tv FOX News Primetime FOX News March 9, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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the biden family home in wilmington, delaware. they have the minor engine read to an unfamiliar person and say the dogs will return soon. that is it for this special report, fair, balanced, and still unafraid, dogs are not,. >> how are you? >> good, sir. have a good job. >> good evening, welcome to fox news primetime. we've had presidencies with 45 different individuals holding that office parade grover cleveland you may remember was president twice, but not consecutively. if we were to do the math, something like 545 million people have lived in this country since we began as a country.
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45 have become president what d you think when you think of those 45 individuals we have called president? how many do you think did a goo job? what do we want in a leader? do we even expect the president to be a leader? do we want to present leaders who will tell us what we want t hear, do we want leaders who will tell us the truth, even if it's not what we want to hear? there is some consents and slightly like george, washington,. probably the same with john adams and i've always admired abraham lincoln in large part because everything come of the failures them of the self doubt he overcame it to lead us through the most divisive time in our country's history. lincoln, a government of the people, by the people, for the people. i liked ronald reagan because h was hopeful. he also lost he lost the nomination, he came back to become one of the more popular presidents we ever had. my grandmother spoke highly of
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franklin roosevelt. folks still mourn what could've been with john f. kennedy. what do we want and expect from our leaders? and if we can't name any presidents we like, admire, and respects, is that their fault, or is it our fault? in the course of my lifetime, only to presidents only two tha i can find. in during the course of my lifetime, i count five people elected president who are less than 50 percent of the popular vote. so with my math is correct, onl to people have been elected lifetime with more than 55 percent of the popular vote while five. i mean, there have been more impeachments and lamp my lifetime then landslide presidential winners. what would it take for us to
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find someone they are perhaps 7 around? what would it take to find a woman or a man who really created consensus in our country , a mandate if you will. i do wonder if the current stat of the media in our country would even allow that. the media seem to view their jo is taking down whoever was just elected. there is a difference between accountability and what we have now which as just creating and profiting from discord. if we are in exceptional country , shouldn't we have exceptional leaders? how many of our presidents woul you describe as exceptional leaders? which forces us to ask what do we want in a leader? what are we looking for? i want leaders who are educated formally, informally, and have thirst for more knowledge parad i want leaders who acknowledge something called the truth and pursue it relentlessly. i want leaders who are fair.
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leaders who bring others along with them. leaders who serve something bigger than their own ambition purred something and wise enoug to know the difference. i don't have the answers, i may not even know the right questions to ask, but if we are in exceptional people, we shoul have exceptional leaders. we have to identify those women and men, encourage them, be realistic about them. most of all, we have to demand it. and we deserve that we deserve them. joining me now, republican governor from the great state o south carolina, south dakota,. how are you doing? >> i'm doing great, how are you doing? >> i'm doing fantastic. let's talk for one second. it seems to be, we've known eac other since we came in together it seems to be the media treats
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republican governors like you and ronnie desantis different from gavin newsom and andrew cuomo and others. in my naïve in thinking that? >> air exactly right freight i like how you talked to our founders. we did have some exceptional presidents in our past. they lead our country three challenging times. i think what's happened recentl is that we've seen the media pick and choose who they want t criticize. this has certainly been a challenging time for all leader parade especially governors making decisions for their states or for their people. they have not told the truth when it comes to what has happened during covid 19 in eac of our states, what the facts really are, and the holistic approach that many of us took t make sure we were taking care o our people. >> you made the decision i believe it was back at the end of last summer that you were going to have schools open in south dakota. i think i have that right. i'm sure you were criticized at
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the time. now you look like a genius. meanwhile, there are kids that are still not going to school. there still doing virtual learning. what led you to make that decision against the decision. >> we consistently focused on what we knew about the virus, the science of it, the fact tha our kids needed to be in school to learn. when kids weren't in school, we they were only achieving about 70 percent of normal. in reading, only about 50 percent of normal and math. it was going to be detrimental to the long-term. the risk to the virus was much lower than it would be for olde people withhold conditions. evaluating all of that, free of. that is what shocked me the mos was how the media would use fea during the pandemic. they use ticket to control people in that is what ben has great disservice to the public. >> you mentioned leaders of the
