tv The Five FOX News March 2, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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are working together to get more vaccines at end of the president's right, every american adult will have access to a vaccine by the end of may. optimism springs eternal. we will see in the details whether they can deliver. ♪ ♪ >> juan: hello, everyone, i'm juan williams along with greg gutfeld, dana perino, jesse watters and katie pavlich. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> about three weeks ago we were able to say we will have enough vaccine supply for adults by the end of july. i'm pleased to announce today as a consequence of this stepped up process that i've ordered and just outlined, this country will have enough vaccine supply, i will say it again, for every adult in america by the end
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of may. >> juan: president biden making a big announcement about when adult americans will be able to get the vaccine. the president also setting a date for when he wants teachers to start receiving the shots, watch this. >> we want every educator, school staff member, child care receiving at least one shot by the end of the month of march. to help make this happen, starting next weekend for the month of march we will be using our federal pharmacy program to prioritize a vaccination of prek-12 educators and staff in child care. >> juan: all that news coming while the demand for mental health care for teens is skyrocketing, cases of intentional self-harm spiking 334% in august 2020 compared to the previous year. and from april 2019 to 2020,
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drug overdoses jumped over 119% and dieting rising 94%, depression increasing 84% and take a look at this headline. students reporting missing from school systems nationwide a amid covid-19 pandemic, states around the country are reporting a big decline in the number of students enrolled in public school. dana, let me begin with you. it seems to me to be huge news, the president, i think, giving us all some reason for hope here by saying that he wants teachers and child care workers to get at least one shot by the end of march, what you think? >> dana: okay, i actually find this a little bit outrageous. i want everyone to get a vaccine and we are on track in this country to get that done and lets credit both presidents and put that to the side. that's great.
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this school thing is actually quite outrageous because most of the money in this covid relief bill does not go to schools this year, one of the things president biden side is he wants to pass this rescue plan and that i have given those schools a road map, asked congress to give them the tools but that money doesn't even go to that. not only that, the cdc has said that kids could be in school right now and holding kids hostage in order to get your bloated covid relief plan through seems to me to be really outrageous and i think there's another reason that this is happening. the white house knows this bill is starting to fall apart, the support for it is starting to fall apart, president biden needs all 50 democrats, because he's not going to get any republicans, i don't think. all those democrats, now starting to say whoa, wait, are you sure about this? there's too much money in here. when it comes to the school's none of us can get back to normal if we don't have the kids
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back in school. think about how many women have had to leave the workforce because they had to be the ones and rightly so, god bless them, they are home trying to take care of the kids. what is i do to their career track? what are we going to do for them? the only thing we can do for them is get the kids back in school which we know they can do safely. i'm for teachers to get a vaccine but look at one of the counties i think in virginia even when they were told the teachers would get the vaccine they wouldn't commit to coming back to the classroom because then they wanted to move the goalposts and say the children had to be vaccinated. there is no reports of transmission from kids to teachers and a lot of places around the country kids are in school but a majority of them are end-to-end this is my last point here, do you remember last week when kennedy was on the show and she got emotional talking about this issue of the mental health problems especially for teenagers. some of those numbers, juan, if you look a little more deeply it's especially that middle teen year, the junior high, middle
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school years, the hardest years for any human when they are growing up and adding this is insult to injury and holding them hostage in order to get this covid relief bill done is quite outrageous. >> dana: okay, greg, i wanted to speak to that issue with you. you see the need for mental health for children going up, and also suicides but also kids just missing, they don't know what happened to these kids. what's going on, greg? >> greg: they should probably check the lincoln project. that joke will never get old. here's the problem, americans are running out of time and they are running out of patience. but all the leaders and people in the media have his time and patience. so they can casually promote the indefinite lockdown because we are getting paid and being super, super overly cautious to
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the point of psychosis, that's your reflex so you don't get fired. politicians don't want to take any risks, they don't want to be blamed so that's why this thing keeps going on indefinitely while average americans are going crazy and i mean literally they are going crazy. this is why the gavin newsom recall is really important because people need to show that there must be a cost to the rich and the powerful and personally i can't believe i'm saying this but this has been a more impactful experience than 9/11 and i am probably wrong about that but right now that's how i feel. i was in new york for 9/11 and 9/11 was an acute singular event and this has been a slow rolling, immersive terror that takes your relatives off and your friends or relatives like in a hopscotch fashion so you don't even know if you are out of the woods until someone, until you're in law is dead or your coworkers parent is dead, meanwhile you have an entire
