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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 4, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PST

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she said. terrible. >> harris: wow! you are intimating that there could be more. we don't know yet but we'll cover it as it happens. congratulations of one year on your radio show. >> i heard we have a big guest on my anniversary. >> harris: stop. here is "outnumbered." ♪ ♪ >> harris: the questions are piling up for president biden. who now becomes the first president in a century to not hold a solo press conference 43 days in to his term. no biden alone at the lectern in the white house. it took president trump 28 days to face reporters while president obama took questions in 21. president george w. bush, 34. biden has also yet to announce a date for his first speech to a joint session of congress. which traditionally happens in february. but the white house says there will be no speech until
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biden's nearly $2 trillion stimulus bill is signed. >> we made a decision internally that we weren't going to have the president propose his forward looking agenda beyond that. part of his bill, best, better agenda. it's still discussed internally until after the bill is sign and the checks are going out to americans, after the vaccine money is going out. after the money is going out to schools. >> harris: although the president hasn't held a solo press conference, it's worth pointing out that the white house has revived daily briefings. okay. you are watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, my co-host, emily campagno, fox business anchor dagen mcdowell, potted cast host and the former director of press advance for president obama, johanna maska. and joining us today former white house deputy chief of staff and fox news contributor karl rove. so you caught a little smirk on my face there, karl.
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yes, we do see jen psaki on a regular basis. but we get to ask no followup on the president of the things that really matter. you know what? that could be why his approval is ticking down and his disapproval has ticked up in some polling. 10%. ten points. >> karl: well, maybe. i think it's the ratings that are likely to go down more because people are looking at the covid relief bill and saying what is all that pork in there about? maybe it would go, maybe it's that they haven't heard from him. but i think if they do hear from him, the white house view is if they do hear from the president it might go down more. i think they are protecting him. they did this in the campaign. they wisely made a decision let the focus remain on trump. hide joe biden in the basement in delaware. it worked. i think they have seen since the campaign ended that he is not good at the end of the
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day. he is not really good on his feet. they may be protecting him, hoping to stave off further decline in his numbers. >> harris: wow! you know, dagen, when you look at the total picture of this. the president really does have some things to answer for right now. because what is going on at the border. we don't have to get deep in to this but there are a number of things that are cooking on the stove if you will right now. >> dagen: right. reopening of the schools. why he is standing up for the teachers unions over children. why his policies are putting children in harm's way down at the border. why do they try to act like that there was -- the cupboard was bare. there was no vaccine. when biden himself got his second shot before he even took office. that being said, but part of the problem is in terms of the communication. the lack of availability of joe biden and byron york said
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this a little bit, is so glaring because president trump was everywhere, all the time. tweet, tweet, tweet. talk, talk, talk. all day long, every day. president trump couldn't walk out to marine one without doing an extensive chopper chat with the press corps. so folks now just want to know if, you know, who is the edgar burgen if joe biden is charlie mccarthy, so to speak. if you like marionettes, who is pulling the strings? if they are even thinking that president biden is not capable of doing the job or shouldn't be in the position, they might want to think twice. because in terms of the left wing policy, kamala harris' presidency would be a great deal worse for the country. >> harris: johanna, we talked a little bit last hour, kamala harris, speaking of which and others close to the
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president were caught off-guard with the recent air strikes that he wanted and deployed. i'm wondering is he communicating to a wide enough circle around him. we need to know that because we don't get to follow up with him. i'm sorry. one more circle back to jen psaki. this is becoming a drinking game. go ahead. >> johanna: he is the first president in more than 100 years to take over to presidency during a global pandemic. you know, i think that this administration is getting up and running focused on the right things, getting back to normalcy. i don't know about you, karl, but i often found in the white house the press were focused on their access but the american people want the president focused on their issues. for the point of reopening schools i really like that -- >> harris: pandemic is --
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>> johanna: absolutely. you are right, so until we get back -- [overtalk] >> harris: i don't mean to do anything except to layer in here because it needs to be said. you are saying that the president is tacitly too busy doing the thing he said he would do, the most important thing to the american people. the argument to that is you can't be too busy to tell us what you are doing to save our lives. that would be something you want to tell us and take questions about. johanna, i won't do it again. >> johanna: i'm not saying he is too busy. >> karl: well, maybe the issue is he doesn't want to talk that often. let's be honest. you know, he didn't talk much during the campaign. he is not going to want to talk much now and people around him don't want to expose him to this. whenever he has gone out to have extended give-and-take he tended to go in to weird places. i don't think they want him as president of the united states to be wandering off to the weird places. i bet you a dime to a dollar
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when they do a full blown presidential news conference, it's either earlier in the day or it will be on a day in which he has a very light schedule. because they know that the times during the campaign where he would talk toward the end of the day were the days he sort of began to wander to weird places. it's just -- i understand the tendency of the people around him. we don't want the president to be talking. if we think it will detract from what we are doing. keep the focus on trying to get the bill passed. we don't need to put him out there and have him absorb questions from the press. they will ask us tough questions. avoid it as long as possible. same with the "state of the union" address. why have the guy speak until he has an accomplishment so much of the speech can be sent harolding the success in one speech, in the one effort and then focus on the next thing he wants to get done.
