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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  February 25, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." springfield, massachusetts above hartford is one of the toughest cities in the united states. it wasn't always that way. basketball was invented there. the first gasolineon powered engine. indian motorcycles were once made there.e as manufacturing died, so did the city and devolved into a familiar american landscape. drugs, violence, waves of immigrants. yesterday a man was shot to death on main street. springfield is a tragic place, but it's also a living metaphor. less than 20 miles away, another town, also a metaphor.
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it's called northampton, massachusetts. it's as well-kept as springfield is framed. northampton doesn't have manufacturing. they have something better than that. they have a college called smith. smith is an all-female liberal arts student. used to be impressive. it's not now. that's not the point. the point is that smith is rich. that's why northampton is pretty and springfield is not. smith has an endowment of $2 billion. tuition there for a single year is more than $75,000 per year. so here's the it's relevant now. who has more privilege? the people of springfield or the women of smith college? you think that would be an easy question. one is famoused for murder and the other has wrought iron gates. smith has nor privilege, correct? no. the ladies of smith are they're victims. do you know who is oppressing them? the kind of people that live in springfield. we learned this recently from a student there.
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she has a resume that could come from the established kind of background. she's from new york, went to boarding school in connecticut at westminster. she headed to smith. the school she attended charged more than the average american makes in a year. sounds like the definition of privilege, doesn't it? not so fast. watch this tape from july 31, 2018. this is t the moment that umu found out that she was fooppressed. >> hi. >> how are you? >> good. >> wondering why you were here. >> i was eating lunch. i was working the summer program. i was relaxing. >> taking a break? ah>> yeah. >> one of the summer programs? >> yeah. [inaudible] >> it's okay. kind of stuff like this happens too often where people feel
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threatened. >> tucker: that's not a very interesting piece of tape. everybody is polite. seems like a misunderstanding. nothing really happened. but later thats night, she postd a message to facebook assessing what happened. what you just saw is proof of vicious racial discrimination. "all i did is be black. it's outrageous that some people question my being at smith college and my existence overall as a woman of color." she claimed that what you just saw is a racial attack, not just against her but against all people that look like her. she accused a cafeteria worker, jackie blair, of being a racist even though she wasn't involved in the episode. that story didn't make sense. none of it did. institution after institution took her side over the side of an hourly worker. they did so immediately. the aclu claimed that she was singled out for eating while black. the media came to the same conclusion. a few days after that tape was
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shot, kanoute appeared on good morning america sayinged she doesn't feel safe there even at the art gallery or botanical garden. >> this young lady called the situation outrageous and she's sharing her story so no other woman of color goes through what she went through. >> this is kanoute. she a sophomore at the college working as a teacher's assistant and residential adviser over the summer. she was confronted by campus police officers. >> i see the cop walking with a smith employee, who i'm never seen before. the man asked me -- we were wondering why you're here. >> kanoute still emotional over nervousays she was very and overwhelmed after the incident. >> it still upsets me to talk about it. i don't feel safe on my own campus. i'm away from home. i'm the first in my family to go to college.
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>> tucker: well, in response to this, the president of smith college, kathleen mccartney did not wait for an investigation to see what had happened.we no. she moved against the person wha made less immediately. she suspended the janitor the day. then she launched white account ability seminars. then as she singled out her colleagues, mccartney declared singling people out because of their skin color is wrong. then she concluded that that is exactly what you saw in that tape. "this painful incident reminds us of the ongoing legacy of racism and bias in which people of color are targeted while going about the business of their ordinary lives". it didn't stop there. what happened next is documented at length in a recent piece in "the new york times." here's the short version. jackie blair and the other employees falsely accused of racism by the school had their lives
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kanoute posted blair's name, her photograph, her e-mail address on social media and called her a racist.. kanoute published the name and photograph of a janitor that wasn't involved in the episode. people showed up at blair's homd threatening her, putting letters in herwe mailbox. in the end, an investigation found no evidence of racism in this incident. but smith effectively ignored the investigation and its result. kathleen mccarthy said that it's impossible to rule out implicit racial bias. in other words, the janitor, the cafeteria worker and the security guard can't prove they're out in racist. they probably are implicitly. meanwhile, kathleen mccarthy issued no apology to the employees she slandered or suspended. neither kanoute or the aclu apologized. they kept claiming she was racist. and rashaunn hall is the racial justice director for massachusetts and kanoute's lawyer.
