tv Outnumbered FOX News February 16, 2021 9:00am-10:01am PST
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faulkner focus," my pleasure being with you weekdays at 11:00 a.m. eastern. it's nearly high noon in the east and time for a "outnumbered." we are going to begin with that fox news alert. members of new york governor andrew cuomo's own party are against him as he remains defiant. governor cuomo accused of having his office cover up the true events and the extent to which the covid-19 disease took out nursing home residents. in his first comments since a report that senior aid admitted to withholding data from the feds, part of a conspiracy theory and toxic political environment. >> to be clear, all the deaths in the nursing homes and in the hospitals were always fully, publicly, and accurately reported. the numbers were the numbers.
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>> harris: cuomo says new york is always reported deaths inside nursing homes, which is true. the problem is, the state attorney general found new york undercounted total nursing home resident deaths by up to 50%. that would include those who were transported to hospitals. now state democrats are going after cuomo's explanations and demanding an investigation. >> he is lying right now in a press conference about sending notices to the assembly and senate that we knew about the department of justice investigation. i do believe we need a thorough investigation. >> harris: for the families of seniors who died from covid-19 in nursing homes, the search for answers is even tougher. >> he didn't have time to give them numbers which now he's saying that it was his void but
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i think he is void of compassion, he is void of common sense, the reality is that he had time to write a book. but i did not have time to be transparent. >> harris: there were more than 13,000 nursing home deaths from covid-19 in new york and with 813 at assisted living facilities, 954 at adult care facilities, a total of more than 15,000 people, much higher than they 8500 initially reported. you are watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, emily compagno, syndicated radio host and fox news contributor, leslie marshall." no interruptions was put on fox nation, tomi lahren. and cohost of "fox & friends" weekends, will kane. very real, not make-believe. well, i'm going to come to you first on this end your reaction.
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>> will: my reaction, first of all, harris, good to see you. i think this is the first time i've spoken to you in about 12 years, probably on a fox news digital offering some decade ago. it's good to be on with you again. my reaction to the andrew cuomo story, the governor cuomo story isn't quite as happy. i think it's an embarrassment of leadership to start, that's at a minimum. we are talking to somebody was very happy to accept all of the celebration, the pats on the back, celebrity endorsements, whatever it may be that came his way, he basked in that spotlight for months on end and now that it's time for someone to be held accountable for his decisions, what is he do? well, it's everyone's fault but himself. it is the workers at the nursing homes, it is an act of god, he literally had to invoke god, the pandemic itself which is in a rational explanation, he of course blames president trump, he's found every single thing
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including conspiracy theories and a toxic political environment to blame but himself. at minimum we are talking about an embarrassing display of leadership. but as you describe that cover up, what we are talking about is something much more, it requires investigation, it could potentially add up to a criminal cover-up. >> harris: well, and the problem, the issue for me and my guest last hour, a republican who actually in 2018 ran against governor cuomo said, who wrote this policy? because that's really important, emily, if we could just get the origins of the policy, the governor has blamed god, he's blamed the federal government, he's blame to the nursing home staff more recently and he said it doesn't even matter, let's watch. >> covid did not get into the nursing homes by people coming from hospitals. covid got into the nursing homes by staff walking into the
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nursing home. i think it is all politically motivated, if anybody looked at the facts they would know that it was wholly absurd on its face. >> anyone who wants to ask why did the state do that with covid patience in nursing homes, it's because the state followed president trump's cdc guidance. who can we prosecute for those deaths? nobody. nobody. mother nature, god. >> harris: oh, emily. really, there is nobody who is culpable? who rode that policy, who signed off on that, who covered it up? i think we can find some folks to talk to. >> emily: that's what we call in court, asked and answered, you just hit the nail on the head, there's a long line of likely boats that are culpable especially for the most egregious part which is the
