tv Media Buzz FOX News March 14, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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♪♪ >> it began with a critical new york times piece about the growing mess at the mexican border and this time it's president biden's mess, not president trump's. the new president is drawing plenty of favorable press for push through his covid aid bill. more on that later. and waking up to an awful situation in texas caused by biden's liberal message as times noted, more than 3000 migrant children have crossed the border and held in less than ideal facilities. when the last administration did that, there was a tidal wave of media outrage and trump was accused of sheer cruelty.
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biden's policies are different, i get that, but reporters pressed its aides, but not the president who takes very few questions, about this grim situation. some journalists are buying the white house explanation the problem is complicated. that's obviously true, but the tone is drastically different. the old media narrative, trump was a heartless hardliner. the new narrative biden means well but faces a difficult challenge. no amount of sympathetic spin can change that joe biden is now responsible. this is "media buzz." i'm howard kurtz. journalists keep rising the border crisis at white house briefings while the pundits are pointing fingers. >> so, how are you say that's not a crisis? >> it doesn't matter what you call it, it is an enormous challenge. it's something front and center for the president. >> we're just seven weeks into the biden presidency and
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already he's facing a growing humanitarian crisis at the u.s.-mexico border. >> the difference here, a lot of these children are part of a problem that the biden administration inherited from the trump administration. >> let me be clear, what the biden administration is doing at the border is largely all self-inflicted. biden rolled back donald trump's remain in mexico policy. >> the media is fine with the border crisis because trump is gone, there is no crisis. >> joining us now to analyst this, ben domenech, the federalist and ben, white house officials do not want to call what is happening at the border a crisis, but even the press isn't buying that. >> you know, we can argue about what you're going to call this, but the fact is, that all along, i feel like the coverage of border issues has been lacking in terms of the depth needed and the understanding of what's really going on here. in terms of what we see at the
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border today, it's incentivized not just by the shifts in the biden policy toward the border, but also by an ongoing cartel war that's playing out in mexico, which the press really has not paid attention to. the people who are coming across the border are actually wearing even wristbands as reported both by us at the federalist and reuters this past week. they-- these wristbands actually have numbers on them in order to track who has paid the correct cartel in order to get across safely. this is a human trafficking situation the cartels are profiting from. profiting from enormously and incentivized and encouraged by biden policy at the border. frankly incoherent to my perspective. the media ought to be looking at this as the self-inflicted wound it truly is. >> that's an aspect that you mentioned. leslie, reporters at the white house briefings have brought
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this up many times they thought to bring out an official who says it's complicated. this is a big story. >> it is a big story. i don't think that the less press is pretending this is a crisis. and one thing that ben and i agree on, what do you do about it. when you have a main anchor at cnn sit there and say it's a crisis. and it is and i've said this on the network a number of times, this is a crisis. when you have a change of administration and change of rhetoric between the former administration under donald trump and the current administration under joe biden, of course there are going to be people who say, let's try it with this new guy. when you look at pure numbers, you had surges under the trump administrations in 2014 and 2019 and you didn't have back then the pandemic that we're faced with right now. you didn't have actual numbers going from 13,000 beds to 8,000
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beds for children, and as we found out in the past 24 hours, the biden administration is using fema to implement this. you know what this spotlights and the press needs to cover more and people at the border are asking for, please, stop politicizing this. immigration is a problem for democrat and republicans. >> by its nature immigration is a political problem. there's no way to take politics out of it. ben, back to the coverage. times reporting on a tripling of migrants kids coming across the border and ap, hundreds of teens and children are housed in a tent in packed conditions and some sleeping on the floor. is the press doing its job here? >> i think they're starting to do their job, but they've been slow on the uptake. the reality is that these policies, as you know, happened both under the obama-biden
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administration and under the trump administration. under the trump administration, it was something inhumane and compared frequently to all types of fascist approaches to things when in reality, this is an issue that every administration has had to deal with, but dealing with it now is a much bigger problem given, again, cartel incentives in place in order to profit from this situation. unfortunately, i think that this had as been demagogued so much on a national level and without a real complexity of an unravelling of it from the press perspective, it's allowed to continue in this, just completely absurd way. where if you have any kind of border security at all, that's viewed as something inhumane. if you say come on over or come on over slowly and you have this kind of, you know, upsurge, that that's something where your motives are in the right place. howie: well, we don't know what president biden thinks about
