tv The Five FOX News March 1, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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there. governor dewine, thank you so much for watching. i appreciate. neil will be back tomorrow. big interviews on fox business. iowa republican senator will be with us, i'll be on making money tomorrow. right now it's "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: i am greg gutfeld with juan williams, katie pavlich, jesse watters, dana perino. "the five." did joe biden have the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history? >> joe biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history. >> greg: we all knew the biden administration was going to be bad but none of us imagined how bad. >> we all knew the biden administration was going to be bad. but none of us even imagined
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just how bad they would be and how far left they would go. he never talked about this. we would have those wonderful debates. he would never talk about this. we didn't know what the hill he was talking about. >> greg: if a republican president makes a triumphant return to the white house, i wonder who that will be. >> a republican president will make a triumphant return to the white house. i may wonder who that will be. >> greg: it was just like old times. trump boiled it down for all of us. he no longer had his mean tweets keeping cnn anchors up at night. you had unsecured borders, fewer jobs, dead pipeline, rising gas prices and return to a disastrous climate agreement and rising crime that gets a pass from the cupboards of tensile culture. the only good thing joe the vaccines, came from you know who. >> never let them take the credit because they don't deserve the credit.
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they just follow. they are following our plan. >> greg: then he laid down the most vital challenge. joe, on behalf of the moms and dads and children's of america. get the schools open. >> on behalf of the moms, dads, and children of america on a call on joe biden to get the schools opened and get them open now. >> greg: pretty clear. i wonder what we will see for the next four years. >> for the next four years, the brave republicans in this room will be at the heart of the effort to oppose the radical democrats, the fake news media, in their toxic cancel culture. something new to our ears. cancel culture. i want you to know that i'm going to continue to fight right by your side. the only division is between a handful of washington, d.c., establishment political hacks. everybody else all over the
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country. >> greg: that's not all you're going to see. you will see trump and perhaps others in the party that will learn from him. trump showed other republicans you've got to fight fire with fire. you know that it worked because suddenly he became an exemption threat. that's what happens when you expose the media. trump offered a clear, succinct difference yesterday. people say he ruined the party. others that he saved it. it could be both. the republicans have now become a new party, one for the ignored, the working classes, the opposite of the elites. time to embrace that as the dems become no difference from its code looters on cnn, those well-dressed dopes controlled by the woke. jesse, thank god for trump. we needed something interesting to talk about. he is like a cargo plane that air drops cigarettes and chocolate. >> jesse: i don't smoke but i
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love chocolate. there's a lot to chew on. we could talk all hour about that speech but one thing he said that struck me, he said the republican party is the party of love. that is something that rush limbaugh talked about when he said what defines the conservatives. a conservative is a conservative because they have such deep love for the american people. love for the country, love for the constitution and all of the great leaders that meet our proud history so great. so when you love something, you put it first. that is all america first is all about, putting the american people first, nonglobal institutions, not other countries, not multinational corporations. it's the average guy. through trade, wage and immigration policy, he created a middle-class boom that helped everyone, all races, creeds and colors. that's why it's so sad to see
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joe biden rejoin bad deals and terror of good ones just because he hates trump and his supporters so much. and it's devastating to watch and it makes me sad because i'm such an emotional person. the other thing is, you touched on the vaccine stuff. history is going to, i believe, at least my history will show that donald trump saved millions of life and millions of jobs. joe biden would not have band travel from china. he would've kept the economy shut down longer and he never would've launched warp speed at record time. he would've cost millions more lives and millions more jobs. donald trump ordered 200 million doses of the vaccine. half of them have been distributed right now. 75 million of them have been administered. not a single dose has been injected into an american on march 1st ordered by joe biden. all of these doses so far as of
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today have been distributed through the military, trump's plan, and administered through the states, trump's plan. joe biden is following trump's plan and the trajectory of the injections is a steady rise. he hasn't supercharge it. i want peter doocy to ask jen psaki for acknowledgment of that and a thank you. >> greg: well done. the republican party is the party of love. the democrat party, the party of lost. we'll be right back. dana. what i thought was interesting is identifying the democrats as the party of cancel culture. anti-free-speech or pro-censorship. that's a pretty good strategy. do you think it is? >> dana: i think that the democrats realize that the general election went their way for the presidency but across the board almost everywhere you look in america that wasn't the case. state legislatures, the
