tv The Five FOX News February 26, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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>> neil: all right. thank you very, very much. she has been talking about this, nancy pelosi will outline that and we will have reaction about the impact of all of this on stimulus and where the economy goes from here. we will see. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i'm jesse watters along with juan williams, martha maccallum, greg gutfeld and judge jeanine. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: it's a huge weekend for conservatives at cpac down in florida. a lineup of heavy hitting republicans have been taking on joe biden and his radical agenda while also calling out cancel culture and the left's love of socialism. conservatives explaining how they plan to counter biden and the democrats. take a look.
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>> we are an oasis of freedom in a nation that is suffering under a yoke of oppressive lockdowns. florida got it right and the lockdown state got it wrong. speak of the left of course does hate the bill of rights. why? because the bill of rights talks about things that the governor can't do. and that to them is like blasphemy. >> joe biden in the radicals of their administration, they are already overshooting, they are already going too far. their policies don't work! they are disasters! >> the projection of our founding principles and our heritage and our tradition. >> they don't want to compete with us in the battle of ideas because they know they would lose. they just want to cancel us. speak i want to make sure you are all aware, joe biden wants open borders and closed schools. >> jesse: and donald trump is set to return to the national spotlight with a big speech at
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cpac on sunday. the former president is expected to rip apart joe biden's disastrous policies and lay out a path for republicans to retake congress in 2022. judge jeanine is down there at cpac in orlando. all right, two questions for you, judge jeanine, who had the biggest response so far of all the speakers you have seen so far, and what was the general theme of much of the speeches in your opinion? >> judge jeanine: i think it was really a tie between ron desantis and ted cruz in terms of the greatest applause. ted cruz was very fiery. i mean, he was taking no prisoners today. and in terms of the theme, it was all about getting back to america and the america that our founding fathers intended. and that means freedom of speech, the second amendment, the ability to survive in a country where leftists and socialism seems to be the
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desire, and it was almost like it was a run up to a presidential primary, that all the big contenders where they are, that they were getting ready for the big game, that they wanted to be seen as a person who, for example, mike lee talked about the bill of rights. each candidate, so to speak, up there from ron desantis talking about covid and how his state was open and it was a theme that played throughout the whole day because when you get to america, especially if you are from new york, if you get to florida, you realize everything is open, the sun is shining, the restaurants are open, people are happy. and i did little old fashion street justice and you will see it tomorrow night on my show. so that was fun too. >> jesse: good, good. aren't you speaking down there as well? >> judge jeanine: i was on with tomi lahren and lawrence jones but i'm not speaking here, but i will be doing my show down here and we are going to have a preview of
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what's going on here when i do my show tomorrow night. >> jesse: excellent. greg gutfeld, you have covered cpac for many years. i think you remember when breitbart was down there and it was kind of a merry band of pranksters seeing it devolve a lot differently over the years. what's your interpretation of cpac in 2021? >> greg: i'm just thinking, when i read-i'd the old show, we opened for and called her. it must have been 2008 or 2009. i think it has to do a little bit of an evolution and may be naturally will. sometimes it always feels like it's hard to tell one year into the next with cpac because the themes are often very, very similar and i'm sure you could say that about liberal events as well, but love or hate trump, he opens america's eyes to the power of media narratives and i
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think the right has to understand that they are coming for you and i think it's important that we, whether you are right or libertarian, stemming the media tide of propaganda, if you aren't voting democrat you are a danger to the republic. i think it's going to be the next three years message and everything they said about you as a person from 2016 to 2020 will be nothing compared to what they say about you in this full-court demonization press. i think it's really important that the new breed and the new blood is up for that challenge, but also, reaching out to the new type of voters that are coming to the republican party. i'm talking about the ones that are leaving the democratic party, the blue-collar workers, though seeing their rights and free speech hindered. how can you be part of a party that want stand up for you when there is threat of cancellation?
