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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 4, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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mandate. >> they want to sacrifice the live of our fellow texans. it's hard to escape the conclusion that it's a cult. >> sean: always end, never the media mob. good news. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is taking over. >> laura: hi, hannity. i was looking if i had a funny mug or something funny to say. >> sean: you don't have anything? >> laura: i got -- >> sean: supposed to come prepared for your show. you get paid a lot of money to do a show. you have to be prepared for the hand-off. >> laura: all day long, i've been waiting and waiting and waiting for the insurrection. okay? i've been waiting. i have a big update. >> sean: wait a minute. it's march 4. i got it. i heard all about it. >> laura: waiting. >> sean: i just need a few extra seconds. i'm getting bidenish. >> laura: all right, hannity.
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awesome show. >> sean: have a great show. bye. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" on another busy night. the priority for the biden administration are being laid bear. a welcome mat at the border and razor wire in the nation's capitol. candice owens, congressman steve scalise, stephen miller are all here to sound off and the pending trial of the officers in george floyd's death in a radical anti-cop bill that just passed the house. one law enforcement leader says we're on a path to chaos. he says we're going to tell us how it could be worse than last summer. first, the tail of two invasions. that's the focus of tonight's angle. broadway will be opening their doors soon. only for a small number of ticket holders who will be allowed to atenned performances. good news, right? have nor fear. there's another scintillating
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drama available to everyone. being directed by none other than nancy pelosi herself. with our nation's capitol as the backdrop no less. there's military props aplenty and hunts of camera ready political actors on hand and the form of lawmakers that are deeply worried about the next insurrection. >> we know the traffic is out there and the crazy conspiracy groups, some of them are promising to come back and march forth. >> we have to take this notion seriously. let me but clear there's a great deal of enhanced security from the capitol. >> we're continuing to keep the fencing up. the national guard is still here. going to keep it that way until we have a real plan to move forward. >> laura: yes, they want you to believe that donald trump supporters pose and on-going threat to the functioning of our democracy. now based on vague intelligence of a potential invasion of the
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capitol, pelosi cancelled today's session and rushed votes on two radical pieces of legislation that happened late last night. how convenient? this is what democracy looks like under pelosi. voting while most people are sleeping. and then walling off the capitol for the foreseeable future to prevent you, the american people, from ever peacefully gathering and being heard there. she's effectively cancelling our first amendment rights to a sum bell and petition our government. but at least the cost of keeping 5,000 national guard troops in d.c., it's minimal, right? well, the price tag was more than $500 million just through march. this is going to end up costing in the billions. but well, i waited and i waited all day. no insurrection.
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no invasion. nothing. that is except a request from capitol police for another two months of national guard presence. they've told congressional leaders that the razor wire fencing around the capitol should remain in place for several more months. it's all based on unspecified threats from unnamed groups. looks like a prison camp. when will the capitol be open again? who is going to ask these questions? it's never going back to normal until republicans win back the house. democrats want this image front and center through 2022 to keep voters fearful of republicans. of course, pelosi, they can always count on messaging help. you bet it. they'll get it from the chief officer of disinformation.
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>> not a surprise that these terrorists that attacked on 1-6 inspired other future terrorists. >> the house having to shut down today because of fear that trump terrorists acting once again on his instruction, acting once again, based on his big lie may come and try to take out, try to kill democratic lawmakers. >> laura: bravo, bravo. what a performance, joe! so much to tell them. the emmys are delayed until the fall. now, aside from the lie that trump was or is instructing people to storm the capitol, joe scarborough is a proxy for all the media. that i feel zero obligation to question the supposed intel that shut down the capitol today.
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perhaps it's time to pose a simple question. who is more deranged and dangerous. news anchors fear mongering about terrorists or mr. blue fur ball with red and white face paint? the goal here on the left is not to debate issues and win hearts and minds. no. it's to eliminate any political opposition by defamation. >> you know, i think it appeared to many of us to be a cult of personality, the republican party in the era of trump. it's hard to escape it's a cult of death. >> a cult of death. literally upending civilization. that's what he said, this is from a guy whose party wants zero limits on abortion. etch in the third trimester.