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this because he's taken, i believe, one question this week, abc says he'll sit down later this week with george stephanopoulos. on this point, leslie, unlike in the trump administration, biden is not separating children from their parents and other differences, but test, because he favors comprehensive immigration reform thought to be sending a signal even though it's not the official policy that it's okay to come seek asylum in the u.s. isn't it because of the default position by the press during the last administration is not what we're seeing and hearing today? >> i don't know what everybody else is watching. when you hear and see aoc on networks, you know, screaming about what the biden administration is doing and saying that it's no different than what the trump administration was doing and other top democrats, well, i do think that the media is covering it. there are a lot of people, not just progressive faction and wing of the democratic party,
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but there are many democrats that are calling out the biden administration for hypocrisy, quite frankly, and for saying it's still not acceptable what he's doing any more than when donald trump is doing it. i think the press has been doing it and using big guns in the democratic party to get that message out. howie: ben, it's true there's coverage when alexandria ocasio-cortez says how is this from kids in cages? what don't see, this is a case of covering presidents different and surges under trump and biden. what i don't see is commentators saying joe biden is a bad person for allowing this to happen and we saw plenty of that with donald trump. >> can you imagine the scenario you had this type of surge last year and the trump administration was releasing people into the population without testing them for covid because that's happening today. the reason they're getting tested is because of local
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nonprofits and the like that the border patrol, the actual, you know, government entities that we have down there are not even bothering to test these people, many of whom turn out to be positive. this would be decried as something not just a failure of trump policy, but an example of incoherence and an example of failure of executive leadership and the like. instead, under biden, it's getting very short shrift in terms of the coverage of this issue. while i do believe there's attention paid to aoc and critics of the biden administration from the left, this is something that i think is going to turn into a widespread humanitarian issue of a scale that we've not seen before in very short order and that deserves attention. howie: let's hope it doesn't happy, but if it does it deserves attention. let me turn attention to the vaccine ramp up, we're happy about that, president biden ordered 100 million doses.
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leslie, there's question how much credit the media should give to donald trump for launching operation warp speed and whether president biden deserves his share of credit. the former president put out a statement saying i hope everyone remembers if i wasn't president you wouldn't be getting that beautiful shot for five years at best and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. that doesn't get much coverage. >> well, look, "the washington post," the new york times which are not known as conservative media outlets lambasted joe biden, the president, for not mentioning operation warp speed and donald trump. can i say something? maybe i'm vindictive or something, howie. if i were the president of the united states and my predecessor refused to actually acknowledge that i had won an election and continued to perpetrate lies about an election, lies about fraud within the election and technically not even concede, why would i give that person
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credit. donald trump gives himself enough credit, i don't think that joe biden needs to pat donald trump on the back. i don't think going forward we need to look back. >> it was striking those new york times and washington post stories saying, look, donald trump has done a good job and joe biden has built on it with the j&j. and on the verge of passing it now, what's your quick take? >> that's exactly my take, howie. they're saying it now, only saying it after the fact. you have to have the crisis in order to be able to exploit it and you can't actually give any credit to the previous administration for achieving something that frankly is a medical miracle and something that we should all be able to unify about praising this operation warp speed for having the kind of effect it did busting through regulatory burdens and actually delivering this jacque in record time. howie: i've been saying this for week. both presidents deserve credit and nice to see some of the
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media catching up. stand by. up next, more media trouble for andrew cuomo as the newspaper discloses an anonymous accuser and plenty of big name new york democrats want him gone. es. powerful 24-hour, non-drowsy, allergy relief plus an immediate cooling sensation for your throat. feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise.