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>> harris: so again i'll bring this up. aren't 2 million shots in arms something to be accomplished? what if they are still haggling a month from now? the mind is really -- emily? you are going to wait for the relief bill. >> emily: he likely is -- i'll just say briefly i think that there is a fine line between access and transparency. thus parsing the line between the press and the people, every american citizen is interested in what the president's decision making process is. especially one who signed and issued 34 executive orders. he is wielding a lot of power. in the campaign, it was clear that he caved to the pressure from challenging questions. not a year ago we heard him at a democratic debate say he would ban fracking. he spent the rest of the
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campaign apologizing and figuring out how to retract the statement. president trump made him pay for it severely. so it's obvious the gaffes that frankly could have a damaging effect on the policy that he has issued would happen. if we had the access and the transparency. the bottom line is a president held to a far higher standard than a candidate. it's incumbent on this president, especially one wielding the power from the pen that needs to answer questions to reveal the transparency to the american people. >> harris: i can think of packing the court as another one. it took him time whether or not, well, i don't think i want to answer that until after the election. we were waiting for an answer. 47 executive order and the actions. maybe he should write a letter. anyway, president biden facing a stunning crisis at the border. border officials reportedly processing hundreds of child migrants a day now. is that everyone sustainable?
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or do we need swift action? new york governor andrew cuomo apologizing to the multiple women accusing him of sexual reaction. the reaction from one of the women as he faces growing calls to step down. >> i wasn't elected by politicians. i was elected by the people of the state of new york. i'm not going to resign. need c. refiplus from newday usa. it lets you refinance at today's record low rates plus get cash. with mortgage rates low and home values high refiplus can help you lower your rate plus turn your home equity into an average of $50,000. money for security today. money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus from newday usa. at novartis, our goal is to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable.
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>> emily: welcome back. new york governor andrew cuomo getting virtually no sympathy after his first public remarks on the sexual harassment allegations against him. the governor apologizing but rejecting calls to resign. watch. >> i now understand that i acted in a way that made
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people feel uncomfortable. it was unintentional. and i truly and deeply apologize for it. i feel awful about it. and frankly i am embarrassed by it. >> emily: but that didn't go over well with the critics including the women who came forward with the allocations. attorney for charlotte bennett saying the governor's press conference was full of falsehoods and inaccurate information and new yorkers deserve better. meantime, several new york lawmakers including fellow democrats are still calling for cuomo to resign. while two top aides to the governor are stepping down. i'll start with karl on this. you don't have to be an attorney to realize and
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concluded that the statement yesterday was a failure on all fronts. your thoughts? >> karl: yeah, look. i don't see how this gets better for him. he may be able to stay in office until the end of his term but the idea of running for re-election for a fourth term is out the window. whether or not he survives to the end of his term, if he does survive he is going to grit it out, just like other politicians, ralph northam in the black face controversy sort of gritted it out. he started off apologizing but by the end of it he was not apologizing. >> 'em johanna, in yourr. perspective, read the tea leaves. what is happening here? he is not resigning while call for impeachment is swelling and karl's point is he is maintaining he will run again in 2022. what are your thoughts for his political future?
