tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News February 28, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PST
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"justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. i'm in orlando, florida for cpac. we'll have all the can't miss moments along with reaction from congressman matt gaetz. but first my open. in he fascist state the first step towards takedown is shutting down your voice. the second step is taking away your weapons. big tech, the mainstream media and the democrat party have already kren secured and chipped
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away your first amendment, now they are working on the second. the second amendment clearly proclaims the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. the united states supreme court repeatedly affirmed the right of americans to keep and bear arms. as a result, estimates are 45% of u.s. households have guns and there are 45 million guns privately owned in this country. the left refers to. obama commented on strong town midwesterner. they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion, antipathy to people who are not like them. but during the campaign he said
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he supported the second amendment. after the election he says today i'm calling on congress to enact common sense gun through reform including requiring backgrounds checks on all gun sales, eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets. merrick garland, biden's justice department nom shooting doesn't raise the second amendment issue. what is biden's plan in ban the manufacture and sale of assault what he sphons and high capacity of magazines? buyback of assault weapons. what if i don't want to voluntarily sell you my assault weapon.
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allowing for the conservativeification of guns based on the informationf others. they want to take away your guns. but i don't know about you. but it's been hard to buy ammo lately. when they talk about registering guns they are only talking about legal gun owners. as if trump supporters were the ones burning down businesses and streets last summer. no matter how you try to demontize gun owners, the way to stop gun violence is not to restrict legal gun owners. like thend clear gun homicides. instead you want to cut felons lose with no bail.
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you and your social justice warriors are more worried about the criminal than the victim. you are more interested in defunding the police than stopping crime. yet you use mass americans. your hair-brained idea are nothing more than an effort to track gun owners for the next stem of your agenda. you want to tell me what kinds of gun i should have, and if i should even have a gun at all? as if the red flag law is anything other than an effort to target legal gun owners. if you want to tell me how much ammunition is enough ammunition and how big my gun should be? it's not only no, it's hell, no. and i don't need your permission permission.
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it's my second amendment right. it's a natural right that is confirmed by the people who founded this nation, and i don't want to hear about your politically correct nonsense or your effort to stop manufacturers from making guns. it's time to stop the demonization of legal gun owners and go after real crime instead of imagined i'm. we are unafraid law-abiding gun owners and we won't allow some leftist-inspired fascist agenda to overturn our constitutional right to bear arms. that's my open. let me know what you think on facebook page and twitter, mash tag judge jeanine. if you like my open, you will love my book, don't lie to me,
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as well as my closing statement, don't lie to me. joining me right now. radio host dana loesch and ask the man -- the woman who stopped a church shooting in 2017. dana, can you tell us, what is the agenda of the left. why are they trying to take away our guns? >> thank you for talking about this. i loved your opening. it's brilliant. i don't disagree with a single thing you said. but to our question, what are democrats going to do as it relates to begun rights? i know there are a lot of legislative items they would like to accomplish. but i don't think he has the power in the house and definitely the senate to get that done. he will be using his executive authority.
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we'll see regulatory abuse, whether it's him going through and trying to redefine what is a firearm and the debate about quote-unquote ghost guns which are federally regulated. serialization is federally legislated. but hobbyists don't have to serialize a handmade handgun unless they sell them. maybe they will go towards the importation of firearms and change regulations there. but it's going to be regulatory abuse first. judge jeanine: jean, jean is a law enforcement officer in 2007 who was part of a security team. she was off duty at the time. she was able to stop -- jean, you were able to stop someone in the process of killing individuals at a church in colorado springs.
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why don't you tell us what happened that day. >> thank you for having me on your show, judge. it's unfortunate fact that we do need weapons to defend and protect ourselves because the mindset of the criminal is where there is a will, there is a way. and you can put all the laws in place that you want, but they will get guns. then law-abiding citizens will be without. it's a losing game. with my story -- go ahead. judge jeanine: you go ahead. >> i was off duty at the church in colorado strings. the biggest church probably in colorado, when a gunman who had already shot and killed people in denver at 12:30 midnight that same day, then showed up after the second final service had ended. and he waited for the other
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off-dewey officers to leave. i stayed because i was part of the church security team. there were 7,000 people still remaining at the church. and he began shooting and killing people in the parking lot wane ar-15. he had 3,000 rounds of ammunition. 1,700 plus in a backpack. magazine fully load, an ar-15 and he came inside the church firing through the glass doors where there were hundreds and hundreds of men, women and children in the hallway. and i reacted very quickly and sprinted down the hall toward him and i killed number less than 3 minutes. otherwisee would have killed hundreds of people. he had maps to other locations. he had another thousand rounds of ammunition in his car with an ak-47.
