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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 15, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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we do our own work and research and we usually get it right. they usually get it wrong. it's sad. meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why? laura ingraham standing by to take it away. >> laura: i loved your interviews with the later. i liked your interviews with a later as a later. i have to say, i was very impressed as the close-out happened. because they took the fancy pants ivy leaguers to town. so i loved it. i thought -- i love it. you had the junk yard dogs come in. i mean that positively. great. >> sean: we criticized the -- that guy wasn't supposed to speak on that that day. turned out, a couple of other things happened that threw everything off. >> laura: i know. it's easy to criticize. >> sean: only eight days to prepare. >> laura: no, it was -- i'm
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telling you, i love -- they're all like stammers. we want onces. we don't want onces. can we wrap? i get to buy a vowel. >> sean: buy a vowel? i heard you met friends of mine. have a great show. >> laura: i did. >> sean: you're fired up tonight. >> laura: great to see you, sean. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle." joe biden's administration, oh, boy, siding with the teacher's union instead of standing up for children. i know that will shock you. dr. ben carson is here to take them to school. also tonight, we have shocking new details regarding disgraced lincoln project co-founder john weaver. we have all the details. on the eve of mardi gras, raymond arroyo talked with incensed new orleans business owners that have something that they want to say to new orleans mayor, latoya cantrell.
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first, the gop's great reset. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, weeks ago the angle warn pelosi and company that impeachment would help trump. they listened to the crazies instead. the second impeachment fiasco was a total disaster for the democrats. trump was acquitted. zero minds were changed. nothing was accomplished. except donald trump emerged stronger and the congress weaker. now, a recent poll conducted by the liberal website voxx made two important findings. 69% of republican voters are less likely to become a candidate to vote to convict run the. number 2, 70% of likely gop voters say they want to see trump run again in 2024. the democrats are going to have to try to govern at this point, right? impeachment behind them. which they have proven themselves to be supremely bad
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at doing. after all, if they can govern, american's would be fleeing places like new york and california. the democrats are relying on trump's presence and virus panic and shields to cover their ongoing destruction to our economy, our borders and our foreign policy. after one month in office -- can you believe it's been a month? the veil or face mask is off. more americans are seeing exactly who the democrats are and what they intend to do to america. this development presents a clear opening for the gop. ten years after the tea party move reared up the democrats and the old gop establishment, a populous american first movement is now the undeniable core of the republican party. so no matter how often jeff flake or the sleepy lincoln project drifters appear on
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msnbc, we ain't going back to republicanism. no more support for open borders, no more blank checks for endless wars, no more putting china and multinational corporations first. never again. that version of the gop is finished. with much of the old establishment on the sidelines though, the gop is free now to represent its voters. that's a new concept. that means aggressively advancing a pro growth anti-lockdown agenda that puts american families first. now, what is most important issue right now that will help our country and grow our movement? we have talked about this i think all of us together what now? ten months? opening schools. the democrats' stance or reopening schools is anti-science and just plain evil at this point. it once in all proves that democrats don't give a rip about
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children that don't have the opportunity to attend private academies. if you ever doubted that democrats are just puppets of the teacher's union? you didn't trust this show. you should have. but now you know the ugly truth. >> my team will work to see the majority of our schools can be opened by the end of my first 100 days. that's right. >> his rule that he set is to have the majority of schools, more than 500% open by day 100 of his presidency. teaching at least one day a week. >> i think the schools need more resources. that's the reason why the national relief act that we're talking about getting passed, we need that. >> laura: that's a complete and utter joke. even jake tapper, that has cannonized anthony fauci, he teared up realizing schools weren't opening any time soon.
