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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 17, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ night at 7:00 p.m. stay with fox news, here's tucker. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. happy st. patrick's day, one of we are grateful for all america traditions. before he left central america this afternoon we had to take a test where the nurse shelves a q-tip up your nose.
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pretty on pleasant trying to be responsible while you into her. the airline demanded it. we could not come home until we have a test. that's because our authorities are totally committed to stopping this deadly virus. what if you are coming here illegally? what if you wrote a freight train? well, as it happens, this morning, we interviewed an active ms-13 member, a convicted murderer, who said he did exactly that. so the question is, do people like him, the ones who break our laws to get here, have to submit to mandatory covert test and they've been apprehended by american authorities? and the answer is actually no they don't. under this administration, they don't have to, and they don't. illegal aliens are now exempt from the public health measures that have been imposed by force on the rest of us by the u.s. government. illegal aliens come and go as they please, no one seems to care if they spread deadly viruses to the rest of the american population. it's hard to believe that's
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actually happening, but it is happening, we verified it today when the new dhs secretary admitted in congressional testimony that the biden administration is releasing foreign nationals into american neighborhoods without even bothering to check if they've been infected with covid. now, given the authoritarian lockdowns the rest of us have lived under for the last year the ones that have crushed the country, it's hard to understand this policy as anything but an act of violence and hostility towards our country. he doesn't utter betrayal. they don't care about you and they are saying that as clearly as they possibly can. joe biden is saying it too. a reporter asked biden if he planned to visit the border to see for himself the disaster that's unfolding there. not at the moment, he replied dismissively, as if he had better things to do. we would love to know what those things are. later that day a reporter asked kamala harris what she knew about the current immigration crisis, the one that hurried administration caused. more than 100,000 foreign nationals are flooding in every
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month like the border doesn't even exist. some of them are gang members. others appear to be on fbi terror watch list. more than 13,000 of them are children, unaccompanied minors now in u.s. custody. it all adds up to a norm is maybe unprecedented wave of humanity coming into america right now. but kamala harris didn't seem to have any idea what was happening. "i haven't been briefed on anything today about it," she said. she was too busy promoting critical race theory and making sure there are boys on your daughter's track team. has there ever been in administration this reckless nondestructive? what's happening on the border tonight will change this country forever. a lot of things won't. this will, and you should know that. unlike other disasters, mass illegal immigration is permanent. no one ever really gets sent home. over the past 30 years, the population of the united states has exploded by nearly 100 million people, mostly due to immigration. were you even aware that that happened? you're not supposed to say a word about it as every year the united states gets steadily more jammed with people and at the same time, more chaotic and less
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cohesive. as the open spaces shrink, as nature itself receives in the face of yet another strip mall or apartment complex or fast food outlet to serve the new people. this is becoming a crowded country and crowded countries are ugly, unhappy countries. why are we letting that happen? well, that's a rhetorical question, of course. no one asked we what -- no one asked us what we want, they just did it. no one asked the countries these immigrants are coming from either. that's something that had never even occurred to us yesterday when we talked to the president of el salvador. his lost a third of its population over the years to immigration to the united states. el salvador is a charming country in a lot of ways but it is still a very poor place, so on american politicians offer free education, free health care and free all kinds of things to anyone who can just make it across the border, millions of salvadorans accept their offer and why wouldn't they accept it? so they migrate into huge
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groups, and that hurts this country. but it also weakens el salvador. listen to that country's president's perspective. >> if you don't provide for your people economic opportunities your economy is doing bad people are going to leave. they are going to go and try to find a rich country, right? they're not going to leave for guatemala, they want to go to the united states. so that makes this country's dependent on immigration because you become a net exporter of people. you are not exporting products or service, you are exporting people. so that makes our economy dependent on that because then those people send money back to their home countries, which is not a good economic formula, so it's bad for the united states because immigration will go up and it's bad for other countries because people leaving the country will go up as well, so it's bad for both of us. >> tucker: it's bad for both of us. the u.s. and el salvador, and he's absolutely right, no one says it. but imagine if a third of the
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most boldest, most ambitious people in your country just left. what would that mean for your future? the overfunded ngos and self-satisfied compassion mongers who promote open borders haven't thought a moment about that because they don't care. they don't even know who the president of el salvador is. how many souls like moms with no human's illegal signs in the front lawn could even name him? we are guessing right around none. but if you're looking for conclusive evidence of how little they actually care about
