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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 25, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PST

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michael jordan's flying symbol, maybe something new is in order. >> harris: jerry west, the jury is still out according to the nba on who really inspired that logo anyway so him weighing in and saying change it might not matter all that much. gentleman, always great to have you on the program, thank you. it's time now for "outnumbered." and we will begin with a fox news alert, new york governor andrew cuomo is now facing calls for a second investigation after a former top aide accused the embattled governor of pervasive sexual harassment. lindsey boylan says "cuomo kissed her on the lips without her consent" and once suggested they play strip poker and more. now, five new york state senators are calling for state attorneys, attorney general, rather, to investigate the claim and just a short time ago, new york city mayor bill de blasio joined the calls for the probe it. >> these allegations are really
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disturbing, let's be clear about that, they are really disturbing. we have two, as new yorkers, take this seriously, we need a full and independent investigation, i want to emphasize the word "independent," this kind of behavior if it is true is unacceptable. >> harris: cuomo's accuser writing "andrew cuomo abused his power as governor to sexually harass me just as he had done with so many other women" and that he created a culture within his administration where sexual harassment and bullying is so pervasive that it is not only condoned, it's expected. cuomo's office denies the allegations and says they never happen, meanwhile republicans on the house oversight committee are urging democrat chair carolyn maloney of new york to subpoena cuomo to testify on
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allegations his office covered up on the nursing home death toll, the other scandal rocking right now against this governor, this comes after cuomo's directive to send covid patience to those facilities after hospital stays. you are watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, emily compagno, dagen mcdowell, host of "no interruption" on fox nation, tomi lahren and in the virtual center seat, lawrence jones. tomi, and lawrence are both in orlando for fox nation coverage of cpac. let's start with the governor cuomo situation. i said he's rocking two scandals, what he is rocking a several investigations and maybe more coming. >> lawrence: there are two scandals but they are connected
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because it shows a pattern of behavior, he concealed numbers, not only did he conceal numbers from people in government but from the authorities as well, we also know that he's a bully, he intimidates people, those are also signs of a predator that's gotten away with it before they because they intimidate their victims. he is proven... ... innocent until proven guilty and i stand by that, he has the right to face his accuser but what we see is a guy that's been used to getting away with this and had cover from people in his own political party, we will talk about that later in the show but the walls are closing in and you know, this was the guy that was supposed to be the model for politicians in america, the counter-trump narrative, the guy talking smooth, didn't disrespect women, i gave you accurate information, didn't cover things up, he wasn't a bully, he didn't intimidate people but now we
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know there is something different so i think first of all, harris, you have how many emmys? aide to? he should give those back. >> harris: i only have six. when you said about the scandals have something in common, victims. i mean, these are actual people, these aren't scandals about some thing he did, you know, in a situation where there were no victims, we are talking people perished, his own ag office talked about his policy, his decisions potentially with the nursing home scandal cost people their lives. and if it turns out to be true, lindsay boylan, she's got receipts and she named some other women in her telling a story, i'm sure those people will be deposed, if there is evidence there then we have potentially more victims. tomi?
