tv Hannity FOX News February 22, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> tucker: we will be back at 8:00 p.m., the sworn enemy of flying probe paucity, smugness and groupthink. in spite of this, at least try to commit the great sean hannity up next from new york. >> sean: thank you and welcome, democrats in charge of the white house, the senate, the house of representatives for over a month. and pretty much unmitigated disaster setting back the country in numerous ways to say the least. the first order of business was a weeklong all-consuming political stunt. the impeachment charade with breed determined outcome and nothing at all accomplish ending with acquittal. the second order of business was legislation that if passed would ban president trump from the capitol grounds forever. in even arlington national cemetery after he dies. in the middle of a pandemic where over 100,000 americans
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died during joe biden's time in the white house, raging against president trump was still the democratic party and the media mob's top priority. they also just introduce legislation that would further undermine election integrity and also provide congressional voting rights to washington, d.c. clearly the same democrats have been in no particular rush to pass covert relief package and get money into the hands of americans who actually need it. now, they are finally getting around to that with a massive 1.9, not million, not brilliant but trillion dollars spending bill and unfortunately it's a little more than a wish list for the radical left, masquerading as a covid relief package. "wall street journal" rightfully calling at the noncovid spinning blowout aside from direct $1400 payments to americans, many of whom needed to.
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the bulk of spending is unrelated to getting media immediate assistance to no fault of their own. in fact nearly $700 billion to be until after 2022 and billions not spent until after 2024. so we must ask ourselves tonight, how is that covid relief? a whopping $350 billion earmarked as a bailout for state and local governments, which to translate for you means that red states that elect fiscally responsible governors and legislatures that balance their budgets come up on their pensions, that have load taxes, hard-earned dollars from people in their state will be then be transferred to blue states that have mismanaged their budgets, never balance their budgets. text their residence into oblivion and never fund their pensions.
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in other words, to put it nicely, welcome to the biden united utopia of america. in other words, many from physically responsible states. you vote for politicians fiscally responsible. that money likely will go to places like new york and california, which are grossly mismanaged, rocked with political corruption, and the spinning package also sets aside $50 million for environmental justice grants. $112 million for a transit project in california. you know, where nancy pelosi lives. $1.5 billion for the seaway international bridge, which connects canada to new york. oh, chuck schumer's home state. $10 million for a native american language preservation program, $500 million for museums and libraries. here we go again, the arts and humanities, they will get a ton more money.
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$40 billion for colleges, universities, which have been collecting tuition the entire time. $750 million for "global health." global health, in other words health care for people in other countries. that is the america last again. last but not least, $1 billion for "socially disadvantaged farmers." and according to a fox news report, that when include an equity commission, and other system to advance racial injustice in farming. and get this according to the chairwoman of the progressive caucus, the bill will include a $15 federal minimum wage mandate. the cbo is reporting that this would result in the elimination of 1.4 million jobs at a time when millions of americans are out of work. more every day is joe biden with the stroke of a pen is literally eliminating high paying career jobs in the energy sector.
