tv Hannity FOX News March 6, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PST
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but the right pad can. only always ultra thins have rapiddry technology and, they absorb 40% faster. the gush happens fast. that's why always absorbs faster. . . >> sean: welcome to hannity. cuomo is refusing to resign or admit to any misconduct whatsoever. this as we're now learning that top cuomo aides purposefully covered up and rewrote a nursing home report to hide from the new york legislature the true covid-19 death toll number in nursing homes, plus one of cuomo's three sexual misconduct accusers has now come forward in a brand-new interview with very disturbing allegations.
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take a look. >> how would you describe governor cuomo? >> he is a textbook abuser. he lets his temper and his anger rule the office. but he was very sweet to me for a year, and they hoped that maybe one day, when he came on to me, i would think we were friends, or that he was appropriate or that it was okay. >> sean: all of these allegations were communicated to a friend of the accuser in real-time, and the messages, they were saved. it's pretty damming. someone might want to tell the i believer caucus in the democratic party that one of their own is now facing serious allegations. maybe andrew cuomo can submit to a lie detector test like he once demanded of justice kavanaugh. we have a full report tonight. also tonight, a brand-new book says biden barely won by using the, yep, he's a crazy uncle, we
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need -- the authors of this book coming up and we'll review biden's biggest blunders of the week. it's now become, well, a tv show favorite. but first, we turn once again tonight to the crisis that is on our southern border. even though the dhs secretary and joe biden deny it. it's getting really, really bad. we have tent cities. we have covid outbreaks. we have owe flowing detention centers. we have dangerous cartels getting more powerful now by the day, but the binden administration wants you to believe there is no crisis whatsoever. however breaking, someone in the administration has now ordered a team of senior officials to the border to witness the crisis in person, and as we reported all week, emergency migrant shelters at the border are already operating at near full capacity as of tuesday, and this includes biden's tents, biden's tarps,
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then, of course, the tiny cargo shipping containers that they have, bars on the tiny windows, that's for kids but don't worry, they won't let you inside to see it but they promise us they put butterflies on the windows. according to a new report, the cdc is now allowing child migrant shelters to expand beyond 100% capacity, abandoning the requirement to stay near 50% because of covid. now this has tens of thousands of migrants, that are expected at the border now just weeks away. the dhs itself believes a record 117,000 unaccompanied minors will be coming here alone and will be intercepted. the biden administration is eyeing a site in the commonwealth of virginia just south of richmond at fort lee as a brand-new shelter for these unaccompanied minors, as a part of their plan to spread out illegal immigrants all across
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the continental u.s. and meanwhile, just south of california, a tent city filled with migrants has now grown to over 1,000 people. many of them are wearing biden campaign gear, holding up signs, please, biden, joe, let us in. in less than 50 days in office, the boarder patrol has totally been subordinated to illegal immigrants and deteriorated under biden's policies but is anybody surprised? biden promised to hand out amnesty to illegal immigrants. he's doing so. he vowed to increase asylum visas. he vowed to stop and end all border wall construction. he's done that. people got their pink slips. he's ordered border patrol to release illegal immigrants into american cities after they are processed, which, by the way, would be against the law that would be aiding and abetting, in what was a criminal activity, but who cares. he does everything by executive fiat.
