure we get the vaccine. make sure we get our schools open and do all these things safely. get our businesses open. that's what we all ought to be doing and doing it, you know, the safest way we can. so, that's -- we ought to be doing in florida and texas and illinois and new york, all across this country. but targeting one area makes no sense at all. jedediah: yeah, there has been a pretty big contrast. we have been covering quite a bit between the way florida has been tackled covid-19 and florida has with many people flocking to florida because businesses were allowed to stay open and otherwise. we want to ask you about senator josh hawley and yourself have introduced the world health organization accountability act. we're going to put up some of those purposes on the screen for viewers withholding taxpayer dollars from the ho until it replaces top leadership. must accept tijuana as a member stating.
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limiting u.s. funding to match the top contributor. whats quat organization that led to you back this bill? >> well, you know, for all of our organizations, international organizations we need to have accountable. the who has become a it propaganda arm for the chinese communist party. that's who they're. they didn't help the world. we are the biggest donor to the w.h.o. before we give another dime new leadership and actually act like the world health organization, do a real investigation of what happened in wuhan. i have been calling on a real investigation what happened in wuhan since last february. they have not done that we still don't have good information. taiwan ought to be a member. stop spending our money. the biden administration wants to be in every country club and every world organization and everything and act like they are important. i think we ought to act like what's in the best interest of american citizens? giving money to an organization that does nothing to help us and actually harms us with bad information which is what they did last a year ago last
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january, is wrong. so i want to hold the w.h.o. accountability. i wish the biden administration would hold these international reels accountable. but they are not. they're an appeaser. jedediah: yeah, think that's what people are craving more than anything. accountability and questions answered and transparency. you have your hands full today, senator with an impeachment vote that may happen as soon as today. thank you for being with us this morning. >> have a good day. jedediah: thanks so much. coming up, school sports are getting back in the game in sports across the country. brian kilmeade that's some guy who is he? spoke with student athletes in new york about their safe return. he joins us next with his daughter amazing and some of their teammates are going to tell us more ♪ i'm a believer ♪ not a trait of doubt in my mind ♪ i'm in love ♪ i'm a believer ♪
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pete: inmate attempted to attack an officer to take advantage of the directives. prisoner is heard saying quote i'm going to beat the bleep out of a peace officer once i get off the bus. special directive under gascon, i will plead guilty to it as long as you drop all the strike priors. the enhancement and everything in my other case. in some gascon's office example how criminals have been emboldened by the d.a.'s so-called real estate forms high speed police chase ends with heart-warming twist when the officer hugs the fleeing suspect. the kentucky cop putting away his gun and hugging the woman
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after she eventually pulled over. she said she was in shear terror while being surrounded by armed officers. she was fleeing a domestic dispute when the charged with endangerment and traffic violation. >> thanks, pete. when new york governor andrew cuomo announced rye historic school sports could finally reopen whatever high risk is defined as long island schools jumped into action. jedediah: how did they make it happen? how are the first weeks going? pete: our own brian kilmeade went to find out with his daughter caitlin and teammates shane and hanna. welcome with the full crew there. brian: what's going on? how are you been. >> thanks for keeping up to me. you are only talk to me when i'm on television. hurts my feelings. pete: i will text you later. what have you found? you have as athletic family as anybody. what does it look like? brian: so a couple of things. right now, this is caitlin, you are about to see hanna and
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shannon. they play in the same club team. will, you know this well because club in school. they want to play school. there is something about being in the halls, wearing the jersey and playing every single day as opposed to three times a week after school. they were all canceled. they were supposed to be playing in august. they got canceled. the numbers were low. they still canceled it. out of nowhere two weeks ago they gave the district a chance to go ahead and play. so they have two weeks to get rid of the snow and then maybe have a chance to get out in the field and girls, you are happy with that. >> yeah. >> yeah. brian: their club game got canceled today. play two tomorrow. they're on the road. so, it's no big deal. they wanted to have a chance to make the adjust want. so, when they got word that they had a chance to play, we went out to the school went out and by the hampton and one in massapequa and see their reaction.
