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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  February 21, 2021 10:00am-11:00am PST

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the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. >> departure may day aircraft just experienced immediately. >> left or right. >> left. mike: calm professional words coming from a commercial pilot just before united airlines 328 was forced to make an emergency landing, you can see the plane experiencing engine failure mid-flight scattering debris across several colorado neighborhoods. welcome to "america's news headquarters" from washington i am mike emanuel fortunately no one on board was harmed in so far they have made it to the original destination hawaii,
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they are still investigating an exact cause. christina coleman live on the west coast following at all. >> one passenger on the flight said she was saying a prayer while the jets engine was on fire, fortunately the crew was able to land the plane safely but let's listen again to the may day call. >> 328 having experiencing failure need to turn, may day, may day 328 heavy may day may day aircraft. >> 328 heavy. >> departure 328 heavy may day aircraft just experienced engine failure need to turn immediately. >> left or right. >> left sir. >> one of the jets and then exploded after hawaii bound flight took off from denver causing the outer casing to disintegrate. it's unclear what caused it to malfunction, ten crew members and 231 passengers on board united flight 328 when this
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incident occurred passengers described hearing a loud bang one woman said she was not sure how the frightening moment would into. >> of course we were holding hands and saying prayers and looking at each other and again, it was really silent there was not a lot of anybody talking at all. >> on the ground people watched the boeing 777 soaring through the sky dropping debris in several neighborhoods just north of denver, at least two houses debris fell on, people were in the houses at the time. it nearly missed the house, neighbors surveyed big pieces of metal and some of the front yard. >> it was everywhere i'm surprised nobody got hurt because of all the big chunks everywhere. >> the faa and ntsb are investigating the causes of engine failure may lock grossly no one was hurt. the training and the quick thinking of the flight crew.
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mike: no doubt about that. christina, many thanks. for more insight let's turn the aviation attorney and partner marked on rough, former attorney with faa office of general counsel mark, welcome. walk us through the steps investigators are taking to figure out what went wrong with the united airlines flight. >> the national transportation safety board as you reported has the responsibility for leading the investigation and their investigators are on scene and i'm sure they brought experts in the operation aspect of the aircraft in terms of piloting, maintenance, structure, systems, engines and so forth, parties to investigation participating will be the boeing company, the manufacture the manufacturer, the engine would be the federal aviation united airlines goal perhaps some of the unions will be involved.
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it'll be a very methodical detailed investigation and i have no doubt they are quickly going to determine what occurred it may take longer to complete the investigation and generate a report. i think we will know pretty quickly what it is that it occurred. mike: what is your assessment of the flight crew socom and professional at a really difficult time. >> absolutely phenomenal and i think that is one thing that deserves much more in the headlines if you listen to the voices not only of the flight crew but the air traffic controllers as well these folks are well-trained, they responded pursuant to the training they maintain their cool, follow procedures. i cannot forget, i have to point out the cabin crew, the flight attendant, they had an airplane full of people who were experiencing probably one of the worst events of their lives looking out the window seen an engine on fire and they are the front line, the people right there interacting with the
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passengers. i think this is an example that all of us as travelers auto take great comfort in. mike: we have shown video of the engine on fire looking out the window at the engine safe to assume that would help investigators piece part of it together. >> absolutely, that aircraft the triple seven aircraft has a flight data recorder in the cockpit voice reporter and is been referred to as the black box, it's actually orange and that records thousands of parameters of that aircraft operation including the engine parameter. between the video, the pilots of the cockpit and the reporting of all of those parameters we are going to know in the investigators are going to know almost exactly what occurred i suspect they were pretty good generalized idea right now but the thing about the ntsb
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investigators they do not go in there with preconceived notions they let the facts and evidence speak for itself. mike: we see the degree unto debris scattered in residential neighborhoods. is it safe to say they will take an empty hanger and put the parts together and piece it together like a puzzle. >> precisely, i think you will see a collection of all the debris and that's probably the thing that is most remarkable that nobody on the ground was hurt. but they will take all of the debris, they will collected the ntsb has been making announcements of you have debris in your yard, don't touch and let the authorities know, they will collected, they will likely put in a hanger under security, perhaps at the airport in denver international, they will pull the engine off aircraft and they will reconstruct the sequence of events not only the physical evidence but the flight data recorder and the parameters and the engine operation that it
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records. mike: we thank you so much for your time and sharing your expertise. mike: president biden $1.9 trillion economic relief package could be brought up as soon as this week but a few extra items could potentially stop the bill in its tracks. david spunt light in july but the white house. >> the president says he wants to work with republicans on the 2 trillion-dollar covid relief package he spent 30 years on capitol hill as a u.s. senator working with both sides of the aisle but republicans, many of those who he worked with said they're concerned about some of the extra allocations some calling them earmarks in the covid relief bill. i want to read some specifically one entered million dollars for the bay area rapid transit system near san francisco about a billion dollars for other
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transportation projects around $200 million for museums and libraries and approximately $270 million combined in arts and humanities, not to mention the 15-dollar an hour minimum wage goal, democrats are pushing through the president says well that ultimately support an increase to the minimum age it likely will not make it because of the timing. the president and his team want to send $1400 direct payments to those most in need. president biden spent most of friday and if either vaccine plant in michigan away to get updates on the vaccine distribution while at the same time pushing this covid relief plan not only to a purple state like michigan but the rest of america. >> we've been in constant contact with mayors and governors, county officials, members of congress both parties, both parties. i've met with them in my office, i met with them on zoom.