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congressional offices obviously and some of the senate races. i think they realized they are kind of living on borrowed time and it's one of the reasons they are in such a hurry to get as much done as they possibly can. cancel culture as part of that. your number one president trump in the 2016 elections had political correctness was ruining our country. got a huge applause line. people are feeling it. that's not going to end. i would say being respectful of diversity of thought has to be inclusive of everyone, including people in your own party. one thing he did not do yesterday. he did not say he was going to start a third party. there was speculation about that. his description of the biden team, his critique was pretty effective. if republicans fling can figure out a way to unify behind that, i think the biden team would realize they've got a tiger by its tail with all these problems coming to the forefront. they are so focused on getting
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the $1.9 trillion in relief, quote relief passed before marco worry about the other things but you can see the cracks in the foundation of the democratic unity are absolutely happening. whether president trump runs again, who knows. we haven't seen this and since grover cleveland gave it a shot. history can repeat itself. >> greg: that is true and it's a good point. cancel culture is like the frankenstein monster of political correctness. it seems like a logical extension for trump. katie, he won the cpac poll handily. i didn't even come in a close second. >> katie: i didn't see you on the list, greg. so sorry. cpac is the conservative political action caucus, the place where conservatives go to get involved and figure out how they can make a difference when it comes to forwarding conservative values. i thought when president trump talked about fighting against the left and focusing on the energy on that, it's important any talked about the power
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republicans do have an states to go after big tech and work on things like censorship at the local level. and then of course he talked about 2022 and 2024. he gave people kind of an assignment to go out and fight against -- remain focused on the things they are doing to not let them rewrite the history of the trump administration, of the republican party. and also to fight these things in the places where they do have some leverage against these democrats in their states. >> greg: juan, i know you are up all night saturday like it was the day before christmas, knowing that donald trump was going to speak. you are just so excited. i think i have overheard you saying the green room it was the greatest speech you ever heard. >> juan: it sure was like nick at night. it was a rerun. i have heard that speech before. that speech obviously turns on a lot of people. i will say that for it. the big news out of it, he still
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says he won the election and is continuing to promote that fiction even though that we know it's so damaging to the country. we saw the violence at the capitol. continues to damage the republican party. here's a list of people in the republican party he says to go after, the people who told the truth about not only the election but what happened on january 6th. i think he's promoting more division not only in the country but in the party. that's really difficult because obviously people in the country are worried about more violence coming. that's why we still have the fencing around the capitol and all of that. i think people inside the republican party are also looking to try to find a way to go forward. it's so difficult when everything focuses on one personality. his comments about biden i found intriguing because it seemed to me to be so revealing. it seems like he's jealous. it seems to me like he's jealous
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about the idea that biden is having success. the covid infection rate, the death rate going down. he's jealous about the idea that the vaccines are getting out. he's jealous about the idea that somehow the rescue package that's already past the house, looks like it's on its way through the senate successfully by the end of the week. i think he's just jealous. it's like it's coming out of his ears. >> greg: i don't know how you can read somebody's mind and their feelings. i look at what he is saying. it's been three months since the election. the dems question the election for four years. it's weird how you change the standards on that. we have been over that of a million times. coming up, there's a surge of migrants at the border but the biden white house just claimed everything's under control.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden meeting with mexico's president right now while he undoes just about all of trump's immigration policy. secretary claims everything is under control of the border. >> do you believe it right now there is a crisis of the border? >> i think that the answer is no. i think there is a challenge of the border that we are managing and we have our resources
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dedicated to managing it. >> jesse: really? then why is the white house about to open a new tenant facility in texas to handle a surge of migrants in the border? what about border officials reportedly saying they expect 13,000 unaccompanied children to cross the border may alone. don't worry. biden says it's all under control. >> right now there's thousands of unaccompanied children, and cross the border. in texas, they opened up one that was i former one used in the administration, the last administration. our hope and expectation is that won't stay open very long. >> jesse: juan, jeh johnson, homeland security director under barack obama said 1,000 illegal crossings a day constituted a crisis. three to four -- 3,000 to 4,000 crossings which we are right now, it must constitute a
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crisis, wouldn't you agree? >> juan: yeah. remember you've got a number of people who've been waiting in mexico and they are being allowed entry in the question is, what do you do with those people? can we process them effectively? i think the numbers can get somewhat confusing. i take what the homeland security secretary said. right now he feels that it's manageable. obviously you can come back and say to him that that's not the case, that he wasn't telling the truth. but i think what we see today and you mentioned at the top, by meeting with the mexican president, obrador. i think he is seeking help from mexico, from his other allies in latin america. i think it's inevitable we are going to see a spike in real immigrants forcing in, not just crossing but forcing in in the springtime of this year. that's one of the things we're going to see. he needs help and it's not just
