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tv   FOX News Live  FOX News  March 7, 2021 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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wet. teddy. bears. get ya' wet teddy bears! one-hundred percent wet, guaranteed! or the next one is on me! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ eric: now more women are coming forward to accuse their governor andrew cuomo of misconduct, two former aides now joining the other accusers, saying cuomo harassed them and behaved inappropriately in private. the governor's office, though, calling one of those accusers, a, quote, known antagonist as governor cuomo digs n saying he will not resign his office. hello, welcome to fox news live. i'm eric shawn. hi, arthel. arthel: hello, i'm arthel neville. at least five women are accusing the governor of misconduct amid claims of male staffers who say
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mr. cuomo created a toxic work environment, the scandal putting pressure on fellow democrats, including fellow governors. >> i think these are serious allegations. and if accurate and true and -- i think we have to take action. but we also need to make sure that there is that thorough investigation, the attorney general is moving forward with that and that's something that i know that everyone who is waiting acknowledges that's an important piece to determine what accountability looks like. arthel: let's go to alex hogan, she is live in new york city and she has more. alex, i understand we're hearing a top democratic lawmaker calling on the governor specifically to resign. what more can you tell us about that? >> reporter: that's right, hi, eric and arthel. we know that andrea stuart cousins, she's taking a firm stance after the new allegations against governor andrew cuomo
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and she included this statement writing every day there is another account that is drawing away from the busy of government. -- business of government, we need to govern without daily distraction, for the good of the state, governor cuomo must resign. assembly speaker carl hasty is echoing that opinion. an hour earlier, governor quo addressed the accusation as well as calls from lawmakers to resign. >> i wasn't elected by politicians. i'm not going to resign because of allegations. >> reporter: fine women accuse the governor of harassment or inappropriate behavior, two male aides say he would berate them with expletives. former press aide karen hinton told the washington post that twice cuomo called her to his he hotel room and pulled her towards him until she left the room. cuomo denies this all together. >> what she said is not true. she has been a long-time political adversary of mine.
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highly critical for many, many years and has made many, many accusations. on the -- >> reporter: the new other accusation, another former aide, ana liss, telling the wall street journal that cuomo would ask if she had a boyfriend, call her sweetheart and once touched her lower back and kissed his hand. she said at first she saw it as harmless flirtations until she later saw them as patronizing. cuomo said he poses for hundreds of pictures. that's what people in politics do. the governor is facing a separate investigation into the administration's handling of nursing homes and some of the early policies during the pandemic. arthel, eric. arthel: alex hogan live in new york city. thanks, alex. eric. eric: arthel, meanwhile, the
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southern border resources there said to be stretched thin with a surge of migrants crossing over during president biden's first six weeks in office. new reports say 100,000 last month alone, the most since 2006. critics say the president's early immigration executive orders are encouraging migrants to make the trip. mark meredith live at the north lawn of the white house with what the biden administration is saying and planning to do. >> reporter: the republicans say the surge in border crossings is tied to president biden's cities to roll back trump era border policies. the white houseen cysts this is not a crisis and they're able to handle the situation more humanely than we've seen in years past. on saturday, 14 biden advisors including the homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas, led a delegation down to the border. we saw the president's domestic policy advisor susan rice and deputy national security advisor make the trip. the white house says that advisors met with local border
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officials to hold needs for -- to discuss needs for holding migrant families and received a report on border infrastructure. the white house says officials discussed ways to ensure the fair and humane treatment of immigrants, the safety of the workforce and well-being of communities nearby in the face of a global pandemic. the administration is not calling this a crisis. but republicans sure are. they want the administration to spend more time, money and resources to address the situation. >> this is a national security issue as well. you have trans national criminal organizations, drug cartels, human trafficking. this is just the tip of the iceberg at the border. >> reporter: some lawmakers say now would be the time for congress to look at immigration reform. no indication that that's going to be moving forward with the congress any time soon. it was interesting on friday, the white house was asked what they think about former
