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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  February 16, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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customizes your home insurance, here's something you shouldn't try at home. insurance is cool. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." we spend an awful lot of time in the show trying to explain what is happening to our country. and it's depressing a lot of the time, because the answer is always the same. america is not rotten, it's a great place. the people who run it are rotten. you've been betrayed by the people who lead you. what you are looking at is a crisis of our institutions. our institutions are corrupt. we say that a lot because it is true. but we should be more precise. some of them are bad, some of them are awful. but looming above the rest is the worst of all and that is the
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news media. they are the most corrupt. how corrupt is the news media? imagine a drunken teenage border guard as a crossing between togo -- shaking you down at midnight as he passed through. "the new york times" is much more corrupt than that. the media are more crooked, more dishonest than your average building inspector in queens. they are more treacherous than the mafia. they make cops into you want trustworthy. ask nick sandmann. we could go on. words can barely express the truth of it. watching the news on television makes a testament to itself. dominant conventional now passes in presses. it's insulting. but rather than be insulted, we've decided to pause for a moment and look at it a different way. yes, the news media has profoundly dishonest. all of us live from time to
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time, that's the human condition. but imagine if lying was your job. imagine forcing yourself to tell lies all day about everything in ways that were so transparent and so outlandish that there is no way that people listening to you could possibly believe anything you said. imagine doing that again, and again, and again every day of your professional life or your entire life. could you do that? if you could, cnn has an opening on the media analysis task, call them immediately. but if you are a normal person, the answer is obviously no. he could not do that, you could never lie like that. so you've got to kind of respect the people who can. they are like olympians and rivers. they achieve feats so dishonorable that you gasp in horror as he watched them. but at the same time, you've got to respect those skills. take a look at these gold medalists in duplicity and ask yourself as you watch, could you say something like this with a completely straight face about
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kamala harris? >> she's incredibly successful and she does everything professionally with the utmost integrity. kamala harris is independent, successful, strong, but she's also a devoted wife. and she's not ashamed of that. >> i would say that her performance as a running mate was flawless. i mean, other than barack obama, i've not seen anybody really who came in with that kind of raw material. she fits the moment in such a powerful way. it's because she is what every working woman strives to be. >> tucker: of course, she was flawless. kamala harris is everything women want to be. false, hollow, cunning, really a model for your daughters. make that woman vice president. and so they did. and on the night they did, they celebrated. in fact, celebration might be too mild a word. what happened on cable television that night is typically end by law in a lot of
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places confined to bedrooms and other private places. but that night, they did it in public. it was prime time over on cnn. >> how are you feeling? >> it's -- i almost can't talk right now. because of the emotion. >> everyone is welcome under this attempt. we don't care who you are. we don't care if you voted for us or not. you are all part of this american experiment. i was so overwhelmed to hear that. i don't care what people think of it, i don't care. and so i'm very emotional. so when you ask me how i'm feeling right now, i'm sorry -- that's all i can tell you. this is how i feel right now. i am so happy to have this platform to be able to do this but i may not have it after this, but i really don't care. i am so happy. >> tucker: everyone is welcome under this tent. they are all invited. except the white supremacists and the cue in on people and anybody who disagrees with
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anything that we say. but the rest are more than welcome to stay and obey our commands. months later, the mood lifted even higher. i have chills, wrote one editor at "the new york times." feverish with joy. cnn rested a poet laureate and got him on the set to commemorate. here's the sonnet. >> those lights that are shooting out from the lincoln memorial along the reflecting pool, it's like extensions of joe biden's arms embracing america. >> not everyone is as poetic. that's why he is cnn's political director. an ordinary journalist may not have even noticed that joe biden's arms are like twin beams of light embracing america as a mother embraces a child.