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generation of youth that probably aren't equipped to comprehend this entirely. they could understand their dad going to war but dad staying home drinking watching die hard at 11:00 a.m. is hard to explain and it's hard to explain, what happens, what is going to be the long-term effects of this? so i think people they don't have skin in the game are making decisions while everyone else is getting skinned. >> juan: jesse, you know, what we are seeing is texas governor abbott announcing today that next week he's going to open the state. we are seeing that biden is promising that there will be sufficient vaccines for every american adult by the end of may. do you feel good about that, jessie? >> jesse: i do, i feel great about it, especially texas and especially the vaccine oversupply. we're going to have so much we are probably going to distributed to other countries the summer. but joe biden just got
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absolutely worked by the teachers union. do you have any idea what they just did? they basically boycotted, refused to show up to work, held the students hostage so not only could they take billions more money that they are not even going to get this year but they got to be able to jump the line on the vaccine. that's what they did, they refused to show up to work until they skipped your grandfather and your mom in their 50s and 60s so a 23-year-old kindergarten teacher, perfectly healthy, can get an injection. i mean, biden totally caved. if the teachers union can do this to joe biden, what is china going to do? juan, what if the border patrol union says we are not going to go patrol the border until we get a shot? what if the airline union said we are not going to fly until we skip the line. but teachers
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back to work with his kid gets to go to school in person. when it comes to what we do next, there has to be some kind of accountability. you look at that stat, 344% increase in self harm reported, these are dire, real consequences for kids mental states but also how they can compete over the next 20 years of their lifetime and into adulthood and the teachers unions are directly responsible for that. >> juan: thanks, katie. coming up, big controversy over dr. seuss. that's right, six of his books will stop being published over claims of racism. that is more next for you on "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: these days the left's cancel culture but conservatives are starting to fight back, jim jordan demanding that congress hold hearings on cancel culture and saying "we must fight this trend before it's too late." and things are getting so bad that even liberal comedian bill marr is sounding the alarm. >> liberals need a stand your ground law for cancel culture. so that when the local mob comes after you for some ridiculous offense you will stand your ground. republicans have been trying to appropriate the term cancel culture to describe what happens
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to them when they get a adjust comeuppance for actual crimes. and this muddying the water is unfortunate because cancel culture is real, it's insane and it's growing exponentially and it's coming to a neighborhood near you. >> jesse: he said "just comeuppance," amazing use of the word. i caught that the next day online and i can't believe i'm going to say this but i think everybody should go watch them on a log on cancel culture. it's pretty strong. >> greg: why? he's like eight years too late and is also no help, he went... >> jesse: better late than never. >> greg: he went right to the legend lost his nerve, he sighed affecting his pals. he said you know, it's fine if republicans get it and republicans are now using cancel culture to protect themselves. so we've learned absolutely nothing, the only way you can beat cancel culture is to share the risk and that means you go to bat for your adversaries and
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vice versa, that's the only solution and the reason why is that there is no ceo at the top of cancel culture, it's distributed and decentralized. it's like block chain. it's like q, except it's more effective and more contagious because it prays off the need for power by bitter souls on the web. if you're not happy he had to and successful this is your way to get revenge so sharing the risk and i've said this before, is key because you need reciprocity to make the act of canceling costly. so if somebody comes after jesse for a joke he made ten years ago, we share the risk and focus on the canceler's background because the risk sharing plus the reciprocity raises the bar of entry for this behavior which is what we have to do because you're never going to find out who is in control of this. it's a mob mentality, it's
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everywhere. >> jesse: dana, i think bill maher got canceled about 15 years ago so he knows what he's talking about, i heard a lot on daytime today about dr. seuss. thereafter dr. seuss, what do you think? >> dana: it's one of the reasons, especially if you grew up with the cat in the hat, what? look, there are some illustrations that make people think, gosh, this guy, that was not appropriate. i think it's maybe good that they are not going to ban the books altogether, they could maybe do a different illustration if they felt like they needed to do that. barack obama when he was president said something along the lines of, everybody should definitely read dr. seuss. you kind of thing like wait, what? if i can talk about the gym jordan call for a hearing, one of the things you can do to get
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attention to an issue and try to get some press essay, i think we should have a hearing and because you don't control the calendar you can keep pointing to the democrats and say, they won't even have a hearing on this. the democrats should have a hearing on this and here's why, they are losing elections because of this very issue. if you go back to 2020, i would even go back to 2016, the issues of this cancel culture mentality, defunded the police, for example, things like that really had an impact on hurting democrats and those down ballot races it, state legislatures, in congress. so it's going to take somebody with intellectual honesty and a willingness to go all the way over ledge as greg was saying to point out how absurd this is because if democrats were smart they would realize they are going to start losing even more elections because of this, mitch mcconnell calls this a grievous industrial complex happening in d.c. >> jesse: that's a good one.