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president trump's criticism about border policy. they said they weren't looking for any advice from the former president. eric. eric: all right, mark at the white house. thanks so much. we'll have more on this during this hour about the influx at the border. reuters white house correspondent jeff mason whim join us on that. arthel. arthel: the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill is one step closer to becoming official. the senate approved it yesterday, a major victory for democrats. critics continue to point out what they call flaws in the plan. david spunt what has the latest. >> reporter: after more than 24 hours of intense debate, the senate bill will now go to the house before it is signed by president biden at the white house. let's go over some of the key take-aways from this $1.9 trillion bill. there's a significant amount of money for testing and vaccine development. also for states, local governments, territories and tribes, nutrition assistance,
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tax credits, housing aid and child care. several things removed from the bill at the request of republicans, the $15 minimum wage has been removed. also of, unemployment benefits have been reduced. fewer people will receive $1,400 direct payments under this covid relief package. some of the money doesn't even go to covid relief projects, not just for months but for years, republicans are upset that inmates currently incarcerated will get direct payments in certain instances. >> prisoners have all their living and medical expenses paid for by the taxpayer. inmates are not economically impacted by covid. and inmates cannot stimulate the economy. >> reporter: the senate did get rid of two pork projects that would have pumped millions into the bay area transit system in san francisco and there's no money for the construction of a bridge between upstate new york and canada. house democrats could only afford to lose a handful of votes and pass the bill. the reason two of them voted
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against the house version of the bill last week and there's every indication they plan to do the same this week. the president hoped to see bipartisanship with this package. he spent decades working across the aisle. in the end, no bipartisanship here. the white house is optimistic the word will come into play in the future. in washington, david spunt, fox news. eric: overseas now, pope francis is wrapping up the first ever papal visit to iraq. the holy father is in the country's north area where isis had overrun once vibrant cities that now in some cases lie in ruins. well, the pontiff ordered -- or offered supports to iraq's dwindling christian community and reiterated the message of peaceful co-exist tense. he was warmly greeted. trey yingst has more on this historic visit. >> reporter: good afternoon.
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some powerful images of pope francis today visiting iraqi areas once held by isis. the leader of the catholic church prayed among many parts of mosul. he called for tolerance between muslims and christians. outside of the church, the pope remembered victims killed by the islamic state as he released a dove. the church was set ablaze by terrorists in 2016. after spending around and hour in what's left of the church yard, he traveled to a small town in northern iraq where only half the population returned since the fall of isis. takes pope arrived bells rang out. he met with christian survivors urging them to rebuild the community. he wrapped up this four day tour of iraq in a kurdish city with a massive sunday mass attended by more than 10,000 people. attendees filled the stands at a third of capacity over
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coronavirus concerns. pope francis left them with this message. >> here in iraq, how many of your brothers and sisters, friends and fellow citizens feel the wounds of war and violence, wounds both visible and invisible. the temptation is to react to these and other painful experiences with human power, human will. instead, jesus shows us the way of god, the path that he took, the path on which he calls us to follow him. >> reporter: this was a trip filled with both health and security concerns amid continued instability in iraq during the coronavirus outbreak. despite this, pope francis was determined to make the trip and he says that iraq will always remain in his heart. eric. eric: yeah, i remember when outback daddy stood on the balcony claiming he would conquer rome? well, that did not happen. trey, thank you. arthel. arthel: well, republicans call it a crisis.
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the biden administration calls it a challenge. either way, the number of unaccompanied children crossing our southern border is on the rise. coming up, how the president has handled this situation so far and what he needs to do next. [♪♪] when you have diabetes, managing your blood sugar is crucial. try boost glucose control. the patented blend is clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. boost glucose control products contain high quality protein and key nutrients to support immune health. try boost. 1 in 2 kids is under hydrated. ♪ plant-powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love. and one gram of sugar. find creative roots in the kids' juice aisle.