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no, and ordinary journalist may describe them as toned and toddy. not everybody is him. but everybody needs to be. the sing thing about journalism, it's not an individual and achievement. it's about the group. in journalism, it's the collective spirit that matters. like synchronized swimmers or certain species of insects. journalists move together in concert, as a herd if you will. they repeat it, not just a few of them, but all of them in precisely the same way. think of reporters as the north korean gymnastics team celebrating and a soccer stadium. they move as one. watch this clip, for example. members of the press corps inform you that this new group of politicians in washington is very different from any other group of politicians and all of human history. unlike the rest of them, these people are committed to something called "the truth." >> president joe biden making it clear his administration will be
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nothing like his predecessors with a focus on truth, science, and transparency. >> a commitment to clarity, transparency, science, and truth. >> a return to normalcy as they vowed truth and transparency. >> the bite in white house vows transparency. >> as this white house promises to bring truth in science back to the white house. >> it's getting back to the truth and devaluing the truth. >> getting back to the truth, valuing the truth. there is a refreshing concept. who does that remind you of, by the way? we don't mean to be patriarchal, but that sounds a lot like dad. a little blunt sometimes, but on us. reliable, steady. that's joe biden. above all, joe biden is a family man.
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biden is not like the last guy. joe biden's family is refreshingly normal. no ongoing criminal investigations you have to worry about. want to know what the bidens are doing this weekend? a recent headline in "newsweek" will tell you. "joe biden wins in mario race." not secretly lobbied for china, not impregnating strippers from arkansas. no, they are playing mario with the grandkids just like you. at the heart of this great american family is a love story. the fires of passion that change the course of our history. not since cleopatra, before they killed themselves obviously. a love story is moving is poignant as jill and joe. she isn't his nurse, he says fully equal romantic partner. together they are like a team. but at the same time, they are the wise annoying parents of a nation.
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as a headline from politico on valentine's day put it "historians and relationship experts agree the first couple's romantic gestures aren't just genuine, they are restorative." so it's official. the bidens affection is totally real, it's in no way part of a slick p.r. campaign. no, not at all. their love is as real as climate change. the political story begins this way "on a mission to rebuild institutional norms and to help heal a hurting nation, they are trying something novel after four years of the trumps." that's right america. the bidens love is like medicine. it's more powerful than the covid vaccine and do you only need one injection. watch dr. joy prescribe a whole lot more of it. to speak of what a story, what a great love story between jill biden and joe biden. a different kind of marriage. this is a love match like the
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obama's word. i think that will be healing for the country too. >> tucker: yeah, it will be. it will be healing for this country, make us whole again. it might even stop hyperinflation and keep the chinese navy from closing the south china sea. that is the kind of love it is. when you've got a love like that, it admits a magnetic tug. people can feel it. they seek you out like pilgrims to bask in your healing rays. here was the scene on the white house lawn just this weekend is reporters from across the region threw down their crutches and approached america's reigning apostle of love. hoping to graze the hem of his garment and be healed. >> how do you show that to the american people who are feeling so down right now? >> there is hope. there is hope. you have to stay strong. >> next time, bring us coffee too?
