tv FOX News Primetime FOX News February 15, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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>> bret: [laughter] all right, panel a new number of the "special report" team alex vogel, and wife angela, a valentine's day baby 7 pounds, y doing well. one viewer at a time. thank you for inviting us into your home. that does it for "special report." fair, balanced and unafraid "fox news primetime" hosted this week by rachel campos duffy. >> thank you so much. good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime," i'm rachel campos duffy and tonight we are following the science. >> followed the science, follow the science and let me say that again, we will listen to the science. let's end the politics -- listen to the politics and in the science. >> followed the science.
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keep faith with one another. i promise you. >> looked come i think it is important to follow the science and listen to the experts, do what they tell you. >> rachel: that is right. for months, president biden has said the administration will follow the science before making any pandemic policy decisions and that was great news when the scientists were saying things like this. >> there is increase in data to suggest that schools can faithfully open and the safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated. >> rachel: for many parents of school education, it is a reason to rejoice. and struggling to learn might be able to return to the classroom. but that was february 3rd. now less than two weeks later, the so-called experts are changing their tune. we will no longer be listening to just the science. >> the decision on when and how
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to begin in person learning is one that must be based on a thorough review of what the science tells us works and understanding of the experiences, challenges and perspectives of teachers and school staff, parents, and students. >> rachel: translation, science is important, but not as important as lived experiences of some of the most radical members of the teachers union. so no surprise the unions gave this new approach a two thumbs up. but it is like a rug is being pulled out from each and every child who is languishing behind a computer screen while the same people who went public just a few weeks ago saying it was safe for students to go back to the classroom, now appear to be reading the point sent to them by the union. >> one of the things that has been emphasized in the school reopening is how and save the school ventilation systems are. >> i think the schools really do
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need more resources. that is the reason why the national relief act that we are talking about getting past. we need that pure of the schools need more resources. >> rachel: that is not following the science pier that is extortion. a massive covid relief package was vital to opening schools, then why are private schools which receive no public funding whatsoever already open? the teachers union and the political left are playing with childhood and they don't care about the fallout. i come from a family of public school teachers, so i want to make a distinction here, the rank-and-file teacher is not to blame. i know they care about their students, but i am fed up with education bureaucracy to continue to put the system before the students. and at some point, if you are a teacher, paying your dues and standing in line with the corrupt union, you are part of the problem too. democrats have a choice on behalf of teachers union for
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decades. president obama did in 2009 when he killed the d.c. scholarship program and lifeline, reported to the nation's worst and most dangerous rules, why would he do that? pay back to the teachers union to help get him elected but the legacy of putting unions before students continues with joe biden. he is following in his old boss' footsteps and bowing for the teachers union. he's lying to the parents and he's hurting students if he promised to help. but more importantly, he is not following the science. in 20 make governor scott walker is one of the only governors to fight the teachers union and win. governor walker, had to have you want today because you are really the only person in america who has fought the teachers union and won. tell us how you did it. >> well, we made the case to the people of the state and that's
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exactly what we need to do with the american people. i think you are right. this is about the union boss and not the teachers. teachers overwhelmingly understand these kids across the country desperately need to get back into the classroom. we need to make that case in chicago, the mayor that i don't often agree on politics, but she's a democrat and i'm obviously a republican. she is absolutely right. for weeks, she's been trying to get the kids back in the catholic school open since last fall. if she was in wisconsin as opposed to illinois, though schools would be open and those kids far better than they are doing right now. >> rachel: what is your advice to a democrat governor where the teachers union do not want them to open. what would you say to the governor to take on the union? how would you do it? >> the bottom line you have to communicate the story. the left is laying up fairness issues. this is the ultimate fairness issue. our kids are falling behind and joe biden's old cdc director
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said it is safe not only for students but staff to go back until she was told "wait a minute, you have to kowtow to the teachers union." the union bosses should be driving decision and up the american people. i have a simple response, you are not essential and it is now essential to get people back to school. >> rachel: more people need tough governors but i also think that maybe something has to happen at a local level. i know there is a lot of parents frustrated. they don't know what to do. maybe they have a democrat governor not to stand up to the union. if the answer to start taking over the school boards, taking over local government and taking it back to people who are not putting our kids first. >> well, 100%. again, i think a lot of good parents out there who understand the last year, they have seen what happens when kids are in school but not only bad for kids but a lot of these families, low-income families in particular will lose their mortgage if they can't get back to work. a key part of getting america
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back to work as opening up the schools. it is safe, sound and the science is on our side. now it is time to deliver. >> rachel: 94 million kids in communist china are going to school. it is happening all over europe. our catholic schools have been doing it since the school year and shoestring budgets to boot. thank you governor walker. i think a lot of people are missing you in wisconsin, but a lot of people in other states which they had a tough governor to take on the union, thank you, governor. >> thank you. >> rachel: all right, dr. scott atlas former special advisor to president trump joins us now. dr. atlas. >> yes, hi, thank you for having me. >> rachel: you heard the cdc director. she said, you know, we need to take into account lived experiences. how does that resonate with you as a doctor? is that a thing they were doing in medical schools now? >> well, let me put it this way.