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let's look at tucker's show. tucker's show was extremely successful but it's not cody cookie-cutter, looking at the diminished working class, that should be what the republican party should look at. if that makes sense. >> jesse: it doesn't seem to me, martha, that those themes have been emerging at cpac if you listen to ron desantis talk about immigration or matt gaetz talk about industrial policy. those themes are there and i think that's probably due to donald trump's philosophical influence. >> martha: no doubt. and one of the things i like to do is go back and look at some of these old speeches and today i went back and looked at former president trump's 2011 speech at cpac, which is really, all this energy in the room and everybody was all excited and he was a surprise guest and he came out,
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of course he ran in 2018 but two months after that, barack obama, then president, came out of the dinner and tried to roast donald trump in the audience, which made me realize what a threat he recognized at that point. it was clear donald trump was emerging on the scene in a very big way. watching all these guys today, they are all trying to have that magic, who had loved cover politics, they are all trying to get the crowd going but can they do it to the extent he was able to then? and i think he is still able to when he gets out there on sunday night. there is just no comparison in terms of who can get that crowd riled up at cpac, no doubt. >> jesse: on sunday, you will be glued to the tv watching donald trump reemerge after going down to mar-a-lago for a little hiatus. what are you expecting from donald trump? are you happy that he is back on the scene?
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are you concerned? what does juan williams think? >> juan: jesse, i think only one thing can come out of cpac that really matters, and it's donald trump's speech and it's whether or not donald trump says oh, you know what, that election was stolen. i think we need to fix the system because it stolen or does he say, you know what, i was wrong and joe biden is the legitimate president of this country and we need to move on. to me, if he talks about cancel culture, if he starts talking about the size of the stimulus package, it doesn't affect anything that impacts me or you. it's all about whether or not he stands with the people who conducted that january 6th insurrection, or whether he says those people behaved abysmally and they don't deserve our
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support. speaking to what you've been mentioning, i think he's going to leave open 2024 because that is a leverage point for him in terms of exercising some power over all the people that judge jeanine mentioned who are up there trying to be the heir apparent to donald trump and the republican party. i just don't think it makes much difference about 2024, even though mitch mcconnell now says he would back donald trump if he is the nominee in '24. i just think it is does donald trump finally say, i got beat in 2020? >> jesse: i don't expect to hear that, but i do expect him to look forward. >> martha: i wouldn't count on that. [laughter] >> jesse: coming up, here's what getting kids back into the classroom apparently looks like to the left. put them inside a little protective bubble, that story and another school board member
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: more insanity in america's schools, high school students in washington state are returning to in person class. but band practice is looking very different and that's because students are being ordered to play their instruments while zipped up in tiny tents. another revealing moment from a california school board meeting. parents who are fighting to reopen school are being smeared by the school board's vice president. >> of the teachers and the students, the parents -- >> we don't have to give anybody anything. we don't have to do anything that we don't want to do right now, that is what you do not understand.
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speak of this ideology to force people to comply. >> i don't want to be a part of forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to do. that's what slavery is, i don't want to be a part of it. >> judge jeanine: all right, i'm going to start with you on the kids zipped up in the tents. i don't know if any of these kids are claustrophobic but just looking at them on stage, you know, they did a concert, which is bizarre, you say to yourself, is this child abuse or is this some kind of problem solving and creative thinking? which is it? >> jesse: it's abusive, i feel so sorry for these kids and i'm trying hard not to mock them because it's not their fault they are zipped up in a little green alien tent. who thought this was a good idea? these are adults that run the school, right? these are supposed to be educated individuals? you are saying of the dozens of administrators that saw this right here, no one thought to think hey, this is stupid?
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we are going to get mocked on national television all friday for this? i mean, what is that? is that in oboe? i don't even know what some of these instruments are. does the piano player have a bigger tent? it's a two above, you can't even fit a tuba in there. how much do these things cost, by the way? they probably got gouged, they are probably $80,000 for one tent. for the woman to say this is white supremacy to force people to go back to school, she is literally their voting to get school back open. she has a vote to reopen the schools, so i don't know, that's not forcing anything. >> judge jeanine: greg, i would like to get to you before we talk about the slavery issue and one of the things that they were saying about these tents was this gives the kids an
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opportunity to be able to safely sing or play their instruments without wearing a mask. how can you play a tuba with a mask on anyway? they think that's safe? >> greg: that education is truly in tents. [laughter] >> greg: thank you. all right, i think it's pretty obvious to everybody that we need a massive transition in our educational system. you know, we are looking at teachers who, i mean, that is disgusting what she said, and this is absurd. if this is a problem, we need teachers outside of the teachers unions and the school board, so they are not brainwashed, to take the matter into their own hands and make home learning or class learning superior to what they are getting now. i've been thinking about this, what are the problems children are facing right now?