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>> the border is breaking down as i speak. i just got back from the border. they're changing every policy of trump that worked. so we're going to be dealing with this as a nation out of control immigration. they're rolling back policies to allow the border to be overrun. the asylum claims are going to go through the roof. eric: that is south carolina senator lindsey graham, one of many republican lawmakers who are criticizing president biden for his immigration executive orders. one of the main challenges facing the administration is the surge of unaccompanied children who are crossing the border. last month alone, u.s. shelters received more than 7,000 migrant kids. this comes after one of the president's early executive orders halted the quick deportations of minors. reports say more than 100,000 migrants in all arrived at that --arrived at the border last
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month. what does the biden administration do to stay ahead of this and what does the white house plan. white house correspondent jeff mason joins us with the latest. the administration is confronted with a vaccine challenge, not new to us at all. so what do they plan and what is that challenge? >> it's not new indeed. add i think, eric, sort of look at the challenge from a couple different ways, both a logistical challenge and a political challenge. on a logistical level it's a challenge just finding beds and spaces for all of these kids and the white house, the administration recently announced that they're reopening a facility that had been shuttered in order to make room for overflow beds and it received criticism for that. that was one of the decision this made because of that increase in numbers. and from a political perspective, it's a challenge for the very reason that you've seen with that quote from senator graham. republicans including former
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president donald trump will no doubt use this as a rallying cry for his base in the midterm elections in 2022 and later in the 2024 presidential election and this white house has to know that. eric: the problem it seemed kind of vanished and receded with everything else going on in the last year and-a-half. and you mentioned the attacks on the biden administration. can you relate some of the policies that president biden rolled back, that president trump had, not just the wall but other areas and the critics say that these actions are a clarion call to migrants to come here. >> first of all, i think it's important to say that the white house had made clear from the podium, whether this message is heard or not is a different story, is that the policies that they're changing are not meant to be a call to migrants to cross the border. jen psaki, the spokeswoman for president biden said repeated by don't come now, basically we're
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not ready. but in the meantime, the president has rolled back some of those policies including which you mentioned i think in your intro, the trump era policy of sending unaccompanied minors straight back into their countries without waiting for further hearness the united states. -- hearings in the united states. the president of course also recently unveiled through members of congress, democratic members of congress, an immigration bill but that's going to take a while and there are men at this of aspects of that bill that make it at this point unlikely for it to be probably received passage. so there's a bunch. you mentioned the wall, eric. that was such a stalwart piece of president trump's policy, that's not something that this white house has been largely supportive of and that's just another aspect, not even specifically related this. republican and democratic administrations have faced this challenge with unaccompanied
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minors and with people coming across the border. it's just a different approach to it and as the pandemic perhaps starts moving in the direction of coming under control, that will also or appears to also be an instigation for some of these people to cross. eric: what type of pressure does the president face from the left flank, from the progressive part of his party to loosen all this up and how does he respondnd can he find a middle way? >> certainly from the last four years of the trump administration, one of the biggest things that progressives and democrats objected to was president trump's approach to immigration. president biden has sought to take the opposite approach, not only because he believes it which i think he surely does, but also because of that pressure that you are referring to and the difference in values and difference in take on this problem that progressives and
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democrats have. so to your question, yeah, he's going to continue taking pressure on that. he's facing pressure from advocates right now for having children in these facilities. but i would note that some advocates have said if it's a decision between putting them into these temporary facilities or sending them back to home countries, we'll take the facilities. that doesn't change the fact that it's a point of pressure for him and that it's something that he's not just going to face criticism from the right on, it's also from the left. eric: and finally, group of officials are going down to the border, will report back to the president in the oval office. what type of timeline do you think we have? when do you think we can get a report or they'll have some type of policy which they'll state on this even more than they already have. >> i wrote about that today. the white house released a statement earlier on sunday saying that that trip by biden's administration officials took place yesterday. they had not said last week when
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they announced that the trip was taking place when it would happen because of what they said were security and privacy issues but it happened yesterday. the secretary of homeland security led the trip along with other members of president biden's team including susan rice, his domestic policy advisor, and they studied the issue. they visited a couple facilities on the u.s./mexico border and no doubt will be briefing him in the coming days. eric: jeff mason who is on top of all the doings in the white house of, both the trump administration and now the biden administration, always good to see you. thank you. arthel. arthel: activists are marching virtually today to mark 56 years since bloody sunday, that is when hundreds of protesters marched in selma, alabama for the right to vote, only to be beaten and bloodied by troopers. this was the first and only march without john lewis.