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>> tomi: this is also a pattern of governors, especially democrat governors who are too big to fail. it takes so much, so many scandals to get rid of these people. i think he should absolutely resign, i think it's been time for a while now, he still has that pompous, indulgent attitude, he doesn't think he needs to resign but now we are seeing democrat start to pile on and we will talk about that later. i also want to question the timing of the pile on, it's very interesting now that we know these allegations date back, the nursing home scandal dated back pre-election but now the democrats are finally starting to call them to the carpet, we've got bill de blasio calling him to the carpet and now we are supposed to give these democrats a huge pat on the back for going after cuomo. i have to be suspicious of the timing. we know cuomo was the anti-trump, he was a big democrat governor from a big democrat state so then nobody wanted to talk about things we probably all new and that people knew and no one came forward but now all of a sudden the pile on
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begins, the timing is questionable so i'm sorry if i'm not patting the democrats on the back were finally going after him, this is a pattern of behavior, i think he will go down but it took far too long. >> harris: that's interesting, the timing is interesting. dagen? >> dagen: well, let's talk about ron kim, the assemblymen, he's a democrat and he lost his uncle to covid in a nursing facility so he was harassed and bullied by andy cuomo so he is speaking up. he got a phone call when he was bathing his three daughters of cuomo yelling at him so loudly that his wife and children were frightened of him saying "i will destroy you. you haven't seen my wrath." threatening him, i'm going to go out and start telling the world how bad an assembly member you are, you will be finished. he's a democrat and is finally saying, i want to get it lives he's been saying i want to get
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to the bottom of a nursing home deaths, 9,000 elderly people sent from hospitals with covid back into nursing nursing homes, 15,000 deaths, a cover stonewalling, from moment one by andy cuomo, janice dean talking about this since last spring and i come too have been talking about it since last spring and i know a couple of things about andy cuomo, he is incapable of honesty and compassion, he is a grossly incompetent egomaniac who will crush or at least attempt to crush anybody who crosses him or calls him out for that very devastation. he played politics, by the way, with the vaccine rollout, he was going to have a safety review because he didn't trust trump, he was going to have his own, you needed a review of the vaccine distribution. new york has had a higher
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coronavirus fatality rate than any country in the western world. but i will add this, thankfully, some people, regardless of who they vote for or what party they belong to had souls and a moral compass and they will stand up for the dead and the grieving families and demand answers and truth and justice because that's the american way, not the cuomo way and by the way, andy cuomo is a walking billboard for term limits. >> harris: wow. and i wonder, too, if the state isn't going to start looking across the nation and say, can we change the constitution and put in a recall platform like they have going against gavin newsom? they don't have that in the state of new york, the most they can do is take away his pandemic emergency powers at this point but they could do that and democrats aren't doing anything so emily, i ask janice dean this last hour, she was with ron kim
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who dagen just mentioned and she said there were a smattering smattering of other democrats, where is the push from people who can really get some thing done, are they getting calls while their kids and wives are scared, too? what's going on, why on the democrats taking some action? >> emily: it seems like at a minimum at the state level it is a bipartisan push, you mentioned the impeachment process, there is a bipartisan call right now to create that commission that then results in an investigation and ultimately the removal on their end of governor cuomo. i think it's a national level that we are not seeing the same exposure. i think we see bipartisan calls, in addition to removing the powers you discussed, the emergency powers, also investigations at the new york ag level and at the doj level, there is definitely bipartisan calls and to the point in the
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conversation we keep having that dagen just illustrated, death does not have a party and the grief extends throughout new york state, not at a party line, however on the national level it's where these democrats are quite silent. >> harris: i would push back a little bit and say that when it comes to this sort of thing death does have a party because it doesn't matter, all those things that were just enumerated the democrats could do, there are some things that they could do right now, could do and do right now are actually into five separate categories, they could take away his emergency powers, that would take very long, bill de blasio, the mayor of new york. >> lawrence: they don't want to take the l, though. in politics sometimes you got to take the l, all of us have had to do it before, our guy did something wrong, our gal did something wrong and we take the l but democrats don't want to take the l on this because they put them on such a pedestal, press conferences every single
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day. we've seen the results of those press conferences, he got the emmy but maybe he didn't put in the work. >> dagen: people are afraid of him so maybe now people realize. >> harris: they've got to get together, grouped together, power in numbers. if they don't watch out they are going to get a lot more scandal. okay, we will move forward. i don't know what you thought i was going to say. [laughter] those explosive sexual harassment claims against new york's governor cuomo not even getting a mention on the big three networks. evening newscasts and that's very different coverage than the brett kavanaugh story got, double standards, why? ♪ ♪ plus, we are about to get some
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pretty strong clues about former president trump's political future as he gets ready for his headline speech at cpac. what he's expected to say about around in 2024. ♪ ♪ lows just one call to newday can lower your payment and save you $3000 a year. that's me. the va streamline refi is a benefit you earned with your service. and at newday, there's no income verification, and no appraisal. that's me. the va streamline refi from newday usa. get the savings you deserve. people were afraid i was contagious. i felt gross. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections
