tv Hannity FOX News February 25, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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he won't give his age. glad he works here. we'll be back. guess who is next? sean hannity. the great sean hannity. >> sean: that wasn't warm. hannity. i'm teasing. met with great love. the one-time champion of the democratic party, you know, the emmy-award winning governor of new york, andrew cuomo fighting for his job. democrats not republicans are leading the charge to remove him from office, this is after the deadly covid nursing home cover-up and new troubles tonight as a new sexual harassment allegation is adding fuel to that fire. but the most prominent i believers in the democratic party are nowhere to be found. we'll explain coming up. first, kevin mccarthy is calling it the pelosi pay-off. i think we can say it's the
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pelosi-schumer pay-off. democrats are now trying to ram what is a massive $1.9 trillion spending bill through the house of representatives as early as tomorrow. they want you, the american people, to believe something that is not true. they want you to believe this is an emergency covid relief package that will help we the people. nothing could be further from the truth. 9% of the $2 trillion goes towards fighting covid-19. 9%. nearly $700 billion will not even be spent for years until avenue 2022. last i checked, this is 2021. that includes billions of dollars in this bill that i don't even be spent until 2024. how is that in any way categorized as emergency covid relief? to make matters worse, the bulk
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of the spending bill had nothing at all whatsoever to do with getting money directly in to the hands of the american people, those that desperately need it. but per usual, joe biden seems totally unaware and totally clueless. take a look. >> we need congress to pass my american rescue plan that deals with the immediate crisis, the urgency. now critics say my plan is too big. that it cost $1.9 trillion. that's too much. let me ask them. what would they have me cut? what would they have me leave out? >> sean: okay. i'll answer. i'll tell you what to cut, joe. start with the $350 billion bail-outs for irresponsible state and local governments. in other words, this money would go towards blue high tax states, blue states with massive budget deficits, states that tax their residents in to oblivion, states
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that never balance their budgets and now looking for a handout in voters from red states that elect politicians, governors that are fiscally responsible, state legislatures that don't raise taxes, states that actually balance their budget and fully fund pensions and didn't buy in to the insane draconian shut-downs like new york and new jersey and california and michigan. in other words, the democrats want to redistribute money from states like texas and florida that are fiscally responsible and give it to governors like newsome, cuomo, whitmire, murphy and wolf that are not fiscally responsible. joe, if you're asking, cut the $112 million tunnel in silicon valley. they have enough of their own money, this is just outside of nancy pelosi's district. tell me, joe, how is that covid relief? i have more areas for you to cut.
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the $1.5 billion earmarked for the say way international bridge that connects canada to new york in chuck schumer's report. and how about those universities that have been collecting tuition with no school. caught the $750 million for global health, in other words healthcare for people and other countries. we could barely afford health care for everyone here and the illegal immigrants that want to give healthcare to. and joe, while you're at it, you can cut the $500 million for museums and libraries and the arts and humanities. i fail to see how $1 billion for an equity commission and other assistance to advance racial justice and farming has anything at all what to do with covid-19 emergency relief. this is a wish list for the radical left. that's all this is.