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past for it i think if i have m geography correct, some of them are etched in stone in your own vehicle state of south dakota come up mount rushmore. when you think of leadership, the different between holding office in being a leader, what do you think of? >> i think a leader tells the truth, you spoke of that earlie in your monologue. they are in search of justice, and they know that ultimately the buck stops with them. they take input, they continued to be teachable in every situation. it's one of those things my parents taught me growing up wa to be a problem solver, but als i could learn something from every single person i had an encounter with company even if they were criticizing me very t it evaluates the information they gave me and use it to make my decision. those men are inched into mount rushmore are incredibly important to our history, and w saw a movement to tear them dow earlier this year, they needed to be protected. we solve monuments across this
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country threatened, our history threatened, in its one of the reasons i've continued to speak about our constitution. continued to speak about the founding of this country becaus i believe it is that foundation that has kept american special for so many years. >> give us an update on south dakota vote from a health standpoint and also from an economic standpoint, how are yo all doing? >> we are doing good. we have tragedy. i think everybody can look back on the last year with a lot of grief. we all know somebody we lost to the this virus that changed our lives forever. our infections are way down. we are on the downward slope of this. we are one of the top three states in the nation leading in vaccines. we also have the lowest unemployment rates in that nations. the least amount of jobs lost. the least amount of hours lost and wages lost. people are moving to south dakota in overwhelming numbers. our real estate market has gone crazy. we are seeing historic revenue
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coming into state government because the sales tax dollars o people doing well because they've been able to keep their businesses open and provide for their families and were moving businesses to south dakota in overwhelming numbers parade i could triple the size of my economic department and we couldn't answer the phone enough . for all the people that want to come here because they realize the government here respects their freedom. we don't have leaders that overstep their authority and a time of crisis. >> governor, i will let you go with this question. you are on the ballot in 2022 for reelection, do you think there is any chance that we may see you in south carolina after 2020 just on a friendly visit? >> i will come see you any day. you are one of my favorites. >> you are one of mine. thank you for the wonderful job you're doing in south dakota. of my best to your family.
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things for being with us. >> thank you. also here tonight, fox news senior political analyst, how are you? >> i'm wild. good to see you on our era. >> thank you. it's good to see you always. i'm biased, one of the more outstanding members of congress the eight years that i was ther with her, do you think she's running for president? >> i don't know, i can't tell, but she certainly gave you a clever answer to your question. >> it is a beautiful states. >> she handled that with some deafness i think. >> is it too early, we had john scott, is it too early for folk that may be looking at 2024? it seems like an eternity away, is it too soon to be actively
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pursuing it? >> the one presidential races are going in my recent lifetime is that they start awfully early . people have to get out and look for support and get people behind them. they have to raise money and do other things it does to mount a presidential campaign. people who are aspiring to the office are always thinking far ahead. i think we should consider that the people who may be in the field in 2024 are already thinking about what to do and are already quietly going about the business of doing there organizing and someone that you need too. i don't think it's too early to think about it at all. things change rapidly in politics for a 24 hours can be lifetime in politics, but 24 hours, things will change a lot. it's not too early to start thinking and looking at it. >> you are is senior political analyst for a reason, and i am former member of congress. the way i look at joe biden, he
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is torn between wanting to be a member of the senate and then being pulled by the progressives . how do you assess the first two months of his presidency. >> i think joe biden is temperamentally. he is an amiable chap they got around with the colleagues on the other side of the aisle, i think it's home had an intentio to be a bipartisan president, all through the campaign, when he was confronting with the challenge from his left, he did what the left wanted. on paper, based on his position he took during the campaign, he was no moderate. many thought that he would govern as president, so far he has not. this $1.9 trillion bill that just passed, which he sought, i among many other things a wish list of democratic party leftis ideas. not all of them can be included but those of many we're. and the other measures he's seeking are similar. there is a long way to go here,