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now, of course, no democrats winning those complete without subsidies for illegal immigrants, federal money for abortions, if passed, don't worry planned parenthood will now qualify for ppp small business loans, which then become grants and bridges to canada come environmental justice equity commissions, farmers health care and other countries. now also a budget bailout really from new york, for andrew cuomo, gavin newsom in california. this is not a serious thoughtful covid relief package. what this really is is a massive federal payout to everyone and every state who donated to and supported democrat candidates in 2020. even during a global crisis, the left is constantly playing political games. here with reaction, how will republicans fight this? hausman or leader kevin
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mccarthy. that is a lot of missing an appropriation of tax dollars. a lot of redistribution, red states to blue states. is there anything, you are the minority, but it is a very slight minority. anything that you can do to stop this? >> we can't. remember we are only five seats away from winning the majority. it is the slimmest majority of the democrats have had since the 1870s. this bill is too expensive and too expensive. you listed a lot of things in there. think about this this is to be a covid bill. only 9% of it goes to covid. what they are doing is telling you that the swamp is back. everything that you have warned your viewers about before the election is coming true in this bill. the more we bring it out. republicans have better ideas. our focus is to put americans back to work, back to school, back to health. they are putting money in here that schools are still shut down. biden has a plan to open the
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border but not open our schools? this is where the idea should be at the end of the day. and republicans, you will not see them joining this because not worked with us. every bill has been bipartisan. there is still $1 trillion of hardworking taxpayers sitting there already appropriated that could go out to the american public, to the schools, to every place that you see that needs the help with covid. and they are passing another bill on top of that. but it is not going for covid to. >> tucker: congress $1.7 trillion does not go to vaccines, tracking, testing? why is amtrak getting $1.5 billion? they haven't even spent the $1 billion from the previous aid packages? why are $4 billion being spent on education funding from $68 billion already allocated to? why is it that, you know, money is, you know, this wage mandate and redistribution, why is so
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much of it not spent until 2022? or 2024? >> if you ever realize that your vote matters, exactly you are seeing in this bill. because the democrats have taken over now, this is what happens. $100 million for a ton of outside of nancy pelosi's district. millions of dollars for a bridge that chuck schumer wants. not for a covid the bill. this is not a transportation bill. now that we are finding they are putting more money and for education, but they passed $68 million for education and we spent $4 billion of it. the money doesn't even come into another year going forward. it does nothing to help moving forward. it is what the democrats always want to do, spend more money from hardworking taxpayer. but you know, they were democrats on the other side that even realize this is bad. remember obama's economic advisor, treasury secretary, he doesn't agree with this bill as well. he knows the detriment to put to
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our own economy. this is almost $2 trillion. and it is guaranteed to make people lose jobs. the cbo says that. then you have democrats on the other side when they get asked about, this will harm small business and jobs, those are not the businesses we want. they want to pick who can have a business. they want to pick and think they are above the law on all the steps. and you are right, sean, the funding the state is not equal. they reward states to shut down. they reward states who overspent. they reward unemployment, those that manage their states correctly, they coalesced in the line. >> tucker: so giving money to illegal immigrants. we are giving money, as i understand it, to institutions, harvard, for example, what $40 billion endowment. it sounds like they have enough money. obamacare subsidies. the national endowment for the arts and humanities.
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why is foreign aid money in this covid relief package? now we will fight over the package and that means american people that do genuinely need the help. we are all in. they decide this is the worst pandemic of 1917-1918. okay, this will all be delayed appeared republicans will be pretrade mean-spirited not wanting to help people when at one seven cents of the 1.9 has nothing to do with covid relief to be spent. >> tucker: and it goes to a democrat wish list but the one thing, we are not going to forget the forgotten men and women out there. that president trump would listen to. those are the ones we want to be able to help across the country. those that have needs. people have and need help out there. but this is not going to help. 9% out of $2 trillion to go nowhere for covid? and they are just putting a wish list of everything a democrat
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leader once and then putting people out of work and small businesses? when small businesses have already been shut down? you look at my home state of california. the governor is being recalled based on his management. compared california to what desantis did in florida. florida can stay working. of florida's whole is no different than california, actually a little better. he shut down businesses cannot even open back up and now he will put them out of business. >> tucker: i will tell you this -- growth >> by million dollar. and fiscally responsible and red states that have no income taxes or low income taxes to balance their budgets and fund their pensions, they ought not be bailing out this ridiculous date and the policies in new york or your state of california even though both of us would be the beneficiary. it is not fair for people who elect fiscally responsible leaders that have to bail out the states.