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>> emily: welcome back, the conservative political action conference kicks off today in orlando. former president trump is a headliner and set to speak on sunday in his first public address since leaving office. our own john roberts reporting that trump's speech will fall somewhere between warming up to the idea of a 2024 around and walking up and announcing it. even a fierce trump critic
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admits the former president will be a major player in the g.o.p., take a listen. >> i don't know if he will run in 2024 or not but if he does i'm pretty sure he will win the nomination, i look at the polls and the polls show among the names being floated as potential contenders in 2024, if you put president trump in there among republicans he wins in a landslide. >> emily: tomi, you and lawrence are there in orlando so give us a little preview of what you think we can expect from the former president and his supporters and attendees there. >> tomi: i can tell you this, it really hasn't officially kicked off yet and i can tell you there are maga hats everywhere, trump gear everywhere, i have not seen a liz cheney hat, mitt romney hat, a hat from any establishment republicans but the energy for donald trump is high, the conservative movement have been awakened, we are excited and i have a feeling and i am manifesting this, i have a
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feeling that on sunday trump is either going to tell us he's running in 2024 or strongly hinted at the fact that he's running in 2024. it is his to win, the people here are very much here for him and those in the d.c. beltway and on the coast in the mainstream media who don't think this is donald trump's party are sadly mistaken, this is very much still donald trump's party and without donald trump this movement and party cannot exist in a winning and competitive way. cpac are excited, they've always been excited about donald trump at just the announcement that is coming to speak on sunday, people are very excited, they are excited to be in the free state of florida and here they're up president speak and hopefully say he's going to put his hat in the ring again in 2024. we are also very excited for him to be a thorn in the side of the liberal mainstream media for the next three and a half years and i think he's excited about it as well.
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>> emily: lawrence, the argument goes that some insiders say that it might be just as valuable for the former president to intimate that he's going to run but then not actually run to maintain that leverage and attention and the pool around the rest of the party can serve over the next three and a half years, your thoughts on that and anything you are hearing on the ground? >> lawrence: that's a risky move, do we want what happened in 2016? because if you want your entire bench of republicans to be knocked out in one batch, go back to 2016, all the republican hopefuls took on donald trump and ended up losing several republicans have to be careful about that as well because some of these hot names, if president trump jumps in and there is this debate on this box already start flying, their political career can be done. but i am more interested in seeing the prosecution of the case, you know, i started off after joe biden was elected saying that there was going to be this, do we want to feel good or are we going to look at politics? and i think that's what you should expect in that trump speech, he's going to talk about
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the border, the fact that after election day, they decided to literally pack up, leave all the materials there and now the southern border is being ran over right now, communities are already talking about some of their property being stolen. we've also got the narrative of the unaccompanied minors, a lot of emotions involved about that but right now we are seeing the same thing happen under the biden administration, we're going to talk about energy, the price of energy, people are losing their jobs, joe biden is going to find replacement jobs, where is that? where those jobs, where we going to get these people employed? so again, it's one thing to feel something which i'm sure a lot of people feel good but then you've got to talk about these policies and how it impacts them. i think you can expect the former president to take that case and we will have coverage of that on fox right after he's
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going finished speaking. >> emily: we look forward to that. day again, what are your thoughts that we might expect from the former president during his speech and what you think would be the most compelling type of speech he could make, to lawrence's point about all the arguments he could hit, what's the most effective use of his time on sunday? >> dagen: lawrence had all the right points, it's a policy issue because joe biden and in a little more than a month has ripped up what president trump did, the president promised energy independence and achieved it and biden reversed it. you know who is even happier about the speech then the maga crowd? cnn. this is the spring programming, they are already aghast at the speech and they don't even know what the man is going to say. you know, if he runs the burger joint you sell burgers but lately they've had to sell like
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vegan plant patties and lettuce cups so the folks at cnn and the left-wing media, trump speaking, they are like, they can't wait. >> harris: i'm hungry. >> emily: to your point, while they are feasting on that there is a famine in the other sense, the sounds of silence and the governor's cuomo scandal, not only coming from the media but some top democratic women who weren't shy to weigh in when others were accused of similar things so why aren't these leaders speaking up now? plus, why dozens of democrats want president biden to have the sole authority to launch a nuclear attack. ♪ ♪
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>> harris: explosive sexual harassment claims against new york governor cuomo broke during our show yesterday, and while we covered it, abc, nbc and cbs all avoided that story
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on the evening newscasts with their biggest audiences, this despite cuomo's aid detailing her bombshell allegations against him in an essay just published online. cnn, home to the governor's brother also ignored it. and while msnbc skipped the harassment claims, it did report on his ongoing nursing home scandal. all of this last hour. >> here we are again, abc, nbc, cbs, cnn all pretending after 2020 making andrew cuomo into the greatest american hero, in 2021 that person suddenly doesn't exist anymore particularly on cnn's 9:00 p.m. program where the anchor has been out all that he's not even allowed to discuss anything as it pertains to his brother. >> harris: lau. a cuomo had to back out of a cuomo story, i'm almost shocked except it's never happened before.