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but he has certainly started ou as a moderate and it remained t be seen how well that is going to go. i have my doubts about it, but there it is. >> let me get your quick reaction. he had a senior moment. my grandmother used to call the roll before she would get to my name among her grandchildren. i've seen it before, you just can't find the name. he couldn't find the name of th secretary of defense. is that a big deal or just something that happens to all o us? >> i'm the same rates that he i and i have my share of senior moments and i'm somewhat sympathetic. but i don't think there's any h is senile. its mean showing the effects of age freight he is showing them. you can see it in the way he walks in what he says, and you can see in my view the fact tha he has yet to hold rearranging news conference. if i was his handlers, i would let him do it either. i don't think he's there anymore
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. he has good days and bad. but, i think he as very old, he is the oldest president so far think and it's going to cause him trouble i think. >> thank you, as always. >> thank you. >> esser, up next, what happene to the biden administration downplay of the suggestion of a crisis on our southern border. tonight, how the department of homeland security is now asking for volunteers at the border. senator john kennedy is here to help us sort this out next. hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. (vo) discover the exclusive, new miracle-earmini- a nearly invisible hearing aid from the brand leader in hearing aids with over 70 years of experience. (deborah) when i finally had miracle-ear and i could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything.
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finally admitting what we've known for weeks, the government is overwhelmed by the thousands of migrants at our southern border. border patrol has announced thi week as staggering number of apprehensions for the month of february come up more than 100,000. fats up almost 30 percent from january. it's gotten so bad, dhs secretary is now begging employee has very va e-mail to help volunteer and quote provid needed humanitarian support along southwest border and relief for our cdp colleagues. that call for backup is a far cry from the administration's long-held stance that there is no immigration crisis. >> the men and women of the department department of homeland security are working around-the-clock seven days a week to ensure that we do not have a crisis at the border.
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>> at this point is this a crisis at the border? >> i don't think we need to put labels on what we have conveyed is challenging. >> joining me now, republican senator from louisiana to john kennedy. senator, how are you? >> what in the heck is going on at the southern border? it seems for pretty predictable. >> in my judgment, this is a prime example of why so many americans think there is no intelligent life in washington. one need, but not to be clairvoyant to have seen this coming. what did president biden think was going to happen? what did my democratic think wa going to happen. for four years, they thought th trump administration, like a bunch of myrmidons in its effor to secure the border, president
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biden's and his democratic colleagues montreux was your al a bunch of racist, enforcing immigration laws is racist, bedding people at the border is racist. i can tell you what the message to the world was, from presiden biden and the democratic party commit we believe in open borders freight that certainly the message people of central america heard, that's what the coyotes and the drug dealers heard to. and so here they are. in there going to keep coming. and they're not going to stop. and president biden has a decision to make. he's either going to enforce america's immigration laws, and devote the resources to do so, or he isn't. now, if he listens to the american people, i think i know what they would tell him. the american people are not
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anti- immigrant, i'm certainly not. the american people support legal immigration. i certainly do. america invites over a million of our worlds neighbors every year legally to become american citizens. i support that, and i'm flattered by it. as i've said before, when is last time you heard of somebody trying to sneak into china othe than from north korea. people want to come here and. but that is legal immigration. american people also believe that illegal immigration is illegal. and they don't think that venting people at the border is racist, they think it's prudent. president biden has a decision to make and we do have a crisis. it's not a challenge, it's not problem, it's not a bump in the road, it is a full-blown crisis that he can solve if a, he is
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willing to follow the rule of law and enforce america's immigration laws and he's willing to develop the resource to do so. i can tell you congress will commit those resources if he's willing. >> senator, i'm one of those nerds that actually watched the merritt garlin confirmation on the judiciary committee, i thought it was very civil. a little bit of time left, it seemed like the path may be a little rockier for some of the other senior doj officials not named judge garland, is that fair? >> esp rate and let me tell you what i notice. i don't want just talk specifically about one nomination. but there seemed to be to main characteristics to serve and president biden's cabinet. if got to worship on the altar of climate change. the people that he is nominated don't see climate change is a
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discrete scientific problem. they see it as a religion. and number two, it appears at least most, if not all of his nominees are obsessed with race and gender and sexuality. and i think many of them think america is wicked. it was wicked in its origins, it's more wicked today that mos americans are racist, most americans are misogynistic, and most americans are homophobic, and that's not the america that i live in. i'm afraid that where this is going to lead, i hope i'm wrong it is quotas, which is are illegal, unconstitutional, and will make mockery of the american dream. >> i cannot thank you enough fo joining us. we will be watching.
