tv The Five FOX News February 16, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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still out there i'd start with that before i go to the 1.9. >> neil: gary, thank you very, very much. in the middle of this back and forth, it's pretty clear that the guy who has republicans in the senate and the guy who used two room to run the country are not seeing eye to eye. it goes on and on. >> jesse: hello, everybody, i'm jesse watters along with juan williams, dana perino, greg gutfeld, and kennedy. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." joe biden and democrats better think twice about unleashing the green new deal on the whole country. just take a look at what's happening in texas, the state hit with massive power outages from a giant winter storm hampering most of the country. 4 million people in the state are in the dark and don't have heat, the cold crippling texas' power grid and part of the
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reason is because wind turbines are frozen. half of the state's wind power capacity was reportedly off-line. former energy secretary rick perry says what's happening in his home state could be a sign of things to come. >> if this green new deal goes forward the way the biden administration appears to want it to, we will have more events like we've had in texas all across the country as we strangle the diversity that we are going to need to keep this country going and keep this country economically powerful. >> jesse: "the wall street journal" editorial board of summing things up this way. "here is the paradox of the left's climate agenda. the less we use fossil fuels, the more we need them. the biden administration's plan is a greater existential threat to americans than climate change. dana, i know you read that editorial at 6:00 this morning and it makes a great point, you have to have coal, you have to
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have is nuclear in the mix as backup when suddenly this goes down. >> dana: 15 people have lost their lives and that's just so far. when you don't have heat and you don't have any electricity in the middle of a winter's nap, cold snap like this, it is terrifying, claire mccaskill, former senator of missouri tweeted texans, mocking them, saying "stay home to stay safe" and making fun of the basic living as i was what she things a lot of people in texas did not do during covid. to me this is not funny, it's very troubling to look at what the future could bring. biden's climate agenda says that 2035 we have 100% renewable energy. i can actually see 2035 from my house because it's not that far from here. i talked to a guy named dan turner, just a couple things to note, in 2009, cole-fired power
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plants generated nearly 30% of the texans electricity. wind was 6%. since 2009, three texas coal-fired power plants have a close, wind power has more than quadrupled as the transmissions line into the wind got into the urban areas but the, in the same. matt, energy consumption rose by 20% because you have all these people that want to move to texas because it's a better lifestyle, right? we've shown you how much it costs to get a one-way u-haul. kennedy must not like that answer. to get a one-way u-haul from california to texas is like $1,000. >> jesse: kennedy's truck is powered by a wind turbine. >> dana: did you see what happened when rick perry was on with tucker carlson, his power went out, you are proving my point is we sit here. i am for all sorts of different types of energy mixes. solar is great, wind is great, have all of it but the thing is the wind doesn't always flow,
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the sun doesn't always shine, coal will burn. we are working on ways to do it more cleanly but we are not going to get to 100% renewable by 2035. fingers crossed for good weather is not a sound policy. >> jesse: i agree with that. you mentioned claire mccaskill. i think someone else on nbc news said something pretty dopey about what's going on in texas, let's roll the tape of chuck todd. >> the only upside here as i assume the cold weather motivates people to wear a mask because it's one extra layer on your face. >> greg: he needs four layers on his face. four bags around his face. people say stupid things, i have said stupid things but this is actually a reality check. the problem is, when it comes to green energy, the people that advocate for it don't like
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reality. windmills and solar are backup singers, they aren't the lead singer. gas and coal, that's tony orlando. ironically, the backup singers also need backup singers and that's the curse of intermittent fuel which means they've flung to the single most important test of fuel sources, reliability. so if you just look at, if you change the way you look at windmills he will actually like them, windmills are not fuel sources, they are fuel savers. if they only generate 1% of the capacity which is tiny, which has happened in england and germany, 1%, at least you can say, we are saving 1% of our coal, right? but when you look at these massive farms, it's not worth it. i think the answer is in front of our face and we know it's nuclear energy, clean, safe, even green peas, former leaders
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of greenpeace and other environmental groups are admitting that they were wrong, the entertainment industry of the 1970s pretty much dictated our energy policy and we are still battling our way out of that. >> jesse: it looks like the people that installed the wind turbines in texas didn't pay the extra two grants to install the deicing technology. do they have this deicing technology and other windmills over the country but they were a little cheap down there and it's now costing lives. >> kennedy: that's right and we have to ask ourselves, what kind of a country do we want to live in and what are we willing to sacrifice in the name of the climate cult? everyone wants a cleaner planet, everyone wants cleaner energy but i don't think there's been a thorough investigation about, really, finding new technology, if the private sector is going to do that but greg is absolutely right about nuclear
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and there are ways to produce an abundance of clean energy which they do around the world where they don't have access to natural gas pipelines like they do in texas. but if you force a green economy too quickly you are going to sacrifice your economy and no longer be living in a first world country, you're going to be living in a third world country where it is very common in places like venezuela and zimbabwe to have intermittent blackouts but guess what? it's no way to live and when it's cold and people can't go anywhere, they are already immobile and vulnerable, they are going to die and if you send them to shelters than they are going to catch covid and they are going to die so it's very inhumane and shame on the state government for not having better foresight, not only for the storm but the consequence of the sort of green energy. >> jesse: our hearts go out to all the people in texas suffering right now.