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that is not the science here or there has been such a pro verbiage of this word "science" that i'm not sure we will recover from that. there are three reasons why we have to be open. this is not new information. number one, children have extremely low risk for anything serious from this illness. number two, the harm for school closures are enormous, much worse, by the way for the poor and working-class families of the country. and number three, there is nothing more important to a country than educating the children. it happens to be there is a number four which has proven that children are not significant spreaders of this illness. this stuff has been known for months. it has been downgraded over and over again including studies of brown university, duke university, all over europe and norway recently. half of the teachers are under 41 years of age. teaching is a young profession. 82% are under 55.
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high-risk teachers should be vaccinated and protected but all the social distancing and everything we have talked about agonizing them. but the rest of these features, the only thing different about a school from the society outside of a school is the schools are lower risk. if i get to pick a job that was safer from covid-19, i would pick being a schoolteacher. this is the complete travesty. it is destroying children, particularly the very children's that these people seem to have given lip service to caring about. it is outrageous! it is a real embarrassment to the united states. it is a disgrace. >> rachel: dr. come i want to ask you about something else because we had dr. fauci come out and say, the states go back to school and then it says a talking point from somebody and he says it isn't. is it time to stop pretending that dr. fauci is not political? >> i'm not a pretender and i
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would let you know what i've said in the past, but let's put it this way, the lancet magazine came out and said "we have known for months that school should be open and let start acting like it." it is a disgrace when scientists and public health official start sort of talking about political ideas and political bill passages and everything. we are off the rails here. people have to wake up. parents are in charge with their school boards of their local schools. and they ought to start acting like it or they will get what they are being told. >> rachel: 100%. listen come i want to show the viewers because it broke my heart. this is a teacher. she provided this footage of what her classroom look like. it looks like no one ever consulted her when they spent millions of dollars on all the safety precautions for the school. take a look at this. >> this is my classroom. i have a large classroom
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compared to the other classrooms in our building. this is the middle feet of the back row of my classroom. this is their view of the board. and so i'm just wondering, when we ordered $5 million of plexiglass, we have a classroom of 28 set up to where school board members could sit in them and see what this was really going to be like. and my students, wearing masks behind all the plexiglass. >> rachel: doctor, forget the waste of money and god knows what is happening with all the money spent on safety precautions, but this was so oppressive, it makes me sad. i don't want my kids to be in that classroom. >> that is exactly right. and i think it is completely ludicrous not with the science at all. it is almost insane. but secondly, we in the
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united states are on the verge of creating an incredibly neurotic generation here. we have children, young children, wearing masks being separated thinking they are infection vector for everyone and that everyone is a danger to them. i mean, this is really a tragedy here and folding. this will go down as an epic failure of public policy and a real tragic situation here. >> rachel: you know, with my own child, the younger they are the more compliant they are, a constant reminder, you are outside and have to wear a mask, but that is what happens. and i think it is sad. really quickly i want to end on this question. were you ever given talking points, dr. atlas, when we were on the task force by the administration and the fashion that dr. fauci did? >> let me tell you something the first thing i said day one when i even came to talk to people in
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the white house were "i will never say anything that i didn't know was true. i will never sign on to something that somebody else said that i should say, and i will never be a part of a group statement that i did not believe in." to their credit, the credit don't make the i was given, that is exactly why we want you. nobody ever told me what to say. i said the truth period. there were a zero political influence and zero concern for me. i don't need that job. i'm not a government bureaucrat. i came there to help people in the country, even though it was a risk to myself because, of course we had a very polarized country with a president that many people frankly despised. but that has nothing to do with my position. these people that are government bureaucrats for their entire career, they are basically government officials. that is what they are. nbc is the evidence of that all the time.
