tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News February 23, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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president biden's gun agenda. dana loesch, we appreciate it. >> thank you, katie. >> katie: thank you for watching. i'm katie pavlich and i will be back tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." we take a lot of digs at the meeting on this show, and we do it for rhetorical reasons. it's fun, and they deserve it. recently, we have watched with growing amusement as our media gatekeepers thrash around in a frenzy of foaming hysteria over the possibility that someone, somewhere, might dare to present facts or form opinions without their express written permission. freelance thinking is what they hate most. it is a threat to their monopoly. we can't say that out loud, so instead they called it "disinformation!" disinformation is the real threat, says the guy who thinks his union has the contract on
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bringing you the news. it's ridiculous. but before you judge these people, take a moment and feel some compassion and figure how they might be feeling right about now. imagine if you had spent 30 years making a good living as a car mechanic, and all of a sudden, gm invents an engine that anyone can fix at home with a screwdriver. you'd be upset. that's how cnn feels about the internet. it's exposing their scam. naturally, they are a little irrational about it. >> millions of americans claim to conspiracy theories. this is all evidence of radicalization. and that's not easy to say. it's not an easy word to use. but it's way past time to talk about this honestly. no one should tiptoe past this predicament. disinformation networks like qanon are causing people to lose touch with reality. >> tucker: disinformation networks? that doesn't sound like a misleading social media post. it sounds like a terror cell.
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and it sounds that way on purpose. the thing about disinformation, they are telling us, it is not simply harmful to you personally, it's not like eating a of ben & jerry's or sneaking a smoke while the kids are at school. no, disinformation is not a sin, it is a crime, disinformation hurts everyone, it is an offense against this country. disinformation is an attack on america, and not just on america. but more critically come on something called our norms. >> our norms are so out of whack that it has become surprising when good things happen. >> even after four years of talking night after night about the norms that are being shattered. >> he is doing everything to shred every one of these norms. >> we can't allow these kind of democratic norms to be shattered. >> we have abided by these norms, but this resident and administration has just blown right through those norms. >> not since the red scare have once good men and women been dragged into this kind of
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sabotage of our democracy and social norms. >> tucker: our norms. shattered. shredded. crushed. destroyed. bone through. why is it always our norms that are the first to be attacked? may be because our norms are democracies first responders. they run to the sound of gunfire. norms are like the young lieutenant in vietnam walking through the rice patties, exposing themselves to fire orders to save the platoon. never more so than now. you thought underwater welding was a treacherous gig? you fear for the guys who fix antennas on skyscrapers? that is nothing. imagine being a norm in today's america. they don't last long. okay, we will stop. it is all amusing and hard to resist, our norms, our norms! on the other hand, being completely honest here -- we strive to become fully honest -- that we have to admit there is a kernel of truth and what they are yelling about. there is disinformation out there and it does hurt people, and makes people stupid, for one thing. it also impairs their ability to make wise decisions.
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you cannot know what to do next if you do not know what is really going on. a lot of people in this country are in that position right now. we saw evidence of it just this week. write a research paper called "how informed our americans about race and policing?" published by the skeptic research center. check it out online if you have not read it, it is a pretty amazing document. the researchers asked people to estimate the number of unarmed african-americans who were killed by the police in 2019. here are the results. 44% of americans who describe themselves as liberal believe the total number of killed was "a thousand or more." more than a thousand unarmed african-americans gone down by cops. is that true? well, as it happens, we have definitive statistics, publicly available, you can find them in about a minute. the actual number of unarmed african-americans killed by the police in 2019 was 27. so, more than a thousand versus the reality of 27. quite a spread. and it was not an anomaly. the rest of the study found
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similar results. self-described liberals, for example, believe a strong majority of people killed by police in 2019 were african-american. the actual percentage was less than half that, closer to 25%. these are not small mistakes. a lot of americans are completely and utterly misinformed, and that has actual consequences. public policy can change dramatically in the face of things people think they know they don't actually know, and we have seen that a lot. entire police department got defunded. so it is worth finding out where the public is getting all this false information, this disinformation, as we will call it. so we checked. we spent all day trying to locate the famous qanon, which in the end we learned is not even a website. if it's out there, we cannot find it fair that we checked marjorie taylor greene's twitter feed because we have heard you traffics in misinformation, cnn told us, but nothing there. next we called our many friends in the tight-knit intel community. could vladimir putin be putting this stuff out there?
