tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News February 26, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PST
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can i just stop and say how strange the rules are right now? i want to understand how this virus works. when you walk in you have to put your mask on. sadly i've got two. you walk in, you have to put your mask on. you sit down and take your mask off. apparently the virus is actually connected to elevation. this is all about science. it may not be elevation. i think it is that there are hormones that are released in your thighs when you are sitting so you can sit at the table and there is no virus being transmitted. but if you stand up, put the mask on! and listen, let's be clear. this is a dangerous virus. but these collectists are saying everybody can get immunizeed.
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we can have herd immunity everywhere and we'll wear masks for the next 300 years. by the way, not just one mask, two, three, four. you can't have too many masks. how much virtue do you want to signal? this is just dumb. [applause] the u.s. capitol has giant fences with razor wires and 5,000 national guard standing out front. because the democrats are convinced that political theater helps them. let's be clear. this is not about security at this point. this is about political theater. half the country, the deploreals are dangerous and they will turn the capitol to a military outpost in baghdad to have their compliant media echo
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that message. but do you know what terrifies every one of these? the truth. liberty is powerful. liberty is persuasive. liberty is fun. last week we lost the great rush limbaugh. i was so blessed and so fortunate to call rush a friend. and rush understood the power of liberty. you know, before there was hannity, before there was tucker, before there was ben shapiro, steven crowder or donald trump there was rush limbaugh. and before there was section 230 there was something called
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the fairness doctrine. which gave leftists in washington the power to silence views they didn't like. we got rid of the fairness doctrine and rush limbaugh started by going on a am station, start evidence with one and the voice of liberty spread like prairie fire. let me tell you right now in los angeles there is some skater kid who is 19, who is told it is hip and chic and cool to be a leftist socialist man. wait a second, these guys don't want me to speak, think, have fun, do what i want to do. the message of liberty is profoundly subversive. the left believes in rigid conformity. we believe in diversity, free
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speech. you can say whatever you want no matter how dumb it is. by the way, in washington, d.c. we test that proposition. religious liberty, you can worship however you like on your knees before almighty god, or you can worship the almighty dollar. or you can worship i don't know, pink martians. that's the beauty of freedom. the second amendment. oh, the left hates the second amendment because they want their people docile and compliant. when we saw riots across the country i heard reports riots were going to come -- fiery but mostly peaceful. there were reports riots would come into the suburbs.
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in houston where i live, i have to tell you, there weren't any rioters because let's be very clear, if there had been, they would discover what state of texas thinks about the second amendment right of keep and bear arms. so defend liberty. but number two, have fun. have fun. so many on the right act like they have a stick inserted somewhere it doesn't belong. just lighten up. especially now, the left are shrill and angry. how many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb? that's not funny!
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god bless, who would want to be around these people? any joke that is funny is canceled. snl is unwatchable. they sat up and say we hate donald trump, yeah, no kidding. we didn't get that the last 9,000 times you told that. you know, in 2020 "the new york times" reported that 60% of women named karen voted for joe biden. that's actually real. you can look it up. the fact checkers, that's what "the new york times" reported. i'm willing to bet 80% of the men named karen voted for joe biden.
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just have fun. yesterday john boehner made some news. he suggested that i do something that was anatomically impossible. to which my response was who is john boehner? and you know what? there are a whole lot of voices in washington that want to just erase the last four years. want to go back to the world before where we had government of the lobbyists, by the lobbyists and for the lobbyists. where the republicans' compelling message was republicans, we waste less.
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and they look at donald trump and they look at the millions and millions of people inspired who went to battle fighting alongside president trump and they are terrified. and they want him to go away. let me tell you this right now, donald trump ain't going anywhere. [cheering and applause] and the republican party is not the party just of the country clubs. the republican party is the party of steelworkers and construction workers and pipeline workers and taxi cab drives and cops and firefighters and waiters and waitresses and the men and women with calluses on their hands who are working for this country. that is our party and these deplorables are here to stay!
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[cheering and applause] every one of you has a platform. every one of you has a voice. the corporate media wants to silence these voices. you have a platform. last year i launched a podcast verdict with ted cruz. 25 million downloads in a year. click on subscribe and five stars, please. but you know what? you have the same platform. you have social media. you have your friends, your neighbors, your family, your classmates. speak out for freedom. because i'm going to close with these words of encouragement.