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lawrence? >> lawrence: well, he is there a guy so now they have to defend them, they promoted him, you'd think they'd play a part in bringing out the truth. look, this is what i am not friends with politicians because they always let you down. of any party. i am going to be in my libertarian square. above are all the criticism we get a fox news, right, don't you think they would evaluate themselves right now? i don't remember us ever covering for a politician like this on the news side, i just don't remember that happening. this information was out before the election, right? so they had the opportunity to have this intellectual curiosity to follow the facts. he was intimidating people before the election, they could have some curiosity to follow that. people were dead and the policy was out for us all to see before the election, they could've highlighted that but because he
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was the trump alternative they chose not to cover those facts, that is the media we are dealing with today, this is why their rating is so low, because people can't trust them, it's based on the candidates that they like and so now, let's be honest, the reason why there is so much coverage now, just a little bit of coverage is because the election is over, he's replaceable now, they don't need them anymore. >> harris: that's what tomi was pointing to come in the timing. i will say this, it takes a lot for a woman, anybody who has been sexually harassed her, forward with the kinds of details and to offer whatever she has, lindsay boylan in terms of evidence, it takes a lot for a democrat like ron kim to come forth and admit that his family was frightened by the governor of new york as he was bathing his little baby on a phone call and that he was bullied and harassed by the governor, it takes a lot so not only to the
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media have to do our jobs but we have to be those trusted sources people feel like they can come to and as lawrence points out, why would anybody trust some of the others who won't even cover the stories as they are happening? >> tomi: a part of the problem, you have half the country that doesn't trust the media and the other half of the country that implicitly trust the mainstream media and they are sheep. the other problem is we don't have a lot of competition, we sit here on fox news and cover these things, we have a huge following but we need to have more independent sources out there covering these things because we need to awaken the sheep. there are far too many sheep in this country that voted for biden or the socialist agenda because they didn't know what they would be getting, they believed it wholeheartedly, with the media told them and what the media didn't tell them, cnn is playing in airports and if they are not reporting on things like cuomo are biden's agenda or pausing the deportation of criminal aliens they don't know it's happening but i would also say to our friends in hollywood,
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california, our friends in sports and political entertainment and pop culture, where are the feminists, where the activists? they were very loud talking about cap and, talking about donald trump, anytime they can attack a republican or even an independent, they are all there for their virtual signal, believe all women, women's truth is the gospel but where are they now? where the feminists? they certainly don't to offend me, and now they are shockingly very quiet about this. believe all women, that's what we were told, right? >> harris: that was it, the rules are changing and they need to tell us. emily? >> emily: i also think, quick point while we pinned it, a lot of it has to do with the delineation between performative activism and actual activism, rose mcgowan has come out and said she believes lindsay boylan, you can call for an investigation without casting blame or convictions right away.
