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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  February 14, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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exchange valves in thailand as they tied the knot in a special valentine's day ceremony the animal event in a tropical garden tracks hundreds of couples but this one was smaller due to the pandemic. that is how fox reports his sunday every 14th 2021. happy valentine's day. ♪. judge jeanine: hello and welcome to justice i am judge jeanine pirro, thank you for being with us let's get to my open. politics has always been a bloodsport between competitors but rarely has the sword of the sport and aimed at others than a political opponent. andrew cuomo however, has turned his sword in that board against her parents andrd grandparents. in the outrageous nursing home scandal unfolding before our very eyes, this week will most right hand his most trusted aide his closest confidant melissa
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derosa confessed in a phone call to democrat politicians that the cuomo administration withheld the true and real number of nursing home deaths because they were afraid federal prosecutors would find out. the truth you see was twice as bad as they said it was. that stunning coldhearted omission is relevant and visible evidence in a court of law. he shows consciousness of guilt, and intent to cover up the truth and conspiracy to deny the number of covid deaths in nursing homes via self promoting, self worshiping self absorbed politician. those numbers were sought by the new york state legislature, the associated press, victims families and the public at large, the pathetic disgusting part of all of this is that derosa on behalf apologized to her democrat in the legislature
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for the political inconvenience their cover-up caused. no apology to the new york state legislature, the press or the victims families. fox janice dean for months desperately tried to find out what happened to her mother and father-in-law before they died in nursing homes. cuomo spokesperson at the time demeaned and belittled janice as an expert in nothing except maybe the weather. so derosa's apology was for the political inconvenience to the democrats and not to the families of those who died as a result of the merciless, calculated covid infected patients into nursing homes. there was no claim of error in judgment, the cuomo kebab cooked the books. uc andrew cuomo is a bully, a
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bully not only to those he sees as a threat politically but to the little people for whom he has 0 allegiance so what is the problem here. if everything is on the up and up why hide, lie, or cover up the truth. the march 25 cuomo order mandated covid infected patients being returned to nursing homes not prepared or ready for them certainly unequivocally a death sentence for those innocent seniors living out their final months and years in an allegedly protected environment. his mandate was a death sentence to all the elderly in the homes which he and everyone knew to be the case at the time. after all he did listen to the science so why did hewh do it. why would the signing of his name packed death among innocent
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seniors simply trying to live out theiron final months or yeas even he admitted it was like setting fire to a dry gas. as a prosecutor and judge your job is not to prove motive, the good old-fashioned greed and power remain powerful motives cuomo the ultimate calculating by returning covid infected patients to nursing homes knew it was inevitable and foreseeable and he weighed the prosvi and cons and decided to promotes, himself and punish the victims. consider v this. one of cuomo's biggest financial contributors is the healthcare industry andci lobbyist. ucf medicaid and medicare patients are filling up a hospital then how is the hospital going to make money, to make money they need beds filled
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with patients who have real insurance and real money so get the medicaid and medicare patients out and so the governor balancing his image against the death of seniors dumped ill infected patients in nursing homes with innocent victims. thereafter cuomo quietly tried to shield nursing home executives from lawsuits from the outbreak. this was corrupt criminal behavior who constantly asked request for the truth and the real numbers. were not talking about a pole, where you lie about your favorability ratings were talking about a man hiding death, he hit it because he knew he was responsible, he knew what he did it he knew from whom he did w it and why it was his fau. so began the pr push, the ridiculous pathetic on
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leadership the fawning left complimenting him on his press conferences where he and his brother freda fought for the lime life where he gushed over those who adored him while he trashed andim blamed the presidt old age and even god for the death of those seniors. the new york attorney general commanded for outing the lies that cuomo to make himself look good over governors like ron desantis of florida who actually were doing a great job, cuomo now has to live with the fact new three out of every 100 yorkers who had covid died. the governor is jealous of them florida had a close covid positive death rate of almost half that in florida has the second largest senior population in the country. all the while comeau trying toul promote himself as a presidential candidate and a great leader he was in truth a horrible leader with a h horribe record, a liar and a c crook.