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>> i feel disspirited after this conversation. i had high hopes that schools would resume in-person learning because so many scientists and health officials including you and dr. fauci and others have been talking about the science supports opening the schools. sounds like you're asking for 100% mask compliance and a new of measures that we'll never achieve. that makes me feel like boy, i don't know if the schools will ever open. >> laura: duh! of course they're not. they don't want them to go back to school unless the teachers are forced to do so. now, they can buy every teacher a full spacesuit and vaccinate them and install hundreds of billions of dollars of new hvac systems in schools. fauci and biden would just move on to squawking about another virus mutation is coming. you really think the gop is
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going to lose ground to a party that wants to keep kids stuck at home forever? come on, man! how much longer will young voters in blue states like michigan, illinois, new york and connecticut tolerate the bleed of businesses from their already high taxed pro shut-down states? who in their right mind would take on the covid blame-shifting performance from andrew cuomo? >> is there anything that you personally apologize for in this process? >> apologize? look, i have said repeatedly we made a mistake in creating the void when we didn't provide information. it allowed press, people, cynics, politicians to fill the void. >> laura: give that man another
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emmy. for years, republicans have treated california as if it's a lost cause. new york pretty much the same. but look what is happening now. you got to give credit to the californias that are waking up to gruesome newsome. they have gotten the 1.5 signatures to recall him. i bet the democrat party will object to those certifications. now, meanwhile, our policies, the america first policies, they continue to work for the average american. red states like florida, texas, south dakota and tennessee, yes, they're rising. they nixed the lookdown mentality and understood from the beginning that the cure you'd not be worse nan the disease. now, it was last may, if you can believe it or not, when the
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angle pleaded with the democrat governors to wake up. it's becoming more obvious by the day that these power hungry governors in radical mayors are endangering their state's futures and will eventually see their states left behind. this has been the pattern of blue state governors and radical mayers in covid-19. they don't trust their own citizens and at times they seem to relish punishing them. but they wouldn't listen. they're not going to listen. at some point along the way, this whole effort stops becoming about controlling the virus and it comes about controlling the people. our choices, our travel, our education, our churches, our free speech. anyone that questioned the vaunted medical establishment was branded as anti-science. also called dangerous. when the history of this
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pandemic is finely written, many of the heros and geniuses of today will be seen as villains or incompetent like the democrat and republican politicians that saw trump as a bigger threat than the ccp. eventually conservative leaders like ron desantis, greg abbott and of course donald trump will be seen as visionaries for doing everything in their power to not only keep americans safe from a virus but most importantly keep them free. after a few more years of lockdowns and racial grievance, government controls and dying state economies, the america first message will resonate with women, young americans, new americans, latino americans and african americans. when that happens, we're going to be unstoppable. that's the angle. joining me now is adam rude,
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managing broker at domain realty, which serves many parts of southwest florida. adam, we normally don't have guests on necessarily like you. we're not a business show. but i think folks have to understand what you're seeing on the ground as a realtor with all of the transplants moving to florida. is this an exaggeration that you have never seen anything like this before? >> yeah, it's not an exaggeration. as a matter of fact, it's reality. the numbers from this past year have been staggering. the demand down here in florida is like we've never seen. the numbers prove that. a lot of reasons for the demand at the moment. it hasn't let up and it's still as we speak very high. >> laura: friends of mine that are trying to buy real estate, small places, vacation places or relocating, they're telling me
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it's hard to find inventory in certain parts of florida because so many people are coming from other parts of the country. is that the case as well in certain hot spots? >> it sure is. where we're at in southwest florida, we posted record numbers across the board. we're one of the top performing markets here in the state of florida. that's true. we're having an inventory issue between one and two months of available inventory. it's because of the high demand of people coming to florida right now and from all over the country. people from blue states coming here. the most recent census data, new york still leads the way and has been a long time. look at the past ten years. they have lost about 1.4 million people with about 21% of those coming to the state of florida. so that's remarkable in itself. no other state has come close. >> laura: adam, the novel concept of people being able to send their kids to school, that's a nice part of it, too,
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in florida. unbelievable. adam, i hope it keeps up for you. thanks for that perspective. as i mentioned on the angle, if there's one issue that the gop needs to beat the drum on, reopening of schools. listen to the insanity. because that's obviously what this is all is. from biden's own cdc director. >> one of the things that is really been emphasized in the school reopening is how unsafe some of our schools ventilations systems are. that's a problem not just for sars but other respiratory viruses, for children with asthma, for exposure to mold. so there's a lot of work that we need to do in order to get our schools in a safer environment. >> laura: in other words, schools are never opening. if you have a democrat governor. here's dr. ben carson, former
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hud secretary. dr. carson, school closures hurt children, especially minorities. this is a constituency that biden said he would fight for. what in the world is going on here? >> well, you know, it's very interesting. because there is -- if there's one factor that is the biggest factor when it comes to people being successful, no matter what their economic background, it's school. it's having exposure and access to a good education. and the life-long implications of what we're doing right now are going to be severest on those that do not have access to the best computers and internet services and other types of things. that's a lot of the minorities and the poor kids. they're being ignored. we're also ignoring the increase
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in suicide and emotional issues going on. even some less serious things like when i was in the fifth grade, you know, they were doing screening tests for vision. it was discovered that i basically couldn't see. i didn't know anybody could see the board. but you know, if i hadn't been in school getting the screening done, who knows what would have happened in the rest of my life. so these things are very important and being politicized. >> laura: i have to jump in. you have the cdc director now saying this isn't about covid. this is like redoing hvac systems in every school in the united states that they deem unsafe. did they become unsafe when china allowed this virus to somehow manage to get here, escape or accident or whatever saying these days? when did they become unsafe?
