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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 2, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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p.m. do you know who is next? tucker carlson. stay tuned. ♪♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." things change fast but it's our job to keep track. it wasn't so long ago our taste making class decided that andrew cuomo of new york was the single greatest governor in american history. reports who covered him swooned blushing in his presence. people who pass out emmys gave andrew cuomo an award just for holding press conferences. for a moment there, andrew cuomo was "the man" they told us.
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i was steele mixture of abraham lincoln and poly walnut, just what america needed in crisis. in case you think we're overstating the magnitude of the hype around andrew cuomo, if you have a minute, look up the exchange last may between robert de niro and stephen colbert. two talented entertainers that were warped by bitterness. watch as they wax pornographic about the awesomeness, singular awesomeness of andrew cuomo. at one point, colbert describes como as the leader "the world deserves." andrew cuomo, governor of the world. it's hilarious. at this point, it's painful to watch, though, because no one seems to like andrew cuomo anymore. he's been me tood for saying naughty things to women. even andrew cuomo's former friends are treating him like harvey weinstein. cuomo was hired, in fact, one of weinstein's defense lawyers. at this point, it's hard to imagine that andrew cuomo will be governor for new york for much longer. no one who knows andrew cuomo
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could be shocked by any of this. for more than a decade, cuomo has been an awful governor for new york for reasons that have nothing to do with sexual harassment although that's bad too. three years ago, cuomo's closest aid, someone he described as "like i brother" went to federal prison for several years because of bribery. last year, cuomo caused the lonely deaths of thousands of elderly new yorker locked away in nursing homes. so from day one, andrew cuomo has been a disaster for the state of new york and yet the democratic establishment has relentlessly defended him. why have they done this? because he helped them maintain what they want most of all and that is power. nothing has made elected democrats more powerful than the covid pandemic. they began as politicians, lockdowns made them gods. andrew cuomo understood the power of covid immediately. as early as last april, cuomo declared the corona law would last forever. i don't think we get back to normal, he said. i think we get to a new normal. now, at the time, there was no vaccine for the coronavirus, so
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many people reluctantly accepted cuomo's prediction. ok, a new normal. but 11 months later, we have multiple coronavirus vaccines. infection rates are falling along with deaths and yet the message from the democratic establishment has not changed. your life is never going back to normal. we aren't surrending our power over to you or our children. it's permanent. now, the media questions this. they amplified the message. they do it for their own reasons. when democratic politicians become more powerful, so do their spokesmen in the news media. stop expecting life to go back to normal next year, read a "new york times" piece from last september. a month later the paper read a story with this headline, the first covid vaccine will not make life normal again. now, not everyone believes that, of course, because it ridiculous. the whole point of the vaccine was to bring life back to normal, but the fact that people might live normal lives deeply bothers the "new york times." go to their website today and you will find this, "covid-19, the u.s. is edging towards
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normal alarm something officials." yes some officials are alarmed, you might be able to go outside without getting their approval first. they're worried your kids might get an education. you'll notice the "times" interviewed officials rather than parents. if the "new york times" had talked to parents, here's what they may have heard. >> this is the second largest school district in the country. they need to figure it out. they're out of time. they all say these kids need to be in school. >> these kids are in mental distress. they have to go back to school. >> we can't take one more day of forcing them to sit in front of zoom when they're not learning and they're hating school and they're depressed, they're dejected and their grades are falling. they're regress. it's disgusting. >> we're fighting for our rights to go back to school, because science says that it's safe and the utla won't let us. >> kids are depressed and dejected and they are regressing. that's the word from a mother in los angeles.
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people who have paid attention have known that for a long time and knew it was happening, but a new analysis by fair health shows just how destructive the lockdowns have been. worse than you thought. now, the survey didn't rely on questions. they asked people and instead it looked at the data billions of healthcare records and insurance claims. here is the top line quote of the study. the pandemic has a profound impact on health, particularly that of young people, school closures, having to learn remotely and isolating from friends due to social distancing have been sources of stress and loneliness. well, that's bad. how bad is it? here's how bad it is. among children age 13-18, teenagers, insurance claims for intentional self-harm were up 98% in march compared to the year earlier. claims for medical help related to drug overdoses went up 95% in march and then to 113% in april.