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>> rachel: all the time. i don't think they would let you get away with that dr. atlas. anyway, where is the media? thank you so much for joining us today. i appreciate your expertise in all the service you gave to the country during your time. next a stunning admission from "the new york times." the whole story about trump supporter's and killing a police officer that we have been reporting on for weeks wasn't exactly true. next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs.
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of evidence. >> rachel: conservative outrage at the media coverage of the capitol riots have continued to boil over. making matters worse "the new york times" retracted its story about the death of capitol police officer brian sick nick on january 8th. he died from brain injury that he sustained after trompe l'oeil overtook complex and struck him over the head with a fire extinguisher but medical experts are saying that is not true. and the people are backpedaling saying it is possible he was never hit at all. joining me now, mollie hemingway, and fox news contributor. mollie is that retraction enough? the story went on for weeks and used as evidence in the impeachment trial but what do you say about this? >> this death of the officer is so sad and i feel horrible for the family and friends by all
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accounts on the record said he was a loving and lovely man. and his death became something of a political football because "the new york times" falsely reported the circumstances of his death. it is very important to get the facts right. they allowed anonymous sources who they previously claimed law enforcement officers but now saying not law enforcement officers to talk about the circumstances of his death in a full's manner and did it for political purposes but the media unfortunately so corrupt they are willing to put forth a full story unknowingly full story in some cases, and use it for political gain for weeks, months, years at a time. they think they can quietly backtrack when the reality is too difficult to ignore. they did retract this but they did it quietly. they did not admit they were retracting it. the updates as they were completely wrong and what they reported. it cost a lot of harm to the national debate we were having at a very important time.
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this is just one example how false the narrative has been about the situation of this going on in the country and in a general sense and what we were dealing with at the capitol on january 6th. >> rachel: it is perplexing to me why there was not a full investigation prior to the impeachment. still a lot of questions knowing where to place the pipe bomb. why have the journalist, the media not followed up on these questions? >> welcome even if you take the issue of how policing was done on that day, someone who covered the rally and then later was near the capitol, the thing that struck me so much was complete lack of policing. it was very difficult from the rallies and the march is that i have covered in the last few decades in washington, d.c., is noticeable to me. we still haven't gotten answers really about why that was. we know a little bit. the mayor of d.c. mayor ariel bowers did not want the necessary policing. of course capitol police report
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to the house and the senate which means they were a pretty for mitt -- nancy pelosi mitch mcconnell in charge of the time where they did not prepare for this but one of the things about the impeachment, they were claiming this is something everyone would have known this type of thing would have happened. if that is true, why didn't they have proper policing? even without knowing unrest would occur if you would have for that size of a crowd for higher police presence and people are not interested in discovering that. just pushing a political point and not informing people. there is so much we need to know but unfortunately, i don't think we have a good approach to finding out more about who was involved, how the policing decisions were handled, and he was really responsible. >> rachel: right, that might be the question of witnesses that came up in the impeachment trial. they quickly wrapped up and said everybody, let's go home. do you think they were afraid of getting those kind of questions? nobody understands why nobody
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has been asked about that. >> just in general, we have so much that we need to learn about this. you have heard some people on the left say there needs to be some type of commission to investigate what is going on and in order for the commission to have any credibility, it needs to stop making this be all about this town washington, d.c., hatred for one man. and really be about finding the truth and answers. even more than that, we need to be thinking about what led to all sorts of unrest in this country, whether that, we need to know more about what happen in the summer of rage and the intended riots of the summer that besieged the city throughout the country. and how the 2020 election was handled and whether we can sustain that type of election in the years to come. but unfortunately, our media are not interested into looking into any of this. they want to say that there are people that believe differently than they do. don't have valid reasons for
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believing that, and it causes a lot of problems and breakdown in american society. >> rachel: i was just going to ask you if you think this will get worse with the media. we already had so many concerns coming into this administration. that joe biden and his administration were not going to be asked on the questions and be challenged and have their narratives. i think you answer the question for us. thank you so much for joining us today. coming up, how new york governor andrew cuomo is blaming politics, brushing aside his top aides admission that administration withheld data from investigators. mike huckabee is standing by on this one next. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance