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this is a pelosi-schumer pay-off and a pay-off to blue states and radicals in the democratic party. now tonight, even some democrats finally getting to the bottom of the bill are, yeah, beginning to get uncomfortable with the bill because they have to answer for this in less than two years. >> every bill that has $1.9 trillion, there will be one line that will probably be somewhat embarrassing, right? this is -- >> it's embarrassing. 101.5 million of taxpayer money. i'm just saying, are you comfortable with it? >> the answer is no, i'm not comfortable. i'm never comfortable with it. >> sean: let's stop here. it's not just the pork and the payouts, democrats are trying to use the bill as a trojan horse for their $15 minimum wage, which according to the cbo, that
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would cost 1.4 million jobs in the middle of a pandemic, not a good idea. in the middle of eliminating high-paying career six-figure paying jobs, career jobs in the energy sector. not a good idea. a job where the job market is flooded with 11 to 15 million illegal immigrants. not a good idea. also breaking tonight, the u.s. parliamentarian ruled that the minimum wage increase must be stripped from the bill. here's with more. donald trump jr. i'm not a big social media guy anymore, believe it or not. we tweet out information that we do on our website. the old days of fighting jimmy kimmel and alec baldwin have died for me. i began to live my life. >> not for me, sean. >> sean: not for you. i read your twitter account. you're engaged in every issue now in this country like never
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before. >> the reality, someone has to do it, sean. that's the problem. we have people in the republican party that are just not willing to engage. they speak incredibly well in front of nice groups of republicans, but when they get to d.c., when there's pressure, they're not willing to stand up to an adverse media that is functioning as the marketing arm of the democratic party. i tonight have that problem. i like to engage. i'm willing to do it. it doesn't come free of the sticks and arrows that i get from the other side. it's worth it. we have to point out these lies. i did this last summer when i wrote the book, "liberal privilege". look what i said in that book. it's all coming true. we saw it all. the media lied about it. they wanted to paint joe biden as he's this moderate joe, he's not going to ban fracking, he won't do all of these things. he isn't. whether he's in control or not is debatable. we said early on the people that are controlling the democrat
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party will make these decisions. they're going to be bad for americans. they are going to bend the knee to china. you can see it based on tucker's last segment. we're doing more than bending the knee to china. >> sean: okay. and they're trying to pressure south korea to give another $7 billion to the iranian mullahs or do they seem to care that john kerry was undermining your father's foreign policy with backchannel negotiations. that doesn't matter. if he was general flynn, it might be taken differently. every time the left gets power, they overreach. never been a political party that has ever gone this hard left. the consequences are predictable. socialism always fails. leads to more poverty and every promise that they have broken.
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it's a matter of how much freedom we lose in the meantime. they seem to be going for all of it in record time. >> without question, sean. that's because there's no natural push-back. the republicans aren't willing to do it. they have shown that over the decades. they rather lose gracefully. that's not a plan that i would go with. it's what they have done. donald trump has shown that you don't have to do that. you can actually push back. we don't have an easy fight. we don't have a level playing field. you have multi-trillion dollar industries between the mainstream media and big tech doing whatever they can to destroy the republican party. look at the difference in the handling of governor desantis versus andrew cuomo. andrew cuomo sends your grandmother to her nursing home for her death. governor desantis got more hell in florida for keeping beaches open with social distancing and masks than andrew cuomo got for
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executive orders sending people into nursing homes to die. when we knew sending the sick and elderly back into nursing homes was a susceptible population and people got hurt. governor desantis gets more hell for various decisions taking on the press. he had accusations of sexual harassment and other harassment, a double standard out there. i think that people in america see it, which is why the mainstream media's approval rating is as low as congress'. until we have more people willing to step up and tell the truth and speak to the american people, we're a little bit at a loss. it's ridiculous. you can see what's going on. $1.9 trillion. you articulated so many of the points well. the only problem is almost none of it is for actual relief. it's a democrat wish list. we saw this before. i called it out in the summer when the democrats were trying to add pork into the bill that my father wanted to push. the kennedy center for the arts.