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those numbers remained elevated through the fall. why? why was this happening? mental illness caused by coronavirus lockdowns. "for the age group 13-18 in april 2020, insurance claims for generalized anxiety disorder increased 93.6% as percentage of all medical claims. in april of 2019, major depressive disorder claims increased 83.9% and adjustment disorder claims by 89.7%." thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns, children are 10 times more likely to die from suicide than from the coronavirus they're meant to be protected from. so that is the new normal that andrew cuomo and the "new york times" are working to make permanent in this country. if the teachers unions have their way, your child may die of a drug o.d. before going back to school. if you complain about that,er a white supremacist. that was the explicit message
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from the president of the teachers union in los angeles. watch. >> some voices are being allowed to speak louder than others. we have to call out the privilege behind the largely white, wealthy parents driving the push for a rushed return. their experience of this pandemic is not our students' families' experiences. >> so the women you just heard is called secily myark cruz. the first thing you'll find on her official biography is the fact that she's "the first woman of color in the union's 50-year history." she believes her skin color is a job qualification somehow, maybe the most important one she has. why is she saying this? she's hoping you won't notice she's incompetent or her positions don't make any sense at all. secily myart-cruz is telling us poor families benefit from closing schools. of course, the opposite is true. poor families need their kids back in school more than anyone does because they don't have alternatives. most of the "white wealthy
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parents" she's attacking don't use the public schools precisely because thedon't want their kids anywhere near lazy mediocrities like secily myart-cruz. parents have options and they run away. who are the privileged they're talking about. they're like matt meyer the head of the teachers union. meyer if you talk to him will tell you that he's progressive. he's got earrings and long dreadlocks. he doesn't want his daughter around secily myart-cruz either. he sends her to private school. we know that's not because the "new york times" did an expose on it, maybe they should given matt meyer is the personification of the white privilege they're worried about we know this instead because anonymous group of parents called gorilla moms photographed matt meyer dropping his child off at private school. here is the same matt meyer back in january incivilitying your children can't go back to school because they can't be trusted to keep their masks on. >> real-life children don't keep their masks on they don't keep distance from each other or their teachers.
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given the realities of working with real children in person, we need to account for these inevitable collapses and risk mitigation practices by choosing the standard of lower transmission for reopening. >> risk mitigation, blah, blah, blah. what meyer doesn't mention is that there's virtually no risk to anyone of sending children back to school and there never has been. the science couldn't be clearer and that's why when he doesn't think you're watching, matt meyer makes certain his own child gets the in-person instruction she needs. he doesn't want her growing up to be a drug addict like your kids. this is one of the few people who is brave enough to tell the truth about this ongoing situation and what our public health establishment did our entire generation of children. as professor in the -- these numbers are stunning. we first saw them because you tweeted them out. a child is 10 times more likely to die of suicide than of the coronavirus. what's that tell us?
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>> well, tucker, first of all in public health, research always lags behind reality and events. that was true of smoking when smoking started and people thought it was good for you. then it was neutral. finally, rerealized how many -- we realized how many people die from it. we'll see a lot of research come out on the restrictions particularly against kids. this is the first of many research studies and it looks pretty grim. this is a nonprofit national fair health study. 91% increase in kids, tucker, who come to us as doctors because they tried to hurt themselves. at a time when all medical utilization has been cut in half, a spike -- a 300% increase in some parts of the country where there are very strict restriction against kids and school closures. a 300% increase in kids coming to us as doctors because they tried to hurt themselves, a 63% increase in overdoses. 23% of all emergency room visits
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at one point last year were from mental illness complaints so this is the first of many studies that's going to tell us that many of these policies were basically an abuse by one group that has power over another group and they exercised that power unfairly just because they could. >> >> tucker: so to extend your tobacco analogy, when we finally figured out smoking kill people, the people that ran tobacco companies got called repeatedly before congress and were asked a simple question. when did you know tobacco was a carcinogen? you were selling this product despite it killed people. will we ever have a similar reckoning for coronavirus lockdowns? people that were aware there wasn't a risk of spreading the virus with kids in school still shut the schools down. when do we get justice here? >> i believe in accountability, unfortunately, i think there's going to be a massive blame game going around but the fundamental problem is we haven't looked at
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the totality of data on the health of kids and health consequences. if you were to ask me if you left your home could you get bacterial meningitis? the answer will always be yes, but if people stay isolated, there will be more health consequences against that individual and as a scientist, you've got to look at the totality of data on health outcomes. those cdc guidelines that came out, tucker, they were flawed, they were filled with dogma, they contradicted top cdc scientist who has published in the journal of the medical american association three weeks prior that schools don't significantly contribute to transmission, and if they were applied to the airline industry, every plane in the u.s. would be grounded. why is it that adults get to pack into planes and they do it safely with masks but kids are last in the reopening plan? that is an abuse of power, tucker and i hope there's ultimately a look back with a fair analysis of what is happening right now.