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>> johanna: well, the last woman anna who came out with her story was a former colleague of mine in the obama administration. i am really proud of the women coming forward. and talking about the imbalance of the power that has too long led to very uncomfortable and worse situations. so i think you will see a lot of democrats hold him accountable and ask for him to move on. i wish i could say the same with the republican party. we had significant problems with president trump. and i actually think, i give a lot of credit to president trump to give us the ability to hold our own party accountable. i hope the republicans do the same of former president trump. >> emily: pushing back a second on that, johanna. there are bipartisan calls for him to resign. the victims of him were within his own party and administration. alleged victims, i should say. certainly especially with the investigation led by the
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attorney general letitia james who herself is a democrat. this isn't a party issue with the sexual harassment. do you feel that he will be held accountable by democrats in a way that he should. not just being electorally moved out but really along the way. will we get justice should allegations prove true to the point they are alleging? >> johanna: i certainly hope so. last week i said i think we gave the new yorker a lot of oxygen in the pandemic. and, you know, focus on his actions. i think that, you know, i have traditionally been against the political dynasties. look, he is a guy who has been in a political signty, he has had power. it seems like he has abused it. i want him held accountable. >> emily: let's move on to the second raging scandal which meantime the families of the new york seniors who died from covid-19 in state nursing
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home who say they hope sexual harassment claims don't overshadow the deaths of their loved ones. one woman whose father died last spring stayed silence and only now criticize to criticize the governor. and our own janice dean lost both of her in-laws said this. >> i like then is al capone on tax evasion. they get this governor on #metoo instead of the real reason of corruption. >> emily: dagen, your thoughts? >> dagen: my big mouth used to embarrass my family all the time. so now i promise to put it to good use. i will never, ever, ever stop talking about the 15,000 elderly people who died because of andy cuomo's nursing home order. i will never stop talking about the lying and the stonewalling. and the coverup orchestrated by this governor. i will never stop until there
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is justice. and i always promise to give those grieving families a voice. speaking of justice, you have a justice department investigation on multiple levels. they are investigating, you know, in this civil rights division. the civil division. again with the civil division request, they drag their feet. the cuomo administration did. in handing over information about how many individuals really died in nursing homes because of the order. now you do have what does appear to be a criminal investigation in to the coverup which was admitted by cuomo's aide melissa derosa. you have seen a number of people leave the administration. cuomo hired a defense attorney. they have seen people leave. all they have to do is the defense will come in. it's a crime. it's very clear this could be a federal crime on multiple
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levels. withholding information or whatever they tried to cover up. i just wanted to add this man is a megalomaniac. so he has no idea -- he looks in the mirror and he sees a crown on his head and a septor in his hands. he will never own up to the death that came at his hands. his apology to the women was sorry, you doesn't get my sense of humor or sorry you felt uncomfortable. don't expect anything from him. but i promise justice will come for the families. >> emily: harris, to dagen's point you covered on your show last hour, we heard 17 apologies from governor cuomo yesterday in a sexual harassment presser. as you put it, zero for zero regarding all of those deaths in the nursing homes under his watch. >> harris: yeah, you know what else we heard in the tape or in the news conference? the word "i."
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we didn't count that word the way we did apology or "i'm sorry," the phrases for the show today. but we looked at the word "i." i, i, i, i, i, i. my goodness. it's as though he doesn't see anybody else in the room, especially not the 15,000-plus who perished because his own attorney general says of a decision he made to put covid positive people next to the vulnerable in nursing homes. so i would ask it this way, too. if we could ask him a question, he seemed to kind of choke up as he was spitting out more is, i'm sorry. did you see him? he seemed to choke up. have you ever seen him choke up when it comes to the nursing home story? this in a strange way is a gift of a distraction. it's a horrible thing that happened to the women. i don't think he is crying for them.
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maybe he thinks we won't talk about it. dagen says she won't stop. >> dagen: i will never shut up. the apology yesterday to the women was completely hollow. he was able to manufacturer a lip quiver and sniffles. he owes an apology to all the grieving families. the more than 15,000 people who died because of the order. 9,000 elderly people sent back to nursing home with covid out of the hospitals. apologize. instead month after month he blamed everyone from president trump to fox news to the new york post for what he did. sipped his goons on people like janice dean. "stick to the weather" his flunkies said to her publicly. that is who he is. no moral compass. sadly he is still the
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governor. i wish we could call him former governor or has-been, something to get him, to stop him from hurting other people. >> emily: karl, briefly close us out. share with us if the rest of the country holds the vitriol that the new yorkers do that he has no lines. >> karl: it's inexflickable. we knew people most at risk for the elderly. this guy is taking the people who are covid patients and putting them in with the elderly and then being surprised week after week after week people in the facilities and the projects were dying. dagen is right in her anger. he is likely to face legal problems and sure punishment and sure consequences with the action regard to putting the
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covid patients to the nursing homes than from the current controversy over sexual harassment. there are investigations underway. there are rules that he clearly bent if not broke. there will be consequences for it. i'm confident. >> emily: right. meantime, is this what president biden meant by "unity"? the intense reaction after the president calls lifting of two restrictions? two states "neanderthal thinking." stay with us. ♪ ♪ water? urgh! (rocket ship) hey! hey! heads up. thank you! water tastes like, water. so we fixed it. mio
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the last thing we need is neanderthal thinking that in the meantime everything is fine. take off your mask, forget it. it still matters. >> harris: texas lieutenant governor dan patrick joined me last hour and fired right back with some strong words of his own. >> how dare him attack texas for policies when he is allowing the border overrun by people coming in here by the hundreds and the thousands. what a hypocrite. >> harris: his criticism comes as 17 states total either have no mask mandate or have a mandate having been lifted. some states never put them in place. carl? >> karl: the president also mischaracterized what governor abbott did. we have a state with 4 million people got at least one dose if not 2 doses.