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belly pain, decreased appetite, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about trulicity. >> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended safelite autoglass. they came right to me, with expert service where i needed it. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: that's service i can trust... no matter what i'm hauling. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> rachel: tonight pressure is growing on the biden administration to investigate new york governor andrew cuomo. cuomo talking to the press for
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the first time after a top aide admitted that cuomo administration withheld covid nursing home data because they worried it could be used against cuomo by the trump administration department. doing what he does best, deflecting blame and pointing the finger. take a look at this. >> the void we created by not providing information was filled with skepticism and cynicism and conspiracy theories which further the confusion. did the environment toxic politically? yes. do i think that is part of the conspiracy theories that filled the void? yes. there is nothing to investigate. >> rachel: here now mike huckabee former arkansas governor and now fox news contributor appeared welcome, governor. you heard that sound bite. does that sound like a leader to you? >> no, he is saying there is
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nothing to see here, let's move along. but there is something to see here. and democrats in his own state or some of the loudest critics who are saying he has not been honest and forthcoming. and there are a lot of people in new york whose loved ones have died as a result of the nursing home policy that was disastrous. he always wants to blame somebody else. i think they should have given him his emmy award all right but a starring role in a fiction because that is kind of what he is living out here. and he still yet to take responsibility for his actions. >> rachel: right, he's not. listen, hollywood, by the way, wants to scrub donald trump from the movie "home alone" and look at all these people who mentioned a emmy award, i don't know anybody calling to return the emmy award pier they all fund raised for him because they thought he would be the hero of
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the story. and it turns out he is the villain. i want to mention this to you because other state governors who showed a lot more flexibility. as soon as they realized it was a bad policy to put people back into the nursing home, but it was fatal, deadly. it took cuomo two months to change course. why did it take him that long? >> i think part of it is he's a very stubborn, prideful guy. he lives on the strength of his own voice. he loves to hear himself talk. he would go through these long, almost inseparable news events every day, most of the networks would cover just about all of it. every time, rachel, i would wonder did the 49 other states don't matter? how come new york's governor the only one getting this permanent press attention with a press conference? what they should have been doing is going to ron desantis in florida and telling us how to handle the covid virus because he did one heck of a better job
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than andrew cuomo ever thought about doing. >> rachel: yeah come i think hollywood should be ashamed of themselves. but is the governor finished politically? this is devastating and as you mentioned, democrats are turning against him and disgusted by his behavior and his lies. >> he ought to be finished, but my experience watching democrats is they never take responsibility, and they are never held accountable for the things they do. look at the video that came out the other day. i thought it was the most revealing in the impeachment trial when the defense showed time after time with democrats saying things far worse than anything donald trump had said. did you hear one bit of any of the democrats coming and saying "oh, we should not have said that." we said the same thing we accuse the president of, never. and the media never, ever holds them accountable or responsible for that, ever. >> rachel: i want to talk to
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you again based on your experience as a governor, what did you make of the national guard? it has been 40 days since january 6th. they are still armed guards costing us half a billion dollars. nancy pelosi will not tell the republicans why they are there. why do you think they are there? >> i think they are there as a show. we are still trying to show what happened january 6th was the worst thing that has happened. and in part, so they don't have to answer for all the things that happen in detroit, portland, seattle, minneapolis, in new york city. for that matter, washington, d.c. remember last summer when the president wanted to bring in the national guard as kind of shore up the nation's capitol? and the democrat said absolutely not. we don't need a wall. they use the same rhetoric about the southern border. walls are immoral and then suddenly they want one, demand
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one, keep one at the nation's capitol. but they cannot tell us what the actual threat is. if it is based on anything other than their desire to create a slideshow. a lot of people are very frustrated. and i think the republicans and congress have every right to demand an explanation because after all, rachel, it is our money, not nancy pelosi's. >> rachel: 100%. now the democrats are talking about redefining or changing, redefining the definition of what a violent extremist terrorism is, their definition of that. isn't that a little bit ironic coming from the party? >> it really is, especially kamala harris out bailing them out, raising money. the very people who had done horrible, violent things in the cities leading them back out so they can do it again. so there's got to be accountability at some point.