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both parties in every state, guess what, they agree we have to act now. >> jason smith the leading republican on the house budget committee said in a statement to fox news, democrats are rushing to pass a 2 trillion-dollar bill that would enact bailouts for state governments have locked other citizens and radical policies that will destroy jobs and raise the cost of living for working-class americans. but democrats including those at the white house that work for the biden administration say there was a lot of money for nutrition assistance money for housing need to help with rent and money going in to reopening schools. as far as when the covid relief bill will pass it looks likely sometime in march as you mentioned could hit the house for later this week it has to pass a hurdle in house committee, that is expected to
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happen tomorrow. mike: we will follow, david spunt live on the north lawn. temperatures rising in texas offering a glimmer of hope as millions of people still without access to clean running water. casey stegall has a closer look at the situation in dallas. >> good to see you the lack of safe drinking water for some 14 million texans roughly half of the states population is forcing a lot of people to come to water distribution sites like this one in dallas. more help is on the way nine more million bottles of water and 5 million military mras, meals ready to are on their way to be getting out for those who have no food or water. as the state falls out and power is restored reports surfacing people getting slapped with outrageous power bills and the thousands of dollars. the governor's office is investigating and deliveries are out reaching stores,
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replenishing supplies because even the basics have been difficult to come by. >> i got these and i got ten of them. that's what were living on. the bread was gone, the milk was gone, the biscuits were gone, everything was empty. it was like an empty grocery store except for the people. it was hard. >> the extreme cold has crippled parts of the state agriculture industry from cattle and dairy farms trying to keep livestock alive to citrus farmers and those who lost bounties of other crops. in addition to the federal disaster declaration governor abbott has requested for a disaster designation from the usda for a few of texas most hard impacted counties. his b1 casey stegall live in
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dallas, thank you so much. for more on this let's turn to texas congressman michael burgess who is a doctor. welcome. >> take you for having me on. mike: how are things in your district in north texas following the power outage, extreme weather across texas this week? >> there is a lot of people who are hurting the temperature is back up and texas will be 70 - 80 degrees by the middle of the week. water supply is a big issue, a lot of pipes froze, this was hard getting word out that people need to consider turning their water off at their apartment or their house. and it was a consequence of a tremendous amount of damage from that and then water damage so those will be uninsured losses that will be helped by the disaster declaration of the delegation we are pushing to
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extend that from 77 counties to 254 counties in the state of texas because it was literally a statewide disaster. mike: for folks watching, is it best advice to boil water just to make sure the water is good to go? >> the water districts are issuing those orders so it depends upon where you are, the problem is when the pressure dropped from all of the pipes bursting in the water leaving the system the difficulty you can allow things in that normally would be kept out of that and that's where the boil report comes but my understanding many of those are getting back up and bringing the pressure back up so those boil orders are going to be expiring in a great number of areas where they currently are. mike: is that your assessment that texas failed to winterize your energy structure properly? is that a central cause of all
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of this? >> is one of the causes to be sure. back in 2011 i think people remember the dallas super bowl the arlington super bowl where the ice storm hit but we encountered a similar situation in 2011 governor parise saying he was going to build electrical generating plants to boost redundancy in the system. impact that never happened but the bigger question the other parts of winterization where those follow-through, i have a natural gas compression plant not too far from my house and my understanding is the temperature of the compression plant got too low for the machinery to work properly. but how in the world if your puppy natural gas how do you have energy available to heat your facility. those are some of the things that will have to be asked and