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new york attorney general the teacher james now leads to director deputy and simply followed thehe hospital money ad the contribution that have supported cuomo throughout his political career and especially in his last campaign. his intent to cover up a conspiracy at the highest level of near government is clear and his consciousness of guilt as well but two weeks ago when the case was simply circumstantial i identify potential charges, now the case is even stronger with direct evidence. take a look. >> manslaughter in the second degree violation 12515 when you recklessly cause the death of another person criminally negligent homicide new york pinot law 12510 when a person causes the death of a human being and careless, reckless or
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inattentive. and endangering the welfare of an elderly person section 26341 knowing the accident manner likely of a physical welfare of a person unable to care for himself. judge jeanine: thisto investigation will be taught with political dangers even the new york times says andrew cuomo has a history of defrauding federal taxpayers over the medicaid reimbursement debacle and the visit to the white house yesterday sends a bad symbolic message that the biden administration has cuomo's back. in fact this is what biden, president biden thinks of it. >> i think he needs to set a goal standard. >> i think he's doing a hell of a job. >> andrew cuomo's briefings are lesson inan leadership. judge jeanine should the feds take up this case, coat cuomo
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the united states attorney from the southern district of new york who could prosecute this case. her father and brother are lobbyist who are extremely well-connected in albany, cuomo is a conspirator whose mandate caused the death of thousands of senior citizens the new york state legislature was immediately removed his emergency powers as it relates to the pandemic because under his leadership quote continues to fail and does not have a backbone as a leader to admit exactly what he is doing, he is a liar he could no longer be trusted with the safer dutyus of running our state, both new york state and the feds must begin an investigation into his greedy intent, his reckless behavior, r his criminal negligence that brought innocent new yorkers to
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death's door, they were alone, lost, unaware of what was happening, unattended to and shipped out of the nursing homes towa the hospital so they would not die in the nursing home. the stories of ambulance workers taking our elderly loved ones out of those homes who had no idea where they were going, who when seen or touched a family member for months to be brought to a hospital where a healthcare worker were dressed in virtual hazmat and simply i left to dies one of the sickest things that any politician has ever done. politicians have gone to jail for g far less, these are human lives, broken hearts and a ripple effect to this cold-blooded calculated decision to put fame and power above humanity. this despicable inhumane act should in must be andrew cuomo's
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last act in public life. that is my open let me know what do you think on my facebook and twitter hashtag judge jeanine and if you like my open you love my new book don't lie to me available everywhere. as well as my closing statement later tonight you don't want to miss it. joining me not to react to my open and much more author of fire friend florida congressman matt gaetz. good evening congressman emi wrong? >> you are not i would add obstruction of justice to the violation of federal criminal law here you have governor cuomo destroying records that evidence the scheme that was a very deadly one everyone is familiar with the times square of card hustles but here playing three
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card monte with grandma moving folks from nursing homes to the hospitals in injecting the virus right back into nursing homes new york andn florida detailed into governors into states. in florida we use the national guard to ensure nursing home staff did not bring the virus into an area where could kill the most vulnerable people but we let younger people, college students, students in high school and grade school live their lives and not see the impact of the virus be even more crushing on our society where in new york they destroyed small businesses, they destroyed education and hindered the development of young people and the folks that they were supposed to take care of the most put in the most, as prosecutors look at this case you have to follow the money you have to look at the financial incentives that were embedded in the decisions to move these people around and terrible and not times lethal risk.
