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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 24, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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miss an episode, "the ingraham angle" o'clock eastern, 6:00 pacific. we will be fair. we will be independent. we are not the media mob. news with truth behind. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham takes it from here. laura. >> laura: we have a hot debate, sean come on the immigration issue, with stephen miller versus an attorney activist from texas. it's going to be -- given what's happening now, a real crisis on the southern border. thank you. you had a fantastic show, sean. >> sean: have a great show. >> laura: thank you. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. under trump there were kids in cages, remember? but now there are overflow facilities. as i just told sean, former senior advisor to president trump, stephen miller is here on that issue. plus, he'll respond to some breaking and reckless immigration moves by biden. also, is your kindergartner a
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racist? chris rufo is here with some disturbing lesson plans that are poisoning four and 5-year-olds. we have the video. and hillary clinton's agatha christie turn, and barack and the boss come apart to come it's painful. reparations. yes yes, that addition. raymond arroyo expands it all in seen and unseen. but first, mighty joe manchin. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." democrats want americans to think that they represent the vanguard against all extremists, and that they only go to political war when they need to defeat alleged radicals like donald trump. the truth is the democratic party has become a haven for far left fanatics, and like all fanatics, they demand complete and total conformity of thought on all of their pet issues, from the minimum wage to immigration amnesty, to things like transgender rights.
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get in mind, or risk getting smeared. such has been the experience of west virginia senator joe manchin. now that he has decided to make the obvious choice to oppose president biden's omb pick. knauf manchin's decision is not arbitrary, it was sensible. like so many other biden cabinet and some cabinet picks like deb haaland for interior, xavier becerra, and rachel levine, hhs, it's an insanely stupid and polarizing choice. a venomous hack, tanden has sprayed conservatives including sitting senators with gratuitous and groundless attacks. she is also a conspiracy theorist and russia hoax super-spreader. and if that's not enough can her nomination, she has also displayed terrible judgment. according to buzzfeed, as the
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president of center for american progress, tanden outed an anonymous staffer who had accused her manager of sexual assault. and she did it during a staff meeting, no less. ten years earlier, as the clinton campaign age, tanden reportedly punched a liberal reporter who asked hillary about her support for the iraq war. when she was pressed about the incident, tanden told "the new york times," "i didn't slog him, i pushed him." the question here should end be "why is joe manchin opposing tanden for a cabinet level post?" the question should be, "why the hell did joe biden ever pick a left-wing hatchet woman in that position in the first place?" of course, the ladies of cable can't conceive of the fact that tanden was a choice, so instead, they just do it they always do. they play the gender card. >> her history of having said
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things like, oh, calling mitch mcconnell voldemort for calling ted cruz heartless, that is what violates this new will and, in line he did not apply to considering dudes nominated by trump. >> sexism? >> double standard. >> all of this led notable conservative bill kristol to say of tanden, "i feel like there's a little bit of sexism going on here." >> laura: so weak. why go there? why not just defend the nomination of substantive grounds. i can tell you why. because tanden's qualifications are really flimsy, that's why. raising money for left-wing causes and attacking republicans on the internet hardly qualifies you to run the office of management and budget. but if the sexism line isn't selling, well, you can count on the democrats to revert to their old standby: racism. as in, anyone who criticizes any of the president's nominations is a racist.