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all right, juan, tell us how this is all trump's fault. >> juan: let me introduce a different fact pattern for you, jessie. i was reading today where dan woodson, senior director of the electric reliability council of texas, they run the texas power grid which is different than most of the country. it is just in texas, they don't relate to the national power grid, they can't borrow power. "natural gas and coal are 60% of texas energy. nuclear energy and other 11 11%. wind is less than a quarter." when you see this failure we are experiencing in texas now is because gas, coal generators froze up in the midst of this cold snap. that's the big problem. not what's going on with anybody's wind turbine. so i think when we politicize this and make it an attack on
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alternative energy sources, when we make this an attack on alternate energy sources, are we going to say don't use coal, don't use gas, don't use nuclear because some of those generators froze? we wouldn't say that. we would say there was a problem and ask our politicians to do a better job of preparing for a cold weather snap in texas when most of these generators are oriented to deal with higher electrical demand from air conditioners during the summer months. what we are seeing now i think is sort of misdirection and political finger-pointing by politicians like governor abbott but it doesn't fit the facts. the facts are that coal and gas are the ones who failed in this emergency. >> jesse: okay, so all the video we've seen of the frozen wind turbines is fake news, juan? >> jesse: it's only -- they
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might have, i repeat, there it they are only 11%. 60%: gas, that's a problem that has people in the dark and cold. >> jesse: okay. up next, the cuomo cover up spiraling out of control and democrats are blasting the governor for lying about nursing home deaths and refusing to apologize. also, don't forget to follow "the five" on social media. ♪ ♪ real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve.
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>> there is nothing to investigate there, covid got into the nursing homes by staff walking into the nursing home. anybody can bring it in. a delivery man brings it in, the heating repair man brings it in. the food service brings it in. >> juan: dana, and my political experience, democrats attacking cuomo privately as a full-time sport in new york state. i'm wondering if this is a preview of the 2022 democratic gubernatorial primaries in new york. >> kennedy: i think he thought he was going to cruise right into a fourth term as governor. i think that the democrats realize that he's become a liability. one of the things you look at in this timeline is that the
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governor's office finally responded to the justice department but didn't get that same information to the democratic and state lawmakers, not just democrats but the state lawmakers asking for the same information last week so they are mad but they have a right to be. it would surprise me if cuomo continues to try to run for a fourth term. i think that is done. >> juan: okay, kennedy, we are about one year into this pandemic and i look at all of the attention that cuomo is getting right now and i remember, he became a star with his daily briefings and hands-on leadership, people were contrasting him to trump. >> kennedy: i think they've grown tired of politicians lying to their faces where they don't have any real avenues for people
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to somehow help themselves from the virus and you know, he drove old people straight into the grave and people realize that now and it's not just republicans who lost family members, its democrats, too and that's why you see the state legislature in new york, he's a democrat and he's going after the governor because he knows that these policies resulted in loss of life for him personally and people who live in the state of new york. when governor cuomo doesn't respond and certainly doesn't offer an apology, it's just an excuse after excuse day after day, it's really confounding for people and it's gross and this is a person who is not only been a politician for a long time, he grew up in the privilege shadow of his father who was also the governor of new york state and for someone who is known politics so well and had such a high profile, to watch his political career crater like this in real time this fast is