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they are having no education, there having no fitness, they are psychological benefits. they need a classroom or an educational, mental, physical combination of fitness. 20 minutes of instruction, 20 minutes of fitness, 10 minutes of positive self-talk because we are creating some very sad children right now and i think teachers should start banding together, start having classes independent of these unions, independent of the schools, make it charismatic, combined technique and technology and charisma. do with -- it the pelaton way. why are you laughing, this is serious? this is a real thing, we have got to do something about this. >> judge jeanine: kids in other countries are going to be beating us, and kids suffering from mental health and suicide
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and all of that. i'm not laughing at that, i saw this on your show, "the story" today when they talked about education being a fundamental right, but these teachers refusing, saying it's a kin to slavery. what say you on that? >> martha: this whole idea that people who want to get the schools open are somehow speaking some white supremacist language, people who want to get schools open are reaching out to help mostly kids and inner-city schools. we are talking about philadelphia, chicago, new york, los angeles, where these kids are suffering the most. people who have had this ability, as greg points out, to make different choices, to have homeschool ponds, people come in and teach a group of kids in the neighborhood, they are doing that and i think that is changing the landscape of education forever. i said today to the union leader, the administrators and principals in philadelphia, what do you say to these kids and
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certainly, you can't blame them if they decide to take another option. she said no, i really want them to stay in the public school system until we can get this 100% right. let me tell you something, you are never going to get anything 100% right. but here's what is 100% wrong right now, these kids are being robbed, scarred, those kids in those little tents, that is a bizarre situation and that's going to live with them for the rest of their lives. we have young people who have so much fear about this but it's largely displaced based on the science and i see so many young people who are more afraid than they should be, and that scares me because of the way they are going to look at their future. we want young people to be courageous and bold, and whys of coarse and careful, but not fearful about life. and that is what we have created. >> judge jeanine: wouldn't you say when you look at the kids in the bubbles that they are being taught to be fearful of how dangerous it is? when you look at all these other
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schools that are open, catholic schools are open, charter schools are open. this is instilling fear in kids. this isn't any creativity. >> juan: i think the option would be that you don't have band, because obviously, when you play an instrument, when you sing, there's lots of spittle and everything else, all kinds of things flying out of you. i think we are in the midst of a pandemic. hopefully we are coming to the end. i see on the paper is that all of the experts say things are looking good, but i think this was an innovative way to deal with it. it is comical looking but those kids wouldn't be having band practice unless you came up with some amazing innovation like that. let me just say in general about this white supremacy remark, i am one of the people who is a big advocate of opening schools, judge. i just think it's so important, martha mentioned that minority
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kids, low income kids are the ones who i think are really getting the wrong end of the stick. but even as i am an advocate of that, i also think you want safety and i am also very aware that people, parents, and teachers are nervous about whether or not they will be safe. if you ask white parents about this, it's like 45% say it's all the teachers are vaccinated, let's reopen beauty few ask hispanic parents it's like 50%,e teachers vaccinated first. then when you get to the black community, which has the highest rates of infection and deaths, it's like 60% plus of that say first vaccinate all the teachers. think people want to go back, but they want safety. >> judge jeanine: the problem is that the cdc said it's safe to go back and other schools are showing that it is safe, but coming up, liberal censorship paying off big time. liberals dominate social media
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he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ ♪ ♪ >> juan: the social media cracked and giving democratic politicians a big boost over their republican rivals, i'm quoting, the combined twitter following for the elected democrats with the biggest audiences is 102 million compared to 23 million for the top ten republicans. and a poll says the biggest concern among democrats, trump supporters. they are worried about trump supporters.