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so to tomi's point i think that's what reveal who is actually behind their activism into a semiperformative. moving along in that vein, the nation leading the world's women who have been silent and we haven't heard anything from them, top democrats like former presidential nominee hillary clinton, vice president kamala harris or senator kirsten gillibrand on her own state. she was quick to blast her senate colleague when al franken and she's been unapologetic when taking that stand. >> there is no pride for someone who tries to hold accountable like a powerful man who is good at his day job but we should have the courage to do it anyway. so no, i do not have any regrets. >> emily: no regrets, dagen, just silence. >> dagen: kirsten gillibrand also through the clintons under the bus when she was getting ready to run for the democratic nomination, that she regretted
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not speaking, she said that he should have resigned, that's what she said about bill clinton. so when it suits her and to her, you know, political aspirations, she will stand up. where is hillary clinton and all of this who famously referred to monica lewinsky as a "narcissistic looney tunes." it don't forget that, some years later she came out and, speaking of women, every survivor of sexual assault has the right to be heard. you remember that famous line from hillary clinton, "i'm not sitting here some little woman standing by my man like tammy wynette," and insulted tammy wynette. now it's not her husband, it's andy cuomo. they won't stand up to him because he's a democrat and that's how shallow they are. >> harris: i see it all tied together, i really do, i think
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tomi took us down a lane where you can put all these eggs in that basket about are we going to support and believe each other? it isn't just women who are harassed, anybody who is harassed in this way, anybody was forced to kiss another human being, allegedly and is afraid of losing their position, their job, whatever it is. anyone not to at least be listened to and the rules are so often coming from the left and they are so often now being broken by the left, i don't understand it. if there are no rules, just tell us so we can keep up because those of us who are just neutral along the lines of we do want to listen to what people have to say no matter how they voted what they they do, because we don't want there to be victims out there and we don't want crimes to continue to be perpetrated against victims. for those of us to sit in that lane it would be really helpful if we were all on the same page. i think we've gone to the point now that we need to ask andy cuomo as you call him, day again, the governor of new york some questions, some really good
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questions and we need to give protection to some of the women around him so they can talk. because it sounds like he might try to bully them, i'm just saying. >> emily: and that acknowledgment and platform providing for those voices can be done without again, kind of preconceived conclusions, there's a way to go about this acknowledgment without stifling those voices. just ahead, why over 30 house democrats are asking president biden to give up full power to launch a nuclear bomb. ♪ ♪ >> they didn't propose this even when donald trump was president and they all hated donald trump. ♪ ♪ important news for veteran homeowners. introducing refiplus from newday usa. refiplus lets you refinance at today's all-time low interest rates plus get cash. with home values climbing, now is the smartest time ever to turn your home's increased value into an average of $50,000 cash.
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♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa >> emily: nearly three dozen house democrats signing onto a letter urging biden to give up the soul of authority to launch a nuclear strike, noting that
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past presidents "exhibited behavior to express concern about the president's judgment but sean hannity calling this an embarrassment for president biden. >> it's unconstitutional, there is one commander in chief, it is not the u.s. congress, there is zero constitutional ambiguity here but second of all, what do these democrats know about joe biden that maybe the rest of us don't? >> emily: day again, your thoughts on diluting the power of president biden? >> dagen: it's a classic power grab by democrats, they want to pull power away from the executive branch into the legislative branch and ignorance of the constitution which is what sean hannity was pointing out. maybe it's about biden but maybe it's about their own last for power. >> emily: harris, you brought up such a great question in your last hour faulkner focus which doesn't this convey a lack of faith in our commander in chief or an internal weakness to our
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global adversaries? >> harris: yeah, you know, marine veteran joey jones and i were talking about this, you don't want your enemies to look across the table, iran should we let them back into a situation where they can be hedged back into it a deal, you don't want them to look across the table at whoever is representing the president of the united states and think, they are weekend i can get whatever i want. they may think that anyway based on whatever they think they are experiencing but you don't have to quantify it for them, you don't have to check that box and say yeah, we are weak, either you trust the commander in chief, the guy who is in charge of your military decisions if you should go to war because congress has not done its job getting in the game of that and pressing to be back at the table for that issue of declaring war so maybe they do want to take some power away from the executive but why don't they take it back based on something they actually constitutionally can do? this just seems like they want
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something and they are just going to take it from the president. they wanted it from the last president, too, they said that trump was not the person they wanted to have these nuclear powers either, they are just thirsty and dangerously so because they agree very little on very much of anything. >> emily: next, up ahead, we will be covering a lift stay with us, amazon yanking a conservative book office online shelves after violating a change in its criteria on free speech. g.o.p. senators accuse amazon of telling conservatives they are not welcome. ♪ ♪ ing forward. hey, kevin! hey, guys! they have customized solutions to help our family's special needs... graduation selfie! well done! and voya stays by our side, keeping us on track for retirement...