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katie, you can talk about that or i guess cpac was accused of having some sort of nazi image on their stage. i was very confused by that controversy. >> katie: yeah. it was like the okay symbol, remember when that whole thing happened? i don't think congress can really solve this problem, they've tried to argue it's a free-speech issue, they try to go after social media companies saying it's bad for people's health, they've also tried to argue they are giving people a fraudulent product by saying they are not a publisher when they act like a publisher and the issue is really when it comes down to discrimination, private companies discriminating against conservatives because of the way they speak and punishing them is maybe another route they can take to try to talk about it but the good news is i went to my bookshelves and i found that this book is not banned, "the lorax" is still not banned and around dr. seuss' book about me which is, i can't read anything
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about it because my handwriting is on a long time ago. happy to say that i have dr. seuss relics on my bookshelf still and hopefully they won't get banned. we when they could be worth a lot of money, katie, katie. >> jesse: that's right, you should sell them on ebay. juan, if they do have a hearing on cancel culture i think you should testify because you were cancel, remember? >> juan: i do remember, jesse. i think cancel culture is corrosive especially if you are closing your mind to ideas, if you're closing your mind to fax because then you're essentially closing out on debate. but in the dr. seuss case i have a different point of view because i think, you know, saying no to racist language and racist imagery i think is pretty important because that kind of thing leads to hate and case it's not any public action, this is dr. seuss' company saying we are no longer going to license those book and those images because they see it as damaging to their brand and they
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want to be friendly to children, open and inclusive and happy messages and they don't think that does the job for them. so the publishers didn't cancel, the government didn't cancel, most dr. seuss books are still on the stage premised on the bookshelves. so let's not play games about this, let's be adults about this today, the fbi said we've seen a surge in spike in domestic terrorism largely driven by -- >> greg: dr. seuss! >> juan: greg, this is a serious topic. we need to deal with racism in this country. not throw this in the cancel culture, this is different. >> greg: i didn't get to talk about dr. seuss. it's not about the books, write? today is dr. seuss' birthday which coincides with national read across america day so the point is this was actually a day based on him in which both
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obama's actually read from dr. seuss. so we went from the first black president embracing a book to an old white guy erasing the author entirely. it's not about those six books because you can actually solve that problem, you can put stickers over the offending images, you can do disclaimers if you want, that would make sense. but to actually just erase the guy created a bigger story. a bigger story and that's what the woke kind of wants. >> juan: , no, it's not. >> jesse: two dr. seuss -- tune in for that. up next, after months of shameless interviews like this, cnn's chris cuomo is finally breaking his silence on the sexual harassment allegations against his brother. ♪ ♪
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! [ squawks ] how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! [ laughter ] good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha. no, buddy! buddy, it's a filter! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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>> greg: we all have the actual swab that was being used to fit up that double barrel shotgun you have mounted on the front of your pretty face. do you think you are an attractive person now because you are single and ready to mingle, do you really think you are some desirable single person then that this is not just people's pain coming out of them? >> i think beauty is in the eye of the beholder. >> greg: those were the days. i miss the gushing liberal frenzy over the kissing bandit's press briefings. look, everyone, we are related.