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let me start with you on the twitter numbers. is there a simple answer here? trump is off twitter. >> greg: that could be part of it but there's also something else going on. if you look at twitter twins, they are driven by online mob actions, whether it's tucker or glenn greenwald or "fox & friends." it's never because they love you, it's because there is a manipulative cycle of repetitive destruction, so you can decide, i'm not going to be there. what you are seeing is the fourth leg of the table being controlled. academia, media and entertainment. now it's a social media when you say, they are eradicating dissent, the response is but twitter is private and facebook is private. that's no longer an argument because there's no public option. the only public option is shouting in a park, which i do daily. private censorship on social media now is just purely censorship of speech because you
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still can make laws for private companies. if you walk outside human resources, you see all the laws on there. what's against the law. we are going to have to start thinking about this because people are getting pushed out of what i would call the town square and they have nowhere else to go except shouting in the town square. >> juan: i was thinking about the poll that indicated that democrats are worried about trump supporters. do you think they are worried because of what happened januars it could happen again and you don't see many republicans speaking out against it? >> jesse: if that's the case, they are idiots. they are really worried about little old me? they care more about who their neighbor voted for than they care about, i don't know, taxes, their kids going to school, their jobs, wages, china? all of those things democrats
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don't care as much about as they care about some guy down the street that pulled the lever for trump. that is insane, juan. that is collective insanity. in the second and third things they are cared about our systemic racism and white supremacy. it's all isms. all they care about is isms. if you go to the republicans, illegal immigration, second is law and order, and third's high taxes. the republicans care about issues, not isms. i just think you guys are obsessed and it's gotten strange now and everything is driven by hatred and emotion and if you could just relax and think about policies, maybe we could get together and do something for the american people. >> jesse: picking up on that, there is a recent poll that said 61% of trump supporters say democrats are bad people and out
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to destroy the country. so is that the flip side of this picture? we are just polarized? >> martha: it's a lot smaller than the 82% that are obsessed with trump supporters and i think jesse is exactly right. i think we have got to this point where there is this kind of derangement syndrome that takes up too much space when there's a lot of other things we need to be concerned about in this country and i think that poll is very reflective in terms of where people's focus is and i understand what you say about january 6th and i think that was a very difficult day across the board but i think we need to focus on the future of the country and where things are headed. i also think there is an interesting may be under current and that number who are very concerned about the trump supporters because they also see what happened on the congressional level, the state legislature level. they are worried in some ways that some of the people who supported president trump are pulling away from the democratic party, that they left them with a lot more support in a lot of different areas, a very
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close match in congress, picked up about 12, 13 seats. they lost the working class, they are losing the blue-collar worker. i think that is a big concern as well. >> juan: judge jeanine, a lot of it stems from january 6th, what do you think? >> judge jeanine: i really don't think it's about january 6th. i think it's about the fact that the democrats recognize that the trump supporters are dug in and solid and they are unwavering in their support for this man. it's the trump supporters who went to 35,010-degree temperatures, 50,000, you know, for joe biden there were a couple in the circle. they know that, and martha is right, that they are losing the blue-collar, from the first day that joe biden went in and did the executive order destroying the xl pipeline. just have this visual of these
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workers with their lunch pails being told that your job is wrong, so there is a belief system, it is more than politics, and it's more than even hatred. there is a belief system in the trump supported that this is the america that we want. it isn't even about the issues, although we are more policy-oriented, they are more identity politics-oriented. the issue is america, who we are, from whence we come, and where we go in the future. that is what the trumpers are about to. >> juan: okey-doke. up ahead, the hollywood crime drama video that shows the horrifying attack on lady gaga's dog walker. at that and more. up next, "the fastest seven" on "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪♪
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♪ ♪ >> martha: that works. welcome back, everybody. time for the fastest. this is terrible, chilling video of the terrifying attack on lady gaga's dog walker. you can hear this poor person crying out for help. the suspect open fired, they struck him once in the chest and fled the scene with the singer prosperous two french bulldogs. thankfully the injuries are not life-threatening and he is recovering. a massive manhunt is underway and lady gaga tweeted photos of her dogs and reiterated that she is willing to pay half a million dollars for their return. i will start with you because when we were covering the tiger woods story you felt there was too much focus on his