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of course, they needed -- what is it? $30 million at the time. $100 million for this. we have to make sure we get a billion dollars for illegals. they don't pay taxes. maybe one day they'll vote democrat. this is asinine and does nothing for the american people. >> sean: your passion is infectious. i'll tell you this. in any opinion, this america first, make america great again, keeping america strong and great is the battle for liberty and the battle for freedom and that cause never ends and never goes out of style or fashion. i would imagine on sunday your dad will be reminding people that this is just the beginning. >> yeah, i have a feeling he will do that. again, you know, if you're reading the room and you're intelligent, you realize that donald trump is the future of the republican party. people following that america first agenda where they can
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fight for the hard working men and women of this country. people that are being displaced by illegals, the people that are being swept aside by the democrat party who is just flagrantly ignored them for decades. donald trump is all over that. i actually love when i see, you know, some of the corporate interests around america. we're not going to support republicans anymore. good. that means the republican party isn't going to be bound to those corporate interests anymore. our congressmen and our senators can start fighting for the american people the way that donald trump did. so i love that they are making that link and breaking it. because we need more of that and we need candidates and people that will go to bat, that will go to war and fight for the american working class and make sure that we put them first. at no other point in time in history, sean, was it controversial for the leaders of a nation to put their people first. why is it now? how do the democrats get away
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with making america last as opposed to first? it's mind boggling. when people wake up to what's going on, they'll realize it. >> sean: the worst things that they have done to me and they've done a lot of bad things and i said your passion is infectious. i can hear people at home like nodding their head. i can see them in my mind's eye. i'll tell you what they did. when they sent out pink slips to all of these career job workers that made us energy independent for the first time in 75 years, you'll get another union job, no, they won't. those jobs are not available. that doesn't give them a paycheck next week. you're right. republicans need to fight for every working man and woman in this country. that's our future. donald trump jr. thank you. >> all right. i agree. >> sean: we turn now to the scandal swirling around governor andrew cuomo. as we recorded earlier this week, a former aide accused him of unwanted touching and kissing and other acts of sexual
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harassment. the new york daily news not exactly a conservative publication, another former staffer is accusing him of implementing a 1950 style sexist workplace. on the program, unlike democrats, we are consistent. i'm not going to rush to judgment. i believe in due process. i know all of you at home believe in due process. that is our system and the best you can get. that is not the case with the democratic party. where are all the i believers or the i believers caucus? chief among them happen to be andrew cuomo himself during the kavanaugh witch hundred. remember that? cuomo released a statement to "dr. christine blaze ford and all survivors, we believe you and we will fight for you." so that raises the natural question tonight, is cuomo going
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to apply the same standard to the women accusing him of sexual assault and remember also cuomo demanded that kavanaugh take a lie detector test. so again tonight, we ask will he apply the same standard to himself? will andrew cuomo take a lie detector test? what about all of the i believers in the democratic party? they have been silent lately. might remember some of them. >> i believe her. first of all, anybody that comes forward at this point to be prepared to testify in the united states senate against someone who is being nominated to one of the most powerful positions in the united states government, that takes an extraordinary amount of courage. >> not only do women like dr. ford who bravely comes forward need to be heard, but they need to be believed. they need to be believed. >> let me say at the outset, i believe dr. ford. i believe the survivor here.
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>> i believe her. i stand with her. >> i believe professor ford. i think she's credible. i think when the investigation is finished and when she testifies and judge kavanaugh testifies, i think a majority of senators will find her credible. >> sean: so tonight we are asking where are all of you i believers now? because none of the people we just showed you that you saw with your own eyes, none of them have come forward saying they believe cuomo's accusers. not one. not cuomo himself. perhaps the biggest i believer of them all, well, was then senator kamala harris. remember? she frequently praised the courage of kavanaugh's accusers. tonight here's what the now vice president harris has to say about cuomo's accuser. take a look. oh, crickets.
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vice president harris, where are you? coming in, vice president harris. where is your brave leadership on this important subject today? i was one of those young children you talked about in the debate about joe biden. where is president biden speaking of an i believer? in 2018 president biden said you have to presume an accuser is telling the truth. so what did joe biden presume when tara reed made accusations against him in the last election? crickets. we heard nothing. how about andrew cuomo? crickets again. is anybody in the biden administration going to speak out on the issue or do they only care about allegations of sexual assault and sexual harassment when a conservative is accused? joining us with reaction from the daily wire, our friend candice owens is back and a huge congratulations are in order. congratulations. >> thank you so much. it's great to be back. >> sean: great to have you back.