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answered and a lot of people want to talk about changing the grid structure but to be perfectly honest that would not have made a big difference, the important thing is we've got to be able to harden those facilities so they can indeed the deal with cold winters, we have cold winters in texas not many but 8 - 10 years we have something like this and every 100 years we have something on the scale that affects the entire state. mike: to the $1.9 trillion covid relief package lawmakers should consider this week, buried in their we found $100 million for bay area rapid transit and another billion dollars for other similar transportation projects, approximately $200 million for museums and libraries, 270,000 for combined in arts and humanities in endowments, why did the democrats put those in there? >> is not just democrats unfortunately that's one of the
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hazards of having a bill this big. listening to your previous segment you talk about nutritional assistance, i would be happy to talk about nutritional assistance but let's not build an underground railroad through silicon valley. here is another thing that people are not focusing on the democrats and the rules package this year give themselves a pass until april 1, they do not have to go through regular standard order for anything so the pressure is on to pass a big bill for anyone can scrutinize at the committee level and that is wrong, we should not do things that way. but a year ago when the crisis first hit big bills, bipartisan bills were passed march 27 the cares act passed so we can do this but let's not make it harder than it has to be. fix those things that need to be fixed and then will come back and debate the other things later. mike: congressman michael
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burgess our best to you and the great people texas. thank you. let's bring in pennsylvania democrat congressman and co-chair of the house democratic policy and communications committee matt cartwright. walk on. >> good to be with you and if mike burgess is still listening, we in pennsylvania the great citizens of pennsylvania are thinking about and praying for the citizens of texas you have a lot to work yourself out of and were gonna be here to help. when there's a fema declaration we will not turn our backs on the citizens of texas. mike: that's beautiful let's talk about the covid relief package $1.9 trillion is it all really necessary? >> the big ticket items are covid relief, getting the vaccine out, the 1400-dollar check yet not mention the stimulus checks, when we first came out with the idea it was going to be $2000 stimulus checks and i don't blame a guy
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like mike burgess it was mcconnell run senate that put it on all of that. they trimmed it down to $600 and we thought we will stick by your guns and we will plus it up to $1400 and make it total $2000 which is what we passed in the house in december. these are people that are living hand and mouth people that don't have paychecks coming in whether they work for the bay area, rapid transit or an art museum or anything else or not getting money. we have to supplement. this is an emergency a lot of people call the stuff bailout, don't call it a bailout, a bailout is pejorative, it's an emergency and that's why this is the american rescue plan it's a rescue not a bailout. mike: do you expect any of the non-covid items to get stripped out to win over more votes? >> they could be, we have an awful lot to fight about in the congress and national politics
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but as president biden said we ought to do this on a bipartisan basis we ought to come together and get it done, mike burgess just noted the last year we did get it done is an awful lot we agree about and whether were going to quibble over whether this industry or that industry is going to get money i think those are footnotes to footnotes. the point is were in an emergency we have to get the 1400-dollar checks in people's hands and we have to get the vaccine rollout right and we need to get money to school districts so they can open for in person without fear of giving everybody covid again. mike: speaking about every parent i talked to wants to know about getting her kids back in the classroom. your thoughts on that and will this bill help make that happen? >> yes it will speeded up, the sooner we tackle the virus, the sooner everything is better in this country.
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i think 100 years ago when we had the spanish flu ripping through a country, by the time we got over that flew look at what happened after that it was the warring 20s, i see a lot of rays of sunshine at the end of this tunnel, were getting through it we just have to keep our heads together and fund these things and rescue the places that need to be rescued right now let's come together as republicans and democrats and get it done. i totally agree with president biden, i would really like to see the republicans body and. mike: matt cartwright of the great state of pennsylvania. see you back on the hill. new york city mayor bill the bie blasio shutting down ice rings because the run by the trump organization. we will dig deeper after the break. ♪ it may lead to a world of possibilities. entresto is a heart failure medicine prescribed by most cardiologists.