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[laughter] i wasn't sure you would be here. >> i love your dog. >> i'll bring him back next friday if you come back. >> i apologize, i didn't even does here, come on. i promise you. >> i'm going to get in trouble, i don't have my mask. >> welcome and thank you. i appreciate it. >> i'll bring doughnuts. i love your dog. and how can your love heal this nascent? we don't know the answer to that question. brit hume has been in journalism more than 50 years. that's why he's our senior political correspondent. the steamy relationship between the news media and their hot new boyfriend, joe biden. i watched you -- and i don't want to date anybody -- i watched you as a kid of our federal government. and i never heard you once ask any politician how that person's love story was going to heal a nation. how do you assess questions like that? >> well, it's gushing coverage
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and it's that's when i was coming on as a reporter, no matter how you personally felt about a politician, favorably or unfavorably, you didn't introduce that or show it. and you certainly never gushed. and when a politician was promising all kinds of wonderful things, you never announce that they were going to achieve them. what you said was that they said they were going to achieve them. and you said that -- you kept your distance. you didn't make their opinions and statements your own. you kept a distance. and this was a set of customs, not so much of objectivity. nobody is capable of that. but a neutrality in which you approached everything. and you disciplined yourself as a journalist not to allow your personal feelings to infect your coverage. you kept your distance. and what i think has happened over the past several decades is that journalists have collectively -- the press collectively always had power. we discovered during watergate
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how much power and individual reporters could have. two reporters from "the washington post" did very good reported by the way. that ultimately led to the downfall of a president. a hated president, a president who was republican and basically a conservative. they had this power, and they exercised it anyway they could sense. and then along came donald trump. the press is really accelerated. this man's presence in the white house was a national emergency. and the old restraints were completely abandoned. and we had this headlong pursuit of the story that ended up having nothing to it really about russia collusion. but it looked so much like the kind of story that could bring a president -- in the meantime, something else's happened happened. and that is that the country has grown so big that they wanted
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the biggest possible audience, but nowadays if you only have a niche audience in a country this big, it can be big enough so that you have something advertisers want. and on top of that, there's this. "the new york times" as a best example of it. "the new york times" it is increasingly turning to advertising -- i mean, to revenue from subscriptions. people buy these online subscriptions. the times are doing very well with it. but instead of being beholden to advertisers, these journals are holding to their subscribers. and their prescribers -- if you are "the new york times," they are on the left. so those readers get a steady diet of just what they want. >> tucker: i just think -- and i understand all of that. i think that's a really smart analysis. you have to think at the level of the individual reporter come if you find yourself on a sunday at your computer typing out a story that begins "joe and jill's love will heal this nation" your self-respect -- you
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have to think to yourself, i'm not anybody's flunky. i'm not going to rewrite a press release for some politician. people don't seem to feel that way anymore. they are happy to. >> one of the things that -- and the watergate era, the story was real. i think what that era ushered and was a lot of people who wanted to exercise power. and they came in and they had a side and they took the side. so when you get this really harsh coverage of donald trump, there was really no effort in mainstream media to treat him fairly, to report on the things that he did that illustrated his faults. but to acknowledge of the same time the things that he had accomplished. i think that's just because reporters now are using journalism to advance their own political agendas.
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so you end up gushing over a jill and joe biden, which you would think would be embarrassing, but apparently not. >> tucker: you think it would be. it's just amazing. brit hume, thank you. >> you bet, thank you. >> tucker: so unbeknownst to most people, the green new deal came to texas. the power grid in the state became totally reliant on windmills and then it got cold and the windmills broke. because that's what happeneds in the green new deal. the same energy policies that have rocked texas this week are going nationwide. they are coming to your estate. we will tell you what that means, just add. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: so texas -- big, durable, well-run place. it's a disaster tonight appeared a lot of people without power. the texas utility commission said the state had very little margin in error and its energy grid. yet, turns out to be absolutely right. the commission described the situation as "very scary." we know exactly why that margin for error was so tight. green energy. because politicians benefited from it.
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wind turbines ended up generating about a quarter of texas' power. it got cold last night and the windmills froze and as a result, millions of texans are freezing. several have died. mike taylor knows a lot about energy, he's the owner of combined energy services in the state of new york and he joins us tonight for some perspective. thanks so much for coming on. were you surprised about what we saw happening in texas yesterday? >> boy, tucker. i was really surprised. i never would expect to see i seem like that in the state of texas. we are used to it up here in upstate new york. but once i saw the destruction in texas, the icing of the solar panels and the wind turbines, i look at it in our world -- i can imagine how it's going to work. >> tucker: it seems like if the whole point of putting so-called green energy out there is because you think the weather is volatile, wouldn't you have factor that into your decision? it seems reckless from a civilian standpoint it seems kind of reckless to set aside 25% of your power grid for
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windmills. do you think that it is? >> , i don't know if about windmills. but what i know in new york state were 72% of our electric is produced from fossil fuels and the remaining 20% -- only 5% comes from solar panels for wind. so in new york state's initiatives on the table facing in over the next 30 years, it's very hard with a nine. i don't necessarily see how we're going to increase the number to ever make it work. the disaster we saw in texas is nothing compared to what we saw here. if we just rely on alternative energies. i think we need a common sense mix and i believe things have been improving drastically over the years. but i just can't flip the switch this fast. >> tucker: it seems to me from an outsiders perspective that we've allowed lunatic ideologues who know nothing about science to have a lot of control over our power grid. do you think that's why? should we let engineers make decisions, or no?
