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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 11, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. laura ingraham, i'm dying to hear what you think of the speech. >> laura: well, i think it was supposed to be inspiring. it seemed a tad like a funeral for america, however. so that's my quick take, t but e are loaded up tonight, hannity. i love live in. >> sean: your loaded up. spilling it on his loafers! >> laura: he is like all right, that's all i have time.ty i love him. >> sean: that's at, i'm done. >> laura: all right, we've got to roll, hannity, great show. >> sean: go ahead. >> laura: we will see you tomorrow. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. we do have a lot to get to so we are going to dive right in. the real secret service. that's the focus of tonight's angle.on
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now, donald trump famously called the press the enemy of the people and there's no doubt the media treated him like an enemy from the moment he came down that: escalator. the relentless hit jobs and smears were both political and epersonal. one day they would call him a racist, the next day they would call him a traitor. and by implication, the americans who supported his agenda, well, they were despicable too. of course, this stands in stark contrast to their fawningsp over joe biden. he's not treated as a subject to cover as much as one to cover for period day in and day out, their goal is to promote, protect, and defend him no matter what. now, if there was a political wing of the secret service, they'd be at. he signs almost $1.9 trillion bill filled with bailouts and pork for covid relief and they cover him like they're on the red carpet at the
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academy awards. >> it is arehe markable for president biden to be signing such a sweeping piece of legislation just seven weeks after taking office. >> this is probably fdr-level type of reform that he's giving. >> it is big, is popular, and it is superfast. >> this is a big deal. >>hi laura: what are you wearing? when biden dismantled trump a posthumous border enforcement policies, like why didn't cnn and msnbc report the warnings from board of state governors about the impending humanitarian and health crisis? d well, when trump was dealing with his migrant influx in 2018, the 24/7 narrative was what? kids in cages. but now that biden has more than 3200 miners being kept in holding cells that are meant for adults, we hear a completely different tone. >> how is the biden administration handling this differently than the trump administration?
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>> well, the key thing here again comes back to taking inti these children versus turning them away. the biden administration has pointed to a change in policy because they are not turning children away at the borders. >> it is a historically very difficult thing, which is whyy everybody talks about immigration reform.ry >> laura: they almost seemed giddy about the kids being in the holding cells. and when biden of course bomb syria, although some democrats weren't pleased, the press basically nodded along, no questions asked. no flashback video and when biden slammed trump for needless air strikes. >> i don't see any evidence so far that mr. trump has any plan for how to handle what comes next. does anyone have confidence that president donald trump has a way to see through this chaos that's now in motion? >> laura: he said we don't want to get bogged down in the middle east and president trump
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hits all remaining. when cabinet officials are interviewed, it's kind of more like old home week. no serious probing, just gently teeing up topics. >> what are you hearing in terms of extremism in the ranks? >> greatat initiative. they're all doing great work. having some really in-depth conversations with their troops. >> what's the biggest where the transportation has been permanently changed by the pandemic? >> we think planes, trains, and automobiles but what about bikes, scooters and wheelchairs for that matter? >> what areti you doing to addrs the issue of white nationalism and how concerned are you about the threat of -- from some of these groups leading into this impeachment trial? >> it's been plain for all americans on their television sets just how serious a problem we face from nationalist and white supreme assists. >> laura: you see how they are framing the issues for the administration? it's perfect, it's symbiotic. so who needs jen psaki at all?
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just let the white house press corps do all the briefings. the media, they don't even try toto pretend anymore. they don't care about facts or accuracy or even grounding a thr coverage in reality. they are solely dedicated now to propping up biden. now, tonight, president biden dangled the magical possibility of returning to something kind of sort of approaching normal, but not really, on july 4th. >> if we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by july the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families, and friends, will be able to get together inn your backyard. that doesn't mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups. >> laura: get a little bit of freedom back. well, what were the journalists saying? their reaction to the pseudoscience? >> i think it was very moving. i thought it was really
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important when he talked about that july 4th goal. >> he is the guy we need right now. >> july 4th, you know, he put that on the calendar as well. >> people are going to be looking at their calendars now with some hope. >> if we all do our part by theh fourth of july we might be able to celebrate independence day together, which would be incredible. >> laura: i don't even know that last person was with the mask. how is that based in any science? now, i seem to remember a different reaction from the press corps who were crucifying trump for pegging reopening to a holiday last spring. >> president trump ocean country to get up and running by easter, but top medical experts are warning is much, much too soon. >> we are going to have everything lifted by easter. >> no. >> the president saying about the whole world to be opened up by easter and think about what bill gates just said. you do that too early and you're going to be ignoring all the bodies in the corner.