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accident, given everything else that is going on in the country, so i'm wondering how very upset you are at this point about the dog walker, who i think is going to be okay, and these two dogs. >> greg: when this was breaking last night on twitter, people really, really, really were upset about the dogs and kind of overlooked the guy getting shot in the chest. that was the thing that i was like, you know, a guy almost died. i think this is an interesting story just because, to the police, they want her to offer a $500,000 reward with no questions asked. i am curious about that -- >> jesse: absolutely not. >> greg: go, judge. >> judge jeanine: the police don't want her to offer a $500,000 reward. i'm sure they like it. i use to deal with crime
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stoppers all the time. a reward for information so i could arrest somebody. this is $500,000, no questions asked. the way i see it, two things going on. you've got the police involved and then you've got lady gaga. she doesn't have children, these dogs are her babies. i get it, i have two dogs. i have two kids, too, but they are gone. they are living their lives. here's the point, she doesn't want to ask any questions but the police want answers, so there may be a line of communication between her and the robbers and the police may not be aware of that but hopefully that is not the case because they need to be apprehended. you don't steal dogs just to get a french bulldog. you did it for ransom, that is why you brought the gun. this is a serious, dangerous case. these guys have to be identified. >> martha: i would imagine the poor dog walker, ryan, who is a good family friend would also like to ask a few questions
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about who did this to him. he might want a few questions answered in all of this. all right, let's go to the next topic, which is '80s music. listen to this. ♪♪ wake me up before you go go ♪♪ ♪♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf ♪♪ ♪♪ tainted love ♪♪ >> martha: i am more relaxed, already, aren't you? '80s music, positive nostalgia can lower your blood pressure and good news for greg, heavy metal, second in line, also helps you relax, if that's your thing, so jessie, one of the things i want to point out was this was a turkish hair loss company that did this study, so it's very, very scientific and they wanted to figure out if it could stop hair loss if you not
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only plug in your hair about plug-ins and good tunes. to be one that was they also did a poll that had biden up 50 in florida so you could take that for what it's worth. i can get loose to '80s rock but for me, what does it is jukebox, about 360s rock. they sing about ice cream parlors and cars and going steady with your girl. that's the kind of nostalgia i like. go way back. i would have been great in the '60s. >> greg: oh, god, in more ways than one. >> martha: you would have the duck tail hair, i know that. >> greg: saying he would be great in the '50s isn't a complement. [laughs] >> jesse: yes, it is. i would be great in any generation, honestly. >> martha: any decade. >> juan: i am more of a '70s
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type guy. for me, if you want to calm down how do you beat listening to stevie wonder, the isley brothers, rod stewart? i think that stuff, you would just chill instantly. >> greg: slayer all the way. slayer! [laughter] >> juan: i think earth, wind & fire. >> martha: i'm going to say bob marley. >> judge jeanine: it's happy, it's upbeat, it makes you smile. i listen to music all the time to feel good, to be happy. i love it. i sing, sing in the car by myself and my thing with my dogs. they are looking for someone to kidnap them. >> greg: martha, you just said bob marley, which leaves me to leads me to believe it is what you are doing with that music that is relaxing your. >> jesse: tell us a story. >> martha: i got to go.
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all right, "fan mail friday" is up next. stick around. ♪ ♪ good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: yeah, martha knows what that means, fly like an eagle, putting on some marley, kicking back with a giant split. first question, instagram -- >> martha: you are ruining my reputation. >> greg: that's my job. >> martha: i know. >> greg: what habits did you have as a kid and distill a habit for you today? we already know what martha's is. >> martha: i've gotten over it. >> greg: judge, how about you? >> judge jeanine: why do you always start with me with these questions? okay, i will answer it. i use to buy my lips. i still by my lips once in a while. i do that. my mother used to say to me, rest in peace, don't bite your lips. >> greg: that's an interesting little habit, biting your lips.
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do you have a habit today that you had as a kid? >> juan: yeah, i am a sugar freak. i went to the dentist this week, and he saying, you're having a lot of trouble here and i was thinking, when i was a kid i ate a lot of bazooka bubblegum, and thought, what's the big deal? today i tend to eat sugarless gum but it is still a habit, chewing gum. >> greg: my favorite gum of all time is the kind you get a baseball cards, the flat of gum that would just break into pieces -- >> martha: like cardboard. did you ever get wacky packs? wacky packs, do you remember them? >> greg: i owned every wacky packs from '72 '74 and i sold them on ebay because i am crazy. aside from recreational drugs, habits that you had as a kid? >> martha: i don't do any of them anymore, greg, that's all i want to say.