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i don't know, candice. i would like to think that people are consistent in their views and opinions. they apply standards equally. i'm applying the same standard that -- and the same courtesy, due process, presumption of innocence that i provided justice kavanaugh to andrew cuomo, as i provided to avenatti. >> i'm a conservative. i don't think we should rush to anything. do i enjoy this? i have a personal opinion. you live by the sword, you die by the sword. he's been living by the sword of watching allegations that really had no proof behind them pick out his political poe poe -- opponents. now his squirming. he doesn't know what to do. a lot of people are saying of course, we believe that we
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should follow the due process of law. but it's something that feels like now you see how we felt when christine blaze ford arrived after 30 years of amnesia, set that up with 30 years of amnesia with zero proof and went off brett kavanaugh. we said you have to #believe women. so it's hard for me to find in my heart to feel bad for governor cuomo tonight. >> sean: but you know, if you really do believe in the concept of the presumption of innocence and due process, that is a little bit harder. you know, i can give you a litany of things that we got things right and the media mob got things wrong. we were right about russia, the lies, the misinformation. this program, i started out in atlanta. i was right and richard jewel. uva, right there. duke lacrosse, right there. rights on ferguson and right on baltimore and right on cambridge. the media gets it wrong all the
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time. sometimes might take me longer to get to the answer, but i'm going to wait and see what the evidence shows us. but they're not willing to do that to conservatives but give every bit of due procession and total silence for their democrats. >> we shouldn't be surprised about that. you bring up kamala harris. this is a woman that stood on stage next to joe biden and called him a racist. she was accurate. called him out on his voting record and saying i was that little girl. what did she do? she strapped on to his coat tails and now we're going to make a great team. she at one point said that is just politics. that really is a perspective that most democrats have. that is just politics. they're willing to do vicious things to take out people, things that people don't deserve as long as they can assume power. right now they're remaining silent because it's something on their side. all they care about is making sure that democrats remain powerful. they don't care about the truth
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and don't care about women. they hashtag believe woman that further their political roles. >> sean: all right. i have a personal question. would you like to share with our audience the amazing incredible great news in your live? >> i had my first child, a healthy bouncing baby boy. it's been a special time. >> sean: that is the greatest news. counts happen to a nicer person. congratulations. if i could give you parenting advice, don't teach the child to talk ever. when they get older -- i'm teasing. they'll talk back. congratulations. another blunder filled day for joe biden and endless gaffes continue. we have the latest low lives. apparently we're the only ones willing to report it. mark meadows is here to discuss that and more after the break as we continue. thanks for being with us.
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what did biden do? take a look. >> i want to make something clear, this is not a time to relax. we must keep washing our hands, stay socially distanced and for god's sake, for god's sake, wear a mask. >> mr. president, what happened to your promise that checks were going out the door? >> my mask. my mask. >> sean: you see what i saw? he lectured us about wearing a mask. joe, you forgot to wear your mask. let's be clear from our own observations as we've been saying and it's ticking off the mob and the media, but sorry, i can run tape of joe biden four
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years ago, ten years ago. it's noticeably different. many liberals tell me even media mob people tell me, yeah, joe, every time he speaks, they're like on pins and needles scared to death. if he had a fab, it's gone. now he lost his slow pitch. i'm not making a medical diagnose. it's not about age. bernie sanders has a ton of energy. donald trump has the energy of a hundred people, a thousand people. a pattern of behavior. we documented it night after night. we are not talking about a few gaffes. it's about increasing evidence of a total lack of any energy. let's just say not particularly aware. lacking awareness. noise way to put it. the mob and the media's reaction would be, if donald trump approached those doctors without his mask on. here with reaction, mark
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meadows. what a different a month makes, my friend. i'm watching this, it's really more about policy. you know, i go through the list of -- the world health organization, the paris accords, stopping construction of the wall, not enforcing immigration laws by the stroke of a pen. by passing, you know, an entire co-equal branch of government, executive actions on everything. what is your reaction to this first month? >> that's what he continues to do, sean. this is not only not unifying and working with congress, he's doing it a go-it-alone america last kind of approach. it's interesting. we look at that. we see how the media continues to give them a path and give specifically joe biden a pass. whether it's the masks today that we're looking at -- by the
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way, it looked like kamala harris said, hey, joe, get your mask. he went running back. so when we see all of this though, it's very, very important that we start to focus on what joe biden is all about. he made campaign promises. the media gave him a pass. yet what we're seeing is that individually he is continuing to put the american worker last. they're suffering for it. >> sean: you know, i watching this and i'm talking to people every day on the radio. people are nervous. you know, sometimes you get a better perspective standing back from the election, standing back from all that happened post election, standing back from impeachment madness. democrats again. the one thing that i -- i might be mistake and we might get the first evidence of this on sunday when the president speaks to cpac, you'd know more than i would, but i would expect that we're going to look at president
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trump's first term as the beginning of the america first movement. as the beginning of making america great and it's going to be a process and it's going to be longstanding and it's going to be ongoing and it's going to be a daily battle. make sense? >> you're going to see a speech sunday that talks about the beginning and what the future looks like. i'm excited about it. i have spoke to president trump last night for a fairly lengthy conversation where we're talking about america, where it needs to go, continuing the america first agenda. more importantly than that, how this president biden has undermined that particular policy within days. we see it. listen, we talk about following the science. joe biden said he was going to follow the science. let me tell you what he's doing. he's following the money. he keeps the schools closed.
