tv Outnumbered FOX News March 18, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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being so intrepid after the truth. so important. now as we said, i'm going to brag about you a little bit. bye-bye. "america's most wanted overtime" is available now for all on fox nation, subscribers. episode two comes out on monday. check it out. you know what you've got to do now, stay for "outnumbered." let's begin with a fox news alert, the national debate heating up over what should be taught about race and ethnic studies in our public schools, florida governor ron desantis has taken a stand as he unveiled a proposal for a civics education curriculum in the state. it says he will expressly exclude critical race theory from classrooms. governor ron desantis says it promotes a divided, anti-american agenda. >> let me be clear, there is no room in our classrooms for things like critical race
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theory, teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money. >> harris: in california today, the board of education is expected to pass and ethnic studies model curriculum for high schools after years of debate, the original draft was criticized for appearing to push a left-wing view of history and drew complaints from numerous ethnic and religious groups who say it left out their own experiences. now some of the authors are saying the final draft has been watered down and they want their names removed, but the state superintendent of public instruction says we work to bring justice to what we believe the ethnic studies movement to be about. that's a quote. you're watching "outnumbered," i am faulkner. emily compagno, tomi lahren, syndicated radio host and fox news contributor leslie marshall and in the virtual center seat, former
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education secretary under president reagan, fox news contributor and host of "the wise guys" on fox nation, bill bennett. great to see you on this friday eve. we are almost there. bill, i want to start with you. having been a secretary of education when you see what governor desantis is trying to do in florida, what do you make of it? is it important that he is taking those steps? >> bill: it is important. he is stepping out as a leader and stepping out and now engaging the second part of the argument, harris and others. the first part of the argument was should kids go back to school? we've been having that argument for more than a year. the answer is yes. second question is what should they be taught in schools? allow me, plato said there are really two fundamental questions in society. one, who gets to teach the children and what do we teach them? so it's very, very important. what he's saying is very tenuous theory, critical race theory, will not get a cent worth of support in florida schools.
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the debate is now joint, thanks to governor desantis, on what do we teach. just a little reading reference, a geographical reference, if you go to the most prestigious, expensive prep schools in the country, dalton school in new york, harvard westlake and los angeles, $50,000 price tag, you will see that the price of admission, the price of getting their kids in there, parents have to sit there and be scolded, excoriated for their racism, for their backwardness, for their privilege, et cetera in order to go to one of these exclusive schools or having their kids go so they have a shot at the ivy league. this is what the elites are doing and it's trickling down to the schools, this is going to be one heck of a debate. read the article in "the atlantic," not a conservative magazine, which lays this out. also an excellent article on this in the city journal.
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the issue is now joined. >> harris: two things, you're one of my only friends who can and will on a regular basis quote plato. and the other is, what if they look like me? you know, everybody going to those, with children going to the schools in california, some of the celebrities are people of color. are you going to just sequester the people who are not of color and give them the talking to, the berating that you're talking about and make them feel guilty about racism in this country? my mind is boggled, i thought we were all in this together. tomi? >> tomi: exactly and this has been happening in california for long time and it's not just the schools who are documenting official curriculum, right here in nashville, tennessee, i have a good friend who teaches special education at a very nice public school in tennessee and she is telling me that next year's curriculum is filled with this kind of thing, filled with telling white kids that they are bad and telling black kids that they are inherently victims and they should feel oppressed,
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which by the way, does nothing to empower or advance anyone. you make white kids and white families feel bad about themselves and you tell black kids and black families and families of color that they are always going to be a step behind does nothing for anyone but furthermore i think we also need to focus on the fact that our students, not only have they been out of school for a year or more, but even when they were in school, we've got kids that are graduating high school not knowing what tax returns are, not knowing how to balance the budget, not understanding anything about the real world, and yet we are focusing on this kind of curriculum? gender expression, critical race theory, and all of this liberal mumbo-jumbo, indoctrination, and our kids are falling behind on the actual skills that they need to compete in a college or a work environment. this is a travesty and it's time for parents to really take a stand, and i want you will quickly talk about our good friend of this program john rich because i spoke with him about this and his kids in nashville go to a very exclusive private school and that kind of thing
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was creeping into his school as well, so what did he do and other parents? they assembled a group of parents, they went to the board of directors and said they are not going to tolerate this and it changed. that is what parents need to do, take a stand, it's not enough to be outraged, you have to speak out. >> harris: i want to go back to secretary bennett, because i think you had a further thought and i want to give you time to do it. >> bill: it's just, when this issue is engaged the way it is by governor desantis, we are going to have a national debate about it. it's time we had a debate about it. school choice has been pushed by conservatives but school choice won't do it. it's weaker, if you will, then the movement for the world curriculum and we need to be very honest and straightforward about what it is we want to teach. look, no one denies the history of race and racism in this country, the state of slavery, i wrote three books on this and it's there, it's present.