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pretty stunning. >> juan: greg, we are watching this and what we know is that the cuomo administration said they were under pressure because they thought the trump justice department wanted the information for political purposes but you know, i was thinking to myself, exactly what is the charge here? what is the criminal act that cuomo is guilty of. >> greg: that's a the question a lot of people were asking when they were chasing trump for four years made a mistake can be forgiven, especially with a novel virus, the experts were wrong but what can't be forgiven is the arrogance and ambivalence and media coverage that ignored all of this in favor of lavish praise. and start you have the flippancy of the governor who was feeding off all of this adulation, right, so what, they are already dead. then if you want to talk about the crime, you've got the cover up in order to shield themselves
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from political fallout who i i will call that probably a crime. i will say that along with that, the media deserves a lot of this blame for being kind of the p.r. arm initially while this was happening and kind of just assumed, well, you have to break a lot of eggs when you are making an omelette except this omelette really sucks. the one thing i want to bring up that i forgot about yesterday, the blackboard with the talking points that went along with his speech as though we were a bunch of knuckleheads. and even the talking points, some of them were just like asides, he said he would trust is dr. zucker with his mother, that was a talking point on the chalkboard. i can't even say what i was about to say because then i would be sent home for a week. but what a jerk, how's that? >> juan: jesse, as we are talking about democrats attacking democrats, attacking
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cuomo, the name that keeps coming up is letitia james, the attorney general in new york in the first to reveal that there had been cover-up of the number of deaths at the nursing home. do you think she is running for office here? people say she'd be the first woman governor of new york. >> jesse: maybe, she was in on it because she slow walked in and everybody knew what cuomo was doing for nearly a year. look at the time line, in march or early, dr. fauci last year said the most vulnerable population where the elderly. a month later, cuomo comes out and mandates they stuff covid-infected patients into nursing homes and waits until may after covid has scorched through like wildfire into the nursing homes to rescind the order, hides and numbers all summer until the feds opened an investigation and he didn't want to interfere with his soaring favorability ratings that the media had manufactured so we
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obstructed an official investigation and he waited until biden won the election, then they dropped at the doj the investigation. and then letitia comes clean with the numbers and he doesn't take any responsibility. it's a democrats conspiring with the media had a spike scandals for democrats before an election, they did it with hunter, epstein, the list goes on and on, juan, and i'm going to make an analogy without permission. this would be like a general going into war, a horrible battle plan, gets everybody under him killed and then when all of the grieving family members ask what happened to my son, he stonewalls for nearly a year until the facts finally come out and everyone died from friendly fire and the general still won't own up to his terrible battle plan. that's what this is with andrew cuomo. >> juan: thanks, jesse.
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coming up, cnn is being mocked for a story about president biden's bedtime. greg has his take on that story next on "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the new sleep number 360 smart bed what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, with temperature balancing you can sleep better together. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and
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our reporters. >> thanks, greg, i'm outside walking, holding a notepad and it's true, president biden has expressed a preference for a fire built in the oval office and sometimes he will add a log to keep it going. according to my sources, this is quite a departure from the previous tenant of the white house, whose only fires he stoked where that of hatred and bigotry. of course that came from an anonymous source who might also be me. back to you, greg. >> greg: this information coming from cnn, likely through an anonymous source but we have no reason to question it. let's bring one of our experts on this. greg, what you make of this? >> thanks, greg. as a historian, from a historical perspective this is quite astounding. george washington chopped down the cherry tree but he wasn't resourceful enough to use it as fuel.