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they will play fall, winter and spring within four and a half months. and here's how it sounded. >> everybody was hopeful that we would get the pandemic under control. they made the prudent decision to cancel high school sports in long island. and that was disappointing. brian: what is it like when you find out your last high school season is canceled? why don't i ask my daughter caitlin. >> it was really disappointing especially the seniors up in the air who knows if we will be able to play for the last time. >> it was really disappointing. >> i felt like devastated. brian: you might be saying to yourself what's the big deal? it's just sports? only 2% of high school athletes will gate scholarship offer anyway it. is a big deal. university of wisconsin did a study. they asked the players how do you feel about your season being canceled. 68 percent said they feel anxiety even depression. bottom line? sports matter. >> it's more than a game learn about hard work dedication and putting in time. >> ready to cope with anything that's going on. how they make friends. >> yeah, it's nice to win and
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play games. but, outside of that you don't see how the teams are family. it's about like team and coming together with your friends and actually being able to do something you all work well with together. >> your teammates help you find who you are, really. they push you to be your best. brian: most of american selling high school sports long island decides to do something different. they decided to play. and they could not be happier. >> i was so excited especially for lacrosse. >> oh my gosh, i was ecstatic. so excited to cheer ♪ we are the devils ♪ and we got the beat ♪ >> i was so happy. i love playing this game. >> football is march 1st and then about 6 weeks later then we are beginning with our spring sports. and we have our basketball teams playing right now. you can hear them behind us. [cheers] brian: let me get this straight. fall football in the spring in march? >> we're going to play when we can play and we will take
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whatever precaution it takes. brian: if you want to know why it's not a canceled season or modified season when it comes to sports in long island. >> it's because of low occurrence in nassau and sufficient function. the county executives. they have different plans. but, the same goal. >> we're getting some normal back to our kids. >> get me kids back on the court. back on the field. >> so, laura, some of the things you are doing a little different. you are allowing the district to react. >> 56 independent school districts. some are not allowing spectators. some are some are requiring testing. some aren't. we feel that they're trustworthy enough to make those decisions for themselves. brian: you have one county, one program. >> we have protocols in place. we have weekly testing. the kids have to socially distance. they wear a mask off the court when they're on the bench. can't have the fans there like you do before. the kids are also taking in this district and all across the county character pledge. brian: what is it like for the coaches. >> all in the same boat. protocols have been consistent
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and easy to follow. our kids have done a great job of following it? >> part of life. you get throne a curve ball. >> rcial wearing a mask having a season. >> goal this season. >> to just finish my last year with all my best friends and to just enjoy every moment of it. >> that's great news. that's a great piece, brian. nice job. you mentioned, brian, a little bit earlier that your girls are there for a club team. you guys still get to compete because soccer is one of those sports that has club. not all sports is like that. football, for example. needs school to be in session. caitlin, i would love to ask you and your friends, what's the reaction of your classmates, your friends? are they excited? this is part of the community coming back together. >> yeah. everyone is really excited because sports is a big part of high school. especially for the people that go to games. everyone is pretty excited that we get some sense of normalcy again. >> and we are like stripped of
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all the fun and all the other extracurricular activities that go along with the sports seasons like besides just the practicing and the games. we are excited what was stripped from us in the fall will somehow be able to come back in the spring. i think it's not just the seniors soaks sighted the freshman and sophomores juniors and seniors all come together to finally play together. pete: caitlin, be honest, your dad is the most et excited about it, right? >> yes. [laughter] brian: we're going to brush back right after the radio show for the 3:00 game hop on a train, to have a chance to see it. they will be playing six or seven days a week. they will be really appreciative. do you have to play with masks? do you know what the rule is. >> are the rules and regulations for the mask. because i think anyone who wears a mask could tell how hard it is, especially running up and counsel the soccer field. i can't imagine how healthy that would be for you.
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they said while you are on the field playing you don't have. to say while you are on the sidelines and everything and sitting on the bench you have to. pete: makes sense. jedediah: thanks for being with us, guys. there is nothing better than hearing it in your own words and seeing the smiles on your faces and how excited you are to get back to sports and show people how important sports is in students' lives. great job, brian, thanks for bringing that it to us. we love that. brian: no problem. have a great show. pete: have great game. jedediah: thanks. governor cuomo facing bipartisan backlash as he refuses to answer to allegations that he covered up a number of nursing home deaths. new york congressman tom reid reacts. friends at fox bet download the fox bet super 6 app. and play for a chance to win $10,000. all you need to do is predict six outcomes in the fox bet super six quiz show. topics range from entertainment to sports. free to play. download the fox bet super 6 app. do it now. ♪ ♪ ♪♪
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would you tell him? >> it's a disgrace and he needs to resign. i mean, to lie to all these families, you know, you just kind of makes you wonder what his agenda is. are. pete: so many families directly affected. lawrence jones on hannity talking to regular folks that had to deal with the ramifications of the fact that governor cuomo stuck covid-19 patients in nursing homes. let's talk to representative tom reid republican of new york. part of the problem solvers caucus. co-chair there representative, thank you so much for being here. we are learning more and more about the cover-up of governor cuomo in your state. knew about it. they fudged the numbers intentionally. now 1 state senator, democrats are coming out saying we need to rescind his emergency powers. yet, i think there is skepticism because so many people that have done wrong over so many years are never held accountable. is there a possibility for accountability here? >> there will be. because there is people like us, there is people like janice dean. now there is democrats that know they can't hide behind the protection of governor cuomo any longer. and i will just tell you, the
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cracks of this defense are coming down. accountability is coming. thank god it is happening to 15,000 souls died as a result of governor cuomo's order. he didn't let them go into the nursing home. governor cuomo ordered covid-19 positive patients into nursing homes where people without the virus were living seniors. and that's what killed them. that's where we are going to get justice for me people. will: congressman, let's talk about what justice is what is accountability? out in california we see a recall effort for governor gavin newsom. there is talk here of rescinding governor cuomo's emergency powers. there have been those that have mentioned impeachment. there have been those that have mentioned criminal conduct here that needs investigation. so, in your mind, what is accountability? what is justice? >> this is just the tip of the iceberg. the cover-up now that we have a taped admission by cuomo's number 2 where she admitted covering up this data. that's criminal. if she wants to go to yale for 10 years and be part of this accountability for these 15,000