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president biden saying mr. lewis' sacrifice lives zone the. >> the blood of john lewis and so many others that was spilled on this sunday in 1965 sanctified a noble struggle and when the country saw those images that night, america was forced to confront the denial of democracy, the furious urgency of justice. arthel: president biden buy marked the day by signing an executive order. moments ago he tweeted this, it its time we pass the john lewis voting rights act and ensure every eligible american can make their voice heard at the ballot box. eric. eric: some amazing history and a legacy from john lewis. meanwhile, more and more americans are getting their covid vaccinations but a lot of
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people are asking what can you do? can you go out to dinner, go to movies, see your friends, have a barbecue, lots of people over? well, turns out you shouldn't do some things. we'll take a look at what it means after you get your vaccine. not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ bike shop please hold. bike sales are booming. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your $75 credit when you post your first job at
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♪♪ arthel: now for a look at the top headlines this hour. a huge party getting out of control at the university of colorado boulder yesterday. police say some of the crowd assaulted three officers with rocks and bricks and caused heavy property damage. parents and children joined 100 demonstrators who burned masks outside idaho's capitol in boise yesterday, it was a statement they say against pandemic restrictions. there is no state-wide mask mandate in the state. but cities have continued to enforce safety precautions. this includes boise. this as the cdc says americans should continue to wear masks to
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protect themselves and others. and burma falling deeper into political crisis as police continue arresting hundreds of people protesting last month's military coup. now some of the country's major trade unions are calling for businesses to shut down and declare a strike tomorrow. eric: two of the nba's biggest stars, ben simmons and another player have been ruled out of tonight's game because of exposure to someone that tested positive for the coronavirus. we have more from atlanta. >> reporter: this is not the nba wanted to see. they say both of them came into contact with that person who tested positive for covid-19 prior to their travel to atlanta
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and they have not been in contact with any other players. obviously, keeping the virus at bay is one of the main reasons why the nba decided to proceed with this year's all-star game without fans in attendance. the league has also condensed the all-star game events into one day and while there are no nba sanctioned events this year, that is not stopping thousands of people from traveling to atlanta for all-star weekend parties. the clubs have been packe been s thousands of folks try to party with celebrities who were booked to appear at dozens of events this weekend. now the city is stepping up safety measures. the atlanta police department is ensuring maximum police presence and says officers will work with the county health department to make sure clubs and restaurants are following safety protocols. but some residents say they're concerned this could turn into a covid-19 disaster after all-star
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weekend is all said and done. >> i think it's crazy. people are not fully vaccinated yet and we've waited so long and been through so much, what's a few more months? >> reporter: and looking ahead to next year, nba commissioner adam silver says he's hopeful enough of the population could be vaccinated that the league will be able to welcome fans back to hugely popular events like the all-star game. take a listen. >> if vaccines continue on the pace they are and they continue to be as effective as they have been against the virus and its variants, we're hopeful that we'll have relatively full arenas next season as well. >> reporter: and eric, i've got to tell you, as a native of philadelphia, i'm pretty sad that they won't be playing in tonight's game but safety comes first in an environment like this.