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his boss and producers let it slide, thousands of people died in rest homes, that q-tip still grimly taunts the victim's families. how many do a comedy routine is a plague claims our loved ones. it's possible, when you are the news you control the spigot, your friends control the narratives and when he gets bad just pretend that q-tip and the creepy breaux never happened. last night ccn the muscle factory stepped away from the fray. obviously he must be aware of what's going on with his brother. >> obviously i'm aware of what's going on with my brother and obviously i cannot cover it because he is my brother. now, of course cnn has to cover it, they have covered it extensively and they will continue to do so. >> greg: so and it's bad news chris will cover him. when it's good news, have at it. if only that were the worst part of this but it isn't.
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why does the media and our politicians see the harassment story is a far bigger one than the rest home deaths. unwanted cases are creepy but compared to thousands of deaths, now you want them to resign over a casing but not deaths? i don't get this. is the harassment story just a way to get distance from the rest home outrage or did the despised governor no longer survey use to a media that needed him to get rid of trump. either way the media decides for you and me what gets clicks, you've got sex and you got death. which is more fun to cover? chris cuomo doesn't have to choose. for our enjoyment, katie, i pulled some headlines from a few months ago, cnn surprisingly says "andrew cuomo may be the single most popular politician in america right now. volker, i love volk for their political writing. the pandemic has spawned an
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unlikely comedy duo. and "the washington post," "cuomo could be the leader and democratic party that they desperately need. >> katie: nobody's laughing now, i think it's outrageous that they are making this excuse, because it's their brother they can no longer cover all the bad we've seen come out of the administration. the sexual harassment claims are a problem but the 15,000 dead seniors as a result of the directive of the governor which he then tried to cover up and is now under federal investigation and democrats in the state are trying to subpoena him to get information is certainly the bigger story. we will see what happens but the bigger issue a people's families dying and saying, who cares, they died. that's the issue. >> greg: here's some tweets
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from that same period of time, jennifer rubin. "i love tales from the cuomos, one of the few joys and all of this. "andrew cuomo says he never run for president. that's a mistake." mark ruffalo, "we has new yorkers are lucky to have a leader like governor cuomo in this crisis." where are they now, dana? where they now? >> dana: i'm sure they are thinking he shouldn't run for president now. remember, most democrats actually do not like andrew cuomo. so you have the nursing home story that wasn't getting enough attention, especially after his aide said they slow a walks the justice department so there's an investigation there, the cuomo brothers were on nine times. now before that, i believe there is freedom in discipline and in standards and if you stick to your standards you won't have this problem but they didn't and i can't imagine how the
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colleague steel over there that they have to sit there and watch this comedy routine and now they can't even have it covered in prime time. >> greg: juan, what are your thoughts on this? >> juan: i think it's always a mistake for brothers to interview brothers, sisters, business partners on a news show, it's an opening to a conflict of interest. it's a clear conflict of interest. i will say we are all in the cable business, we know that entertainment and news, pump up the numbers in the ratings but i think hear what you've got is, now it's come back to bite them big time, it's damaging to chris cuomo and his show, it's damaging to the governor. by the way, i think he made a bad decision and he certainly seems to have covered up the number of deaths but i think that's a policy decision, the reason people are focused right now on something like the
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sex scandal is because it's immediate and it's not a judgment issue. you can't do that with people who work for you. >> jesse: when i saw governor cuomo's nipple rings i knew there was trouble. i had a lot more to say about sexual harassment but i know we are running out of time. >> katie: hearing about the nipple rings is sexual harassment. >> greg: i'm glad you've got the priorities straight. up next, does president biden have nipple rings? i'm kidding. he's being accused of dodging the press for not having a solo news conference. ♪ ♪