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>> the media that lionized andrew cuomo is year ago are pushing for him to resign, jerry nadler, aoc, kirsten gillibrand say it's time for him to quit and the governor says he won't bow to cancel culture. >> politicians who don't know a single fact, but yet form a conclusion and an opinion, are in my opinion reckless and
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dangerous. howie: with the state assembly launching impeachment investigation, the turning point may have been an albany union story about a sixth accuser, saying that he groped her at the governor's mansion, and position equivalent to a supervisor. cuomo said i've never done anything like this, the details of this report are gut wrenching. joining us is charlie gasperino. most are saying why is he hanging on and more democrats calling for andrew cuomo's ouster. are they like sharks in the water smelling blood? what turned the tide here. >> i think when the democratic party turned against him it was like a light switch for the mainstream media to go after andrew cuomo. listen, i've known andrew for years, covered him when he was a housing advocate and created an agency called hope to help,
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it was called help, to help homeless. howie: that's when i met him when he was 25 years old. >> he was a smart policy guy. covered him at hud, the new york attorney general's office and governor. andrew cuomo was never perfect, but his media coverage was perfect. howie: understatement of the year. >> and fantastic. howie: so that raises the question, just to give the tone, the viewers the phone tone of it. new york coverage page, cuo-must-go. >> and there was a piece saying that he touched my arms, the small of my back, my waist and they'll known with his strong arm tactics, as a guy why was
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this such a secret so long. >> and i don't think that this was what people talked about. howie: he harassed people of both genders. >> just so you know, i always got along with him. and i mean, he could yell at me, i could yell back. it wasn't an issue with me and i never found him to be out of the ordinary compared to the wall street ceo's that i used to cover. and of course, no one is-- than covering eliot spitzer and he would light me up and andrew was no worse than he was. this comes down to the media and this is a case of media bias. andrew cuomo had big issues with his help program. they were putting essentially homeless people in middle class neighborhoods. not much coverage of that. he made huge mistakes at hud. he's one of the reasons why fannie mae and freddie mac, one of the reasons of the financial
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crisis, the submarine prime loans and pushed them to do this. howie: and let me get you to why, some of the blemishes were overlook, why did they do that. >> he came from democratic royalty and i knew his dad. howie: covered him, too. >> when you come from cuomo, from the kennedys, a lot of stuff gets looked over and i think that's what happened until now. and now it's game on because the entire democratic party establishment is against him. we should point out one other thing, there's a sort of a war going on inside the new york state democratic party between the far left progressives like aoc and people like andrew cuomo who are more moderate and they want to get rid of him. howie: he's not liberal enough rhetoric for new york state. unnamed accuser by the albany
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paper, and less coverage than charlotte bennett. in a way hers is the most troubling allegation, she says cuomo put his hands under her blouse. how should they treat her, they don't know the name. >> that's an interesting question. you have to try to verify the facts of what she said and if in fact can verify they turn out, and it should be a high level since it's, you know, it's anonymous and you should print it. one of the problems i remember with the matt lauer situation, so many of the stuff they said about him, if they checked it out. some of what they said about him didn't check out it probably wasn't worth running the way that ronan ferrell ran it. you've got to make sure with anonymous sources the story checks out at a high level. i'm assuming that albany times
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did that. i have not verified that, by the way. howie: and there's an investigation by the state attorney general and he disputes some of that and is sorry that he made women uncomfortable. and mention that crown publishing is not promoting more copies of his book on leadership about covid. some people say cancel culture? no, nobody is buying the book. charlie, great too see you. >> anytime. howie: ahead, jedediah bila on the furor over harry, meghan and oprah. and how is the president covering covid on the prime time speech.