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unlike president joe biden, again as a historian i don't think it's premature to say we are witnessing that the greatest president we've ever seen. the greatest president we will ever see. sorry, greg, we are getting more breaking news from cnn. it appears that president biden spent that time reading the newspaper. cnn describes him as "a wary passenger on a commuter shuttle." let's go back to our expert for a quick reaction. >> is a prominent historian i can see that president biden's method of relaxation called to mind the great leaders of our time. what a role model for children whose parents have private jets. it's so important to read when you can even at 35,000 feet. greg, even at 35,000 feet. a lot going on on this very busy day at the capital, ap reporting the president of each one of his granddaughters at a video game
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known as "mario kart." i'm sorry, we don't condone men beating women at anything and i will be taking a leave of absence to profoundly educate myself on this matter. i always wanted to interview myself. >> dana: very good. >> greg: thank you, dana, this is some hard-hitting stuff from cnn. >> dana: it must be fun to be a democratic p.r. person. or maybe it's boring because it's like so easy. actually i think every president has a fire in the oval office. i'm pretty sure. they better enjoy it while they can, i think the rubber is going to hit the road pretty soon, i think that the sort of understanding and truce between the progressives and moderate democrats is going to come crashing to an end. >> greg: kennedy, i still don't know whether he has whipped cream on his
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hot chocolate. >> kennedy: and marshmallows, greg, i hope the administration takes a firm stance here because these are the important topics. i'm watching this and thinking it reminds me of going to japan in the mountains and seeing the little snow monkeys, who are adorable and everyone walks around going on my gosh, these monkeys are adorable. they throw snowballs and then steal your stuff. imagine the kind of damage and adorable president can do when the press isn't watching, when they are so busy fawning and giving every nuance of his adorable life, he's going to be pilfering and robbing the country blind and i'm sorry to say, greg, as a realist, we are all hosed. >> greg: this has to be the easiest white house beat in history. >> juan: actually, i'm glad you put it that way, greg, because historically this is what happens when you get a new president, they start talking, does he like nestle
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hot chocolate or ovaltine, what are his favorite books, what about the dogs? this is the way that the press does it. of course the historical cycle holds that of course the next step is they bring out the baseball bats and begin walloping him. but i think that what we are doing here is talking about, they didn't do this so much with president trump but you got to remember the first time out of the box, trump was lying about the size of the inaugural crowd, he had the ban on people of muslim faith coming into the country so i think a lot of things just got skipped. i think the ban is a fact, i don't know how you argue that. it just got skipped and of course lots of anger and the media going after him. i think what are the things that biden is selling his normalcy, that things can be normal again and right now the american people in the press are buying it. >> greg: the variable in the band country is "muslim" because
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there were muslim countries that weren't banned. jesse, are you excited about the town hall tonight on another network, will you be watching it? speech you know, i won't, i'm going to be watching "the bachelor" rerun because i missed it last night. we just got off three years of a roller coaster and now we are writing the tea cups and the press is trying to sell this as somehow sexy, the inane details of joe biden's personal lifestyle. i don't care how many logs he puts on the fire or what time he goes to bed. we just had entertainment tonight in the white house, dies ordering mcdonald's and attacking people on twitter past midnight, are you kidding me? you can't now go to this and say, yeah, he beats his granddaughter at "mario kart" and expects us to read this. the real action, though, the family scandal in the radical policy. if you have a president whose son and brother are under
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investigation for a chinese money laundering and tax fraud. you are sending billions of dollars to corrupt teachers unions with a history of embezzlement. he's just spiking the cuomo nursing home investigation, that's where the action is, not the bedtime and the logs. >> greg: that is exactly kennedy's point, that he is getting away with stuff because he's just so -- to juan's point, to your point, trump was so over-the-top that he couldn't get away with anything because they were watching his every single move because every single one of his moves was interesting and over-the-top so they watched him whereas with biden it's hot chocolate and fuzzy slippers. all right, former president trump, speaking of him, slamming republican leaders in a new statement. that's next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kennedy: looks like there's going to be a major fight for the future of the republican party, president trump releasing a statement going after mitch mcconnell, the republican party can never be respected or strong with "leaders" like senator mitch mcconnell, his dedication to business as you usual, with lack of political insight, wisdom, scale, personality, and it will only get worse." jesse, obviously mitch mcconnell has a very different version of events here. he voted to acquit the president this weekend but then issued a blistering attack so obviously mitch mcconnell has so much