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>> if you reward bad behavior you will get more bad behavior. know what they do is expand the ppp program that was so good but they sent it to union bosses so they can get money. that is moved into their hands. they don't even open our schools. if you listen to any parent out there for the last year they have been the parent, coach, tutor, everybody, music teacher. we need to get and follow the science and get kids back to school. this bill does not do that. republicans want to get americans back to work, back to health him back to our schools and kids in the classroom. >> sean: all rights, minority leader kevin mccarthy thank you also because joe biden has very few seemingly original thoughts, totally controlled by the radical socialist and his party. his cabinet nomination has been pretty extreme and biden picked for is so disreputable that some top democrats, they are now
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coming out against the nomination. a long time where you are on twitter is now recently deleted over 1,000 tweets and lead up to a confirmation hearing prior to that nomination. she frequently used twitter to smear republicans and also used it to spread and sang conspiracy theories about russia hacking, the 2016 election and changing votes. and how with the mob in the media react to that? and even climb the steel phony dossier was mostly proven true. no, it was all debunked. and that is not all. serving as president for the center for american progress, remembered tom podesta's group and also publicly outed an anonymous sexual harassment victim. now susan collins, joe manchin failing to vote against nomination which means it is likely dead in the water and meanwhile biden picked ag
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merrick garland also cause for concern. a garland now will not commit to upholding the ongoing durum probe into government corruption, you know where they used phony russian disinformation dossier to spy on a presidential candidate and a president. in fact, they don't seem to know much about the probe or its origins at all. truth be told, they didn't seem to know much about anything, anything at all. take a look. >> senator come i don't know anything really about the investigation. i don't know very much specifically about it. i don't know more what might be needed and i don't know the practicalities. i don't know specifically about those, but each of them have the ring up something very important. so senator come i don't know the specifics of the act. i don't know the specifics of all of it. i don't know the specifics of how legislation would do that. but i do think that, yes. >> sean: one thing that
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merrick garland did know he's excited about joe biden's unconstitutional assault on the second amendment. believe it or not biden's pick hhs for secretary more extreme as congressman was part of the supporter of abortion including third trimester partial-birth abortion and as ag of california sued the little sisters of the poor in order to force the nuns to pay for abortions. all and all biotin's cabinet picks are far left. the republican senators must not support them and just a moment one of those senators ted cruz will join us with reaction. but of course, here are some of the, well, not so kind words from chuck schumer about senator cruz home state of texas, take a look. >> the bottom line is texas thought it could go at it alone. and built a system that ignored crime exchange. it was not cold resilient.
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now texas is paying a price. i hope they learned a lesson. we build power or we build anything now, we have to take into account the climate change is real or people will be caught the way the people in texas were. >> sean: that exactly the wrong analysis. here with reaction texas senator ted cruz. senator commit texas rightly and i would highly recommend you stay this way, stayed away from federal bureaucracy as it relates to your power grid. and i would advise strongly to continue to stay that way. that is not what the problem was, was it? >> well, that is exactly right. chuck schumer was engaged in all politics and not focused on facts or reality. the facts and reality are that texas has some of the lowest energy prices in the country. cost-of-living is a portable pier there is a reason people are playing the state of new york. there is a reason people are fleeing the state of california because the cost-of-living is so high.
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that meant and women can afford to be there but where in texas much, much lower and we just came off of a very difficult week where the grid failed 4 million texans. so we need to have a serious examination about why that was, why the grid became short, but one of the major elements of that is actually the policy that chuck schumer is pushing for the whole country, which is the green new deal. you look at texas right now, about 25% of our electricity capacity is wind. and yet, in the middle of this storm, that capacity dropped all the way to 2%. you want to talk about reliability. the reality in the cold, the wind turbines froze and the power generation wasn't there. that means to be fixed and by the way, that is what schumer is trying to force on the whole country. and right now the democrats want to federalize power in the state of texas. we need to make sure this never happens again and you don't have 4 million people losing their power. i have to say, texans are ticked
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off that the energy capitol in the world that are grid didn't meet the energy needs of our state. i'm confident texas will make sure that doesn't happen again, not by doubling the cost of people of people's electricity bills but by making the grid more reliable and more resilient. >> sean: as i went through the litany of the nominations now and garland didn't seem to know much of anything. you look at tandem, some of these other appointees, have you decided where you will vote? what stood out today particularly about garland? >> garland has a good reputation as a judge. he has a reputation for integrity. he has a reputation of being relatively nonpartisan as a judge. i will say the hearing was frustrating as it went on today because he basically dodged every question. he refused to answer any question. he answered judicial nominee and not like a nominee of an attorney general.