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and here's white house spokesperson psaki saying these policies are here to say. >> have there been any policies about reversing the policy of allowing all illegal children into the united states? >> no, none at all. >> sean: as this becomes a bigger disaster they may want to circle back. open borders, catch and release, amnesty, all in the biden sanctuary states of america, all in the middle of a pandemic, and yet the biden administration bypassing laws of this land, abandoning the board patrol and opening the flood gates. now we have dangerous cartels getting rich through human trafficking. we saw that last weekend in california. drugs like, oh, you know, 90% of the heroin in this country, fentanyl, pouring across the border, not helping our opioid crisis and now a massive humanitarian crisis is looming for all of us but the biden administration won't even admit
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there is a problem. as president trump put it in a new statement, "the spiraling tsunami at the border is overwhelming local communities. it is depleting budgets, crowding hospitals, and taking jobs from legal american workers." when i left office, we had achieved the most secure border in our country's history. under biden, it will soon be worse. much worse, more out of control than ever before. president trump is right and this week our own sarah carter, she's been documenting all of this first hand. last night after our show, she went out and obtained this exclusive footage of at least one group of illegal immigrants, yes, attempting to enter this country illegally, not abiding by our laws, our borders, and our sovereignty. here with a full report on what she saw last night fox news contributor sarah carter. by the way, great work this week on the border. thank you. our cameras go off 10:00
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eastern. you go out with border patrol. tell us what you saw and we'll show it to our audience. >> it was really incredible, sean. we get out there, and i'm thinking it's a dark night, you know, weather is cool. so i'm expecting maybe possibly, we'll see some groups coming across. and then within five minutes, a large group came up the road. i mean, i could barely see them through the darkness, we were standing there until they were almost right on top of us with young children, adults, once again, this looked like, what they call family units, or people traveling with children can, and remember, sean, we don't know all the time that these children belong to these adults. many times, the border patrol has found children that actually have passed through the border three or four times before they realize, oh, gosh, this child is being sold and he's being used to post as part of a family unit so that way the family has more of an opportunity to stay in the united states. now what we're hearing, also, is
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that these units are coming across, all the various sectors. it wasn't only the section that i was at but across the entire 2,000, roughly 2,000-mile border with mexico, people are pouring across. late at night, one of the most interesting facets is that there are runners so people that aren't turning themselves into the border patrol, these are the smugglers, bad guys, people who just want to get away and don't want to be with border patrol so we had people circling up above us looking for runners going through the field and right where i was at, the border wall stopped. so there is a big gap in the border wall, and they go through that border wall, and there is actually a bar on the other side, and the owner of that bar says he finds migrants every morning inside the bar, sleeping inside, like his outside patio or in his rest room and he says it's so overwhelming that even border patrol can't handle it. >> sean: it's unbelievable. we still haven't gotten inside those cargo containers with the
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bars on the tiny window, we're told butterflies on the wall for kids, but yet they are now allowing 100% capacity of these centers where we're detaining people, which means that there is no biden about the need for social distancing and masks. >> absolutely, sean. the people that are coming across can, i'm talking to them, i speak spanish, a lot of them are telling me this is biden's policy. he wants us here. we have a hundred days to get here. that's what the people who are trafficking them are telling them, that's what the drug cartels are saying. they will flood one section of the board with 500 or 700 and then move their contraband through another area, because the border patrol's hand are tied behind their back.
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they are assisting these unaccompanied minors once they transfer into the united states. it's really heartbreaking and a really dangerous situation for everyone. >> sean: investigative reporter sarah carter reporting all week from the border. way ahead of the curve. the former acting director of america's immigration and customs, or ice, is claiming the biden administration -- tom, we're watching this unfold. i couldn't imagine if you were giving young kids, let's see, plastic tents and foiled blankets and cargo containing ships, with bars on the one window, what the reality of the media and democrats would be but that's happening. what are you hearing from the guys on the ground that know like sarah has been talking to? >> look, i started my career in
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the border patrol. a lot of ice officers are calling me. the morale is in the toilet. they feel betrayed by their own president. i don't care if you like president trump or don't like him but you can't deny the fact that he gave us the most secure border in my lifetime, and he's done more for border security for, sean, and i started with round -- ronald reagan. what did biden do? he came in and destroyed it piece by piece. the criminal cartel has control because joe biden gave it that control. >> sean: you call it a crisis in record time. biden denied it's a crisis but yet i would argue because of the real mounting pressures that are happening at the border, they will go down and have a look and see for themselves, but we already know the answer to that question. but yet, they are lying to us, aren't they?