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>> laura: oh, my gosh! i hadn't seen that until just now. now, of course the truth is the press was acting like the commerce department for the dnc last spring. but we all know this, trump made his own decisions and they didn't like that or the factfo that he called the media out as rank partisans but of course they are rank partisans, they didn't like to be identified that way. for biden, biden's remarks tonight were a little bit overar 20 minutes or so, is that right? president trump routinely spoke for quadruple that, often going off script whenever he felt like it because he was confident in his own views. when he wanted to that authenticity, that connection with the american people beyond the written page. trump's press conferences were combative and often long and people at cnn -- people like cnn's jim acosta were arrogant and rude, always performing for the cameras.mb >> mr. present, if i may ask one of the question, are you wherear --
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>> that's enough. that's enough. >> ask one of the other folks -- pardon me ma'am. >> excuse me, that's enough. >> if i may ask on the russian investigation, are you concerned? >> i tell you what, cnn should be ashamed of yourself having you working for them. >> laura: but tonight, 50 days into this administration, biden has not held a single press conference in the media, they've barely said a word in complaint. again, the secret service's job is to surround, not confound him. instead, his media agents are finding ways to justify his absence like this drivel from "the washington post" today. "biden will at some point have to speak with reporters, but there is one obvious reason biden hasn't rushed to do so. biden promised to" be a presidet whom america wasn't constantly having to think about. he has delivered that." on my. what an accomplishment. in the seven weeks he's been in
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office, biden has done nothing that actually improves the lives of the american people. he's actually done the opposite. he's hurt american workers and businesses. it literally one of his first executive actions was to cancel the keystone pipeline. that put thousands out of work. he called for the lockdowns out to be lifted. has he done that? no he has not. he cares more about fauci keeping his job and all the restaurant workers in the b united states getting theirs back. on schools, he's done worse than nothing. he's putting up more roadblocks to reopening with his income principal cdc guidelines and pandering nonstop to the teachers unions. and is p m in administration is actively trying to cover up the nightmare unfolding at our southern border, one that his policies and rhetoric exacerbated and actually created. now, despite all this, biden's approval rating stands at 53.2% according to a new poll.ea
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well, we know why. it's because he has the media establishment that is willing to sacrifice its own integrity and trust to again elevate a presidency that's clearly failing to do what's best for the american people and like good, faithful bodyguards, they'll put up with any abuse biden and his team throw at them. >> [indiscernible]. >> laura: the abuse of dismissal. i want to be clear about something. the real secret service is filled with men and women of great distinction and integrity. their motto is "worthy of trust and confidence."is but given the media's blatant efforts to shield biden from any serious scrutiny and spin all his policies as groundbreaking,
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they are neither worthy of our trust or our confidence. and that's the angle. joining me now are mollie hemingway, senior editor at "the federalist" and kim strassel, wall street editorial member. molly, the media loved obama. we know that, but they never had to work so hard to prop him up. he was politically very talented, i was leaving her and vibrant. what do you make of this clearly-transparent effort too levitate joe biden? >> the difference between our media and how they handled the trump administration in which they were relentlessly hostile to literally every single thing that administration did in their sycophantic generosity and encouragement of everything that the biden administration is doing is a constant reminder off their corruption. this is not just bias like the type we've seen for decades leading up to the obama