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so we wouldn't answer whether he would fire durham and he would not make a commitment at all. bill barr when he was mean confirm said he would only fire bob mueller for good cause. i asked judge garland, would you make the same promise about durham? well my don't know anything about it. he was also asked, will the department of justice continue to process people illegally crossing the border? he wouldn't make that commitment. i don't know. i asked him, will the department seek to overturn the heller decision and essentially repeal the second amendment right to keep and bear arms? again, i can't make any commitment on that. it was a really disappointing performance in total because he would not be candid, he would not be forthcoming, and yet, talk about extreme nominees. an example of that. the biden administration likes to talk about their science science-based and their priority of stopping covid. javier becerra nominated to be
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the secretary of health and human services. he's not a doctor. he has no scientific background. he has no background in virology purities never worked in a pharmaceutical company. he has nothing to do with health care. but what is he? a trial lawyer. his only experience as far as i can tell with health care is he sued the little sisters of the poor. and if republican nominated trial lawyer to lead human health and services department in the midst of a global pandemic, they would be laughed out of the room because it would be absurd. and yet, the biden administration's focus is on paying off the liberal special interest, not on being based on the science and the defeat of the pandemic. >> sean: you dropped off your daughters in new mexico. you came home in a day, probably less than a day. and here you have a scandal with governor cuomo barely mentioned on these so-called other news networks. you are like 24/7 because you
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drop somebody off and came back home. i still think you could be a father and senator at the same time. and then you look at the scandal in new york and the cover-up. where is the proportionality from the mob and the media? you have less than a minute. >> you are right. i think the media is suffering from trump withdraws. they attacked trump every day for four years so they don't know what to do so they obsess my taking the girls to the beach. i asked today merrick garland if you would open an investigation into andrew cuomo's shameful policy. the cuomo senior aide lied and covered up the policies that sent covid positive people into nursing homes and may have well resulted in the deaths of thousands or tens of thousands. merrick garland would not commit to an investigation and the media will not cover it. >> sean: they did it to avoid a department investigation. there was a name for that when i grew up. i think you know what that is
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cold. all right, senator, thank you. when we come back joe biden pushes forward with america last immigration policies. lindsey graham recently traveled to the border in will join us after the break to talk about that and much more as we continue. glad you are with us. ♪ ♪ ight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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[footsteps] so, are you gonna buy the car? please! if i could just go home, and discuss things with my wife- i've been here all weekend. you can leave anytime you want. no! ahhh! never go to a dealership again. well, that was painless. go to, buy a car and we'll deliver it straight to you.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: that didn't take long. we are seeing the real world consequences of biden 'amnesty open borders agenda. for example the biden administration reportedly moving ahead on plans to remove ice's capabilities. and get this, even in places where the border wall is near-complete. it actually has big, gaping holes in it and biden dhs wants to leave the holes in the barrier. why would you have a wall with holes in it? senator graham went down to the arizona/mexico border and this is what he found. take a look. the biden administration apparently has decided to stop filling this hole here. what good does this with a hole that exist? this hole keeps people from coming into the country illegally and you have a wow in the wall. and i'm going to make sure that
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the department of homeland security tells me why they are going to stop making this part of the wall. it makes no sense. it's been when i don't know, senator graham joins us. south carolina senator graham. you might have a future as a correspondent for the hannity show in that shot. i'm looking at this and i'm trying to understand this. you have holes in the wall. they are about to finish. you see the equipment is there to finish the wall. why wouldn't you finish what you are started? you already paid for the materials. they are laying there cannot fill the hole? where i grew up, that sounds pretty dumb in new york. >> trump did it so they will not do it even if it makes sense. so we went to the border, open-minded, and i came back really worried for our country. what you saw were 18 holes in
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this wall in arizona and the mexican border that panels will be put up to allow water to run through because water runs from mexico and the united states. so they have ways for the water to get to these panels. well, these were the last panels to go into the wall. like miles of really impressive walls. the biden administration will not put these panels appear they consider that border wall. so you've got miles of walls with 18 holes in it appeared the material to plug the hole is laying on the ground. the border patrol people are just dumbfounded as to what to do. all of the people remaining in mexico waiting for their date in the united states for asylum claims are being brought back to the united states and released in the united states. these combination of policies by the invited administration will lead to caravan after caravan. by june of this year if the