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he's letting teacher's union dictate it. when it comes to other union jobs like pipeline jobs, he's eliminating them. going against campaign promises. what we'll see sunday, we'll see the start of planning for the next administration. i can tell you, the people that are at the top of that list, all of them have trump as their last name. >> sean: i think back, looking at the travel ban that biden calls hysterical xenophobia in january, february and march of last year, right? then you think about when really things got bad in late march and new york was caught flat footed and new jersey was caught flat footed. trip built the hospitals, converted them to covid, got all the ppe, all the medicines, the beds remained empty and people were dumped in nursing homes by the great governor cuomo with
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his fantastic power points that weren't so powerful after all. then we have the vaccine. this is not the biden vaccine. you guys were distributing a million shots a day into people's arms when you left office for weeks. now they're having a hard time picking up the job that you guys put in place. i think history will be kinder to donald trump's travel ban, what he did to build hospitals and the warp speed vaccine. >> without a doubt. he protected americans. but isn't it interesting how everybody said, oh, president trump when he's out there saying that we're going to have a vaccine in ninth months, we're going to do it in record speed. even including governor cuomo and dr. fauci said there's no way that that will happen. in fact, they were out there doing victory laps to try to take credit for things that he was doing. here's what we do know.
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the president that i had the privilege of working for actually delivered. he continues to deliver on behalf of millions of americans. so if you're getting a vaccine today, you can thank president trump because he was the one that put forth that plan. >> sean: you know what? i'm backing up that money. it's very interesting. where though, if you look at the trump presidency and everything the president tried to do, democrats were taking him to court. i don't see the same thing happening to the biden campaign except for there are exceptions like the attorney general in texas and some other states. i've got to believe there's got to be some coordinated effort to stop the executive action. joe biden said i'm not a dictator. i've got to get the votes, man. come on, man. all of a sudden he's not getting any votes. he's writing executive order after executive order. >> well, it's coming. i can tell you. i appreciate you mentioning that. whether it is attorney general
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paxton in texas or attorney general landry in louisiana or many of the other great republican attorney generals that we have, stephen miller an american first legal is going to actually be working hand and glove with those attorney generals, working with conservative partnership to actually go forward and challenge some of these executive actions as unconstitutional and certainly they need to be health accountable. i can tell you that help is on the way. american first legal is going to be doing it exactly what you're talking about, working with attorney generals from across the country. >> sean: all right. looks like you got some sleep in the last month. i don't know. you look rested. looks like you got sun. good to see you. >> great to be with you. >> sean: coming up, far left continues pushing political correctness to unprecedented levels. you won't believe what they
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cancelled this time. watch this debate. it will be a shootout with dan bongino and geraldo ahead. canc. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more big notes. more small treasures. more family dinners. more private desserts. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation;
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>> sean: okay. here we go. buckle up. hasbro created a controversy. why? today after they announced they are rebranding their iconic mr. potato head toy -- i had one when i was a kid to potato head. why? to be more inclusive. now hasbro tweeted mr. potato head isn't going anywhere. while they're dropping the mister, mr. and mrs. potato head aren't going anywhere and will