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this is never going to open. if you have a democrat governor, your schools are not going to reopen under this administration. >> well, one of the things that is done in science is having controls. we have built-in controls here. we have a lot of schools that have opened. some public schools a lot of private schools and charter schools have opened. we have not seen big spikes in the transmission of disease in those schools. you have your control there. it's a matter of what you want to do with that information. they talk about utilizing science. only when it conforms to their idea on. we can't get away from this. who is being hurt by this? it's not about republicans or democrats. it's about what is happening to our country? what is happening to the future of our country. what is happening to these children. not using common sense is hurting us badly. of course, there's not a lot of
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common sense in washington. >> laura: no. you saw it first hand. on axios last night, kamala harris repeated this lie. watch. >> there was no national strategy or plan for vaccinations. we were leaving it to the states and local leaders to try to figure it out. in many ways we're starting from scratch on something that has been raging for almost an entire year. >> laura: dr. carson, your reaction to that. >> i find that somewhat disingenuous. she knows, of course, that the coronavirus task force has been in force and very active. there's been very specific plans laid out in conjunction with the various state leaders and governors. you know, that is not even really worth commenting on. it's so beyond -- >> laura: so you're a lot more charitable in this case. what is happening to our kids
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and the country in these blue states, it's a falsehood. it's a lie. even dr. fauci said that that is not true, that they were starting from scratch. i don't know how as vice president that you can go on an interview and said that. it's harmful to the country. >> it's all politics. i feel bad for the people of our country. they don't know what to believe anymore. everything is politicized. we have to get away it from. we need real leaders, people that are not politically motivated that care about the people. that's how america got to be strong in the first place. >> laura: you bet. you have a great governor in your state of florida, dr. carson. he's doing an incredible job. >> we do. >> laura: take care. great to see you. we have shocking new details regarding the predatory behavior of the leader weaver.
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more coming up.
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>> out of $87 million that was raised by the lincoln project, 63 to 66 million of that money went to voter contact. >> where did the other money go? >> the law requires that you make disclosures. but you don't have to disclose subcontractor payments. which is how you protect your
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staff with and all sorts of vendors from the harassment of the trump people. >> laura: wait. wait. they're talking about harassment? that's funny. the guy spent the last year harassing trump supporters. he's so coy about the lincoln project spending habits. as a co-founder, he doesn't want you to know how corrupt they are. according to one point, schmidt clipped that the lincoln project was his project to achieve generational wealth. schmidt bought a mansion in utah. that's the tip of the iceberg. more than $90 million raised by the lincoln project went to forms owned by his co-founders. $27 million to a firm by reid
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galen and another co-founder raked in $21 million. his co-founder john weaver that was the predatory behavior one and tonight we have an update on all of that. joining me now is ryan jordusky, an author of "they're not listening." what do you have for us tonight? >> i have news today that really goes to your show. the "new york times" january 31 that john weaver was in communication with a 14-year-old. i made contact with another minor that was sexually harassed by john weaver. he's still a minor tied and doesn't want to come forward. i have to respect those wishes. john weaver harassed him. so the allegations against minors are multiple and there's
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possibly more to come. >> laura: how did you find this individual? >> i'm in contact with many, many people that have been sexually harassed by john weaver. one reached out to the other who reached out to me who made contact. it's amazing the story is over a month old and i still regularly receive people that i have never heard of that have never come forward with new direct messages, new communications and correspondence that they had with john weaver where he promised them jobs in exchange for sexual favors. >> laura: so you're seeing d.m., direct messages. not just an allegation that you're receiving on national tv, correct? >> yeah, i see all of these direct messages. usually john weaver is through twitter. that's how he messaged these kids through twitter. >> laura: it's heart breaking. above all, they're kids.