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there certainly hasn't been. and that is why i think quite frankly, to a lot of republicans, these democrats are as popular as liz cheney at a trump rally. >> rachel: [laughter] i like that one. be careful, i think the other reason we didn't talk enough about it and we should come i think they are trying to silence republicans. i know so many friends who feel they are being but a line and domestic terrorists, labeled because of how they voted. governor, it is always great to have you here. thank you so much for being on my first night on "fox news primetime." thank you so much. >> my pleasure, thanks. spin with the former head of the democrat party suggest latino voters can't think for themselvt how he says latinos were tricked by russia to vote for trump. stay with us. that is up next.
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boom! look at ariana, crushing virtual class. jamol, chasing that college dream. michael, doing something crazy. this is the place where we can show the world what we can do. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wifi-enabled lift zones, so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ ♪
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i'm trying not to dance, i love that song, but the democrats aren't buying it. tom harris says russia is to blame. the misinformation campaign in south florida were very real and involve both domestic and foreign actors. here now with us miami mayor and president of the initiative. i will start with you. so the russians like tricked the latinos into like not liking socialism? >> absolutely not. that is what the democrats believed, then you will have a complicated 2024. with the president did was very intelligent. he actually spent time in florida and got to understand what needs and desires south
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florida voters were. in two have a very passionate response to socialism and communist because many came from socialistic/communistic countries and living free democracy here in the united states. so that message resonates, which is why, in 2020 he did better than 2016. >> rachel: daniel, the mayor talked about the investment that was made in florida but that wasn't the case not along southern border of texas where you live, and yet trump made significant almost shocking gains there. i say because of the working-class message, and yet we hear with the biden administration, the policies have been killing the working class, especially energy jobs which you know were so important. >> that is exactly right, rachel. think of it, rachel the power of the russian meme with
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simpleminded latinos. and it's deceitful is what it is. but they know, these are the musings of a soul of torment who realizes that the vote, it turns out they know the extreme policy positions and to your point such as the cold to defund police, medicare for all, the canceled culture and anti-energy are turning off latinos and america. but the policy, resisting regulations that hinder free enterprise and constitutional of judges. these wars, supporting school choice and the freedom of the expression, latinos are embracing. >> rachel: absolutely. it is interesting. i think that we are seeing a turning point where the democrats are not going to be able to rely so much on politics because we are responding as an
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annex to a party that has him embraced the working message. let's talk for a second, just a second, because i think nothing, first of all i find it culturally imperialistic to change the language, what the heck it is, but i also think that, you know, what do you think and what are your thoughts on that term? >> i resignation south florida, and i don't hear anybody call latin-x. we refer to ourselves as expanding filmic hispanics. and ed number of population here, but i think one of the things the trump campaign did successfully, they understood that some come from columbia, some come from nicaragua, automall, cuba and all of those differences are meaningful. you as a campaign can tap into
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that and understand the subpopulations and speak to them to the issues that matter to them, you will gain a vote going forward. >> rachel: you are right. daniel come i want to talk to you about this because we played the ad at the beginning but this is one thing that unites all hispanic-americans and all americans and the desire for the american dream. democrat mark that ad and i think they are jealous. that add to me when i saw it embodies the american dream, the good life and we want to have the good life with their families. and so that is what i think they are missing. and i think identity politics and so many policies are killing jobs and dreams, frankly, are going. >> you are so right, rachel. look, the music is catchy but i think what it does is connect, and what it does is provide come i think the candidate an opportunity to draw the attention of folks.
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but once you have attention, you have to sell your ideas on merits, policies, proposals and what it can do for the community. and that's where it's tuned in. what we are able to do is to get the bureaucrat off of our backs and the private sector. that is what we want to hear. these kind of positions that people reacted to it and responded to. >> rachel: a little bit more time with latinos, not interested in open borders but came out of the gate with this administration. they want policies that lift people up and they like the freedom in florida. listen, i'm grateful to have you both on the first show. thank you, mayor, coming up, chris harrison, the tv "the bachelor" finding the latest to cancel. his crime? photographs at a antebellum party. we will dig into that. stay with us. next.