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remain mr. and mrs. potato head. find that confusing? i do. here with reaction, the guy to straighten it out, geraldo rivera and dan bongino. geraldo, i'm going to let dan have the first crack at this. let people wait for what you have to say. i can only imagine. >> i thought, sean, it was a story about a certain show on cnn. but it's not. >> sean: that's the head of -- talk ant -- it's humpty dumpty, the other guy. you have to get these things right. >> some of you got the joke there. yeah. this story is dopey. we get it. the reality is the left is engaged in the weaponization of language for a long time. they do it for a reason. even though this is a silly example, when you look at something like geraldo and i
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debate, undocumented immigrant and illegal immigrant. why don't you have documents? why are you undocumented? you're in the country illegally. the left weaponizes the language. if you dare use a term that they don't approve of like illegally, they point you as a xenophobe. the others do that. they do it all the time. they why they play the euphemism game, too. the trump team wasn't spied on. it was an undocumented surveillance. you don't say that when someone illegally enters your house. like nobody does that. a scam that the left pulls on us and we shouldn't fall for it. >> sean: all right, geraldo. >> illegal immigrant presupposes
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that adjudication has been made. legal, illegal. so when you can't someone presumptively illegal and usually it's coupled with alien, illegal alien, not only do you make the judgment that the person is there illegally as if he were the judge in an immigration court but he's also an alien. what is an alien to most people? they come from mars. an alien -- >> geraldo, stop it. >> illegal alien? >> sean: really, geraldo? >> you dehumanize the personal. >> sean: you think alien is a person from mars? it's statutory language going back for decades and decades. >> it is, sean and you know it. it's a trigger word. i'm think the left goes too far with gender neutral pronouns
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instead of he, her, he him, it's they, them. so i love they. i love them. they went to the storm instead of she or he went to the storm. that's going way too far. but pro abortion and pro choice are not synonymous. pro choice doesn't mean you're pro abortion necessarily. even though there's -- it's a complicated issue that the woman has to determine for herself. so pro choice is a much better expression of what happens than pro abortion. it's much more limited. i think words can be weaponized. i think we really have to seriously pay attention. >> sean: i want too be respectful of all people. i'm willing to address anybody the way they wish to be addressed it's up to them. it's their choice. in this case, we're talking about children. this is children's toys. up to a certain age, values should be instilled by mommy and
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daddy or whoever your parents are, your guardians are. that is who should be instilling values. you get them at home, get them at church. later on, i guess schools will give it to you whether you want it or not, dan bongino. >> well, yeah, that's what most sensible people in a constitutional republic would think, too. we want to keep the family unit intact and get our values from there, not from government bureaucrats. what geraldo said is crazy. well, i guess it with the other gender terminology stuff. but the other stuff is okay. it's pro pro choice. pro choice? that is crazy. like a child is not a choice. it's not how we feel. if you support abortion, you're pro abortion. don't lawyer it to death. on the illegal alien terminology, geraldo, no same person thinks an illegal alien refers to like alf from the 80s sitcom. don't be ridiculous.
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it's silly. make you look silly first. saying someone engaged in illegal activity means they engaged in illegal activity. doesn't mean adjudicated. when someone breaks in, it's an illegal entry. if they're convicted later, they're -- you're a lawyer. you don't understand the difference? >> i know when someone is in the country without authorization, unauthorized and undocumented are different than illegal. illegal is someone that -- >> why is it unauthorized? >> you've been found guilty. >> sean: geraldo, you're splitting hairs here. you're playing verbal gymnastics here. you enter this country -- if you enter this country without permission, if you don't follow the law, you don't respect our borders and sovereignty -- >> the last season i was on celebrity apprentice with donald trump the host.