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the proud boys? alex jones? who is lying to america in ways that are certain to make us hate each other and certain to destroy our core institutions? well, none of the above, actually. it was on marjorie taylor greene. it was cable news. it was politicians talking on tv. they are the ones spreading disinformation to americans. maybe they are from qanon. you be the judge. >> we have a long and wretched and disturbing history in this country of black people being murdered by law enforcement. >> training for police officers on implicit racial bias and procedural justice, because to deny it exists is to deny folks liberty, and in many cases, life. >> how do we continue to lose lives of unarmed black men in the united states of america at the hands of white police officers? >> i never had to tell my daughter, if she is pulled over, make sure she puts -- a traffic stop -- put both hands on top of
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the wheel and don't reach for the glove box, because someone may shoot you. >> tucker: so not only are huge numbers of unarmed african-americans murdered every year because of their race, to deny that or question that fact is to effectively participate in those killings are self. denying this is denying them life, as kamala harris put it. or i cnn said, it is mass murder. >> no, i'm not telling people to go there and riot, but tell me what the proportional response to mass murder over the years is? what is a proportional response to that? >> tucker: i'm not telling people to go out and riot, but what is the proportional response to mass murder? good question, cnn. burning wendy's, obviously. but where are you asking, this is the missing piece. the channel claimed cops had tried to execute an unarmed african-american man called
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jacob blake in wisconsin. and they repeated the claim jacob blake was unarmed again and again and again. >> no charges will be brought against the police officer, or any of the police officers involved in the shooting of jacob blake. an unarmed black man who was shot. >> viewers may recall an officer shot blake in the man seven times while he was unarmed. >> another example of african-americans not receiving equal protection of law. him mr. blake was unarmed at the time he was shot. >> tucker: so it is sad that jacob blake got shot, since seriously, it is always sad when people got shot, whether you agree with them or not, period. but why jacob liquid shot is kind of the whole point of the story, isn't it? mr. blake was unarmed at the time he was shot, that's what they told us, and yet someone in the news division forgot to check with jacob blake about that because a week later jacob blake himself admitted on camera
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that he was, in fact, armed. >> i am rattled. i realize i had dropped my knife, my pocket knife, so i picked it up after i got off with him, because they tased me and i fell on top of him. i shouldn't have picked it up. only considering what was going on. at that time, i wasn't thinking clearly. >> tucker: oh. just to be totally clear, we feel sorry for jacob blake. he got for it hurt. that will change his life forever. but is not the neat little morality tale we thought it was. is it? and again, we are not telling you that, we are not correcting the lie because we are smug and self-satisfied and enjoy highlighting the other people's errors. we are just defending our norms here, as any americans would. it just feels like the right thing to do. but it is a never ending task. to give many examples, here's one for the weekend. hundreds of activists gathered in new york to stage a march
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against white nationalism, seeking justice for an 84-year-old man from thailand who had been flashed with a box cutter on the subway. a lot of violence on new york subway right now. protesters stormed through washington square park chanting slogans like "whose streets? our streets!" one held a sign that white nationalism is the virus. maybe it is the virus but it is hard to know who has been infected with. police have now arrested a 19 year old man called anton watson for the crime. let's say it is hard to imagine that anton watson is a white supremacist. so why are they suggesting otherwise? what is all of this about? well, here is an interesting theory, and it comes to us from a researcher called zach goldberg, who does not work at cnn, by the way. old bird look at every time racn america's largest newspapers ane noticed a noticeable spike just after 2011. not coincidentally, was right around the time of the occupy wall street movement, when people were starting to talk about what wall street actually does in public.