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the latin american servants who walk their dogs and washed their sheets, consider the almost complete silence from fashionable american levels as the biden administration's holding pens for immigrant children filled beyond capacity. they are choosing to ignore this as it happens. here's what it looks like. >> tonight more than 4,000 children are in custody at overcrowded processing facilities, a 30% surge in the last week. >> [indiscernible]. >> someone stole all her money along the way. >> many discover that getting here is just the beginning. some migrants describe crowded immigration processing centers. >> packed with people. >> without showering facilities. >> did they let you shower? >> and some say they slept under a bridge overnight. >> attorneys for some of the children told us kids as young as 1 sometimes go days without bathing, rarely see the sun and the sound of crying is constant. >> tucker: so it's bad it is about to get much worse. there's been a 300% increase in the number of families apprehended by customs and border protection's since october. that number is rising. keep in mind it takes about three weeks for migrants to make their way from central america to the mexican border with the
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u.s. so the border gets more porous by the day, that's intentional the administration has made it that way. early indications suggest that this month, march, will see the largest surge of illegal entries in a generation. so who are all people coming? we don't really know who they are and we don't have a good way to find out and that's the scariest part. in the last day we have learned that at least four people arrested at the southern border were identified by law enforcement as "known to be or reasonably suspected of being involved in terrorist activities." that seems like a front-page story, but it's not. democrats know perfectly well how unpopular open borders are with americans. americans of all races. so they are doing their best hysterically in fact, to suppress news about what is actually happening. here's veronica escobar, who some somehow got elected to congress from texas letting you know that if you say a single word about what's happening on the border right now, you are a racist. >> they can either join us in being part of the solution, or my fear is what they are going to continue to do is seek ways to divide our country, fuel xenophobia and racism, and i want to warn them that their words and the feeling of that xenophobia, that racism, that
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hatred of the border, that fear of the border, there are consequences to that language in that rhetoric. >> tucker: divide the country say the people who are leading and millions of foreign nationals with no right to be here against the will of the population. it's interesting to watch a demagogue like that yap into a camera and then compare her to a leader who actually cares about the people he represents. our conversation yesterday it was striking, president of el salvador took was once ability for the fact that millions have less of country. el salvador he said needs better security and opportunity and he seemed to mean it as he said it. so compare that response to the response from an incompetent like gavin newsom in california or an open race-baiter like veronica escobar of texas. those kind of people blame whites of premises and qanon for their failures and then they keep going. they never looked back. it's pathetic. joe biden isn't much better than this. biden knows the american public
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doesn't want a million new poor people showing up illegally this year. our country can't handle that obviously, especially not right now. again, open borders are not popular with anyone. they are not popular with hispanics, by the way. all the guilty white liberals assume hispanics love illegal immigration. they don't. they are american, why would they love it? biden is trying to blame the whole thing on trump, of course. apparently the promise of a border wall was a massive lord to central americans hoping to sneak in. that's pretty funny. but at the same time, and not so subtly, biden is telling more illegal aliens to come here. here was biden on "good morning america" this morning letting the world know that america's top priority is making foreign nationals feel comfortable in the united states. >> we have to sit quite clearly don't come? >> president biden: yes, i can say quite clearly don't, we are in the process of getting set up and it's not going to take a long time. to be able to apply for asylum in place.
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so don't leave your town or city or community. we are going to make sure we have facilities in those cities and towns run by dhs and also access with hhs, health and human services to say you can apply for asylum from where you are right now. >> tucker: oh, got it? just don't come yet, we are not quite ready. and by the way don't trouble yourself, we will come to you. we will spend whatever it takes to make the whole process easier for you so that more people from your country can move to our country entirely at our expense. that's our promise to the world and we hate ourselves enough that you know we mean it. has any country ever promised something like this to the world? can any country survive once it has? joe biden hasn't thought about that. he doesn't care. none of them care. all they know is that the democratic party will never lose again once they pull this off and that's all that matters to them. jason jones is a former texas
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border security captain who joins us live tonight from the southern border as he did last night. jason, thanks so much for coming on. we asked you last night for the latest on what you're seeing and hearing down there and i would ask that again tonight. what does it look like? >> tucker, thanks for having me it's good to be with you tonight. well, we were in roman texas this morning and for the viewers, roma is a small community that lies between laredo and mcallen, texas right in the center, and we were sitting on the bluffs at 7:40 this morning when a large gun battle broke out. across from roma, texas, is a small community. that community has been in battle between two cartels between the last few years. the gulf cartel and cartel [indiscernible], known as the [indiscernible] by many. those two cartels have been battling for years and we caught that gun battle this morning. >> tucker: remarkable. >> gunfire, gun battle.