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future. >> i will not relent until we beat this virus, but i need you, the american people, i need you. i need every american to do their part and that isn't just how politics and politicians vote in washington, with the loudest voices say on cable or online, unity is what we do as fellow americans. >> vintage joe biden, taking the realities of people's humanity, the realities of what people need and want in their everyday lives. i promises a return to kind of normal, not really though, but threatens to take away the cookie if the little children don't behave. i found at that patronizing and frankly, embarrassing. >> this is obviously a major win for him the scope and scale of the legislation. i think it's really huge. >> the left has won a major victory. the 1.9 trillion dollar
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so-called covid relief package creates the most gigantic left wing slush fund america has ever seen. howie: ben domenech, a president always gets credit for his first major victory on capitol hill and this is the overriding issue that joe biden ran on. i'm sure it's not liking to a democratic president, but do you think the media are overpraising it? >> well, i don't know about over praising it, but howie, i want to say as someone who has written speeches for a president before i've never seen a bigger gap between the propaganda around this speech and what the speech actually was. the message that joe biden was sending to the american people was a lecture, it was a demand that basically said, you'll only be able to have a fourth of july if you go along with all the different things that i say you have to do, and he was promoting this bill that has nothing for the most part to do with covid relief, as obviously, it's less than 10%,
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really, related to covid relief. it's sending more money to states for increasing salaries on bureaucrats, spending on roads and different aspects of policy that are not going to have anything to do with covid and yet, this was sold in the media as being this unifying, come-together event, can't we all get behind this mono-partisan piece of legislation? and it was absolutely absurd. i think it's one of the reasons why people don't trust the media anymore because the spin completely collides with the reality of what americans saw on their television. howie: leslie marshall, there was not a sustained conservative media assault on this, one on fox prime time in days leading up to the final vote. what about ben's point this was hailed as a breakthrough to the country when it was passed on a party line vote? >> well, what unity doesn't just come within politics and
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inside the beltway in washington, howie, unity is about the nation. if you look at the polls, americans are united in supporting this. americans are united in wanting stimulus checks, want being money to help further reopen schools and even republican governors have praised it and welcomed for the states likes theirs, many of them hard-hit by the virus and need help, small business owners and the list goes on. like you said, joe biden, president biden certainly can take a victory lap on this and quite frankly, i think republicans down the road, especially in 2022 might see karma come back to bite them when they're up for reelection. >> i have to completely disagree with that, that's not a fair depiction, that's not in way a fair depiction of what the polls say. should we have covid relief in of course you'll get a yes from most people. are they going to say no? of course not. if you ask them we do want an
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enormous tax burden on your children in order to have money coming out the course of the coming decades to all manner of different programs, to bailout blue pension funds and pet projects for different politicians? of course, you're going to get a different answer. you can't hold that up the legitimate way the people are viewing this package particularly as they see it actually spent in their communities. howie: let me jump in, leslie and i'll give you a chance to respond. as soon as they were nearing final passage, the pundits said it's anti-poverty bill, it will reduce child poverty and this stuff and haling biden as the new lbn, that's not how it was sold, once it's on the way to passage, this became the main talking point, leslie. >> howie, if you're asking me, why he yes, i would agree, it's not the way it was sold.
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there were some pushing that home, but that's not the focus not only of the biden administration, but of the american people which is the administration, the focus is, you know, keep the mask and social distancing get shots in arms, get the checks to the people and to the small businesses. hopefully get our lives back to normal as soon as possible and get covid in our rearview mirror. howie: well, we'll see how the coverage is when it's implemented. i'm sorry i'm out of time, ben. you've got more to say. ben and leslie, thank you for joining us on this sunday. next on "media buzz," why piers morgan quit his job after meghan markle. jedediah bila is on deck. so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again!
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with oscar mayer deli fresh it's not just a sandwich, far from it. it's a reason to come together. it's a taste of something good. a taste we all could use right now. so let's make the most of it. and make every sandwich count. with oscar mayer deli fresh >> that global phenomenon known as the harry and meghan sit-down with oprah has its first victim and a charged
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media debate over meghan and her alarm over her first pregnancy. >> and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he was born. i just didn't want to be alive anymore and that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought. >> it sounds like prince whatever his name is and his angry wife in los angeles is compelling, you know exactly who they are. he's weak ab unhappy, she's a manipulative opportunist. >> racism has been there since the world learned about harry and meghan's relationship. the british tabloids put it out there. howie: and piers morgan. >> i understand you've got a partnership relationship with meghan markle and you had one and she cut you off. she's entitled to cut you off
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if she wants to. has she said anything, but you continue to trash her. >> i'm done with this. >> no, no. >> i'm sorry. that's not-- see you later. sorry, can't do this. >> this is absolutely diabolical behavior. howie: diabolical behavior. piers quit the morning show and seems to enjoy the limelight. >> if i have to fall on my sword for expressing an opinion about meghan markle and the diatribe of bilge that she came out with, so be it. howie: joining us now from new york, jedediah bila, co-host of fox and friends. why would piers morgan quit over this, he refused by the network to apologize and does he seem to enjoy a little bit stirring up the media furor? >> he's loving it no question. he sat on that set.