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cover-up. new york state democrat senators summed it up perfectly, about his remarks yesterday, they were riddled with lies and among the most egregious in my opinion is the one you just cited which is that flying in the face of the results end of the data's own reports had it, he the caregivers for spreading covid in the nursing home when his report revealed that up to 60% of the nursing homes had not a single case of covid before receiving those covid-positive patience back in the hospital. his rare note of regret yesterday as they reported on him taking responsibility, they argued. he said that the reason that he didn't really use this data for the last seven months was because he was focusing on the doj inquiry that he said "we were too focused on doing the job and addressing the crisis of the moment. that's like when you are in a job interview and you are asked
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about your weakness and you say, i'm just too much of a perfectionist. what an elementary, deceptive, self-promoting, transparent, obvious deflection here well beneath the office of the governor of new york. >> harris: see, i am just a plain speaking girl from georgia, just call it alive. tomi? >> tomi: i think we can all agree that there needs to be an investigation here, congratulations to new york democrat standing up and saying this is unacceptable but let's keep in mind that the democrat machine is still very much protecting this governor. we can talk all day about how wrong it was to cover up but how about we do some thing about it? let's look at california, they are recalling their tyrant governor who's been lying to them, they had a massive, massive response and they are able to really get, probably get them on the ballot to recall him. so new york, you are up next. pony up, this is your chance to
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shine. you know the guy is corrupt and lying to your face, let's do some thing about it. we can have investigation after investigation, which we should, he needs to be held to account but it's not going to do anything if the voters and people of new york don't stand up and say, you know what? we have the power, we can get rid of this guy, they can do it in california, you can do it in new york, too, let's go. >> harris: there is something they can do first as well before they get to the point of where tomi lahren's, leslie, that is recall, we are still in the pandemic. >> i don't think that's a good idea but i also don't think that the governor's handling of this was good at all. i tell my kids, i tell my staff, i tell myself, when you screw up, own it. he needs to apologize and an apology is certainly not enough. look, the cdc did set the guidelines, other states did this but what other states didn't do is manipulate numbers and not be forthright with the numbers. these people that died were
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almost double the amount that we originally were told. that is very problematic. look, it is common for people to be rehabbed in nursing homes whether they have a broken leg or covid, but the governor is not being truthful as to how the spread of covid came to those individuals and when they saw the numbers among the vulnerable population, they continue to do that. the big problems here, he's not leading by example owning and apologizing, he's not being honest and forthright with the data and wasn't and i agree there does need to be an investigation and three, when they knew this was beyond problematic and people were dying, they didn't stop it in the state of new york and we did see stoppage in other states surrounding him that made the same decision. tomi, we are seventh in the world and vaccinations, girl, no recall. >> tomi: wishful thinking, leslie, wishful thinking. >> harris: you gave other great reasons to recall those emergency powers because we are
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still in the pandemic and last i checked, i mean, this governor and the city of new york's mayor have struggled to figure out what you need to get teachers back in the classroom, vaccinations, that sort of thing. is this the guy if he's at the heart of those things you just mentioned, leslie, that you want making more emergency power decisions? it's just a question and it's easily answerable, show us what you've got, take responsibility and let the people decide, as tomi says. they put that petition together for gavin newsom pretty quickly. will, i will give you the last word. >> will: , i like how leslie broke down into different elements, past, present, and he future. why did you put these patients back into nursing home? they had empty beds, why was this put into place? i like what tomi said, do some thing about it, do some thing beyond just repeal emergency powers, we can do some thing about changing leadership in new york. future, that's the investigation. why were the numbers twisted,
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why was it changed, why were we lied to? that's where the investigation goes because there will be a bigger accountability than simply taking andrew cuomo out of office. b1 okay, we will move on. several significant developments in the case of the anti-trump political group the lincoln project. you know it it's been accused of covering up? sexual harassment allegations against one of their founders. a second miner now has come forward. and new claims, new reports that claims a group's leadership knew about allegations earlier. then previously thought and this, outrage after one of the democratic congressional campaign committee senior advisors went after capitol police as "white supremacists" after the riot and that was just one of his controversial comments. the details just ahead. ♪ ♪ struggle.