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>> i would definitely agree with you on that one. this is proven. our winters up in the northeast don't cross the northern united states -- they are much more severe than what they have in texas. i can imagine how it's going to work from the long run. we see in new york state, it's looming in the next nine years. we are not going to be able to install any fossil fuel appliances such as natural gas. nine years from now, we're going to be forced to tell her customers they have to use electricity on top of that a lot of homes are not set up to have the amperage to allow it to convert. we have some of the highest electric rates in the country, so how are we going to switch from fossil fuels to a more expensive product, i just can imagine. on top of that in new york state they are proposing on the floor in our state assembly and the senate right now, carbon tax. they want to carbon tax all of our fossil fuels so that gasoline, diesel, natural gas, propane, and home heating oil -- everything. a carbon tax on top of what the pandemic with the
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new york state's $50 million budget deficit, i can't imagine how were going to be able to do it. how can anybody afford to get to work or even heat their home? >> tucker: i mean come outside of new york city, westchester county and the hamptons -- new york is a poor state. drive around and you will find out very quickly. it's going to hurt the people there. do you think andrew cuomo -- only seems to be like he's doing a "goodfellas" imitation. does he know a lot about home healing policy? ac an expert? why is he weighing in on how people heat their homes. do you have any idea? >> you now, i can't tell you. i'm sure his home is warm wherever he is. but the people in new york state are struggling at if we tell them that you have to remove your natural gas or propane and you have to go to electricity, and with that that electricity has to come from clean energy, it doesn't exist. only 5% now comes from alternative energy. we are not building any more of that new york state. as to where they think within nine years we are going to start
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phasing out rapidly, fossil fuels -- it's unbelievable. it's a where these policies are coming from, i think our elected officials are out of touch. >> tucker: they are very in touch with their campaign donors. [laughs] oh, it's perfect bit i love it. might come i appreciate your perspective. good luck. >> tucker, thank you for having me. >> tucker: thank you. so the press corps has been so busy asking the bidens about their famous "love affair." that no one has asked why the nation's capital remains under military occupation tonight. why are the troops there? why can't they go home? why won't speaker pelosi tear down this wall? we will tell you after the break. ♪ ♪
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♪ piano playing ♪ ♪ “what the world needs now” ♪ the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope help now at >> tucker: >> tucker: donald trump is retired from office, but last week he got impeached. anyway, he became the first nonpresident in american history to be impeached by congress bit
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on saturday, he was acquitted. but had he been convicted at a trial, donald trump would have been barred from running for office forever. so the point of impeachment was to make it illegal for voters to elect donald trump ever again, whether they wanted to or not. this, we were told, was necessary to defend democracy. see you can vote for anyone you want, as long as permanent washington proves to the person you're voting for. no one who challenges the political class is allowed to wield power. no wonder you're hearing so much about democracy, no matter so many in washington supported the impeachment trial. it supported their power. and they set a precedent. so expect more impeachments and not just a former presidents. over the weekend, congresswoman announced that she plans to impeach the other country. "i think there's a lot of us who know this impeachment trial was just the start of holding donald trump accountable. what we need next, she explained, as a national
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impeachment. a so-called "truth commission." "because we haven't really done the reckoning with the racial injustice and white supremacy of our past that we need to do." you probably won't be totally shocked to learn that sarah jacobs is the child of billionaires, challenge the ruling class with sarah jacobs who will leap to her own defense. so if you're starting to realize that donald trump's impeachment wasn't really about donald trump, you may be onto something. because it is never about what they say it's about. the main lesson of this moment -- and may come of the media commanded us to be outraged about the death of george flay. the tape they showed us was horrifying. a police officer kneeling on george floyd's neck, george floyd dying in the street. that officer it was promptly arrested. but his arrest was hardly the end of it.