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listen, he's happy to go out and say i'm the free speech defender and talk about free speech. you'll notice that that clip, he was challenged and ripped his microphone off and left. what about the other host having the freedom of speech and he couldn't handle it. this is wild, this whole piers morgan saga. look back to 2016, he is praising her, and that she ghosts him and he goes on and on he didn't get invitation to the wedding and he relentlessly writes piece after piece with hate-filled stuff and some of the name calling was bad behavior third grade stuff and now he gets to say i'm a defender of freedom of speech. listen, i think he's entitled to his opinion, i don't think that he should have been pushed out at all, but you know, bad behavior is bad behavior and he doesn't get to go out and say i'm a defender of freedom of speech when he couldn't listen to someone challenging him
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without sitting there and keeping his microphone on. howie: it wasn't exactly a brutal debate. let me turn this around. meghan markle gotten 17 million people in america to watch the program and then 50 worldwide, and she complains to tv. does she paint herself as a victim? >> she filed the complaint he said she doesn't believe her and she doesn't want people out there struggling with suicidal thoughts well, i'm not going to be believed. whether or not that's true, i don't know. i did not perceive that interview as them seeking victim status. the way that i perceived is, a, i don't know if any of what they said was true. i don't know what the royals are going to say is true. none of us really know if it was all true or false because we weren't there. it is a lot of he said-she said right now, however, the two of them harry and meghan are entitled to tell their story. they feel they were silent for
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a very long time, that a lot of stuff about them was misrepresented in media. you look at the british tabloid, it was horrific and they felt a lot of things needed to be set straight and they had a prominent figure in oprah who wanted to give them the platform. if i felt misrepresented for a long time, i would have seized that opportunity as well. howie: i don't agree with piers, if about a woman says she had suicidal thoughts, i don't know if a tv guy who would if it's true. what is stunning in the states, the british media regulator is investigating this matter and take action if it's found at that piers morgan gave offense and that's a pretty broad mandate. you know, in america we say what? >> right. and that's how the u.k. is different from the united states of america in terms of media, but in the u.k., they do have these regulators and they've got something like over
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40,000 complaints when he said that, and the way it works there, is that they investigate is, is this a comment that will deem harm societally and they may well find that it is. like i said i want him to be able to speak his mind, i think we need to be fair how this story played out and look at the record on him, what he has said and what he has done, and you know, be honest about it. but, sure he's entitled to his opinion and should be. howie: yeah, we all agree on that. so today the daily mail has a lengthy piece, proble looked like cooperation from the palace, knocking down or challenging some of what harry and meghan said, why didn't she go to a therapist? and who made the comment on the baby's skin color and the argument of the piece, oprah did a poor job of following up. to be fair she did follow up on some, but would you do the usual follow-up? was that the platform? >> for me, i saw this as an
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opportunity for her to give them a voice. some of that stuff she learned right then and there and she did follow up. when they said that there was this conversation about archie's skin tone and concerns how dark it would be which is racist and horrific, by the way, if that in fact did happen. she asked who is it? they didn't want to say. they opted not to. i don't know if she could have pressed more on that. she wasn't there to fact check every statement. she was there to interview them. i thought her questions were interesting and engaging and their opportunity to tell the story. of course the fact checkers are out on both sides of the aisle and doing their work, i think it's interesting to see the immediate reaction of some to say, they're liars, oh, they're woke, which is of course a derogatory term to say they were too p.c. if that was my child, and people were talking about his skin tone, i would have had a lot harsher words than they did. that was their moment to share their story and that's what they did.