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>> president biden's nominees of color who are faced outside oppositions. i guess if this was bipartisan, that was okay by old joe manchin. what is up with you, manchin? >> laura: of course, people like joy reid are some of the most illiberal people on the planet. and meanwhile, over at cnn, today, daytime host was bemoaning the simple math of the u.s. senate. >> it's unfortunate that he comes from the state which is not particularly representative of most of the country. it's a largely rural state, and a mineral producing state, and so much of the gdp of the country comes elsewhere -- from elsewhere. but it is what it is. >> laura: you know what else is what it is? that you, sir, are an odious snob who regard to west and manchin the same way, you know,
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they regard president trump, as. now what terrifies today's democrats i think the most is the prospect that come november 2022, they and their job killing policies are going to be exposed. that millions of voters will decide they want their freedom back. and that all the radical nonsense biden's team pushed failed spectacularly, which of course, it will. democrats have the slimmest of margins in the senate, and thoughts, they are moving radical executive orders and destructive legislation through as fast as they can. they are desperate to prevent anyone with trump's views from winning national office ever again. thus, their introduction of the so-called "for the people" act, which is anything but. if that becomes law, it would mandate nationwide, automatic, and same-day voter registration. well, the feds would also be in control of early voting and vote
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by mail. no problem there, of course. and if you oppose this takeover of senate and state voting, you are a -- if left to their own devices, republicans will try to limit the ability of minority voters to exercise their fundamental rights to vote. democrats know that trump made gains with minority voters, and i'm telling you, they plan to block this going forward by starting commissions to claim that republicans are white supremacists hiding in sleeper cells all across america. they are just waiting, by the way, to be activated. it's also transparent, it's predictable, and it's totally dishonest. and in so many other areas, as in so many other areas, democrats are making huge mistakes by vilifying people
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like manchin, while elevating hard-core radicals like tanden. biden is going to find out the hard way that voters, they didn't give him a mandate to remake america. he's only mandate was maybe to deal with covid and reopen america. and we know dr. fauci isn't about to let that happen anytime soon. hispanic and african-american voters, like so many americans, are tiring of these nonsensical lockdowns. we have been warning you about these since lapsed april. and they are really worried, especially when it comes to the schools and the kids. and republicans will be there every step of the way to remind those voters, the party that kept them locked down. and which party wanted him to be free. so i have to ask, why does joe manchin even want to put up with this nonsense anymore? the party of radical center operations, that left him a long time ago. democrat leaders patronize and
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humor manchin when they need his vote, but at this point, it's just obvious that they simply hate him, and they hate his constituents, as well. imagine continuing -- for instance, being a member in a club that detests you and the people closest to you. i can't, either. and that's the "angle." joining me now's award-winning independent journalist glenn greenwald. len, it's great to see you tonight. i don't know what is more insulting about neera tanden's confirmation trouble, that it is being blamed on her tweets or her sexism. >> yeah, or her racism. it's just the standard democratic playbook. you know, i think it is important to know, laura, long before she was nominated, the people who had the most contempt for neera tanden where people on the left, particularly supporters of bernie sanders, because it neera tanden comes from hillary clinton wing. she is basically a hillary
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apparatchik, that's her she got her start, that is where she for years have her loyalty, so when bernie sanders ran in 2016 and again in 2020, it is not just mean tweets. she was constantly accusing sanders and his entire movement of being racist, being misogynist come of being kremlin agents. i don't know how many times she has called me an agent of moscow. does not mean tweets, she is just a vicious defamer. she goes around slandering everybody the way everyone changes their socks, and she is not so much of being a leftist as being a corporatist. she sent several years raising money from silicon valley, wall street, the united arab emirates, one of the most repressive regimes on the planet, for her think tank and censoring her employees who wrote against them. she is really like the worst embodiment of washington's sleaze, which is why she has earned so much enmity on the left and the right. >> laura: i think that is an excellent point, and it is better framed, frankly, that way. that she vacuumed up a lot of
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cash at the center for american progress, from big corporate entities. those same entities whose top board members and senior officers, in turn gave tons of money to biden. so anyway, this is kind of a pay off all the way around, is it not, glenn? >> yeah, absolutely. i think it is interesting to note that the chairman of the budget committee that has to approve her is senator sanders, who she has spent the last five or six years viciously slandering, and he hasn't said yet how he's going to vote, precisely because his main concern is exactly that. have friends who worked for that think tank, supposedly independent writers at the blog they once controlled, and if they would go to write about any of these corporate toners, she would censor them all the t. they had this huge report about the new york police department under michael bloomberg, and when the report was prepared, the entire chapter on the nypd was removed by neera after
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bloomberg donated more than $2.5 million -- and she is just corrupt on on top apollo for her other terrible attributes. why would you want someone in government running the budget who is beholden to the wealthiest, most powerful corporatist interests? obviously, that's who she is going to serve. >> laura: and glenn, something else we have talked about before with you involves what is happening in washington, d.c., right now. tonight. which is a razor wire, hundreds, thousands of u.s. national guard troops, huge, ominous looking fencing, and no sense at all that this is going to be removed -- as far as i can tell, very. and the cost of it is going to be a billion dollars by the fall, and what are we protecting the capital from exactly? what? they can't answer that question, going back to the question we
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talked about before. >> yeah, that is why it is so important to them to insist that what happened on january 6th, as lamentable as it was, was not merely a riot but an insurrection or even a cool, even though nothing -- insurrections don't happen for three hours in the disappear. they said they were going to be violent protests all over the country on inauguration day. a total of nine people showed up at all 50 state capitals. they want to inflate these threats because democrats are in control of the government and if you can militarize washington, infiltrate groups, eavesdrop on people the way the fbi was doing on that day, including members of congress, that gives you a great power but you have to keep the population in fear, which is why they are inflating that threat and so intent on doing so. >> laura: and glenn, honestly, someone who lives in south america, it looks like you are in a corrupt regime, where the government is afraid of what the people are going to do, because the government is not serving the people. that is what it looks like.