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suddenly, all at once, journalists agreed the real problem in america is its racism. america is not a place with a screwed of economic system that rewards a tiny number of emotionally damaged grifters who possess otherwise useless skills applicable only to finance and a place where everyone else -- people in finance or making more, but that is not a problem. oh, no. stop talking about it immediately, and that is in order. no, america is instead, we learned from a place for the rest of us must hate each other at all times because of our skin colors, which by the way, cannot be changed. that way, once we are all yelling at a grieved and angry about irresolvable race questions, once we have picked the wound until it won't stop bleeding, we won't have the time to ask even the most basic questions about economics. questions like why do all these be a leaner hedge fund guys pay half the tax rate i am? and who precisely is getting rich from the federal reserve? wears all that money going? it would be nice to know. you do not see a ton of stories
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about those questions in "the new york times." they are too busy talking about race. it's a pretty sophisticated operation, this cover wall street op, if you think about it. vladimir putin could never pull it off. he would by mike a few dopey ads on facebook and call it a day. it takes a sophisticated operator to live this effectively, to take the central problem of american life, which is the agonizing death of our middle class, and cover it with a smoke screen of manufactured race hatred. so that no one even realizes it's happening. you really need to be, well, cnn would put it, a disinformation network to pull that off. the irony, because everything is irony, is cnn itself has become a disinformation network, more powerful than qanon and far more destructive. you have to wonder if jeff zucker will over to get called up to congress to answer for that. in the meantime, jamie dort joins us, a man often accused of misinformation from host of "the jamie dort show," and he joins us tonight. appreciate you coming on the
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show knowing how attacked you are when you do. why do you think we are hearing so much about misinformation, and i should say you are on the left, i am not, both of us have been accused of it, what is this about? >> well, i just want to say about it -- i think two things can be true. i think your assessment of them not covering the real problem in america is true. i think we can also have a racist criminal justice system, just because -- >> tucker: that's true. >> so we can have two problems at once. >> tucker: but we don't talk about the other. why is it, for all of the conversation we have about race, most of what you are not allowed to participate in and no one wants a real conversation about it, but why don't we ever have a conversation about what is happening with all of the money for the federal reserve is printing and why is it only going to a tiny percentage of the population? seriously, why don't we have a debate? >> well, that is because -- you know, the democratic party are beholden just as much as any politician to wall street,
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military industrial complex, big health care, pharma, liberals believe a lot of things that ar. they believe russia gate, a conspiracy theory -- still doing it, by the way. why are we talking about stuff like that instead of the things you wanted to talk about and the things i want to talk about, which is the economic devastation of america and workers? that's right, they don't want to talk about that, because both parties are complicit in that, right? biden told america that if we voted for awsat and warnock, we will get twodollar checks the next day. that is misinformation because we did not get it. they told us we were going to get $2,000 checks, and how they say $1400 is the same as $2,000 checks. those are not the same things! those are totally different things. that is misinformation right there. and you know, when i talk about covid, i can only do with the ministry of truth says is okay to report, so if i said what
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andrew cuomo said two weeks ago, that the experts -- i would have my youtube channel taken down. the governor, who is getting a emmy before the his covid handling, which by the way, totally corrupt, complicit in killing people in nursing homes, and then he covered up the numbers, and i was complete misinformation, and this is the guy the liberal press wants to resolve as some kind of anti-trump. no, it turned out he was just the biggest misinform her as anybody and he is still doing i. they are distracting us because they don't want us to see that we live in a failed state, tucker. this is a failed state. other countries are not doing to their people what we are doing to our people during covid. every other country is making sure their workers come if they shut their business down, get their wages paid. canada has been getting a $2,000 ubi since covid started, plus they already have health care. people in the united states do not know that this is the only
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country handling it this way. we are punishing our own people, and nobody can give me an answer. we are fighting over a one time, $2,000 check, not a weekly, not a monthly, a one time $2 check, and only happens once every year instead of happening monthly, so we are living in a failed state. donald trump got elected, they wanted to talk about russia and vladimir putin instead of the reason donald trump got elected, because the government had abandoned working people, and it turned its back on them in favor of globalism and outsourcing all their jobs, and then when the economy does tank, they take care of wall street and screw everybody else. as a matter of policy, that is what they're doing with covid. and they shut down everybody's business who has a restaurant or a gym or a bar, and they shut them down and have no relief for those people, they decide that effectively, as a policy, they are going to kill a third of the economy with no plan to help those people. so we had protests all through the summer by black people, and what did they get for it?