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he said it's troubling that people are more offended by being called racist than the actual racism in our society. allegation of racism is not on par withha the consequences of actual racism. in other words, if you'ren falsely accused and you don't like it, it's evidence you're racist. especially if you're a janitor. you could not find a more perfect distillation of the moment we're living there. here we have kanoute, one of the most privileged people on planet earth saying she's being oppressed by her servants. rather than getting laughed out of the room or sent for a psych evaluation, all of the other people not in agreement with her and punish the staff. we're going to look back at moments like this in n shame. the question is why didn't anyone speak up while it was happening. at smith, one woman did. her name is jody shaw. she went to smith.
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she worked there as a librarian. she lived the school. smith planned to stay. when woke politics became a racial cass system, she opted out. in november she came on this show. >> well, my story really begins with july 31, 2018 when a black student accused a wide staff member of racially motivated behavior. the college conducted a thorough investigation of this incident and concluded that there was no evidence of racial bias. but from the day this accusation was levelled and moving forward, the college did everything in its power to support this narrative that something horribly racist had happened on that day. not only that, that racism is a widespread and pervasive problen on the campus. >> tucker: she has left smith. tracy, thanks for being here. you also left smith.
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we're grateful to have you. you spent many years working at smith. were you surprised to see wage earners, people at the lowest end of the wage scale atav smith denounced by a student and her word be taken as truth before the investigation even concluded? what did you make of that as you watchedd it? >> i thought it was irrational. i didn't understand why there wasn't a meeting held at the very most with a staffer that was accused with the college and with the student and everything could have been straightened out immediately. i still to this day don't understand why the president and amy hunter from the office of equity and inclusion decided to immediately assume guilt on the side of staff.
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>> tucker: what is so distressing about this story, seems like the people accused are hurt by it. tell us about them since you work there. >> oh, gosh. i worked there for 35 years. the staff member that was accused of making the phone call had been there over 30 years and was a residential custodian who saw the students every day. and mccartney seemed to assume that the reason he said kanoute was out of place is because she was black. but in actuality it was because she was somewhere she shouldn't have been. she was in a closed house. she was put on administrative leave for three months. mandatory leave. the dining assistant that wasn't involved in this whose face appeared on facebook with kanoute's posting, she still hasn't recovered. she has an auto immune disease exacerbated by stress.
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she ended up in the hospital. the campus policeman that was the poster boy for his department for 30 years, he was fired ined 2019 for an undisclod reason that was supposedly not the other custodian that was misidentified was so traumatizee by threats that he never came back to smith. so it's been a really hard road for those folks. still amazes me that the college allowed a 19-year-old to wreak havoc on their lives. >> tucker: the whole story is stunning. what about the young woman who did wreak that havoc, the person of privilege who hurt the custodian and the campus police officer?r? what happened to her? was she punished in any way for making a false allegation? >> of course not. no, she wasn't. she was apologized to profusely.