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which is literally barbaric and a cult of death. now, as i want to ridicule these buffoons and it's easy to do, there's something serious going on here. we often talk about it. what democrats are doing is preemptively smearing anyone that plans on attending a future rally for trump or any other candidate that is a republican or anyone protesting any of the radical pieces of legislation that they're ramming through congress like last night's rush-to-pass universal mail-in voting and defunding the police measures. so are you like a passionate believer in gun rights? thinking of organizing a pro second amendment gun rally? who is to say you won't land on a potential terrorist watch list for doing that? maybe the fbi sends around your photo and asks for the public's help in identifying you. of course, you did nothing wrong but for exercising your right,
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you could get fired from your job, kicked out of school and lose everything. you think i'm exaggerating? this is already happening. that's what dana kirktech of bucks county pennsylvania said happened to her after she attended trump's january 6 rally. she was one of the many peaceful protesters that didn't storm the capitol that day, but she was detained and interrogated by tsa anyway. tsa. now after that she says that the fbi showed up at her house with questions. my friends, you could be next. 10:08. still no invasion. still no insurrection. well, i'm shocked. because democrats seemed really sure that there would be an imminent attack. the other cables treated it like the oscars. cnn had reporters camped out at
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the capitol and they brought in their sharpest experts. >> many qanon believers that are trump supporters believe trump will come back. today will not come back. it's a conspiracy theory. they will probably come up with a new day and move forward. >> laura: he's their qanon expert. now biden and gang will continue to blow the invaccination or supremacists. like all poorly written dramas, there's plot problems here like the tall tale of an armed insurrection. >> just weeks ago, white nationalists helped lead an armed insurrection against our democracy. >> this was an armed insurrection. >> an armed insurrection. >> laura: what about those pipe bombs that were supposedly placed by pro trump militants?
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>> they were fully functional but never went off. law enforcement believes they could have been diversionary devices designed to take support away from the capitol as the rioters were arriving. >> laura: it was all untrue. no arms, protesters going into the capitol. and the pipe bombs were placed the day before. meanwhile, they don't want to talk about the real invasion happening right now at our southern border. we had around 800 people marching in the capitol. we could see hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants reaching our border by the end of the year. we didn't expect to see as many as 11,000 unaccompanied children and our sources say that's only about a fourth of the total number. they apprehend 1 out of every 4 that crossed in. trump didn't tell people to go in to the capitol and commit
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crimes. that's a law. biden, through his policies he said however you get here, you can stay. he has single handedly give us the worse i'm fwraigs crises that we have ever confronted. and during a pandemic no less. we're spending billions on security and fencing where there's literally no threat at all at the capitol. in d.c., we're exacerbating the situation at the border by encouraging more to come in. why biden dismantled more border wall, that is what is happening. biden and his puppeteers, they don't value american citizenship obviously. they feel free to crack down on our rights. call us names like neanderthals and deplorables and drive down wages for the migrants.
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there's an invasion in america that the democrats whole heartedly support. it depletes our resources, endangers border patrol, erodes the public trust in our rule of law and when migrants are being put in hotels and national guard are put in a garage and eat moldy food, you get a sense of where their real priorities are. that's the angle. joining me now is candice owens, founder of the blexit movement and author of "blackout." this isn't just about this moment. this is about making conservatives think twice about attending a march or a rally or anything that relates to an issue that they care about if it involves a group of like-minded individuals. >> you're absolutely right. let me also say and say this more, qanon has transforms into
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blunon. they're coming up with conspiracy theories so they can rush through policies and push through policies because there's some obscure threat. they're not proviing any details. as a d.c. resident, it looks like we're under a military occupation. we've been here under joe biden. you mean to tell me, laura, this is the most popular president in miles per hour history. why does he erect all of these walls around the white house? shouldn't he walk down the streets and shake hands because he's more popular than barack obama in 2008? yet you have the capitol under lock down and a military occupation and now you're extending it because there's some arbitrary facts that we don't know? we're seeing the doj and the fbi being weaponized against americans. i've had friends that attended trump's speech that's had the fbi show up on their door step and essentially just politically