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>> emily: welcome back the founders of the antidrug lincoln project we have already been accused of covering for a predator and funneling donations to their own companies. a new report says the organization's leadership knew about claims against the cofounder as early as march of last year, more than 20 men have accused him of misconduct including three former lincoln project interns. one of those men said he contacted him when he was just 14. now the journalist who first reported on the allegations and says another minor has come forward. >> i have been in contact with another minor who was sexually harassed by john weaver, john weaver of team avenue weaver aggressively sexually harassed him, there are to make the
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allegations are multiple and there's possibly more to come. >> the lincoln project announced it has hired a lot law firm to conduct an internal review of the company culture but records show that that firm has prior financial ties to the group. harris, lets detail that one side of the time, how independent can they be with their investigation given that many of the attorneys there donated to the lincoln project? >> harris: first of all, it's complicated because i think that this goes beyond paul hastings firm. i mean, i wondered from the beginning, to go out and get a firm to take a look when an independent journalist is doing everything but winning the case. i mean, he's gone out, he's got to go miners now. four team at minors at the time,
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i think everybody is an adult now, upwards of 20 men who say they were victims. what is the lincoln project waiting for? is there something going on behind the scenes it has people kind of passing a hot potato and if the only person you can pass it to as political ties to you, then who did you hire? alike, are they really sincere in wanting to get to the bottom of this? i can't they find somebody more independent? maybe they call that independent journalist up and see if he can help out. >> emily: leslie, in the criminal world, the age of 14 extends sentencing to a maximum amount, the sexual harassment allegations are quite severe, we've known about them or the lincoln project knew about them and yet in the 17th television appearances, and the since the allegations first came to light, not one tv outlet asked any of these founders are associates about them, how is this defensible?
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>> leslie: it isn't. as a human being as a parent i think there should be a special place in hell for anyone who harms a child. we have to go with what we know so far, the associated press reported that one former executive director did have knowledge of this, the question is what did they know and when did they know it to? this is, quite frankly, unforgivable if they knew and we had to be very careful of that. i'm very encouraged that they are releasing employees current and former and have offered to release them from the nda, nondisclosure agreement and i'm interested to hear the facts coming out from current and former employees so we can see other individuals at the top of the lincoln project had any knowledge and continue to fund raise with that knowledge. and if so that would make me sick to my stomach. >> emily: tomi, let's pan out for a second and approach us with a bird's-eye view. leslie mentioned the nda situation and a lot of the criticism that the lincoln
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project had about president trump at the time was his nda, corruption, fraud, predatory behavior and the like. hello pot, meech cattle. >> tomi: absolutely, let's just imagine this was a pro-trump group, imagine the outlines, imagine the headlines, i think we'll have a pretty good idea that it is true, not only is this group done but let's go a step further here, isn't it the liberals that say we are supposed to cancel people and then ask questions later? but now because this is an anti-trump group now it's let's ask questions and then cancel them if we need to. the forgiveness that goes along with being anything associated with anti-trump is really amazing to me. now they want an investigation. i wish it would be the same if this was a pro-trump group but i think even leslie knows that is absolutely not the case. >> harris: can i just get one more quick word in? >> leslie: disagree. >> harris: i hope before we
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cancel anybody we get the facts from the alleged victims because you know, it's too much of a cop-out for the cofounders and members of the lincoln project to do what they've been doing the last few days and that is just i am no longer associated with this and i don't associate with the group and i didn't really ever see that person. that's not good enough, let's not cancel this too quickly, let's depose them. >> emily: love it. you are an attorney, i love it. [laughs] quick note about will kane who is joining us today from dallas where they are experiencing severe weather, we hope to have his feedback up and running within the next block so fingers crossed on that. coming up, controversy over the democrats new hire to a top campaign posts, not because he's a former gang member but because he caused capitol police white supremacists after the riots.
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how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> harris: a winter storm that won't let go has already caused deaths and power outages and parts of the united states and now we have learned a tornado
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moved through brunswick county in southeastern north carolina and killed at least three people, destroy dozens of buildings, homes, governor roy cooper says rescue operations are continuing today. and in texas, that massive winter storm left more than 4 million homes and businesses without heat, without lights. many also not sure when they are going to get it back on. the last i looked it had moved from to one to 9 degrees, a new storm is forecast to bring more snow and ice to texas later today. >> emily: there is controversy over one of the democratic congressional campaign committee's new senior advisors. a former gang member who was convicted of shooting two rival gang members and got out of prison less than five years ago but that's not the reason for the outrage, it's because he
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slammed capitol officers as white supremacists, tweeting "the answer is not to give more money to a different group of white supremacist whose job it is to uphold white the premises." he wrote that just two days after capital police officer died after last month's speech, before he was hired by the dcc. there was out outrage and critics are also slamming his comments of last summer when he seemed to excuse riots, tweeting "i don't understand why you can't condemn violent police and acknowledge looting as a vital form of social protest." tomi, i'd like to start with you here. your reaction to all of his comments that i just read after the riots, after 140 capitol police officers were injured, three of whom passed away, to go by suicide, depending the capital, is now employer. your thoughts? >> tomi: few things fire me up more than when people disrespect law enforcement but the double
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standard is excruciating, the democrats spent a couple days honoring law enforcement because they could use it as a tool to go after trump supporter's. all conservatives of note condemned everything that happened on january 6th. the democrats have someone like this at the helm is discussing and it shows they are for defunding the police, they have demonized police officers for years and that isn't going to change because of what happened on january 6 then this guy is a perfect example of that. but all the talk on mainstream media about trump supporter's, trump inciting a riot, inciting an insurrection and inciting violence, what the heck is this guy doing? he's calling police officers white supremacists, many of those police officers that protected that capital and protected our democracy and protected innocent people that day were people of color. so again, this is the demonization of police, this is the democratic party. if they don't stand up and say something about this it's really going to show their true colors.