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administration, but real corruption. there is a difference between having -- being full of leftists in your newsroom and actually engaging in propaganda. in their rewriting of everything that is happening in the current moment, defining a very divisive and administration that is engaged in full on culture were, tearing down the borders of the country, making all sorts of mistakes in foreign policy.n portraying that as a unifying and good administration is propaganda and half the country realizes that and the other half of the country i think is comforted by the propaganda. >> laura: kim, the left will say, but he is delivering checks to the american people. that's making their lives better.nt maybe in the short term it does help some people, no doubt, but president trump of course wanted to deliver money and relief to the american people but at the same time reopen the country, which would, you know, regenerate jobs and optimism in all the things we love, so where does this fall down?ey >> yeah, well it not only wanted to, but did. i think there's a statistic for
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people to bear in mind. we actually had five covert bills prior and everyone of them under the last administration and every one of them bipartisan, resoundingly bipartisan. this is the first covert bill that we passed on entirely on a parting line. how does that countt for unity o now, the press is going to call it that and they're going to say it's a great -- this is one of the problems that mollie justir described. when you got on the road of propaganda, it's not just that you're not being true to all of your readers and watchers out there, but you become part of the propaganda and then your own reputation rests on keeping up the falsehoods. we saw this with russia collusion too. when you bought into it, pretty soon the pressho couldn't back down from it because if they knew to do so would undermine themselves and so they propped up biden all during the campaign and now they have to make it sound as though he's delivering on his promises even though the facts simply show otherwise.ll
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>> laura: mollie at moments done it i think -- i said earlier it sounded or seemed like a funeral, funereal in its tone and its approach. maybe it was more like carter's speech. here's biden threatening more restrictions. >> president biden: a mask, the easiest thing to do to save lives. sometimes it divides us. we don't stay vigilant and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track. >> laura: he promises the return to kind of normal, not really though, but then threatens to take away the cookie if the little children don't behave. i found that patronizing and frankly embarrassing. e.>> it's appalling. the white house told reporters that they wanted them to say that the speech was uplifting and hopeful, and so reporters did that, or these propaganda outlets did that.
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when in fact itef was anything but.nd it was remarkably ungracious. there was no mention about the previous at administration date. the only thing that has really worked in thisth entire coronavirus pandemic is developing a vaccine and that was something done in the previous administration. there was no gratitude for that. there were these threats that if you didn't do what joe biden wanted him he might lockwn the country down again and then to pick independence day as the day where he says he might allow people to gather is just so un-american and just -- joe biden doesn't get to tell me when i can have a barbecue in my backyard and certainly not to tie that to independence day. it does feel like we've lost something as a country that so many people are willing to do this type of draconian restrictions from the government for this level of a problem. if they're willing to do it for this situation, for this length of time without enough merit to its very bad sign for the days to come.
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>> laura: kim, the checks keep coming, then keep putting off the reopening, no fourth of july fireworks on them all that you can go to. i mean, i think florida should invite everybody to florida and texas and south dakota for all the fourth of july celebrationss that biden doesn't want anyone else to have. invite everyone to those open states.ot elreal quick. >> you just put your finger on the problem -- the other problem with the statement. he doesn't have control over that, okay? a vast amount of america at this point is done.e. there are vaccines going out, we are not going back to lockdowns. >> laura: ladies, thanks so much. dr. fauci gave some historical revisionism today when he said this about former president trump and china. >> should be have been more aggressive with china and put their feet to the fire? i mean, obviously history has told us that the president was not interested in doing that. >> laura: he went on to say that trump was comp limiting them on what a good job w they were doing. that's funny because i seem to remember certain doctors singing china's praise is not long ago.