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harass them, to question them, to intimidate them, to make them feel uncomfortable being conservative or going to any conservative gatherings in the future. >> laura: candice, i saw this on twitter. that republican roy blunt has said that he hopes that military police bolster the capitol police for the foreseeable future. at the capitol grounds. these are so called establishment republicans. now they're pushing for more military presence. i don't think that is constitutionally allowed, by the way. nevertheless, republicans? >> i know. it's so insulting. doesn't look like we list in a free nation. this looks like what you'd expect to see in venezuela under maduro. >> laura: a banana republic. >> yeah, who is also, by the way, the most loved and popular president of all time in
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venezuela. the most popular president ever, the most voted for president ever, nicholas maduro. doesn't look like it's our country anymore. as i said, when they said this is temporary, i laughed. i called it early. these are being erected because of january 6 capitol riots? you're out of your mind. it's like saying two weeks to slow the spread. yeah, that's exactly what these fences are. it's going to be permanent. they will keep putting them up and say we need it because of this threat. they're scant on details. they want d.c. on military lock down. that's what they get under joe biden, the most popular president ever. >> laura: they don't want the people to have access to the representatives whose salary they pay. that's the shock. they don't like the people. didn't they spend $2 billion on that visitor center? they shoved everyone
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underground. that money was wasted. candice, unbelievable. >> i thought walls don't work, laura? didn't we hear walls don't work? now they're erected around d.c. >> laura: i think nancy pelosi's house they work well there. candice, thanks so much. speaking of madam speaker's hand-picked security review panel is calling for massively increasing the number of cops in d.c. now, the task force's list of recommendations obtained by fox includes creating a quick reaction information to provide 24/7 security and retractible fencing and hiring nearly 900 more capitol police officers. when it comes to the reasons for these security measures, still nancy can't get her story straight. >> the threat of -- of all the
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president's men out there. we have to ensure with our security that we are safe enough -- we have short schedule today because republicans are going to their issues conferences. >> laura: could someone diagram that sentence for me? was there a subject, verb and direct object? i'm not sure. joining me now is steve scalise. house minority whip. congressman, i keep thinking i'm going to be less upset by d.c. because i lived in d.c. 30 years almost off and on. i'm so disgusted by this, i can't even see straight i'm so upset about it. she just embarrassed herself because these claims were wild conspiracy theories about a coming post january 6 insurrection. we all know it's phony and they're still getting away with it. >> yeah, laura, what you're
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seeing is a movement to paint every trump supporter, every republican as a threat to america. frankly, if you look at why they did some of these things where they compressed votes yesterday to not be voting today, it was very quiet today, we were supposed to be voting but during the daytime, we would have been voting today on a bill that speaker pelosi brought that would have gotten rid of qualified immunity, which is another method of defunding police. they brought that bill not today during the day but brought it at 11:00 p.m. last night. last week, when they brought their $1.9 trillion spending bill, which included the subway to silicon valley for nancy pelosi and a bailout of failed states so cuomo could get more money, they didn't bring that bull during the day. they brought it at 2:00 a.m. friday night, saturday morning. when nobody one was watching. they don't want people seeing what they're doing. that's what this isn't a. as candice said, they're taking
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down the border wall at the southern border where there's super spreader caravans coming. over 100 covid positive people across the border just the other day. president biden is okay with that and then they put up the wall at the capitol so people can't see what they're doing in the dark of night passing the socialist agenda. >> laura: we're going to be the most transparent in history, biden said. >> yeah, how many press conferences has he had? >> laura: a big zippo. federal investigators are examining communications between u.s. lawmakers and capitol rioters cnn says. congressman, this entire piece, by the way, reads like the rush collusion theories. are you concerned now that congress, members of congress are being surveilled in some way? >> look, who knows where they're
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going with this. what i'm concern about is the bills that nancy pelosi is bringing up that are passing to take away abilities for police officers to do their jobs safely. they brought a bill last night, dark of night after 10:30 p.m. that banned states from showing picture i.d. to vote. you have to show a picture i.d. to buy a six pack of beer, they're banning you from doing it. mandated same day voter registration. all of the voter fraud initiative that have undermined confidence. they're trying to make that the standard. hopefully it won't pass the senate. it's an example of what they're bringing. that's what i'm concerned about. the socialist policies that are passing the house of representatives right now. >> laura: you bet. it would be nice if republicans moved that fast when they had the majority in the house. we're debating travel bans. rolls fast. that's what they're doing rolling fast and it's socialist. as shocking as the number of
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illegals at the border are, they could be and it looks like four times higher. former senior white house adviser, stephen miller is here. he bringses the real numbers.