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even after the 60-plus page report came out from the college's own investigators, that there was no racial bias, the staff members themselves received no apology. >> tucker: just tells you everything. and you have explained it so crisply. t thank you, tracy putnam culver. thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: jason hill is a college professor from depaul university. we're happy to have him tonight. professor, you've chosen to spend your life on college campuses. as you watched this story unfold, what is your reaction? >> well, i'm not surprised because i think that what we're seeing is a form of new liberal white supremacy that is being promulgated by national security threats in the person of people like ibram candy and robin deangelo, people that are conducting these racial sensitivity training workshops. anti-racist workshops which are
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nothing more than workshops that prepare young people to see grievances and racism where they do not exist. i think they're spreading a divisiveness in our nation and equipping black and other minorities to act with full force of malice to issue nefarious claims against white people. what they're doing, they're saying so long c as you have whe skin, deangelo does this, ibram does this, you're a walking d racist. what has happened since the civil rights act, a lot of blacks really might have a forthcoming book called "what do white americans owe black
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people, racial oppression in tho against -- age of post oppression." a lot of blacks are going through a anti-crisis. their identities are forged in real oppression. now they're free and they have lost a cosmic specialness, they don't know what to do withth thr life. these new liberal white supremacists have honed in like vultures and have told them that you need to continue the drama. you need to continue your careers of being victims. there's two ways to do this. one you can continue the drama of victimology and one way to do it is by understanding that black skin grants you innocence and puts you outside the pale of being questioned. so if you're stamped with innocence, you're automatically stamped with insignia of sainthood which puts you outside of being questioned. and having white skin you'rebe automatic racist, which condemns
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them indefinitely as your oppressors. i think this is what we are seeing happening. black people are being weaponized to be psychological weapons of mass destruction or destroyers. it's terribly decisive. so i'm not very surprised. it's also not surprising that as america grows less racist, we're seeing on college campuses a march for resegregation, right? blacks are calling for separate dorms, separate graduation ceremonies. since 2017, 70 college campuses now we have separate graduation ceremonies for blacks. so i'm not really surprised at we're living in a different era.
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>> tucker: it's hard to see benefitting, only a small group. professor, thanks for coming on. congrats in the book. i hope you come back. >> thank you. >> tucker: so maybe the most important job, if you're the president, is to live with the fact that you're the only person with authority to launch nuclear weapons. but democrats in washington would like to strip that power from joe biden. what?d democrats in washington are saying joe biden shouldn't have the sole authority to launch nuclear why are they saying that? a fascinating story next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: here's the story that came out of nowhere and no one expected. over 30 house democrats are asking joe biden to renounce his authority, which as president he alone holds to launch nuclear weapons. 3 why would they ask him to do that? that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.we unless they know things about joe biden the rest of us don't. what could those be? congressman matt gaetz represents the state of florida. happy to have him on to decode this mystery. thanks very much for coming on. i don't think, you know, six months ago anybody would have
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put money on the possibility that democrats would ask newly elected joe biden to relinquish his nuclear authority. what issi this? why are they asking him to do this? w >> it's not just any democrats, this is jimmy pineta leading the effort and very serious. i don't know what the democrats know about the mental acuity and capability of joe biden. what i know is that a nuclear flash point is not a time when we need a washington-based committee meeting. there's many places that our founders wanted the government to operate slowly so our rights would be protected but in a nuclear crisis, we ought to respond swiftly with a commander-in-chieffully vested. >> tucker: are they sending a message that they'll get back to later whenh aoc and the rest and try to force biden to leave because he's not up to the job? are they laying the ground work for something here?
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>> it's an early time in the biden presidency to be raising the issue of mental competence. president trump warned joe biden if this was an issue, he would be the first victim to have power stripped from him. the greatest threat we face is not of nuclear war, it's the degradation of our civil liberties. >> tucker: so the intercept reported the other day and we did some reporting and verified that it's right that lawmakers phone records were swept up in fbi requested for data on january 6. the fbi nabbing data from your phone as an elected official, is that legal? will congress put up with it? what is the status? >> thehe biggest threat facing e country right now is the inward turning of these national security authorities against our own people for politics. really that began in 2016 within
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the russia hoax. now the fbi used a geo fencing tool to extract records from anyone within a specific geography. so you have to ask yourself, is it the entire congress can get caught possiblyto inadvertentlyn this massive power of the federal government, what can they do to the rest of us? t what can they do to regular americans that see their financial institutions turning over records, that see theirsi capitol wrapped in barbed wire, see more effusion of government and big business against their rights and their interests. >> tucker: it's remarkable. as far as i know, you're one of very few republicans saying anything about this. obviously glad that you are. i hope you keep it up.he congressman gaetz, thank you. liz cheney hasn't said anything about it. she represents congress in wyoming and hopes to be speaker of the house. she had a fascinating speech the other day.