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souls, so be it. i'm filing a criminal complaint in order to do just that she may want to only do five years in jail and give us the honesty of what cuomo did. i'm looking forward to it. that's what i'm talking about. i'm going to be a bulldog and the tip of the iceberg to get to governor cuomo to hold him accountable for this. we can't file the complaint in the southern district because cuomo's number two mother-in-law is the u.s. attorney there we also know now that the multi-million-dollar lobbyists over the hospital industry is her father. and works directly for governor cuomo. we are uncovering this stinky bomb that led to the deaths because governor cuomo ordered these covid-19 positive patients into nursing homes because i never understood why would you do it? it defies common sense? we screamed from the mountain tops don't do this whether it was happening in march of 2020. we had the federal government telling federal cuomo don't do. this that's what is so offensive about this. we are going to hold these people accountable for this. enough to that we are looking into it, can i tell you i know
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what's going on here, multimillion dollars of influence in albany that governor cuomo was responding to. jedediah: congressman, can you just give us some insight into those tangible steps that are being taken to guarantee accountability. when you hear accountability for politicians oftentimes it's promised but doesn't deliver. what can we count on. >> count on me never giving up. i can tell you that i'm going to be a bulldog on this. because these are 15 fellow new yorkers. then what happened went to pennsylvania. governor wolf cut and pasted this order. then i find out that his health secretary when she was executing this order. two hours before it went into effect, removed her own mother from the nursing home and put her in a hotel because she knew it was going to kill her own mother. why is it good for public officials in that position to protect their own family and then you send 5,000 people to their deaths. that's what we're going to do. is get justice for those folks. it's criminal liability. it's making sure the department of justice under the biden administration do your job. president biden you said you
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would use your justice department in the honorable way. objective way. we're going to make sure the justice department does just that and we are going to use those tools of justice to make sure those 15,000 souls that died are going to be heard from and justice will be done. pete: you mentioned it, representative. that's the best indicator. what would you want for your own mother. in that case you just mentioned. you pointed it out and recognized. ordered. not just happened to ordered into those nursing homes. keep us updated representative tom reed. >> i could care less about headlines justice is what we are fighting for. pete: thank you very much. jedediah: thank you, congressman. pete: still ahead the rnc recall recall gavin newsom. time to start your engines. daytona 500 tomorrow on fox kicking off the nascar season. nascar great jeff gordon and clint boyer preview the great american race next ♪
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attendance. not a full grandstands. but already you can just feel the electricity we have seen amazing racing down here starting on tuesday in the clash. great battle between two young super stars in the sport with chase elliott, ryan blaney and then we duels to get the starting lineup. >> wild. >> we are going to see a wild daytona 500 and make history again on sunday. pete: one of the way to make history is if danny hamlin wins again. that would be a first three straight. is he going to do it? >> it would definitely -- it would be a first. but i'm going to tell you no chance. you got to have a fast car. you got to make good decisions. communication, everything has to go right there. is one more part of that equation you have to have to win the daytona 500. that's luck. sooner other later lady luck is going to catch up to you. i don't think danny hamlin does
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pete: america's greatest heroes sharing their personal combat stories in a new fox nation special. >> hearing loud fois voices and i thought it was some guys on the radio or hearing me talking. right before i went to get on
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the radio and tell them hey, you know, i can't hear what's going on ahead of me. i need you to be quiet. i realized that it was in a different language muslim flash and firing back down at us. brian: only kind of stuff you get at fox nation. are book called walk in my combat boots. story of battle, sacrifice. coming home. joining to us discuss it are the two men behind the project bestselling author james patterson' you know him and matt everiesman. you have written so many books one of the most prolific authors in our country and around the world. we is it for you to. >> most important book i have ever done. the book walk in my combat boots it blows people's minds. matt is the actual sergeant portrayed in black hawk down he
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knows the real deal. he did the would you haves and i turned them into these short stories. our mission was, one, if you have been there, you will read this book and say sergeant everiesman got it right. if you are one who b.s.s about the military don't note what talking about. first time in your life what it means to serve and put your life on the line for somebody else. when you say to somebody thank you for your service, you will know what you are thanking them for. pete: absolutely. matt, we do thank you for your service. you also went on to serve in iraq bronze star with valor. what does it mean to be part of this project and work with james patterson. >> loaded question. come on. how many opportunities do you get to spend time with the master story teller. you know, when jim approached me about this, he immediately said yes. you say yes because, you know, we have been at war for 20 years. and it's below the fold in most cases. and so we need to reintroduce to america certainly, you know,
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these great men and women. these brave sons and daughters as jim says. so at least we understand what we are thanking them for and maybe have a little bit of a reminder of the sacrifice that they are all putting. literally as we are speaking, we have got great men and women out hunting down bad guys. we should just be aware. it's just been an amazing experience. pete: as we speak that's one of those reminders i often think about. right now there is someone out there doing that james, what did you learn in putting this together? >> almost 10% of the country is veterans. pete: it is a much larger percent and admiralty families and a lot more people involved than you know. as you were putting these stories together what was one big take away what you learned. >> so much truth here. the people who we talk to, they are the stars of this thing. this is two paragraphs from jody an air force flight it nurse. full sleeve tattoo dedicated to the patient i have lost over the years.
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a reminder of what i have seen. also a reminder for me to remember it's okay to feel the way i do. i wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world. i love wearing the uniform. and this book is filled with stuff like that. the writing it's not my writing. it's their writing. it's their truth-tell. the thing my dad came back from world war ii. he never talked about it. a lot of our mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers won't talk about it. this book talks about it. we get their stories. pete: very cool. matt, real quick we only have about 15 seconds left. why should folks read this book? >> listen, it's great thank you to the american sons and daughters. and it's a great education for all of us and ultimately i think it's inspiring and motivating. and i just hope that you will read it and as jim said, whenever you pass one of these veterans, you will know why you say thank you and it will come with a little more heart. pete: at a moment when we off need reminding why america really is a special place this kind of book delivers. >> totally absolutely.
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pete: thank you so much. the book is "walk in my combat boots" the film itself is on fox nation. fox nation is a members only streaming service exclusive for members. go to fox to sign up today. more "fox & friends" on the other side. ♪
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♪ pete: we begin this final hour of "fox & friends" weekend with a fox news alert, three big stories we're following this morning including new york governor andrew cuomo being called to resign. will: also what meghan mccain just said that has social media buzzing, and the impeachment vote on former president donald trump that could come as soon as today. jedediah: but first, we begin with the effort to recall california governor gavin newsom. big story today, and we're right away going to bring in ronna mcdaniel, rnc chairwoman.