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judge jeanine it seems the competition thatti andrew cuomo wants to have with ron desantis, governor desantisnt of florida s exacerbated by the fact that now cuomo was talking about not letting people from florida coming to new york so there be infected and we have the highest number in the higher number of deaths of senior citizens, our businesses are not open in florida is open for business, he has a pathetic fragile ego but he promotes as a wonderful governor but what do you think of the fact that the media played in to his emmy-winning book on leadership and having these press conferences, he's an example for all of us, don't they have some role in this? >> the media is absolutely
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culpable in advancing this mythology of cuomo that is derived by the facts and the facts keep getting uglier and uglier both for the governor of the media it wasn't just ron desantis that they were smearing at the time we were going through presidential election and why they promoted andrew cuomo as a great oracle of the response for the coronavirus and weree conducting against our president acting as if everything he was doing was causing it to be more deadly. the reality the 45th president put us on the path to the fastest safest vaccine development the world has ever known and we are still seeing the consequence of president n.trump's action in the saving f lives and sadly only starting to unearth the extent to which the
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actions of governor cuomo cost lives because when people died as a consequent of their policy decisions and they recategorize those as deaths in the hospital so somebody could get infected in the nursing home moved to the hospital and then move the books to make that a hospital death not a nursing home death and doing it to cover up the choices that they made that put blood on their hands. judge jeanine the sad part each individual who died i think now were up to more than 13000 individuals in the situation they had no idea what was going on they cannot talk to the relatives, they cannot be with their relatives and i understand from some of the emts and ambulance drivers who took them to the hospital that they would make a phone call to them before they died and when they got out they did not know what to expect they did not know where they were going but let's talk about what will happen you been a government long enough to know do you think the attorney general in new york or the department of justice will investigate this in a fair and judicial way? >> i have no confidence in the united states department of justice that is become an institution of political hackery
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there is a long-standing tension that exists between the attorney general and the state of new york and governor andrew cuomo knows that well he bristled and had conflict of the governor when he was attorney general so i'm more confident in the state of new york pursuing this then i and the u.s. department of justice you have alreadys seen joe biden give governor cuomo the warm embrace of the white house that was a signal to the department of justice for the sake of politics they do not want criminal accountability in this case. judge jeanine congressman matt gaetz, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, judge. judge jeanine up next breaking news out of o california the recall organizers say they now have enough signatures to trigger a special election that could remove governor gavin newsom n from office congressman darrell issa has reaction in my closing statement later tonight. ♪ force veteran made of doing what's right,
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[♪♪♪] judge jeanine: w welcome back nw york andrew cuomo is not the only democrat governor in hot water california gavin newsom is under intense pressure to step down his recall efforts are ramping up fox news has confirmed that recall organizers
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have required number of signatures to trigger a special election here with reaction is california congressman darrell isaiah, good evening congressman. they have 1.5 million which is the number that they needed but now it looks like there setting it up for 2 million, why is that? >> they want to have a marginarf safety, they have the time about a month left in quite candidly if you sign a petition you will get out and vote and that's part of the process but the reality is this is a deep deep blue state this is the place where every single constitutional officer is a democrat i guarantee you the secretary of state and all the other factors will work against any ballots that are not perfect so having the cushion is pretty important. judge jeanine: that is just making sure, it is my
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understanding that if they get 1.5 million legitimate valid signatures then it is over for governor newsom he cannot run in the reelection. >> that is correct what happens it's a yes or no on recalling him and whoever in 2003 there were 135 candidates who ever is the top vote-getter will be the next candidate ten days later. judge jeanine: amazing. all right let's talk about the impeachment, what happened today was not unexpected but there was a lot of effort and energy by the democrats in the situation they knew they would lose, what say you? >> they knew they would lose but they tried to smear not only the president but the entire republican party and it fell apart, many people may not look at it in real time but as time
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goes on they begin to realize that the defense simply showed were the very words again and again, and again, and again, that they accuse president trump of saying his incitement people including the managers had all used, they tried to make the case that it was who said it,ha not what was said and that did not pass and did not change effectively one vote. judge jeanine: congressman what do you think the impact that this will be on the republican party in the future. >> we have a rebuilding to do without the leadership of president trump in the way we had it for the last four years we have to take the best of trump and the best of reagan and the best of lincoln and put it all together but we've been here before i was a very young shoulder when richard nixon left office, we have been in problems where another person was effectively pushed out other