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a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. >> on may 25th of last year, george floyd died face down wit the knees to the back of the net . it was a need law enforcement, went women and men sworn to protect and defend. it wasn't the only power comes from us the power to arrest you detained has search, disease, those powers come from us. they are our powers commit that we delegate to the women and me of law enforcement and we shoul always care about how those powers are used. we give law enforcement
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officials incredible power for the rest of us don't have and w should have high expectations for how those powers are used. the same laws since officers an deputies. one former officer was charged with murder in the second degree . in the other former officers have in charged with aiding and abetting. the trials begin with jury selection. and that they don't pick juries in criminal justice system. the they are questioned to detail about what they know and what they believed and whether they could be fair and certain women and men will be excused because they can't be fair or because they've already made up their minds. what you're left with is a grou of women and men who both sides agree are qualified and from that group, 12 are selected. our justice system is unlike an
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other system in our country. in politics or religion or culture, you are welcome to you opinion you're welcome to what ever you think or feel or believe. our justice system is not roote in what people feel, believe, o think, it is rooted in facts an evidence, and what is proven, and proving things is hard. i used to tell investigators al the time, don't tell me what yo think or feel, or even what you believe, tell me what can be proven by competent product credible evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. i have the most vivid memories of jury selection, of women and men during this whole searching within themselves trying to determine whether they can be fair, that is a currency of our justice system. fairness. they have to be an in animus, the evidence has to be persuasive beyond a reasonable doubt.
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it is one of the most fascinating aspects of our culture. the government charges people, the government per chart, sometimes even the government provides a defense attorney and the government employs the judge . it is us who actually decide whether the government has done its job are not. if you like government by the people of the people, and for the people, you should love jur trials. there was good i handle my desk as a prosecutor, let justice be done, think about that, let justice be done though the heavens fall, the justice syste is different, that ends does no justify the means. the rules do not change in the
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middle of the game. the ground is level, the lady who presides is blindfolded. cops who once charged other people with murder can themselves be charged with murder. our justice surfeit is not perfect. the courage to set aside what they feel and focus on what is actually proven, and then, then let justice be done. here now, george washington law professor and fox news. >> what should i be watching fo jury selection and on jury trial ? somebody who studies the law like you might be watching?
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>> you covered much of it. i come to this with the opposit history as a long-standing criminal defense attorney. clear all familiar with the process. one of the first, of most concern is to eliminate racial bias in a case of this kind, bu there's also anti- police bias, that will also be explored by the defense. there's also that bias that comes from coverage. this is a saturated media environment, and there will be concern that people have alread made up their mind once we are through that, and we get throug the trial itself, one thing tha does concern me as we've seen the pattern before where you have incomplete coverage of the issues in the trial, there is a very culpable reluctance to tal about parts of the trial that might be to the advantage of th defense, and what happens is that the public is made aware o those issues and acquittal can
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resolve and violence. it can recall salt and rage because nobody really informed the public that these are more difficult cases than they appear . this is a difficult case. there are aspects that the defendants are going to highlight. the psychologist noting that yo had 11 nanograms term millimete empty terms of his blood work. that it's almost four times the level of what is considered lethal in terms of fenton on. there are medical conditions that might have had an impact. with this terrible loss of life the prosecutors will have the most powerful piece of evidence which is this horrific film. nobody can watch the film and not feel anger and discuss.