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>> the chinese authorities have really been very explicit but they were going to not tolerate any misinformation going out. right now at this point in time, i believe those numbers. >> laura: i'm surprised that you would say that given what we know about china's pattern of lying about critical issues, dr. fauci. >> the chinese scientists we've dealt with, i've dealt with myself personally for years if not decades have faith that they are not distorting things. i can believe my colleagues there and what they are telling me now i think is the truth. >> laura: joining is mark meadows, former trump white house chief of staff. mark, dr. fauci said to me in february of last year that he believes what he was being told by china.i and now -- >> he had to say that, laurel, because he was sending american taxpayer dollars to the wuhan labs and he had to say that. and we know that indeed not only could they not be trusted, but
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the w.h.o. couldn't be trusted. they still can't be trusted and what do we have? joe biden rejoining the w.h.o. without any systemic changes in the way that they really report the infection that we now know as the china virus. it's really just think our principal. the thing consistent about dr. fauci is his inconsistency. >> laura: it is true that the president i think wanted to try to work with china early on in this and i think he wanted to -- you know in the early part of this give them the benefit of the tt doubt. the global situation to look out for, trade and everything thativ was wrapped up in this, but at this point, trying to shift the blame to president trump? i mean, that just frankly really took the cake. earlier today he also blamed president trump for dividing america. >> we had such divisiveness in our country that even simple common sense public health
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measures took on a political connotation. it wasn't a pure public health approach. mixed messages were coming from washington. >> laura: your response, mark? >> so dr. fauci is the same one that said that every wreck in addition he made to president trump at president trump followed. it's interesting now that we have a new administration, we have a new dr. fauci that seems to forget some of the conversations that he and i had and if we want to go ahead and just lay it all out there, i'll be glad to come on your show with dr. fauci and we will compare notes from conversations that he and i had, his inconsistency on masks, his inconsistency on when the vaccine would actually be possibly available. you know, it came in record time, nine months. dr. fauci was saying no, it could never happen. well, we now know that president trump actually delivered on his promise. >> laura: mark, was dr. fauci urging you to downplay this idea that a vaccine could be ready by
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the late fall? was he urging you all to do that? >> not only urging us not to do it, he said it was irresponsible to talk about the fact that we could possibly have a vaccine by any time -- let me give it -- july 4th of this coming year and the very thing that joe biden talked about we are going to have most of americans vaccinatedbi by that, by that time. we look at what joe biden said tonight.t. but we didn't hear was one he was going to open schools. what he didn't -- but we didn't hear was really a vision for america. what we also know is his plagiarism habits continue even though he's at the whiteut hous. he tries to take credit for something that president trump actually not only initiated, but gott done. >> laura: mark, he's not going to open the country on july 4th. that was a total bait andac
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switch. >> you're exactly right, laura, because what he said, if you listen very carefully, if you get the vaccine, then you can maybe listen to us so that we can tell you maybe if you could possibly go back to life as normal. let me tell you, he needs to take a trip to florida and i tak to governor desantis. we don't have to wait until july 4th, we can have it open on st. patrick's day on part 17. they've got 98% of their classrooms have in classroom instruction right now. w it's time that we get back and understand that we can take safety precautions but also that we have to live our lives. >> laura: it's great to see you tonight, thank you so much. minnesota attorney general keith ellison made some bold promises about the george floyd murder trial but are his recent moves in court a sign that the case is faltering? alan dershowitz reacts, plus the inside story of an autonomous zone on the streets of minneapolis. what that really means. stay there..
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♪ ♪ >> laura: jury selection in the george floyd trial continued today but only after the judge granted the prosecution's request to reinstate third-degree murder charges against eric sheldon
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the former minneapolis cop accused of killing floyd. the question is at this late date,ee why? back in june the minnesota attorney general keith ellison took over the case -- he took it back. his first act was to upgrade the charges from third to second-degree murder. k >> we felt that the facts were there to charge the higher count on derek -- we are charging accounts we believe are provable, substantial evidence exists for and so that's what we arrived at. >> laura: so why is ellison's office now going back on that to reinstate the lower degree murder charge? joining me now is alan dershowitz, harvard law professor emeritus and host of the podcast. alan, this seems like kind of a weak sister move here. what does it say? >> undoubtedly is an attempt to kind of create an insurance policy to avoid a hung jury or an acquittal on the second-degree murder charge and
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maybe, maybe get a conviction on the third degree but if you read the statutes carefully, and that's what you have to do, second-degree murder is not applicable to the facts of the case. third-degree murder is not applicable to the facts of the case. the only thing that's applicable is second-degree manslaughter. let me read it toly you. a person that causes the death of another by the person a t posthumous culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk and consciously takes the chance of causing death or great bodily harmre of another. that's what it looks like happened here. this wasn't an intentional killing, it wasn't a drive-by killing, it wasn't a drug killing. it just doesn't fit second or third degree murder. this does not appear under minnesota law to be a murder case, it appears to be manslaughter case but no attorney general would dare ever admit that this might not be a murder case when so he is charging higher and that, has resulted in acquittals in numerous cases like this before.