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and 3 million people that had a disease. we are approaching the third of the population is now immune. we are now getting about a million and a half people a week inoculated. that number continues to grow. the governor didn't say don't wear a mask. he said do wear a mask but he removed restrictions on the businesses to open and operate. he said we will set a cap, if 15% of our trauma beds are operated by the covid patients you have to put tough restrictions back in place. only one city in texas has such irresponsible behavior it's above the 15% capacity level. the hometown of robert francis o'rourke that went to accuse people of wanting to kill people for doing this. the governor said we'll act responsibly, and we'll continue to wear the masks but i will lift restrictions that kept businesses from operating. the lieutenant governor is
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right. we are seeing increase of people coming across the southern border and it's among the vulnerable. look at this. >> harris: we get a board! >> karl: there for 47 unaccompanied minors who crossed the border the first week. the first week of february, 203. the last week of february 321. 700% increase. leaked memo from inside homeland security says the shelter they put the kids are 94% capacity now and the number continues to grow each week. we already know what is happening is that it is the system so clogged up that the unaccompanied minors, the children come across the border and kept in the detention facilities much longer than they should be before they are moved to the shelter because they are filled up and are at the capacity. then coronavirus. you are right. the governor was right about that. the lieutenant governor is correct. they don't test. they could be ill and they are
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exposed. >> harris: you have a few minutes later in the program, we are going to, you will probably put the board back up. we'll lean in harder on that. i was leaning in trying to read it because what you are talking about is the decision to let people come over as texas is opening up. by the way, this is a state that has seen a lot in the last few weeks. snowstorm, power outages, the utilities. the businesses are hungry to get back open. lieutenant governor dan patrick again from last hour. let's watch. >> the word "neanderthal" would come to the president quickly because if you look up the definition. it says neanderthal are hunter and gatherings. that is the name of his son who gathers millions with his family in countries around the world. secondly, he didn't look at the facts. texas did nothing new. >> harris: i think lieutenant governor reminding
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everyone not to mess with texas. >> dagen: i don't need to be reminded of that. the businesses are already operating at 75% capacity. on the left is acting like the governor banned mask-wearing. that is not what is going on. this is about personal decision-making and personal responsibility for individuals and businesses. with the businesses hyatt hotel, target, starbucks and cvs among the many corporations will not drop their mask requirements. but again, people are literally upset that the government will interfere less in your personal life. that is the level of the insanity from the left. once you have the power and the control. anyone in the politics, crats
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won't easily give it up. >> harris: quickly, johanna, we put up the map of the other states that don't have the mask mandates why didn't biden go after them? why single out texas and mississippi do you think? >> johanna: ill was a new announcement i wish mask wearing wasn't political. i hate the blame game. we have to end the global pandemic and we won't end that state by state. we have to work together to make sure every protection is in place. my dad is the small business owner. at the beginning of the pandemic iowa did not have a mask mandate and it was hard for him to enforce wearing masks in his own team. sometimes it can be helpful for the government to say masks and businesses are requirement. it's not the blame on the small business owner who is just trying to do the right
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thing. protect their team and people in their establishment. we hope they will stop making it political. we are all tired of the pandemic. but we have to end it and we know that masks are a very important part to stop the spread. >> harris: all right. we'll move. the biden team is not calling at it crisis publicly. i am hoping karl rove will bring his white board back. a report now that the newly leaked internal documents tell a different story. so what is really going on at the southern border with mexico amid the massive influx of migrant children? here's huge news for veteran homeowners who need cash. refiplus from newday usa. record low mortgage rates have fallen again, while home values just keep climbing. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000 for retirement tomorrow and for peace of mind today. refiplus. it's huge news.