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>> tucker: i hope so, too, because we don't want to make similarly tragic public health decisions in the future, and at this point, i will. i really appreciate your bravery. it's hard to believe someone in your position is being this honest on tv but we're grateful you are. doctor, thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: so at the bottom of all of this -- and by the way, everything we just said is public. you can find it on google. everyone in charge knows it. but the schools are still shut in a lot of places and there's only one reason for that and that's because the teachers unions have inordinate political power. we want to talk to britt who spent decades watching unions exercising power. britt, thank you for joining us. the first and most obvious question is are you surprised by the power that the teachers unions have? >> as powerful as i thought they were, i am surprised they are as powerful as they are in succeeding on what they're doing. the cdc says it's safe to reopen
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schools without everyone being vaccinated. within a matter of hours, the biden administration came out and said she was speaking for herself which gave you a sense of how afraid the biden administration newly in power is of what the teachers unions say and want. it is really quite striking and i would think, tucker, that, you know, in the elections ahead that this public policy decision to close down the economy for much of the year and close down schools will come back to haunt the party in power, but who knows? the teachers unions are quite a force. >> tucker: but so are parents, and particularly moms. if you prevent young school aged children from attending school and we see all the intended consequences and tragedies as a result of that, i don't think anything infuriates people more than that or mobilizes them quicker. doesn't matter who you voted for. they're at a big risk, aren't
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they? >> i think they are. i think it'll come back, as i suggest to haunt them. let's make one thing clear, the effect of the media coverage in particular -- and a lot of the pronouncements of public health officials as well on the nation's attitude on this -- was very powerful and the sense of fear that it engendered in the american body politic has been the strongest thing we've seen really in terms of people's unwillingness to face the data as it became clearer and clearer. the scientist haves said almost -- the scientists have said almost from the beginning this is a disease that way disproportionately affects the elderly and those with certain comorbidities and everyone else was not completely safe from the disease, largely so. to the point where we did something very peculiar, tucker. not only did we quarantine the sick, we quarantined the healthy. that's a bizarre decision that was made. but it tells you the fact it's
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enjoyed such wide acceptance for so long how frightened people have been made by this and many people are still to this day afraid. it was striking to me that texas today, the governor there has tossed out the mask mandate and opened up everything. the immediate reaction from quarters, gavin newsom, the governor of california, said this was insane. this was reckless. my own view of this is what was reckless is keeping the schools and much of the economy of california close ford this long. but that -- closed for this long. but that gives you the sense of how strong the fear is and how strong it's been for much of the year. >> tucker: tomorrow night, we will put a graph on the screen for people that are moving from texas to california versus the people that are moving from california to texas. >> the trend has been away from california which has been losing residents for sure. >> tucker: amazing. brit hume, thank you so much for that. >> you bet. >> well, our southern border,
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border with mexico, is collapsing. hate to say that, but it's true. the latest sign of it today, an suv carrying 25 apparent illegal immigrants crashed in southern california. horrifying! but a national consequence of our border policy. former white house adviser steven miller tells us why this is about to get a lot worse. that's straight ahead.
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- hi, i'm michael youssef. have you ever experienced the pain of betrayal? it hurts when someone abandons you or lies about you, but jesus knows all about that pain, your pain. he was betrayed by all of his friends and yet he forgave them and he will forgive you and heal you when you receive him. when you come to jesus and place your whole trust in him? - [announcer] visit to find out more.