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it makes me absolutely second to see this and you know trump supporter's have been called white supremacist and intolerant bigots for years now and for someone to come out and once again label our police officers white supremacists is absolutely disgusting and it needs to be condemned by every noteworthy democrat as all of us conservatives did to what happened on january said. i'm going to wait to see it but i'm not going to hold my breath. >> emily: will, welcome back, i want to dig a little deeper with you on something so bear with me here. the tweet i read earlier, responding to someone on twitter who said, why can't you advocate for criminal justice reform and police reform while also condemning violence? as tomi pointed out, to which he responded here, why can't you condemn violent police and acknowledge looting as a vital form of social protest? the prison he was responding to their was shawn hoch would, another convicted felon who served 12 years in prison, won his own supreme court brief
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during that time, is now a law school professor and one of the most crucial voices in the criminal justice reform movement. he was the person in the room off an end undivided, kim kardashian, basically authored much of the first act. i bring all this up to question, what message does this send by this higher? >> will: when you put those two next to each other and you compare both those guys reforming their lives and contribute into the political conversation and policy changes, what it highlights to me is what the issue is not. the issue is not about your criminal past. i think many of us believe in second chances, reformation and bringing people back into society. that's not necessarily a liberal or conservative value so i welcome this gentleman back into the conversation. i criticize it in turn, his contribution to the conversation. as tomi pointed out, it is sheer
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insanity. what he's saying, that cops are white supremacist, i like this one point that was just made, not all cops are white, many of the cops at the capitol that day were people of color as they are across police department across this country. to call all cops and the institution of law enforcement white supremacist is insanity and to suggest that looting is a form of social protest is insanity. the only real question is, is this insanity going to be mainstream in the democratic party? if you hired to be a fund-raiser at suggest those are views that you are co-opting as part of the mainstream democratic policy. there's always going to be crazy people, do you have to bring them into your tent and put them into positions of leadership? >> emily: leslie, same question to you, if he destroys people like sean hawke went on twitter, what is he going to do when he is expected to collaborate and actually achieve something in his position now? >> leslie: first of all, his position is very different and i don't think we can compare him
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with marjorie taylor greene, he is not an elected official, he does not make the laws that affect each individual, not just in the state or his district but throughout the united states. he is a fund-raiser at the dcc c. i can't stand when people say left or right that looting or anything violent equates protest. the first amendment is very clear and in addition to that any kind of violence is wrong and i completely condemn it. i also don't like what he said about the police. eugene goodman, african-american who is a hero and we look at the number of capital police who have suffered from assault and other injuries, that got covid, the numbers are just outstanding and capital police should not be attacked as you had said earlier, emily, we had one officer die and two others took their lives after january 6. >> emily: harris, looking forward to your perspective in
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the congressman says it would be immoral for the u.s. to take part in the beijing games given the coronavirus. >> millions are dead and now they are literally torturing and enslaving millions from their own populace. how can we then reward the chinese communist party with the olympics? >> harris: you know, we might add that they are still not working with world officials on getting information about covid have been 19, they are still not letting us know that it may have started as early as december of 2019, earlier that we may have been told, even earlier than that. that's what we are learning this week, china. it's hard because you punish the athletes. maybe we come up with our own
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olympics, your thoughts? >> will: i don't think we will come up with an olympics within the next two years. we are down to one year. we can't condemn china thoroughly enough, we know they are the center of the covid-19 pandemic, we know they are behind it and they've covered up every step of the way, the condemnation cannot be clear enough. man, harris, i would hate to see us pull out of the winter olympics, i'd hate to see the athletes pay the price for this. we shouldn't be awarding the olympics to countries like china in the first place. i just hate to see us yank the dreams away from, i know young people who have sacrificed so much to read the heights of their own careers. >> harris: i hear all of that and at the same time, how did it end up with china? they didn't just start torturing. the details in the last week or so about what they are doing, the systematic rape of women in
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that country, the details are so heart-punching. i know we olympics here in the next year or so, we can do something on par and invite every country but china. >> tomi: again, what china does to its own people and what it's done to the world is nothing new. we have a president who is supposed to be the diplomat in chief, we talked about the paris climate accord and all these countries coming together in unity, maybe since he is such a good diplomat, they can go to other countries and we can stand in unity against this and say no, let's make a better option, a better plan, i'm really looking forward to what this president and his press secretary have to say about this and i hope they don't skirt the issue because it's an important one. let's hold china accountable, joe, i'd love to see. >> harris: leslie? >> will: , actually, tomi, we