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leadership and what we did we went back to who we are we are the party of smaller government, the party of the a small busines in the small business worker and we show that to people as president trump did for four years but we show it to people we become the majority party again and i expect in two years but we have a lot of work to do including making sure that the ballot roles are cleaned up properly so everyone who v shoud vote vote but nobodyot vote twice. judge jeanine: that's going to be a w difficult measure i know that president trump tried to do that between the voter registration roles and it was a problem when the secretary of state refused to let them look at those roles, agree? >> absolutely and it can't be done at theoo presidential level every one of us has to push in our own state in my home state i sued governor newsom when he
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tried to expand the voter rolls in the mail-in ballot by executive fiat, the reality the legislature backed him up and pass the law but at least they did a constitutionally something that did not happen in arizona and pennsylvania and other states where they ignored the mandate that legislatures make these decisions and county clerks need to clean up their roles and county by county we need to push for it as we did in l.a. if they haven't sued los angeles mike garcia would not be a congress meant today. judge jeanine: congressman, thank you so much for being witm us, next how is biden's agenda far more dangerous than obama's ever was. peter navarro answers that after the break.
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♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal.
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>> good evening and live from "america's news headquarters" i am jacqui ibanez in new york, winter weather in this forecast for the nation after monster storm dropped heavy snow on the pacific northwest leaving hundreds of thousands without power more snow and ice is set
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to slam into the south before moving into the mid atlantic tomorrow. president biden is calling for stricter gun laws on the third anniversary of the mass shooting as stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida 14 students and three staff members were killed, 17 wounded mr. biden calling for stronger background checks in a weapon be on we all went to all of those we have lost in all of those left behind to make a change. i am jacqui ibanez, now back to "justice with judge jeanine". ♪. judge jeanine: welcome back minnie called the biden administration obama's third term but in reality the policy being unilaterally implemented by team biden are far more radical than what we saw during eight years of the obama administration from open borders to job killing regulation to keeping the nation's schools
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closed americans have a lot to be concerned aboutho tonight. former white house trade advisor peter navarro joins me not to break it down. good evening peter. >> how are you doing judge. judge jeanine: i h am well. if you're ready, hit it. >> i want some comic relief, taliban meets the keystone cops, is speak a lot about the binding administration where biden is supporting a pipeline in afghanistan from the taliban that opposes and cancels when here in america. what can go wrong, let me walk you through this, let's remember that the taliban was responsible for 9/11 we had the longest were ever in afghanistan that killed tensns of thousands of american
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soldiers, their inundating this countryy with heroin, women's rights in afghanistan for pregnant and baled, and if you're a gay man in afghanistan getting stone there is not smoking weed, under the law you can get stoned to death. why is the biden administration and the state department supporting that pipeline when in factnt in america their opposing what is called the keystone pipeline, let me brag a little bit because i remember in 2017 i got called down to the staff secretary to write an executive order on the keystone pipeline, we did in 20 minutes the fastest executive order and the president signed it within the hour thousands of jobs. yes president trump, thousands of jobs everything from making
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steel to the pipeline to construction to cheap prices for gas the gas that comes from the shale to the midwest refineries, that is a good deal and guess who gets the short end of the stick, canada, the people who want the keystone pipeline to come down from canada into the unitedni states. here is the thing donald j trump was the greatest blue-collar president in american history but the big labor bosses with the cio jim hoffa, the teamsters, these guys supported joest biden in one of the first actions of joe biden as president was to kill the keystone pipeline and a slap in the face to american workers. judge jeanine: he did that, the first day he got rid of 11000
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jobs, men with their lunch pails walking off the job. now that the taliban benefit, canada has lost their upset with us are they at the point where they will be forced to do business with china? >> years was interesting because the gas and oil cannot go from north - south it's going to go out through vancouver over to communist china and canada is kind of interesting you have the schism between western canada, calverley, alberta and all the energy there in toronto and québec and ontario they don't like pipelines. but bottom line, we did some dumb stuff in the trump o administration every once in a while but in four years we never
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did something as dumb as this as joe biden pulled off in his first 20 days, you cannot make this up into support in attala band pipeline and oppose an american one. judge jeanine: it is a horrible thing that they did, peter navarro thank you so much for being with us. and next how would joe biden's foreign policy be influenced by his inner circle also known as his family, miranda devine has written extensively about this and she joins us next, do not go anywhere.