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nothing. than we have white people also protesting. what did they get for it? nothing. they can't even get them a check. but they did impeach a guy who wasn't even present anymore. that was amazing. they can snap their fingers and do an impeachment, but still waiting for covid release. >> tucker: and they named a post office in the house of representatives, the only vote. jimmy door, thank you for connecting those dots. i appreciate it. well, a few weeks ago, we caught bank of america turning over the private information of its own customers to the fbi without telling them. now, the fbi has been caught spying on americans, including members of congress. and nobody is saying anything about it. senator josh hawley is here, and he will. also, you may have heard tiger woods rolled over a car today and stake into the hospital. what exec we haven't? we have a report on that, as well. we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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the capitol police have somehow been part of a conspiracy theory and helped the rioters get inside the capitol complex on purpose. >> they allowed their bodies in yesterday and destroyed a good portion of our house. they had help inside the force, and you can assume about 30% of that force to support the guy in the white house. that's just the demographics. >> and he went on and on and on. if you want to know what this is a vote, the response to january 6th, go and search his name, his greatest hits, nothing to do with security or safety. the senate held its first hearing today to probe what did happen on january 6th, and at hearing, senator josh hawley asked the former capitol police chief to respond to what the general has said. watch. >> he has criticized you, and i'm quoting, the appearance of complicity during the attack, and also said that you were
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potentially undertook complicit actions, those are his words, during the attack. mr. sund, were you complicit in this attack on january 6th? >> obstinately not, sir. i heard those comments and i think it is disrespectful to myself and the members of the capital police department. >> tucker: it's an outrageous thing to say. particularly on the basis of zero evidence. but that is not the only norm that has been shredded in the wake of january 6. we learned today the federal bureau of investigation, the fbi, seized thousands of phone and electronic records belonging indiscriminate lead to anyone around the complex on january 6th, including members of congress. is that legal? how can it be legal? they did it anyway. the fbi apparently used emergency powers that required no warrant. it's a remarkable story. no one is talking about this. senator hawley joins us tonight to respond. senator, thanks so much for coming on. so, first, to your exchange over
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general honore today, do you think this man, who is an open partisan, and i was a bigot, and a conspiracy person, could he take the role that nancy pelosi has designated and poor, do you think? >> this is outrageous he is going to lead a security review. this is a guy who did what we see the liberals do -- he blamed the police first. we had no facts, no idea what actually went on and is out there blaming the police and saying they are complicit, that they helped the rioters. that is absolute the outrageous, but if you look at his history, he has over and over again blamed law enforcement, criticized law enforcement who were responding to rioters all last summer, including in portland and elsewhere. this is somebody who has no business, no business, leading a security review. >> tucker: so, the capital city of the united states is still occupied by the u.s. military tonight. no one will demand next donation for why they are there. now we learn the fbi took, with no warrant, stall, effectively, phone members records from membf
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congress in any one of the capital that day, how can i be legal? >> i'm not sure it is legal, tucker, and it is unbelievable to read this stuff in the press. this is the only way, to my knowledge, that members of congress are finding out about any of this. once again, we have the fbi doing this stuff without oversight. or law enforcement agencies should be tracking down criminals. they should be bringing them to justice and prosecuting them to the fullest extent of the law. the issue here is we have seen this movie before. we have seen the law enforcement agencies go way above -- we have seen corporations getting on the action. reported of bank of america voluntarily come apparently, turning over customers personal data, now the telecoms, apparently, messages on cell phone data, folks we have no reason to believe or anything other than law-abiding. this is really, really frightening stuff. to those who say we need a new domestic war on terror that will
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get even more unaccountable power to these law-enforcement agencies without any kind of oversight, that is a scary prospect, and i'm totally opposed to it. there needs to be real oversight and real accountability. >> tucker: if the democratic party is trying to create violent extremism, they are doing exactly what you would do if you want to create it. they are making people crazy, undefended, and afraid. will more republicans stand up and say wait a second, what are they doing here, why is the fbi stealing our text messages -- will anyone push back other than you? >> i sure hope so. you heard today at this hearing, at least one other member, senator rick scott, ask about all of the national guard troops, thousands of them here, why are they here? nobody had any answers for him. nobody could answer him. we still can't get any answers as members of congress. there's got to be real accountability entry oversight. >> tucker: yeah, it is starting to really scare people, it really is. senator, i appreciate your coming out tonight. >> thank you.