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>> katie: hiding beside in his back, the man who spent most of 2020 campaigning from his basement has been m.i.a. from the white house briefing room, and office for 41 days and still has not held a solo news conference at his press press secretary says she will have to circle back on when that's going to happen. >> first press conference? >> not yet but we will definitely have one, we will schedule it and he will be the first to know is you are pivotal participants in that. >> katie: both president trump and president obama held a press conference within the first month of their new administration. we knew biden would be less accessible to the past, this is a lot but i know you have a theory. >> dana: hell hath no fury
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like a media denied access to the president. this may be the one thing that gets the media to start to hammer the biden administration on but i think they are impervious to the pressure of the white house. my theory is that you will not see joe biden do a press conference or answer many questions at all until he has signed the covid relief bill, he wants to have a signing ceremony and i anticipate that night in a prime time press conference or the next day, have them go out there and do a press conference where he has what he considers some success under his belt. that's my theory. >> katie: juan, do you agree with the theory? >> juan: i do, i think that's really smart. from my perspective that strategic communication strategy. i like to see him hold a news conference just on general principle, i think he should but i must say this is an interesting contrast because of the trump administration did away with the daily press briefing. and now we have a daily -- hang
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on, please. we now have a daily press briefing, president trump, by the way, rarely had a solo news conference and dana is referencing the helicopter or something, that is not a news conference where reporters are free to ask and get specific answers to difficult questions. >> katie: the president was talking to the press almost every single day. >> jesse: i'm not even going to bother to address what juan said, joe biden didn't campaign so i'm not surprised he's not governing, if you heard dan bongino and his sources at secret service, it's like, the worst-kept secret ever, the guy is not a highly functioning president at this point, he takes weekends off, goes to bed early, barely made it down to texas. >> dana: that sounds like me.
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>> jesse: he has. kamala harris is talking to heads of state, he's forgetting facts and figures are names, has a lot of trouble reading off a teleprompter. all he does, if you look at him compared to, i don't know, donald trump or barack obama at this point he's way behind in terms of cabinet confirmations. barack obama had already signed a stimulus on february 17th and he controlled the house end of senate also. joe biden is wasting a lot of time doing absolutely nothing and the only good thing he's done has been on covid and a lot of that is window dressing. >> katie: sounds like slow joe, greg. >> greg: talk about retreating from the world stage, at what kind of messages this ending to our adversaries. trump was out there, he was transparent, he was in your face in front of a helicopter answering every single question. he would never leave but joe is
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like the mother in "psycho." maybe we will see him at the end of the movie and it turns out it's kamala. >> katie: all right, straight ahead, you better fill up your gas tank now because climate activists have a new target. ♪ ♪ i'll be observing your safe-driving abilities. play your cards right, and you could be in for a tasty discount. [ clicks pen] let's roll. hey, check it out. one time i tripped on the sidewalk over here. [ heavy-metal music playing ] -[ snoring ] -and a high of 89 degrees. [ electronic music playing ] ooh! ooh! who just gives away wood? the snapshot app from progressive rewards you for driving safe and driving less. there's an app? -[ chuckles ] beth. -save money with progressive. [ tires screech ] well, that came out of nowhere. i'm still exploring what's next.
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call or visit >> dana: climate crusaders have a new target, gas stations. activists hope it is a trend and speeds up a shift to electric cars and greg, i ask you once again, where does electricity come from? >> greg: it doesn't come from magical electricity unicorns. remember who this ban effects. it when they talk about big oil, when they think about the oil companies, this is affecting truck drivers, delivery people, all those nice folks who bring you your amazon packages of herbal tea and yoga mats.