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he was not going to stop killing people at that church. judge jeanine: situations like this where law-biding citizens are able to protect others or themselves from those with illegal weapons tear rising and killing other people. it seems like it's illegal gun owners. how do we stop that, dana? >> that's a great points. jean, god police for doing what you did. unfortunately there isn't someone like jean around all the time. that's why it's so important that we preserve the second amendment right to self defense. that's what this is all about. the restrictions that this administration wants to propose do nothing to target criminals. criminals will still obtain firearms and obtain ammunition.
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no matter how difficult you make it for the through biding. they are going to engage in criminal behavior. you know we are good people. we don't want to run afoul of the law. we are ready to fall back on our training if that time comes. judge jeanine: has this brought you a sense of the need to reinforce in people's minds the need to have legal guns to learn how to use them and be ready to use them? >> yes, with the legalization of marijuana in self states, you do develop a tolerance and people resort to stronger drugs. they will break into your homes whether you are home or not in the middle of the day, and you will either be kill or wounded while they are trying to burglarize your home or hurt you. so you do need to be prepared at
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judge jeanine: welcome back. if there is one thing to know about rush limbaugh, it's that he truly loved america and america loved him right back. he was honored at cpac with a touching tribute. take a look. >> fun and frolic for some of you wondering what award i have won. non-other than the marconi award for excellence in broadcasting. >> he was quite. rush always wanted to be an adult. i think from 10 on he was an adult. he did not want to be bothered
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with childish things. and he was a loner. when he got his job at the radio station, the first job at 16, it gave him a feeling of superiority and made him feel like king tut. >> i know you liberals are tuning in. you have got lights out. you are cowered in the corn and you don't want to admit to anybody that you are watching this. we know you are there. i just want to leave you with this. we feel your pain. welcome to the rush limbaugh program. >> rush limbaugh single handedly saved radio and gave americans hope when thee realized most news dip' agencies were against
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them. >> he had a little bit more free rein. and it was i thought if someone hears you, you are on your way. >> here is the hottest name in all of radio. soon to have his own television show. who is this guy on almost 500 radio stations in america? i give you rush limbaugh. >> if i were of the attitude that my primary goal was to go in every day and make sure america hears its. times are crucial. the ratings would plummet. liberals are wring their hands and not having time for fun, and being critical of everything. >> in walter cronkite is called the most trusted man in america, rush limbaugh is called the most dangerous and he's proud of it.
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>> we are endowed by our creator with inalienable rights, life, liberty, freedom. and the pursuit of happiness. now, you may wonder why is this being applaud? we conservatives think all three are understood assault. >> you and oprah have all the money. this is like your second best selling book. >> i travel the country every weekends making personal appearance and speeches and see the people who make the country work. i happen to benefit today from having a lot in common with most americans. >> rush limbaugh does not need a
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producer. when he's away, maybe i will produce the show. when rush is there, he's the show. he's one of the most incredible broadcasters of this and the last century. somewhat do you think of rush limbaugh? >> the views expressed by the host of this show are not necessarily those of the staff, or sponsors of this station. this a new farb'ism springing. you. if you don't say the right things about an issue, it's not of any that they turn you off or don't listen to you. they want to get you banned so you can't speak. >> i don't defer to the experts. i am the expert. >> when you think about what democrats say. they are a miserable lot. they are the original doom and
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gloomers. people come up and say when will there be a liberal counterpart to you and i say never. when is the last time you heard one of them having fun. i want barack obama to fail if his mission is to reform and restructure his country? >> they say i'm worried about what rush limbaugh is going to say about me on the radio. >> he's essentially begging any republican to denounce him. he's fixated on me. he simply cannot get me off of his mind. i live rent free in his head. >> 14 million people a week listen to rush. >> he's a flourishing realm for countless people from prager and
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sean hannity. >> let me tell you who we conservatives are, we love people. and when we look out over the united states of america, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, we see human beings, we don't see groups, we don't see victims. we don't see people we want to exploit. what we see is potential. >> i remember the first time i tried out for talk radio. he allowed me to use his studio with this golden microphone which was terrifying to me. >> rush has cochlear implants. he's deaf. most people don't realize that. >> i'm deaf. i am 100% deaf and i can only
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hear with these. i lost my hearing 15 years ago. ' even when he was completely without hearing before the cochlear implants were put in, he didn't miss a beat. if you are not affected by inside the beltway or washington establishment thinking, understanding trump is easy. it's the he sleet versus real people. it's somebody that is fearless and willing to fight against the things no republican has been willing to fight against or defend. >> rush limbaugh thank you for your dea decade of tireless devotion to our country. rush, in recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and that you inspire, and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity, i am proud to
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announce tonight that you will be receiving our country's highest civilian honor, the presidential medal of freedom. too conservative radio host rush limbaugh had a personal reveal today while on the air. >> this day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory for me. i have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. >> we are all praying for the man who has literally paved the way for all of us. especially me. >> it's with profound sadness, i must share with you directly that our beloved rush, my wonderful husband, passed away
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this morning due to complications due to lung cancer. rush will forebe the greatest all time. >> do what you are best at. the only difference between you and me is that i am up here and you are out there. and the only reason i am up here is because you are out there. you have rejuvenated my life and made me something [inaudible] and i have one thing to say to you, a heartfelt thank you. the final segment of the program today has arrived. we gotta go, we are out of here.