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it's really sad and infuriating. today we're saying we're committed to creating a positive diverse and exclusive environment. as he said, it been over a month since you exposed the weaver scandal. what decisive have they taken? >> steve schmidt left open the -- to invite women out during the lincoln project. that was odd. so many people left the lincoln project. there's obvious other openings to allow women on the board or just expand the board. but they hired paul hastings firm, a top law firm, which are many lawyers that donated to the lincoln project to do a full investigation. and they released several mdas, several employees of the lining. the number of mdas that they released does not include the
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full scoop of everyone that works for the lincoln project. >> laura: they said they're not going to release subcontractor information. you heard in the clip, they took to attacking yours truly and donald trump jr. saying we're the ones that apparently are the thugs and we're the problem. so they're trying to turn the table on the people that featuring you on the show and so forth. >> you were the first one who had me. i'm appreciative of it. >> laura: thanks. happy to be attacking the lincoln project any day of the week. governor cuomo is shifting blame for his disastrous and deadly decision on nursing homes. >> covid did not get into the nursing homes by people coming from hospitals. covid got into the nursing homes by staff walking in to the nursing home.
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when we didn't know we had covid. >> laura: so he clarified the whole thing. congresswoman, is there any hope for accountability with cuomo? >> forget the emmy. he needs an oscar for a pony soldier today. to hear him not apologize, not take any accountability. to hear him lying, continue usually to the public and say the legislators say he wasn't responding the our inquiry because it was a doj request is untrue. i'm feel so sorry for the families that want answers. it's something that he's still not addressed to this day. so people have had it with him and see no matter what, he will not apologize or take
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accountability. >> laura: listen to his response to a reporter's question. this was earlier today. >> your executive powers, the legislature could do something holding your feet to the fire on that in order to get something on the budget. >> you can't use a subpoena or the threat of an investigation to leverage a person. that's a crime. it's called abuse of process, extortion. >> laura: extortion? he sounds like an unruly dissatisfied monarch. not like an elected governor. >> i agree with him in the sense it shouldn't be used in exchange for a budget negotiation. this should have been stripped a long time ago. the reason why we're in the situation we are, schools are not open, businesses are shut town and he has power is because the democrats in charge refuse to take his executive order privilege back. so yes, they need to do that and
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join us in demanding his resignation. he needs to resign at this point. those that want to join that call should add your name at it's coming to the point that he will leave by resignation, prosecution or the ballot box next year. >> laura: new york city is in a heap of trouble. thanks so much. what was nancy pelosi's role in allowing the circumstances to exist that opened the door for the hideous january 6 riots? congressman devin nunes is among a group of gop lawmakers demanding answers and he joins us next.
