tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News February 21, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PST
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boom! look at ariana, crushing virtual class. jamol, chasing that college dream. michael, doing something crazy. this is the place where we can show the world what we can do. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wifi-enabled lift zones, so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ ♪
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john: welcome back. president biden move to sacrifice our jobs for empty gesture politics. opened our borders to crowds of illegal immigrants and brainwash or children with leftist garbage, and it's only been a month. it's never been more important for republicans to organize and push back against democrats' attempt to forever change our country. joining me is kevin mccarthy, house minority leader. you heard my open. you saw what biden can do in 30 days. what do you expect is going to happen going forward. and what can you and the republicans do to stop it if anything? >> just in 30 days you have watched -- he made our adversaries advancing, but not american public.
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kids are out of school, americans are out of work and those who need help, it's out of their hands. he's pushing a coronavirus funds. when you read this bill, nancy pelosi just put a hundred million dollars into a tunnel that's just outside of her district that has nothing to do with coronavirus. you have a trillion dollars sitting there from the last bill that can go out. $50 billion that can go to schools. what mass he done in a short amount of time? you have named many of them. the key stolen pipe line putting americans out of work. he opened the borders but kept schools closed. he gave it world health organization who lies to the world about the coronavirus $200 million from hard working american taxpayers. what else he doing now?
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reentering talks with iran, the world leader when it comes to terrorism? judge jeanine: what are you going to do about it? >> first thing we are going to do about it, we have the closest majority we mad inside the house. we are going to fight every step of the day. you watch what they are trying to do, we need the american public to join with us. we need six democrats to move to the other side to stop what is happening. this president continues to use an executive order, something he said he would not do. his words on the inaugural, if you didn't vote for me, wait and see how i govern. we waited long enough. we felt the page of what he's doing. ' join was at and put america first, not last. judge jeanine: is the republican
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party facing an identity crisis in terms of who they are, who is going to lead us coming out of this now? >> the republican party has always been a party ideals. the thing you have to understand, abraham lincoln was our first president. he believed in the exceptionalism of this country. this is only the first time since 1994 no republican incumbent in congress lost. we are narrowing the ability to have the majorities. but our ideas are stronger. we are going to continue to listen to the forgotten woman and man across this country. we are the party of the hard working american taxpayer. judge jeanine: congressman, who is going to lead the fight. how -- everybody i think my
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viewers agree with what you are saying. the question is, how do we get back to level again? everything this president is doing is hurting americans and making america last. >> that's correct. he's reversing the course what president trump and the republicans were able to do, changing the tax code, making it stronger. we building the military. we can't sit back and say just let him do it. join with us tonight at make the phone call, write the letters. but join with us on the floor. our ideas are stronger. the first way to stop it is this costly corrupt liberal coronavirus bill that does nothing to put the kids back in school and 10 million americans back to work or give a vaccine to every american who wants it. judge jeanine: house minority leader kevin mccarthy.
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judge jeanine: welcome back from energy to foreign policy to immigration. president biden has gone to extraordinarily lengths to dismantle the trump policies that kept america safe and prosperous. joining me to talk about the real world consequences of these actions is former white house trade advisor, peter navarro. i read your article on immigration that you posted. i want you to talk about immigration 2/and the reversal of trump's orders. >> we are getting whip lash from secure borders to open borders. we have 10 million americans,
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many of them are lower working class unemployed. what's going to happen if joe biden gets his way, 2 million per year in illegal aliens. er time -- 90% of those illegal aliens come from mexico or what is called the northern triangle. what's important about that is they have less than an 8th grade education for the most part. 25% english proficiency. they will compete for the jobs at the lower ends of our income distribution. some of the people who will get hurt the worst are hispanic americans as well as african-americans in our inner
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cities struggling now in the midst of the pandemic. this is insanity. we have a set of laws that basically reward illegal immigration. folks in el salvador can come up here and get better healthcare up here than americans can get up here because of the way the laws are structured. this is craze irness. the democrats -- this is craziness. this is another way of stuffing the ballot box in two or three or four years when these folks get here and finally get their papers. the report i have -- i was doing it at the white house. i put it on hold during the pandemic. but i had to release it today because it's important for every american to see this. kids in school will get overcrowd and push people out off jobs.