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juries don't like to be told to convict when the evidence doesn't support the conviction, so i think they're taking a real risk of losing this. this guy, this police officer, did something terrible but he didn't intend to kill anybody, that's clear. what he did was he negligently risked the possibility of death. that's second-degree manslaughter punishable by ten years. 30 years, 40 years, 25 years. >> laura: ben trump, the attorney for the ford family is basically calling the trial a referendum. l it's not a case, an individual case, it's a referendum on the entire american judicial system. watch.h. >> attorney general keith ellison and hisen prosecutors are preaching hard -- pressing hard because we understand the history in america, this is a referendum. do we truly have liberty and justice for all in america for all its citizens??rd or is it just some?
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>> laura: is that with the constitution says? >> of course not. if any juror ever said or answered a question saying this is a referendum, this is about america, they would be struck. and by the way, the case should not be held in minneapolis. or in any large city. there should be a change of venue to a small town, a rural area which is not at riskd of violence. you don't want jurors saying to themselves when they are deliberating if i acquit, will this cause violence in my neighborhood? with at risk my family? will at risk me? you don't wanted to be a referendum. you don't wanted to be a fear factor, so i'm very concerned. look, i have no grief for this police officer. r he should have been fired, what he did was dead wrong let's not destroy the legal system in order to make america admit it's great sins over the years. this is not a referendum, this is a single criminal case governed by the constitution, the presumption of innocence and due process.
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>> laura: and minneapolis needs to survive this as a city as well. thank t you so much. as we told you earlier this week i'm at the sight of george floyd staff has gone from being a memorial to an anti-police autonomous zone under the control of left-wing militants. does that sound familiar? they reportedly refused to leave unless the city meets a list of 24 demands and they reportedly bar white people from entering the zone. it gets worse. after him is right, 30-year-old black man was fatally shot inside the zone, his aunt says activists blocked police from joining us now, i can't even believe this is the united states of america, that this is actually happening in our country and that people are allowed to do this. your reaction? >> well, we talked a lot about this last summer and it comes down to this. the demand for a conviction or
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else is a frontal assault on the criminal justice system and the rule of law in america. it amounts to this insurrection that everybody was all worried about last week. they don't seem to be paying any attention to this and here's what's's going to happen. and again, we talked about these kinds of things and almost predicted them last summer. if they don't take some action and open up the streets and let people freely walk around in their own city and take it back from these people they are trying to create this autonomous zone, we are going to see 20 or 30 more of these and then b we e going to see the global solidarity with the movement to hate america and with systemic racism and it will go right inta what you and mr. dershowitz were just talking about. this is about the marxist revolution. it is not about criminal justice or guilty or not guilty, it is about using social justice as the cover to destroy the rule of law and attacked the bill of rights. that is going on before our very eyes.. >> laura: people are going to learn in school how great this is. by the way, fox news
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correspondent mike tobin interviewed a minneapolis resident who lives a half block from the autonomous zone. take a look. >> out of the blue someone just opened fired on us and i was in the vehicle and when the shots started, i put my head down on the passenger seat as soon as they let up and i drove off. i got two bullets, one in my house.e. and yes the day before, three bullets one in my son's house. definitely a large increase in gunfire. i've been here 25 years, we've never had it any i worse. >> laura: 25 years and that comports is what i saw when i was in minneapolis and heard from people. they didn't have race issues. abel got along, muslims, christians, black, white, people generally got along. no more. real quick. >> that's exactly right. and we are going to see president biden have a hard time in july having a quiet summer if he doesn't do something about this and if the democratic party doesn't try to get this under
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control, because we are going to see it break out everywhere. >> laura: occupy wall street will not just be occupy america. thank you so much. chuck and nancy are gunning for your second amendment rights. two newly passed bills. a woman who saved her life and the life of her young daughter with a gun response. and what if illegal aliens want guns? well, democrats seem just fine with that. steve scalise explains that next. ♪ ♪ with that. steve scalise explains that
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♪ ♪ >> laura: democrats will pretend they're not, but they are coming for your guns. just today the house passed two gun-control bills that will ultimately make it harder for americans to buy and sell firearms, which of course for the left is a huge cause of celebration. >> universal background check. it is desperately needed. >> we need a federal solution. guns don't respect state borders. >> nothing in the second amendment suggest you cannot regulate and provide safety for the american people.