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we're happy to have you joining us this hour. big story today, particularly the angle that the rnc has spent $250,000 to help that campaign get a little bit of a boost. why do you think that decision was made in who made that decision, and what's the significance? >> well, the california gop has been leading the charge on collecting these signatures, and we're right at the threshold of meeting the required number to recall gavin newsom. and, of course, the momentum behind this movement is statewide across california because of his inadequacy dealing with covid and inconsistencies. he's out at a dinner without a mask at a fancy strawrnght he's closing down mom and pop shops that are losing their livelihood. and i think this momentum has grown, and we're going to see this across the finish line and, of course, the rnc's always invested in california with our outreach efforts getting ready for the midterm, and we'll be
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part of this too. pete: i know they want to get a couple hundred thousand to insure valid signatures necessarily the deadline. forgive the american people if they have whiplash right now because policies have changed so dramatically on the border that now next week the biden administration will allow 25,000 asylum seekers to cross the u.s./mexico border while their cases are pending. they were staying in mexico because of the remain in mexico policy, especially during the pandemic, and now they're going to be welcomed in under the biden administration. here's how many border crossings happened in 2019 versus 2020 and 2021. what you're seeing there after the policy was in place in january 2020, a big drop. now it's going to increase and will likely increase even more. what do you make of this idea that we're going to be now welcoming migrants that have been waiting to come and in and couldn't come in legally? >> it shows that the biden administration considers it more
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important to open our borders than to open our schools. our kids are suffering. i know this, i have kids in public school who are in virtual classes right now. they are suffering. moms are suffering. we're going through a -- session, so many people are losing their jobs. and the biden administration says we're more beholden to teachers unions, and instead we're going to open our borders and let people into our country instead of fixing the problems here at home. it is shameful, it is disgraceful of. every mother who has a child right now, every father should be calling the biden administration and saying get your act together and our kids' education -- put our kids' education first. will: yeah, i have two boys that have been in remote learning for almost a year now. kids need to be around kids -- >> exactly. will: -- what i'm personally experiencing, and i'm sure many others are as well. let's talk about the impeachment
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vote that could come as soon as today in the united states. first, before -- i want to get your reaction to some of the arguments made. before we do, i'd just love to get your expectation of what will happen in the united states senate. >> well, again, i think the constitutionality of this is so flawed. i think the president's attorneys did a great job yesterday. but the impeachment is used to remove somebody from office. the president's already out of office, so why are we doing this? why aren't we focusing on vaccinating the american people? why are we continuing to harass donald trump year after year after year, day of after day after dare? this does -- day after day? i think this are end with very few republicans voting to convict and many americans scratching their heads as to why we did this instead of focusing on real issues that the american people want their leaders in washington to focus on. will: yeah. and i want to get to the substance as well. it's a little bit hard because it's been a trial by video, essentially, a trial by
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television showing video clips throughout the presentation. no witnesses called, we've got the expectation. it's almost a fight of video clips. earlier in the week the democrats suggested that president trump's language on january 6th incited the riot that then took place. talked about using the word "fight." then the republicans, in response, played a video clip of all the times democrats have mentioned the word "fight." let's take a quick view of some of these video clips and get your reaction. >> we can fight back. i'm here to fight back! >> continue to fight. >> fight. >> this is going to be a fight. >> we'll also fight him and challenge him in every way that we can. >> this is what is our fight right now. >> there's the fight, there's the fight and then there's the fight to defend. >> and we just have to fight. this is a fight for our country. will: so if we're going to parse speech, we're going to see
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speech and behavior, we should probably do it across the board, right? >> and, of course, he gave that speech the day of, he also used the word "peacefully." but the night before, there was a bomb placed outside the rnc, the night before that speech. we still haven't caught the perpetrator of that. i think we all universally condemn what happened january 6th. these videos have been harrowing, and i'm so glad the law enforcement are finally getting their fair due from democrats. republicans, of course, have been, you know, against defunding the police and those rallying cries that happened all throughout the summer. but it is horrific, what happened january 6th. but the president's language that day that democrats use often are not words that the incited especially when he used the word "peacefully." jedediah: ronna, regardless how individuals feel whether or not donald trump's actions that day and days before leading up to it were or were not an impeachable offense, one thing, i think, remains clear which is that most
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people in the country aren't focused on the impeachment trial at this point. they're too busy worrying about getting their kids back to school, putting food on the table, whether or not business is ever going to reopen at full capacity. what should the biden team really be focusing on at this point in terms of delivering actual results to people? donald trump is out of office. what should the biden team be doing? >> well, jedediah, you're so right. i mean, let's get the vaccines. i'm in michigan, we haven't gotten the vaccines yet. it's very hard to get. my kids are in virtual school, i sat with my son and watched him do his virtual class the other day. bless the teacher who was trying so hard, but there is no way that this is comparing to school and a classroom. we need to get our kids back in school. it's not just impacting them, it's disproportionately affecting women because of the lack of daycare, and let's get these vaccines out. it's sad to see the biden administration focus on how do we let more asylum seekers into our country, how to we break our
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deal with israel, an ally of ours, how do we destroy our energy independence by getting rid of the keystone pipeline instead of being laser focused on getting the vaccines out and getting our schools open and getting our work force going again so these restaurant owners, all these small businesses aren't being decimated like they are right now. pete: as the chair of the republican party, what's your message to republicans out there who look around in blue statements or cities, and they are on lockdown, and they don't feel like there's a recourse, and right now there's not political power based in the republican party at least at the national level. what's's your message to republicans as the leader of the rnc? >> i think we have a lot of republican governors that are showing great examples of what you can do. you know, my brother lives in florida. his daughters are in school. florida is going. their covid rates aren't higher. this is an example of a state that is allowing their businesses to stay open and balancing getting the vaccine out.