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we'll tell you what she said. ♪ ♪
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♪ piano playing ♪ ♪ “what the world needs now” ♪ ♪ is love, sweet love ♪ ♪ it's the only thing that there's just too little of ♪ ♪ what the world needs now is love, sweet love, ♪ ♪ no not just for some but for everyone.♪
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>> tucker: when you think of an authoritarian leader, you think of some autocrat working to defend his regime. you think of leaders that are diabolical. it's right. but it's not the full picture. reality is more complicated. fascism is a style of government but also a religion. so the goal is to convert you, not only make you obey. stalin forced victims to profess their love for him and for the soviet state. he staged a religious ritual. stalin claimed to be an atheist but he was more of a secular ayatollah. why are you seeing this? you're seeing the same impulses here in this country. s it wasn't enough for democrats to win control of thee entire
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federal government in november. they got the power they wanteded but didn'tit satisfy them. they seemed angrier. why? there were still americans out there that disagreed with them and thinking about that made it hard for them to sleep. agitated them. the numbers show it. according to one new survey, the single most pressing issueit for democratic voters right now is the existence of trump voters. not inflation, not drug o.d.s, not the teetering national economy or global warming. it's people that don't share their views. democrats believe they're the real threat. it's amazing how disconnected from reality this is. there aren't that many americans left that dare to t disobey the. the few that remain have never had less power than they have now. the pockets of corporate deformity are still out there,, some families 30 miles from the city, three guys on a smoke break behind a transmission shop in bangor.
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a noncompliant waitress in brooklyn. the least powerful people in our society. you don't see people like that on television very often but they exist and democrats know they exist. they won't rest until every last one of them, every last has embraced the one true fate by force if necessary. democrats definitely want new but more than that, they want their catechism repeated back by the entire population. that is why they spend so much energy, a, stunning amount of energy if you think about it, trying to police speech. they care what you think more than what you do. they need you to agree with them. so they force you to mouth their slogan. diversity is our strength. climate change is a threat. the riot at the capitol was a white supremacist insurrection.. the more absurd the claim is,
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the more hysterically demand that you repeat it. at the moment, democrats are fixated on forcing you to agree that yes, january 6 was a racist event. it's been fascinating to see who in america complies with this demand, to say that out loud. in a speech this week, liz cheney of wyoming decided to obey. here she is talking about the riot at the capitol. watch. >> it's very important for us to ignore the temptation to look away. it's very important especially for us as republicans to make clear that we aren't thehe party of white supremacy. >> tucker: oh, so it's very important, she says, to make it clear that as republicans we are not the party of white supremacy.o s okay. but who claims otherwise? who is saying the republican party is the party of white supremacy? it's a corporate party, sure. it's the embarrassing party often.
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it's a stupid party definitely. the white supremacy party? only democrats and their propagandists and the media say that and now liz cheney. because some guy brought a confederate flag to a rally. it's strange. when jeffery epstein got arrested, you didn't see adam schiff give speechesco ant how e have to make certain that nobody thinks we're the party of child molesters? schiff never considered that speech. democrats didn't. democrats parrot the slurs of their enemies. they're not morons. liz cheney is not a moron. she's smart. more likely, liz cheney knows what she needs to say in order to get what she wants. what liz cheney wants is an expanded military presence around the world. more wars in the middle east. she's sincere about this. she's a genuine old fashioned
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ideolog that means killing people in far away places. she's not kidding. in order to get the new wars, she stray far from the rest of the war lobby in washington. she's long close to billki crystal. she made sure to smirk at donald trump when he pulled troops out of afghanistan.he she denounced the murder of george floyd long before anyone could say whether it was a horrific murder or a fentanyl o.d. she read the script. she is still readingng the scri. here's lists cheney suggesting that any news organization that aired questioned about election fraud including this channel bears moral responsibility for the capitol riot of january 6. that is why liz cheney says we need "a 9-11 style commission to get to the bottom of it all." really, people, january 6 was a lot like 9-11. thousands dead. >> i think that any media
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organization that was perpetuating the notion, continues to perpetuate the notion that the election was fraudulent or stolen is contributing to very dangerous set of circumstances. and i think the american people need to know the truth about what happened. >> tucker: the american people need to know the truth. we agree with that completely. there's some confusion about who was at the capitol january was it really a gang of white supremacists? we've heard that a lot. we looked to it. weem looked at the list compiled by the department of justice for the 199 people arrested for breaching the capitol grounds. then we looked them up. how many were open racists? by our count, five people. 5 out of 199 people arrested. racism ispe bad. more than any show on television, we make that point endlessly. we oppose hurting people on the base of their race no matter who
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is doing it, no matter how they're justifying it. we're always against racism. but five people out of 199? how is that a white supremacist insurrection? the media is happy to take blm at face value. does anyone ask the people at the capitol january 6 why they were there? we have seen countless videos was yelling about an ethno state or complaining about affirmative action. why? the rally wasn't about race at all and neither was the riot. itac was about the election. the people at the capitol believed the presidential on was unfair.he they have reason to believe that.