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he said -- i was the captain for one of the tasks. >> sean: and came with a pile of cash. >> that's right. you dug that money up from the back yard for me. you gave me ten there on the spot. i named my team vortex, like polar vortex. trump looks at me, prepresident trump, donald trump says vortex? what is that? one of those liberal kind of word? what is a vortex? you mean the weather? say weather. don't savor text. polar vortex. i know that words matter. i know that some words trigger people. i know that the left goes overboard very often with language. >> sean: i got to get this out. you don't believe when people say illegal alien that people are saying what we think you're from mars? you're not saying that, right? >> i think when you use the expression illegal alien, you're
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trying to make people think negatively of that person who is come across without documents. you're setting the agenda. >> they're in the country with a law that they broke. this is not hard. stop lawyering this up to death. you lose this debate. sorry. i'm declaring a win, 1-0, dan bongino. >> sean: leave it there. good night. it's over. when we come back, a biden nominee refusing to answer questions about parents and whether they have the right to know important medical issues involving their children. dr. nicole sapphire straight ahead. ets the love it should ♪ ♪ there are 5 more that don't succeed ♪ ♪ and so are lost for good ♪ ♪ and some of them are pretty flawed ♪ ♪ and some of them are slightly odd ♪
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>> transgender medicine is a complexed and nuanced field with robust research and standards of care that have been developed. if i'm fortunate enough to be confirmed as the assistant secretary of health, i will look forward to working with you and your office and coming to your office and discussing the particulars of the standards of care for transgender medicine. >> the specific question is about minors. let's be more specific. do you support the government intervening to override the parent's consent to give a child puberty blockers and/or amputation surgery of breaths and genitalia? >> sir, transgender medicine is a complexed and nuanced field. if confirmed to the position of assistant secretary of health, i would certainly be pleased to come to your office and talk with you and your staff. >> sean: here with reaction, rachel duffy and dr. nicole sapphire. dr. sapphire, you're a medical
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doctor. this is a life-changing event. the question is about parents and whether or not they have a right to be informed of these decisions. thoughts. >> that's right, sean. it's important to clarify the question i wasn't about transgender in general. it's about minors and being transgender. my biggest concern with some of the treatments that are going on for children that are identifying as transgender is i don't want a life-long identity to be defined by childhood insecurities. the biggest concern i have as a mother and a physician, puberty is a fundamental psychological development as well as the frontal lobe is not fully developed to the 20s. that's where your decision making and reasoning comes from. i have a hard time doing anything permanent in terms of hormone and surgery that until a child has been fully developed. that is my biggest concern. >> sean: rachel, your take on
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that. >> listen, dr. levine is a pediatrician. the most important attribute of a pediatrics is that they love and care ant children. people that want to normalize changing the sex of children and not letting their parents who are the best people to care for them know about it are people that don't care about children. you know, we shouldn't be surprised. we've seen adults willing to put their political agenda ahead of children all year long in the form of the teacher's unions. sean, we need to ask ourselves, why is dr. levine doing this? dr. levine is part of a cultural marxist movement that wants to erase gender. they want to destroy the traditional family. woe saw it with blm. so parents need to be very aware of what's going on. what they have done in the school system, they remove gender identity conversations out of the sex ed part of their schools. so now for sex ed, you have to
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get a parental permission signature in order to discuss sex with your child. but they don't have to do that to discuss gender issues. parents just really need to be very aware and savvy and really on the ball because this is a very radical agenda. and i really congratulate rand paul, senator rand paul for bringing this to attention in this hearing. >> sean: the question is, i guess, are younger kids, do they -- are they mature enough to make a life and in some cases permanent life decision here without the input of their parents? we'll let you decide. more hannity after this.
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so you never miss an episode of hannity. we will never be the media mob we are independent and we tried to get to the truth every singl night news you won't get from the media mob ever. in the meantime, apparently laura is not here. that means i can do a monologue just like we do on radio. >> we had a little thing. i had to put my earrings and. sorry but. >> you had to get your earrings and. >> a lot going on here beer it. >> you boys have no idea. >> i get time and a half on overtime on the show. >> unlike you, at their show before they show is really the show. that would be their show. that's okay come over going to do that sometime. >> i've been in the green room
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