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♪ ♪ >> this is like christmas this is the one thing they look forward to every year and to have it snatched away from us, without any explanation is really crazy. mike: that is one of the parents whose child is a part of the ice hockey in harlem program which works with more than 300 children and they hold games and practices at a rink in central park, they are managed by the
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trump organization that bill de blasio is forcing to shut down a month before the contracts are set to expire. new york governor andrew cuomo facing growing criticism from both sides of the political aisle over allegations he covered up the number of coronavirus deaths and nursing homes throughout the state. aishah hasnie is live outside of the manhattan office with more. good afternoon. >> good afternoon, state assemblyman ron kim tells fox news there are a number of meeting scheduled for tomorrow monday, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle want to talk about impeachment. this growing bipartisan outrage surrounds a number of issues at hand from the 25th order to allow covid patients back into nursing homes to delaying the relief of the data under county nursing home deaths giving the
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facility legal immunity and bullying and intimidating state lawmakers in fact impeachment or not a group of democrats want to go ahead and stripped the governor of his emergency power. >> he did not release the numbers, he was the one who did not help our communities and our legislatures to be able to legislate appropriately for our communities. he underreported the covid deaths by over 50%. this really blindfolds of legislature in handcuffs us by not allowing us to be able to do jobs. >> the governor has denied any wrongdoing blaming politics and the media for spreading lies. it looks like his administration has been caught in another controversy a doctor whose top aide touted as a chief advisor to the governor turns out has barely spoken to him.
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>> that is absolutely not true. never true, i had one five-minute conversation which was a surprise and he saw me on msnbc and called me too tell me what a great job i did. >> the governor senior advisor on twitter has been pushing back on the interview saying the doctor may not have been advising the governor directly but he was advising him through another team within the administration. mike: aishah hasnie live in new york city. cabin nominees europe for the confirmation hearing and some may sell through the confirmation others may not be so lucky. more on those appearing to the senate this week next. ♪
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expected to face anything but an easy path of confirmation as conservative pressure builds. mark meredith live in washington with a closer look of what to expect. >> starting tomorrow the senate will he hold two days of hearings with merrick garland records for the justice department, he has worked at the justice department before back in the 1990s his tenure seeing the country highest profile cases including the prosecution of the oklahoma city bomber, back in 1997 garland was confirmed to the u.s. court of appeals and the job he still holds today president obama is nominated him to the supreme court back in 2016 and senate republicans you may remember refused to consider them for the job citing setting it was an election year. his opening remarks scheduled for tomorrow morning and witnesses will have a chance to speak on tuesday, we expect judge garland with the riots on capitol hill and his opening statements. he's expected to tell the senate
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if confirmed i will supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the capital on january 6 a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy. peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government. senate republicans are likely to ask garland about other controversial topics including his thoughts on the scandal including andrew cuomo that you just heard about and what's going on with nursing home deaths. meantime washington watching to see that president biden's pick for the office of management and budget will make it out of the senate, they were considered a controversial pic from the start and now democratic senator joe manchin says he will not vote yes on confirmation due to public criticism of senators on twitter. president biden says he stands behind the job but democrats would need one more republican to vote yes in order to get her over the finish line. this will be a vote that everyone will watch this week ahead. mike: mark meredith, think you'll. joining us for this and other little developments let's bring
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in our panel gop pack strategist and democratic strategist and fox news jessica, welcome both of you. what do you anticipate for this week's confirmation jessica and the nomination budget director dead that west virginia senator says he's a no on her? >> i would not say instead but it will be a little more complicated the democrats had hoped at the beginning. i remember we talked about this when joe biden put her name in the first place and we thought potentially she could've been the sacrificial lamb in all of this because we knew republicans would pretend that they cared about her tweets and didn't care about president trump's tweets for four or five years. i imagine we could pick up a republican voter and president biden has said he still think she'll be able to get through. merrick garland i'm really excited to see because right after mitch mcconnell said he was not going to vote to convict president trump in the impeachment hearing, he did
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essentially signal to the justice department, this is for you now, i don't think we have the power to convict him but you do, it'll be interesting to see how many republicans especially those voted to convict president trump exit merrick garland on about that and talk about he will treat the former president as well those who participated on the riots on january 6. >> what is your production for these upcoming hearings and critical cabinet spots. >> houthis could be setting president, has a majority senate of the president not convert his nominee. president clinton, president bush, the second and president obama, all because the nominees had tax issues. tandon can be the first one he doesn't get confirmed because of her vitriolic messages that she would make on twitter and other