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>> they are absolutely lying to us and they both know exactly what's going on. joe biden was vice president during the fy2015 surge. i met with them many times. we explained what's causing the surge and we explained how to stop it and we stopped it. how did we do it? e we built detention centers. we let ice remove people. we enforced the law. what are they doing now? i know you used the term detention centers. no, they are welcoming centers. the emails that were leaked tells ice to get them in as soon as possible and release them as soon as possible. de tense is out the window. the ice has been gutted. they have lost 90% of their authority. the law enforcement response has been zilch. it's all about sending out more enticements to bring more people in. they know how to fix it. >> sean: last question. joe biden's america, the united sanctuary states of america, ostensibly is that the policy, amnesty for all?
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>> absolutely. this country is now a sanctuary city country. it used to be sanctuary cities here and there. the united states is now a sanctuary nation. america comes last. illegal immigration comes first. >> sean: that's a powerful statement. good luck to the guys on the border. i hope they stay safe. joining us with more is house minority leader kevin mccarthy, who has just formally requested to meet with the president and the biden administration over this worsening crisis at the border. okay. you've heard from tom. we've been reporting and showing video all week, congressman, and i've got to tell you something, from what we're seeing and hearing and showing, it's the worst it's ever been. >> you're exactly correct. this biden administration cannot ignore what they ignited. a crisis at this border. weak policies from a weak administration. i've requested as the republican leader to sit down with the
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president, to talk about this crisis. they have to acknowledge what they created. it's simply within two months their actions creating a crisis on the border, which only harms the health of all americans. they are moving these individuals in. they are encouraging -- the dhs secretary has encouraged people to come. he says we're not saying not to come. just don't come right now. going against the actual law of america, but moving them into warmed of covid right now with no testing, putting them throughout this country, when our schools can't even open up. >> sean: you're making a great point and you see they are now allowing a hundred percent capacity that means it's impossible to have social distancing. we had 108 people now testing positive for covid. they are allowing, again, catch and release. okay. you catch them. you process them. they get a court date, we know from history, they are never going to show up on the court date. okay. so basically, then they will be
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part of the amnesty of joe biden which he's now promising, which is now serving as a magnet for people around the world to go through the perilous, dangerous journey with young kid, thinking that joe is giving them amnesty and citizenship. >> it doesn't matter the records that are being broken right now. could you only imagine the number of people who are going to be next month and the month after? the millions of people who will be down there? instead of being checked for asylum while you sit in another country even though you passed two other countries to get here joe biden has now said come on in. open the door. he stopped finishing the wall, so i've talked to many of my members, a constituent -- they have a fear of what the cartel is doing and others. this makes it unsafe not just for individuals who are being trafficked and you get the reports about the children but now we've got drugs moving
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across, we've got covid moving across, but we've got an administration, not only welcoming it, encit. your reporting is saying they have biden signs illegally and enter this country. >> sean: not one house republican went along with this $1.9 trillion, a bill that had only 9% of money allocated for emergency covid relief. so, it was one big lie. this was not about what they said it is. all right. then they are going to spend $2 trillion on the new green deal. you did your job. even got one democrat to join you, but we lost that vote. now the senate, because of reconciliation, it will pass in the senate but hr-1 should be stopped in the senate which would be a disaster for all future elections. are you confident that the senate can stop that? >> i believe, i talked to leader mcconnell just last night but you're right. the only bipartisan vote in the
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house on this nancy pelosi pay-off bill, bipartisan vote was no. and now they turn right around, wanting to change our election system. you know, they named the bill hr-1, the most important bill by the majority party, the democrats, and what does it do? it's not about covid. it's not about putting people back to work or back to school or back to health. it's about taking taxpayer money and paying for their campaign. so if aoc got $200, someone contributed to her, the taxpayer would have to give her $1,200. and then what they want to do is create a speech czar to tell us what we can say, to expand the cancel culture and they want to change the federal election commission that it wouldn't be an equal number of republicans and democrats, they want to weight it towards the democrats. they want to continue to keep themselves in power which, any illegal way they possibly k. that's why every viewer that watches this has got to join with us. go to