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from some of these countries in latin america. he needs help from congress. obama, increased interest, increase in deportations. we still saw spikes. think about trump, the fictional wall. the deportations, the separating the families. we still saw spikes. >> jesse: why do you say it's fictional? >> juan: the wall? it's fictional. i think he needs help so we can deal with the immigrants in this country right now and i think we need to deal with future flow, amnesty and we need to deal with border security. 25 years is too long since congress has acted. congress should stop playing politics and give us comprehensive immigration reform. >> jesse: joe's border policies fictional in that case because it doesn't exist. katie, if you wanted mexico to help like juan said, why did he get rid of the "remaining
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mexico" policy? >> katie: if the border wall is fictional, i don't know why joe biden ordered it to stop being built and why you have a number of people working construction on that wall saying that they are no longer building the wall that does exist. the dhs secretary said he wanted people to come, just not right now. he said it's not that we don't want people to come purely want to wait until we have time to process all of them which is an open invitation for a massive increase in asylum fraud. exactly what you're going to see. you have the prior administration put into place the remaining mexico policy. worked with local government so people who actually apply for asylum and qualify can apply in their home countries because it's the first step rather than making a long journey. the other thing we are saying that nobody is talking about, when you see the number that they are predicting for 13,000 in may. how many times over is not going
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to happen? those kids are going to be here. biden administration is going to pay with taxpayer money to transfer them to family members already in the country already living here, most of them illegally. 20 years from now, 15 years from now we are going to have this population of people who came here through the process of just going to set up another immigration catastrophe and crisis because you now have a whole nother generation of "dreamers" or other people that they want to make legal citizens. it's about asylum fraud and the department of homeland security is headed by a guy who today invited this problem while claiming there is no crisis going on. one quick thing. biden, dhs secretary lowered expectations saying that the trump administration gutted everything and that's why things are bad. they are just saying that so that when things get worse they can blame it on the previous administration. >> jesse: dana, your thoughts. >> dana: juan mentioned the
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need for comprehension of immigration reform and many people would welcome that. if biden loses control of the border issue, when alejandra mallorca says it's a challenge and we are managing it, they better hope they can do it. if they can't then any hopes of a bipartisan immigration reform bill will be out the window so if they really want to try to get it down or anything else done they have to find a way to deal with the immediate issue at hand. >> greg: the great liberal slip. considered a crisis when they are out of power and becomes a success when they're in charge. they actually insult their own competence by claiming this is their definition of success. republicans are like, we've got to stop this. only a democrat will condemn a wall and he border but then appreciate one surrounding the capital. that's a bit backwards. the secret word obviously in all of this is the word
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unaccompanied. can we finally stop with the lie about separating kids from their parents when you're talking about 13,000 unaccompanied kids, teens, whatever you call them. unaccompanied. suddenly it's as if after the election in november, 13,000 pairs of parents just disappeared? where did they go? where did the parents go? could it be that they weren't there to begin within that that we were being fed we heavily, heavily lopsided story by the media that favored the dems i didn't favor trump. i would say so. what does it say about mexico that if 13,000 of your young people want to get the hell out. that's where the reformist. >> jesse: has also not a bunch of 6-year-old girls. it's a bunch of 16 and 17-year-old males. up next, he was just joking. andrew cuomo giving an unbelievable excuse after a
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>> juan: andrew cuomo reacting to serious accusations of sexual harassment by claiming he was just as i'm quoting "being playful" and meant no harm. that's after a second former aide accused the governor of inappropriate behavior. charlotte bennett claims cuomo crossed the line by asking her about dating and her life. also asked if she ever slept with older men. the governor says he is sorry if his comments were misinterpreted. listen to new york city
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mayor bill de blasio. >> if these allegations and charges are proven, there's no way he can govern. >> so that's a yes, you think he should resign? >> of course. >> juan: new york city attorney general letitia james announcing she's moving ahead with an investigation. that's after james pushed back on cuomo's original plan to handpick a judge to handle this probe. greg, how happy is bill de blasio? no he is going hard at cuomo. i think this is very interesting. >> greg: there's a lot of weird things going on here. de blasio is the worst mirror in the history of the world. if he's happy about this, i'm really, really worried. we have a rising felony rate and murder rate in new york and these guys were worried about trying to nail cuomo. there is something else that's really grotesque about this. i obviously -- creepy sexual-harassment stuff, bad. but these people are way more
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outraged about this than the rest home! thousands of people! >> dana: that's my point. >> greg: i'm sorry, dana. i will cede one of my future points. de blasio saved this. he wasn't outraged when these bodies were piling up? you're seeing at the media that somehow we are in a world where a dude acting creepy to girls that are the age of his daughter which is creepy, right? it's somehow more outrageous and deserving of resignation that not even apologizing for the death of thousands of people when he sent -- you know the story. sick people to a rest home. it boggles my mind. people don't understand this. this city is so screwed, it's on scruple -- unscrewable. you can't unscrew it. it's done.