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nevertheless, a lot of good things have happened, a lot of progress has been made in the separation of our society, you saw this commencement at columbia plan, six different commencement based on identity. where is martin luther king, where is that message? the content of our character not the color of our skin. we need to have a conversation to bring us back together and talk about the things that we share. remember the notion of unity that this president wanted to specify. we can do this right in the schools by reminding people of e pluribus unum. >> harris: leslie, i want to get your take on this and i know in your radio show a lot of people will call in, so i can only imagine coming and your audience is very broad. you've got people from every walk of life, just like fox, and what i love when i listen to your show is that you get all of that from the perspective of a lot of parents, so what are you hearing?
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>> i have so much to say. first of all, i agree with the civics class. we had that when i was young and dinosaurs roamed the earth but i do teach my kids to balance a checkbook. with all respect to you, i have been to those places, my son plays water polo and they really want me to bring him to those schools. i might, never been yelled at or made you feel bad. we have the largest population in the united states, the most diverse population in the united states and we have had a lot of problems, specifically a 150% increase on asian-americans, just one example. and what a lot of people in this state really want is our children to be taught about not just racism, where it comes from, how we can stop it now, how we can prevent it into the future. since 2014 california has been trying to do this. as you know, they have an april deadline and they are going to implement this curriculum in the
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fresno and los angeles county school district, and there's not a lot of pushback, at least here in california. on my radio show i would say that some people don't like finger-pointing at government in this curriculum. a lot of people do feel that our kids need some kind of ethics program and stanford university just redid their research showing that ethics programs help significantly decrease -- in the school curriculum. >> harris: in all honesty, what you're asking for is for the school systems to parent, because as a parent, we have those discussions with their children about what's different and what's changed and what needs to happen. and by the way, the way we experience whatever is happening, racially, in this country is very individual. it's not one-size-fits-all. as a black woman over 50, i guarantee you i have different experiences from my biracial 14-year-old daughter and i always will. we are different people. if you're going to try to teach race theory at a school, you're going to take more than six
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commencement ceremonies to hit every category of person of color. the secretary is so right about this, you just further divide us. it would be better to teach all those things with everybody in the same classroom coming from the same spot and measuring the evidence of change, as my friend liked to say on this program, which is why you don't tear down statues and burn books or take them off the market, is not the right word, but burn them from the marketplace, the ability to buy six copies of dr. seuss that somebody deemed offensive. it's why you don't do that, so that you can talk about the evidence of change. enough from me. all right, emily. >> emily: just to touch on leslie's point come in california, it's where i'm from, it's where i grew up, i went to public schools my whole life in the program that is being developed that was four years in the making like she mentioned, not serving as a model for these counties, and it was divided into four specific groups. asian-american studies,
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chicano/chicano studies and black/african-american studies and the pushback during those four years, during the hundreds of thousands of people who participated in this and commented on it and had concerns about it, largely from other minority groups. the jewish-american population, armenian american, particularly the arab-american, that said we want to be under the asian-american chapter. the jewish-american population was concerned about strong anti-semitic definitions in there and originally that model had in it as an appendix studies of certain populations like armenian americans and the like and those groups, and paraphrasing, those groups felt they were being cast aside. why should they be an appendix? why should they now be called as they were called then a bridge population? a lot of the arguments, quite credible, is that these types of programs are not inclusive enough. they are not sensitive enough that once you open that door, you cannot possibly account for all of that diversity that we've