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>> tucker: thanks. so, george floyd died last summer and we began a revolution to dismantle the systems of oppression. well, notice that many of those systems remain totally undismantled, unchanged. the real power centers in our country are thriving, places like yale and harvard. well, why is that? we have a plan to fix it, actually, after the break. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: so sometimes it is hard to see the outline because we are right in the middle of it, but america really is in the middle of a profound social upheaval. nothing is the same as it was a year ago. it's not your imagination, it is actually happening. what we are seeing is an actual history changing revolution, in place of robespierre's liberty and eternity, liberals have produced their own slogan: diversity, equity, inclusion. this is different than other countries.
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unlike other places, in america, the working class is not the hero of this story. our working class is villain. this not a proletarian revolution, it is from above, straight downward. you can tell because of who is running it. college professors in literature, politicians put it in practice, and companies in the world pay for all of it. maybe not surprisingly for all of the revolutionary fervor, the groups pushing this revolution leave their own power untouched. when you hear people talk about dismantling systems of oppression, they are not talking about themselves, they are talking about you. this is a revolution especially designed to empower the already powerful. and it's been that way since the first day, since this summer, when george floyd died in minneapolis. now the first and most obvious question we might have asked at the time, and no one ever asks this, but it's clear: why was a 460 men reduced to passing badly counterfeited $20 bills in a convenience store in the
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middle of a day? george floyd was unemployed. why was he unemployed? how many other people like george floyd are unemployed, and why? now that would have been an interesting conversation. and might have been a fruitful conversation for all of us. but we didn't have it, and we did not have it by design. instead, we learned a lot about the racial composition of the minneapolis police department. we were told the police weren't "diverse enough" and that was a national emergency. months later, blm mobs destroyed the city of kenosha, wisconsin, and once again we are informed, the main problem was a lack of diversity among kenosha's low-paid cops. "overall, the local kenosha newspaper announced with what sounded like genuine alarm, "the city's police force is 89% white, while the city's population is about 67% white." okay, kenosha. too many white hourly workers makes your city burn. that is the message. and as a result of that message, everything changed. but actually, not everything changed. in fact, many things stayed precisely the same.
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patterns of residential segregation, for example, they did not change. the accelerated. barack obama's neighborhoods in washington, hawaii, and martha's vineyard are probably less "diverse" than they were a year ago, and that won't change soon because of too many people who have a lot of money live there. but most striking of all, now that we are discussing things that have not changed at all, have been the universities. the overwhelming majority of ideas behind this revolution come from college campuses. everything you hear about white privilege and systemic racism began as a lecture about deconstruction in some classroom in 1990. and that is why so many blm activist talk like sociology professors. but most of the actual changes on college campuses have been superficial. yes, the coursework is very different. yell no longer even pretends to teach its students anything, just enough indoctrinate them. here is what has not changed at all, this is the key -- what hasn't changed at all as a kind of people who go to yale in the first place. they are rich kids from rich
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families who plan on staying rich. not speculation. here are the numbers. before covid, the median family income in the united states was $65,000 a year. at yale, it's three times that. the median family income of a yale university student is $192,000 a year. that is the median. at the university of pennsylvania, it is about $196,000 a year. brown university in providence, $204,000. these are all ivy league schools with multibillion-dollar endowments, heavily subsidized by you through your tax dollars. so they can afford to educate poor kids, they just choose not to. at princeton, 72% of students come from families in the top 20% nationally for household income. nobody seems to have any plans to change any of this. diversity is for wage earners, not for the people in charge. no one is trying to diversify prestigious campuses because in real life, let's be honest, the lack of diversity is the real reason that people go there in
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the first place. no one applies to yale in order to learn things. that is not the point. the point of going to yale's to cement your position as a credentialed member of america's ruling class. the singular purpose of the experience, the only purpose. more than any other standard, more than any award in american society, and ivy league degree increases the chance that those who hold it, in the end, will be giving the orders, not taking the orders. that effect is real and lasts for generations. when you go to yale, your grandkids probably will not have to work construction. so the question is, why should this arrangement continue? and that is a serious question, especially now. if you are going to dismantle systemic power, and we have decided we are going to, you probably should not start with unionized cops in kenosha. you probably should start with systems that wield actual power. america really does have a class system. they are absolutely right about that. that system is getting more rigid by the day and we should probably do something about it pretty soon, or the next