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>> there we go. we are still alive. >> tucker: not iraq, texas. >> yeah. that's a great point, and that's where we talk about that what's happening at our border is much more in-depth than just the immigration lawyer and i don't want to say just, because it's a serious issue, but it's important that the american people know that what is happening down here is much broader in scope than just people crossing our border and you know, these gun battles are happening -- we were talking with cbp officials, state and local law enforcement, they are hearing these gun battles between two and four times a week and in december we were
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down there with lara logan and her team and we caught an hour and a half long gun battle and tucker, i want you to know i'm talking everything from 40 millimeters grenades .50-caliber belt bed machine guns, armored vehicles. these things are massive and it goes really to the breadth of how the cartels have evolved and gone through quantum leaps and changes, but this is what is occurring at our southern border and, you know, it's much bigger than just an immigration issue down here. >> tucker: apparently the new president has moved additional u.s. troops to syria, is resisting pulling american troops out of afghanistan. do you see american troops on our border as the war rages right across the river? >> i do, and it's time. we need to do a lot more in that arena. the cartels are not just a u.s.-mexico problem i think the way most people see them. they have gone through massive changes, and to give you an example of that, a cartel is in 54 countries around the world. [indiscernible] is in over 48 now. this is a global problem and we
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have continued to do the same thing hoping for a different result. building cases on the spokes as they have evolved all over the world and begin using military grade weapons and tradecraft that we are seeing, you know terrorist organizations around the world using, and that's why we've been calling to designate them as foreign terrorist organizations. that doesn't mean we go to war with the cartels but what it does mean is that we use the tools of national power to finally focus on them. >> tucker: yeah, and to protect our country. i mean, these cartels backed down the entire mexican army, so i mean, these are sophisticated forces, obviously. i appreciate your report tonight from the border, thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: so why are so many people coming all of a sudden two months into the biden demonstration? it's not a comp located question to answer. first, biden promised to let them come, not send anyone home no more deportations, and second
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he and his party promised a lot of free stuff like health care education, food stamps to anyone who can make it. again, would you come if you were poor? of course he would. who wouldn't? and they are. the biden demonstration is also and this is the most maybe amazing fact of the year letting illegal migrants into our country and letting them dispersed out the country without testing them for the coronavirus. your member the coronavirus? that was the deadly global pandemic that wrecked our country? yeah. >> there were times earlier when individuals were apprehended and we sought to expel them and we were unable to expel them, and we were compelled to release them and we did not have the opportunity to test them. >> tucker: so you can't fly back to your own country without getting tested, but if someone
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comes and breaks are laws, the biden demonstration may release them into your neighborhood without knowing whether they have the coronavirus and r. has anything more insulting than that ever happened in the history of our country? josh hawley of missouri says there may be awake to stop this. senator, thanks so much for coming on. galling doesn't really describe this. how can we fix it? >> one of the first things you have to do is you have to make clear you can't come to this country and get welfare benefits and all sorts of handouts from the federal government but the biden administration has done the reverse. they have eliminated the rule that says that you had to show you could be independent financially, economically independent before you could come into the country and when you throw up in the border -- listen, policy's destiny. when you tell people that you can come and welfare, when you say that there's not going to be a border wall, when you say that unaccompanied minors will get released into the interior of the country, guess what? you create a border crisis, you
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create the human smuggling crisis. you create the humanitarian crisis and that is exactly what president biden has done. >> tucker: and done it without the consent of the governed. none of this has been voted on in the congress. this is done executive willie -- primarily by executive order. then to exempt people from breaking our loss from the coronavirus regulations the rest of us have been crushed by, what message are they sending to us? >> well, the message they are sending is just lawlessness and it's one standard for american citizens and a different standard for people coming illegally into the country. it is a major public health disaster and created, as you've been reported on, they've created a humanitarian disaster at the border but also this tucker. these cartels, lets her member nobody sets foot across that border on the southern end of it without the cartels. the cartels control that border so what joe biden has effectively done is empower those cartels to make money empower them to smuggle children. empower them to run drugs. they are now in full control of border policy because the u.s. president is letting them be. >> tucker: so we got thousands