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>> tucker: an awful story but a revealing one. an suv carrying 25 suspected illegal immigrants including children crashed today in california along the u.s./mexico border. 13 of those passengers have died tragically. this is symptom of a much larger problem, and the problem is our border's out of control. there's now between 3,000 and 4,000 illegal border crossings every day. there could be more. many of the crossings are unaccompanied minors. according to the biden administration and the secretary of homeland security, no problem, business is usual. >> do you believe right now there's a crisis at the border? >> i think the answer is no. i think there's a challenge at the border that we are managing is a stressful challenge. we are not only addressing the urgency of the challenge but also in building the capacity to
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manage it and to meet our humanitarian aspirations and executions of the president's vision. >> tucker: these people are buffoons. it's not a crisis, it's a challenge. really? what's a crisis? define it for us. this eternal e-mail from the chief of staff warns for top officials to prepare immediately for "border surges." so joe biden's administration knows the situation at the southern border is a crisis and it's not sustainable. two years ago, barack obama's dhs secretary admitted that. >> my staff will tell you if it was under 1,000 apprehensions a day before, that was a relatively good number and if it was above 1,000, it was a relatively bad number and i was going to be in a bad mood the whole day. on tuesday, there were 4,000 apprehensions. i know 1,000 overwhelms the system. i cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like so we are truly in a crisis.
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>> tucker: can't imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. that's what we have today! steven miller is a former senior adviser in the white house in the last administration. happy to have him on tonight. steven, thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: define what in your view -- and i would say -- not everyone agrees with your views but you are the most deeply-informed person i personally know on the question of immigration. i would really love to hear your view of where you think we are tonight on the border. >> unquestionably, tucker, we're in the midst of a crisis and that crisis is entirely self-inflicted. self-inflicted. you played an interview with jay johnson back a few years ago when we had 4,000 apprehensions a day. over the ensuing two years, we put into place a series of tools, remain in mexico assumelum deals with central america that allowed us to return asylum seekers this so they could share in the burden, asylum reforms to block asylum fraud and public health measures
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collectively which ended catch and release. all of those measures painstakingly implemented so that by the time we left, the border was under control, illegal immigrants were safely and humanely returned home and the surge of minors, the surge of families had stopped. in four weeks' time, all of that has been undone. and i'm not saying this is somebody who is concerned about his legacy or the previous president who accomplished all of this. i'm saying this is someone who is concerned about the tens of thousands of people that are getting hurt every single day. you mentioned the 25 people in one suv in a car crash. 13 of them dead reportedly. you know how you get 25 people in an suv? i talked to border agents. the smugglers rip out the seats. they pile people on top of each other. they layer them. that's how you fit 25 people in one suv! border agents see that kind of thing all the time!
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we must stop romanticizing illegal immigration! it is cruel! it is wicked! it kills people! and these smuggling organizations are sophisticated. one of the biggest things that we saw when we were in the white house was that they would drop off huge numbers of children or huge numbers of families to divert border agents and then using that opening, they would try to send across contraband our criminals or large -- or criminals or large amounts of drugs. where do the drugs end up? they end up in your schools. they end up with your children live, where your families go to work. people die, lives are destroyed and communities are wrecked! not to mention the fact that right now, you have thousands of young children being trafficked at our southern border because the biden administration has promised that they will be granted entry, and they are being granted entry. so if you come from the northern triangle, if you come from south america or any other part of the world and you just say you're 17, you're getting in.
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border agents are now seeing people -- again, i talked to folks today that they know they're 19, 20 or 21 and they're just saying they're 17 to get into the country. well you know what? some of those "adults" are going to end up in high schools around america, if they're open at all, pretending to be minors. this is a fundamental safety issue for america's children. another thing that we saw is that vicious gangs like ms-13 use this as a recruiting pipeline. they will send gangmembers posing as harmless minors who are 17 years old or maybe they're 18 or 19 and they go to long island and they go to los angeles and they go elsewhere and they commit heinous crimes. yes, this is a crisis! border agents, most of whom are not vaccinated, are being exposed every single day to large numbers of migrants we don't have thepa capacity as a country to handle numbers this large and meanwhile, hhs can't track where these minors are going. over 90% of them will never appear in an immigration court.