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biden administration continues to dismember the wall and change the trump policies of asylum, we will have 1 million people at the border. and they already promised amnesty. so that is part of it. and catch and release and amazing people don't go to the court dates. so merrick garland today, i find this pretty interesting. asked a simple question and we have an email, james comey to james clapper. you know what the email says. you even got james comey, mccabe, yates admitting what they know now they would not sign the size of warrants. when a the second renewal before he signed the second renewal or the third one that he said he couldn't verify the dossier which was the bulk of information, the testimony was given to your committee appear they would not have gotten to fisa warrant. merrick garland didn't have an opinion about lying to a fisa court knowing it says at the top
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of a fisa application verified and it was unverifiable and now debunked? >> he read the horowitz report review of it from a summary of it and said it was bad and should never happen again. somebody like kleinsmith altered documents on his watch they would pay a heavy price. i'm confident that durham will be allowed to do his job. if durham is stopped from doing an investigation, crossfire hurricane, that will pull up in their face. that would like having a hole on the wall on steroids. the policy of the biden administration make zero sense. they are going to restart the caravans. they dismantled border security that was working. they changed policies remaining in mexico. they kept people from taking advantage of asylum laws and this is all being changed because the left is demanding open borders. i predict this that immigration will be a bigger issue than 2022 then it was in 2016. >> sean: is this going to be
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one where republicans stand together? if you can't answer this fundamental question, republicans will stand as one? i would say the republican party kind of have some people that i might describe as weak, ineffective, lacking courage and no spine. >> if you can't stand up to this, then you are in trouble as a party. what they were doing at the border makes no sense. i've been involved in trying to fix immigration. they are dismantling the trump border plan that worked. here is what i would say. trump will give a speech sunday. it will be very policy centric. every republican should rally around it and will help us with independence. i've never felt better about president trump's leaving the party than i do right now. >> sean: let's talk about the president. he has a big speech this weekend at cpac. i know that there might be a couple of republicans that you
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know that aren't particularly fond of the president. i don't know, maybe they want to go back to the good, old days doing show boats to repeal and replace obamacare but not getting anything done. i don't think that is the future of the republican party. what would you expect the president in this speech to be talking about? >> number one, he will position himself as the alternative to joe biden. i think he will make a speech that will unify republicans on policy. that i think he's been working the phones. i was with him all weekend. he wants us to win in 2022. stay tuned. i think you will see over the next couple of months donald trump lead the republican party on policy and give us the energy we need to take back the house and the senate. the democrats are doing their part. if we can get behind president trump and follow his lead, we will win in 2022.
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if we argue with ourselves, we are going to lose. there is no reason to lose. >> sean: losing would be a bad thing. i'm not sick of winning. so basically, you are describing a leader of the opposition party. any insight as to whether the president has made up his mind about running in 2024? >> stay tuned. >> sean: [laughter] correspondence of this program have to tow everything they know. i'm just saying come if you want to future. when i get my first check i will tell. >> sean: no right to come i will give you the check and i will be standing before one of these strong committees in d.c. all right, senator thank you. coming up joe biden has now resurfaced, and it may be a tall tale. we will play it for you and white house press secretary jen psaki dodged when asked about cuomo's nursing scandal. joe concha with this double standard. more breaking news on this
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♪ ♪ >> sean: and other bizarre moment from biden's past coming to light as a resurfaced video from appearance on david letterman shows biden claiming that he was apparently arrested at the u.s. capitol when he was 21. really, take a look. >> you know, i walked in when i was 21 and got arrested. it was a saturday. i was down visiting some friends in georgetown university. i came up on a saturday morning. i was fascinated with the senate. and i walked up those days, no guards to stop me anywhere. i just got out of a session. i walked in the back and all of a sudden i found myself in the chamber. i was stunned. i sat down in a seat and a guy
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grabbed me by the shoulder and said you are under arrest. literally, nine years later as i walk on the senate floor to the same in newark, that same guy, you remember me? he said i don't. >> he said i arrested you nine years ago. welcome back. >> sean: the mob and media gets upset with me because i say, he he has lost a spring in his step if he ever had it. what is that? we have no idea if the story is true, but it wouldn't be the first time that biden told a table. the campaign, hiding in his basement with a protection program caught telling a lie lie about trying to see nelson mandela. the media tech more concerned with senator ted cruz's turnaround drop off the kids trip to cancun and andrew cuomo's intensifying nursing home death cover up.