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of troops in washington protecting the congress against q, whatever that is. maybe we could move some down maybe our pregnant seal teams to protect her border from the cartels. has anyone thought of this? >> how about the endless war in afghanistan, now in its 20th year, president biden doesn't seem to have any interest in ending. this is a national security threat, it is a humanitarian crisis of the border and it's time that president biden admitted his policies have caused it and it's time for him to do something about it. >> tucker: i couldn't agree more. senator, great to see you tonight, thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: so a horrifying series of shootings in atlanta yesterday left eight people dead. they were murdered. authorities are still trying to understand why this happened. they don't know, as far as we know, at this hour, but that didn't stop some in the democratic party from exploiting their murders to further divide the country along ethnic lines if you can even imagine. it's hard to imagine, but that's what they did, and we have the tape. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ it's hard to imagine, but that's what they did, and we have the tape.
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>> tucker: authorities have arrested a man called robert aaron long for a series of murders at three massage parlors in atlanta. eight people were killed yesterday.
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the investigation is still ongoing and there's a lot we don't know. but thankfully, kamala harris believes she's got the answers. >> i do want to talk about what happened in georgia, in atlanta. it speaks to a larger issue which is the issue of violence in our country. i do want to say to our asian-american community that we stand with you and understand how this has frightened and shocked and outraged all people but knowing the increasing level of hate crime against our asian-americans, brothers and sisters. we also want to speak out in solidarity with them and acknowledge that none of us should ever be silent in the face of any form of hate. >> tucker: what a fraud and a reckless liar she is. we don't know anything about this shooting beyond what we've heard from police, and there has been no sense whatsoever that race played a role in this, but of course kamala harris jumps
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immediately into it to inflame america's deepest wounds. congresswoman cori bush did exactly the same thing. she'd said this attack was due to white's pharmacy. again, police have already said this wasn't racially motivated. >> he has some issues potentially sex addiction and may have frequented some of these places in the past. >> [indiscernible]. he says he has addiction [indiscernible]. >> the indicators right now are it may not be. it may be targets of opportunity. again, we believe that he frequented these places. >> an addiction issue rather than racial profiling? >> during our interviews, we ask that specific question, and that did not appear to be emotive. >> tucker: so the guy is accused of murdering eight people and all the questions were about race. okay.
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but notice, it's the politicians who jump in immediately to divide the country along racial lines. vivek ramaswamy has thought a lot about this, he joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. so you've been hearing this -- i mean, this is such a sad story a horrible story, but it's part of a much bigger story we've been told for the past couple of weeks, that these very real attacks against asian-americans are somehow a product of whites of premises. i don't think is an evidence to support that, i think it's kind of the opposite of the truth. why do they keep telling us that? >> what happened today was really sad and i think that we had to recognize that a tragedy was a tragedy today. it was a tragedy irrespective of the color of the skin of the perpetrator or the color of the skin of the victim and what this remind me of actually, tucker, a few years ago, section 2016, the killing at paul's nightclub, it was the lgbtq nightclub. initially right after it happened, president obama showed up on the scene and said this is an attack on the lgbt community
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and then-candidate president trump said the same thing. for the situations we have to wait for the facts to bear themselves out. that was relatively random against the united states, he tried to attack a different club first and didn't even know that it was an lgbt club. i think in cases like this the facts actually matter and i think it's shameful when identity politics and politicians jump on this as a personal opportunity for themselves. >> tucker: they do it on purpose every time when people are afraid and upset and anyone who read that story was upset because it is so upsetting. so they jump in. i don't think average person wanders around thinking about race today. i really don't think most americans are like that, but our politicians are like that and they make it worse. why don't we call them on this? >> i think we ought to call them on this and i think at the end of the day they are advancing their own agenda and in return they are tearing us apart of the fabric of our nation and the seams of our relationships with the country. i also think that -- i don't think what happened today would