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these are dark days and the media tells us this is the new galactic empire forever and a thousand years. but already joe biden and the radicals in his administration are already overshooting and already going too far. their policies don't work. they have are disasters, they are bad, they are destroying jobs. they are stripping our freedom and there is a natural pendulum to politics. and the country will come back to sanity and mark my words, 2022 is going to be a fantastic election year. and so is 2024 as we stand together and defend liberty, defend the constitution, defend the bill of rights of every american in the immortal words of william wallace, freedom! [cheering and applause]
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>> harris: senator ted cruz of the great state of texas with his liberty is under assault talk today talking in detail about the cancel culture attitudes that are spreading across the country. he by the way is going to be followed by a conservative fire brand writer editor for the national review, also fox news contributor deroy murdock. you don't want to miss that. we'll carry a couple of things live this hour but until mr. murdoch takes the stage i want to bring in jason chaffetz former congressman from utah and fox news contributor as well. you will be speaking at cpac later. senator cruz there on a very hot topic right now. really across both political aisles for different reasons. >> yeah. he spoke about freedom. i think one of the things you have seen is the transformation of the republican party under
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the leadership of president trump where this party has become the party of the american people, the working class, the people who are the pipe fitters and who work at the restaurants. that's a sea change from where the perception of the republican party of the past has been. it took a multi-billionaire, donald trump himself, to actually transform this to more of a blue collar party. and i think senator cruz tapped into that energy. it is certainly here in the room the biggest reaction that the crowd gave not only about freedom and liberty but about the fact we're fighting for the rights and liberties of the average american person. >> harris: so if you are across the aisle as i was mentioning, you know, the cancel culture topic is hot no matter who you are. you see democrats canceling themselves now. but if you see a speech like this you know what is coming. senator ted cruz says the fight to the right for free speech and that means more of it i would imagine.
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>> it should. i think that resonates with the american people. that's what people are gravitating to. >> harris: forgive me. right as i went to you for your answer deroy murdock is on stage. let's go there and we'll talk in a moment. fire brand conservative deroy murdock of the national review contributing editor. >> i want to be buried in chicago so i can stay active in politics. these lines get a chuckle or two these days but especially after the november 2020 election fiasco. vote fraud is no laughing matter. cpac's theme is america uncanceled. a keystone of the right's new agenda absolutely positively must be to uncancel election integrity. why are clean elections vital? why must republicans and democrats both be able to say after election day yep, that was a fair vote? election integrity is a core principles that undergirds this
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republic that we love so much. in 1787 james madison emphasized the importance of fair elections. it is essential to liberty that the government in general should have an immediate dependence on and intimate sympathy with the people. frequent elections are unquestionably the only policy by the way it can be secured. our republic relies on democratic elections for which this nation stands. thomas jefferson wrote this. our declaration of independence. to secure the rights endowed by our creator governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the gofrment. through elections we give our representatives our consent to be governed. absent this consent government is illegitimate. furthermore, since all men are created equal our elections should empower one man with one vote. these words were taken literally for 144 years.
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eventually 1920 we embraced the concept of one woman, one vote. and with the voting rights act of 1965 we finally a boll lished that idea that one had to be white to vote. this proves for all that america is not perfect and we have made mistakes along the way. some of them huge. but we always try to do better. and sooner or later we either get it right or at least we do it better than damn near anywhere else on this planet. [cheering and applause] so in short election integrity matters. elections are the good health of this republic for liberty and justice for all. this guiding concept is in huge trouble these days. despite the left's lies, vote fraud is a problem. for concrete proof check the
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heritage foundation's vote fraud database. it has detailed so far 1,130 criminal convictions for vote fraud. not accusations, not indictments but criminal convictions, 1,130 of them. don't tell me that vote fraud is some right wing hallucination. november 2020 election was a nightmare. judges and other officials made last minute rule changes that only state leather were authorized to enact. mysterious late night ballot trumps triggered vote spikes for joe biden. multiple affidavits offered sworn eyewitness reports of cars with out of state license plates unloading piles of ballots at counting centers in the small hours. it infected georgia, nevada, pennsylvania, wisconsin. no wonder in november 18, 39% of americans believed the election was rigged.