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my mom lives in florida. she's had the vaccine. ohio, north dakota, kristi noem, there are so many republican governors that are leading through this correctly. and, of course, we see the awful leadership of cuomo and newsom. there is a huge contrast. and take a look at republican governors who are focusing on getting our kids in school, getting our jobs open and getting the vaccine to the people in their states. will: ronna mcdaniel, thank you for your time this morning on so many different subjects. thanks. >> thanks, guys. will: turning now to your headlines, new york governor andrew cuomo facing calls for his prison egg nation and even -- resignation and even impeachment from fellow democrats over his cover-up of nursing home deaths in the state. cuomo seems to be keeping a low profile while meeting with president biden yesterday at the white house. and a fox news alert, a dallas police officer is killed by a suspected drunk driver overnight. the police says -- the police department says the officer was
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standing near his cruiser blocking the scene of a crash when he was hit. the driver was reportedly speeding. he's now in jail facing charges. early this morning the officer's body was escorted from the hospital. his name has not yet been released. watch as six bears turn on their rescuers. moments after being released into the wild, wow. conservationists and journalists in iraq all running for their lives as the bears are freed from their cages. the bears were rescued from people's homes where they were being kept as pets. it's not clear whether anybody was hurt. the bears were panicking because of the large crowd of people. those are your headlines. wow. see there? you see there, jedediah? you see what happens when you keep a bear in your house? you see, you poke a bear, that's why the saying exists. you poke a bear, it turns on you.
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jedediah: because they're trapped, will! because they've been entrapped by humans, so they finally get let out, and they're like, i don't trust you, humans. i don't trust you, get out of my way. i totally empathize with that emotion. pete: that happened in iraq? will: yeah. pete: that's about right, having spent a little time in iraq. i've met a lot of military members, they like to go with the whole let's see what happens approach. let's just release the bears inside a big crowd. des moines be okay. [laughter] -- it'll be okay. oh, no, they turned on us. [laugher] i say from experience, only from experience. come on, guys, show up right here at this time. no, can't do it. will: just remember this, jedediah, when you talk about animals, the different animal clips, you want to take one home and cuddle with it. jedediah: i'm more inclined to have a polar bear if possible, just a side note. pete: they're ian meaner. it makes your argument worse. [laughter] all right, still ahead, the leader of the anti-trump
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movement, the lincoln project, facing disturbing accusations. plus, we are live from daytona ahead of the great american race tomorrow on fox. ♪ ♪ -- lead you into the promised land. ♪ come on and take a free ride, free ride. ♪ come on and take it by my side. ♪ come on and take a free ride ♪♪
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lincoln project board to make room for the appointment of a female board member as the first step to reform and professionalize the lincoln project. the author who first broke the story joins us now. ryan, the story of john weaver is disturbing in and of itself, but how much do we know about when the lincoln project knew about it? >> oh, there are now five major credible allegations that steve schmidt knew about john weaver and his predatory behavior as early as august. steve mitt, the one who just -- schmidt, the one who just resigned, knew about john weaver's behavior as early as august. you have maggie of after you have the associated press, you have new york magazine and then you have the brilliant reporting by amanda becker as well as my sources who came forward to tell me that the lincoln project
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thanked them. and members knew about the organization, apparently allegedly members knew as early as june. but by august, by the late summer, everyone in the organization including junior staffers knew about john weaver. so that was, that was -- pete: so they knew about it, but the money to be raised which -- and there was a lot of it, not a lot of which actually went to tv ads. schmidt and weaver both john mccain alumni, and meghan mccain sounded off on who they are and how she and the mccain family feels about them. here's a tweet from meghan mccain. it says john weaver and steve schmidt were so despised by my dad, he made a point to ban them from his funeral. in 2008 no mccain would have pit on them if they were on fire. what disgusts me so much is that anyone who would engage in such awful and potentially illegal behavior would use their media associations with my father to gain opportunities.