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many of the sponsors themselves are here illegally. fake social security numbers them don't have healthcare. they can't provide for the minors that they're supposed to be taking care of. it's a calamity! >> tucker: yeah, it is not a challenge. it's a crisis. it's not compassionate, that's for sure. stephen miller, thank you for coming on today. >> thank you. >> tucker: thank you. it's dr. seuss' birthday. biden administration is refusing to celebrate. we are celebrating. we'll tell you why precisely after the break.
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>> tucker: almost four years ago on this show, we talked to a former georgia state representative called ladon jones about black lives matter. jones is a strong supporter of blm. not surprising she was well practiced in the highly familiar tactic of denouncing everything she doesn't like as racist. we knew that going into the interview. what was surprising is hearing ladonn jones go after the beloved dr. children's author dr. seuss.
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she called dr. seuss a bigot. here is the exchange from 2018. >> i pulled out all the dr. seuss books on my children's book shelves. i took a closer look at them so i can see exactly what it was that was a complaint. >> tucker: what was it? what was it? i mean actually i'd been speaking tongue and cheek because this is literally demented. since you checked dr. seuss for racism, what did you find? what are the racist parts? >> look at the drawings. put it in the context of the times that many of the books were written. you can see there are stair typical drawings of asian-americans. dr. seuss was known for very stereo typical black face drawings prior to the books most of russ familiar with. >> tucker: now at the time, what you just heard seemed incomprehensible,a in fact as we noted, kind of demented. say what you will about dr. seuss, maybe you think his drawings are primitive, maybe some of his dog rule doesn't actually rhyme, fair. but dr. seuss was not a racist.
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dr. seuss of a preachy liberal, evangelist against bigotry. he wrote an entire shelf of books against racism and not in a subtle way. they were clearly, explicitly against racism. that was the whole point of writing them to teach children not to be racist. as happens, today is dr. seuss' birthday. ted giessle -- born ted giess until massachusetts he would be 107 years old if he were alive today. thank goodness he isn't because he'd be wounded and confused. every year on dr. seuss' birthday, the president, whomever he is at the time, takes a proclamation in "read across america day" designed to encourage kids to read books. every year, the president mentioned dr. seuss because, again, it's his birthday. that's the whole point of it. but not this year. joe biden omitted dr. seuss from this year's proclamation. why? because dr. seuss is now considered a racist. so what seemed like total lunacy less than four years ago is now
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the official position of the white house. now, the shocking thing about this is not that it happened. academic revolutionaries have been attacking children's books for decades. a few years ago a moron at boston university produced so-called research on yourious george's white dominance. the serious oppression of abducted monkey parallels oppression of black americans. and so on. what is surprising is how calculated all of this is. that conservatives will be tempted to chalk up the attempts to dr. seuss to the usual cancel culture gone mad. look at how hysterical the left is. they're calling dr. seuss racist! you've seen people say that on social media today. but it's totally missing the point! canceling dr. seuss isn't stupid. it's intentional. they're banning dr. seuss not because he was a racist but precisely because he wasn't.
