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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  March 19, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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arrhea, and vomiting which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about trulicity. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy friday. we spent a lot of time on the show talking about china, its intentions, crimes, treatment of dogs. and clear views on the chinese government and most americans do. but here's a question we rarely ask, what are the chinese, what do they think of us? most of the time we have no real idea, china's on the other side of the world. and not cagey enough to keep their opinions to themselves most of the time. but occasionally we get a glimpse of what they really think. this week new secretary of state blue to alaska to meet with counterpart with a fascinating
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exchange. here for starters is the chinese government's assessment of our democracy. >> many people within the united states actually have little confidence in the democracy of the united states. and they have various views regarding the government of the united states. >> tucker: so many americans don't have confidence in their own democracy, he said. maybe the last presidential election was fraudulent. suddenly, china top diplomat sounds like one of those right wing right supremacist direction as you hear on cnn, the one that biden doj has put in prison. but he wasn't done. next he attacked the biden administration foreseeably policy. >> we do not believe in invading through the use of force or to
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topple other regimes through various means word to massacre the people of other countries. because all of those would only cause turmoil and instability in this world. it is important for the united states to change its own image and to stop advancing its own democracy and the rest of the world. >> tucker: ouch! that's not the traditional language of diplomacy, elaborate and obliquely and direct. that is talk radio at the chinese government has utter contempt for the biden administration and doesn't feel like hiding it anymore. antony blinken who is supposed to be our secretary of state could have had no idea what to say in response to it. blinken is not a natural statesman but what antony blinken really wanted to be was a pop star. here is one of his lesser known nonhits.
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♪ ♪ our secretary of state brings you back to 1987 when the hanson brothers were the reigning boy band. that could have been tony blinken, but it wasn't. instead tony blinken memorized politicals' slogans. but when it came time for the show down with one of the leaders in the communist party of china, all tony blinken could muster was this. >> i have to tell you what i am hearing is very different from what you describe. i hear deep satisfaction that the united states is back. >> tucker: when i have to tell
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you, what i am hearing is very different. i'm hearing deep satisfaction that the united states as fact. this is a bumper sticker. really, you are hearing that? from who? like tony blinken couldn't say nor could he managed to press any point conceivably to benefit our country, the united states. for example, where did covid come from? we still don't know. the chinese government likely does know, but they are not telling. scientists would like to know because they would like to prevent future global pandemics so we had better find out. tony blinken didn't dare mention any of this. notice it is conspicuous absence in his list of concerns. >> we will also discuss their deep concerns with actions by china, including hong kong taiwan, cyber attacks on the united states, economic coercion toward our allies. >> tucker: yeah, what didn't
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he say? listening to the secretary of state right there, precedents to his remarks, you would never know the chinese government still to this day is stonewalling international efforts to find the origin of the coronavirus. even officials at the world health organization, which they pay for, complained about it privately, of course. china has consistently lied about covid-19 for more than a year. the chinese government delayed the release of genetic information about the virus that could have helped scientists understand it and fight it and save lives. this is a crime of an enormous proportion. it affects the entire world. it endangers all of us. get the biden administration totally paralyzed by identity politics has said nothing. in fact, at times, embedded the cover-up of the origins of covid-19. as one of the first acts of president of the united states joe biden signed an executive order telling federal agencies to stop making references to the pandemic by the "geographic location of its origin." so as a matter of official u.s.
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policy no more linking chinese virus to china. no more talk about where it came from. none of that lab theory. that is the official position of the democratic party. why, you have to ask? just yesterday jerry nadler of new york announce when you criticize the communist party of china, people in the u.s. die of hate crimes. watch. >> this did not spontaneously arise out of fears of the coronavirus pandemic. some of this blame lies squarely on political leaders who demonize china or virus of ongoing geopolitical tendencies. >> tucker: it's always about words here that's what they want to control. so here you have a sitting member of congress flapping for china, the most dangerous rival. you think the chinese would appreciate this and make their job easier, but they don't appreciate it. in fact, it increases their contemporary leaders.