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bitterness and blame for the president for losing those two senate seats so that's why he's minority leader. would you side with here, jesse? >> jesse: i side with myself, kennedy, that's pretty clear. i side with the country second. listen, mitch mcconnell was very skillful in the way he got president trump to deliver republican policies for the country. they were a great team for four years and they got a lot done legislatively, administratively, everything and i think a lot of the american people should be thankful for that. when it became clear that donald trump was not going to win the election, mitch dumped him and i guess personally he was very offended by what went down with regards to how he saw trump's role in the capital riot and now there's a ton of bad blood and with donald trump loyalty is number one and he feels that he had loyalty
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through mcconnell, he was loyal to mitch, they did things together and mitch just cast him aside and he took that very personally. so if you read the statement and i suggest everybody read the statement, this is an explosive statement. it's long and it's specific so what i'm worried about is in the next two, three, four years, trump plays troublemaker with the primaries and the midterms, plays kingmaker, the guy can raise a ton of money and there is no doubt the most powerful force in the republican party and on the cutting edge of grassroots republican politics. i do worry that this battle will cause harm to the party and divide the party and let democrats come in and take advantage. >> kennedy: it's interesting because i don't know that mitch mcconnell wants to be the party leader, the former president says of him "he's dour, sullen, unsmiling political hack." as i read this letter, i look at three things and i wonder, what is the former president angriest
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at, losing reelection, losing the senate seats in georgia or mitch mcconnell's existence? >> greg: i would go with the fourth thing, he's looking at it, these would have been great tweets. but i've got to back up what jesse said, if you end up having three parties, it's the odd one out that wins so if you have the democratic party, republican party and trump decides to run as a patriot party, the dems are going to win every time. unless they also cleaved but they are probably not going to cleave. there has to be a reconciliation within the next, before the next election or you will have come of republican party will meet a buzz saw and never be the same. >> kennedy: dana, as you look at this and think about preparing repairing the g.o.p., how do you get over the bad blood? >> dana: i agree with everything jesse said, and greg. if you remember the first year of the trump administration,
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through steve bannon i don't think that mcconnell felt there was a lot of loyalty there, they tried to run him out of town and called him every name in the book so sullen is not the worst insult he has ever been called by president trump. but then they repaired that, they got a lot done. think about other things president trump was able to talk about it all of his rallies and he went through his list of accomplishments, one of them being the judicial nominations and confirmations that really did completely change the outlook on that. so here's the thing. if trump's statement just now had been about president biden i don't think you'd see much coverage of it but there's one thing the press loves to cover and that is g.o.p. inviting and there's going to be plenty of it until somebody emerges. it could be that this relationship gets repaired or not, these differences might not be reconcilable and in that case there will be a divorce. >> kennedy: there will be a divorce and the party will be vastly different.
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one, as i'm reading the statement, i am consuming it with this for veracity, how much have you missed to the president? i think that's what this is really about, he's been neutered from social media, there's not a lot of reporting on him, we don't know his thoughts and feelings and finally we get this blistering release. you missed him. >> juan: i think jesse did from what jesse said earlier. i tell you, though, this has been the biggest story in the last month in washington. everybody knows that mitch mcconnell was thinking, giving thought to the idea of voting to convict donald trump in the impeachment hearing, decided against it but he has not held back in the statement that he gave right afterward. he said he believes trump was morally and practically responsible for what happened on january 6th, the rioting, the attacks, the death of the officer and to repeat that. what we've seen from
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"the wall street journal" editorial page is basically a statement that says, we have a war inside the party and if they don't think donald trump will run again, but if he does this is a guy that never got past 50% approval and he's likely to lose, he might do a third party but again, to reiterate what everyone else has said, it would be devastating to the current republican brand and very much a pep talk for democrats likely to put more of them in office. >> dana: yeah, mitch mcconnell thought he was having a bad the day after the georgia election and then later on in the day the capital riot and insurgency. i understand his pain, this is going to be crazy. coming up, calls to cancel "bachelor" host chris harrison. oh, no. we will tell you why next. ♪ ♪ good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong.
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yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh.