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what do you still do and i would have to say, none of those are in that category for me anymore, but it's a very long story, i don't want to get into it. >> greg: all right. >> martha: i'm getting! i am fine. [laughs] >> greg: what about you, jesse? >> jesse: the habit i was going to say is frowned upon so i don't want to discuss it on live television. it's frowned upon, it's not something for polite society. if i said is, i would probably get fired. so you don't want that. >> martha: oh, boy! >> jesse: you don't want that. >> greg: as long as you are not doing it during a zoom call, you are okay. [laughter] >> martha: oh, god. >> greg: what? that's what i thought he meant. i still eat glue. it's tasty. all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ i'm draymond green with my subway sub
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: time now for us to be 24, take us away, greg, greg. >> greg: greg gutfeld show tomorrow night, it's a banger. you have dana perino and john mackey, you have february 27th, 10:00 p.m., be there, be there, be there! let's do this. ♪♪ animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great ♪♪ if you are going to go off routing this weekend, and i will too, don't do what this little fella is doing. he is off-loading but not wearing the helmet, if you are on an open cedar like this trike or whatever you want to call it, you have to wear a helmet. i also have it on good faith he did two shots of tequila before he got on this thing which is also a big no-no. but he did pay the fine, he paid the fine. he is the boss. [laughs] >> jesse: very cute. how much do men spend on
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personal grooming? washington posted a little survey and found out it's quite a lot. one diana's 30 spends about $100. another 30-year-old spent about 600. that was mostly on cologne. another guy spent about one, and one guy $1,000 on personal grooming. i tabulated my personal grooming and i ran up about 400 a month and the only reason it's so high -- >> martha: a month? >> jesse: because i was at a spot and they sold me $300 worth of skincare products. i totally got taken to the cleaners. but now i am so beautiful, and it pays for itself. [laughter] speaking of paying for itself, "watters' world," we have donald trump jr. doing a deep dive into anthony fauci and some new news on epstein and bill clinton. we will examine. so make sure you watch. and after me, watch the judge at 9:00. go ahead. >> judge jeanine: tomorrow night on "justice" it will be a
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fiery show, we have dana loesch, matt gaetz congressman and we have liam terrel as well as tomi lahren. but i want you to see this woman, a grandma who is celebrating a birthday. she decides that she is having a nice time at a bar. a guy steals her first, can we show it? >> yes, there it is. >> judge jeanine: the grandma chases him get some on the ground, grabs him by the shoulders, she gets his shirt off, right, she grabs the first from him and then goes back into the bar. the difference between her and i, i would've taken the shirt with me for dna analysis, the guy got in the car, the first thing i would have done is taken the license plate. i would have screamed at him while he drove away. but it was her birthday. she wanted to go back into the bar, but she is my hero. grandma took down a 42-year-old big guy who stole her pocketbook. [laughter] >> jesse: i love it. a little street justice for grandma. all right, juan, what do you
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got? >> juan: is there anything better than a warm box of pizza? well, how about a warm box of pizza and 14,000 feet in the air. yes, take a look. that's right, four texas skydivers shared a pizza while parachuting to earth. you can see that they open a box and fed each other slices of margarita pizza. only one piece flew out. i guess that's the angel share. by the way, did you know that pizza hut sent pizza to the international space station last year? now that wasn't out of this world pizza. yeah! >> judge jeanine: i would have indigestion if i did that. [laughter] >> martha: i guess it is my turn. this is for greg, this is for greg, the is our cute little possums, because i always like is it opossum or opossum. they are being nursed back to health by the second chance is
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wildlife center in louisville, kentucky. they say that we love animals that look and that most don't necessarily love. so they nurse him back to health and let them go again. they are not acute when they are big. they get to be 37 inches long. >> jesse: that's it for us. have a great weekend. speak of the houses hours away from voting on a relief bill as lawmakers refused to that build a $15 minimum wage even though the senate parliamentarian says it can't be in there. plus president biden surveys the damage in texas after destroying targets in syria. and republicans host their first meeting since the election that decries biting policies and cancel culture, is it or isn't it how an online tom cruise is blowing people's minds while presenting a problem with separating fact from fiction. this is "special report." ♪ ♪
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