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(soft music) (announcer) this is chet. he loves monday through friday but lives for the weekend. ♪ he's put some miles on his truck and now, it's time for something new. so he came to truecar and saw what other people paid for the same truck he wants. ♪ now, he can recognize a great price. truecar was so easy, chet was in and out and got right on back to the life he loves. before you buy a car or truck, see what others paid for it with truecar.
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>> does that mean you consider it a genuine emergency? >> well, i would say that that's probably a question for the department of homeland security who obviously oversees that. an influx of kids at the pace that will require us to, you know, make considerations about we're going to safely house them. >> laura: i think jen needs to spends time with the border patrol like we did. live their lives for a few hours. they don't have a firm grasp on anything including reality. internal documents show during the last week of february, border patrol referred an average of 321 migrant kids each day to hhs shelters, which assumes they're all going to be at maximum capacity and 94%. it's worse though than this. "the washington post" immigration reporter is tweeting that the number of families and
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minors arriving is expected to be the highest in over 20 years. the government will use hotels if it runs out of space. when is the last time you went to a hotel? if it wasn't that bad, get ready for this. my next guest says the biden administration is vastly undercoup -- undercounting the extend of this. stephen miller is here. we've talked about illegal immigration and what it's done for years and years. your sources are briefing you about the real situation on the ground today. what are you hearing? >> well, the administration has publicly admitted, which is rather shocking, that 100% of minors traveling alone, many teens, are being resettled and released all throughout the united states, all 50 states. what they're not telling you is that most family units are now
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also being released, too. that's why we're seeing 4,000 apprehensions a day. word has spread not just in central america, but throughout the world that if you come as a family or a minor, you'll be released. that's not been publicly disclosed. what they're saying publicly, we're still turning away family units. in reality, the majority are being released into the interior of the country. a lot of them are going to go into communities that don't have the hospital capacity or the healthcare resources to deal with them. that will mean during the pandemic, low income americans will be denied the healthcare resources that they need. really exacerbates a public health crisis in addition to a national security crisis. >> laura: well, the dhs secretary, mayorkas, is a radical. he's blaming the trump administration, big shock, for the situation unfolding at the border. >> we do not have the capacity
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now to address the asylum seekers' claims because that system was dismantled in its entirety by the prior administration. we have to address those implications for the benefit of the communities in the united states but for the migrants themselves. >> laura: stephen, this wouldn't be happening, right? if they had president rolled back the trump border policies. rolled out the red carpet for illegals. >> the comment from secretary mayorkas is an offense to human intelligence and reason. when we left office, the border was fully secure. if you came illegally, you were detained and you were safely returned home. that is the definition of border secure. if someone crosses illegally, border agents can apprehend them and safely returned. we had this system in place because we had deals with mexico, central america, we reforms our intake procedures,
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we had charter flights leaving every day to have a safe, secure, humane border. he and his fellow political appointees and dhs dismantled all of that. they dismantled most effective asylum sum and they lost this crisis. he needs to own up to it and disrespect the ice agents and border patrol. one other thing. while they're pretending to be compassionate, not only are their plans deeply injuring american families and american communities, they're destroying northern triangle. guatemala, honduras and el salvador cannot succeed with this mass exodus of young people is allowed to continue. they won't have a future. that's why he said those countries will have generations of poverty and misery. >> this is about exploiting the
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labor of these migrants. let me say that. this is honest. this so so a lot of rich people can have cheaper landscapes and nannies and whatever. that's what this is about. it's nothing humanitarian about it. it's so rich people can have cheap labor. >> those countries are suffering to make rich people richer. >> laura: meanwhile, we have 13 illegal immigrants die in this fiery crash because of human smuggling on the rise as well because of these policies. it's hideous. >> it's depraved. >> laura: it is. with migrant shelters filled to the brim, with these unaccompanied kids, the biden administration has been forced to do the unthinkable, reopen the holding facilities that that i ruthlessly attacked the trump administration for using. joining me now, tony gonzalez of texas. his district includes a 820 mile stretch of the u.s. mexico
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border, the most of any district in the united states. now, you're the only member of congress to have toured one of these unaccompanied child shelters. what did you see, congressman? >> thank you, laura. look, our southern border is on fire as many people have highlighted. the biden administration is cab september. there's nobody home. in my district, 800 miles of border. i'm on the border every single week. i was just at the calisto springs facility. it opened up and in three days it was at max capacity. i hear this story over and over again. up and down my border. we have a humanitarian crisis and there needs to be action. >> laura: congressman gonzalez, we have millions and millions of american kids who are not in school still because of this pandemic. now we're releasing people in to the united states, some of whom
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are covid positive in to communities as far as maryland and upstate new york, oregon and beyond. i thought covid was a problem, congressman? apparently not. >> it is. look, i believe in the american dream. my life is the american dream. i believe the american dream. it doesn't always start in america. we need to push legal immigration. what we're seeing now is a broken system with the biden administration. they don't want to tackle it. as you mentioned, we're fighting a pandemic. we're trying to fight to make sure our schools reopen along the border. they have the same issues, without power and water nearly a week. biden and his open border policies does not help. it make everybody dangerous. i'll share a quick story. a constituent of mine that loves in brewster county. she lived on the border for years. she's afraid to go feed her
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livestock every day without carrying a weapon for her safety. it shouldn't be that way. >> laura: american citizens are, you know, in the back seat right now. they're not driving the car. they're in the back seat. congressman, thank you so much. we want to have you back soon. i hope president biden reaches out to you for some real input. there's more questions at the white house briefing today about americans traveling to texas or mississippi than about biden releasing the covid illegals in the country. we have more on that next.