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judge jeanine: florida congressman matt gaetz took the stage at cpac to massive applause. congressman, that was quite a welcome for you. you are certainly the firebrand. >> i haven't gotten a welcome that warm since i was in the state of wyoming campaigning against liz cheney. here at cpac we have to decide
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what kinds of party we are going to be. we have to make sure we continue to be an america first party. judge jeanine: that brings to us job and his policy of america last. how are we going to get back all the jobs that were lost as a result of the keystone pipeline. this week an attack in syria. the attempt to take our guns. how are we going to beat the biden administration with all these efforts, first amendment, second amendment, and it goes on. >> we'll have to look for 0 our leaders at the state level to stand up and fight for our liberty. because nothing good is going to come out of washington, d.c. under unified control by the democrats. you mentioned joe biden's foreign policy returning to intervention in the middle east. the progressive support of joe biden are probably kicking themselves wondering why they supported a campaign of someone
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who returned to the policies even democrats were against. republicans under donald trump didn't stands to invade everywhere and invite everyone across our borders illegally. we have to insure the republican party continues in the image of trump and we don't go back to the days of the establishment republican party. judge jeanine: what worries a lot of my listeners is the gun grab. in fascist countries they tomorrow what you can say, then they go for the guns. the inability to get ammunition, and the biden administration wanting to hold gun manufacturers accountable for the actions of individuals who have guns. >> i'm speaking to you from the
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sunshine state or as we sometimes call florida, the gun shine state. we believe it's a good thing when our citizens are well protected and they vindicate their second amendment rights. the gun control legislation moving through the united states congress impairs the rights of our citizens. it makes it more likely the biden administration will have the tools for confiscation of firearms. we put pressure on democrats particularly in the senate to stand against the biden gun control. judge jeanine: congressman matt gaetz. congratulations at cpac, you were a hit. i know, i was there. >> thanks, judge. judge jeanine: my closing statement.
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>> if businesses say vaccinated only. when do you think we'll start seeing if you are vaccinate you can go to this restaurant or travel or work. judge jeanine: tomi lahren and leo terrell join me to react to chris cuomos vision for america. chris cuomo, he wants to know when restaurants and businesses will be implementing a government policy of allowing only vaccinated patrons to go into restaurants and bars. what do you think of that, tomi?
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>> just like they used the mask. they will hold the vaccinations over people's heads. this is what the american people have been worried about. first it was the mask. you have to have that forced compliance. all the arbitrary restrictions. now if you want to go back to work and support your family you will have to get something in your arm. the american people are hesitant about the idea of a vaccination. but when you have the idea of a forced vaccination being held over their heads to return to work or live normal life, that's an infringement at the highest level. judge jeanine: on the one hand vaccination okay, but when they say you have to take it, that's when people's backs go up. >> it's turning the government into a nanny state. people have the right to make
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individual choices. there might be medical reasons, personal reasons, freedom, people may decide they don't want to take the vaccination. florida is doing quite well without he floridian being vaccinated. the democrats are trying to control the lives of every american 24/7. judge jeanine: both you tomi and leo. the continues between new york and florida is stunning. you walk out of the airport you feel like you are free, free at last. let's talk about stacy abrams. she says there is a disease of racism embedded in the veins of america. leo, what do you think? >> thank you very much. i'm more qualified to speak on this subject than stacey abrams.
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there is no systemic discrimination in this country. that's the democratic talking point. stacy abrams is lying to america. they use the race card as a talking point to intel date. we are in the most open and diverse party all times thanks to donald trump. where is the systemic racism at? what department? who is the big bogeyman. it's a big lie and i'm sick of it. judge jeanine: how does she benefit from this? >> all democrats benefit from the victimhood narrative. they have to remind you that you are a victim and somebody is out to get you. that's how they maintain that control. by keeping people in their place and making them feel like they
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have a chip on their shoulders and always irked. look what she was able to do in georgia. i have to give credit where credit is due. but if there was a disease of systemic racism you wouldn't have seen what you saw in georgia. you have and vice president who is a woman of color. you had a president for 8 years who was a person of color. the left wants to divide us by political party and race. they want to divide us by gender and divide us by ideas and shut out half of our ideas. we talk about empowerment and liberty and freedom. but they don't on that. judge jeanine: this is a country where people come for a reason because they have the chance to compete. >> they have the greatest
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community this country. people of all colors thrive in this country. it's called personal freedom. that's why i love this country and a lot of americans love donald trump. judge jeanine: here at cpac i tried to find out what people really think about the way things are going in america. an all-new street justice
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judge jeanine: pollsters say one thing, politicians say another. but how do people feel about the future of the republican party? >> what's so amazing about cpac and this conference, we have people who respect the rights of the individuals. to not be treated on the basis of race. to be treated on the basis of character. what's going on now they are treating people on the basis of race and dividing you into groups. that's something i oppose and that's why i'm here. >> what does america needs to do to get back on her feet.