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our leaders are weak so they pressed their advantage. and exploiting identity politics to subdue our diplomats in alaska. >> there are many problems within the united states regarding human rights. and the challenges facing the united states and human rights are deep-seated. they did not just emerge over the past four years. such as black lives matter. it did not come up only recently. >> tucker: so there you have the chinese government using black lives matter as a weapon against the united states. you have the chinese lecturing us about human rights. you never thought you would see the day that happened. but the amazing thing is in 2021, it works. that is why they do it here the chinese know our leaders very well. in fact, they have a meme for self hating class. they call it -- the rough translation for the mandarin is white liberal. it is definitely not a compliment.
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here is how chinese state media describes this. there are people who only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, lgbqt and the environment who have no sense of real problems in the real world and who only advocate for peace and equality to satisfy their own feelings of superiority and so obsessed with political correctness that they tolerate the values for the sake of multiculturalism. the china state media "former u.s. president obama was an avid of baizuo. and to welcome more than 1 million immigrants to europe. in other observations about this proved there by chinese state media include the fact that they advocate inclusiveness and antidiscrimination but cannot tolerate different opinions. baizuo so shallow that they maintain social equality by
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ideologies that run against the basic concept of equality. amazing. according to one scholar from peking university, baizuo phony and hypocritical and will make the situation in the west go from bad to worse and so on. talk about insightful, they know our leaders well. according to wikipedia, many chinese internet users use the term baizuo to criticize the action policy which are perceived as discriminating against asians." so whatever you think of the chinese, they are definitely not stupid and they are onto something here.
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affirmative action hurts asians. that is true and everyone knows it. a study of harvard's admissions policies found that the students went solely on merit as we thought they did, the percentage of asian students in any given class would double to 43%. harvard doesn't want that doesn't want that many asians so it denies admission to asians because they are asian. that is the definition of discrimination. that is what racism is, but it's everywhere. it's going on in all the schools as well as every major corporation. the current administration wholeheartedly supports this. the biden doj dropped a lawsuit for racist anti-asian admissions practice, which were approved by the way, it was not an allegation. they got a hold of yale submission standards, which shows unequivocally asians were denied entry because they were asian. but the biden doj did not want to pursue it because they supported it. the standardized testing have the same effect. we have standardized tests for a reason. they were created so people who have no social connection ambitious and talented immigrants, for example, to get to this country too. people like that have no recommendation letter sent they don't have rich articles that
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sit on the board of this or that school. they are smart and they work hard. we wanted a place for them in our hierarchy because this was the land of opportunity remember? so we created standardized test to make it too. people from nowhere could succeed on their own talent here that was the idea, but not anymore. standardized tests are baizuo disappearing thanks to lobbying from woke democrats. and racist they claim so exceeding through hard work. and who do these poisonous ideas her most? in boston and so many places public schools suspend work programs due to concerns of equity. the real concern is the skin color of the students in the advance program. liberals were meth up the classes were too asian. you are saying this everywhere. thomas jefferson high school high schools in new york. they are all changing admissions because there are too many asians in the classes. we'll see this happening.
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no one of this country mentions it. you know who else notices it? the chinese. why when they? on the one hand they are offended because of the baizuo equity programs wind up hurting people like them. but on the other hand the chinese government is pleased as they watch this because no country that penalizes people for intelligence and hard work and last very long. the chinese have been around long enough and the author of upcoming book "inconvenient minority" about discrimination in the ivy league and how it hurts asian-americans and also the host of "the ingraham angle podcast." >> tucker, it is great to be here. >> tucker: thank you so you hear a lot of people increasingly because there are awards for claiming to be this or that stand up and say i've been discriminated against but what makes these cases the ones that you have focused on so different is that they are provable. i mean, correct me if i am wrong, we have evidence people are denied admission because of their stem card right?