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be any better or any worse if it was or it wasn't race-motivated. it was a tragedy, it was wrong all violence is wrong and i think our leaders can actually step up and say that directly. i don't fault the asian-americans in atlanta who might be startled right now. i felt the leaders who are throwing fuel and kerosene on that fire. >> tucker: exactly, nicely put. why are they doing this? they are doing this a lot, why? >> look, at the end of the day people are hungry for a cause hungry for a search for meaning. they are exploiting that hunger for identity and instead of filling it with a shared sense of american identity that we face a shared sense of enemies and shared vulnerabilities together, they are dividing us into tribes and that might make us better consumers for corporations or voter block for politicians but it doesn't make us better citizens in the end and i hold our leaders accountable to rise to the occasion and actually help us see that we share our vulnerabilities in common rather than pitting one group against another. >> tucker: amen, we have a common humanity. they are definitely minute you letting and it's disgusting. i appreciate your description of that, it was spot on. thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: so the authorities don't love every immigrant. in michigan for example, a restaurant owner came from
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poland, actually fled communist poland so she could find freedom in the unit states. she joins us next to tell us how the coronavirus restrictions are wrecking her life in turning this country into something like the one she fled. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ wrecking her life in turning this country into something like the one she fled. we will be right back.
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>> tucker: want to take a quick break mid-show to bring your pretty upsetting image, and no it's not cnn's court eunuch in the skivvies, it's even worse than that, it's john kerry flying on an american airlines flight without a mask. first without it was fake because he was flying commercial and because of course he told us that not wearing masks was immoral. wearing a mask was setting an example. >> you cannot have a president of the united states
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set an example, the people not having a mask and then making it into a political issue. >> tucker: but he wasn't wearing a mask because -- has he been apprehended? as of right now, john kerry appears to be in the loose of their but we've already called the mask police. no word on whether he was dragged physically off the plane, but then, he wasn't an elderly woman in a bank of america franchise in texas, so probably not. if anything, he's probably hoping he'll get banned from flying commercial we can get back on his private jet and spew some garbage. well, tonight authorities in michigan are doing everything they can to put a restaurant owner in prison. why? because she owns a business during covid. she is still free tonight as far as we know. we spoke that restaurant owner earlier. here's our conversation. >> tucker: thanks so much for coming on. so you came to this country 35 years ago in search of freedom. you are now a corona criminal was been told you have to turn
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yourself in. i have to ask you, how does that feel? >> it feels horrible. reminds me like i'm back in my country under communist regime. >> tucker: what did you do wrong? we don't often interview people who have to turn themselves in to the authorities. tell us what your crime is according to the state of michigan. >> i didn't break any law. imposed by the government rules and regulations under the constitutional law, they are not allowed. they are just [indiscernible] and as you know, the judge unconstitutionally sent -- give me warrant bench for my arrest without a bond, so she violated my right under the sixth amendment because i also ask to have a system counselor, which she denies. so i'm going to fight and i'm not going to give up. she tried to put me in fear, so i will follow her rules, which
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is i have to close my place and follow the rules and restrictions. we are the people, small business owners, we have to fight for our survival. they have a job security. we the people, small business owners, like i told you, we have to fight, and i will fight for freedom for american people, and i encourage everyone, business owners, other people, stand up and fight for your freedom before it's going to be taken away and this what we see right now in this country is unacceptable and we have to do the movement before it's too late. mrs. god country. god create this land and we have the right to equal [indiscernible], not just some government who leads under all the regulations. so god bless you all and let's do the movement.