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eric. eric: that is for sure, that is for sure. but meanwhile, before i let you go, tonight the all-star game matchup, team lebron or durant? who is going to win? >> reporter: we're going with team lebron. it's clear as day. eric: oh. all right. there's a 76er fan with team lebron. all right, charles. thank you. arthel. >> we are really sick and tired of this virus and there's a lot of good news coming. more vaccines, more people getting vaccines, more option ofs for vaccines and -- options for vaccines and good data that vaccinations are making a big difference. i would make a distinction between reopening the economy and lifting mask mandates. arthel: that is dr. freeden, urging americans to stay the course on wearing masks, as more people get vaccinated for the coronavirus. the cdc its finalizing new guidelines for americans to follow after they have gotten
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the shot. here to talk about it is dr. amesh adalja, senior scholar at the johns hopkins center for health security. so dr. adalja, let's see if we can preempt or preview some of the cdc guidelines. so once completely vaccinated, what can we do and who can we do it with? >> i expect the cdc guidance to be cautious and conservative. what i think to expect is that they're going to say that vaccinated people can socialize with other vaccinated people, have gatherings, have basically normal interaction. that's the first step. i think that you're unlikely to see them really change any of the guidance for mixing of unvaccinated and vaccinated people, although many of us in the field realize this vaccine not only prevents stum ma particular disease, -- symptomatic disease, also makes you less to be a carrier and less likely to spread the virus. it will take some time for the public health guidance to catch up, even though we're seeing great data from israel about the
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fact that these vaccines are he decreasing spread. so i do think what you'll see you is mostly guidance about not having to quarantine after you've been exposed and how to interact normally with other individuals that have been vaccinated. it will take some time for public health guidance to catch up with real world day day. arthel: in california they're opening theme parks on april 1st. when can we once again go to big indoor concerts? >> i think it's coming. what we're really looking at is getting enough people vaccinated that you don't have a super spreading event. as we get more of the vulnerable population vaccinated, those with high risk conditions, it will be easier to have a mass gathering. even if you get cases, they won't start transmission chains that will land on vulnerable people that put our hospitals into crisis. there's been a revolution in testing technology. you may see concerts be a place where people get mass tested and are allowed to enter into the
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concerts, just like sports events. that type of paradigm is going to happen first. i think to have a mass gathering like a rock concert without mitigation is probably going to be late summer, early fall with enough people vaccinated that this virus is completely tamed but we're getting there. arthel: will we have to start showing proof of vaccinations to go into a concert or get on a plane, a train or cruise ship? >> i do think some private businesses are going to try and have different regulations or different rules for those who are vaccinated. i think we'll need to have an increase in technology though because right now the vaccine cards you get are flimsy. eventually this is probably something that's on your phone. we're hearing about it in israel and the eu. it is something that can be done. it will allow people that are vaccinated to move about for free -- more freely. it will allow businesses to have more capacity when it comes to handling people, not having to test people who are vaccinated,
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not having to have people quarantined that are vaccinated. it will be temporary until we catch up with vaccinating the population. arthel: if i am fully vaccinated, can i travel? >> if you're fully vaccinated i think you can travel safely. i would follow public health guidance. you still need to wear a mask and be careful about washing your hands. i think you can travel much more safely if you're vaccinated than if you have not. arthel: even after getting vaccinated, what can't we do? >> to me, i think, again, this is something where public health guidance will take time to catch up with real world data, i tend to be risk tolerant. people that are fully vaccinated, waited two weeks, they can go back to ordinary life, especially if they're hanging around other vaccinated people. i think the risk of them contracting symptomatic illness is very low. i think the risk of them spreading the disease is very low. we're learning that the vaccines prevent transmission. i think you'll see this type of
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change happening. the cdc is like throw be very cautious and it's going to take time for their guidance to catch up with what we're learning from places like israel where we're seeing decreasing spread as well as decreasing symptomatic hospitalization and death. arthel: when will all americans who want the shots gotten it, when is the waiting game over. >> i think all people that want to be vaccinated of the eligible adult population will likely be early summer. president biden talked about may as a did line. i think that's -- dead line i think that's within the realm of possibility. there's logistical challenges of getting vaccines into people's arms. i think we're looking at summer when anybody that wants to get vaccinated can get vaccinated. arthel: are masks here to stay? >> masks will be around at least until mid to late summer, i would suspect. because we still don't have enough people vaccinated. we still have community level transmission. but i think they will fade away once we get late into summer, as
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we get closer to herd immunity. some people will continue to wear masks. we know they have benefits against respiratory viruses. you might see people in crowded people also on public transportation wearing masks in the years to come. not because they're forced to do so because because they choose do so because they've seen the benefits. arthel: a you always have so much great information for us, dr. amesh adalja, we appreciate you, senior scholar at the johns hopkins center for health security. thank you so much. eric. eric: that he does. what a difference a couple weeks can make from snow to sunshine. states in the middle and eastern parts of the country are enjoying milder temperatures this weekend. so does that mean spring is sprung? let g's to adam -- let's go to adam klotz with more on what we can expect. adam, the birds childrenning, are we almost there or not considerate? >> it's a huge change. folks in the middle of the country are beginning to see it. waiting for it if you live in
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the northeast, portions of the east coast. this is what it feels like right now, the wind chill, 37 degrees in new york city, interior new england, spots feel like the 20s. off to the west, that's much warmer air settling in across the country. this week is going to feel a lot different than we've seen in previous weeks. your current temperatures right now, the big pool of warm air piled up in the center of the country, that's going to be here not just on this sunday but really throughout the whole entire week ahead. and only getting warmer. these are our temperatures heading into monday through wednesday. seasonal averages would be closer to 20 to 30 degrees cooler than this. this does not mean it's the normal springtime temperatures. these are way above that. you see numbers close to 80 of, maybe 85 degrees in areas in kansas. so really a huge warmup is just around the corner for most of the country, not only that but you look at satellite and radar, boy is it almost crystal clear across the entire country.