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my dad was betrayed by you, hated you for it, and we all know it. so they obviously already had a reputation the, yet they were frequently on msnbc. it was an open secret by the end of the summer that john weaver was conducting all of this. what does this mean for the lincoln project? >> well, i want to say when i was doing my research, i didn't start my research over the summer. it was hard to find somebody who did not know about john weaver including many former mccain staffers. and one of which who now has a show on msnbc. i would love to know if she knew about a john weaver and why when she had members of the rincon project on there -- lincoln project even after my credible allegation, she did not ask him about it. just curious. pete: hosts at msnbc and elsewhere knew about this behavior for years, still welcomed the lincoln project to talk about what they were doing against donald trump. >> i don't know how long they knew about it. i know when i wrote my article on january the 11th, before "the
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new york times" released their article on january 31st, the lincoln project members were on msnbc and cnn 21 times and were never asked about john weaver being a predator, and they did not address the issue until "the new york times" story came out three weeks after my reporting. and that's the whole thing about steve schmidt and everybody else, if they felt so bad, why did they stay silent for three weeks, which is what they did, about him being a predator and him being dangerous. whether or not they knew before hand, there's now over a dozen accusations that they did know before and they didn't do anything. i've talked to victims as recently as yesterday about the entire situation and how they reached out to the lincoln project and were ignored and felt silenced, and i feel very bad for steve schmidt that he sent his resignation letter. that shouldn't have happened, but you led an organization of systemic abuse, you used
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anti-gay, anti-female language regularly in the office, and you held a hostile work environment so bad that people were asking to be let off of their agreements so they could come forward and sit there and talk freely about it. so this is an organization that said they were going to be holding people accountable from the trump administration and that they all had guilt by association. the lincoln project does not want to meet up to that standard that they set on the trump administration for themselves. and it's the biggest hypocrisy in the world. pete: ryan, so well said. as i mentioned, almost all the lincoln project cofounders, regulars on msnbc. steve schmidt has the audacity to say the reason he's actually leaving to make room for a female board member. what codo you make of that? >> well, that's after he allegedly, he leaked a direct message with the only female cofinder, jennifer horn -- cofounder. i guess it was thursday night, i
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believe. he leaked her direct messages after someone allegedly hacked into her account. and he says in his resignation letter that he basically approved them leaking, which was according to george connolly, a federal crime. so the only female cofounder that -- and she left because of john weaver, and they said, no, she wants more money. it just shows the true rot at the core of some of these people -- pete: they made a ton of money for themselves, they didn't care and, ultimately, a lot of people were hurt as a result. and maybe the people who said they were going to hold people accountable will now finally be held accountable themselves. it's great work by people like you, ryan. check out your book, "they're not listening." ryan, appreciate it. all right, tomorrow -- thank you -- the daytona 500 is on fox. we'll be talking to the president of the daytona international speedway. ♪ get out of my dreams, get into
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my car. ♪ get out of my dreams, get into my car ♪♪
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♪ ♪ jedediah: we are back with some quick headlines. amazon is facing off with new york's attorney general. the company is suing laticia james over a list of demands she made to regulate workplace safety. the complaint says james doesn't have authority over their policies and calls her demands completely baseless. and robinhood's ceo is set to testify next week before the financial services committee. it's the first hearing since the
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trading saga that pushed stocks like gamestop to soar. pete? pete: all right. well, nascar fans are revving their engines for the daytona 500 on fox, and while the iconic race usually draws more than 100,000 folks, things will, unfortunately, look a little different. will: officials had to find a new way to bring the great american race to fans at home, and just 30,000 spectators will be live in the stands. jedediah: ashley stromeyer is live with the president of the daytona international speedway. ashley? >> reporter: hey, guys. i am here with chip wild, president of the daytona international speedway, and let's get right down to it. this daytona is going to be very different compared to last year because of covid-19. this year there's only 30,000 fans allowed in, you know, instead of the more than 100,000. what was the thought process behind that? >> well, safety and security of our fans is always a number one priority, and right now being able to host an event at all is
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such an honor. for us to be able to host one of sport's biggest days with fans in attendance is a big deal. yes, it's not 100,000, but all the fans here will have a fantastic time. >> reporter: right. it is more fans than any other professional event, but it just shows you how large this place is. rvs are allowed. >> yeah. so we're doing all rv camping. that's a really important part of our nascar culture. people come and stay all week. so to figure out how to do that safely and welcome fans back is something we're really proud of. >> reporter: denny hamlin won last year and the year before, so if he wins this year, that'll be the third consecutive time to win the daytona 500. what does that mean for you guys? >> it's so hard to win the daytona 500. it's truly the race every race car driver dreams of winning, so it would be a huge feat. but it's so hard to win this
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race. it truly is just an amazing thing for a driver to win two, one. two and three, that would be a huge feat. >> reporter: thanks so much for being with us. guys, back to you in the studio. will: thank you so much, ashley, appreciate it. i'll be watching, if i remember. download the fox bet super 6 app, pick the outcome for tomorrow's big race. it's free to play are, download the fox bet super 6 app now. still ahead, our next guest telling the squad to move on over. we're talking about the members of the freedom force who are promising to fight back against socialism and stand up for american values. ♪ freedom, i won't let you down. ♪ got to have some faith in the sound -- ♪ it's the one good thing that i've got ♪♪
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convict president trump. it appears only 5 or 6 gop senators are willing to join the democrats. meanwhile, on to the chamber of congress where members of what's been deemed the freedom force say that while they didn't seek the mantel, they're ready to take it up. let's bring in three congressmen. thank you all for being here with us. congresswoman, let's start with you for one moment. you guys didn't necessarily name yourself or decide, i guess, to brand yourself as the freedom force, but here we are. that's who you are. what does it mean? what distinguishes the freedom force from other republicans in congress, what is the mission? >> well, i think there are many that actually do share our mission, but the goal here is to fight back against those who are trying to fundamentally change our nation, those who want to destroy jobs and completely wipe
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out industries, those who are trying to change our history, trying to cancel our founding fathers, those who want to indoctrinate our children and strip out freedoms and liberties. i think what our message to the american people and to those attempting to do this is that this is a very slippery slope. it starts with this, government gets more and more control, and eventually we are in a socialist society, and that is what our families have fled. and we know and want to share that with people because i don't know that everyone sees what is happening right before our eyes. little by little our liberties are being taken away as government grows and grows, and these individuals must be stopped, and we're going to be out there with that message and pushing back as well on the house floor. will: congresswoman salazar, i think 10 years ago, maybe even 5 years ago, some democrats in the middle would have waved their hands at republicans claiming threats of socialism. in other words, they would have said, oh, that's hyperbole. but, you know, this isn't just
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theoretical for you and others. your families have experienced socialism firsthand. you know how it comes, and you know its cost as well. >> and that is, that's exactly right. and what nicole said is right on point. we have a point of reference. we know what the other side looks like. we know what democratic socialism is; misery, oppression and exile. and the problem is that they're putting socialism and then in front of it they're putting a pretty world, either a democratic socialism or pragmatic socialism. it doesn't matter, it's socialism. socialism is an economic model that has failed. freedom, free market, liberty, democracy, that is what we need. the american exceptionality is what 300 years ago was created, and we need to continue with that american agenda. if we go to socialism, we go to something called the banana republic agenda.