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>> good afternoon company is now demanding an investigation into sexual harassment allegations against andrew cuomo. one of those lawmakers joins us, miranda devine from "the new york post" will join us on why she is claiming the bully governor cuomo has finally been exposed. plus, pete hegseth from cpac and senator rand paul will be our
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guest as the biden administration comes under fire for kids in cages. big two hours of "america reports" coming up live in moments. >> harris: amazon invoking a new policy banning books which promote hate speech after getting slammed for yanking a conservative book about transgender issues. the book has been available ande store for three years and according to the free beacon, amazon quietly updated its book policy guidelines in the last few months, maybe you caught it. and now a group of republican senators wants to know, if companies move signals to conservative americans at their views are welcome. >> lawrence: well, as you know, before i came to fox, i was in campus reform in one of the things i was never able to nail down is what is hate speech? is hate speech actually being
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hateful, racist, being a big hit or is it just speech that i don't like? and even if that is the standard, do they have a first amendment right to hold those views? i think this is very problematic on two levels. not just from a first amendment standpoint but also is going to force those real hateful people into the closet and that's not what we want. we want to know who they are and the market can decide if that someone we want to go along with our thoughts of someone we want to shut the door on. but you don't give people that chance when you exclude them from the conversation. also, harris, i've interviewed a lot of hateful people and i have learned a lot about their ideology and i think it's important that we do learn from those people that we dislike or they have hate in their hearts. >> harris: so what you are
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talking about, more speech, not less is so important. my first reporter assignment was a kkk rally in north carolina, channel nine in greenville, north carolina, and that's where my former news director said "i want to send you here. if there was somebody else on the ship tried to send them. i'm sending you because this is your shift." and it was very illuminating and very important because you are right. it doesn't have to be what you love to be free speech. tomi? >> tomi: let's be honest, the reason they want to drive out these voices is not because all the voices they want to drive out our hateful or racist or intolerant or bigoted, the fact of the matter is they want to drive out conservative voices and shut them down because if the masses here those conservative voices and they hear they are not hateful, not racist, not intolerant, not bigoted people might wake up and realize that in fact they are conservatives, they are libertarians, they are independent. no, no, no, just as they did with president trump on twitter,
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instagram and all a big tax, they want to shut him out, especially on the day of the insurrection they wanted to shut them out before they could talk to his supporters because they knew he would say go home, be peaceful. they want to label conservatives and take away our voices so we can't defend ourselves. they want diversity in everything but ideas and they label anything that's conservative or independent voice hate speech so they can drown it out, silence it and do not want their sheep to wake up, that is what's going on here. big tech is a part of it, academia is a part of it, government is a part of it, that's why we have to be louder than ever. >> harris: you know, day again, also the other point of all of this is people are easier to control if you can tell them that, that's why i have such a problem with what then-candidate joe biden said, if you don't vote for me, you are not black. like all people who look the same need to think the same end when you step out of that box they want you silent stand what
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tomi is talking about cuts across all avenues, political, race, culture. you are a lot easier to control as a big public if you just can compartmentalize the ideas that people have for you, not the ones you are actually having. >> dagen: this goes to the control that the four big tech companies have. amazon, apple, google, and microsoft. we've seen them since her conservative speech repeatedly. they control roughly 90% of all internet activity. they know more about you than the government does. now we have these big tech companies, very liberal working in coordination with the government which is a second amendment violation, in coordination with big media and academia. i will just add this, you know, buying "mein kampf" on amazon today but not this book from
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brian anderson on the transgender controversy. >> harris: the political action conference is about to kick off. how organizers plan to honor the late radio legend rush limbaugh is a recall his memorable speech at cpac in 2009. >> let me tell you who we conservatives are. we love people. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ lues high and mortgage rates at their lowest now's the time to refinance and turn your home equity into money for your family. that's me. introducing refiplus from newday usa. take advantage of record low rates plus get cash for security today or retirement tomorrow that's me. refiplus. only from newday usa. if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back,