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>> we need freedom much speech. we are understood attack and we have no rights, and it's scary. >> do you think kamala will be president? >> i think joe will be pushed out and kamala will be president, yes, ma'am. >> what do you like so far? >> everybody is so inviting. and there are so many new phase and familiar faces. >> the road for america, what happened in the 2020 election, people are starting to wake up right now. judge jeanine: what did you see in the biden administration that you think is a good thing. >> nothing. >> 2024, where are we going? >> cruz, trump, we'll see. >> do you see hunter biden anywhere? >> where's hunter?
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>> i do not think he's uniting the country. i think he's dividing it even more. i don't believe people should fall into the trap of thinking he's going to unite. the world is going to take over the united states, and we are seeing it happen. judge jeanine: 2024. who do you think? >> i will go with president trump. i want him to make a comeback and take america back. judge jeanine: what do you think of republicans are into policies and democrats are into identity politics. >> we are into policies because we know our policies are better. they know that so they want to take away our freedom of speech. they are afraid our ideas if they get out people will like them more because they are better.
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>> we continue to look out for hunter biden. stay with us for any alert. let's talk to the biden administration. have they done anything in the five weeks they have been in that impresses you? >> he has not runed on any of his promises. judge jeanine: why are you here at cpac? >> i'm here for the liberty policies. >> he's a train wreck since the day he got started. we know he's not in charge at the top. i think those are the people still running things. judge jeanine: what have you learn so far? >> the american dream is alive and well in florida. there are a lot of people willing to fight in 2022 and 2024. judge jeanine: have you seen
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if you could see you through my eyes instead of your ego ♪ ♪ i believe you'd be surprised to see that you've been blind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ yeah before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪
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judge jeanine: what could possibly go wrong? the sweet deal and a governor celebrated his law providing for the abolition of cash bail. take a listen. >> this legislation marks a substantial step towards dismantling the systemic racism that plagues our communities, our state and our nation and brings us closer to true safety, true fairness and true justice. judge jeanine: what? ever since the harebrained idea of no bail became in vogue for the social justice warriors on the left law-abiding citizens have been further victimized by revolving door justice. criminals apprehended including felons and released ascent is the paperwork is done are now emboldened knowing they are free during offense, to be released together begin. you call that justice? and don't give me this bill is unconstitutional. the eighth amendment specifically calls for bail with the proviso that it not the
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excessive. the suspect is now given a citation and lou of arrests. note trick to the precinct before a judge just a love letter requesting they return to answer the charges. no mechanism to assure that return other than their word? if someone breaks into your apartment if the criminal justice vip. no need to come in. we will make sure you get home before the cop who arrested you and by the way if this topic is useful to you? the they were heavy-handed we will drop the charges against you and we will prosecute him or her. message to the victim, criminal justice system won't protect you if you were victim. he will be out in a flash to threaten you members of your family and any witnesses afterwards the case you will probably be dropped because the victim want cooperate out of fear of intimidation.
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how is that safety if the criminal criminal is out of and is allowed to return to threaten his battered wife, his abused child? how about the pedophile always will reoffend and governor are you clueless about the state you live in is if you don't have an up albums in chicago? we are on a south kite -- site of the chicago on the playground kids don't even run the son of a gun your clarence ray gun homicides is an embarrassment and now no bail is justice? police are defunded and they are told to stand down. governor you are either stupid or clueless. either way you sided with the criminals and not the victims. the victim who never chose to be a part of the system to begin with and do you even know what the word justice means? that's my closing. if you liked it then you will love my book, don't lie to me
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available on amazon and judge jeanine got started thanks for watching. i'm judge jeanine pirro advocating for truth justice and the american way. the gutfeld show is up next and i will see you next saturday night. greg: like kale coconut water and crossover fanny packs it's amazing how much evil can suddenly become acceptable. i guess it's time for -- meme and now "the greg gutfeld show" presents all made when you were a democrat. i wonder did you say it's not kids in cages? >> you said it is not kids in cages. we have seen photos now of containers. is there a better description? the kids and containers instead
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