tv Hannity FOX News March 13, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PST
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weeknight at 8:00. sean hannity is next. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" this busy friday breaking news nine. now the media mob is calling at the biden blitz, heaping praise on turbo joe for surviving, oh, 18-20 minute scripted speech that i'm pretty confident he practiced a lot, and they want you to know that there's definitely nothing cognitively wrong with joe biden, the last e that from your memory, like the movie, what, "men in black," right, that's everything. anyway, we will get to all of that, and bring you biden's blunders, a week in review, a
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weekly segment. later, we have a full rundown of jo's biggest cheerleaders in the media mob. but first, as we come on the air just a little after 9:00 eastern, 6:00 on the west coast, the floodgates are now open. a seventh andrew cuomo accuser has now come forward, and no dozens of new york democrats, they are calling and demanding governor cuomo resign. that includes congressman jerry nadler, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, and just in the last couple hours, chuck schumer and senator kirsten gillibrand, and more than half of all new york state lawmakers. in other words, enough to impeach him. also, new york mayor, comrade de blasio, has made that call. the national organization for women now also calling on andrew cuomo to resign. the latest accusation comes from a reporter who claims "andrew cuomo's hands had been on my body come on my arms, on
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my shoulders, the small of my back, my waist, often enough, but by late 2014, i didn't want to go to the holiday party that he was hosting for the albany press corps at the executive mansion." she continued, "he used his touching and sexual innuendo to stoke fear in us. that is the textbook definition of sexual harassment," she said. seven different women, more than 30 others are accused -- are accusing cuomo tonight of bullying and harassment come at another report claims cuomo recently orchestrated a complete smear campaign against one of his accusers. cuomo is now facing a statewide investigation from the new york attorney general's office. the democratically controlled state assembly, they just approved, led by the democrats, and impeachment investigation. and one of the claims of sexual assault, where cuomo was accused of groping a staffer
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under her blouse, has been referred to the police in albany, new york. this is clearly now hitting critical mass. look, on this program, we stay by -- stand by our positions. we don't call for people to be canceled on either side. we believe in due process, we believe in the presumption of innocence. and by the way, we don't rush to judgment, but with all that said, that interview on cbs that corroborated by real-time text messages was very compelling. seven people, that is now a pattern. that's not the standard, by the way, set by andrew cuomo, due process, i mean. 2018, remember the kavanaugh witch hunt, cuomo said yeah, to dr. christine blasey ford, all survivors of sexual assault, we believe you. even called on justice kavanaugh to take a lie detector test. cuomo's own attorney, eric schneiderman, was accused of sexual misconduct five years ago.
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cuomo, within hours, immediately called on him to resign, and he did, writing, "no one is above the law, including new york's top legal officer. i do not believe it is possible for eric schneiderman to continue to serve as ag, and for the good of the office, he should resign." and guess what? all of a sudden, andrew cuomo believes in due process, the production of innocence. he doesn't want anyone to rush to judgment. today, while questioning the motives of his accusers, cuomo said he would never bow to cancel culture. listen to this. >> i did not do what has been alleged. period. i won't speculate about people's possible motives. the people of new york should not have confidence in a politician who takes a position without knowing any facts or substance. people know the difference between playing politics, bowing
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to cancel culture, and the truth. let the review proceed. i'm not going to resign. i was not elected by the politicians. i was elected by the people. part of this is that i am not part of the political club. and you know what? i'm proud of it. >> sean: y, governor, did you call for mr. schneiderman to resign immediately? why did you say the things you said about justice kavanaugh? you are not part of a political club? cuomo has been in politics three decades, he worked in the clinton administration, his father was a three term governor of the state of new york. now, cuomo might be the president of the political club. cuomo's claims about cancel culture, yeah, that would be more hypocrisy, considering, as we just pointed out, he was one of the biggest i-believers in the country, never offered due process to kavanaugh, never
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offered it to eric schneiderman and attorney general. why not hold himself to the same standards. well, we will let you figure that out. while cuomo hopes to write this all out, i believe this is probably now going to be the end of the road for cuomo's political career. this isn't just about the serious sexual misconduct allegations -- and they are serious. we are talking about seven separate women now. mistreatment of his employees, bullying, harassment of, yes, even new york democrats or his ramp it #metoo hypocrisy. the fact of his his insane directive on nursing homes that led to the death or less of countless new yorkers during the height of the covid-19 tragedy about a year ago, when new york needed leadership, cuomo panic like the week, frankly, pathetic politician that he is, lashed out at everybody and took great accolades from everyone whenever he could.