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>> laura: i'd like her to say that to my next guest. april evans is a mother, a gun owner and a proud nra member. exactly six years ago today, she was sleeping quietly with m her daughter when an invader entered her house. april, what happened next? >> well, we were just, you know, going about our night, my husband is a police officer and he works night shifts. he was gone for work and i heard banging on the door,hi so i went to see, you know, maybe my neighbor needed help. i wasn't sure, so i looked in the people and i didn't recognize him and that was when i noticed that the door was starting to crack and i knew he was coming in the house, so i had a plan in place and my plan was to call 911 and go get our guns in them bedroom. while i was getting our gun in the bedroom i heard a crash and i thought that i lock the door to the kitchen that goes to the garage, because it sounded like he came into the a garage. by the time i got to the middle to the end of the hallway, he was standing there looking at me
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and then he just started running towards me, so i fired. he still kept coming, so i fired again. in that time he hit the ground and i held him there at gunpoint until police arrive. >> laura: wow. thank goodness you're okay and that your daughter is okay and that your are a responsible, smart, and prepared in practice gun owner. nancy pelosi though, she wants to confiscate your guns for the guns to children. >> most important issues facing the country are children being killed. an environment in whichht they n drive safely is what we are talking about today. there is no -- nobody in congress whose political survival is more important than the survival of our children. >> laura: april, your reaction to those impassioned words? >> my child wouldn't be alive today, i firmly believe, if i. had not had my gun to protect us. and she's been around guns her whole she knows about gun safety, we taught her from a very early
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age. she knows about it. we always explained it to her, showed it to her. she's not in any danger, she knows what a gun is, she knowsst what a gun can do, and she knows to stay away from it and if shek has questions, she can find an adult and ask the question. it's all about training in order to keep a safe environment. taking guns away from someone like myself, who my husband works night shifts and it's just me and her alone, how does that keep anybody safe? we both would have been dead, i'm sure. >> laura: april, thank you for sharing that story tonight. unfortunately too many people in the united states don't hear those stories. they hear only the awful stories. thank you. while house democrats worked tirelessly to keep american citizens from buying guns, it's open season for illegals whos.yo want to lock and load. today pelosi and pals rejected an amendment that would require ice to be notified if an illegal tries to buy a gun. joining me now is house minority whip steve scalise.
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congressman, this seems likeha just a bad dream, all of it, but they don't seem to be concerned about guns falling into the hands of certain wrong people. >> good to be with you, laura. i wish it was a bad dream and this is just one more step in nancy pelosi's socialist agenda that she's pushing through the house with the complicity of all of house democrats who continue to vote to take away more of our rights. today they went after our gun rights with the bill to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to get guns. as your last guest mentioned, every day in america people use guns to save the lives oforto themselves and their families and yet this bill would make it much harder. in fact right now there's a three-day waiting period. this could make it open-ended, there could be no limit to how many days unelected bureaucrats held up her application to get a gun if you're an american citizen.n.n-er however, we have the amendment, as you mentioned, that some here illegally and tried to buy a gun
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illegally, that name should be turned over to ice. guess what? they democrats voted against that so they think it's okay for someone illegally in america to, get a gun but they don't want you to be able to get a gun. they go after our rights left and right in washington. >> laura: congressman, this issue of banningnggh private sas between individuals, making it very difficult banning, people have to understand why they're doing that. to enforce a ban on private sales, what would you need? you would need ultimately a national firearms registry, correct? >> well, they would love to get a registry of where all the guns are.>> we saw it after katrina, people went door-to-door, law enforcement went door-to-door taking people's guns after katrina. i watcheddor it happen. we passed a bill to prevent it from happening again, but this idea that you should have a registry, that you should be able to prevent someone you
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don't like from buying a gun at all in less you're illegal. that's what the past today. that's not where america is. we believe in our second to mammon, we are going to fight to preserve the second amendment rights. >> laura: this is where states attorneys general better get cracking real quick and havemm that legislation ready to fight against any of this. congressman, think is so much. and every week it seems there's a story of some new insanity that they are teaching our kids. what is going to talk about next is going to reveal about california schools. it may top everything we told you to date, and he's here next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: the california department of education oversees this is one of the most powerful men in the world. yeah, i'm just an i.t. manager. okay, this is "just" an i.t. manager destroying cyber threats with a vengeance. we've edited out the violence. no, it's not violent. i'm just using sophos to defeat cyber threats. we'll never fully understand how "just" an i.t. manager does it. i use soph...(beep) "just" an i.t. manager
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doesn't have to tell us how he does it. we just know he does. ( ♪♪ )
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♪ piano playing ♪ ♪ “what the world needs now” ♪ the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope
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help now at
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four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. (laughing) (trumpet playing) someone behind me, come on. pick that up, pick that up, right there, right there. as long as you keep making the internet an amazing place to be, we'll keep bringing you a faster, more secure, and more amazing internet. xfinity. the future of awesome.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: the california department of education oversees 10,000 public schools with 6 million students, if you can believe it. so it's more than a little concerning that next week the department will vote on a new statewide ethnic studies curriculum that was partially developed by someone whosech gol is to engineer a countered against white christians, i kid you not. this new lesson plan is called the ethnic studies model curriculum. not only calls for the decolonization of american society, but also recommends teachers lead students in songs and chants honoring the aztec god of human sacrifice.