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mentioned here. that's beautiful, that's wonderful and the unfortunate thing is that when you fail that then serves to divide and then t account, all those voices that to my understanding, the purpose is to amplify. >> harris: secretary bennett is going to wrap things up for us before we go to the commercial break. the floor is yours. >> bill: i just want to say the same to you, leslie. i have a lot of respect for you. you are smart, tough minded. one of the great things you do is admit when your team is wrong, which is not something a lot of people do. so good for you. i suggest you check in with harvard westlake, i figured you would have a connection but i think things may be changing a little bit. but the facts that are going on in the schools i think are undeniable. look, what we want to do is tell the truth. we want to tell the truth to our children but one of the truths about america right now is that white people and black people, to take two sets, pretty much get along very well in this
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society. are there still problems? sure. is there still racism? sure. but we have made tremendous progress. let's tell the truth, let's let the schools be a place where we celebrate what this country is about and what it has become, not necessarily just where it started, but what it has become. >> harris: i love that, that's so beautiful. all right, we'll end there. i told you he was going to land that plane. amazing. as a new investigation opens, the cuomo sexual-harassment scandal, his first accuser is now saying she won't be cooperating with it all. why? and a border official working in the biden administration is now speaking out about the massive influx of migrants saying the president knows it's a crisis, so what is he doing about it? >> we have a very serious challenge and i don't think the
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>> harris: breaking news, house minority leader kevin mccarthy speaking on the house floor talking about his resolution to remove eric swalwell from the intel committee. let's watch. >> i hope all members will reflect on the purpose and responsibilities of this select panel. i want all members to ask this one question, should a member who can't get security clearance in the private sector sit on the house intelligence committee? think about that for one moment. should a member who cannot get security clearance in the private sector sit on a house
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intelligence committee? the american people deserve to know what their government is not vulnerable. by adopting my resolution we will show that we have our priorities straight. i urge my colleagues to support it and i yelled back. >> harris: all right, so we are watching as the top republican in the house now is pushing to remove eric swalwell from the intelligence committee and of course that stems from the fact that a few years ago, the fbi contacted him to let him know that someone that he was around quite often was a suspected chinese spy and in fact it's been reported that she helped him choose an intern for his office. there have been no reasons to believe in terms of the evidence shown in the cases or the case that that intern had access to anything or had any nefarious
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dealings or anything like that, but it was just the fact that they were close enough that they would share a higher idea in that sense. place somebody in his office and so now some republicans are saying we need to know more and until that happens, take them off the intelligence committee. that's critical and we are dealing with a lot of different countries that don't like us right now including china. i want to go right away to emily compagno. >> emily: right, that's right, and to note, the fbi has not accused congressman swalwell of any wrongdoing. that's part of his argument back. he says, i've been cleared. he points as well to the meeting that congressman mccarthy had with pelosi last year and said there were no plans to remove him from the committee. he also blasted mccarthy back in a tweet and said this is a simple deflection away from your support of qanon, so there's some finger-pointing back and forth in the public sector but
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that is a good question that mccarthy raised that indeed, if someone is unable to pass a security clearance, background check in the private sector why should we ask that congress meant to be part of the intel committee? >> harris: we will let everybody know we will continue to coverage. >> emily: coming to you now is a fox news alert, a border official working under president biden blasting the white house's handling the growing crisis at our southern border, warning agents are not being given the resources to handle the historic surge of migrants. >> border patrol resources are overwhelmed and we cannot secure the border based upon the threat that is coming at us. >> emily: chief patrol agent tweeting that agents arrested 369 illegal aliens over a 48 hour period in the rio grande valley sector. this year, they have encountered 19 groups of 100 or more illegally entering the u.s.