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>> juan: jesse, i was going to ask about the media. they seem to be pretty aggressive. front page everywhere. >> jesse: juan, first i want to say something that's very difficult to say. you are right. last week you said he was teetering and enough another woman came forward, he was toast. it's not often that you are right. i think everyone on the show should acknowledge it and make that point. the fact that there is now a lawyer who is defending governor cuomo from these harassment allegations, it's the same defense attorney for woody allen. it makes me think there's going to be several more women. you don't hire woody allen's defense attorney fits just a small thing. cuomo has to give better excuses. the number one excuse was i was just kidding. i used that in middle school when i was trying to get out of being grounded.
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the other excuse was, there was a misunderstanding. so a 63-year-old man is alone in his office with a 25 grown woman and he says, do you ever think about sleeping with older men? how do you misunderstand that? what other way is there for you to interpret that comment? to the media, juan, everybody on this show knew cuomo wasn't a good governor. the media had created this story arc for the governor. he needed to be the good guy to contrast against trump, the bad guy, during the pandemic. they don't need that contrast anymore so cuomo is disposable. to greg's point, this whole scandal takes the heat off nursing homes so they can run for cover. i want to praise hillary for her bold leadership for waiting nearly a week to come out and issue a statement. a two sentence statement that says she is supporting an investigation. how brave for her to do that. >> juan: jesse, i think the lawyer is just for the nursing
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homes, not for the sexual-harassment part. katie, let me ask you. what's the best way -- okay, katie, what's the best way to go about this investigation. flirting, kissing, comments. what comes of that? >> katie: well, we can hear both sides of the story from cuomo and the women accusing him. but cuomo has already changed his story so i think he's toast because of that and let's see if i can do this the right way. the walls are closing in on andrew cuomo. when it comes to everything that's going on. he's done. i do find the timing very interesting. it's the beginning of the end for andrew cuomo. i do hope the nursing home thing doesn't get buried. there is criminality involved there for sure. we'll see if more women come forward. we are at the beginning of this thing.
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>> juan: dana, i think there is a lot of glee from people who don't like andrew cuomo, democrats and republicans. for republicans, does it open the door, what about donald trump and all the charges against him? >> dana: sure, they can go ahead and say that. it's a well-known story. this is not new. cuomo statement was so dripping with derision. he called it an apology. i would say it's more of an acknowledgment that he's in trouble. a couple weeks ago, i think you might have been on on fox news sunday, josh holmes suggested his political future might be ending. perhaps that could be sooner than we think. i think when the floodgates open, you know you're in big trouble. he's in big trouble. he should be. >> greg: but he can get a show with his brother on cnn. >> dana: we'll see. >> juan: what an idea. up next. the california teachers union leader who fought against
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returning to classrooms, he is caught on camera dropping his child off for in person learning. next for you on "the five." voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in.