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instead of being honest when they found out in june that the late march executive order was failing and we had 9,000 deaths, when he could have made a course correction, they decided to cover up exactly what they had been doing, and sadly, cuomo now embodies everything americans hate about politicians. corrupt, dishonest, hypocritical, entitled, you can put whatever adjectives you like. here with reaction, fox news contributor lisa boothe, new york congressman lee zeldin, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, congressman matt gaetz. good to see you all. let's get to the legal side, gregg jarrett. let's start there tonight. legal liability on all of these issues? >> yeah, cuomo is in serious legal jeopardy, criminal jeopardy. he seems to be preoccupied with holding onto the reins of power when he should be concerned about criminal charges and the possibility of prison. under new york law, it is a
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crime to grope or fondle the intimate parts of another person without consent against their will. it is called forcible touching. it is a serious crime. it is also the crime of harassment. so, you know, andrew cuomo should be concerned about his legal future, politically, thouo friends, no allies because he has always governed as a bully and a political bug to menace people with threats, intimidation, and retaliation. people capitulated out of fear, but they don't fear him anymore, sean, they view him as powerless, weak, vulnerable, and impotent. people aren't even returning his telephone calls anymore. he's in the first carico stages of grief, denial and anger. it will take a while to get to acceptance. >> sean: now, lee zeldin, you do know that new york has a very interesting twist as it relates to impeachment, because we now
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have, in terms of numbers, there would be enough members of the assembly that have said that he should be out of office, that would vote to impeach him. if that were to happen, he would have to step down temporarily, while a senate trial was going on in new york state. different from the impeachment, for example, that we watched with president trump. >> yeah, that's right. that is a key difference. lieutenant governor kathy hopeful would become the active and governor during that time, soon as there impeachment. the numbers are there already, and it has been happening throughout the day today. it was interesting that it requires a fifth or sixth or seventh accuser to come forward. when i was getting asked about resignation, i was thinking of the nursing home directive and the cover-up, and i thought thousands of dead new york seniors and the cover-up and bullying, that that would be enough to get the governor to
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resign. i watch the governor's press conference earlier today, listened to it, it was a train wreck, essentially going after the accusers as being liars. if you believe the victims as liars, and if you believe the victims, he will go after you come too. he is doubling down, tripling down on the same character flaws that got himself into this trouble in the first place. i agree with you. this is the end of governor cuomo's political career. i don't think it is months, i think it is days or weeks at this point. >> sean: lisa, let me go to the credibility of the seven women here. i'm sure you watched the interview on cbs, the corroboration with the text messages in real time that she was sending out to a very close friend of hers. that was pretty compelling to me. i never thought republicans particularly handle issues the right way, but i did feel come in the case of justice kavanaugh, republicans got it right. there were charges made, there was an investigation that went forward, there were public
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hearings, and for example, americans got to decide on what they thought about julie swetnick, for example. my question to you is, how best to handle moments like this? >> well, i think we need to look at the evidence. we need to hear out the accusers, but look to see if there's any corroborating evidence, corroborating witnesses, and here you have it, with speed 25 you didn't. with brett kavanaugh, the evidence worked against his accusers when you had christine ford's childhood best friend coming forward and saying i don't remember any party like this, the party in question, later saying to the fbi that she felt pressured by christine ford and her friends to change her original story. quite the opposite of what we have a governor cuomo. but look, sean, i worked in politics for a while. i worked on capitol hill and political campaigns for a number of years, so i am cynical, i am jaded when it comes to politics. democrats don't care about the