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>> laura: after a year of covid fear mongering from the press corps, you think they would be concerned that biden was letting infected migrants in the country. at the white house briefing, the reporters were more concerned about restricting the movement
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of you, the american people. >> is there a concern that as we see states like mississippi and texas take the actions that others follow suit? >> would you discourage americans from travelling to texas? >> talk to other republicans are flirting with the idea of opening prematurely? >> laura: while reporters fret over states i've willing, reopening, my next guest says this reveals the truth about the pandemic. alex, health officials seem to be lagging behind red state leaders that are rightfully reopening. what does that tell us? >> well, i think it tells you that, you know, the governor of texas and the governor of mississippi can read the polls and they see that desantis is leading, you know, or certainly
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high up in straw polls for 2024 as a republican candidate. they see he's getting more and more popular among republicans and they don't want to be left out. what is fascinating to me is not just texas and mississippi did this earlier this week but that connecticut today said although they didn't drop the mask mandate, the governor there, which is a democrat, dropped almost everything as of march 19. and i think that will put pressure on other northeastern states. what you're seeing is there's all of these metrics that these democratic governors said their states had to meet. that is all being thrown out the window right now. people know -- the governors are starting to see that people have had enough. >> laura: yeah, my home state of connecticut. if they actually moved to start reopening, then you know it's all coming undone for the lockdown crowd. phil, dr. fauci, he doesn't just
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move the goal posts, he makes them magically disappear. he did this tonight on cnn. >> i wouldn't want to see a light switch go on and off with regard to restrictions, jay. i would like to see as we get the level of virus in the community somewhere -- just pick a number. even though there's not a good model there yet. but i would say less than 10,000 and maybe even considerably less than that. >> laura: first of all, fewer than 10,000, not less than 10,000. that's just grammar. he just is throwing out random numbers. he said let's pick a number, 10,000. this is now beyond 79 -- "saturday night live." if they were good at it, they would hit fauci every week with biden and the rest. >> first of all, you have to be jealous. you get an hour. he's on tv all day long.