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don't wait for a break, call your doctor today, and ask about prolia®. riders, the lone wolves of the great highway. all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas. their only friend? the open road. i have friends. [ chuckles ] well, he may have friends, but he rides alone. that's jeremy, right there! we're literally riding together. he gets touchy when you talk about his lack of friends. can you help me out here? no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. well, we're new friends. to be fair. eh, still. >> harris: the biden administration has been insisting that there is no crisis at the border with mexico. even though there has been a massive influx of migrant children. now axios reporting that newly-leaked documents that come from biden's own health and human services department
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show that border patrol agents are overwhelmed. hundreds of unaccompanied minors are taken in to custody on a daily basis. that is way up from the dozens apprehended weeks ago. remember's karl board had 47. the first week of january. he schooled us on this. the skyrocketing number mean shelter system is at the maximum capacity at the end of the month. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell blames the biden administration for the surge and the trouble that come with it. >> senate minority leader mcconnell: the crisis was created by the administration sending a message to december per rate rate -- to desperate people who want to come here. just hang on. you will get in sooner or later. of course, the mexican government then will become less cooperative. >> harris: so, the part of the story, emily, we didn't get to is 108 people already tested positive of covid-19
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coming across the border. so it's even more complicated now. it's just that they are coming but some of them are going to be sick when they get here. what do we do -- by the way, they are coming from a foreign country. are we quarantining them? dan patrick told me last hour we probably aren't. mark morgan told me last hour we can't do it. can't keep up with them all. 'em that is exactly right. so, with all due respect to mitch mcconnell, i think the administration did not create this crisis. it's been exacerbated by the administration. the situation has been ongoing through multiple administrations. and to your point about quarantine, that is right. jen psaki said they are mitigating social distancing, wearing a mask and seeking medical attention when necessary. no point to quarantining. the reason why all of those beds are at almost capacity is because of the covid restrictions. that is part of the continuing conversation has gone over
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this, there is a 72-hour window in which any agency has the ability to transfer the unaccompanied migrant minor to h.h.s. the office of resettlement under h.h.s. the issue is there are a certain amount of the beds and facilities per boat. that is 170 facilities across the 22 states. but that is only 13,000 beds. because of covid, the capacity is 8,000. so for this administration, they need to understand for their optics and for the surge, they need to control it and they need to be transparent with what is happening. getting the migrant kids or the migrants in general flipping them on to the h.h.s. facilities, that is not the right answer when to all of our point earlier about the neanderthal thinking the president said, that the states are dealing with their own covid management situations without it being exacerbated then by the administration's flipping the kids over. >> harris: a light just came on over my head, karl rove.
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this reminds me of a certain new york governor -- there were others, too, other democratic numbers that did it, but cuomo's numbers got so bad for him. put people who were positive for covid in with the vulnerable. so now you are bringing them across the border. some of them unfortunately are ill. you are going to put them at the facilities, right? where they are already running out of beds that emily just talked about. are we seeing a situation that looks like that? i don't know. it's just a question. >> karl: it's a little bit worse than that. the facilities we talk about for unaccompanied minors, they are strictly for children. if you are a adult, they don't hold you, they release you on your own recognizance. show back up. we used to turn them and right back across the border. but now we are releasing the people in to the communities. go down to talk to the county executive. we call them judges in texas. county judges about what is happening to the local homes and what is happening to the
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local communities. look, immigration flows, the number of the immigrants ebbs and grows. but it's growing dramatically now because the signal sent by the election of joe biden is we will be very, we are anti-wall. we are soft on border security. we want to increase the number of refugees that we accept. we want to make it easier for you to get in here. people respond to the signals. that is not just more children coming. it's adults who are coming. the flow is such that the system simply cannot handle it. particularly if you stay we are not going to return home to mexico, return them back to mexico, we'll just release them in the society. we got a real problem. it's a crisis. >> harris: we wish it were simple if mexico were their home but they are coming from far south of mexico. johanna, your thoughts on this? >> dagen: obama dealt with some of the same thing. >> harris: what would you suggest? >> johanna: so did president
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bush. i agree with emily. this is disingenuous of mitch mcconnell to say it's just one president who created this. this has been an ongoing issue. we need comprehensive immigration reform and we need to let people know how to come to the country. look, because i traveled around the world i know for certain there is no place like the united states of america. and i love the fact that -- >> harris: i think we all know that. >> johanna: -- people are inspired by the things that we stand for. but we are going to see this increase and especially with global warming. we are going to see more migration. so we have to work on comprehensive immigration reform in a bipartisan fashion. >> harris: your former boss barack obama had majority bicamerally. and biden technically has the same thing because kamala harris would break a tie in the senate. if the democrats really wanted to do reform on immigration, they could have done it then and could do it now. >> johanna: or the
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republicans. but this is the thing. >> harris: i know. i'm sorry. the senate g.o.p. says it's turning in to a blue state bailout with billions of dollars going to places like new york and california. why are they get something much money? ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful.