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social media platforms as she went after u.s. senators and now she's being held accountable. even more interesting is the fact that we haven't had a vote on the secretary of education which arguably is one of the most important positions right now as we face trying to get schools open and i don't know if it's because cardona has expressed an interest in opening schools and schumer is putting them on the back burner but you would've thought he would've been in the first week of confirmation. if they were truly trying to get schools open. mike: to the scandal in new york state, andrew cuomo there's been use of the iwork, impeachment, is he in serious trouble? >> i think is in serious trouble i'm not sure if he'll be impeached over this or how far it will go but the fact that we do have an open investigation and has been confirmed in new york state and so many people in
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his own party who served under him have come out and spoken out against him going so far saying he's personally threatened them like ron kim the assembly member, it's not a good couple of weeks for the new york governor and i wish that he would have months ago but also even today would go a long way to come out and talk about what happened and offer an apology. we are a forgiving country and we had no idea what copan was going to do and working and people made mistakes, governor phil murphy did the same thing but he did not win an emmy for it or write a book at the same time and i think governor cuomo needs to face the public on this one. mike: you have to show some humility. david? >> the cover-up is always worse than the crime often that is what were seen here. governor cuomo is not going to get even if he is pushed by the democrats he will ultimately still be there nominee which gives a big opening for
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republicans as we go into the 2022 election for us to potentially pick up the governorship of new york. mike: next week and we expect the return of former president trump before a friendly audience at seatac. jessica your thoughts? >> it's going to be much of the same in a be interesting to see how much he stays away from talking about the big lie that he actually won the election even though we know he lost but he's clearly not trying to talk about dominion or smart tax because we know he can be sued we notice when he called into fox news and one american news the day that rush limbaugh passed away, i imagine the same talking about his record and digging into that that he is trying to exploit between his side of the party and the establishment side of the party. he said he will campaign for maga candidates were running against us sitting republicans which will infuriate mitch mcconnell further.
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mike: equipped from former arkansas governor mike huckabee and i will get you to respond. >> the first thing that the president should say when he gets to the podium at cpac, you all miss me yet, we miss pro life policy, we miss pro america policies we miss the pushback against china rather than surrendering to them. we miss the independence of having america that hasn't surrendered to the paris climate record and actually pushes for realignment of the middle east. mike: david your thoughts on this appearance? >> as mike huckabee said 74 million voted for president trump because of the agenda that he pursued. the president going to cpac underscores the importance florida will play in 2024 for the republican nomination. arguably there are four republicans looking at it now, governor desantis, senator scott, senator rubio and former
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president trump all looking at making a bid in 2024. it is hard to see 70 getting the nomination and not going through florida and is underscored by the fact that president trump is going to cpac. mike: david and jessica thank you so much. the centers for disease control says schools can safely reopen but some states are refusing until they receive more funding. california parents are doing to get the children back in the classroom next. ♪ oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to
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serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira. go to to see proof in action. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. mike: president joe biden's movie the goalpost on reopening schools within his first 100 days causing growing frustration among parents as some are pushing for in person learning. charles watson live in atlanta with more. >> critics of the biden administration say it has not
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been clear on the issues of reopening schools and as you mentioned it is causing major frustration among educators and parents. >> everything else can be open and running at this point but our schools are still not open. it is very sad for our kids. >> what is the plan, are you following the science? mike: those are some of the frustrated parents in oakland california holding protest to get the kids back in the classroom, this following the resignation of the entire elementary school district board after members were caught on a hot microphone mocking parents. >> are we alone? [bleep] if you're going to call me out i'm going to [bleep] you up. >> i forget there's real people on the other side of those letters that the writing and it's really unfortunate. they want their babysitters back. >> teacher unions across the country had resisted to send
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teachers back to the classroom without a vaccination plan in place and more funding. president biden and vice president harris dodged questions about whether or not they believe vaccinating teacher should be a requirement for the schools to reopen in person learning. white house officials said the president and vice president support new cdc guidelines whi vaccinated before they can return to the classroom. the president wants all k-8 to (person learning by his 100 day in office. critics say that is hard with new cdc guidelines and among other things will require schools to go to hybrid learning in areas with high transmission rates and right now that would affect 70% of students across the country. we went charles watson live in atlanta. millions of small businesses still struggling to stay afloat
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as congress grappled over a run of a package and how to business owners have adapted and whether they think the president's plan is enough. next. ♪ you have 100 days to change your mind. that's the visionworks difference. visionworks. see the difference. ♪♪ here's to the duers. to all the people who realize they can du more with less asthma thanks to dupixent, the add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. dupixent isn't for sudden breathing problems. it can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. it's not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash,
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from endpoints to everywhere. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe.