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since i was i think in el salvador in the '80s, i have not seen -- maybe soviet russia will -- i have not seen anything like this. that i am seeing right now in d.c. it is disgraceful, and they are threatening to have a wider net of surveillance, without any clear indication as to why they want to surveil more people. they won't find any evidence. they say, oh, we have to go behind closed doors -- that is what they said yesterday. >> you know, i think it is ultimately really a way of emil taney as they raising fear levels, because when you put people in a state of fear, they acquiesce to authoritarian power. but it's also a signal, it's trying to make people feel threatened by them, saying you better not challenge us in any way, we are essentially militarized. we have armed men militarized all of washington -- that's called the people's house. you are supposed to be able to come and go outside of the capitol and the fact there was a
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riot on one day does not justify having the military take the nations capitol and as you say, looks like the green zone in baghdad at the height of the iraq war. it's a good way to keep the nation fearful of these threats but also fearful of the government, which is a very poor state of affairs. >> laura: and over at msnbc, they are not so much concerned about that increase in domestic spying, but it's just pointed in the right direction, watch. >> the argument we keep hearing, well, we don't have domestic terror laws in place in the u.s. if we did, with that and excessively harm peaceful protesters who want racial justice? >> right. because comparing what happened on january 6th to what happened last summer is completely conflating the issue. what happened last summer is mostly peaceful protesters who were attacked by police officers. >> laura: glenn, look, the
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point is, more surveillance of americans who are not committing crimes is what everyone is worried about, and its patriot act on steroids, whatever you want to call this, they are poised to do it. >> yeah, i mean, it became a consensus among i think most americans, but for a long time, obviously on the left and in liberalism, that there was an overreaction to 9/11. 9/11. i agree there was an overreaction, but 9/11 involved two huge jets being flown into downtown skyscrapers and the pentagon. thousands of people killed at once, and even there was an overreaction, and this was a riot in which none of the protesters themselves killed anybody. they themselves were killed. we do not know how brian sicknick died, but that is what they're trying to do, they want to use the power of the federal government against their political adversaries. use the power of the fbi, the nsa, the cia, surveillance detention, and to do that, they have to keep fear levels high
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and to convince americans this isn't just a different political faction, mrs. domestic terrorists, these are white nationalists, and therefore, yoy powers against your fellow citizens. >> laura: citizens adding each other out, neighbor against neighbor, family member against family member come at all with the help of big tech, as you have written about so persuasively. glenn, thank you so much. as i noted in the "angle," house democrats are poised to ram through radical changes to voter -- an assault on the g.o.p.'s ability to win back congress or the white house, maybe ever again. the heart of the g.o.p. fight back? a couple of states are showing us how. florida is considering narrowing vote by mail request from two election cycles to one and more strictly limiting the number of ballots a person can bring to a drop box. in georgia, there is legislation to ban early voting on sundays, or limit the number of drop boxes come and put place i.d.