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agree. when you say we are going to be tough on china it can't just be in regards to trade. we boycotted the olympics in moscow because of their invasion of afghanistan. we can certainly boycott these olympics because of concentration camps and oppression and repression of those in hong kong, the list goes on. i feel terrible for the athletes but we in the united states of america do not need to feed into the political propaganda that china will use the olympics as as they have in the past and future if we are a part of it. we need to be tough, we need to say no and boycott it. our allies will follow suit. >> harris: can i ask an honest question? i don't mean to be prickly about this but is it a democrat thing, political thing that you don't include nontransparency of covid-19, of where covid have a 19 started in china? >> leslie: i have never heard a democrat not say that it started in china, we certainly have questions as to where did
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it start in china. when i hear from democrats is the former president trump calling it the "china virus" has led to the continued discrimination and even the attack on asian-americans. >> harris: the lack of transparency even now as we still fight to same save lives. emily, real quick? >> emily: i am glad that leslie brought up 1980 boycotting moscow, by best friend's dad, he defected from the hungarian country from the olympics, and ended up competing for america and he was a vocal advocate for not boycotting the olympics in 1980 at the time. my point is that it is a luxury to boycott, there are so many other countries in this world who need it for their athletes and the collateral damage here are all the athletes. i agree with everyone that the condemnation cannot be strong enough but we must do it in
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different ways then damaging all of these athletes in all of these countries that deserve a shot at this global unifier hand at something that will elevate them in their own countries. >> will: i always add, whipping china on their home court. to be when i go back to what you originally said, how did china get it in the first place? we will move on. >> will: corruption, money, corruption. >> harris: moving on, disney's firing of "mandalorian" actress gina carano is calling comparisons to blacklisting in the 1940s and 50s. andrew cuomo got an emmy. so now that he is embroiled in controversy over the state's nursing home deaths from covid-19, are they going to take back their love for the governor, will he give back the
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enemy and will he face responsibility? i don't know. >> your daily briefings, live from new york gave us hope, gave us clarity, gave us the truth and gave us something we were not getting from washington, leadership. ♪ ♪ this rain is bananas. lease the 2021 es 250 all-wheel drive for $349 a month for thirty six months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis... stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on
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>> democrats pushing ahead with a $1.9 trillion covid package but will a push to raise the minimum wage derail it? larry kudlow joins us. texas in the dark, is it a warning about going green too quickly? former governor and energy secretary rick perry here and is new york governor cuomo in danger of being impeached? john roberts join sandra smith and me at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> i will be frank with you that is a citizen, i would not like to see any committee outlawed on the basis of its political ideology because we spent 170 years in this country on the basis of democracy that strong enough to stand up and fight for itself against any ideology no matter how much we may disagree. >> harris: you know that was? that was president ronald reagan
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speaking at a congressional hearing on the notorious hollywood blacklist of a late 1940s and 1950s. now critics say blacklisting is happening all over again and it's targeting conservatives. the latest example is actress gina carano who was fired from disney's "the mandalorian" after she shared a controversial social media post. "the black list eventually became especially in hollywood, and yet it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish the blacklist policy from the emerging current treatment of right-wingers." tomi? >> tomi: i think cancel culture is the dumbest thing we can possibly do as a nation, i don't believe in it and it's absolutely ridiculous rate i would like to see hollywood and disney and other obviously huge
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studios and production companies take pedophilia as seriously as they take anybody who is conservative. those people manage to escape being canceled or they are just suspended and reemerge gray but again, i live in nashville, tennessee, have a lot of friends in hollywood as well. there are so many conservatives in hollywood, there are so many conservatives in sports, there are so many conservatives and music. enough with this cancel culture and i would call on those conservatives to rise up and say, no, you can't cancel all of us, maybe let's unite and have a strong voice and say, hey, if you realize how many of us there are, maybe this will come to an end. but it's going to take those individuals who are strong and have that strength of character and are bold and brave to do it. i'd like to see it. >> harris: i am going to give will a chance before we go. >> will: i am just going to say that tomi is exactly right.