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he's like the media star of the universe. he will get his own channel. he's on there all the time. it's absurd. he has to know than to put out a number like 10,000 cases. false positives create a floor at 15,000 cases or so. he's literally setting an impossible number even if we were at zero covid, we would not meet the standard that he's setting. i think all of this, including attacks on texas and mississippi are just ant keeping the political time line that this administration has to celebrate their great 100-day victory and they don't like states getting ahead of them. they want the bill passed first, spend the $2 trillion and claim credit for it. they don't like the states moving too quickly. >> laura: it's all about getting that honey pot. they have to get to that honey pot. now, this was vanity fair's
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best -- let me read this. vanity fair, this is what was said in texas and mississippi reopening. that republican governor celebrates covid anniversary with bold plans to kill another 500,000 americans. here's what leaven wrote when georgia ended their lock down last april. frontrunner for country's dumbest governor. essential bowling alleys and natural salons open up. she thought no one would remember her last screw-up when she claimed that brian kemp was going to kill all of those people. >> yeah, you're hearing them rehash the same points that they made about georgia, they made about south dakota, they made about florida. it was going to be a national emergency when florida reopened last september. that has shown the way to other states paying attention whether you're open or closed, you're going to have the same number of
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cases so you might as well open and let people get on with their lives. i'm surprised because fauci is a political animal that he's taken this tact. i thought he would want to turn the corner. it's fallen to scott gottlieb, the ex-fba commissioner that is saying let's reopen, let's reopen. the day that fauci loses his political morings, it's interesting to see. >> laura: gottlieb is on the board of one of the pharmaceutical companies. they're all doing covid consulting on the side. making big coin. gentleman, thank you. with the anti-police bill the house passed overnight and the upcoming george floyd trial, my next guest says this summer could make last summer look like a walk in the park. he's here to explain next. ♪ and so are lost for good ♪
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(soft music) (announcer) this is chet. he loves monday through friday but lives for the weekend. ♪ he's put some miles on his truck
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and now, it's time for something new. so he came to truecar and saw what other people paid for the same truck he wants. ♪ now, he can recognize a great price. truecar was so easy, chet was in and out and got right on back to the life he loves. before you buy a car or truck, see what others paid for it with truecar.
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>> there's no defunding of the plus. >> we have witnessed the people that are swarmed to protect our communities abuse their power. >> we don't need good police, bad police. we need police if we're going to have police. i'll move on. >> laura: if we have police?
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wow. that argument was made in favor of the so-called george floyd justice and policing act. might be the most honest assessment of where the left wants to take policing. the new bill imposing hundreds of millions in cost on police departments, the equivalent of taking 3,000 of them off of the streets. the upcoming trial of the man accused of killing george floyd says you have a powder keg ready to flow. ed rollins is here with me. we're headed or the more riots this summer. why is that? >> what we're seeing is depolice and defunding. new york city alone, we have a 45% increase in homicides. you look across the nation, you know, chicago is another city that is totally out of control. when you look at the cities that they're calling for defunding
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the police, we're seeing a clear increase in crime. we have the trial of floyd coming up. as we have seen in past trials, always been protests. the nation is in turmoil right now. i think it's fair to say that we're heading back in to more riots and protests. new york city itself, that i have not stopped. >> laura: well, the city of minneapolis has spent more than $600,000 on barricades across the city ahead of chauvin's trial. $600,000 because they saw what happened on east lake street there last memorial day weekend when city block after city block, please precinct burned, wrecked, smolders for weeks and weeks afterwards. this is the new normal now? >> seems to be the new normal. we saw it happen in seattle and
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portland. we saw it again in minnesota. you know, new york city itself had riots throughout the summertime in to early fall. you know, we have taken a soft approach to what is being described as a peaceful protests when in fact they're violent, they're businesses being destroyed, looting is occurring, police officers are being assaulted on a regular basis. government is standing back. we had a inauguration where we had the national guard in washington d.c. for weeks but never deployed them for riots and protests. there's something out of balance here. americans need to wake up. >> laura: so you're saying it's more explosive trial than o.j. simpson, and that's because we just come to tolerate the violence, correct?
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put the razor wire up. >> the o.j. trial was a national trial. everybody paid attention to it. it was divisive when we look back in time. what we're watching now is an upcoming trial for the george floyd case. if we have a nation divided, it would be very difficult to not anticipate that, especially when we see minnesota spending $600,000 for barriers. i'm sure they're anticipating that also. >> laura: yeah. when you tolerate violence and destruction, night after night and you don't do anything, then you're going to get more of it. that is what is going to happen. thanks, ned. if you thought trump calling the media the enemy of the people went to far, the last bite might change your mind.
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novelty just the biden administration that has distain the press core does as well. >> why does not the president
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wrappet up his rhetoric and think about saying here is the deal. you don't wear masks people will die because of you that would get people's attention. >> texas a & m mask he has on? shocking. >> the about the labeling americans disagree as murderers. that would get attention. buddy. >> i do have a question you can ask tomorrow the "wall street journal" reported that andrew cuomo's top aids requested changes to a covid-19 report that resulted in the death toll the nursing homes significantly under counted. i know shannon the fox news at night team will take that store frehere. shannon? >> we are. thank you for ting us up we start with breaking news. new allegations the cuomo administration pushed new york state healing officials to


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