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requirements for absentee ballots. they just passed the georgia senate yesterday. here now is ohio congressman jim jordan. congressman, probably the least surprising headline of the day is that the secretary of state in georgia, brad raffensperger, withheld support for the measures in his state, adding that they are merely reactionary to a three month disinformation campaign. your response? >> this is the same guy who entered into a consent decree with the democrats before the election, bypassing the legislature where constitutionally you are supposed to make election law, so i guess we should not expect anything different from the secretary of state of georgia. we need to understand with this legislation is there trying to pass, house bill 1, this is the left's latest attempt by cancellation. they tried to cancel president trump, they are trying to cancel fox news, now they are trying to cancel their elections. this is going to federalize all the problems we saw in this past election. this is going to the taxpayers
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pay for campaigns -- think about that, laura. the same politicians take your tax dollars and spend on stupid things like gender studies in pakistan, or whatever it was, those same people are not going to take your tax dollars to get themselves reelection. such a deal for the politicians. this also attacks the first amendment, so it's why we have to -- states have to step up and do the very things were talking about that are happening and being proposed in georgia and in florida. >> laura: right, and congressman, your oversight committee had a hearing on the postal service today with the issue of mail-in ballots came ue khmer democrat colleague jerry connolly exploded. >> all the gaslighting that we just heard does not change facts. if i'm making this up, as mr. jordan apparently would have you believe, that the president of the united states last summer, donald j. trump, publicly said voting by mail would lead to massive fraud.
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>> laura: congressman, he said you and former president trump are the ones who sold all the distrust in mail-in ballots, not the practice itself. your response? >> they brought in the postmaster general -- they called us back in august, voted on a saturday, and then go after the postmaster general to create chaos and confusion around mail-in voting, and that is exactly what we got. this is with the democrats know is going to happen, president trump will win on election night but chaos and confusion around mail-in voting and keep counting and counting and counting, and they did that the next five days before they declared president biden the winner, so it played out exactly like we wanted, and the real double standard on the part of the democrats. remember, we were not allowed to object on january 6th, 2021, 2 states that changed their laws in a nonconstitutional fashion, somehow we were wrong, but but
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the democrat chairman objected to alabama, which trump won -- >> laura: yeah. congressman, i want to get to one issue, one thought about what happened today. watch. >> do you believe president trump, former president trump, should be speaking at cpac this weekend? >> yes come he should. >> i have declared -- what we saw on january 6th, i do not believe he should be playing a role. >> on that high note. [laughter] >> laura: congressman, liz cheney in a leadership role, they wanted her in a leadership role, and how they got her in a leadership role, and she is going to keep helping the democrats it looks like on issues like this. >> yeah, no, look, i'm glad president trump is speaking at cpac. i happen to be speaking before him.
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president trump is the leader of our party and that is a darn good thing. >> laura: congressman, great to see you tonight. and joe biden has just made clear that foreign workers and corporate bottom lines are more important than your next paycheck. former white house senior advisor stephen miller is here on bidens latest immigration tragedy. but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; it's important. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: it's thousands of migrants are rushing our southern border right now, house republicans are huddling with farmer trump officials including my next guest, stephen miller ct "politico" calls the latest indication the g.o.p. is keen on keeping trump era immigration politics. the timing of this meeting is extremely prescient, because today, bite and undercut our border security and american
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workers by revoking a trump era proclamation to keep big business from flooding labor markets with foreigners in the wake of covid. according to team biden, the trump move harmed industries in the united states that used talent from around the world come in other words, corporate bottom lines keeping wages low r paycheck. journeyman i was stephen miller, former white house advisor for president trump, and caitlin goldfish, president of -- stephen, let's start with you. what is the possible benefit to americans with a limitless supply of foreign workers we will now have? >> this is really an astonishing action from the biden administration. in the middle of a global pandemic, with 20 million americans either out of work, unemployed, or part-time employee looking for full-time work, what does he do? he allows industry to import
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limitless amounts of low-wage visa workers? multibillion-dollar corporations to bring in workers at less pay than americans? i mean, we know that silicon valley had wall street dump hundreds of millions of dollars directly and indirectly into biden's campaign. right now, they are being repaid for that financing by getting workers at less pay than americans who have their own bottom line. that is disgraceful. >> laura: and kate, how is this good for the average american worker come hispanic, african-american, middle-class person, how is this move to open up the spigot to farm workers good to them? >> i think we should be clear who we are talking about. the suspension of visas applies to family priorities, that his family members of permanent residents and u.s. citizens, many of whom have been waiting decades for their turn to be able to finally reunite with their families, as well as employees, u.s. corporations
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have identified a need in their label market and in our economy for this talent. these are already know my positions already in place for these employees come and the idea that immigrants are coming to take u.s. jobs is based on a false premise, when in fact they create more jobs are starting businesses. >> laura: steve come apparently there are no american workers, millions out of work but none can do anything come apparently. >> why don't we petition to get young americans recently graduated from college to work in silicon valley, laura? my really supposed to believe that large corporations in silicon valley can't afford to hire young americans to work at their firms? what about young black kids living in the inner cities who deserve a chance? what about young latinos just graduated from college and would like to work at google or facebook or amazon?