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>> reality tv hits pretty close to home for me. our viewers may not know this but i met my husband on a reality tv show. if i was a hispanic girl from arizona and he was an irish american boy from wisconsin and our racial backgrounds never came up. we fell in love, 22 years later, nine babies later, i'm proof it is possible to find love even on reality tv. so much has changed since then. thanks to hollywood and the left's continued efforts to redefine what reality truly looks like in this country, now it's not only about love. it's got to be about race, religion, and any other issue that has the potential to divide us. take what's happening right now on abcs the bachelor, one of the top contestants facing a firestorm of hate after an old picture resurfaced showing her at an antebellum themed ball back in 2018. the fall was held on a former
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plantation in georgia and so therefore, she must be racist. they are showing no signs of letting up. so late last week, the host of the bachelor pleaded with fans to lower the temperature. >> this is where we all need to have a little grace, understanding and we've seen some stuff online, this judge, jury and executioner thing where people are tearing this girl's life apart and diving into parens voting record was unbelievably alarming to watch this. if >> so chris is asking for grace, compassion, understanding, and an end to the so-called cancel culture and for that, chris harrison himself saying the comments went too far and he is stepping down as the host for the rest of the season.
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here to respond his federalist culture editor and former nfl player, so glad to have you both. this has been a fascinating story. you know i love reality tv, you do too. he's really getting trashed in this thing that even his girlfriend who was a hollywood host herself, entertainment host and he was wrong, shouldn't of done that, i was afraid it might come from her. >> was afraid the mob might come for her why? it could damage her reputation and in hollywood your reputation is how you make money and that's why these corporations inflict their standards of cultural leftism on the rest of the country, because they were afraid of public relations backlashes. i say the rest of the country usually an overused term but really, broadly, the country
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agrees with everything chris harrison just said my was nuanced, thoughtful, kind and compassionate and that's what most people want to see. they don't want to see reflexive cancel culture which takes people like chris harrison who is beloved, had his job for years and at the end of the day, chris harrison is going to be fine but you can draw a direct line sadly from chris harrison to the goal her lost her cheerleading scholarship last year and the crazy curriculum zero seen pop up at schools around the country. it shows our ability to debate and that's how you end up with a summerlike last summer. >> i'm watching the show, i think that girl is probably the one he's most attracted to and most in love with from all the dates that i can tell. the first time they were going to have a bachelor who was african-american, biracial, a lot of enthusiasm about it and d one of the things that abc did in anticipation of this was a
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hired team of diversity coaches to train the staff and train the contestants and maybe that's what killed love because i have to tell you, i never had that on the set of the real world where i met my husband. that would've been a buzz kill. >> it's a hard one to swallow. the spirit of the fence is plaguing our nation right now. talking about a white woman who was literally dating a black man on national tv and we are calling her racist. where have we gone? this has gone too far. think about it, i don't even know what to tell my kids anymore, my kids are persian and white and black, beautiful babies. what we tell our kids anymore? you can be labeled just because of color, not just your race but the color of your skin from everyone is fixated on it and i can't believe they're apologizing like this. this statement was all about
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grace. it aligns with the bible, biblical, seven times of india feed does something wrong. what happened to grace? if i had to go back for every comment, made some pretty bad comments in my life. if i have to live up to every comment that i made through college, i won't be able to go work or do anything where the mob will just attack me. >> i just wish we could go back to what mlk wanted was that we would be judged by a character instead of the color of our skin, looks like race relations have been set back since i did reality tv. anyway, i want to thank you both for joining me today, great topic. it i'm rachel campos duffy and i will be here tomorrow night, thank you for watching, "tucker carlson tonight" is up next.
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the green new deal has come to the state of texas, and we are here with the report. how's it working out so far? the good news is all that alternative energy seems to have had a remarkable effect on the climate as intended. last night, parts of texas got the temperatures that we see in alaska. in fact, the same as they were in alaska so global warming is no longer a pressing concern in houston. we solved that problem. the bad news is, they don't have electricity. the windmills froze so the power grid failed. millions of texans w
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