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allegations made from these women. they don't care at all. , harris said she believed biden's accusers, and then signed up to be his vp. it is about to go things for democrats, opportunity for the progressives in the state who want to take out governor cuomo and put a progressive and the governor's mansion, and secondly, it is about a distraction, and a distraction from the fact that democrats have failed in their response to covid. you look at the two kings, governor newsom and california are probably going to get recalled, and governor cuomo facing a federal investigation for killing at least 15,000 seniors with his failed policies, and then trying to cover it up. so that is what they are trying to distract from, and that is why they are coming forward with the sexual harassment stuff, while completely ignoring the real scandal, which is the nursing home scandal. >> sean: two fascinating things, congressman gaetz, in this case, to me. they might claim, oh, guys like hannity -- republicans in
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new york state, democrats have a vetoproof majority in the assembly and in the senate. republicans have no power in the state. fascinating that this is all democratic party driven. i think you've got a couple things going on at once. what is your take on the political side of this, with democrats, now many of them, a little too late for the i-believer caucus, it took them a long time to apply these standards to cuomo that they were applying to kavanaugh. what do you make of the democrats wanting him out here? >> the new york democratic party seems to be going after each other more than the royal family, at this point. it's not good, as a new york democrat, when you lose schumer, when you lose aoc, when you even lose jerry nadler, for goodness sake. i'm glad you have been consistent on this show. we don't believe in guilt by accusation, a great book by professor alan dershowitz, and
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just the volume of accusers alone should not substitute for that needed due process. and you have to wonder, why is this happening now? i think it is because the media no longer needs to protect governor cuomo, because they no longer need governor cuomo. they were trying to smear president trump, the person who brought us a vaccine twice as fast as had ever happened in the history of the world, and they needed the strong counterpoint against trump. they couldn't use joe biden because he was at naptime in thy built cuomo up like the great oracle of response to the coronavirus, when the reality is, lisa is exactly right. killing 15,000 people in the state of new york should be impeachable. that should result in true investigations, and it certainly makes my governor, ron desantis, look a lot more like a leader because he made decisions based on science, not emotion or impulse. the governor of new york should not be andrew cuomo, it should be someone on this panel, my good friend, lee zeldin. >> sean: is that an endorsement?
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maybe you can move to new york -- >> absolutely. >> sean: i will tell you another thing florida did really well compared to new york, so did texas, so did mississippi and all these other red states, the worst states, oh, new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, michigan -- by the way, now governor whitmer might be facing charges, and newsome in califor. interesting to see the philosophical differences and the impact it had one year later. all right, thank you all. congressman zeldin, lisa boothe, gregg jarrett, matt gaetz, thank you all. we turn our attention to the frail, cognitively struggling man who is supposed to be running this country. today, joe biden sauntered to the rose garden boys daily afternoon event, he has about one on his schedule a day, spoke with the help of a nice big teleprompter, took zero questions, and spent $2 trillion of your money, but has no time to address any of your concerns. it is now 51 days, and no
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official press conference, and i think we all know why. joe rarely takes any questions. it's been pretty obvious just the last three weeks alone. no script, joe struggles. here are some of the worst moments of him, just the past seven days. take a look. >> the vast majority of economists, left, right, and center, from wall street to the -- to the private... economic polling initiatives. >> i want to think the former general, keep calling him general, my -- the guy who runs that outfit over there. [indistinct] >> we are going to move out, let's go. >> thank you all come appreciate it. >> thank you very much.