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george floyd's death became a referendum, not simply on one cop or one police department, but on all cops and all police departments and then on the united states itself. eight months later they've change chain will not change completely and forever. in fact, they were about to you sensing it being here, it's never about what they say it is about. back in march we were told the coronavirus lockdowns were an attempt to curb the coronavirus. they lasted a short time beard almost a year later, we will find they will never end. issuing internal passports to the residents of western countries. only people who covered vaccination orders will be allowed to travel freely. today, we will question. everyone seems to understand that authority is him disguises
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health policies now the rule. those temporary measures are now permanent. surprised? you shouldn't be. because it's never all about what they say it's about. just the other day, yet another example. we learn as the arrival of the coronavirus vaccine does not in fact mean that our schools could reopen. indeed it explains a new head of the cdc. we will need "a lot more resources" in order to get the school safe. those resources must include complex ventilation systems in every american school. why is that? in order to protect children with asthma for exposure to mold. but wait a second, you may ask, what do asthma and exposure to mold have to do with covid-19? well, nothing obviously. once again, covid restrictions aren't just about covid. any more than donald trump's impeachment was just about donald trump or blm's campaign to end the nuclear family.
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and only simpletons like mitt romney or mitch mcconnell assumed otherwise. now, it's not about that. it's all about changing this country forever. it's all about you. so with that in mind, you might have questions about the thousands of federal troops who were occupying our capital city tonight. why are they still there? the explanations from authorities keep changing. at first, we were told armed troops were absolutely necessary because there was an inauguration coming out. but that was almost a month ago. the ceremony came and went and there was no violence, no evidence of any right wing conspiracy afoot. and yet come at the troops stayed. next we were told they were there to protect lawmakers during impeachment. the threat from donald trump's voters was that profound. we needed the army. impeachment is now over. but the soldiers remain. now, we have learned that the troops may be staying in washington until fall. so when will they go home? you know the answer. they will never go home. the troops will never leave. just as the troops have never
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left afghanistan, korea, or europe. federal troops are permanent now. they sent the one message are leaders demand we understand, which as we are in charge now. we should've seen this coming. it wasn't about what they said it was about. it was about power and once you hand them not you never get back. they've decided not to enforce the law against violent criminals. one inmate in california found a way to take advantage of those new rules. we will tell you the story straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: district attorney in los angeles, his job is to enforce the law. he's decided not to, including against violent criminals. one inmate in california decided to take advantage of this new policy with a phone call. an amazing story. trace gallagher has it for us tonight. >> hi, tucker. currently serving a 140 year sentence. he is a career violent criminal and so-called three stryker, meaning he is serving a life
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sentence after being convicted of three violent crimes including attempted murder of a police officer using a deadly weapon on a police officer and a laundry list of convictions for weapons and even threatening to kill a judge. but he is also doing his homework and knows that new los angeles county has said that as part of his far left criminal reform plan, he would refuse to prosecute people based on enhancements including three strikes. and is planning to re-sentence 20,000 inmates. so daniel vela is currently in prison in northern california outside of his jurisdiction. but he's about to transfer to a state prison in los angeles county and is now devised a plan to get back in to the l.a. county court system. recently, he shared his plan in this voice mail to the downtown los angeles d.a. office. he begins by saying, i need you to listen to this message.