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president joe biden labels texas republicans neanderthals while he continues to hide in the cave. it's been the longest press drought of any president in decades. the political pressure is building on andrew cuomo after what critics describe at #me not you apology. if there is no crisis on the border, why is the biden administration scrambletology deal with potential influx -- scrambling to deal with potential influence of migrants? i'm john roberts. join sandra smith and me at "america reports" at the top of the hour. >> you know who received the most in the blue state bailouts? wow! this is really odd, folks. i don't know how it happens. chuck schumer state of new york and nancy pelosi's state of california. >> this bill is not about covid-19. it's a trojan horse for liberal wish list of the other
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policies that nancy pelosi and chuck schumer know they can't get done any other way. >> dagen: is senate g.o.p. rallying against biden's nearly $2 trillion covid-19 relief package calling it a blue state bailout. the republicans blasting the $350 billion in that bill that would go to the state and the local governments. they say disproportionately benefiting the places like new york and california. i will make the arguments that the states don't need the money. with the $350 billion injection, the states will be running a collective budget surplus. if you look at california, they are coming in above prepandemic market. so why do they need $27 billion thereabouts?
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>> that is what i was going to say. i was going to talk about the fact that california has seen moring in. but it's super divided. it's disproportionate. so many struggling small business owners and people put of work in california. you see this is targeted to least among us who need help. california and new york are the largest states so they are going to get a disproportionate amount of money. it's so they will use it effectively to target those who are the most vulnerable in society. that is something iowa desperately needs and illinois desperately needs. that our midwestern states, they absolutely -- i know people hurting there. this bill also benefits them. those at the least and those who have kids home from the public school and those most affected by the pandemic. that is exactly the kind of targeted relief we need.
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>> dagen: well, karl, open the doggone schools. they don't need more money. because, again, more than 90% of the money allocated last year for the school reopenings hasn't been spent. 1% of the $2 trillion is for restaurants. >> karl: they have $120 billion to so-called open the schools in this bill. that is in addition to the $350 billion for state and the local government aid. the idea there is any plan in any state to take the $350 billion to have the state governments and the local governments that anyone has a plan to give it to the most needy is kidding themselves. this is money sucked in the bureaucracy. say you had $195 billion you were going to give to the state governments like they want to do under this and you gave it by population. how does this bill compare to dividing it up based on the population?
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they do it on unemployment and other factors. the 12 states who most deviate from what they would get by the percentage from what they would get based on the population are all blue states. of the 12 states who get less than they would if you based on population, 11 of 12 are red states. the only blue state among them is vermont. this is designed to support, reward and pay for the mistakes of the blue states. no if, and, but about it. not targeted it all. >> dagen: boom. done. more "outnumbered" in a moment. veteran homeowners: during uncertain times, money in the bank can bring you and your family real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa.
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♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa >> harris: the last 25 seconds of the show, karl rove in his whiteboard. >> karl: you asked me to characterize what is happening in new york and what is happening on the border. i will draw from my favorite movie of all time, marty huggins
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who says "it is a mess." and it is a mess in both instances. [laughter] >> harris: that is perfect. and a great place to end. thanks, everybody, great to see you. we are glad everyone is watching "outnumbered" because we love coming to you every day. and here "america reports." >> sandra: fox news alert, resident biotin and his critics ask where is joe as he has not yet held a single solo news conference since taking office since inauguration. 44 days and counting everyone, hello, sandra smith. >> john: john roberts in washington the president continues to make policy changes behind me. the press secretary jen psaki said not yet and somebody asked earlier this week about a formal news conference from the president. >> sandra: so far, the president, joe biden has only taken questions and limited settings. kristin fisher from the white house, trump held


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