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don't our own children and our own country deserve to get first priority for jobs? the biden administration to say they want to protect industry, how about protecting working people of all backgrounds who just want to get ahead. >> laura: one thing, kate, that we are seeing here is we now have unaccompanied minors coming across our southern border, it is a boon to human traffickers had a horrible human tragedy, and now the biden administration is having with "the washington post" -- i think "the washington post" describes as camps of kids who are by the hundreds now being held by the biden administration after they -- i don't know, probably you -- just excoriated trump for doing something similar. so is this now okay with you, that now we are having a magnet at our southern borders and unaccompanied kids are being
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dumped there by traffickers >> it's too soon to tell -- >> laura: too soon to tell? wait a second, katie, how is this too soon to tell? you all trashed trump for doing what biden is doing right now, trashed him. and now it's just "oh, they are camps?" >> what i said is -- so i am an immigration lawyer and i represented separated families during the crisis in 2018, and i witnessed firsthand what happened when my clients, who were kids, were taken from their parents, and some of these cases, took months to be reunited with their families when they have immediate families with relatives who aree and willing to receive them, so it was unacceptable, other than taking kids from their parents is putting kids in inhumane conditions and slowing the processing time to release them and reunite them with their u.s. citizen friends or family members, so what i mean when i say this too soon to tell is
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that you better believe that the biden administration will be held accountable, that these kids should not be held in inhumane conditions -- >> laura: where are they going to go? where are they going to go? steve, i'm sorry, where are these kids going? they have a little slip in their pockets -- >> families or relatives or friends -- >> laura: relatives? how do we know they are there relatives? we can't even get our own kids in schools, kate. our kids in are stuck in front f the zoom screens or not have thousands of kids coming -- we can't even educate our own kids now during covid! >> that's a very different issue -- >> laura: no, we are overloaded. steve, go ahead. >> laura, what we are seeing here is the cruelty and inhumanity of joe biden's immigration policies. he came into office and announced that there is an open door and the young people who come into this country illegally are going to be resettled instead of returning to. he is forcing thousands of young children into the arms of
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smugglers come into the arms of traffickers, into the arms of coyotes. children are being taken away from their families in the northern triangle, in el salvador, honduras, guatemala. those countries are being deprived of a future. these young illegal immigrants are being put in harm's way, all because of a policy choice joe biden made to restore catch and release. that is cool. that is inhumane. and we are seeing the results of that right now. he took a secure border, humane border, a safe order, and he has turned it into the spirit >> laura: kate, your response. >> i think that is a really interesting twist to hear that is all about protecting kids. my expands on the ground is these kids are put in ginger in the northern triangle, and i'm happy to see the biden administration is looking at resolving these factors and what is driving these migrants out of their countries -- >> who is getting rich off of these policies? cartels. cartels and drug smugglers are getting rich off of these policies. who is benefiting from this? the people who spread misery.
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>> laura: i want to add something, because we actually are being told by some of the migrants why they are flocking out of their countries into hours. watch. >> i am here today because i am dreaming to get to the u.s. what i want for my people, i just want to get to the u.s. because they have a new president. biden is going to have -- he's given us 100 days to get to the u.s. >> laura: okay, that's fine. biden would like to be president of the united states of america, and there are millions of people, kate from across the globe, who would like nothing more than to walk across the southern border, be given a bus ticket to go wherever they want to go. i mean, i understand that. but he is saying that biden's policies are encouraging him, and apparently others with him, to come to the southern border. period. we don't have to wonder. that is what he said.