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i'm not ignoring the pacific northwest. it continues to rain up there and see snow higher elevations but by and large it's a really nice forecast currently across the country. so here's the forecasted highs for this sunday. you're already basically seeing those. as far north as the dakotas up to 60 degrees right now, 70 degrees in kansas city. i showed you the temperatures over the next couple days. it's not just the southern plains. it stays warm from monday into tuesday. you see fairly widespread numbers there. in the 60s and 70s, all the way to the east coast. that continues into wednesday and then eventually into thursday. so some real warm air that we're going to be continuing to track here and these are above average temperatures, eric, but boy, it is a nice break after all the snow we saw back in february. eric: wow. that's a welcome change, adam. >> yes, it is. eric: thank you so much. arthel. arthel: prince harry and meghan markle set to sit down with oprah and reveal details about
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their split from the royal family. we're going to preview that, next. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ ever wonder why your we're made for. just washed laundry doesn't smell... just washed. that's because there's hidden sweat and body soils that cause odors on your clothes. but there's a solution for those secret stinks: gain flings laundry pacs!
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experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by jd power, two years in a row. arthel: prince harry and meghan markle expected to reveal details about their public split with the royal family in an interview with oprah airing tonight, christina coleman has details and she is live from los angeles, hi, christina. >> reporter: hi, arthel, in a teaser to the interview, meghan markle says the palace is perpetuating falsehoods about them and she will not remain silents and goes on to say this. >> if that comes with risk of losing things, i mean, there's a lot that's been lost already. >> reporter: now, this clearly marks a turning point in their effort to try and take control of how they're being portrayed. megan has been slammed by british tabloids since she started dating prince harry.