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your face would melt off and you'd probably die. i just told you how i do it. we'll edit that part out so your face doesn't melt off. this is the destroyer of ransomware destroying more ransomware. she knows we know she knows we'll never know how she does it. ( ♪♪ ) >> katie: some brand-new covid hypocrisy for you. the head of berkeley, california, teachers union who says school should be only reopened after all teachers are vaccinated was spotted dropping off his daughter and in person preschool. upset parents are calling him out. the group gorilla momz tweeted about it. "he's been saying it's unsafe for your kids to go back to school all the while dropping
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his kid off at private school." he claimed there was no public options for students. greg, is it worse, the hypocrisy on covid or the dreadlocks? >> greg: interesting detail. guilty of cultural appropriation. the whole point of being elected is to gain power. once you gain power, it's to exempt yourself from the consequences of your coercion. you can dump it on other people but you get around and it's -- the real unfairness is that he's creating an advantage for his kids by keeping other children at home. a sinister, long-term strategy. his kids on the edge of getting better jobs and going to better schools as he tells other families your kids can't go anywhere. it's kind of disgusting. the roads or dreads. those are dreads.
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>> katie: those are dreads. >> jesse: i am lifting my bandanna talking about people's personal appearance. white guys with dreadlocks. maybe he was growing about maybe nancy knows a salon he can go to. it's a pasty white guy north of the equator rocking thick dreads. with all due respect, i just don't think it works for him. with all due respect. i'm going to make up pre-buttal to juan's argument. he is going to say that we need schools open but we need to open them safely. can you name a school that's opened unsafely? i don't think you can name one school district in the country that's open unsafely. six of the top ten largest school districts in america have been open for several months. those are in texas and florida. they got the same amount of money of the other big
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districts, new york, los angeles, chicago and vegas. why are they open safely and the others close? because the teachers unions and blue states are to following the science. they are following the money. >> juan: i think we had good news today. chicago, we see that k through five is opening next week. they go up to grade eight. we are seeing progress being made. the big teachers union, they represent them nationwide. the key point for me, as we are seeing this progress as the number of cases go down. you seeing places adopt hybrid instruction. when you say open, you have to say some kids go to school every other week. some kids go into classrooms that they have partitions and ventilators. it's a whole lot going on.
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i think biden says he wants it open. people like me want to see schools open. >> katie: data, we joke about this but it's very serious and disgusting that he's doing this while keeping kids out of school. >> dana: i bet you could go through his twitter feed and find somewhere where he lamented the fact that people have lost trust in public servants and institutions. then you have to look in the mirror. although according to jesse, not going to like what he sees. >> katie: the fastest seven is coming up next. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! [ squawks ] how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops!
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if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. ♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back. time for the fastest. pack your bags and get ready to visit the first space hotel. construction is set to begin a low earth orbit in 2025 and it will be like a cruise ship with restaurants, a spa, and rooms for 400 guests. how do they deal with the lack of gravity at a spa?
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>> greg: that is tough. also the buffet is going to be a complete mess. this is why you know it's fake. they are going to fly you in a fake capsule. you're going to dock at the equivalent of a movie set and you'll be living in this weird area the size of a football field. you will have no idea that you are actually in newark, new jersey. you will be in newark, new jersey, for your entire trip and you will have no clue. >> dana: i have to say that sounds like good way to go. juan, would you go on this? >> juan: my first question when i read this was how are the beaches? to me, having been confined during this pandemic. matt, i want to get outside. i want to go to the beach, the mountains. the outdoors is calling my name. i'm not into this one. >> dana: jesse, how about you? >> jesse: i am with juan. you can't get tan in space, you can't frolic in the surf, no
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fresh fish. you probably can't smoke. you can't saddle up to a colorful local with a straw hat and knock-back and talk about coconuts. you can check out early. what if there's a problem when you need to leave? you have to stay. >> dana: katie, i know you'd go. >> katie: i would totally go. am i the only person here who would love to go? i will go and report back. >> dana: check out this guy. you might not want him operating on you. >> are you available for trial? it kind of looks like you're in an operating room. >> i am. i am available for trial. >> dana: a california doctor attended his new traffic court hearing in the middle of surgery. the medical board of california says it will investigate him. some people say it's multitasking. >> jesse: i don't have a problem with it. i beat a speeding ticket on
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"watters world" a couple shows back. no big deal. >> dana: katie. >> katie: i don't know. i guess it's a silver lining the pandemic. you can multitask because of zoom. if i were the patient, i would be very worried about having my doctor doing traffic court while opening up my body to do something. >> dana: he said he had a colleague who had everything covered. >> greg: i can safely say i do not want a surgeon to multitask. they are responsible for one task. that is surgery. i am sure he had the judge in stitches. [laughter] >> dana: top that, juan. >> juan: i think doctors and dentists, those people play music while they operate. but i would not be a happy patient if i saw that video. the guy working on me and he's over there worried about traffic court? lawyers and doctors often go at it. but this is out of control. i think this is malpractice.