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>> you know what encourages immigrants to come here? it's a land of opportunity and our economy needs immigrant labor, and we invite them here with jobs that we need them to fill, and so common sense immigration policy would recognize the needs of our economy and create a way for immigrants to come here and work, rather than having the jobs but not having a lawful way for them to come here and immigrate. i would argue this is a separate issue from migrant children who are fleeing gang violence in central america. >> laura: when they are five years old, they are making their way to the southern border by themselves. they are being taken to the southern border by someone. >> biden's policies are enriching smugglers and traffickers who profit off of human misery, and as far as legal pathways are concerned, we have many legal pathways. the problem is they benefit corporations. what about policies that benefit working families? whether they be black, hispanic from all americans, they deserve an immigration policy, laura,
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that works for them. >> laura: yeah, well, legal immigration, we love coming to illegal immigration, it should be. it's a really good thing to have this conversation. and did biden just -- raymond arroyo has it all. "seen and unseen" next.
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>> laura: it's time for our "seen and unseen" segment where
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we unpack the cultural stories of the day. for that, we welcome fox news contributor raymond arroyo. biden held a covid stimulus event the other day that got a little bit of coverage. >> well, given biden's performance, that is not a surprise. the president is smartly trying to sell this $1.9 trillion covid boondoggle to his african-american base. he called up governors who did not like his vaccine distribution plan. >> joe, where are you? come here. >> don't understand why we made the independent decision to send vaccine directly to 600-something, 67 different drug chains or drug stores out there. i am determined to make sure we service the communities that are the ones that are the most victimized -- victimized, wrong
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word. most affected by. most affected by the covid virus. but one of the things, you know, i think there is a growing awareness, you know, there are those, you know, the vaccine deniers. >> oh, boy, laura. there are a lot of people in denial about a lot of things. the obama calms director and biden consultant, she says in a new book, "lucky: how joe biden barely won back presidency," she says joe biden was lucky covid happened. he never leaves the house come he emotes, empathizes, no public interaction, simply continues trump's vaccines plans. by the way, it is trump who made the deal with pharmacies to distribute those vaccines back
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in november. you will remember. >> laura: well, hmm, yeah, that was terrifying. i keep saying it is terrifying, but it is terrifying. what else? >> do you notice the hand rubbing? it is the comfort gesture he uses throughout these events. he was clearly having trouble. there is a moment at the end of this african-american event that sounded like an admission or a plea for help, but you decide. >> they need some help in terms of depression and mental problem -- you know, we are worried, they are just so off, they don't know exactly what's going on and it has a real impact. >> oh, that's going to have a real impact, laura. i think with our allies, with our enemies abroad. the more they see this "one flew over the covid nest" routine, it's painful watching this, so i have to tell you, it's not like we are straining to find these moments. they are there and obvious, and
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eventually, everyone, including the media, are going to have to cover it. >> laura: they are simply going to not cover it. it is happening almost every day -- if it were one of their relatives, they would have a group conversation with the family and an intervention, buts biden, the president, they have to pretend it is not happening. raymond, it was revealed today that hillary is becoming a mystery writer. she is cowriting a novel focused on a novice secretary of state who tries to solve a series of terrorist attacks? >> maybe she could call the book "benghazi," laura. did and she already write a mystery novel? it's titled "what happened: the mystery of the missing presidency." there is a striking resemblance between hillary and agatha christie. christie was known as the queen of crime. hillary could be the perfect successor, laura. and i was thinking, imagine all
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the books about our forthcoming, okay, and the mysterious affair in the oval office, murder in fort marcy park, and my favorite, "and then there were no hard drives." i'm going to read -- >> laura: "bleachbit 44" with james patterson. >> that is the husband, the husband writes with patterson. >> laura: l exactly. this cat eye glasses, you needed to put those on hillary, those old cat eye glasses, those are back in style, i understand. >> i can't do everything. >> laura: i know. anything else? i go back to that green screen, biden is scary enough when he is on a front shot, but when you see him from the side, that takes it to a whole new level of frightening, okay? scaring me late at night, and our viewers. all right, raiment, thank you so much. now, is your kindergarten or possibly, could he or she be a