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biden wants to start bringing the high-tech big tech on these visas where our millennials will be the serfs of modern america. no home, no car, no job, no nothing. judge jeanine: the unfortunate part of this is there is no real effort to identify -- i counsel to an airport. they have to trace me, contact tracing. where were you yesterday. did you take a test before you get on the plane. they come in, nobody is asking them anything. they catch and release. >> the second thing we have to have when there are 10 million americans it of work. people bringing up the ccp virus. what we have here is a battle between the globalism where these corporations give money to the democrats and they want to bring up this cheap labor into
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our labor markets for ways essentially populism. america first, trumpism. and president trump needed a second term to finish that wall and fin wish started with the chinese communist party. and joe biden is undoing everything. there was a republican report that came out showing 20 officials compromised in the bind administration compromised by the chinese party. that's got to stop. peter navarro, always greats having you on. still ahead. my closing statement on cuomo's day of re congress. but next d day of reckoning. we have proof that america is officially unhinged. tomi lahren and leo terrell join me after the break.
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[♪♪♪] judge jeanine: welcome back. another week means 7 more days of hateful insanity from the left, this time in the passing of rush limbaugh and the storm in texas. joining me, tomi lahren and leo terrell. i will start with aoc. she says the infrastructure failures in texas are quite literally what happens when you don't pursue a green new deal. leo, let's start with you on this. if we had the green new deal aoc texas would have heat and water and they would be living happily ever after. >> i think aoc and the democrats have to demonize republicans. we may disagree with them.
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but they hate us. it's a hatred in order for them to gain power. for them to keep their constituents they have to demonize anybody with an r on their names. they use wedge i shall tiews demonize republicans. that's scary. because it makes it sounds like the democrats are the alternatives. they are an extreme example of going to the left. that's what aoc does all the time to demonize republicans, which is simply wrong. how is it that she thinks the green new deal which would call for all those turbines that are frozen. why is that the answer to texas' problem? >> judge, we know aoc once famously said the world was
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going to ends in 12 years if we didn't do something about climate change. the frozen turbines say something else. but i would say that all that climate change, the hugging of the trees, the worshiping of this alarmism, it sounds and looks great until you have wind turbines frozen and you are freezing to death. i don't think aoc understands that at all. judge jeanine: they talk about unity, a great warrior rush limbaugh died. they come out with vicious, hateful, spiteful comments that humans don't use toward each other. i have never seen a party more consistent in their hate. bette midler tweeted rush limbaugh has gone to his reward.
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bet it's hot. >> this is what i say. kudos to the governor florida for lowering the flag at half-staff in honor of rush limbaugh. rush limbaugh was a true american who loved this country. it goes back to what i said about the bette midlers and the aocs. they demonize republicans. they try to make us the bad guys. i'm glad to be a republican. for the democrats to maintain control over their minions, they have to make us look like the bad guy. that's why they use wedge issues like race. most americans live outside of the west coast and east coast. middle america understands american values. the democrats want to take american values away and turn this nation into a socialist
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state by demonizing republicans. judge jeanine: the hate towards a man who is deceased. this is mixed up, don't you agree? >> these are the people who mourn the death of actual terrorists. why do they hate rush limbaugh and donald trump and the three of us so much? it's because we fight back. they hate strong conservatives who stand their ground and fight back. they do not like people like rush limbaugh and donald trump because we cannot be pushed around. that's why they celebrate the death and show their true colors. the loving and tolerant left couldn't be anything but. i hope the american people in the middle, i hope they look at
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leaving office. joining me, mercedes schlapp. it's great to have you on the show. i'm excited. i'm sure you are excited. everyone at cpac is excited about the president coming to you as his first time out after the election. what can we expect. >> president trump has been a cpac regular since 2012. we are honored to have the former president joint conference. it's the largest gathering for conservatives not only in the u.s., but across the globe. but what you will expect here is president trump focusing on a forward-looking vision of what the republican party will look like. what the conservative movement will look like and what america will look like. he has a lot of successes
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understood his belt. and he will be able to talk about his legacy and his time at the white house. there is millions of americans out there her ready to hear from the president. we know the president has been silenced. he has been taken off the major platforms by the major tech companies. and we at cpac believe it's important for the president to have avoid, to be able to speam. we want every american to know that their right to freely speak in america is still protected. jean require's a wonderful tribute to cpac, and i have spoken many times will in the past. it's a recognition to so many of the young people who go there. there are great americans who have been supportive of cpac for many many years.