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meanwhile, white house press secretary jen psaki being pressed among reports that border patrol agents are being barred from speaking to the media. watch. >> we are hearing from border agents that they are frustrated and can't show us the action happening along the border, they can't do ride alongs, the can't answer questions about what's happening inside. the thing is there is no secrecy here why. >> i certainly wouldn't characterize it that way but if our policy is keeping people quiet, we are not successful and it is not our policy to prevent people from talking. >> the border seems to get violent during the trump administration and you guys promise to come in and be the most truthful and transparent administration and you oversee the department of homeland security. if you wanted to grant access to the press, can you tell the hs to do it? >> again, we fully support transparency. >> emily: in the meantime, democrats had to move ahead with
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the houseboats today on a pair of immigration bills including one that would give a pathway to citizenship for more than 2 million undocumented immigrants. tomi, i would like to start with you on this. given the right along as you have had committee interviews conducted at the southern border, this contrast now, preventing the press from participating, this must seem so stark to you. >> tomi: it does and jen psaki is flat out lying. she is lying. let me say it again, she is lying. i have heard from my contacts and border patrol that have become my friends because of the number of times i've been down there and the number of times i've spoken with them about what's happening over the years. we are not allowed to go down there and do the right along like we did during the trump administration. the doors are closed. yes, there is media down there but they are not giving the access and border control is not able to speak to the media, especially people like me, the way they did during the trump administration. for jen psaki telling people
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that that is not happening or not to talk to more conservative media, that is a flat out lie. furthermore, i just tweeted this and i hope our viewers play such attention to this. there is a border crisis going on, influx going on. the democrats know this and they understand this but as they mention, a couple of bills coming up about this pathway to citizenship. as i said numerous times, call me a conspiracy theorist if you want but a few months down the road you're going to say tomi was right. they're trying to get as many people and as fast as they can. they're going to pack them into this country and pack them into places like texas, then they're going to start moving towards these pathway to citizenship bills and after they do that, after they grant this amnesty or pathway to citizenship, the next secession is going to be voting rights. pay attention to this, this is all part of the calculated plan. call me conspiracy theorist if you want but everything i've said thus far has been true. they started at the border, what this administration wanted to do from the get-go and we are seeing it happen in front of our
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eyes. >> emily: secretary bennett, your perspective is so valuable here and my question to you is after decades of watching this problem remain and also be exacerbated in certain administrations, what are your thoughts on this and how can we finally manage it, if ever? >> bill: i have had a lot of jobs, as harris knows. i was the first drug czar and the chairman who confirmed me was a guy named joe biden, chair of the judiciary committee. we talked then, that was 1990, about these cartels and how shipments of drugs were coming from columbia into mexico come into the country. they are still coming and that is just one of the harms that is being done. then the chaos on the border, obviously a situation of crisis and emergency. i don't mean to be mean or cruel, just straightforward, that this has become a real problem for them, not just with
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the opposition but the entire media. the media is saying, that's an odd locution, jen psaki, to say we don't prevent anybody from speaking. encourage people to speak, speak the truth, tell us what's going on. we are not getting pictures or conversations and the situation is getting worse. the brutalization of these children and the importation of these drugs, the problem now grows. the further point is as of this administration seeks to do other things, such as what tammy was just referring to, this can hurt them, this can hurt their credibility and is hurting their credibility. there are moderates yet in that democratic party and they don't know what's going on here. was this an unforced error by the biden administration or was it a promise during those debates? whichever it turns out to be is
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harming them, not only on this question but on questions that will arise in the future. >> tomi: leslie? >> leslie: so much to say. tomi, i won't call you a conspiracy theorist but if you are, george w. bush started it because he was in favor of a pathway to citizenship, which is very different than amnesty and let's take a look at legislation and how long it takes to get to that citizenship here let's talk about numbers, matthew don't faint, i'm not good at math but here are some simple numbers. 2019, joe biden wasn't president in 2019, donald trump was and if you look at 369 people in 48 hours, what if we had 369 people apprehended at the rio grande in 24 hours? that would lead to a little more than 11,000 a month and guess how many people were apprehended in november, this past year at the rio grande? over 17,000. so even if we had 368 people, 369 people apprehended every day we wouldn't reach the number we
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saw in november. additionally, we have seen the administration after administration after administration, a heavy migrant period because of my current and another thing, because of what's happening, yes, it is a crisis, no reporter should be, i love the first amendment and i love being part of the media but we have a responsibility to report to the public what is going on. i don't like any kind of censorship, that is completely gone but we do need to look at numbers, this is a crisis that we have seen in other administrations. trump, obama, clinton, et cetera and i believe the biden administration can handle it going forward. part of the problem is they are making all these trips to the border and what they really need to do is legislate. in addition to the legislation we have now which is going to be difficult to get bipartisan support. you have to change amnesty because people know they have to come to the border to apply for that and that is why the
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president specifically said we are working on getting you amnesty applications from your home country. you can have refugee status if you stay there, not amnesty, until you get to our border. >> harris: 565, that is how many are coming across the border in the rio grande right now. 565. we don't have time to fact-check some of that but leslie, i will take your word. >> emily: before we moved on, discussing the correction of a "washington post" report about a phone call between then president donald trump into georgia elections investigator. we made an error when discussing the timeline of events. the report happened after the georgia runoff, not before, and therefore it did not influence it. we wanted to set the record straight for you. coming up, an investigation into new york governor andrew cuomo, why one of the women accusing him of sexual harassment says she won't participate. stay with us.