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racist? a new spate of videos is being showed two children in school districts across the country, and you will not believe what they suggest. chris rufo is here in moments to walk us through all of them and tell us where they are being shown.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: the twisted and destructive ideology of blm continues to poison our education system. the latest example comes from buffalo, new york, where the school district is telling middle schoolers that all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism, and it gets worse. you've heard of the show "are you smarter than a fifth grader," right? now there is a new version: "are you as racist as a kindergartner?" their voice and 5-year-olds
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watch videos like this. >> black lives matter. i am trayvon. i was walking. >> i am jordan. i was riding. >> i am laquon, i was walking, too. we were kids, and our lives mattered. >> laura: joining me now is the journalist who uncovered this, chris rufo, contributing editor at city journal. chris, you have blown the whistle on a number of these disturbing lesson plans. where does this buffalo example rank? >> this one ranks near the top. this video is designed to instill fear and racial division, to perpetuate the narrative come in their words, that there are racist beliefs se sanctioned violence that is trying to hunt you down. this is the kind of fear they are pumping into kindergartner
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students. while 80% of students in buffalo public schools fail to reach proficiency in reading and writing. >> laura: we will put up the graphic, what they are doing, as far as failing their kids. the district's four year graduation rate is only 65%. 1 out of 4. only 20% of fifth graders are proficient in math, and only 18% are proficient in the english language. in language arts. 27% of eighth graders, just 27% are proficient in science. wow. that in and of itself is a scandal just as big as the out of context series of shots about how kids were walking. can kids of that age even -- i mean, kids can't understand this when you give them the full context, as painful as all of this has been.
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but it certainly is giving kids a sense that america is an awful, rotten, racist place, at the very least. >> yeah, you can absolutely see it at every stage of the curriculum. the lesson plans teach that america is a fundamentally racist place, the diversity czar of buffalo public public schools was caught on tape saying she sd that it led people to believe people are less than human and shoot them in the back seven times, and this is all related. in order to obscure and shift blame away from the failures of public schools, they are now bringing in this narrative of systemic racism in order to shift the blame to the abstract and shift attention away from their own abysmal failure to educate kids. >> laura: yeah, maybe the kids are not proficient in math because of systemic racism in the school district. i mean, chris, this is from a video use they wish him to schools all over the country after the january 6th riot.
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take a look. >> can you spot the difference? can you spot the difference now? can you find something that the same? >> laura: in other words, all trump supporters are rioters and violent. absolute poison, chris. >> yeah, what we are seeing now in public schools across the country, not just in the big west coast cities are east coast cities come even smaller schools in the heartland, is that woke academics and educators are transforming schools away from academics and education and into politics. they are really leaning forward, trying to teach students what they call critical consciousness, which is the idea that students should be trained to identify and then overthrow the oppressors, in this case, the united states of america. >> laura: remember obama on his way out of office said he wanted more community organizers. well, it looks like he's gotten more community organizers.
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chris, this was stunning. thank you for this reporting. and could a favorite libation be the secret to beating covid? which one is it? "the last bite" explains.
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(male announcer) to everyone in our great outdoor family, you may be feeling a little cooped up but don't forget-- there are still rocks to be skipped; trails to be trampled; fish to be caught. the great outdoors are wide open and they're calling us like never before. in these trying times, we need nature more than ever. we need nature to remind us that like a sunrise or the turning of the tides, these challenges will pass.
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we need nature to help us heal and reconnect with the ones we love the most. so when you can, get back to nature. get back to each other. we're here for you. >> laura: tonight, we celebrate a miracle. survived covid at 105 years old. it's an incredible story on its own. it's her secret to longevity that is the real headline
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grabber. >> what is your secret? >> pray, pray, pray. >> also, did you do something with raisins? >> put them in hr, keep them for nine days. after nine days, eat nine a day. >> laura: reasons. okay, we are writing that down. god bless her. that is all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. i have never heard of raisin gin before. >> shannon: cucumbers -- >> laura: no. >> shannon: if that is the combo, i'm good with one of them. the other one, i'm going to have to take my chances. >> laura: [laughs] have a great show. >> shannon: thanks, laura. start with this. breaking tonight, new york stands to get billions of dollars from the so-called blue state bailout. democratic governor anewuo


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