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mike: small business owners fighting to survive after a tough year closers and restrictions joining us for how small business owners are adapting to the new normal isn't restaurant owner mark bucher. >> thank you probably be good to see you. mike: what have you done to keep medium rare going in the brutal time in the restaurant business? >> imagine being michael phelps in training for 11 years and you get to the olympics and they said you gonna do gymnastics today. you've got a choice either you're upset and you leave and you say no or you sam going to go for it. and me and my business partners and our team said let's go for it. so we look at the eye and say were going to tackle this and we transition very quickly to 100% to go model we heated our outside restaurants, we have all the delivery service we outsourced our phones and an online ordering and we got that going with them we also made a
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big cultural shift from hospitality to humanitarianism and we decided we are going to help others that really need in this time. that allowed me too form a nonprofit, we kept our staff, my partners on board and 35000 meals later, repeating those that need to be fed and our restaurants are open and we are here surviving. mike: that is awesome, in terms of what you heard about $1.9 trillion belief package, would it help? >> the government is great at writing checks, as we learned there not graded distribution. it will help if they let us restaurants give them advice or run the program and how to get food to people and better increase our business and what we do like providing school lunches to help schools, providing meals to other government agencies, our business has changed forever and it will take the government help to get it back and get it right. they need to invite us in. i volunteer, call me and i will help, we can do it better than
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the government for sure. mike: amen to that. let's bring in cassondra brooks she's the owner of little believers academy she has locations in johnson county and wait county north carolina. how have you done it during such a difficult time having parents drop off the children to a care center? >> thank you for having me it is been very difficult we have had to change this and many small businesses had to change the way that we do things. i had to increase payroll, bring in extra staff to keep children separated as much as possible we've had to invest in air purifier in a vacuum of in excess of $5000, numerous things temperature checks, the whole gamut has changed which is increased cost the cost has dramatically increased pre-covid 1099 another $100 for a case.
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when childcare was operating on very small margins this tip just over the edge. mike: we expect the house of representatives to work on the $1.9 trillion covid relief package, what you heard would help your small business? >> yes, it would help my small business the additional rounds of ppp funding, the tax incentives, things like that would help and i've seen a lot of hiccups on the second phase to my small business friends in childcare, they've applied i've applied and we've yet to receive approval so it's a lot slower this time i'm not sure why i've heard different things from the bank but it's moving a lot slower and we need help right now, help is dire i serve essential families, firefighters, cna's, grocery store workers and they need childcare so they need us to keep the state open so we need that funding we can't do it
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without it. mike: mark t want to send a shout out to your customers who have been loyal to you during this business. >> that's what makes it happen. the community has really done everything that they can do to support us. at every turn, the ordering and as often as they can, they are taping incredibly well, they are gracious and generous and appreciative and it helps our staff is scared, they're scared to go to work everyday they're scared to get sick, our suppliers are scared, it is not a great environment right now. everyone is hanging in there, smiling and we will get through this. but i am just grateful and thankful that everyone is hanging in there and we are hanging in with them. mike: how about the loyal parents at a time but how about the final work? >> i am think before my parents and my teachers, we have been on the frontline since a beginning, we lost teachers in north
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carolina and we need this additional funding, it is not worth it for them to risk their lives not being able to social distance and not receive the funding we need to continue to operate. we are the backbone of the economy, childcare is needed to push this economy in the next step. yes we have a vaccine that it will take more than a vaccine to put us back on track we need childcare and funding to make it happen. mike: thank you so much for sharing your stories, god bless you and your staff and all the best going forward. >> thank you. mike: that is all for us in washington, "fox news sunday with chris wallace" is up next. i am mike emanuel, thank you so much for watching and have an awesome sunday. ♪ try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. are you packed yet?
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schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. chris: i'm chris wallace. deadly winter storms cripple texas and devastate that state's power grid prompting a wake-up call in the energy capital of the world. ♪ ♪ >> what happened this week in texas is absolutely unacceptable. chris: millions of people struggling to recover from if days of power outages and thousand facing a shortage of drinking water. the crisis pitting clean energy advocates against supporters of the oil and gas industry. >> if this green new deal goes forward, then we'll have more events like we've had in texas all across the country. chris: we'll get the latest on the situation in texas and sit


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