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>> let's go. thank you. >> sean: all right, so what is going on here? were joining us with nor know mike moore, former senior advisor to president trump, stephen miller is with us. i watch the last few weeks and is frankly uncomfortable, but we are talking about, i believe, the hardest job in the world. we need a president that is strong, that has mental alertness, mental acuity, physical stamina, for the demands of the job. you are with donald trump all four years. do you see a difference, as i do, a difference between joe circa 2012, and today? >> he's not the same person. he is not even a shadow of the person he used to be. if you watch the address he gave last night, sean, it was painful to watch and read through it. i mean, he barely was able to make it through. it was so dour, so gloomy, so
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sullen, there was no energy. he was trying to rally the country. that speech wouldn't even get you enough energy to walk down a flight of stairs. i mean, there was no enthusiasm in its. this is supposed to be a big moment, to get the country rallied, to kill the virus, to end a pandemic, and the speech but you to sleep. and on top of that, there was one passage in the speech that shows how profoundly disconnected joe biden is from reality. biden said in the speech that if we all get vaccinated, if we do everything right, if we wear a mask and keep the economy closed down, then maybe, just maybe, by july 4th, we can have dinner in our own backyards with our own family members? does joe really not know, is he so out of touch, he doesn't know that families have been dining with each other and with their loved ones for months now? does he not know that? >> sean: let me ask you about the process, because i have known donald trump for over 25
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years. he has more energy than probably 100 average people, i've never seen anything like it. i know you dealt with it. you were his chief speechwriter. tell me if my observation was correct, that he would give you the speech, he would dictate it, basically, and then you would craft it, put it all together, and throughout that process, oh, i want you to add this, take this out, put this income adds that, and then when he actually gave a speech, hardest job for anybody in the white house was running a teleprompter because he never stayed on script. true or false? >> it's completely true. donald trump was intimately involved in every word, every sentence, every phrasing, and every speech that he gave. he owned it. every part of donald trump's personality and vision was exuding from his speeches that he was giving. by contrast, when her joe biden
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talk, what do you here at home? you hear his young progressive aides. you don't hear joe biden, you hear the people behind the curtain. that is the fundamental issue, sean. that is the public health issue, the national security issue. that is the economic security issue. who are the young progressive aides that are pushing all of these crazy policies? for example, take the teachers union. why doesn't joe biden stand up last night to teachers unions and say open our schools now? because the people working for joe biden don't want that to happen. so he is not the one making the decisions. that is deeply alarming, sean. >> sean: all right, stephen miller, thank you. thanks for being with us. when we come back, we will have a lot more on tonight's big breaking news. growing calls for andrew cuomo to step down. jerry nadler, congresswoman ocasio-cortez, schumer, gillibrand, not looking good for
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break in 24 hours a day. i'm trace gallagher. now back to hannity. ♪ ♪ >> sean: in some shocking news today and tonight, nearly every single democrat from new york is calling for andrew cuomo to resign. and impeachment investigation is now officially underway, called for by the leading democrat in the new york assembly, democrate state have lost all faith in andrew cuomo, and they want him gone. we will get back to this in a minute. also tonight, it appears democrats are attempting to steal a u.s. house seat, despite election officials certification
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of congresswoman mary annette miller meeks and her victory and i was 2nd congressional district. nancy pelosi said "oh, of course, there is a scenario in which the election results are overturned, as the democratic-led house administration committee is now set to review the results of the race." oh, i thought democrats did not want that type of scrutiny. joining us now, the leader for republicans in the house of representatives, kevin mccarthy is with us. let me start with iowa. it was a close race, but was it, 22, 24, we had issues in both those districts. she won by six votes. the vote was certified. is this what democrats complain donald trump wanted, integrity in the voting, going to steal a state that was already certified? >> such hypocrisy.
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congresswoman miller meeks not only won on election day, she is the duly elected congresswoman, she also won the recount, she is certified, she is serving, on the vet committee, as well, she has offered an amendment against that covid builds to help the vets, the democrats voted against it. what is really happening here, sean, democrats have the smallest majority in their history in the last 100 years, only five seats, so every they can steal helps them, helps them be able to pass the most socialist things they can. they've done this before, back in 1984, they call it the blood he ate, indiana eight, and that is exactly what pelosi is trying to do. go to we have to fight back. we cannot allow them to steal something that has a recount and certified. that is exactly what they were trying to do this week. >> sean: we all know the disaster that is hr 1. we have gone over it in great specificity and detail on this show. we know the disaster that is the
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$1.9 trillion boondoggle, only 9% going to emergency relief. we also know the disaster at the border, you're going to be there monday, i understand? >> taking 12 members down to the border. last week, i sent a letter to president biden come asking for a meeting on the crisis at the border he has created, and have not heard back from him. i'm taking 12 members down. we are going to view it ourselves, and provide solutions going forward. this has been created by biden, just as all gas prices have been risen by fight end. he has only been in office a short time, but has done a tremendous want of damage to this nation and we have to stop it. >> sean: okay. let me ask you about andrew cuomo, from this perspective. we saw what happened with kavanaugh. now, i'm going to give credit. you know that i call out republicans when i think they don't handle things well. okay. but i thought they handled the kavanaugh case properly.