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we've got to stop hr-1. you know what's happening in the weeks to come? they are coming after our guns next. they can tell us what we can say and what we can't. it's just perpetuating every fear that we had if this socialist democratic party was able to gain the senate and the white house, and they are proving it. their socio-ist policies and agenda is wrong for this nation and in a short two months, the price of gasoline, iran is now sending missiles into iraq. china feels free to go in and push around our friends and neighbors based upon who is in the administration and we've still got 10 million people out work and they are sending more illegals into our country. >> sean: we need the senate to hold the line on hr-1. your house did it's job. you got a hundred percent. even liz cheney, there you go. all right. maybe not as much divisiveness as everyone claimed. house minority leader kevin mccarthy. when we return, one of governor
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back to hannity. >> sean: now more explosive developments tonight surrounding andrew cuomo's nursing home death cover-up and it's worse than we ever thought. major new details just ahead but first one of andrew cuomo's sexual harassment accusers sat down with cbs and laid out serious allegations against governor cuomo. take a look. >> so you think all this national attention may have
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emboldened him? >> absolutely. i think he felt like he was untouchable in a lot of ways so he goes -- you were raped. you were raped. you were raped and abused and assaulted. he asked if i had trouble enjoying being with someone because of my trauma. >> what were you thinking as he's asking you these questions? >> i thought he's trying to sleep with me. the governor is trying to sleep with me. >> and i'm deeply uncomfortable and i to get out of this room as soon as possible. >> sean: where are the calls for accountability from major establishment democrats? in other words, the i believer caucus? are they going to hold andrew cuomo to the same standards they held justice kavanaugh to? or is it going to continue to be
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mostly crickets from those, usually some of the loudest voices. we've yet to hear from kamala harris and she led the i believe her caucus in the u.s. senate against kavanaugh. the growing harassment allegations about one of the scandals now swirling around the new york governor. as a new investigation from the "wall street journal" and the "new york times" finds that top cuomo advisers influenced state health officials and pressured them to remove data from a report, it was actually in june but it was a july public report purposefully hiding and covering up the relevant life-saving information. in other words, rather than change the late march executive order, they looked at the 9,000 deaths that they found and instead of rectifying what was an obvious fix, they decided to cover it up purposefully. hide it. then they lashed out at nursing homes. they lashed out at anybody, and
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then, of course, when all others were lashed out at enough, then, of course, blamed donald trump, who was building the hospitals that remain empty, that could have taken these nursing home patients. this covered up report showed the covid nursing home deaths in the state exceeded numbers previously released by the administration in what's just the latest evidence of what's a massive cover-up scandal surrounding andrew cuomo and many of his cronies and his administration in albany. it could have been fixed in june. i guess he was too busy writing his book and preparing for his emmy and attacking donald trump. this goes beyond just hiding data. this now involves cuomo aides actively changing official information in an official health report to cover cuomo politically. l we're now looking at overwhelming evidence of potential criminalality. this appears to have been done to avoid not just scrutiny from the public, but to obstruct a
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possible federal investigation because as the journal also reported, the department of justice had begun seeking data from new york and other states last august, and remember, at the same time cuomo hid the nursing home data, he was writing his book an coronavirus response and it received such praise from the media mob. the time for transparency and accountability was long ago, and it's now time for the governor to be held accountable, stop deflecting, stop distracting, storm blaming, everyone but himself. here with reaction, fox news contributor joe and lisa, along with robin -- whose mother-in-law died of coronavirus while in the nursing home. robin, i can't even begin to understand completely the pain, not only of losing a loved one, but then realizing what's now happened here, and now learning
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that it's all been covered up. it's got to make it worse for you. i'll let you speak for yourself. >> thank you, sean. >> sean: that says it right there. >> it's really disgusting what's going on. it really is sad what's going on. it shows what's going on about cuomo's true character, that he's being held for sexual scandal as well but that should not take precedent to the 15,000 people that were lost in a nursing home. they were important, too. we care. i care. my family cares. 15,000 people cared. >> sean: when did she pass away? >> she passed away april 2, 2020. >> sean: wow. it's so sad. i'm very sorry for your loss and i know our audience is as well. lisa, you hear this, you react to this. you saw the interview with the woman making these allegations, backed up by partly real-time text messaging saved with a