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those *. judge jeanine: welcome judge jeanine: welcome back remember when big tech in the left teamed up to crush any negative press about joe biden's family during the campaign. he's president isn't it crucial that we know how hundred biden's business dealings overseas good impact joe's foreign policy or will that to be censored, fox news
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contributor miranda devine is here to discuss miranda thanks so much for being with us, and your first time on justice were delighted to have you on were big fans of yours, let's talk about biden, before the election joe biden basically said and i think we have the full screen he said no one in my family will have been office in the white house will sit in our meetings and lesser cabinet members and will have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign preparation or foreign country. come into the story. now after that it appears once he was elected things changed, he said now my son, my family will not be involved in any business or enterprise with conflict that appears to be in conflict with the appropriate existence for the presidency and government.
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what do you say about this. >> good evening judge jeanine thank you for having me on it's very disturbing that joe biden has changed his tune before the election he was talking tough and no family member would have any business relationship with any foreign company or government and afterer the election he washes it down and it's about appropriate distance from the presidency of the government and who decides the appropriate distance that's a shaky sort of description that you can easily wheezing yourself out of. that tells you everything that you need to know about where joe biden is on ethics and i think he talks a big game about being terribly ethical and you have to look at his family relationships to see how unethical they are released in their appearance, the it appeared to be very
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corrupt and primarily we have hunter biden of course. judge jeanine: let's talk about hunter biden it appears that he put someone in charge of the criminal division of the department of justice who is connected to hunter biden's own lawyer, is that correct? >> on day one of his presidency joe biden installed as the head of the d.o.j. criminal division the law partner of hunter biden defense lawyer. that obviously has an appearance of the conflict of interest and you also, eight days ago you had jen psaki into the question of whether or not hunter biden with the chinese business takes which we were told he was doing and we were told that last year and she said he's in the process of
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dismissing himself of the 10% stake in the chinese private equity firm called bhr effectively of there president's son who was doing business with the chinese communist party and don't tell me that is not music to the ears of president xi who had the two hour phone call with joe biden on wednesday evening and he knows that hunter biden is an incredibly valuable bargaining chip for the chinese and they can hold over joe biden. judge jeanine:ju yes. miranda devine thank you so much for being with us we loved having you on. thank you. still ahead my closing statemene but first there is breaking news as the white house official has resigned after he threatened to destroy a reporter, tomi lahren and leo terrell joined me too
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react next.
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♪ ♪ >> if i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone i promise you i will fire you on the spot, on the spot.