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you are affecting those people. they think it's the oil companies, look at america, it is a nation of highways. we can't get around that, we've got a lot of space, there's going to be a lot of driving. >> dana: did you see my amazon order last night or something? jesse, i see an election issue shaping up for 2022. the workers who don't have jobs and high gas prices, immigration and the cancel culture, you put that altogether, covid is in the rearview mirror and it's going to be an issue. >> jesse: done right, dana. if it's already up now $0.50 a gallon from when biden was elected that makes about a $1,000 tax hike for a family with two cars in the suburb. nothing is worse in presidential politics then high gas prices, remember barack obama in 2014 got shellacked when gas was averaging 350 a gallon? he lost the senate, republicans
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picked up nine seats in the senate and expanded their majority by 13 seats in the house. i get that biden wants a transition but can we just slow it down? we don't have nine years left, john kerry, we can do this calmly. >> dana: one of the issues is that you have oil prices going up because they anticipate an increased demand as people start to get back out there, back to her work, back to vacationing, back to traveling to visit family. >> juan: i think that's right and also you can't forget, houston had a big problem, so did much of the u.s. with the big freeze so all that combined to drive up those prices. i think the other point to say is we see american car companies say they want to take the lead on electric cars. they are not going to be making gas cars in less than 15 years. hopefully thatf
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the kind of electrical charging stations on highways, on roads. >> dana: you're trying to for something, i can just imagine, if you can't get gas anywhere, how many people are going to be lined up for miles and miles, the people that don't have a tesla that costs $100,000 are going to need gas. >> katie: long gas lines for collections are some of the worst optics you can find when it comes to trying to win elections. this is an evil plot to get people like me to team i could drive a jeep wrangler to get me to train it in for a preascend going to happen. >> dana: everybody, i have corny jokes so you have to stick around. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. du more with less asthma. talk to your asthma specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ if your financial situation has changed, hey limu! [ squawks ] how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! [ laughter ] good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha. no, buddy! buddy, it's a filter! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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♪ ♪ >> juan: it's time now for "one more thing." let me begin by paying respects to vernon george jr. who died today. he was an exceptional insider and washington power breaker. he was also a friend. he endorsed my last book on trump's attacks on civil rights. lunches with him were opportunities to hear inside parks and talks on all text, media, and the people leading the american institution. he grew up in segregated public housing in atlanta and his mother ran a catering business, and jordan was her waiter after graduating law school, he helped to break segregation at the university of georgia while head of national urban league, shot by white supremacists. ronald reagan then visited him in the hospital. more recently jordan was a confidant to a former president clinton. jordan really was one-of-a-kind, i am going to miss him and i am not alone.
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rest in piece, mr. jordan. dana, you are up. >> dana: away from today, i have my book from the men coming out. and soon after that i will be on the road. san antonio, texas, get tickets for that and also in jacksonville, florida. and in texas, governor abbott opening way up, so now you have to come, but now is the time for read across america a day, corny jokes. i only have three, so here you go. are you ready, everybody? why was the editor's house so cold? why was the editor's house so cold, greg, jesse, katie, juan? it was full of drafts. what did the publisher name her daughter? what did the publisher name her daughter? paige. why didn't the writer have time to hang out?
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why didn't the writer have time to hang out? because her weekends were all booked. happy corny joke day, and lean across america. >> juan: all right, katie. >> katie: i love corny jokes, thank you, dana. speaking of books and reading across america, our good friend and colleague dr. nicole saphier has a new book coming out, it is ready for preorder right now and on bookshelves on may 25th called panic attack playing politics with science in the fight against covid-19. dr. saphier dives into the science and the truth behind many facets of the pandemic from the origins of the virus, w.h.o. and how politics played a role in how we handled it here in the united states, so check that out on may 25th. >> juan: we will have to pick that up, thanks, katie. greg. >> greg: let's do this, a first. greg's reincarnation news as you
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know, dana perino is a deep believer in reincarnation as am i. but i fear i might always come back as an animal i don't like like a raccoon or a pigeon or a bedbug. however steve jobs very lucky, look who he came back as, a beautiful husky. a beautiful husky, look at that black turtleneck and amazing looking dog, obviously. that is not steve jobs. but he is obviously quite hungry on board. but he is inventing a new iphone. it's called an ipod. >> juan: jesse, you are up. >> jesse: i'm sick of all the dog stuff we are doing on the show. giving dogs a big head, i'm going to do bad dog stories. dogs don't deserve the great credit. i will start dog shaming. and was supposed to be guarding the door during a armed robbery
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situation training session, look at lucky. he has not catching robbers, he is catching zs, bad dog, bad dog! and i don't care if i am saving the stalled on national television, i don't care. he needs to see this. >> juan: i have to go, jesse, that's pretty good. "special report" is up next. >> bret: do you have a dog, can we answer this question? is your dog a good dog? >> jesse: how dare you. yes, she is a good dog. how dare you, bret baier! have you not to watched "the five"? >> bret: i have, but you talk about dogs all the time and it's all different dogs and then sometimes you just say a different dog is a different species of dog, a kind of dog. so i have watched -- >> dana: let me tell you. >> jesse: i'm a new dog owner, i don't know dogs well,
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