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friend right after it happened. >> robin, i'm so, so sorry for your loss. sean, to your point, there is already more here than there was ever against brett kavanaugh. there was never any corroborating evidence or witnesses and the allegations that democrats made against brett kavanaugh, but it didn't matter to them because it was politically useful to use baseless allegations against him as a battering ram to try knock him off and to prevent him from being on the supreme court, but andrew cuomo is in trouble. and the reason why he's in trouble is because he's no longer politically useful to the left. he was useful during the election, to be used against donald trump, to try to hold him up as, you know, the leader on covid and the response, but now he's no longer politically useful because think of how long democrats in the mainstream media have been covering up for cuomo. the daily caller reported that cuomo's administration stopped
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reporting nursing home deaths back in may. i mean, this is something that everyone knew. we've known this is back in may. if they didn't do anything with it because they needed cuomo, now they don't, and we've already seen the knives from progressives in the state sharpening after what they have said has been years of bullying from the governor. now they are sharpening the knife looking to take him out and possibly put in a progressive in the governor's mansion. >> sean: joe, lisa touched on something that's very profound here. what's unusual here is that this effort against cuomo is being led by people that work for him. democrats. it's being led by democrats in albany. the liberal "new york times." which makes me think that there had to be some built up resentment, and finally the straw that broke the camel's back and people have just kind of had it with how they have been treated for all these years is that a good theory or no?
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>> it's a decent theory, sure, or maybe there was just overwhelming evidence from so many different angles in terms of the nursing homes and harassment. no question. i think we have to follow the money angle here as well. $783,000 was paid to andrew cuomo by harper collins in a book advancement deal. why is that significant? because when that deal was being negotiated at the same time, according to those reports that we referred to today in the "times" and journal, that's when aides were covering up the nursing home numbers so think about this. why would you want to every cup those nursing home numbers? because you probably don't get a lucrative book deal if it's revealed that you are by far the worst governor in terms of handling covid, particularly as it pertains to nursing homes. and then you see that cbs interview last night, with charlotte bennett, these aren't 40-year-old allegations, to your point that something had happened back in high school at a party that no one could corroborate. these are people that work for the governor, in the court of public opinion to lisa's point,
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he's losing big time. where he resign? the only way he goes, sean, is by impeachment. >> sean: i'm so sorry for your loss. i meant to offer my condolences. >> i'll give you the last word tonight, robin. what would you like to see happen here? >> i would like to see cuomo impeached. he has to go. 15,000 lives should not be lost, and he should not get away with this. this is murder. i'm sorry. this is not -- this is not right. >> sean: i'm sorry for your loss. obviously, no words can express. thank you for being with us. thank you, lisa booth and joe. coming up, it's been a disastrous start to the biden presidency as he continues to prove he's not up to the job. we'll show you the highlights. brand-new book out. this is a fascinating book i've been riding called "lucky. how joe biden barely upon the presidency."."."."."
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>> sean: tonight more eyebrow raising moments from the chronicles of no show joe bide and vice president harris. she held yet another one-on-one foreign call with a foreign leader without biden, the most recent one being israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. don't forget, harris also participated in the first bilateral meeting between candidate in the u.s., that's something that biden reportedly wasn't afforded when he was vice president, to barack obama. so i've asked the question, who is running the show? who are the decision makers? because quite frankly, based on what we see, i stand by my statement, joe biden compared to 2012, compared to 2016, he looks weak and frail, and, like he's
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struggling cognitively. these are legitimate questions. they asked him about reagan and john mccain. here's a sample of biden best or worst moments from recent weeks including an awkward remark about indian americans. take a look. >> the idea that over -- 500, i carry a card on me every day with the total number of folks who have been affected -- incredible talent. am i supposed to speak or is -- going to say something? i was told -- it's amazing, indian -- americans are taking over the country. you, my vice president, my speech writer, i tell you what -- >> the last thing we need is thinking -- everything finek take off your mask. >> i'm happy to take questions if that's what i'm supposed to do.