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for example abc news buried the entire cuomo scandal while hysterically covering ted cruz's travel. in albany, new york state democrats, now they are the ones ramping up their criticisms of cuomo. ron kim, democrat saying cuomo 'actions are offense. and in california with gavin newsom. despite the mob and media to cover for cuomo and even biden white house slowly distancing themselves as the press secretary jen psaki today wouldn't directly say if biden has confidence in cuomo admitted that nursing home controversy. he said that cuomo was the gold standard of governors. no, that would be ron desantis, kristi noem and a lot of republican governors. of course, don't expect too many more pressing questions from the white house briefing room since many major news outlets are making it clearer than ever that they are ready to shield biden no matter what he does.
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just take a look at this new piece in "the washington post" on no-show joe and his absent response from texas. the headline reading "biden's low-key approach to praise but the risk." biden ignored the disaster for days and would not offer aid to most texas counties after the governor requested a disaster area relief fund for 254 counties. biden only granted that 277. denying the aid that's desperately needed all over the state but to the post, i guess that is all businesslike low-key approach sleeping through life, here with reaction fox news contributor medium columnist to the hill, joe concha not surprising the amount of time about ted cruz's turnaround trip, drop off the kids, get back to texas versus cuomo.
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50% unreported jets and nursing homes to avoid justice department investigation seems a little bigger my mind. >> ted cruz certainly bad optics when the tough goes. his wife could have easily done that. that warranted a story in a little bit of time. but what you see on cnn, msnbc, and prime time, 6 minutes of ted cruz and only 3 minutes to cuomo. when we are talking thousands of lives from a federal investigation from a new york investigation as well being carried out by a democrat attorney general. the outcome i think we have a story there. and the cuomo story, if i may, february 12, listen, basically we froze because then we were in a position where we were not sure if what we were going to give to the department of justice was going to be used against us. that is admission of a cover-up
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yet cuomo three days later "to be clear all the deaths in the nursing home in hospitals fully and actively reported." that is a lie. so yeah, this is absolutely a story yet we are concentrating on the sizzle instead of the stake. as for biden in terms of arrest, he has been arrested more than el chapo. south african with nelson mandela said it happened there in a student at the university of delaware. said it happened the letterman clip when he was 21 years old and the senate bill. all these things are lies. beekeeping told biden will be the most honest president since george washington. and apparently that is not the case at this point. and again -- >> sean: we are not talking about covid relief and the poor associated with this peer they were not talking about the radicalism of the people he has appointed in a cabinet position. it is like goal of these things are happening and the world and the media commit is nothing here or they still to this day only
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rather talk about donald trump. donald trump is not present right now. president trump according to jim acosta in exile and probably leading the opposition. okay, in exile. so the question is, i don't think they can never quit talking about trump. one, biden is too boring and they don't have the nerve to confront him or challenge the way they did donald trump. >> right. you may have to scrutinize joe biden in terms of the policy. obviously his words are a lot different than his deeds. but they can't quit president trump because president trump gave them ratings like never before. and by the way come as far as joe biden in terms of the low-ky approach with texans being so effective, on remember that 2019 "the washington post" had this headline "another hurricane to better our coast" trump is complacent. in other words if you sign up, hurricanes will stop bothering
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us and hitting the country. that was biden obviously not declaring a national emergency a week in texas. those are actions. those are things that will become scrutinize but instead, the president last week calling at aam. the press would step up their pain but it will not happen. >> sean: 3 inches of snow. >> all right, thank you joe concha. one of the cohost on the view calling for biden to replace dr. anthony fauci. we will take a look at anthony fauci's record and weed will explain straight ahead. with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals...
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♪ ♪ >> sean: dr. anthony fauci tonight continues to be under fire for contradictions, getting things wrong, and consistent directives, flat out doom and gloom. listen to meghan mccain today on "the view." take a look. it is terribly inconsistent messaging and getting the facts he means nothing changes and we have to wait another few years until everybody gets it, there is already a lot of people not getting it. we are having a messaging problem to get people to take the vaccine. i'm over dr. fauci. i think we need to have more people giving opinions. i honestly, quite frankly, i think the biden administration to remove him and put somebody
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who does understand sentence. >> sean: i defended dr. fauci in this sense. he spent decades of his life trying to save other people's lives. you know what, to be fair come all the experts pretty much got everything wrong. but over the last year, we have been witnessing a lot of contradictions, a lot of incorrect predictions, incorrect meddling, more errors, back and wear a mask, don't wear a mask, schools open, don't open, time frames on the vaccine. when do we return to normality? dr. fauci has increasingly said mixed messages and become more a political force sadly instead of a reliable health professional. for example, recently chiming in on the covid relief bill and gave a january interview with "the new york times" that was mostly about, well, his terrible thoughts about donald trump. here is a small sample of dr. fauci's inconsistent guidance over the past year. take a look.