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revolution might not be as peaceful as this one. so here's an idea: beginning immediately, the top ranked 50 colleges and universities in america should be prohibited, by force of law if necessary, from accepting students whose parents or grandparents went to college. no more rich kids. harvard should be reserved exclusively for students who have never experienced the many advantages of living in a ruling class. if you are for diversity, equity, and inclusion, there is no faster way to achieve it than this. so what would happen to harvard if we did this? it would be hard for harvard or any top school to find new students. millions of college educated kids are itching for the opportunity, and we know they are. via biden administration just announced plans to give amnesty and citizenship to an estimated 30 million foreign nationals living in the united states illegally. as of right now, there is no plan to elevate any of these new americans into our middle class. no. the plan is to keep them in serfdom at the bottom of the
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economic ladder. some buddy to trim our trees and toss our kale solids, that is the view of democratic donors. but why should the rest of us except their plan, designed only to benefit them, and so obviously unfair? why shouldn't the children of impoverished illegal aliens go to duke? cornell, stanford, williams, amherst, princeton? why shouldn't they occupy every single bed on every single one of those campuses? but wait a second, you asked, says the democratic donor, if the honduran immigrants get into columbia, who is going to work at the chicken plants? oh, good question. we nominate the children of "new york times" editors. "new york times" editors might not like this arrangement, they may incite revolution network, but at the same time, they are fanatically intend on sending their own kids to yale and will do absolutely anything to get them into yale. they definitely don't want their kids working at chicken plants. they want them working at mckinsey.
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but the problem is, in revolutionary moment like this, you can't always get what you want, especially when years committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as your average "new york times" editor claims to be. in order to make omelettes in this world coming have to break eggs. here is our advice to members of the woke class, at the times and elsewhere come who are about to discover their rules apply to themselves: here is our advice, stop complaining. when you discover your children's life plans have been impaired due to social justice, do not say a word, don't even acknowledge it is happening, just accept it. it is not like you cannot pretend you did not know the meritocracy was faked from a single-handedly destroyed it yourself. for years, you thought you had an exception to the rules that you made. can you imagine the challenging power applied only to other people's families? sorry, the revolution has finally come for you. you picture your kids graduating from the local school and going
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on to new cornell and immerse themselves in gender studies in international relations, but not anymore, it is a new era. an era you designed. now your kids will be taking a bus to a poultry processing facility in rural iowa to begin their new lives serving the critical culinary need of the people they replaced, the ones now going to cornell. and maybe someday, if they are lucky, your kids can learn to code. but no matter what happens to them over the next several generations, don't fret, and once again, above all, don't complain. complaining is racist. diversity is our strength. we are a nation of immigrants. that is the main idea of america, which you have often told us, simply an idea, not a nation. not all of this might be hard for you to see right now -- it's painful, and we get it. because it's happening to you, and might even seem unjust. trust us, it's not unjust. it is the definition of justice. well, operating a small business is now illegal in many places in california, but one restaurant owner has decided he's not going
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: as you've probably seen, golfer tiger woods was involved in a pretty bad car accident. we have an update on his condition. more information about what exactly happened. that story for us tonight. hey, matt. >> hi, tucker. cook officials confirmed this was the hospital tiger woods was taken to in serious condition after that horrifying rollover accident. the l.a. county sheriff said the luxury genesis suv tiger woods was driving rolled several hundred feet after it hit a median in rachel's palace verde, and it was tweeted that he had multiple leg injuries and was sent into surgery. an area, but wood was driving at a greater speed then normal. tonight, the sheriff says tiger is lucky to be alive, wearing a