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no if, and or butts. >> he said that on day one of his presidency but things change quickly in washington this week we learned that white house deputy press secretary tj ducklo threatened to destroy a political reporter who was working on a story about his relationship with an axial journalist, the biden white house gave him a slap on the wrist a one-week suspension and hours ago ducklo resigned, there's no if, and or butts about it, he was not fired on the spot, not in the days after. joining me now tomi lahren and civil rights attorney and fox news contributor leo terrell. tonight i will start with tommy tell me what do you think about this. >> firing on the spot looks like a one-week suspension but in joe
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biden's america that's what we can expect the double standard is only standard of the left misogyny, antifeminist comments,rioting, violence, as s you're on the left that will be excused but let's be honest as joe biden understand does he really know what's happening i'm unclear on that part but i'm happy that he resigned i still don't see the mainstream network carrying the story the week they would've in the trump administration can you imagine if this was sean spicer that would've done something similar this would've been breaking news for two weeksum or more. judge jeanine: no question, he was given a slap on the wrist. he did talk down that he did threaten because they were going to write a story about him and his relationship with a reporter and it seems to me that it was only the floodgates happening and they said i think you ought to resign. >> you know what judge it's the number one reason why i left the democratic party they are liars,
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joe biden said you been fired on the spot i left the democratic party because the democrats allow racism, sexual harassment and if you have a d on your name you get a pass, i'm absolutely right by my colleague it was donald trump's office were presidency it would be 24/7 around-the-clock by the left-wing media, i think more people are opening up in waking up because joe biden andou the democrats are hypocrites, joe biden is not even running the office he is being told what to do the guy got fired because he lied to the american public and not say one thing's for sure you cannot trust joe biden because i don't think he's all there. judge jeanine: actually he so far resigned. >> exactly, i agree we can talk about joe biden and abiding a ndadministration he's a puppet d
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has been a puppet forng the far left and i'm not sure he really knows what's going on but the trump administration is criticized for four plus years of being an enemy of the press and the media and yes somebody who works in the biden administration threatening a oho female reporter which is a female first not the mail that he could've gone to goes to the female and threatens her and gives a one-week suspension fired on the spot a one-week suspension but the media is not going to cover it it's going to be as it happened and were the only ones talking about it and does the american public really know that we care, unfortunately probably not. >> to be taking care of, he's trying to get a job somewhere else he'll have a soft landing courtesy of the democratic party as long as he is a d on his name. judge jeanine: clearly it wasn't the intent of the white house to let him go but the floodgate got a little too heavy so they had to let him go, tomi lahren and leo terrell thank you for having with us we loved having you on.
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we'll be right back with my closing statement on congresswoman swalwell hypocrisy. don't go away. ♪ everyone is at risk for enamel loss. when you drink or eat something that's acidic it sucks the minerals out of the tooth's surface. pronamel is formulated to help deliver minerals to the tooth's surface to help reharden and strengthen your enamel. priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal.
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>> i help but laugh when i saw congressman swalwell spew his hatred for donald trump, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. this attempt to be an honest, fair and impartial manager is a congressional setting with an out right embarrass. swalwell's honesty can be relied on as much as a 3-year-old
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sayingng he did not take a cooky from the cookie jar, for 3 years he has been trying to convince us that donald trump is a putin puppet. swalwell still said that trump with the russians. andng he was targeted for years for information by suspected chinese spy. that spy, christine fang, had cozied up to him for years helping to c raise money for hi. and bundling money in his congressional races and even putting an intern in his congressional office,ng when fod out, swalwell did what cuomo did, he o flamed trump. he was a victim, he was, targeted by trump, because he was the a frequent critic of the president. did the democrats remove him from powerful intel committee,
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no. the left does not care about the chinese are infiltrating people in congress, it is all about keeping power. i wonder if democrats are concerned that swalwella not as sharp as he thinks he is, he is unaware that the woman he was involved with, might be working with beijing. donald trump was never informed of potential of russian spies who never existed. curious, fang-fang left the country as soon as swalwell was informed. yet his father and brother continue to communicate with her after she left the country. here we have swalwell, entangled with a suspected chinese spy for years, ang woman who slept with other politicians and his own party keeps him in a position of
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knowing our most classified secrets, and he had the nerve to run for president, knowing his story was entanglement with fang-fang would come out, talk about hutzpah, she accused of consorting with a chinese spy andti he runs for president! he failed because he could not get more than 1%, but in his world, swalwell is ready and capable to be our commander in chief. what a joke. funny, i must be right even his own parents would not have voted for him, that is my closing, if you liked it you will love my new book, don't lie to me, thank you for watching, i am -- judge jeanine. i'll see you next saturday night, and you can find he on cameo.
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see you next week. ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i am markly levin, this is "life, liberty and levin" this is a different program, focused like a laser on breaking news. i want to use this program to give additional voice to individuals i think that are intelligence, fairly young and can have and will


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