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so god bless you all and let's now is the time. we cannot wait any longer. we have to take control. we have to have strong leadership, not communist party was going to control and is going to take all us rights away. so please, stand up, america. now is the time. >> tucker: amen. amen. the poles get it. noticed a theme here. good luck to you on thursday. i appreciate you coming on today. >> tucker: well, there was a time when parents had some role in how their own children were raised. if the teacher was telling them things that were insane or vicious or racist, they could pipe up, but not anymore. one form or trump administration official joins us next to say what happened to him after he raised his voice against the corrosive and immoral critical race theory kids were learning about. you won't believe what happened. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ g
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about. you won't believe what happened. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ this is the destroyer of ransomware. ah, i'm the head of i.t., my name is paula. destroying ransomware is, like, the most epic thing anyone's ever done. it's actually really easy. i just use sophos. if she told you how she did it, your face would melt off and you'd probably die. i just told you how i do it. we'll edit that part out so your face doesn't melt off. this is the destroyer of ransomware destroying more ransomware. she knows we know she knows
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we'll never know how she does it. ( ♪♪ ) - hello, michael youssef, here. you know, when jesus stretched his arms on that cross, he is inviting whomsoever would come to him, confessing and repenting, to receive his embrace. only then will you experience his eternal peace. will you accept his invitation? - [announcer] to learn more about the one who is ready to accept you wherever you are in life, visit
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oh, you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that. cause when you hook our community up with the internet... boom! look at ariana, crushing virtual class. jamol, chasing that college dream. michael, doing something crazy. this is the place where we can show the world what we can do. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wifi-enabled lift zones, so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: loudoun county in virginia is the richest county in america, a suburb of washington, d.c., at the schools there recently went completely off the deep end. teachers began teaching children about critical race theory which is the noxious lie that some races are better than other races, some are moral, others are immoral. it's pure racism. when parents complain abut this teachers and activists attacked them on a private facebook group, they assembled a list of every parent who had spoken out
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against this and suggested they should be punished for this. this is in america, happening right now. ian prior is one of those parents. he is the cofounder of the daily malarkey, former justice department spokesman and we are happy to have him now. thanks so much for coming on. so tell us what they did with this list. it seemed like a threat to me. did you take it that way? >> sure. right off the bat there was a post in this private group, they are called the antiracist parents of loudoun county. we call them chardonnay antifa but they put a post out there asking for people to help hack into anti-trc websites, to redirect them to pro trc websites, engaged in a mailing campaign to expose these people and then what you had was all these people in the group start lifting names, so i found out from a reporter's inquiry that i was in the group twice. the first time i was in the group was going to the school
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board speaking up about first amendment concerns and schools, so that got me got analyst and the second thing that got me on the list was an op-ed i wrote in the federalists in october about critical race theory in loudoun county public schools and i got put on the list again by a neighbor. >> tucker: by a neighbor. it might be time -- not to get in your business, but it could be time to leave. for defending the first amendment and for standing up for a color-blind meritocracy against racism you were threatened with the help of a neighbor. i mean, what country is this, do you know? >> i don't know. i don't know what country it is. i don't know what neighborhood it is anymore but i do know that this is happening everywhere. everywhere in america, and that's why i think it's important for people to go out there and talk about this. you know, it's one thing to reported to law enforcement. is problematic in loudoun county because the loudoun county attorney was actually in this group. i don't know if she was participating in any of this but she's a member of this group. so you know, my message here and i think really there are three effective ways to counter these cancel culture commandos.
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it's fearlessness, substance and mockery. >> tucker: that's right. >> called him the four cancel culture avengers that i think of done a great job with this. let's start with dave portnoy of bar to barstool sports donald trump jr., and tucker carlson. i think we need more people out there doing that. that's why we started the daily, so that we can go out there with substance, focus on cancel culture where it's appropriate and can engage in some mock range of these people that they're not going to get away with acting like this in a community by targeting their fellow neighbors and parents that are standing up for the constitutional rights. >> tucker: this is a religious movement. i don't think it's an accident that it's them -- the strange destructive almost suicidal impulse has descended on a leadership class. i don't think what you're describing is happening in the mahoning valley in ohio where there are a lot of poor working class people. it's rich people, isn't it? >> it is.