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they took it seriously. they had a public -- they had public hearings. they had witnesses. people heard from professor ford. they heard julie swetnick allegations, et cetera. and a determination was made. right away, though, democrats were out there, oh, i believe, i believe, i believe, i believe. it took seven women, in the case of andrew cuomo, to get to where we are now, where we are at tonight. my question to you is, that come unto me, is a breathtaking double standard, and massive hypocrisy. >> massive hypocrisy, but even scarier about this is the actions taken by governor cuomo's staff, as the women have come forward, trying to demonize and dig up dirt on them. that is not in the past, that is currently trying to do this. i think the democrats need to move forward with that impeachment and have that trial. that is due process. let's have that trial.
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one thing i know as an elected official, he has lost all power. he does not have the support, does not have the confidence of the people of new york or within his own party, so i don't -- i think the days are short, but it is not justice. it is the number of deaths that he created and caused during the covid crisis. and what did he do? he tried to hide from that and write a book to sweep it under the rug. >> sean: thank you, congressman. we will be watching monday. coming up, white house press secretary, circle back jen psaki refusing to call the surge of migrants crossing the border a massive record numbers a crisis. wait until you see the tape we put together. lara logan and texas lieutenant governor dan patrick will react. joe concha weighing in on growing calls for andrew cuomo to resign. stay with us on this busy, news breaking friday night. ♪ ♪
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also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month.
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your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. do you remember matza? this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. she hasn't seen unleavened bread since before the holocaust. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: so, as joe biden continues his push of dangerous open borders, amnesty, and yeah, catch and release, america last, immigration agenda, white house press secretary, "circle back" jen psaki's and complete demaio about the damage their policies are causing. record numbers this month alone, that's right, over 100,000, take a look. >> i will ask again. will he acknowledge there's a crisis? >> well, first, the president and this administration's focus is on digging out of the dismantled and inhumane immigration approach of the last administration. >> you say that is not a crisis. >> i think what ambassador
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jacobson and secretary mayorkas were conveying and what i am conveying it does not matter what you call it, it is an enormous, know my challenge. we do not feel the need to play games with what it is called. >> is this a crisis at the border? >> i don't think we need to sit here and put labels on what we have already conveyed. >> why has but listen administration been so reluctant to call it a crisis, huge uptick in the number of migrants being detained coming putting thousands of children. that does not qualify as a crisis, what does? >> we think it is most important to explain the substantive policy of what is happening. >> sean: hey, jen, it was joe and barack, they built the cages and put the kids in the cages. now, they are putting kids in cargo container, you know, shipping container things, with bars on the tiny window. you won't let us see it. now, this is all happening because of biden's policies. he has caused what is now, yes,
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a crisis, as, yes, thousands and thousands of migrants, illegal immigrants, flocking to the border, undocumented, with covid, by the way, and they are being released into american communities. facilities used house migrants are operating beyond capacity in the middle of a pandemic. seems to be no end in sight. no social distancing, and i don't see a whole lot of mask wearing, either. that's not a crisis? here with the reaction is host of "lara logan no agenda" on and texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. let's start with the news, lara. 100,000, 30,000 kids, now we have cargo shipping containers that they are putting kids in, they won't let any television cameras in, but we are told they are butterflies on the walls. i would like to see the butterflies. how many kids are in the cargo shipping containers? why are they hiding it from all of us?
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>> they are not just hiding that part of it, sean, they are hiding it all along the way, and i was just talking to a few people in law enforcement and agents down at the border, and this is their take. they said, why would the administration call it a crisis when it was planned? because they know, and i was following this in real time, with a number of different sources, they were told from the moment that biden came into office that they were going to shift from a border security mission to a migrant care mission. they were told that special units would be shut down, and some of them have, like the bicycle units. they were told agents would be taken off the line and taken off security patrols to process and take care of immigrants, and that is exactly what has happened, and they have just been told that in the midst of these numbers, they are now, the biden administration, from monday, is going to start processing all of the people who were returned to mexico under the previous administration, remain in mexico program.