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that appears to be good advice. watch. >> 90% of it. [indistinct] >> he's going to beat up a cop. he has not yet responded to the voice message, but in l.a. deputy district attorney did respond today on "fox & friends." watch. >> these policies are not progressive. they are not. these policies are actually dangerous and they are actually radical. they endanger law enforcement egged endanger the community. >> remember, his own prosecutor sued him for trying to do away with sentencing enhancements claiming he was in ignoring the law and decided with the
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prosecutors, at least temporarily. >> tucker: amazing, think so much for that. well, in 2019, we interviewed the secretary of homeland security on the show. we asked, does the government to have any idea just how many illegal aliens live in this country? paul? politicians have claimed that there are 11 million of them. do we really know? watch. >> does the u.s. government know exactly how many people are living in this country illegally? we put that number of between 11 million, 22 million, may be more. what is the real number? >> we debated. i think that's accurate. it's because we don't know. >> that must be a grave concern to you that we potentially have more than 10 million people here whose identities we don't know, could be over 20, whose identities we don't know. and they could be anybody. >> yes. >> tucker: so why is that the most single pressing problem the country has? >> in my opinion, this is one
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off, if not the biggest crisis the country has faced in a decade. >> tucker: so the best estimate we have come at the firmest, but the number at about 22 million people living here illegally. they put the number above 30 million. anyone who repeats the 11 billion number is either ignorant or lying. no matter what the number is, the biden administration is committed to making everyone of these foreign nationals living here illegally into a voting citizen. we have no idea how many there are, but the biden administration wants to introduce tens of millions of people into the labor force to compete for jobs with americans as quickly as possible. >> certainly has part of the proposal that the president outlined and proposed on day one is a earned path to citizenship for 11 million immigrants who are undocumented immigrants living in the country. >> tucker: again, the 11 million number is a lie.
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do not let it pass without questioning it. but no matter what the number is, more than 10 million new voters are going to change the political balance of this country and will disempower some people quite a bit. not all of them republicans, possibly african-american voters if you think it through a little bit. but if you ask congresswoman yvette clark of new york, amnesty is great news for african-american voters. "this would give dreamers and tps de holder is pass to citizenship. never forget, citizenship is a black issue." she never explained what she meant by that. it especially hurts people at the bottom of the income. according to a 2006 study by a top economist at harvard university, immigration dramatically lowered the employment rate and increase
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their incarceration rate. those are not small things. and that's not even touching on the question of political power, which is a real question. congressman burgess owens joins us tonight to assess all of this. i appreciate you coming out. i just bought it absolutely amazing that labor unions and ls of the congressional black caucus could endorse something that so obviously hurts their own numbers. why do you think they are doing this? >> what we have to understand is what the real threat to the hard left and going up in a remarkably successful segregated but middle-class family in the 60s in terms of black community, the greatest threat to the left is the middle-class black americans. those who have faith, they have a family, they are educated, and they believe in god. and they believe in the free market. what was happening to my community -- by the way, the left has never been our friends. those are the ones are
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antichoice, open borders, they know it's going to end up hurting those in the middle class. they are against anything, any policy that helps us to become independent. and that is what the left is trying to do to our country. i want to be the greatest morning to let you know from a community that was remarkably competitive, the most competitive in our country is now not competitive because of what the left has done. what they have done to us as a preview of what they were trying to do with our country. it doesn't matter democrat, independent, republican. it doesn't matter what party those in our nation know that they need to know -- they have left this ideology that hates everything we stand for and they are coming at us big time. we need to start communicating and realizing that the policy is all about defeating the dream of americans to live the american dream and make it to the middle-class. >> tucker: i have to ask you, what percentage of actual black
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voters do you think are in favor of giving amnesty to foreign nationals here illegally giving them voting rights and benefits. is that super popular among black voters? >> no, it's a very small minority. only the dash those are the ones who have really done the most damage. those who live the american dream, the black caucus right now that literally lives the american dream. they are all about doing anything they can to keep the dash they are trying to get the middle-class dependent so that the elitist class has more power. it doesn't matter what color they are. they are the worst threat to our nation, no matter what color. and those who look like me until black americans we can't do what other americans do because of whatever our skin color -- whatever the excuse may be. we can overcome all obstacles and make sure we are spreading the news big time. >> tucker: such a betrayal. one of many, but a bad one. congressman owens, great to see you tonight.