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this included 67% of republicans, 31% of independents and 17% of democrats. whoafully blind leftists ridiculed election reg lair tease because they weren't widespread. how widespread must vote fraud be before the left shares our concerns? will it require 10,000 phony votes, a million? a modest proposal. let's -- the right will decide which leftists will have their genuine votes canceled by widespread fraudulent ballots. let's start with rachel maddow, joy reid, chris cuomo, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. maybe they finally will fight for election integrity. of course, that is unlikely because the democrat party is the party of vote fraud. [cheering and applause] yes, this is quite a charge but
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evidence confirms this allegation. democrats resist virtually every republican idea to make our elections more secure and they labor tirelessly to make our elections more chaotic, and unreliable. democrats blasted out mass mail-in ballots in multiple states whether requested or not. they littered department building lobbies and some thrown in the trash. how many of them were filled out and submitted? who knows. democrats not republicans installed ballot drop boxes on sidewalks. how many fraudulent ballots got deposited and unchecked and uncounted? who knows? democrats, not republicans diluted signature match standards that made it easier to accept and tabulate mail-in ballots with forged sig tours. democrats, not republicans blocked gop observers from
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voting places. democrat observes eshs did their jobs in peace in republican controlled area. virginia lawmakers passed a sensible bill in 2017 that would have required an investigation in any he election when they were more ballots cast. the former governor, a democrat, not a republican vetoed that measure. the federal motor voter act and help american vote act require states maintain accurate voter roles. here in florida former governor rick scott attempted to remove 51,000 dead people from voter rolls. not so fast. eric holder, a democrat not a republican, sued florida. holder claimed the governor's act violated the voting rights act of 1965. now democrats not republicans are pushing hr1, a bill to take everything that went haywire last november and shove it into
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the u.s. code. will be underscore election integrity throughout multiple panels with our next session. join us for these urgent discussions. speaking of conservative political action long before the 2022 mid-term elections conservatives should demand these reforms. we must catapult mass mail-in ballots onto the ash heap of history. [cheering and applause] second these ballots must be limited to the infirm and people absent on election day. it must be election day. not election quarter. no more ballot harvesting. fifth, voters must be american citizens, not foreign citizens. six, voters rolls must be cleaned early and often to
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remove inactive and deceased and relocated voters. let's remember and honor our dead but keep them away from the polls, shall we? seventh, when voters cast ballots they must show voter i.d. that proves who they are. now the left calls us racist for expecting black voters to show i.d. cards. wrong, what is racist is the democrats' insistence we blacks are too disorganized and confused or stupid to get our hands on photo i.d. cards. what bigoted anti-black filth. black americans show photo i.d.s seven days a week to drive cars, purchase adult beverages and more. yesterday the federal government under joe biden made me show photo i.d. to board my jet to orlando like everyone else. how racist. if photo idea is white nationalism how does the left explain this. nigeria, a country controlled by black people.
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if you want to vote you have to show voter i.d. ghana, a country that is controlled by black people, if you want to vote, you have to show voter i.d. and here is a situation in south africa. here is the late great nelson mandela says get an i.d. and register to vote. so yes, we want voter i.d. cards and we want them now. voter i.d. cards are good enough for nelson mandela and they're good enough for the usa. the fight for clean elections will be huge in the months and years ahead and we all need to fight like hell for election integrity. this is a fight we can and must win. the we lose we'll become the corruptly outvoted vasils of the left. it is our hands to make elections great again, fellow conservatives. thank you very much. [cheering and applause]
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>> harris: that was deroy murdock talking about election integrity and why he says it matters a few things he would like to see changed in terms of how we do elections in america. we got to hear from senator ted cruz and deroy murdock. he is a writer with national review and one of our own fox news contributors. we wanted to dip in and let you hear some of this cancel culture and much more that they're talking about at cpac. now we have the opportunity to hear even more. representative matt gaetz is with me now of the great state of florida and you will be talking later today and your topic has the whole nation speaking, big tech and quieting voices. give us a preview. >> we have a number of decision points as a republican movement. they are being ripened at cpac.
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the focus of election integrity and i talk about the future of the flow of information. access to the digital world is everything in our lives. in silicon valley can be the hall monitors of our speech and discussion, if they can deplatform those who have uncomfortable or different ideas, we'll be a diminished nation as a consequence. i will give a robust defense of the america first movement of president trump and i'm going to work to vindicate the values that undergird the united states constitution by standing up for a culture of free speech. >> harris: you know, i just want to point something out. it is the flow of #s and what is trending right now cpac 2021. i'm curious who do the social media giants think when they quiet voices when you get the movement on social media that you have with this conference just as an example.