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so according to reported figures, that was about 65,000 people that were returned by the trump administration to wait for their asylum claims to be heard, but to wait inside mexico, not within the borders of the u.s. so as of monday, if this administration was concerned about the numbers and considered this to be a crisis, they would not be opening up another avenue for more people to be coming in, and to have their claims now process -- they are going to wait for their claims here. i was told they were going to do them in groups of about 25 at a time, around a hundred a day, although agents have been told to expect those numbers to go up, and that the mexican government is going to be testing them for covid. so one question that has to be asked of the biden administration is who is going to pay for that testing of all of these people? and also, sean, i would just say, that number that you cited for unaccompanied minors, what many people have missed is that
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that number is on a pause. in five months of this fiscal year, with the whole of last fiscal year, and we have not gotten to the point, if you follow the migration passes on the border, and the seven months, they go way up, so come april, you are going to see more and more people coming across, and even without the summer migration patterns, we are on track for a hundred thousand unaccompanied minors just this year alone. >> sean: wow. lieutenant governor, we have the unaccompanied minors. we can't see the cargo shipping containers. i would like to see it. remember, it was biden and obama that built the cages and put the kids in the cages, and not donald trump. donald trump stop that program. the covid positivity rate overall in texas was as high as, and one town, near brownsville, in that sector, it was as high as 25%? that's true? >> yeah, well, we don't know the
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exact numbers, sean, but higher than our general population. and the fact they are putting them on buses and sending them anywhere in the country that we do not know flies in the face of anything the biden administration has to say to american citizens about what we do to protect ourselves from covid. they are just letting them into the country. there is no social distancing. there is no care about them being in our cities across this country. they just don't care about that. let me tell you some numbers, sean. in 2004, the chamber of connor said -- we apprehended -- that's over a million a year, sean, so since 2004 we are up to close to 30 million. this year alone, sean, just in the last month, we have gone from apprehending 11,000 a week in texas to 22,000 and we can texas, so we are on par to apprehend, this year, close to a
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million immigrants coming across this country. many children. a lot of single adults, though, sean. if we catch one out of every four, that means that is maybe 3-4000000 alone this year, sean, coming into texas. this is an intentionally designed disaster, intentional by the obama administration. >> sean: unbelievable. all right, thank you both. joe biden still has not held a press conference. it's 51 days. the media keeps finding ways to fawn all over him. we will have the very latest. and andrew cuomo, is he on the verge of resigning? straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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despite facing a seventh allegation of sexual misconduct, new york governor andrew cuomo keeps saying that he is not going anywhere. he will not resign. during a televised conference call earlier today, he lamented "cancel culture," reiterated that he has done nothing inappropriate, and of course, you would not know that if you are watching fake news cnn. they didn't tape that conference call. anyway, maybe they were too busy keeping all the praise on joe biden four, wow, reaching the high bar of giving a lackluster speech last night without the usual errors that we expect, because he probably practiced a lot. speculation on my part. when he took credit pretty much for donald trump's record-breaking vaccine rollout and said we might be getting back to normal around the fourth of july, if only we all behave. you mean, like people coming in from the border? that's what we all saw on our televisions, but the hate-trump
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media mob wants you to believe something else. president biden, he gave one of the greatest prompter speeches of all time, with "politico" writing, "it is hard to imagine any other contemporary politician making the speech that biden did thursday night, channeling our collective sorrow and reminding us that there is life after grief." television, the coverage was even more ridiculous, take a look. >> he is the guy we need right now. >> i think it was very moving. the president is very good at articulating empathy. >> also, july 4th, he put that on the calendar, as well. >> barbecue. >> right. these are, i think, very achievable, but i think they are getting more audacious in terms of goal setting. >> you go back and listen to the fireside chats of franklin roosevelt, wonderful to listen to because they are soothing, they are informational, they are a