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not because of any nonsense about rigged voting machines. silicon valley really did weight the scales in this election in an unprecedented and completely immoral way. that is true. big tech attacked our democracy much more effectively than any foreign power has. social media platformed censored criticism of joe biden and promoted criticism of donald trump. in the final weeks of the campaign, google sabotaged the republican campaign's fund-raising and get out the vote efforts by throttling reminders and solicitations on their way to the g mail accounts of trump supporters. that happened. many more things like it. so it wasn't entirely the protester's imagination.n. has liz cheney or any other republican done anything about that? they're outraged by the riot. do they care why it happened? is there a 9-11-style commission on the way to uncovered google and twitter and facebooked crimes against our democracy and hold them accountable? we haven't heard of that 9-11 style commission.
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instead, we head liz cheney and other members of the capitol talk about people at the capitol like they're al-quaida and droned and maybe they should be droned like the terrorists that washington claims they are. before that happens, here's something you should no. no, it's not an excuse for rioting. nothing is an excuse for rioting as we have said since memorial day. this is true and worth telling you about. most of the people at the capitol january 6 were not racist but most of them were poor. we know this because "the washington post" did an analysis of their finances. who knows why the paper did that. here's what they found. 60% of the people charged with crimes january 6 had serious financial problems, including overwhelming debt, for closures and unpaid taxes. 25% had been sued by creditors. 1/5 had losed their home to a bank. na one person said ashley babbott was in so debt that she took out a loan for $65,000 at 169%.
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in the end she didn't have to pay it back. an unnamed capitol hill police officer shot her in the throat and killed her.$6 now she's being denounced as a white supremacist. there's no evidence that she was. there's a lot of evidence that ashley babbott was a patriotic american that was reckless and angry. why was she angry? she had been left behind by our economy. she was disgusted by the corruption of the most powerful liz cheney doesn't want to talk about that. she wants to talk about donald trump and racism and white supremacy. you sensing a theme here? they're covering their tracks. all of them.
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members of both parties are celebrating the collapse of neera tanden's nomination as budget director. what message does this send to children of south asian descent? humiliate victims and steal oil from libya. what about them? we'll answer eric swalwell next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: well, we suspected this moment was coming. didn't know would get here so fast. 36 days in joe biden's administration.. the united states has launched air strikes in syria tonight. don't know exactly what those facilities are. why never will know. the operation the pentagon just told us sends a clear message president biden will act to protect american andti coalition personnel. huh? okay. maybe somebody can explain that in greater detail. the strike sent another message, a more important one. the defense industry has another man in the white house. they longed for more pointless conflict in the middle east. 36 days in, now they have it.
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more washington news, neera tanden's nomination seems to be collapsing. according to eric swalwell, it's obvious why it happened. he diagnosed the problem on twitter.t mocked their political opponents, called members of congress agents. he could tell young girls of south asian descent not to advocating invading libya and stealing their oil.
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maybe he couldn't cover up sexual harassment. the thing that would be racist, eric swalwell knows that. same thing on television. >> neera tanden is a tough cookie and should be good at that job. so i don't know what manchin is up to. i suspect there's other things going on. i think there's some massogny >> tucker: nobody likes neopolitician. instead, we say she's a woman of color. it's racism. you hate to play their stupid game of breaking everybody down why racial metrics.