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we cannot do that for the future of my children and your children. that's why we're here united together, and we created the freedom force, and i'm delighted to be part of it. will: congressman jimenez, what would you specifically point to as the battleground for these socialist ideas? what is the number one thing you're concerned with that needs to be pushed back on? >> i believe the number one thing that i'm really concerned about is the attack on our freedom of speech and freedom of expression and that somehow you can have a disagreement that you somehow need to be, you know, taken out. and that's the first thing that goes in any socialist country. look, a lot of people say they're socialists. in the end, really they're communists. what they want to do is wipe out any dissent. so the first thing they do is they wipe out your ability for free speech, they eventually wipe out the freedom of religion, they wipe out freedom of the press we because all they want is their narrative to be told to the people to that they
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can -- so that they can be indoctrinated. look, i actually lived under a communist regime for a couple years when i was a youngster. i remember being indoctrinated. so i believe the first thing we have to do fight back on this whole cancel culture, this, you know, attack on our freedom of speech. i think that's incredibly, incredibly dangerous. will: yeah. >> and the equality. they're saying that they want equality for everybody. it's equality of opportunity. it's not equality in the results. and to continue what carlos is saying, is the big government. when you substitute the public sector for the private sector, then you're in the hands of this big monster called the bureaucrats and bureaucracy, and then you lose your individual freedoms. and that is not american. that is exactly what with aoc and her squad -- maybe they mean well, but they do not know what they're peddling.
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that's what we're here to tell her, no. of let's go to havana for a couple of weeks or to caracas for a couple of weeks, and you will see what democratic socialism is. will: right. >> you know, i interviewed hugo chavez, and he told me point-blank, we're going to do the democratic socialism. so they're not blind. they're telling us exactly what they want to implement in this country. will: and just the idea of not just the moment, it's the perspective of having seen this play out in the real world and how it's playing out now in the united states of america. thank you all, all three of you, so much for your time today. >> it's why millions of immigrants left their homeland. let's remember that. will: okay. thank you so much. pete, over to you. pete: thanks, will. turning now to those headlines, police officers are harassed by portland protesters overnight. the department says officers were pelted with snowballs outside the station while trying to move their cars so they wouldn't be damaged. the rioters also smashing
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windows at a coffee shop and a medical clinic, because that's necessary. and in new york two nypd officers are hurt after a black lives matter event turns violent yet again. a daily news photographer was reportedly attacked by protesters for being mistaken for a cop. he was seriously hurt. eleven protesters were arrested. they think you're a cop, they're going to attack you. just another night with black lives matter. a sanitation worker saves the life of a 7-year-old boy. this man pushing the emergency stop button on his truck after noticing one of the trash cans was carrying something unusual. it turned out to be this boy. elias had jumped in the trash can while playing outside when it was tossed into the back of the truck. >> were you scared? >> yes. i felt like i was going to be a mashed potato. [laughter] pete: like only a kid would say. the quick action stopped a
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deadly blade from coming down on the boy. wow, what a story:. and a university of memphis story is becoming tiktok famous for guessing the height of his fans. >> circumference of the bolt, i'm going to be using this photo. pete: he records videos of himself using insane math skills. his videos get million of views. lee uses objects in a person's social media picture to do his calculations. those are your headlines. it's similar to what we do in the military a little bit, a couple of known points and you can know where you are even though you don't know where you are. the size of a cup, size of a hand, that's it. rick, we'll toss it over to -- jedediah: i feel like -- pete: go ahead, jed. jedediah: i feel like i'd be terrible at guessing that, but i feel like rick would be better than me. rick: it's not guessing.
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he's using math. pete, did you use math? pete: every time. angles, distance, no math. there was no guessing. rick: okay. i'm impressed. very, very good. like to hear it. [laughter] all right, guys, wind chill advisories in effect across all of the central part of the country, in fact, even down across areas of texas, south texas, wind chill advisories in effect. take a look at what the wind chill does throughout the day today, into tonight, into tomorrow morning, we're going to be seeing values pushing -60, actual air temperature around -30. this cold air has settled in here, it's not going anywhere for a while, and we've got this really active storm pattern. first storm is the east coast, an ice storm especially across areas of central virginia, some areas up to about a half an inch of ice, that's going to cause widespread power outages. also a little bit of icing even across new york and up towards boston. the next storm coming in today
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across parts of the pacific northwest, later on this afternoon, and across participants of the four corners by tomorrow morning across areas of texas. maybe up to around a foot of snow around the panhandle of texas, oklahoma, and by tomorrow evening, look at this, ice storm down across parts of the hill country and southeast texas. we're talking about temperatures breaking records maybe going back 30-40 years, and you get a massive complex of storms continuing to move across causing major problems for us. we just have to get through this week, guys. unfortunately, a lot going on. back to you. will: coming up, the state department reportedly hosting an event with defund the police speakers. could this be a sign of the priorities under the biden administration? rob smith sounds off.