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whatever you want me to do. [ bleep ]. >> sean: imagine if donald trump was saying and doing things like that tonight we're also learning more about what went on behind the scenes during the biden campaign. a brand-new book is out. been reading it. it's pretty interesting called "lucky. how joe biden barely won the presidency," revealing new details about the biden's campaign, dumb uncle basement strategy -- here now to explain more are the authors of this new book, aimed to be a best seller, in my opinion. i don't think either one of you, i'm going to guess, probably agree with some of my opinions. that's fine. amy, let's start with you. what i found interesting is, i used to call it hiding in the basement bunker. and you're describing it, but do
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you think it was rooted -- you actually say it in the book, that he was hiding from his worst enemy in this campaign, which would have been himself. and the covid pandemic provided him a reasonable explanation as to why he wasn't going out. explain it, though in your words. >> yes. i mean, sean, this is the best thing. we quoted anita john, who said covid was the best thing that ever happened to him. a lot of people inside campaign were worried. they were honest with us after the fact and even during and said, you know, we're scared that he's going to make mistakes, that he's going to be gaffe-prone, and that was a discussion that they were having privately, and so, you know, they would go, i think they -- he would go in and remain at home, and you -- of course, that
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benefitted him, but this was also something that they admitted behind the scenes, was helpful to him. >> sean: and jonathan, look, i would hardly say you're a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy. >> i'm not part of any conspiracy. >> sean: neither am i. here's the question. anita dunn's controversial statement is, i believe, deeper than that. last night i showed biden on tape from 2016, 2012, and today, and i'll tell you that there are people in the media that disagree with me, that have privately told me every time he speaks they are like on pins and needles. democrats have similarly off the record told me the same thing. that they see that he's struggling cognitively and seems weak and frail. and other people, other sources of mine tell me the same thing. is that part of what you're explaining to people in this
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book? >> sean, i'm not a doctor. >> sean: neither am i. i'm asking for your observations, though, biden 2012, biden 2016, biden today. do you see a difference? >> to your point, and i'll put this in terms, out of deference to being on your program i'll put it in new york yankee terms, he doesn't have a fastball anymore. a little bit more like tommy john after the tommy john surgery. you see a guy that's setting a vision for his campaign and for his administration but i think also somebody who, you know, is also, you know, delegating a lot of the work. >> sean: and that would be ron mcclain and kamala harris. amy, same question. do you see it, and here's my bigger question, is it likely that the campaign knew pretty darn well that he didn't have the strength and stamina and mental alertness to campaign
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traditionally, and that, well, they were a little less than honest with the american people about what they really knew. is that a fair question or no? >> the problem was there was a lack of excitement about him and that's why you saw a lot of democrats -- >> sean: yes but i'm asking a deeper question than that. is it likely they see what i am describing and used that to cover that up? >> we have no evidence in this book to actually talk about that but what we do have, sean, there were -- he tried to get endorsements from people. he tried to get financial backing, even the former president, former president barack obama was scared, i think, to support him, and we have evidence of that in the book, that he had a meeting with biden's aide and invited them to his office, and wanted to find out more about the campaign because he didn't want him to embarrass himself and he didn't want the obama legacy to go down in flames. and so we had evidence of that,
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and, you know, it's interesting because he went from stacey abrams, which we report in the book to al sharpton to all of these other people to get their endorsements early on and it was problematic for him, and then during the campaign, you saw that there were people going behind michael bloomberg quickly, because they were worried hillary clinton, as we report in the book, was, she wanted to enter the race, she was having second thoughts, additional thoughts of entering the race twice, as late as 2019, because they all saw that this campaign wasn't going as planned. >> sean: i'm going to make a prediction. i'm going to predict your book is going to do very well to. be fair it's not particularly complimentary of donald trump either. but i think you are on to a bigger story here that i think you might be on the cutting edge of really bringing -- opening up to the country because i think there is a bigger story to be