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howie: you know, whether you like meghan markle or don't like meghan markle, the british press has treated this couple horribly. they trashed the interview and seem to have it in for her and harry said in the interview that the tabloids intimidate the palace unless you wine and dine the reporters. >> there's an intricate relationship we learned between in that interview between the media paparazzi and the royal family. i think there was a lot of people became very upset when these two individuals decided to step away from their senior roles and it was viewed as they're spoiled brats. they don't know what they have. the bottom line is that there was stuff going on that made them unhappy and her primary job is to protect her child and his primary job is to protect his family. if that's a decision they made for themselves, who am i to judge? they made it, we've got to deal with it. howie: yeah, and they'll make a lot of money from their zillion
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posted racially insensitive tweets and staffers say they complained to the conde-nast management. and we as the staff of teen vogue fully reject those sentiments and she admitted the hold posts were idiotic. i apologize deeply for the pain caused and no excuse. >> and alexi mccammond has apologized. what do you make about this uprising. >> my favorite tv judge, judge judy says you can't sue over the car. >> and anything in the past can be used against them forever. as you mentioned these were offensive comments she said when she was a teenager, when she was in college. not only apologized twice in
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the last couple of weeks, she apologized two years ago when the first came to light. so it's not defending the comments, it's to say that she exhibited real contrition two years ago before she got into this new job and had some uproar from her incoming staff. it seems like a really, this slippery slope here, you know, what you want to call it cancel culture or anything else, it's using these kinds of things against someone the rest of their life. not the way we should be living our lives in society today. howie: there's no defending these ole tweets and comments. one derided a teaching assistant as a stupid asian and another said google how to not wake up with swollen eyes. i wonder if there's a statute of limitation on this stuff and including people here. and nbc host had to apologize for comments that said it was
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from hacking. and a tweet said people on the right would glad to trade their tax cuts to be able to use the word hopely. >> entire the conspiracy center from wisconsin by way of moscow, ron johnson. by way of moscow. why is there never much media reaction to her hand grenades? >> i think it's a case study who can say these things and who the target of those kinds of things are. that tweet you mentioned is completely ridiculous, and over the top and incendiary and raises the temperature in the country and you also say she did sort of apologize for things she said in her past, but she also gave a non-apology for some pretty harsh things she said about muslim-americans, only last year. so all of that brushed aside. she feels empowered to say
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things with no chance of any sort of punishment or responsibility and in a lot of ways, i say good, i guess. on some level i wish that that was the kind of power that everyone felt and had to do that. there seems to be nothing joy reid can say or do that will have repercussions for her bosses. i'm not saying she should get canceled for these things, but look at the hypocrisy when this is what joy reid can do and some others can't approach the line of doing. howie: i've got a few seconds, is it hypocrisy on the fact that she's very liberal and woke and the news room culture doesn't challenge her? >> exactly. i think that she believes the right things is a very outspoke on the things quote, unquote, acceptable to believe today. even i would say what was interesting about joy reid even just last year was her very strong anti-bernie sanders sentiment that we saw in the primary.
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look how that turned out. that's okay. but you know, that's the kind of things you can say and still have the autonomy that really go about saying whatever you want now. howie: well, i'm just questioning why it doesn't get some coverage, some analysis or scrutiny. steve krakauer, thank you for joining us on this sunday. still to come more on coverage of joe biden and the migrants at the border, griff jenkins. stay with us
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to take a look at any of the government facilities housing migrant kids and teenagers? >> they haven't, howie, and i think they're getting tired of me putting in the request, i put in every single day. and it's not just to the child facilities, but we wanted access to talk to the officials, the border patrol chief in the rgv sector, they're not opening up, so much so i had to use a source to leak some photos of a temporary processing site not far from now, with are they first come in contact with the migrants who crossed. howie: it may change. the administration sounds like they're trying to limit a bad news story not only for the administration, but for the country. you've been to the border, do you see a contrast in tone for
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the unfortunate situation being covered now versus the way it was covered under donald trump? >> well, i do. there was larger media. i haven't seen any other national media since i've been here although i'm not sure they weren't. i'm in a vacuum and to mexico and the texas side. i talked to a gentleman who said i don't want to knock the new guy, but the flood gates are open and something has to be done. >> based on your reportering does the situation there match the grim picture painted by the media. we can't see it, can't show pictures, but even the human rights lawyers trying to find out what's going on so what's your assessment comparing to the media narrative? >> taken the fact where we
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began, transparency and shedding light on it would give the true answer although i've got to learned they've learned lessons first in 2014 when they had the first crisis when then vice-president was in-- vice-president biden was in charge and now under the new administration, it will get out and we'll be able to tell the story. howie: i'm glad you're there and i think some organizations have done some good reporting, including an ap story i mentioned at the top, migrant kids forced into tents in the age of covid. griff jenkins, thank you for joining us from texas. >> thank you, howie. howie: a little delay there. that's it for this edition of "media buzz": i'm howard kurtz. hope you like the daily page i post there. and check out the podcast, "media buzz" and you can
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eric: president biden now turning to fema to address the growing crisis at the southern border, enlisting the federal disaster agency to help manage the influx of unaccompanied children who are coming into our country, this as the number shows the flow of migrants trying to get into the nation has explosioned. hello, welcome to "fox news live." i'm eric shawn. arthel: hello, i'm arthel neville. fema is on the way, although the biden administration are still not calling this a crisis just yet. meanwhile, republican critics
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