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>> harris: a reporter who covered new york state politics now is joining the growing number of women making sexual harassment allegations against governor cuomo, insisting he made her "uncomfortable" with his flirting and unwavering eye contact however cuomo is still refusing to resign. remember, he said he's not going to quit. even as a third investigation just opened into his sexual harassment scandal, with the office now conducting its own review but a few accusers are pushing back on some of those investigations, especially after state lawmakers hired a law firm to assist in the impeachment process, which reportedly has ties to the governor's office. isn't that a conflict of interest? the first accuser, lindsey boylan, refused to cooperate with that investigation. she tweeted this, what would be the point of survivors talking to investigators of your sham investigation? i am in conversation with other
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women who have no interest in your corrupt, cynical investigation. hard pass. meanwhile, the governor is reacting to president biden's comments that he should resign if investigation confirms he committed sexual harassment. cuomo said we need to find out the facts and then take it from there. listen. >> at this time, let the lawyers do their job and let them conduct the review and then we can talk about it when we have facts established, or a specific situation relative to the review but other than that i'm going to respect the review and i won't comment on it. >> harris: how does this work anyway? does he need to sit there while this whole thing is going on? the lieutenant governor could step up, he could step back if they clear him from what emily and i have talked about before, he could step back into the job,
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but we haven't even talked about the nursing home scandal. that is an fbi investigation but should he be allowed to just sit there? there are other options behind him resigning and impeachment. b5 he can talk about this if he wants to and here we go again, you ask me a question, i go back a little bit in the past and i'm really not that old but i spent a lot of time with his father -- >> harris: we know that! >> bill: we back and forth across the country, we had wonderful, wonderful debates and he was a brilliant man, i think these accusations are very serious indignities suffered by women, and worse, and suffered by people in nursing homes. i hope this thing is resolved soon and at the same time, i am a due process person, i see the point of him saying let's let the process play out, fair and
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fair-minded, partiality on the one hand or to preference on the other hand, but it's a whole assorted mass and i really would prefer not to talk about it because i think the whole thing is so ugly on so many counts. >> harris: i prefer to talk about the nursing home story because the drumbeat is growing louder for the governor of my estate, we reached out to have him sit down and explain to us why he came to the same policy as next door in new york and why gretchen whitmer did the same thing. i mean, i don't know, leslie, are democrats more willing to talk about the salacious nest of something that happened that should never have happened potentially with these women? yes, investigate and find out what that was and if these allegations are true, they are horrible and should not have happened and at the same time,
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we have a case in the nursing home story where people died and he still sits there, they took away his emergency powers. can he even do his job at this point? we are in the middle of a pandemic. >> leslie: that was the concern i had, and many democrats, all of this distraction from his ability to truly govern and that is not in the best interest of the people of new york when you still have covid and you still have different variants. he raised a good point you talked about with emily, which is, i think we know he is not going to resign. he has said he is not going to resign despite calls from many democrats for people to resign but he could step aside. he should step aside. his ratings have plummeted over 30% because he constantly talks about let the people of new york decide and if he wants these investigations, three now, to play out, remember the more investigations, the more the likelihood that the findings of those be different, three different outcomes and in addition to that, i am
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uncomfortable just looking at this from the outside in with any connection to the governor's office or anyone that has connection to him being involved in any of these investigations, it needs to be completely nonpartisan, nonpartial, nonbiased with zero connection to the governor's office but i think what you said at the outset of the segment is correct, he should step back, but the lieutenant governor do the governing and sit back and await the outcome of these three investigations. >> harris: i should mention there are some new developments in the nursing home scandal surrounding the new york governor now. a whistle-blower has come forward speaking exclusively to fox news about an order from cuomo to place covid patience in nursing homes after they were discharged from hospitals. the staten island nursing home administrator says that decision left him and executives at other facilities feeling petrified,
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his words. here's a sneak peek at that interview which will air on "special report" today. >> many facilities vocalized it, they were petrified, but they were more petrified of the department of health. i never spoke again. >> harris: again, 2:00 p.m. on "america reports." i want to get your response, tomi. >> tomi: i think what everybody has said thus far is correct and i am also more concerned about the nursing home scandal because those victims cannot speak for themselves because they were sent to an early grave by the decisions of cuomo, but i absolutely think the democrats are talked about the sexual harassment scandals and if the allegations turn out to be true, then he should resign but they didn't ask about the nursing home scandal, should he resign because of that?