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♪ ♪ >> white house press briefing, peter doocy from fox news just watched the white house briefing secretary perry watch. >> is this something the white house would be appropriate? >> it's really up to the white house to determine how they want to review or have hearings on those reports. >> i know you were asked about this this weekend but i will try again, does president biden still think andrew cuomo is the gold standard for covid leadership and that he is doing a hell of a job, which he said about him? >> secretary psaki: to be fair, let's put all the comments in context, sometimes these are missing from these conversations we have here during interviews. at the time, which i was -- i believe was able, he said a range of positive things about democrats and republicans when there was a vacuum of leadership at the federal level, when they
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were getting no information and no help and no guidance from the former trump administration. he made some positive comments about governor cuomo and his role in the ark at the time, as he did about a range of governors. >> one more on climate change, there are reports about a meeting with airline ceos next week. how important is it to the white house to reduce airline emissions? >> i'm not familiar with that meeting committee know who it is with? >> some airline company ceos? >> secretary psaki: i would have to look back into it, i don't have any more details on that meeting. go ahead. >> reporter: i just want to follow up on unaccompanied children, defied administration within the health and human services department, congressional caucus chair, this person would be able to go in and check out the facility and be clear that the children are
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receiving and report back to congress. with the administration support such a role within health and human services? >> secretary psaki: i have not spoken to the president about that proposal. i should note, i think someone asked this the other day, we have had cameras, the hhs has had cameras in there also to make sure people and the public, the media are able to see the conditions in these facilities and we would certainly be able to supporting that in the future but i would have to follow up with him and our legislative team with that. >> reporter: lawmakers obviously need to go when -- >> the white house press secretary was asked several questions about governor cuomo in new york facing dual scandals and an fbi investigation on oneg home covid decisions that he was making and now this new sexual harassment and discrimination scandal with him at the heart of it as well. we missed the question because we were coming out of commercial break but you heard jen psaki
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answering some of that. if we watch some of this unfold, it's a fair question because as peter doocy reminded her, the president has said that the gold standard during the pandemic and decision-making was andrew cuomo. >> emily: that's exactly right and what we did hear the tail end of there, the chair of the governance association, so essentially saying there is no changes anymore unless we knew something new in a concrete way. a reminder that in new york state, those laws prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace both on the state level, actually the local administrative level and also the civil rights act. that is separate from these called for investigations into the nursing home scandal by again, the fbi, doj and also new york state, there are a lot of agencies looking into this, called for investigations on that level and it remains to be seen how the white house will
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react. at what point will they weigh in and acknowledge these calls and investigations into the governor of new york? >> harris: or make a change come as you said, he still invited to this event with other governors. when do you wait for the investigation, particularly the one with the fbi? no doubt people are looking at the situational's also because at one point, new york, not just its governor but we led the nation here on the east coast and even on certain days of the world on covid, his decisions mattered and were watched so very closely. >> i think i initially heard her say that new york didn't receive any help from the prior administration when they got an entire ship that they didn't use, when they got ventilators that they ended up not using and shipping it to other parts of the country, so she talked about
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when she first got the job that she would be honest from that podium. i think she needs to correct the record on that. number two, since they said he is the gold standard, we know for a fact now that they hid the numbers. that is a fact that they had the numbers. they have to at least understand when it comes to the investigation, when it comes to him and women and all of that, he is innocent until proven guilty, but on this fact alone about the nursing home that we know to be true, they have got to call a spade a spade and an ace an ace on this. >> harris: it's interesting too because jen psaki, the way i heard it was that they were waiting in the white house to see what other evidence would come up. if something were to change anything. i say set your egg timer because it's only thursday and for this governor of new york there has been one scandal or breaking news nugget in one or two of these scandals every day
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this week. if the white house is waiting for more to come, everybody's waiting for more to come to see what will happen next. great to have everybody. this is "outnumbered." so glad you watched today. before i go, cpac streaming all weekend on fox nation. i can't forget that, that is so important! now, "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> john: harris and company, thanks so much. a fox news alert to start this our peer troubles piling up for new york governor andrew cuomo following stunning details of a former aide accusing him of sexual harassment. democrats in the state join for growing calls for an investigation. hello, welcome to "america reports." i'm john roberts in washington. hi, sandra. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. lindsey boylan says the governor once kissed her on the lips, and asked her once to play strip poker. the governor's office says those claims are simply false, but new york republican congressman is demanding


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