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they have never let up. harry tried to defend her. even he said the british press was destroying his mental health. after all, his mother did die from a car crash following a chase by the pop ray sigh -- paparazzi. many of megan's celebrity friends are standing up for her as she faces tabloid scrutiny ahead of today's interview. her former co-star, patrick adams, tweeted in part from day one she was an enthusiastic, kind, joyful and supportive member of the television family. she remained that person and colleague as fame, prestige and power increased. not all are rushing to her defense. britney frankel is not showing sympathy for her. she tweeted, quote, cry me a river. the plight of being a came show host, fairly unknown actress to suffering in a palace with tiaras and seven figure weddings
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for two years to being a household name with oprah on speed dial, fetching 7 million for interviews, hundreds of millions in media deals. so no holding back there from bethany frankel. but i'm fully expecting to hear a lot more from plenty of people all over social media, both before, during and after this interview. it's licensed to air in 68 countries, millions of people are expected to watch. arthel. arthel: i will be watching it when it happens. i've already set the dvr and, you know what, i'm on the princess' side. i can take a side. just saying. that's it for now. i'm not going to ask you, christina. we're not going to go there. i'll leave you off the hook. it's all good. >> reporter: thank you. arthel: you got it. eric? [laughter] eric: well, there is now you a congressional call for a new dig in the jimmy hoffa case. this after a series on fox nation, riddle, found what some
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say is potential evidence in the disappearance of the say iconic labor leader. the son of an owner of a former mob connected dump in jersey city said his father buried hoffa in a drum next to the dump after hoffa disappeared in detroit in 1975. we went to that dump area and you're seeing ground penetrating radar on that screen, we discovered what we were told were multiple pieces of buried curved metal like the metal from drums exactly where it is claimed hoffa's remains are still. lee zeldin says the next step is for the fbi and law enforcement to dig at that site to see exactly what we found. >> if there's any one in the fbi concerned about the hoffa file who has not yet watched your story on fox nation, they need to watch it and they need to find all the motivation inside of them to get down to this site
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and to check this one specific location which is located near where they looked a little over 45 years ago. they didn't actually check this site and the ground penetrating equipment that you went there with showed there's something underground that substantiates what you have been told and it could very well be where jimmy hoffa is found. eric: we hope that eventually authorities do do that. meanwhile, you can watch the latest episode, number four in our series, riddle, the search for james hoffa streaming on fox nation now.
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arthel: business owners in texas hoping to get back to some kind of normal now capacity stag wednesday. meanwhile, today texas reported 1,805 new coronavirus cases. so the pandemic persists. meanwhile, our next guest is among those looking to bounce back from the one, two punch of pandemic lockdowns and last
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month's crippling snowstorm. mary, will continue to ask your customers to wear a mask? >> yes, yes, we have to. we only have one staff in both restaurants that has been vaccinated. we're all still waiting to be called for the vaccine and we just feel it's just the right thing to do right now for us. you know, we have tight spaces. we are following the six foot even though the governor lifted that. we're going to continue with the masks as long as we can and hopefully people will -- customers will have mercy on us. we're doing the best we can for our families and our customers. arthel: i understand. because you have like you say that a locally owned restaurant often means a family run restaurant. so what if someone refuses to wear a mask and insists on coming into your restaurant? >> well, okay, so at one location we have two dining rooms. so we're going to put signs up on the door on one side of the building that if you refuse,
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we'll let you in, we'll sit you down in the dining room that will have separate from the folks that are wearing their masks. i mean, we've already gotten some beatdown on social media and it seems like we can't win. so we're just going to try of to do the best that we can. i respond as graciously as i can, like my sons work at the other restaurant. i work at one. and our employees, we don't want any customers or any of our own family members to get sick or anything like that. we're going to try to protect everybody. that's it. we need a little longer so we can all get the vaccination, that's all. arthel: would it have been easier if governor abbott had kept the mask mandate in place and maybe held back a little bit on opening businesses at 100 100%capacity. >> i think i can see what he was trying to help us financially by opening up or at least going to 100% but i think
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the mask was perhaps a little premature. i'm not sure. i went out to eat in a restaurant friday and sometimes you open a can of worms, right. i count at least 50 people walking in without a mask and the managers were scrambling to try and seat people and move people and that and it kind of puts you in a little bit of a predictment but we're all trying to make it and we're all just trying to make it and keep everybody as safe as possible. we're going to stick with the protocols that were set forth in the beginning and we're going to -- we're just going to stick with that for a little longer for ourselves and hopefully people will just -- arthel: i know what you're saying. we wish you the best. you're trying to make it out there and yet you're trying to stay safe at the same time. and you're also working with a 40 at the fork, which is a donation for other restaurants
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and owners trying to make it, if anyone wants to donate, you can go to fort worth food and wine festival dot-com. thank you for joining us. good luck to you. >> thank you very much. arthel: we're not going to go. we're leaving. eric: the enchiladas really got you. arthel: she has a margarita on the menu that i'm thinking about right now. all right, everybody. thank you so much for joining us. enjoy the rest of your sunday. eric: the big sunday show. next, thanks for watching fox news live. i may not be able to tell time, but i know what time it is. [whispering] it's grilled cheese o'clock.
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