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how uplifting. joining me now is the journalist uncovered this monstrosity, city journal contribute editor. chris, this just goes from bad to worse in our schools. it would be funny if it weren't so serious. the aztec god of human sacrifice. goody. >> yeah, that's right. this is the ethnic studies model curriculum for 6 million california students. they are going to probably pass it next week. it was developed in part by a man named [indiscernible] whoas says the united states is a fundamentally racist and genocidal regime and indigenous people of allies should be raising up to decolonize it and then suggest even a potential countered. this language is reckless and divisive, but it should have nothing to do with our kids, but unfortunately california seems poised to move forward with it. >> laura: so this [indiscernible] -- the original cochair of the ethnic studies model curriculum, he references the u.s. as a euro-centric white
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supremacist capitalist, patriarchal, hetero patriarchal, not sure what that is, and antero -- anthropocentric paradigm. he sounds supersmart. chris, how much sway does he have do you think in california schools? and have all the mothers and fathers out there, if you can still say that -- because they just lost their will to fight it off a real education or they just went to rollover? >> his very influential. he was the original cochair of this w curriculum. he's one of the readers in the estimate -- ethnic studies movement that is poised to be put out into many, many schools, 10,000 schools, and it sounds crazy, but it's the curriculumy, of choice right now. it's moved out of academia and into k-12 education and i think california parents are just not mobilized on this stuff. i had to read through more than
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a thousand pages of documents to figure out exactly what's going on and i think californiaou tconservatives unfortunately i really just given up and they've let the radicals really run the show for the last few years. >> laura: this is where i think there's a huge opportunity, chris, for traditional educational institutions to rise and become just centrally popular in states and cities and towns of simple -- i mean at this point i'm willing to go back to the one room schoolhouse, okay? because things have got to get a lot less complicated and a lot less angry and a lot more focused on the great things about learning, the greatness of learning, and this is just a curriculum of grievance and complaining and, you know, every other -- every other that you want to throw out there. >> yeah, i would even go a step further. i think that we need to think about seriously and radically decentralizing our public
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education system. i love to provide $15,000 a year per student per year directly to families so they can choose anou education for their kids from a plethora of different options and entrepreneurial adventures, because the more i've looked into these institutions as an investigative reporter, the more i'm convinced that they are corrupt beyond redemption and wl need to break them up and empower students and empower families to have an education that reflects their values. >> laura: we have to stop funding them. the colleges, state colleges and universities their tax dollars and through tuition dollars that these ridiculously expensive private schools and public schools break up the monopoly. chris, thank you. up next, biden's big vaccine pledge tonight sounded familiar, you're right. the last bite explains. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: earlier tonight, president biden promised vaccines for all adults.
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can help but think i heard this before. speak with authorize, tens of millions of vaccine doses will be authorized this month and will have it set it up quickly and hundreds of millions more will quickly follow every american who wants the vaccine will be able to get the vaccine. we think by spring we are going to be in a position that nobody would've believed possible just a few months ago. >> laura: that's all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team have it from here. >> shannon: thank you very much. we begin with this. president joe biden takes shots shannon: we begin with this, president joe biden takes shots at his predecessor over how he handled the pandemic in a speech calling for national unity in order to return to normalcy. more on the new guidance of getting there in just minutes. there are new calls for andrew cuomo to redesign coming from a


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