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if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. ♪ ♪ >> dana: calls are ramping up to cancel bachelor host chris harrison over how he reacted to a controversy involving a current contestant on the show,
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photos surfaced of that contestant reportedly wearing an antebellum-style dress at an old salsa party she went to back. here are the comments that landed him in a little hot water. >> we all need to have a little grace, little understanding, a little -- >> dana: i don't know if we didn't get the whole thing. chris harrison said he apologize, but what i will always own a mistake when i make one so i am here to extend a sincere apology." he announced he will step away for a period of time but there are calls to kick him off the show for good. jesse, let's listen to that now. let's weigh that again. >> we all need to have a little grace, a little understanding, a little compassion. i've seen some stuff online, this judge, jury, executioner thing where people are tearing this girl's life apart. >> dana: jesse, you are our
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resident "bachelor" expert. he was saying, can we show somebody a little grace and now he might be out the door. what do you think? >> jesse: i am just bewildered by this whole scandal, rachel was a clear front runner, she had the best connection with mass, the first black bachelor. i didn't even know what an antebellum party was. by the answer chris harrison gave i don't know if he was totally aware of what an antebellum costume represented and where it fell in the political incorrect spectrum which moves really fast today and i don't even know if rachel, how oblivious was she about how insensitive that was. he basically said, forgive and let's have grace and patience and now he's facing cancellation. i want to go back to the days, dana, where if you say something that's controversial you go on
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oprah, apologize for an hour, talk it through with the audience, everybody learned something and you get back to your job. now no one learns anything except you learn about cancel culture. >> dana: i feel like cancel culture is like lack of mall. >> greg: jesse just stumbled onto something brilliant, cancel cultures kind of started oprah left. we need her back. to show you how awful the ideology is, they can't even accept the most contrite, over the top apology i've ever heard. this guy sounded like he had pulled a michael richards. you listen and you go, yeah, you didn't know what he's saying but he's apologized. i think the bigger moral to the story is, never talk about race with anyone ever, if people want to talk about race, let them do
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so amongst themselves. if you are in tv it should be in your contract, under no circumstances will lie, what's his name? harrison? >> dana: chris harrison. >> greg: chris harrison will be talking about race on the bachelor. you can't win, you will never be good enough for woke-ism, you will always get something wrong and if you apologize for doing something wrong it doesn't matter, they are just going to eat you alive. so just step out of the room, step away from the bomb. >> dana: we have no time left but kennedy had one, you first. >> kennedy: i think he's right, we need to extend grace and find a way to move forward. juan? >> juan: i think this is the opposite of cancel culture. you look at the show, it's been on the air for 20 years, they act like blacks weren't part of the dating scene. the antebellum culture, i think you have to understand what a costume party like that represents to a lot of people which is oppression and
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degradation and slavery. as we were chris harrison also said that in his statement. all right, we've got to do "one more thing" next. ♪ ♪ some say this is my greatest challenge ever. but i've seen centuries of this. with a companion that powers a digital world, traded with a touch. the gold standard, so to speak ;)
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before every needs a couple of knots. >> jesse: i knew you would have something. >> dana: i heard from someone that we all admire, i interviewed her on about her new book called "prey." you should take a look at it. she's a women's rights activists, she is writing right now about immigration and women's rights in europe. i don't know who's getting arrested right now, i hope it's not me. >> that's in my neighborhood. before let's do this, it's been a long time. i hate these people! i went to go to my dermatological checkup. everything's fine, but i was all masked up, i was leaving on the elevator to come do this show. a woman wouldn't let me get on the elevator. she told me she preferred to
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have the elevator by herself, and it was a large elevator. i'm like, you can't be serious. she said, yes, i am. as she was sorry, i said, i don't think you're sorry. if you're watching this -- >> dana: cancel her! before she needs to read up on etiquette on covid elevators. >> jesse: i do that now just because i don't feel like seeing anybody in the elevator. i just say sorry, i don't want to ride -- i can't come up ouchi told me not to do that. we should pull -- poll. it is not a cool move if you do that on a mask? we will read the results tomorrow. >> juan: break me off a piece of that kit kat bar, hold on, you may not like this kit kat bar because nestle has come out with a vegan kit kat bar. that's right, it's an alternative to the
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milk chocolate in the original candy. at the vegan cat cat uses oats, coconut, soy, omens, and rice. by the way the mars candy company is going vegan, they've got two new vegan chocolate lands. >> dana: i will try. >> jesse: i will let it slide. if that's it for rest, "special report with bret baier" is up next. >> bret: good evening, i'm bret baier. at the powerful winter storm that's affecting millions of you has turned deadly. a tornado tore through a seaside town killing at least three people while much of the nation continues to shiver i made it record cold temperatures, and also try to deal with treacherous travel conditions. we are in texas tonight where bitter cold has put millions of people in the dark, and some even in danger. good evening, casey. >> good evening, millions of people inex
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