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and you can blame our political leaders. when maxine waters goes out and says that in people's faces maybe she's talking about republicans on the other side of the isle at congress, but that is trickle-down into local neighborhoods and these people have been radicalized. they spent all day on facebook you know, algorithms or pushing news to them. is it fake news? who knows. they burned relationships and they want to attack neighbors and it's dangerous and it's scary. >> tucker: and saddles also. this drink amenities. i appreciate your coming on thank you very much. >> thank for having me. >> tucker: so even if you're a liberal, maybe especially if you're a liberal, it's dangerous to come on this show, obviously. you can't question people in authority, that's no longer allowed. our next guest broke those rules. the second she got off the air the last time she was on, big concert once is for her. we will tell you what those were next. as on, big concert once is for her. we will tell you what those were nextxtxtxtxt
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last month she appeared on the show it to share her concerns about restrictions that may be about restrictions that may be after she appeared on the show wolf was then suspended from twitter twice, once for 12 hours and then for a week. according to twitter naomi wolf was guilty of spreading misinformation about the coronavirus. she was also censored on youtubp and vimeo. she is the author of "the end of america."" she joins us tonight for a recap.e i'm sorry to laugh, but here you come out with your concerns about freeyo speech and you are immediately silenced. i mean, the people who do this are blind to irony but tell us what happened to you if you would. >> sure thing. happy st. patrick's day, and thank you for having me back on. it's exactly as you described.
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i don't have any smoking guneind that i was deplatformed from twitter and then from three other major platforms. i've been talking about all kinds of things on social media and never had this problem until i talked to a conservative about how left and right should unite to save the -- profiting from lockdowns and it wasn't just two times being deplatformed from twitter. when you talk about irony, i actually posted my interview with dinesh d'souza about censorship and how bigte tech is benefiting and the minute i try to posted i was deplatformed again. it was this exercise in humiliation because the platform forced me to delete my own tweets before it would allow me back on. so it's very concerning because i'm the ceo of a tech company so
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i understand how much thought goes into these user interfaces in the way that twitter kind of put me in a timeout and made me kind of clean up my mess is really kind of conditioning us to not think like americans. it's really a very kind of ccp type of conditioning to kind of conform and watch our words. it's censorship. >> tucker: what i found so striking about it -- you always at that point you got to think that nobody is safe from this. >> well, it -- i can't deny that it's pretty shocking, and it feels, you know, bullying and intimidating even though, again i don't have any definitive
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proof that it's as a result of my talking to conservatives and calling for, you know, union to defend america from encroaching tyranny, but it is intimidating and i just want to say i'm not alone, but i'm equally horrified that people -- you know, that conservative voices are being deplaftormed. there was this purge on social media conservative voices and to me as an american that was very scary. after i fear initial the last after i appeared on your show the last time, i got hundreds of emails thanking me and thanking you for having a trans partisanit conversation to heal some of these divisions and fight for these constitution and our bill of rights. the fact is i see it unfortunately my side, they are kind of in an embrace with big tech to kind of consolidate power on social media and drowned out conservative voices. it's not good for the country and it's not good for our union. >> tucker: that's right and v you're absolutely right and trans partisan is the way to think about it. we can debate tax rates, but
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that's kind of a minor quibble compared to our absolute right to speak our conscience out loud. i mean, nothing matters if we don't have that. and i think the fact that you are willing to say that, and it took bravery, rattled them obviously. >> thank you. well, i don't know what their motivation is. i do know that there's a lot of money being made in dividing us and there's a lot of money being made in lockdowns. it is an industry -- i mean, you know, one of the things that i was calling attention to before i got deplaftormed is the fact that big tech is part of the shape of lockdowns, the way the policy unfolds, and since march of last year, jeff bezos is up 58 billion, bryn is up -- gates is up 24 billion, and so on and so on, so we do have to seize our competition back and call out big tech for censorship and for exploiting these divisions. >> tucker: the economics of lockdowns.
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i don't know enough about -- i doubt our viewers do, i hope you come back if you do more and that because that is interesting. naomi wolf, thank you, great to see you. >> thank you so much. >> tucker: we are out of time but sean hannity is just beginning tonight and so we hanh you over to him to take over at 9:00 p.m. >> sean: good to see you. i'm about to be suspended from twitter. thanks, thanks a lot. anyway, thank you. >> tucker: good luck. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." tonight the so-called biden blitz is getting up to a very slow and a very rough start. coming up, yep, we get to show you the latest massively embarrassing bite and blunder from just a few hours ago. by the way, still no press conference but they did schedule one. got to give them credit. a week from tomorrow. that means joke in practice practice, practice. still no plans to visit our southern border which has now devolved into what is nothing but a total state of chaos and it


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