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>> sean: as i've been saying, i'm not a doctor, i'm not going to play one on tv or radio, no medical diagnosis whatsoever, but is there something the democrats know about joe biden that aren't telling we, american people. we played you clips from biden four years ago, eight years ago, compared to today, and i think the author of the book is right,
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yes, he lost his fastball after the tommy john surgery and if he had a slow pitch, i would argue that he lost that. >> send me two letters saying, bit way, can you send me some stimulus money for companies here in the state of wisconsin? we sent millions of dollars. play the radio. make sure the television -- excuse me, you have the record player on at night. the phone. make sure the kids -- >> now they have got a new plan. trust me. it's not going to cost you anymore. folks. follow your instincts on this one. >> we hold these truths to be self-evident, all men created by -- you know the thing. >> they put one foot in front of the other. they keep going. that's the unbreakable spirit of the people of america. that's who we are. >> representatives, shirley jackson-lee, al green, sylvia
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garcia, liza pin nelly -- excuse me, pinell what am i doing here, i'm going to lose track here. >> sean: what aim doing here? by the way, it's not shirley, it's sheila jackson-lee, been in office a whopping 40 day, has not held a press conference can, although a press secretary general psaki said today we can expect one by the end of the month. steven miller and fox news contributor, jayson highway advice. you watch a lot of speeches, i watch bernie sanders, they are full of passion and energy and engaged, and there is no question, they are strong, they are forceful, they are mentally alert. they are on their game. it's not about age. it's about aging, i guess, and some differences. your take. >> well, it's customary at this
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point in the presidency to issue your first address to a joint session of congress. so the question has to be asked why is that it we're in march and joe biden hasn't done that yet? i think one of the reasons is actually deceptively simple. if you look at joe biden's campaign speeches he often read from a giant jumbotron, not the normal teleprompters that most politicians would use, two small panes of glass to the left and right. he would read off a giant screen, like the opening scroll on star wars coming down. i think they are trying to figure out how can we get a giant jumbotron into the well of congress? i think it's a stamina issue. if you look at his -- i think there are serious concerns about whether he could deliver an hour long state of the union without losing all of his energy about 20 minutes into it. >> i don't know. look, jason, the hardest job for
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donald trump, beyond what steven did and did you a great job the four years he was there, was being the teleprompter operator. it's actually the hardest job for people working on may show and i have the best teleprompter operator in the country but i don't exactly usually stay on script either. i'm constantly ad-libbing, i've been in radio 33 years. so i don't see joe has that strength or ability. thoughts? >> well with first, donald trump should have won an award for his openness, transparency and accessibility. you could hear directly what he was thinking all the time. they have been hiding joe biden for a long period of time. biden was notorious for talking on and on. when i was in congress and went to the white house i sat right next to him in a meeting where he talked for an hour and a half straight but i don't think he can string 12 sentences together and have the energy to actually take questions and go to the next topic. and that should scare a lot of
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people because we don't know who the puppet tears are. we know the chief of after the is exceptionally powerful, but so are behind the scenes people like susan rice and some of these other people, doing things with kamala harris that we never see or get exposed to, and i think the media need to do its job and the binden administration needs to come clean on who is running that place. >> sean: they asked the question of reagan, they asked the question of mccain, and it seems like, and they were originally criticizing me for daring to ask the question of joe biden. i think if it's fair for reagan and mccain it's fair for joe. will more people start to raise the question, do you think? >> it's the most important question in america right now, sean. congressman chaffitz just reeled off a few names. off a few names. who is running thehehehehe these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office
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2:00 am
>> sean: that's all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr and never miss an episode. we're always be independent. let in the your heart be troubled. laura ingraham up pursue on whd at getting back tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. in the stimulus message. for now, "the five." >> jesse: hello, everybody, i'm jesse watters along with juan williams, gillian turner, greg gutfeld and dagen mcdowell. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the consequences of rolling back common sense border policies are blowing up in joe biden's face. his incompetence is creating catastrophe like we've never seen before and a scathing indictment
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