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>> they've said populist content spreads to a greater degree on social media. it earns more reach because populism is popular and people like that content and so they take extra steps to try to diminish the reach of populist content. they want to be the arbiters of truth. that's really the problem. jim jordan, mark meadows, myself, were shadow banned along with devin nunes from twitter telling the truth about the russia hoax and one example of these folks trying to be judge, jury and executioner all at once. >> harris: former president trump will take the stage on sunday for his first public speech since he left office. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell has been critical of the former president since january 6th. we all know that. but today a shift. he now says he could put those differences aside. let's watch and we'll get your reaction. >> should the former president be speaking at cpac this
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weekend? >> i don't have any advice to give the former president where he should speak or what he should say. >> is there a civil war in the gop currently? >> no. i think if you are looking for a real civil war look at the democrats in the house. the progressives making it extremely difficult for speaker pelosi to operate given the narrow margin she has overall in the house. >> if the president was the party's nominee would you support him? >> the nominee of the party? absolutely. >> harris: congressman gaetz your reaction. there was a lot to unpack there. >> undoubtedly. it dovetails with what he said previously about his own candidate recruitment process in the senate. he said that all that matters to him is electability. that's troubling to me. i think we should stand for stuff and back candidates who share a common value system because if all we care about is winning elections we don't have the ability to govern around a
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principle or ideology. that's what president trump provided for us. the truth, harris. if a lot of these washington-based so-called republican leaders today would get booed. liz cheney and mitch mcconnell would need to pack the place with their own staffers to get applause. there is a divide between the energy in the republican movement and the conservative movement and the leadership. i plan to be here for all of the great patriots who want to rally around the america first agenda and hopefully reelect president trump in 2024. >> harris: so interesting what you say. you describe it as a divide in the energy and democrats describe it as the way they see it as more of a civil war. what you are saying is there is a divide and looking for ways to bring it together around actual policy and things that matter. it will be fascinating to see
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you speak and the president of the united states formerly number 45. good to see you, congressman, thank you. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: we'll be bringing you more speeches throughout the day. fox nation has you covered for cpac all weekend long stem to stern. the nation will be streaming all events and speeches and be sure to join my friends and colleagues tomi lahren and lawrence jones on cpac all access live. don't miss it. new claims of a media double standard over the coverage of harassment allegations against governor andrew cuomo versus those against justice bret kavanaugh. power panel next. ♪ when you drive this smooth, you save with allstate. you've never been in better hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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hours. it aired a 39 second update echoing the governor's talking points about his accuser. critics note supreme court justice bret kavanaugh did not get quite a same treatment when it came to his accuser's claims. you can see for yourself the contrast and how the stories were framed. many democratic women who supported kavanaugh's accuser are taking a more measured approach against the claims of cuomo. >> i believe her. nominated to one of the most powerful positions in the united states government takes an extraordinary amount of courage. >> i found her very credible. you have to ask yourself why would anybody put themselves through this if they did not believe that they had important information? >> we're here to show our solidarity and here to show our respect for all women who have a case. >> when we talk about process
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and due process and justice, it must center on the victim. >> i want to say to the men of this country just shut up and step up. do the right thing. >> harris: hum. fox news political analyst, professor of education at johns hopkins university and wendy. women are smart enough to know the difference between getting hustled on a topic and transparency. what is happening with democrats and why so silent, particularly the women? >> i think we're just a different level as far as -- we're given -- kavanaugh would go before the senate. a supreme court justice. when we look at andrew cuomo we look at a governor who these allegations are coming out. i don't think we should politicize sexual harassment. i think women will speak up. we see a lot of the people who surround the movement are starting to speak up.