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since they're doing this, how big a lie is it? asian americans have the highest per capita income. let's be real. the household of an indian american family is $120,000 a year. that passes white americans. so eric swalwell telling young south asian girls that they don't have a chance is ridiculous. why like what he's telling the chinese spies. that would be more interesting. maybe he will tell us on the show. as you have sex with a chinese spy, what did you tell her? invitation is always open. rachel lavigne is the biden administration's policy of health administrator. she's identifies as transgender. so it's historic. she believes anyone can identify as transgender, even 8-year-old boys.
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if that means minors getting gender reassignment surgery or puberty blockers, totally fine. rand paul questioned this today. here's how it went. >> i'm alarmed that you won't say with certainty that minors can't make the decision that will effect them the rest of their life. i >> senator, transgender medicine is a complex and nuanced field. i would be pleased to come to your office and talk with you about your staff about the standards of care and the complexity of this field. >> let it go into the record that the witness refused to answer the question. the question is a very specific one.e. should minors be making these decisions. >> tucker: the question, tammy bruce, the president of independent woman's voice. great to see you.
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so i guess what bothers me, using personal identity politics to cloak personal policy questions that the rest of us have a right to. that's what we just saw. >> yeah, it is. what we're also seeing is the insult to transgender people and even with your neera tanden segment, it's the choosing of people because they fit on a game board regardless of their competency. you have taken den, lavine and becerra. we ask the biden administration and the left asks, what are youb how are you going to look? this is what leads us the problem and they think you're not supposed to criticize or ask hard question like rand paul being called a trans phobe. these are children. children do not understand concept. we don't let them decide what everyone will have for dinner.
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we don't allow them to do the shopping for a reason. they're immature and brains are not finished growing yesterday. their bodies are not finished. yet this should be the simplest answer in the word but now it's wrapped up in leftist politics. i applaud rand paul for asking because you know, you're not supposed you're not supposed to ask neera tanden questions. when it comes to who you are, transgender or an asian american woman, the answer is be the best person you can be and demand if you're going to be chosen some person from your group is chosen for a high job, do they know what they're doing and that they're not jerks. levine has been responsible for the horrible covid response in pennsylvania. according to "the new york times," six out of ten nursing homes are in pennsylvania that were a disaster. she moved her mother out of a
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nursing home into a hotel before she issued the order forcing nursing homes to accept covid patient. that's who this person is. she's an embarrassment. the transgender community should be appalled. let's not look for historics. let's look for good so that we can actually get on our feet. >> tucker: at this point, competence would be historic given where we're going. tammy, great o to see you. >> small requirement. >> tucker: yeah. known for years, there's leaders willing to humiliate themselves for china's amusement. what we didn't know is our leaders are willing to bend over and expose themselves in orders. we're not making that up. more ahead. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: america's politicians and diplomats are not proud they represent the united states. they're embarrassed. china doesn't have that problem. they still have respect.d respect hasn't been erased through state funded robin deangelo lectures. the state department says officials compromised thee dignity of american diplomats by forcing them to submit to rectal coronavirus tests. diplomats complied, dropped their pants and did it before they realized it was a joke, which it was. beijing claimed the rectal coronavirus tests were given in error. they still have a sense of humor. where is our self-respect is the question. and tonight, before we go, a sincere happy birthday to the best executive producer, justin welsh. a new vice president at fox. he won't give b his age. glad he works here.
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we'll be back. guess who is next? sean hannity. the great sean hannity.. >> sean: that wasn't warm. hannity. i'm teasing. met with great love. the one-time champion of the democratic party, you know, the emmy-award winning governor of new york, andrew cuomo fighting for his job. democrats not republicans are leading the charge to remove him from office, this is after the deadly covid nursing home cover-up and new troubles tonight as a new sexual harassment allegation is adding fuel to that fire. but the most prominent i believers in the democratic party are nowhere to be found. we'll explain coming up. first, kevin mccarthy is calling it the pelosi pay-off. i think we can say it's the pelosi-schumer pay-off.


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