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teaching device and fdr's hands. i thought that is what biden did last night. >> joe biden and the team around him have handled this time, these 50 days, remarkably. >> we look back now and before jim clyburn came forward, when he was left for kind of just a has-been on the door, he's sleepy, not mentally all there, he is turbo joe, he is mojo joe. >> sean: oh, wow, i guess instead of the gettysburg address, or grandchildren will be reading biden's march 11th prime time speech to the nation. even though joe didn't do a thing, that's all donald trump's work. here with reaction, fox news contributor, media reporter for "the hill," joe concha. the fawning coverage reminded me of the question to obama, "what do you find so enchanting about the office of being president?" i don't recall those questions, or that kind of praise, ever, for donald trump. >> oh, no, that went on a four
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year vacation, obviously, 2016-2020, but i want to stick to facts, in terms of mr. biden speech, because it is amazing how many misleading statements is speechwriter made in that particular speech. as you said, this is not teleprompter, not joe biden extemporaneous come off the cuff. first, biden said, "i set a goal that many of you said was kind of way over the top, i said i intended to get 100 million shots in people's arms and my first 100 days of office. not a person on the planet said that was way over the top because we were already giving that many doses per day to get to 100 million doses, so that's not a gaffe, that is my number one. number two. biden said one year -- he said covid hit one year ago, and it was "met with silence." okay, so the china travel ban that was enacted in january, that was silent. the european travel ban, that was silent. the uss comfort went on autopilot and found its way to
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new york harbor to assist governor cuomo, or the javits center that opened up a field hospital for governor cuomo, that was silent? to make statements like that, it led to "the washington post," believe it or not, doing a fact-check come in here's what they had to say about the speech, "president biden's address to the nation was heavy on emotions and hope, but light on facts," so even when biden is in teleprompter, his team is trying to push lies on the american people, and even "the washington post" and other fact-checkers or call him out on it, sean. >> sean: let's talk about what is happening in the state of new york. i do believe that there is a lot of factors in play here. we have the hypocrisy angle, obvious, the i-believer caucus, nowhere to be found, had to be embarrassed and take seven people before many of them ever even uttered a word about it. and out his humor, kirsten gillibrand, nadler, congresswoman ocasio-cortez. you now have a majority a majority of it and simply
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members, it reaching that threshold of over 50%. if he is impeached, he would have to resign while the senate trial is going on -- not resign, you have to step aside and let the lieutenant governor take over his duties. as this now hit critical mass or does he stand his ground and not resign? >> well, the numbers tell the story, right? now that the majority is there, the numbers are there to impeach, it's like what nixon was looking at a 1974 when some republicans are joining democrats in terms of the impeachment effort of him and he said, you know what, i'm not getting those boats back in terms of acquittal so i'm going to leave on my own terms. he has no option because he does not have democrats or the media that for so long, all of 2020, that led to him getting any -- all of that praise, to the point of people talking about him replacing joe biden at the top of the presidential ticket, that has all changed now. he has no allies in new york. what i want to know, sean, is
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where is vice president kamala harris. declared brett kavanaugh guilty until proven innocent two years ago, three years ago, and suddenly, she still can't put out a statement in any way, shape, or form in terms of andrew cuomo. it is "silence of the lambs" at the white house because the president and vice president have not said a word, they hide behind a press secretary who asked to speak for them. >> sean: joe concha, thank you. coming up, wilbur driver assaulted, allegedly pepper sprayed after asking his passengers to please wear masks. we've got that tape, straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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after realizing the passengers, one of them, was not wearing a mask. take a look. you decide. >> [bleep]. [coughing] >> corona. >> what are you going to do? >> [bleep]. >> sean: what is wrong with people? now, no one of the women seen in the video has been arrested. neither plan to turn themselves into authorities. unfortunately, this can't happen. that's sad. he's working hard for a living. just, if it's a gentle request, a reminder, why don't you just put the mask on? that's what he's asking. he wants to go home safe, and he wants to go home healthy. that's all the time we have left. we will never be the media mob. we are always independent. please set your dvr i don't miss
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an episode of "tucker carlson tonight." we love you being here. what you make this show possible. have a great weekend. we will see you back here on monday. ♪ ♪ the pike, and who pays for them? someone must. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. i'm juan williams. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ andrew cuomo claiming he is a victim of cancel culture. the governor clinging to power, as calls to resign reach a turning point. how congressional democrats are saying should step down. alexandria ocasio-cortez, jerry nadler, joining the large bipartisan
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