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>> laura: a group of top gop lawmakers is demanding nancy pelosi answer for her security decisions leading up to the terrible day of january 6. in a letter to speaker pelosi, the ranking republicans on
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several key committee writes five weeks have passed since the january 6 attack and many important questions about your responsibility for the security of the capitol remain unanswered. this political charade and work with us to protect the capitol. one of my next guests is here, devin nunes, ranking member on the house intel committee. what decisions did she make up to the lead-up of the attack that concern you? >> we don't know because she won't answer the question. the media is not asking the tough questions. when they do hint around it, she dodges it. i know from that morning, i spoke to several capitol police officers on the morning of the 6th that they were very concerned. so at the end of the day, she's the mayor of the capitol. she should take responsibility. if you notice this hasn't been talked about either, laura. on saturday during the
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impeachment circus and impeachment number 2, there was the split time that they thought there was going to be witnesses? what happened is when donald trump's team talked about having witnesses, they were going to call her. then they took a break and everything in a typical swap fashion disappeared and no witnesses and voted to acquit donald trump. she doesn't want to answer what happened and what her roles and responsibilities were of her staff on that day. >> laura: how about the fact that major stories that were reported were false? a lot of media organizations still haven't retracted fully. you know, police officers, alleged to have been killed by fire extinguishers thrown by trump supporters and a horrible loss of life and a horrible thing that happened. but that's not what happened but they repeat it because it helps their narrative. it's disgusting all the way
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around. everybody is seeing through this at this point. >> well, everyone that watches folks or ghettos left to conservatives on the internet. most americans didn't see how badly the democrats from the house were destroyed in the senate about how they doctored ed, falsified evidence. this was presented to the u.s. senate. this is not normal behavior in the course of the united states of america but it's become the norm the last five years as we have seen gone from russia folks, to a fake impeachment. this is a debacle. >> laura: i said it at the beginning of the show. it was a complete disgrace from beginning to end and backfired on the democrats. they knew it. that's why they back-pedalleds on the witnesses. fox5 is telling us that the national guard could remain in
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d.c. through the fall? so we called every governor's office and every single state to ask if they would allow their guardsmen and women to participate. 13 offices responded that their troops have already been brought home. no state said they would keep them in the guard through the fall. it will cost $500 million through march, through the fall it would be over a billion dollars. for what reason? >> it's nice to see the military out there. they're great guys and women. thank god they're there. but the truth is, they don't need to be at the u.s. capitol. the fact of the matter is, the guard could have been called in since it should have been put up before january 6. we had the intelligence in order to do that. so the fbi knew, the fbi related it to the capitol police. what i can tell you moving forward, i haven't seen any credible information whatsoever that would lead that we would need all the fencing and and the
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guardsmen that are still there. >> laura: madam secretary, tear down that fence. great to see you. nancy pelosi isn't the only one that we should be demanding answers for. for weeks, the media medical cartel said the new covid variant from the u.k. and south africa are for too dangerous to end lock downs or reopen schools. is that the truth? here's a med page article describing the u.k. variant. an analysis from the office for national statistics noted while the hazard ratio suggested higher risks, the number of deaths are too long or the reliable inference. well, here to do all of this for us and understand it and explain it, dr. william grace, oncologist and hematologist. dr. grace, it's amazing that people read the titles of reports but they don't read the
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report. talk about the confounding factors and other issues with the study. are these variants more deadly given what we're seeing with the trajectory of this virus? >> not really. just more reports to make you dependent on politicians. basically the death rate is going down all over the world, this is a disease that entirely affects those people that have low vitamin d levels. those that have normal on high vitamin d lefts have unaffected by this disease. they basically don't flow they have it. most of the people i know that have vitamin d and get the disease said they would rather have covid than a common cold because the side effects from the disease is so little when you're on vitamin d and zinc. so people are now loading themselves up with vitamin d and
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the death rate is going down. this is a disease that really affects people above the 35th parallel quite a built. we're not having as much sun shine. we don't have as much exposure to the outdoors anymore because we're all on our screens and in our homes during the winter months. let me tell you, if you take vitamin d, this is nothing. >> laura: we have about a minute more here. but leads to ask us, why hasn't the fda put out a clear advisory or letter just on that one issue of vitamin d and zinc which we've been preaching about since last april on this show? really quickly. >> i don't know, laura. the science out here is that has been published in the last few weeks showing that people that are at northern latitudes have a greater discomfort with this disease. places that summent the foods like in sweden with vitamin d,
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they have lower -- >> laura: we don't know. i don't mean to interrupt you. >> i don't know why they do it, no. >> laura: they're doing it, they have done it and scaring people with the new variants of the virus in order to keep the schools shut down. it's a complete and utter outrage. dr. grace, you've been a guiding light on this. thanks so much. still ahead, our own raymond arroyo hit the streets of new orleans to see what people thought of life under the major's continued covid tyranny. mardi gras? not so much. don't go away.