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that is a calculated move because they want to focus on that because that just touches cuomo but the nursing home scandal, that affects a lot of other big, high powered governors. they're going to focus on the allegations, keep that in the news, make sure that that is the headline and hope that people quietly forget about the nursing home scandal, which is why it is so important that we continue to talk about it because it is not just new york and it is something that is impacting a lot of states and a lot of other americans need to keep that top of mind. >> harris: real quickly, what kind of power and influence does a whistle-blower at a nursing home facility have in those cases? >> emily: technically, a whistle-blower is a legal status that affords protection from retaliation. use it colloquially to sort of designate someone that has the courage to step up but really it actually affords legal protection as well and what is so striking from what we know thus far of that interview the fact that that person was more
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petrified of the governor's retaliation of the corruption, insidious retaliation we have seen as well as the sexual harassment scandal than from the potential ramifications of actually bringing those patients back, which roasts that level of saying, we knew exactly what we were getting into with that decision. we were petrified of that outcome and yet we knew as well that the pressure coming from the administration would be significant, so i think all of that is something that we should keep aware of and keep highlighting because that is an american issue, not a party issue. >> harris: indeed. all of it is, even the sexual harassment. all of it is an american issue. he is so distraction-oriented right now as a person in office and i would imagine from his own perspective, step back, let the governor step and while we do how many investigations are we up to now?
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three on one, four, five on the other? fox news alert now, this happened just moments ago. republican senator rand paul clashed with dr. anthony fauci while he was testifying on capitol hill today. senator paul questioned how she over the need for masks if americans have already been infected or double vaccinated. watch. >> what studies do you have the people who have had the infection are spreading the infection? if we are not spreading the infection, isn't it just theater? if you've had the vaccine and you are wearing two masks, isn't that theater? >> here you go again with the theater, let's get to the facts. >> you want people to get the vaccine, give them a reward instead of telling them that the nanny state is going to be there for three more years and you've got to wear a mask forever. people don't want to hear it, there is no science behind it. >> let me just state for the
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record that masks are not theater. masks are protective and we -- >> if you already have immunity you are wearing a mask to give comfort to others, you are not wearing a mask -- >> i totally disagree with you. >> harris: wow, that got heated fast. doctor? >> bill: dr. bennett, i am not a real doctor, i play one on tv, but dr. paul is a real doctor, he is a scientist, he has been there and studied it and this is a real disagreement. i tend to be guided by marty makary at johns hopkins, who has perspective on it as well but it looks like all the numbers suggest that we are seeing this thing go down and down and down, so that is very, very good, then let's separate what's theater from what's not. one of the things that happens is that people get unnerved. people yelling at each other,
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screaming at each other, but on the mass, you're killing people, and this is part of what rand paul is talking about. when it made sense and in some places where it still makes sense to wear masks, fine, put it on, but perfectly fine for this doctor, the scientist to be questioning. >> harris: it is so interesting. i had him on yesterday because the big question has been, we were talking about vaccines and kids yesterday but the big question is how close we need to be together, 6 feet, is it three if we are wearing masks and that sort of thing, and then you see a situation where if you or double vaccinated, two weeks after you have had your second shot or two weeks after you have had a single shot of johnson & johnson, can you be around people without masks? the answer from the cdc is yes, if you are all vaccinated you can be around each other without masks and what he says is you can also throw in those people that have had covid, but we
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still don't know how long that lasts in either case. i mean, there are still unknowns but there is no such thing as zero risk and that is what he says. tomi? >> tomi: i just wonder if i identify as john kerry if i can go mask less un-american airlines, i know we are going to talk about that later but that is how liberals do it, right? you can identifies anything. i hate masks, everyone knows how i feel about masks but the good point that senator rand paul brought up, is this theater? is this just to make people feel better because it is not making people feel better and the appearance of being safe, that is not helpful for anybody, so let's have a real discussion here in the fact that we are still listening to dr. anthony fauci about this to me is utterly ridiculous. the man has flip-flopped so many times we can't keep track, including on the mask issue. now he wants to sit there and preach the virtues of masks when
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a year ago he told us they were unneeded and unnecessary so we are right to be questioning this, absolutely right to be bringing it up in the fact that liberal shame people for questioning it is ridiculous. let's have a conversation about the science, we all want to protect each other and there are certain instances and places where i am sure masks are great and needed but let's talk about where they are needed and where they are a symbol of making people feel warm and fuzzy because i quite weekly and sell am sick of wearing one. >> harris: it's really unfortunate that at the beginning dr. fauci couldn't say, of course masks work and if you have a comorbidity and you're going to be around people, even before we knew what we think we know now, wear masks. how do we know? because surgeons and doctors wear them all the time. i mean, long before we had a pandemic. they wear them to protect themselves and protect their patients, right? so that's really all he had to say but i don't know how he got caught up, and go ahead.