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>> when you are in the middle of an outbreak, wearing your mask might make people feel little bit better. and it might even blocked a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. >> but the cdc is saying, at minimum, wear a mask. okay? make sure that you wear a mask. so you wear a mask. and you want it to fit better. so one of the ways you could do it if you like to, put a cloth mask over, which actually here and here and here where you could get leakage in is much better contained. >> sean: the models are wrong. the predictions were wrong. issues of "don't wear a mask, where a mess, now where two masks." i understand this was a learning curve and we have learned a lot over this time but we also need to listen to a wide range of views and a wide range of opinions from a whole host of
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different health professionals instead of always defaulting to one person over and over again. that changes his mind an awful lot. here with reaction fox news contributor dan bongino is with us. i'm trying to be fair. i mean, but in the minds of some people, for example, i would interview dr. oz who i like a lot. he said, look, you work with the army and you have not the one that you wish you had a beer they politicize every aspect of this. donald trump liked hydroxychloroquine and then we can't talk about hydroxychloroquine. now studies say it works. okay. well, why do we politicize it when the foremost expert in the country dr. daniel said the risk is know if you do take it? nobody wanted to hear that part. that frustrates me. >> sean, dr. fauci and some of the stuff you just mention part of this burgeoning movement, and scientific movement in the country. what do i mean by that? the most pernicious example
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because we can cite all kinds of example of fauci making contradictory statements like you pointed out, don't wear a mask and save it for the health professionals. you better wear a mask if you don't matter a fact where two masts 70 mask at that point. right who needs to breathe or anything like that but the part that bothers me the most about the scientists hand fauci we throw all risk analysis out the window, right? what did we do for centuries? we do risk analysis. and fauci is wrong. we can't open schools up because we can't put a value on human life. really? sean hannity, you did that every day. so do i. you drive to work, jump on a plane. people do all kinds of things. they leap in the middle of flu season. they walked outside of their house. they are determined to take on that risk in their life because the reward outweighs the risk. we have found that all out. check the schools down from a
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zero risk. fauci said on cnn we may have to wear a mask through 2022 until the risk is so minimal. this is the kind of stuff throughout human history we have always weighed the costs and risk and thrown all of that out. it is really the most unscientific thing you could possibly imagine. >> sean: and the amazing thing that we did learn and all of this, the people that got it right. ron desantis, high population, elderly population. he protected that population, did a great job and didn't completely shut down the state. let businesses stay open. we look at kristi noem in south dakota. she told people social distancing, masks, listen to the experts and watch out for your neighbors. they did a better new york, new jersey, pennsylvania and california. >> i saw a poll and that will sum this up white ron desantis attacked and why did andrew cuomo and gavin newsom do the worst job in the company -- country and golden
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calf it. people were worshiping them singing hymns to andrew cuomo? why were they doing that? because they were democrats. and you look at this poll who lost the most credibility during the pandemic? who led the pack? the media, sadly nobody trust them anymore so we will see. >> sean: and the interesting thing, what really worked is operation warp speed. manned the hospitals, rebuilt the hospitals, got all the pp p. that would be donald trump and out these governors lashing out on them every day. all right, dan bongino, thank you. don't we come back rush limbaugh passed away last week. his wife announced a virtual memorial service will be held for her husband in the comingte week. we will give you details next. >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield...
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will be able to be viewed by all of his audience, all of his friends, extended family at some point in the future. when that happens, we'll let you know. we'll keep our prayers up for the entire limbaugh family. let not your heart be troubled. here's laura ingraham. laura? >> laura: hannity, i have to say when you look at the full, full picture on covid and to pick up where you left off, there's going to be a lot of villains when history is written on this. i look forward to beginning to write that history tonight. >> sean: i try to be charitable, give the benefit of the doubt, a lot of people were dead wrong and it hurt a lot of us. >> laura: you're being too charitable. you're too charitable. >> sean: when has anyone said that hannity -- >> laura: i am. i am. i'm telling you that.
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