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it will take time but again, what is happening should not be down played. i am a democrat and lean on the left and i think it should be investigated to the fullest extent of the law. all allegations it should be something we look into especially when it is an elected officials, republican or democrat. >> harris: i don't want to put words in your mouth. are you saying the titles of these men determine how quickly democrats speak up? one was, you know, a nominee for the supreme court and the governor of new york state? i'm a little confused by that. i want to -- clear it up and let's go to >> i was saying you were playing clips from individuals after a senate hearing. it is a little bit different. andrew cuomo is not going before the senate now. that's what i'm saying. i'm not saying the titles matter. >> harris: he is saying all sorts of things in front of
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microphones. >> well, as a man i don't assume what it is like to be you harris or wendy. you had your own personal experiences. when it comes to sexual assault allegations justice should be blind on all sides. the unfortunate part, though, when it comes to the mainstream media and a lot of democrats we haven't seen justice be blind. what i'm talking about here is allegations are made against joe biden, for example. kamala harris believed it until she was on the ticket with him. all of a sudden she didn't believe those allegations anymore. tara reed and celebrity women who have been leaders of the #metoo movement some said they believe tara reed however they hated trump so much they had to continue to support joe biden. weaponizing these issues are marginal oo*irzing women everywhere and problematic for sexual assault victims to come forward because of the politics of the other individuals. as the governor of new york city, absolutely there should
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be an investigation. and there is a lot of other women in which he worked with and it should be stories written about it. cnn wrote 700 stories about the brett kavanaugh hearing when it came to ms. ford. >> harris: thank you both very much. we'll move on now. cancel culture in hollywood and elsewhere a big focus at cpac this week. we saw senator ted cruz talking about that. now some conservative stars in hollywood are fighting back. >> if it doesn't fit their narrative they get rid of you. it is insanity what we're going through right now and i think it's sad. >> harris: tv's kevin sorbo part of our big power panel
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today with fellow actor antonio -- and country star john rich on their refusal to be silent next. i signed up because i was curious. i learned about my grandfather's life on ancestry and it was a remarkable twentieth-century transformation. he did a lot of living before i knew him. bring your family history to life like never before. get started for free at so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business.
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refiplus, only from newday usa. >> if you're in hollywood and come out with an opinion different you are vilified, targeted. your career is over. hollywood sets trends and culture. sit a cultural battle. we have to make it acceptable to disagree and have a diversity of opinion. >> harris: walking dead actor there when he was on "the faulkner focus" last month on being a conservative actor. cpac this year a big focus will be on the dangers of the cancel culture and one of the biggest culprits liberal hollywood elites. just a few of many examples of hollywood conservatives getting
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canceled. gina carano got dumped. abc's tim allen's successful sit com was compared to being a hollywood conservative to living in nazi germany. now cancel culture has gotten so out of control in tinsel town liberals themselves are being canceled for the smallest and most inadvertent transgressions. our panel of stars twho -- who are fighting back. facebook took his page down saying he was spreading vaccine information. the man who starred in his own production company after facing backlash for conservative views and john rich country music star fox nation host with a serious beef with the cancel culture as well. great to see you. you know, kevin, i will start with you. did they put your page back up? what happened and when you say fighting back, what do you mean? >> they didn't put the page
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back up. they've been shadow banning me for a long time. 550,000 followers and they admitted to doing that. then they also took my page down saying they warned me a couple of times about a couple posts i made about covid. i put other doctors talking about covid and the different way of what the fauci is talking about. they never gave me a warning. they didn't want the lose the followers. most of them like the movies i do and posts i make and they said we're done with you and took it down. >> harris: wow. antonio, i have heard you talk about this for many years. this was coming. you and i have talked before. why did you see it so far -- so long ago? what was the ramp-up that maybe some people missed? >> i am a person who supported the president at the time. the person to be completely black listed and had to stand up to them and why i have my
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own studio. we have a film, television studio called conflict you can go there because we're fighting back. i'm working with kevin and everyone. i create projects like trailblazers my first film i direct this summer to give chances to a lot of people who have been black listed and thrown on the sideline. those days are over. we're creating our own future and project and keep fighting back and a lot of people in the industry from makeup artists who live in hollywood who have enough. they want to walk away from that and moving to states like florida or texas to have a future in the entertainment world. >> harris: it's a dream that you have, john. i know for you because i've seen you perform, it comes from inside. so it is not fair somebody gets to shut that down because they don't agree with you. so what is your idea of fighting back right now and what has your experience been as a star musician?