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kudos to you and to matt for everything you do at cpac. i suspect you will be filled to the gills this next weekend. >> well, the cpac is sold out. it has been sold out for several years now. we have such a great team that puts the conference together. we have diverse speakers who are unashamed, unafraid, who will be talking about the values we treasure. we'll see governor ron desantis. governor christie nome. former secretary of state mike pompeo. let me tell you, there are so many people out there who are so concerned about their lives, about their pam his and livelihoods. are the schools going to re-open? how are we going to get the american economy going again. when you have got president
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biden and democrats in charge of every level of government controlling how we communicate. it's time for to us and up strong, stand together to defend our constitution and defend our god-given rights. judge jeanine: thanks for being with us. coming up. what price will andrew cuomo pay for his deadly nursing home policy? that's next in my can't miss closing statement. don't go away.
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he's threatening legislators from his own party. he is indeed a raging bully. he actually opened a press conference applauding himself for getting vaccines for people in nursing homes and that's going to make things right. listen. >> i'm not going to let new yorkers be lied to. and not going to let you hurt new yorkers by lying about what happened surrounding the death of a loved one. judge jeanine: so the liar in chief put on his cheek and commander superman cape and he is not going to let people lie to you especially the causes pain to new yorkers. he said he should have taken on the lies earlier and done it more aggressively but then he deflects saying people die in nursing homes all over the country but andrew the problem is in other parts of the country
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your mandate couldn't protect them and you lied about it and you lied about it because you and your health care lobbyist, you had to appease them, the ones who gave you millions for your campaign, the ones who ran ads during your last campaign and then you turn around and you give them immunity from civil and criminal responsibility? do you are the liar and you are a crook and you said there was a gripe? >> we should have been more aggressive in fighting the misinformation. most people would not say that one of my errors is a lack of aggressiveness, but in truth i was not aggressive enough in fighting back against these crazy political theories. and these crazy political opponents.
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judge jeanine: you say you should have been more aggressive andrew, fighting the misinformation? do you where the one with the misinformation. you were the one who was undercounting, you are the one who was covering up to save you from your own party. you were the one covering up. ask melissa derosa your confidante, your right hand and you couldn't have been more aggressive andrew because you are too busy promoting yourself on the national stage with your pathetic attempts to promote yourself as a presidential candidate. funny though how "cnn" isn't talking about you now but there's your movement to remove your emergency powers done in a movement to impeach you did turn a general investigating you. once a liar, with a always a liar. once a crook, resa curt or give it up and her. no one believes a word you say and most of all the families of those killed by your mandates.
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thanks so much for watching. i'm judge jeanine pirro advocating for truth justice and the american way. you can catch me on cameo and i will see you next saturday night. greg: thanks to "cnn" we learned a lot of new things about president biden. a he likes to build a fire in the oval office b uses the fireplace c he often throws a logon otherwise known as the john kerry, d he likes to read the newspaper on a plane. this is some crazy [bleep] so what else will we hope to learn from our fearless friend that joe puts his socks on one foot at a time? before he puts on the slippers but in all seriousness this is a great strategy.
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