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>> laura: it's time for the seen and unseen segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. for that, we go to the thief is that stole heaven. raymond arroyo, today is mardi gras. like many liberal mayors, mayor latoria cantrell is a killjoy. she locked down parts of the city. when businesses are hurting most -- >> laura, to give you a sense of how these draconian measures are hurting the city, particularly bar owners, i went all over new orleans for this report. ♪♪
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>> if you watch the media over the last few weeks, you've seen a lot of these house floats throughout new orleans. thousands of them. they mask a troubling reality. many bars in this city are on the verge of closure. now the mayor of new orleans, latoya cantrell has dropped new covid restrictions that are putting them in peril. >> i would rather do too much than too little. starting next friday through mardi gras, all bars will be closed indoors and outdoors. >> we don't have an issue in uptown selling somebody a beer and having them walk outside into the street into a crowd. >> that street was an offensive tackle for the saints as owners of port orleans uptown.
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>> it's the scariest thing, knowing that your business can be shut down through nothing that you've done wrong by the appearance of a new strain of something. the fear of something being as bad as covid-19 was. do we shut down again preemptively for two months? it's a hard way to operate a business. >> i'm on the verge of tears. this is the most heart breaking situation i've been in my entire life. watching your baby grow and someone taking a baseball bat and knocking you at the kneecaps. >> camille has been running the victory bar for 11 years. covid has devastated her business. the mayor's orders may gross victory for good. >> mardi gras is essential to us. the money gets us through the
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slow summer it's coming to a screeching halt. i'm coming out of pocket to play employees. i'm working other jobs to keep this business on so i continue to pay the bills. the rent is six months late. >> the bad part is at this level of control that they're putting on everything, i don't see it ending any time this year. >> roy's family has run this bar, markey's for 70 years. it's been on this corner since 1907. he was heart broken by the mayor's mardi gra shut down owners. >> it was a very difficult decision to make it but i got to the point with all the pressure and anxiety of dealing with this, i just need a break. i needed a break. >> markey is closing down his bar until the summer. the major has shut down bourbon street, frenchman to keep crowds
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down. you won't be able to roam freely. >> there's nothing to stop people here. i don't see it happening. >> makes me very upset. that the decisions that are made directly impact not only my life, my partner's life, my staff's life. >> you'll lose so many local businesses. katrina -- i had to say that world -- cost us a lot of our culture, this could be the dagger in the heart that changes this city forever. >> if the culture gets stripped and that individuality that we have disappears, then we're no longer what we are. no longer what we all love. >> madam mayor, we understand that you're making decisions that you feel are right, but please consider the small mom and pops and please remember our futures and the culture in which we embrace as much as you do.
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we're here because we love new orleans but we need help and need help fast. >> what people don't understand, there's a uniqueness about this town. it's not a place. it's a feeling. that's what new orleans is. right now we're not feeling anything. >> laura: heart break. someone that has enjoyed mardi gras with the arroyo family. i'm sad for the people, the businesses of new orleans. raymond, thank you for this report and happy mardi gras. >> happy mardi gras. bill gates and an heir to the vanderbilt fortune wants you to make a sacrifice. the last bite explains why. veri, using less or a lot less oral pain medicines. and improved quality of life. that's why we recommend salonpas. it's good medicine.
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>> laura: anderson cooper took a break from their high carbon lifestyle to lecture you. >> there are days when it looks very hard and people think it's easy, they are wrong.
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if people think it's impossible they are wrong. >> it's possible. >> it's possible but it will be the most amazing thing mankind has ever done, that's what it has to be. >> yes, it's an all-out effort, like the world war but it's us against greenhouse gases. >> laura: what he means is it's the globalist elites versus middle america once again. by the way, was that his palm desert house? i can't remember. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. >> shannon: happy monday laura, great to see you tonight. >> laura: good to see you. >> shannon: a crowd of supporters lined the streets to greet former president trump following his second senate impeachment trial equitable. he said this is just the beginning of a renewed movement with new plans to be revealed soon. and tonight there is yet another state level republican party repute of a g.o.p. senator who voted to convict. i'm on the other side of the aisle, a growing number of democr


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