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>> dana: we'll see what happens with all of that. thanks, guys. "one more thing" is up next. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪
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♪ ♪ >> time for one more thing. jesse. >> we just talked about a migrant crisis on our southern border. now there is a meat crisis, greg. border patrol agents have caught some smuggler bringing in over 200 pounds of baloney hidden in the seat of their car. baloney containing pork is illegal in the united states. they are not sending their best, let me tell you. they did also another confiscation a few weeks ago, another 200 pounds, it's really overwhelming the system. maybe that's why we got a $1.9 billion thing.
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nose, but anyway, most importantly, former white house press secretary kayla mack and going to be on the faulkner focus tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. it's an exclusive. it will be her first interview since leaving the white house, so definitely take a look at that. >> there won't be any baloney there, jesse. see what i did there? veteran tv stuff. greg's jump start your week. it's monday, you've got to get off to a good start. why not a jump like this one? check out this fellow. that is another miraculous bush may be. want one of these things but i'm figuring they must be some kind of catch, no pun intended or may be a pun intended. they are so adorable, they must stink or live really large poops. or maybe a combo. >> i know what i'm getting it for secret santa. >> alayna will appreciate that, jesse.
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>> maybe not. >> they are cute. all right. i want you to take a look at this. i ask you what do you see here, folks? yes! yesterday several golfers wore red shirts and black pants at the final round of the w cg work by championship in florida. there were all honoring the ailing tiger woods. rory mcilroy, patrick reed, jason day, were among the golfers wearing a tiger-inspired fashion ensemble. woods saw the tribute on television from his -- from his fellow golfers as he was in the hospital. he tweeted that seeing his signature color combination was a caring gesture and he felt touched. "to every golfer, every fan, you are truly helping me get through this tough time." get well, tiger. >> dana perino! >> so you had jump start monday. i'm going to do a pick me up monday. i don't have a graphic bill. check this out.
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brandy is a tabby cat, reunited last week with her owner charles who adopted her as a 2-month-old kitten in 2005. brandi wanted out of charles' backyard one night 15 years ago and he was never able to track her down until she turned up at an animal shelter 40 miles away last week. they were reunited because brandi had a chip implant. that's pretty incredible, guys. let's have a hand for that little cat. >> i don't believe this. 15 years? >> 15 years! do you love them? can i do a plug? can i just do a quick plug? minute, you want to check this out. i did an interview, her paper book is out today, it's called "the most powerful woman in the room." a new chapter in there, it's fantastic, especially for trying to figure out how to do all this in the middle of covid. you can watch that video interview. >> i'm going to start mentoring. >> your book comes out next
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tuesday, correct? >> yes. >> that's amazing to get on "the new york times" bestsellers list. >> no, i hope so. come on! >> i will crush you. i have five! >> okay. i have two. >> and putting it out there. katie. >> i started reading dana's book and it's very good. >> thank you, katie. >> my one more thing is there are two things everyone loves on road trips, maps and snacks. last weekend i was driving back from new york after being in new york all week to host fox's prime time. i looked back and i'm like what is he laying on? there's like a blue stripped on their so i go to pull it out and he was laying on a bag of chips and using it as a pillow during the ride home and of course he didn't wake up. a good dog for not tearing into the bag and eating all of it. but he just was using it as a pillow. so pretty funny. >> cute. >> those are good chips. they are not as good as cape cod, you know, the kettle chips, but they are a close
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second. >> yeah, but katie, you're the one that took the chips. i don't think the dog took them. >> no, he was using it as a pillow. you going to need all the snacks for the ride home. >> this whole conversation is deeply [indiscernible] because i don't eat chips. that's it for us, "special report" is up next, hey, bret. >> bret: hey, greg buried it let me get this straight: dana is doing cat stories and katie does the dog stories? >> yes. and i'm doing the bush babies or i think they are called the lagos, is that what they are called in another country? they are adorable. >> bret: you have five bestsellers, i got it all. thank you. >> five. >> bret: good evening, i'm bret baier. andrew cuomo is in trouble tonight. he's backing up his insistence that any investigation into sexual harassment allegations against him be conducted by people of his own choosing and the governor is apologizing for what he refers to as jokes and well-intentioned humor in the wake of new
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