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seat belt and did not show signs of impairment. woods was able to talk and extricated from the suv using a prying tool and an ax. it is not clear what exactly condition tiger woods is in at this hospital, but his injuries have been described as nonlife-threatening. we will keep you updated, tucker. >> tucker: matt finn come appreciate that. well, large swabs of california remain locked down tonight. state and local officials have not offered any reason for it. if you ask, they will blame other states. for example, watch the chairman of san diego's county board of supervisors explained that he is not willing responsible for managing his own county. >> there are 45 states that do not have school closure orders. san francisco and chicago are now reopening their schools. long island, new york, just started to let their high school athletes play sports and it is going great. cities all around the country are reopening businesses. our rates in san diego and icu
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numbers are as good if not better than theirs. why is there science in san diego county, and why are we so behind? >> you would have to ask them, tommy. >> tucker: yeah, just that. hundreds of businesses in california have decided they have had enough of this insanity. represents hundreds of them. if you were announced they plan to stay open. >> we are the people. if the government does not give it right, we gave them the power to govern, and we take it back. we are declaring ourselves open for business, outdoor, indoor, safely and responsibly people these are adult and very good business owners, very good restaurant tours, they know how to run their businesses. we do not need a governor to tell us how to are not to run businesses. they know how. >> tucker: finally someone before amazon runs your local pizzeria. the owner of the italian
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restaurant, and michael curran his attorney. we appreciate your coming on. thank you both. just to be totally clear, first of what your plan is, you run a restaurant, told you a parent have to shut it, but you are not, is that correct? >> good evening, tucker. thank you so much for having me here. my lawyer, michael karen, we have our constitutional rights. we are following the protocol of the health system. unfortunately, i cannot close my business anymore. it is me and my employees, it's been over 11 months dealing with this big virus going on. unfortunately, after so many months, to me, i have a wife and
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daughters to take care of. this is something, we are a small business, trying to make our living day by day. with me, all of my employees who have been through this crazy, let's say, complete [indistinct] the fine dining and try to work with the community. we follow all the protocol. we invest a lot of money, try to improve after improve, and believe me, after one year, we don't how to go anymore. we open up the indoor, and then they ask us to invest on the out of door, that's what we did, you know what i mean. big space and new awning. we invest all we have. and right now, in december, they
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come out and told, guys, you have to close again. but if i close my business again, means i am closed for good. i will see my beautiful wife, my daughter, and all my employees, which we are working together as a family place for over 12 years, and this is something, over everything, we are talking about the life -- >> tucker: i understand that completely. we are seeing a lot of it. i want to ask you, michael curran, leading this effort of so many small businesses on the east coast, standing up and saying "i'm sorry, i can do this anymore, i have been crushed by the state." are you worried that will happen to these businesses? >> at the very beginning, we started this is a constitutional peaceful protest. we told these business owners they can exercise their constitutional rights. just because we have a pandemic, the united states and california constitutions, they did not go
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away. >> tucker: that's right. >> they're still in effect. we have let the governor know, local politicians know, that you may choose to ignore the constitutions and liberties and rights it affords us, but we are not going to ignore those. we are going to exercise our constitutional right to stay open, and that takes form of keeping our businesses open safely and responsibly. >> tucker: amen. i cannot overstate how much we are rooting for you. not just on this show, but i think a lot of people around the country are hoping someone can finally stand up and put an end to this. thank you both for coming on tonight. >> tucker, we appreciate your support of our constitutional fight. >> tucker: man, you have it. a lot more when we come back. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ ing forward. they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter... she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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we have gotten a lot of emails from people saying they are not exactly sure how to get all of this, how to sign up for fox nation. we promise to explain all of that before this launches. we will be back every weeknight on the show. the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. and a friend of sean hannity's, who joins us right now. >> sean: all right, tucker, thank you, and welcome to "hannity." we begin tonight with a fox news alert. legendary golfer tiger woods is now in a southern california hospital after sustaining serious injuries in what was a gruesome, single car accident earlier today. our thoughts, our prayers are with tiger woods, his family, his kids, and in just a moment,e going to get my full monologue but for us joining us with the very latest is our very own trace gallagher. trace, what is the latest? >> sean: sean, tiger woods left his hotel saturday earlier this morning, driving north on hawthorne boulevard coming down through palos verdes, it was fairly steep and i
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