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that is going to be a huge impact for the defense to be able to get to these other narratives. part of the problem for the defendant is that in the middle of that horrific scene, the officer says maybe we should move them. he was concerned that floyd was having a crisis and that was overruled. that's going to be a significan issue for the trial as well. >> professor, you have a unique perspective and i enjoy hearing your perspective. i hope you will come on as the trial unfolds. thank you for being with us, professor. coming up, move over andrew
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cuomo. he's also invest under investigation tonight. how there could soon be some significant related charges. that as next. to meet the world's needs while creating a cleaner future for all. at chevron, we're lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations, investing in lower-carbon technologies, and exploring renewable fuels of the future. we work hard to care for the homes we love. but it's only human... to protect the one we share. we made usaa insurance
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>> we might be looking at another covid cover-up. this time in michigan under administered investigation for nursing home death at the outse of the pandemic. now, when prosecutor says she could end up facing charges. the michigan attorney general investigation fatalities in michigan nursing homes, but so far says there is not proper basis to open a criminal investigation. if we find there has been reckless endangerment of a person's life by bringing them in commit then we would move forward with charges against th governor. when they say bringing them in, he means did the governor met
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witmer and the state's force covid positive patients back into nursing homes, but we zito says because of strict laws tha shield patient healthcare information, he's another to gather critical evidence so he' now asking people who lost love ones gather all investigation surrounding their death, take i to local police and open a wrongful death report. he will then instruct police on how to verify the information and bring it to him. the governor's office says the comments are shameful political attacks based in neither fact nor reality. witmer also says she has released an incredible amount o data on nursing home patients, but one michigan state gop lawmakers is not true. we have before the oversight committee they refused to, we'v asked them to share with us the data with the nursing home data
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they refuse that. >> state republican lawmakers will hold hearings on why a former health department director was given $150,000 confidential separation agreement. they want to know if it might b some type of hush money. >> thank you. cancel culture and what it really means is next. ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs.
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appropriate for us for up to figure out what that phrase, cancel culture means. is it new or is it something that's been around for a long time and we just renamed it? who gets to decide who or what is canceled? it was the summer before i started the ninth grade when th movie grease came out. olivia newton john and john travolta, so my mom decided she would take my three sisters and me to see the movie and we made it about 30 minutes into the movie when my mom leaned over and said we're leaving, get you sisters. we're leaving. leaving? you got to be kidding me. olivia newton john has not put on her black lover outfit yet, you can't be serious but my mom was serious, she was very serious. my entire school was in that movie theater that day. it was so embarrassing i'm barely able to talk about it today. my mom grabbed me, her four children and walked me out. my mom canceled the rest of tha movie for me. she was not the only parent i had that engaged in cultural cancellation. we could not watch happy days, we could not watch gilligan's island or sesame street, so you
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can forget about dallas or dynasty or flamingo road. was that the cancel culture, or was that my parents deciding they wanted to control what their children were exposed to? once i got married, i came to the for my parents rules on tv, they were nothing compared to m wife's rules, she could hear a bad word through three walls an a mute button. and i had to check into a hotel to watch true detective. game of thrones she still wasn' doesn't know i watch that. i guess now she does. is that the cancel culture? i think it's a lady wanting deville her mind and spirit wit good things, positive things freight if you don't like something on tv, or entertainment, you have that right not to watch it. the question is do you have the right to make sure no one else can watch it either? or hear it, or see it, or read it? i think what frustrates many of
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us is the inconsistency with these societal roles. professional golfer loses a sponsorship for the word he uttered to himself but if you flip the station to another sho or movie, you will hear people mock religion, you will hear god 's name taken in vain, you will hear words that will get your tongue cut out at my mothers house, and there is no consequence. you take jesus name in vain, nothing happens. if you utter another word, you lose your job. i think want what people want i a sense of fairness and consistency. that relates to congress and government it doesn't relate to how we interact with each other. we can set those rules too, but they must be fair and they must be evenly applied. freedom is hard sometimes. your freedoms may offend me, an vice versa. freedom works best, i think,
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when it is tempered with grace, understanding people make mistakes, with applying the sam rules to your own words that yo apply to other people's words. our framers protected certain freedoms for us, but they were also very concerned with the right of those in the minority, but they were concerned the majority would silence or counsel the minority. freedom, grace, education, understanding, i think we could all benefit from the proper balance of those ideals. how we treat the minority matters. because they may not be in the minority forever. most of all, i hope we can appl the same standard of fairness t others that we want applied to us.