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thank you thank you. >> tucker: thank you, tucker. >> tucker: you thought the lincoln project was vicious and creepy. it's so much worse than that. we are learning the details. more tonight, they lincoln project covered up sexual harassment of minors. we have that come after the break.
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>> tucker: the >> tucker: the lincoln project, funded heavily by tech oligarchs, was one of the nastiest, most destructive political enterprises this country has ever seen. now it is complex thing shame. so far, interestingly, thesc lincoln project as a escaped any accountability for what it did. some of the things i have been criminal. one of the founders of the lincoln project, steve schmidt come appeared on television last week. he didn't apologize for working for an organization that covered up the sexual harassment of minors, harassment he apparently knew what was going on. instead, he called for shootings people.
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specifically, the chewbacca guy at the capitol on january 6th. watch this. >> i think the most amazing thing about the whole thing is watching the video and on the senate floor, there is a cop who is armed, and a guy bursts in the qanon shaman dressed like a viking and he basically talks to him. shoot him! shoot him! [applause] like, if he was dressed like bin laden, would he have shot him? >> tucker: shoot him? for standing in the united states capitol? if you watch the tape of the guy with the viking horns and the first thing you say is shoot him, kill him, take his life, you are sick. there is really something wrong with you. shoot him? and people applauded? what the -- is this? there is something going on. julie kelly is with american greatness, and she has thought about it. she joins us tonight. here's what she has discovered. julie, thank you so much.
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leaving aside the tape we just played, which is really disturbing, thing, it's very clear that the lincoln project people knew that john weaver war soliciting sex from children and others, and they hid that fact. how are they getting away with that? >> well, because they, like all never trump organizations are useful idiots for the left. it's important to know that the lincoln project, even though they portray themselves as conservatives, are far from it. the $90 million that they have raked in over a one-year period all comes from the left. top democratic donors. in fact, their top donor is a senate majority pac. $2 million went from the senate democratic top pac into the lincoln project. and so, tucker, you know this because you've dealt with these people. you have been targeted by them. the lincoln project isw everything that is wrong with american politics right now. you just saw that from steve schmidt.ic not only have they burned every campaign that they have ever worked on, from john mccain's to mitt romney, to john kasich's, they are just toxic
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people, who have nothing, offerj nothing of value, no new policy ideas. they just spew venom constantly and so their demise is overdue and welcome. >> tucker: i mean, i know steve schmidt. you know, i always got along with him, but shoot him? if you start calling for? shooting people, i mean, that's kind of a different level. that's not political rhetoric. that is something really ugly, don't you think? or is it pretty obvious? >> no, i mean, he's a very unhinged individual and you saw kind of this disclosure that he made about some abuse he suffered as a teenager and this is why he is so distraught over what he found out about john weaver. but john weaver is one of the worst-kept secrets in washington, d.c., karl rove just said a few weeks ago. so, but look, they have lawyered up, and now they are turning on each other. and so, this is one of thehe upsides of 2021, because these people should be routed from american politics forever and humiliated, which they now are.
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>> tucker: and anyone who has fantasized about violence like that should take some time off. julie, thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: we'll be backta tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. we can't wait. in the meantime, sean hannity takes over from new york. >> sean: thank you, tucker. welcome to "hannity."t tonight, millions are still without power after this massive storm continues to pelt the state of texas. much of the southwest. according to reports, frozen wind turbines and, you got it, green new energy are likely playing a significant role in the widespread blackouts. and coming up, texas governor greg abbott will join us. he will have the the very latest as he has ordered a full investigation into the ongoing outages out there. huge and sustained support for president donald trump within the republican party.f we are going to explain what that means for the future of the g.o.p.


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