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in 1961, dr. seuss wrote a story called "the sneetches." dr. seuss' story captures -- captured his essence. in case you don't know it by heart, here is the plot. there's a group of furry pear-shaped animals that live on what looks like a far-away planet. if that sounds weird to you, be aware dr. seuss didn't draw people because he didn't want to elevate one kind of person over any other kind of person. he wasn't a racist. in any case, there were two groups of sneetches in the stories. those with star-shaped designs on their stomachs and those without. no real difference between the two groups. they don't know that. they're convinced stars are all important so they spend the entire story jockeying for position based on the relative starness. at various points in the story, stars on the stomach are deemed socially favorable. others are considered a mark of
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disgrace. sneetrhes run around changing with the star fashion until they realize in the uplifting final pages of the story none of it matters. underneath the stars, they're all the same, all sneetches. who cares who got a star? what matters isn't the group where you came from. what matters is you. even a five-year-old gets the point of this story. at the deepest level it doesn't matter what we look like, because underneath it all, we're all the same. we're all human beings. we're in this together! all that outward appearance stuff is pointless. it just makes people hate each other. and it makes us look ridiculous. if there's a more powerful statement on the universal brotherhood of man, it's probably not in the children's section of the book store. for 60 years, american children have read the sneetches and books like it and that's one of the reasons we have the country we have today in which most americans, those that don't work in the universities or for the joe biden administration, accept martin luther king jr.'s most
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famous preaccept, what matters is the content of our characters, not the color of our skin. the sneetches affirm this. the story is a plea for color blindness. that's why the forces of wokeness hate it and dr. seuss. when the people in charge cancel dr. seuss, what they're really trying to eliminate is a very specific kind of midcentury american culture a culture that championed ameitocracy and color blindness and the global achievement. these were once called liberal values. modern liberals don't want to be reminded they once believed any of this. if your kids are aloud to read -- allowed to read dr. seuss, they will know this was a differentent country not so long ago, a place where people tried hard not to hate each other, a place where the population was encouraged begged by leaders to reject identity politics in favor of universal values and the thing that connect us all. dr. seuss was never a major literary figure but his memory
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matters more than it ever has. the battle over dr. seuss, what he stood for, the battle over what it means to be racist will have consequences that extend for generations and if we lose that battle, america is lost. so a deranged exgeneral by the name of russell is. [indiscernible] a security review in the 1,916th white supremacist insurrection. mitigates has a message for him. he joins us after the break.
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>> tucker: well, the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill could come up for a vote in the senate in a matter of days. that's historically expensive bill. you have a right to know what's in it. that's actually not a simple question to answer, so we asked lisa, a senior. [indiscernible] to break down some of what is in it for us tonight. hello, lisa. >> hello, tucker. it's called the american rescue plan. it's basically progressive priorities cloaked as a relief bill. what do you expect from a bill that was passed on partisan lines at 2:00 a.m. on saturday in the house that couldn't get a single republican, not even adam kinzinger to vote for it two democrats defected from it. here is why it's not a covid relief bill. less than 9%, tucker, goes to the fight against covid. less than 1% to vaccinations. you have hundreds of billions of dollars in spending that actually has nothing to do with covid relief at all. there is some good news for americans. you've got those $1,400 in
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direct payments, $1,400 for dependents as well although that's less than the $2,000 that joe biden had promised them along the campaign trail which is, in fact, a campaign promise that has now been broken. however, there's a lot of things that are in there that shouldn't be in there. a lot of progressive priorities. nanci pelosi tried to get a $140 million tunnel, silicon valley tunnel near her district, however, it was bird dropped tonight by the senate parliamentarian because it didn't meet the requirements of the bird rule for budget reconciliation. there's also $50 million in funding that goes towards the epa environmental justice grants which is thinly veiled kickback to leftist environmental groups. lastly and notably, tucker, the bill includes what is essentially a reparations program. it creates an aid program created to help only black and minority farmers. it would repay loans and give out subsidies. it's supposed to address the longstanding widespread discrimination against socially
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disadvantaged farmers and that's to the tune of $1 billion. so not a lot for american rescue plan but a lot of progressive social justice stuff in there that really has nothing to do and won't actually help people suffering from economic consequences of covid. >> tucker: what an insult to people who died unto the country itself. wow. >> yes. >> tucker: lisa boothe, thank you for that demoralizing rundown. >> sorry it wasn't happier news. >> tucker: thank you. >> thank you, tuck. >> tucker: nanci pelosi appointed russ honore from louisiana to lead what she called a security review in the january 6th riot at the capitol. it was a strange choice. not because honore is a political activity. honore decided he knows exactly what happened that day, the day after the "insurrection" for example, russell honore accused the capitol police of some kind weird conspiracy, an inside job. >> it was complicit actions at the capitol police -- by the