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>> in country music, if you look at all of our artists there are all kinds of political leanings among our artists. you aren't hearing strong conservative opinions coming from the conservative country artists. there is a reason for that. they know that predominantly in radio and music row and award shows the shots are called by the liberal guys and gals who run the show. they keep their mouth shut. for a guy like me freedom of speech and exercising that is more important to me than making those people happy. i wouldn't feel good about myself if i felt strongly about something and didn't say it for fear of what they may do. i agree with the two guys here with me today. need to set up your own system. i'm working on a new format of country music where conservative country music fans can go listen to country music and some other elements that really turn them on and entertain them kind of like a
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hybrid situation. i'm working like these guys are in my own industry to create alternatives. bongino did a great team setting up parler. they say they'll run for the hills. you have to have a hill to run to. guys like us are building those hills right now. >> harris: i'm writing that down and wondering how much hollywood is missing. kevin, i want to come back to you on this. if you just think dollars and cents and business why would you want to leave anybody out? i know i went to college in southern california and friends who work in the industry now. it's real money they are leaving on the table. if antonio and john are setting up venues like dan bonino who we mentioned that doesn't make good business sense to me. >> of course not. >> harris: liberal elites. >> it is so bizarre to me they will not pay attention to 80
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million households out there that want not necessarily faith based but family friendly movies and tv shows. when my movie came out a couple years ago netflix said you have a family world and i had three meetings with them. wonderful and nice to me and yet it is weird that they didn't want to follow through what they told me they wanted to do. i have wonderful scripts for television and movies. nothing is really happening with them. they have all been very nice to me. why aren't you paying attention? it's called show business, not show show. pay attention to all that potential clients throughout that want family-friendly movies? >> harris: a great question. 80 million households. i have to think you did your homework on this and know what there is to create a hill to run to as john said. antonio i will come to you last. why is it so important to get this message out that hollywood conservatives are being quieted? is there a bigger impact this
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can have on free speech? entertainment is quieted? >> it is about our freedom and the future of our country and being able to speak your mind. this country is beautiful in that. and they try to stop it and control your future. they try to control the casting directors, who you should hire and not based on their political views or other views that they disagree with. those days are over. we're creating a future and creating freedom in the entertainment world. it is supposed to be liberal and the one to accept everyone. how come they don't accept things they disagree with? because they want control over the minds of everyone. and those days are over. we're stepping up big time. the american people are with us. like i said go to conflict we are protecting people from this point on and give careers back to people that deserve it. >> harris: you have given us all your hills that you want people to run to so we'll get
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that up on our social media. kevin, antonio, john, thank you for giving us a window into your world and how it affects everybody else's. we'll be right back on "the faulkner focus". stomizes your ce so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss.
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after the district attorney of los angeles county hiring a public defendant whose call to abolish prisons. posted a tweet after the death of george floyd that referred to the lapd as barbarians. jonathon hunt live on the story in los angeles. >> gascon campaigned that he would revolutionize how crime and punishment is handled in l.a. and getting push back from prosecutors. tiffany black knell a former public defender made to a high ranking prosecutor. she will need to work with the l.a. police department. that might not be easy given a tweet from last june when l.a. was rocked by sometimes violent protests in the wake of the death of george floyd. responding to pictures of police using bat ons on protestors she wrote look at these barbarians. lapd is an occupying army, defund police and posted a
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selfie wearing a t-shirt that read the police are trained to kill us. her job would also involve obtaining prison sentences for certain criminals. she has tweeted that prisons are obsolete. some in the d.a.'s office are appalled at gascon's decision to appoint her. >> he says that he wants to work with us. he wants to make l.a. county and safer and better place but bringing in people who do not believe in law enforcement and do not believe in prosecuting crime. >> in a statement the d.a.'s says gascon has confidence in his team and looking forward to having tiffany black nell join the office. he has a mandate from voters to introduce the things he campaigned on. >> harris: thank you very much for that. thank you for watching a very
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it's a new day for veteran homeowners. with home values high and mortgage rates at all time lows. great news for veterans who need money for their family. that's me. refiplus from newday usa lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000. that's me. that's money for security today or retirement tomorrow. that's me. refiplus.
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>> harris: new york governor andrew cuomo may be making his first comments today on bombshell allegations he sexually harassed a former aide, lindsay boylan said the governor kissed her on the lips without her consent and suggested playing strip poker. and now new york attorney general letitia james is reviewing a letter from five g.o.p. state senator seeking an investigation. cuomo's office denied her claims. now the group, the foundation set up by hollywood celebrities has
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