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there are conservatives behind the scenes in almost every industry of the entertainment complex but they are quiet because they are scared because they will lose their job like gina carano if they are outed for being vocally strong conservative, it's a fact. that's why, gina carano, by the way, was fired. it's not because her post was anti-semitic. we can look at numerous, she made a hyperbolic analogy, and over-heated analogy but it wasn't anti-semitic and we can look throughout this show today on "outnumbered" to point to other examples where people on the left have made comparisons to nazi germany including comparing police officers to nazis. people we have talked about in the last 30 minutes have done that. where they cancel, did they lose their jobs? no because they are not conservative. it's a backhanded way to get to you when you are conservative in an industry that does not welcome conservatives. >> harris: all right, we are going to move. hollywood is getting called out for something else now. member the celebrities who were
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gushing over new york governor andrew cuomo's leadership, we can't wait for the governor to come up, he's got an enemy. where are they now? ♪ ♪ my husband and i have never eaten healthier. shingles doesn't care. i logged 10,000 steps today. shingles doesn't care. i get as much fresh air as possible. good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but no matter how healthy you feel your immune system declines as you age, increasing your risk for getting shingles. so what can protect you? shingrix protects. for the first time ever, you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective.
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or retirement tomorrow that's me. refiplus. only from newday usa. >> some critics calling out all the wood for awarding andrew cuomo and ma. now reports that his administration covered up the states of the nursing home deaths and the blame is being addressed not only act, but the stars who heaped praise on him. remember this? >> your daily briefings live from new york to give us hope, give us clarity, gave us the truth. >> you came on the airways and offered your strength, your leadership. >> you've transcended politics and get more dates than votes. >> thank you for your leadership during these trying times. >> your thoughts?
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>> praise was heaped upon him. you see democrats like myself on this program today and others even trevor noah -- my massachusetts accent came out there, sorry. he was -- i don't see people heaping praise on him in light of the information that has come out regarding nursing homes, regarding the manipulated numbers and quite frankly in the recent days and the governor's response lack of taking responsibility, accountability, or any kind of apology for that. whether it's inside hollywood or inside the democrat party. >> so that begs the question is the silence deafening and should we have been expecting criticism from all of these high profile people who had heaped praise on him before they knew the
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criticism and the outrage. >> the better question is what do we care what these elite actors are thinking living in beverly hills and gated communities? is at the same people that elected governor newsom in california being praise on cuomo. i don't care what they have to say. i won't be taking advice and their advice is laughable for the silence doesn't matter because who cares what they have to say? i'm just going to go ahead and put that out there. >> i think we are getting this all wrong. a best-selling book unearned, rumors of being the attorney general unearned, presidential candidate on earned but an award for pretending, an award for acting very well earned. talking about praise coming from people who give an award for acting. probably all the praise from actors is very well earned. >> final thoughts?
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>> i would just add in that governor cuomo needs to put together a performance mode let's see him in court answering questions on what really happened and whether or not there was purposefully a cover-up. >> thanks to everyone for watching today, stay safe. now here's america reports. >> sandra: more than a dozen people are dead has extreme winter weather pummeled millions of americans across the country. in texas, more than 4 million are without power there. the weather causing thousands of flight delays and cancellations and forcing vaccine sites in some areas to close and in north carolina, at least three people are dead, ten injured after a tornado there hit the state. more on all of this in just a moment. we begin with this fox news alert ongoing bipartisan calls now for governor andrew cuomo to be impeached
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