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police supporters. the announcement for the event obtained by tucker carlson tonight advertised the discussion on racism being a, quote, national security threat. so is this a priority under the administration? one of the priorities in here to react is rob smith. rob, welcome. we don't actually have confirmation that this zoom call happened. it has been reported, but what's interesting to me about it is the topic is racism being a threat to national security and democracy, and then who was essentially supposedly featured were these defund the police advocates. does that make sense, in your opinion? >> no, it doesn't make sense at all. there's not a lot that they're doing right now that does make sense. but i think there's a lot of things going on here. over the last couple of weeks, there had been this real, concentrated effort to paint these 75 million americans that voted for donald trump, whatever, as racists, as white supremacists, as white nationalists, and then there's also this sort of uneasy
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relationship that the biden administration has with the far left black lives matter protests, the defund the police people. mind you, the biden administration has not yet met with black lives matter, and black lives matter has been openly disappointed with that. so i think that this is some kind of throwing out a bone to the far left. but i think this kind of language and rhetoric, number one, not only smearing republican voters, but also legitimizing something like the defund the police movement with the back of the state department. mind you, they already have the back of the corporate mainstream media, but i think that this is a really slippery slope that we're going down here. and i also think that it is meant to distract from the utter failures of the biden administration in the first four weeks. jedediah: you know, the thing about it, rob, is that defund the police is not popular among a lot of people. if you look at the last election, the local elections, a9 lot of people won their elections because they were on the other side of that issue. and the people they were running against had embraced defund the
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police which was seen as too radical for a lot of people that were more centrist. so does joe biden have to be cautious about embracing that movement? >> i think he really does. and mind you, remember that leaked phone call from some of the democratic people that are running for congress that said that defund the police hurt them, you know? the socialist cause, defund the police, all of that stuff hurt mored moderate and centrist democrats. and i think that the biden administration sort of embraces these people at their own risk because i think that 2022 is right around the corner, and i think that a lot of republicans are going to be running on a message that is anti-all of that stuff. and i think that republicans have a really big opportunity to take back the house. jedediah: rob smith, thanks for being here, as always. >> thanks a lot. jedediah: our top story all morning, cuomo's cover-up. the new york governor facing bipartisan backlash and calls for resignation followed the scathing report that he hid the number of nursing home deaths in
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jedediah: and now to a fox news alert. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell will vote to acquit former president trump in his impeachment trial, mcconnell telling colleagues he will not convict trump. democrats are not expected to have enough votes to convict trump of inciting an insurrection. pete: more about this, another story we are following. new york governor andrew cuomo facing calls to resign or being prosecuted or be impeached by his fellow democrats. fourteen democrats in the new york state senate joined the call to repeal governor cuomo's emergency covid-19 powers. the bipart san outreach coming after a cuomo aide claimed they
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covered up deaths inside nursing homes, fudged the numbers. cuomo kept a low profile and avoided reporters while meeting with president biden in the oval office on friday. much to answer to, he didn't want to answer questions. will: this while governor cuomo has lifted, finally, restrictions on indoor dining as of yesterday. restaurants can open to a capacity of 25%. but for many restaurants, it's a little too little, a little too late. carley shimkus went to the streets of new york to talk to restaurant owners about this lift of restrictions. listen. >> reporter: 25% capacity starting today, how to you feel about it? >> oh, my god, so good. we've been waiting so long. >> 25%, not 100 percent. >> starting and stopping takings you out of your rhythm. but being back into business is a great feeling. >> 25% means survive right now.
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we're not going to make it if we don't change that. i believe we need to go to 50 %. >> reporter: do you think you should have been allowed to open at 25% capacity sooner? >> sooner? yeah. i think it could have been handled better, a lot sooner. >> i mean, i understand that safety comes first, but the city has to do something for us too. i mean, westchester, long island, they're allowed, i believe they're 50%. i just don't understand why new york city, new york city doesn't. >> [inaudible] very clinical. i think new york city was a pawn. >> reporter: this is your whole life, your livelihood. you've put so much into it. >> my family life, a lot of people depending on this. so so we have support for now. >> mr. cuomo and mr. de blasio, please work with the small business owners, especially the
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restaurant industry. you shut us down, but you have to think about us too. we have -- they have families, they have got kids. >> reporter: so do you think people can eat inside and stay safe? >> absolutely. absolutely. come in, if you're not well, stay home. pete: ah, that last point, personal choice. if you don't want to go out, you don't have to. great job by carley shimkus. and she asked that question, could you have opened sooner, and the guy goes, yeah, i think we could have opened sooner. i mean, it's so obvious how late cuomo is on all this, jed. jedediah: yeah. and, you know, 25% sounds great because it's manager, but think about that. this is not 25% six or seven months ago. these people have debt now that they have incurred. obviously, they have an interest in growing their business. and it's barely sustainable. i think one individual in that clip used the word survival. so you're just surviving, but that's just not enough at this stage of the game.
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50% is the minimum i'm hearing that they can afford to handle right now. will: it's important to juxtapose the impeachment of donald trump against business being closed in new york. the question is once we move on from impeachment, we will begin to address the issues that are actually affecting the american people and their lyes. my gut is democratic politicians and liberal media networks will keep hitting that donald trump crack pipe -- pete: i like that. will: -- and keep the attention where they want it. pete: or schools. all the obvious ones. will: more "fox & friends" moments away. again. no way. more exercise. more water. and more fiber is the only way to manage it. is it? maybe you think... it's occasional constipation. maybe it's not. it could be a chronic medical condition called ibs-c, and time to say yesss! to linzess. linzess works differently than laxatives. it helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements.
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je deferment said she would crush it. jedediah: i have a chance that it's not just sports. ll -- will: let's go head to head. pete: have a great saturday, everybody. neil: it could all end today. we are following day 5 of the impeachment proceedings with news that mitch mcconnell, republican senate leader who wanted his members to vote their conscious, apparently mitch mconel voted his that he would likely vote to acquit the former president at the impeachment trial this amid a back and forth as to whether witnesses are going to be called at this trial. republicans were told they are going to wait for democrats and whether that's necessary, rhode island senator whitehouse, said he would like witnesseses but would leave it up tose


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