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capitol police. police chief has been fired but now we need to look at special investigation. was he complicit along with the sergeant of arms in the house and the senate? it gives appearance of complicit. he complied because he might have thought 45 was coming to the capitol and they gave way to the protesters who easily breached the capitol. this is a crime damn shame. -- a crying damn shame. >> tucker: seems unbalanced. apparently he is. matt gaetz is a member of congress from the florida. -- from florida. he sent a letter to nanci pelosi today demanding answers about the man you just saw. he joins us now. thank you for coming on. tell us first your concerns and second whether this is the person who will lead the so-called security review do you think? >> general honore issued a
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number of delusional afternoon that would disqualify him from even a jury pool on these questions and yet he's in charge of this review and our fellow americans are going to hear about reviews and commissions regarding january 6th and i'm here to tell you they're only really about two things: one, hunting and destroying maga and, two, justifying the continued occupation of washington d.c. now, russell honore has sent a very specific message that your politics, if they are woke enough, if they don't agree with his, then you ought to have negative consequences in other aspects of your life that have nothing to do with politics. that's why he called for congresswoman lauren bobbert to be put on a no-fly list so she can't use commercial aircraft. that's yahe's called for donald jr. to be arrested and it should come as no surprise the initial recommendations we're expecting from general honore will include permanence to the military occupation, a permanent strike force, potentially additional permanent fencing. i think this is someone who
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needs to be removed. he should have no role in the security review. he's already cast judgment and has no contribution to make in this decision. >> tucker: u.s. military is being used as a political weapon by the democratic party occupying washington. how long will we wait until someone wakes up to the fact that our capitol city is occupied for no justify -- justifyifiable reason tonight? >> there is a reason. it's to get some people rich. we spent half a billion dollars. i'm going to be asking what defense contractors will be profiting off the continued desecration of a capitol with an occupying force that doesn't need to be there. and by the way, the national guardmembers who are there, they know it. they know this is a joke and they resent the fact they're being used as political props and having someone like russell honore run this is about as smart as having nanci pelosi put governor cuomo in charge of our
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sexual harassment training. >> tucker: that may be next. matt gaetz of florida. great to see you. thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: john brennan was once a cia director. he may have bombed civilians in the middle east. he may have spied on the u.s. senate. he, of course, defended torture but now he's truly sorry. not sorry for the crimes he committed, sorry for how he was born. that's next. we'll tell you exactly what is eating at john brennan's soul straight ahead.
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>> john brennan was the chief counterterrorism adviser and later the director of the cia i the obama administration under sod drone strikes they killed people like in yemen and smalle abate if you ask them, no civilians died in any of those bombings. not one thanks to our precision technology parity claimed in 2011 drone didn't cause a singl
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collateral death. that's obviously a lie. obviously, except lies don't ge much more brazen than that, but he kept lying. after the cia was caught hackin into center computers which is crime and we think unconstitutional pair of he issued this statement, let me assure you the cia was in no wa spying on the senate even thoug corset was. john brennan goes on to lie about torture, donald trump, yo name it, he lied about it. and a certain point, everybody pretty much became numb to his pathology. john brennan never apologized for any of it. but the other day, he apologize for something else, something s ridiculous, that even the least amusing of all of msnbc anchors couldn't listen with a straight face. >> i've meet never seen so many whining white man calling themselves victims as i saw ove the weekend at sea pack.
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these are all people that think they have a huge grievance from a position of significant privilege. >> i must say, am increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days. to get it's funny to watch claire mccaskill who routinely flies in private planes call other people privileged. after killing civilians and massive legal surveillance, he is ashamed of the single thing he has no control over, he is dna. what's going on here? this is what they were forward to as a process of covers ring you're actual sin by erasing your sin over things that aren' sins at all like how you were born. that's what corporate america does every day. you notice, for black lives matter, may be john brennan ope noticing you won't be one of th dumbest and most he has somehow retained his federal security
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clearance. how did that happen? john brennan doesn't want to talk about a. he'd rather talk about racism. they all would. that's it for us tonight, it will be back tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. the sworn enemy of pomposity an smugness, sean hannity now. >> welcome to hannity tonight. good news is the great state of texas is now open for business and we are happy for our texas friends, but sadly, new york, california, michigan, all remai in turmoil tonight first, it wa mister and missus potato head, now the left is bent on banning dr. seuss. this woke cancel culture fight against freedom is now spiralin way out of control. it is a danger to everybody in ways you can't even begin to imagine. we'll check in with newt gingrich, haley trump and


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