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joining me now, for most congresswoman from the great state of hawaii, tulsa gabbard. >> it's good to talk to you as always. >> likewise. i used to turn to you when we were serving together for guidance. tell me what they cancel cultur is and why we should be concerned with it? could get you rightly started this conversation talking about freedom when you look at the foundation of our democracy, it is based on this ideal, this principle of freedom of speech, freedom for every single one of us to be able to share our idea and debate them, to argue them, to agree or to disagree, to pic and choose in this marketplace of ideas, those we deem to be right or wrong, to be superior or inferior into even for those ideas that may be misleading or dangerous, that in this free marketplace, we have a right to defeat those ideas with superio ones. and others have the reit the freedom to choose what they wan to believe or what they not
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believe or what if they want to adhere to. when you look at this question, what is it? is the opposite of this. it's the opposite of this foundational principle of our democracy. it means that in the cancel culture, you have some people who believe they are special, that they are superior, that they have the power to be able to shutdown those who have idea and views that are different. you may follow a path that they deem to be the wrong path and they will say we're going to place obstacles in front of you. the only that those agree with us in the path. the issue with this, there is a few issues. the main issues with this is when you look at our rights and freedoms, and our ability to debate them, and respectfully came out the other end agreeing or disagreeing as i have over the years, it is based on the fact that we are all children o
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god. and recognizing that. we then treat each other with respect and respect this freedo that we have. let's look down the path and sa where does this cancel culture of the dust? you see the final expression of cancel culture in islamist terrorist groups like isis and al qaeda who basically go and behead those that are they deem to be infidels or heretics in order to silence them, in order to protect others from being misled by those heretical ideas and in the ideals of and so whe we look at cancel culture here at home, we see those efforts t cancel or silence those that they don't want the people to hear from. those that may offer a differen idea than the those that empowe
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want them to see or two here or to be exposed to. this is when we look at the foundation of our democracy, this is the danger of where thi path leads us. what can we do. we get asked this a lot. what can we do to stand up against this cancel culture. this fear mongering that if you don't the those in power say is the right one that you're at risk of losing your job. you're at risk of losing family or friends and being unpopular, losing likes on social media, this requires us to ask a question of ourselves, who are we trying to please? this is something for me at a young age that i recognize that life is short. death can come at any time and was happiest with when i was trying to leave life and being
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pleasing to god, two my best friend. when i've gone to this life, th politics are coming at me, i've always found that peace and tha strength in going with him and knowing. >> you're not afraid of nothing. >>tucker: welcome to tark or carlson tonight. i'll be honest with you. we didn't plan to talk about th british royal family tonight. that interview with oprah is anywhere in the news today. everywhere else is going wall-to-wall with a further national tendrils of no self-respect so they love the royals. the idea of bringing you the details of some dispute within decayed monarchy, looks a littl bit like european history class freight it's not like prince whatever his name is and his angry wife from los angeles are compelling. eno exactly who they are brady' week and a happy she's been a plge
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