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>> leslie: first of all, tomi, you are much prettier than john kerry so don't identify as him, okay? when we look at doctors and i am not one, i don't play one on tv but you all know i am married to one because every time i mentioned that there is a drinking game out there, and ask my husband who is nonpolitical about rand paul and he said i am being a responsible when he wouldn't wear the mask after he had covid and some people are wearing them after being vaccinated. my husband has been vaccinated twice and continues to wear the mask and although there is unity, after you have covid and there's immunity after you have been vaccinated, we don't know right now for how long because we haven't had a long enough time for researchers to look at people's cases after we have been vaccinated. we will know far more as every month goes by and that is why in the beginning dr. fauci couldn't give the information regarding masks because they didn't have enough research on the virus, which was brand-new and they didn't want to give
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misinformation. it's fluid then, still fluid now, were getting more information every civil day about the virus, the vaccines, the masks and immunity. >> harris: you know what else is fluid? what tomi lahren was talking about, the climate change on the way. so fluid, mask lists on an american airline flight despite rules that say you can't do that. john kerry's response as well as the response from the passenger who took the picture. stay with us.
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>> emily: welcome back. u.s. climate envoy john kerry caught not wearing his mask while reading a book during an american airlines flight despite the cdc requiring him to do so. he defended himself on social media saying him being massless was only momentary but the passenger who took the photo and wishes to remain anonymous told fox news "i salute our very special presidential envoy for climate for not flying private and instead flying first class commercial with the rest of us common folk. while he can't bring himself to bring his own party's mask restrictions we should cut him some slack. being an elite hypocrite is hard work." tomi, your thoughts? >> tomi: i would still like to
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identify with john kerry because i hate wearing masks but let me be clear, i'm not upset at john kerry for not wearing a mask, i'm upset at the double standard, the hypocrisy and if you are elite in a position of power, especially if you are a democrat, liberal in a position of power you seem to be able to get away with a whole lot and john kerry is not the only one. let's talk about governor gavin newsom and his fancy french laundry dinner with 12 or more people indoors. let's talk about nancy pelosi who went to the beauty salon without a mask when she had salons closed and the state of california had indoor salons closed. the lists go on five democrats who preach to the little people of how we should do our part but somehow they all managed to not do their part. the hypocrisy is what gets me, not the masks. >> leslie: true leaders should lead by example, i sit all the time. he shouldn't have had his mask off. then again at the beginning of this pandemic i wore a mask coming back from new york, the
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last flight from here to los angeles and i did take it off to drink water. if he was doing something like that i would love to see how long the mask was off, if he was eating or drinking something it is excusable but leaders should lead by example and if that wasn't the case, he should have had it off. >> tomi: this man says he was reading a book, he wasn't in the middle of eating or drinking. secretary? >> bill: maybe he was sitting next to rand paul and rand paul said you don't need the mass, take it off. that's a joke, never mind. it's tough, leslie is right. if you talk this coming you've got to walk it and better that he was not on a private plane but if masks are important to you and everybody else then you have got to where the thing. >> emily: all right. more "outnumbered" coming up, stay with us. uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪
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being here. and i think you don't like i gave you a new title during our, the doctor. good to see you all. up next, america reports. >> sandra: a fox news alert, some of the president biden's own border officials now among those calling him out for the dire situation at our southern border saying it is wrong for him to avoid calling it a crisis. hello, everyone, i'm sandra smith and this is "america reports." >> john: hi, again, sandra, i'm john roberts in washington and this is exclusive reporting that you will only see on fox. this is mission texas in the rio grande valley where our teams have been on the ground for days now. we are getting word that the biden administration is denying news outlets access to its jam-packed facilities and write alliance with border patrol agents. border officials reportedly feel like they are under a gag order.
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