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>> we have a lot of evidence. harvard university, and i tell about this in my book in "inconvenient minority", harvard university grades applicants on three things, extracurriculars academics, and a personality score. but what they do with the personality score interlace objectives and metric, they use it to discriminate against asian-americans, stereotypes against asian-americans to say we are just testing robots with no personality. that is what they are doing to try to lower our composition in these elite universities and it is damaging our culture of excellence. >> tucker: that is it and
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that's why am offended. it is not about the race of anyone involved with the american idea, which is if you work hard, if you are talented we have a place to ascend the ladder. it's not closed but open. the whole point of the country and a lot of asian immigrants particularly bought into that and thought that was the case which is where they came here and found something different. >> yes. tucker, chinese americans know this perhaps better than many other americans because china underwent its own cultural revolution, right, where they discriminated and they persecuted those who they deemed as intellectuals. it was a very antibureaucratic ideology. it sent the country back and dealing with the effects today. they understand the lessons when you persecute those forms. we are undergoing the same viciousness today. >> tucker: that is a fascinating point that have not occurred to me until you decided. so they've been through the cycle of insanity. of course, a lot of people died because of cultural issues. how do you think they view the woke revolution underway in this country? >> tucker, they are laughing at us. they are laughing at us. because while we are
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discriminating against the most meritorious, well fermenting this race or why we are talking about equity and inclusion china is marching on ahead and they are talking with tech billionaires. they are talking with their lead economic geniuses. and they are marching ahead in this war in the competition between the u.s. and china. we are shooting ourselves in the foot. >> tucker: yeah. kenny, i appreciate the clarity of what you just said. and the cultural revolution that is amazing. thank you for coming on and congratulations on the book. >> i appreciate it, thank you. >> tucker: dr. fauci has been vaccinated and would like you to be. the funny thing is after vaccinated, he wears two masks. he wants everyone to wear a mask for a few more years even if vaccinated. it doesn't make any sense and it's not what they told us was going to happen. what is going on here? finally challenged him on this but he hated it, of course. but we will show you what
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happened when he was speaking to that senator after the break. ♪ ♪ but we will show you what happen when he wawawawawa
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: a couple of nights ago we spoke to a restaurant owner from michigan.
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she came on the show to tell us how authorities in michigan and the governor and the attorney general were trying to send her to jail for running her business. she warned us that americans need to fight against the authoritarianism like this or the united states will resembled the country she fled decades away, communist poland. >> week, the people, small business owners, like i told you, we have to fight. and i will fight for freedom for american people. and i encourage everyone business owners, other people stand up and fight for your freedoms before they will be taken away. >> tucker: we have an update for you tonight on that story and it is a sad one. she is in jail. she was arrested early this morning before 6:00 a.m. by the police. taken away in ankle shackles and wrist cuffs. one of the few people that gets up early to go to work because
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she cares, trying her hardest. they grabbed her and send her away for one of the people who gun crimes in detroit. we are told she will be in jail for 93 days unless she pays a fine and deems it safe for her to be released. she will not pay and she shouldn't pay, the restaurant is also order to close until michigan state health department decides it can open again. by the way, when this happened the attorney general of michigan was completely out of control and utterly dana nessel issue date press release breaking she had been arrested like some dangerous fell and pulled off the streets. the county judge who did this defended the arrest saying "she has but the community at risk. we are in the middle of a pandemic." by the way, they presented zero evidence she had any role in the pandemic, none, no scientific evidence whatsoever. but they want you to know that
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defiance is the real crime. so people can come here from foreign countries, rush the border, sent out with no penalty whether they have covid, they are not even test. they go right into your neighborhood and nobody cares. but if you try your level best your hardest to run a business and do the right thing, you go to jail. marlena number remember the name, we wish her well and we hope she gets out soon. if you try to keep up with corona law, you may have noticed it's always changing. for example, first they told you don't wear masks. now, they are telling you you may have to wear three. this time, the cdc if changing social distancing guideline. we reported the other night it is based on nothing and essentially made up. at best, taken from 19th century research on malaria or cholera or something, tuberculosis. so now the cdc said schoolchildren can be closed 3 feet apart, not six. and also new rules for riding
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roller coasters in california. you are not allowed to scream because that can be dangerous. it is hard to believe but they are. somebody well experienced in changing the rules as they go along and not admitting that he has is anthony fauci. dr. fauci has been vaccinated great, that is what they want to do. a lot of americans have been millions. but the interesting thing, fauci wears two masks. is that the science? once you get vaccinated you have to wear two masks? why are you getting vaccinated in the first place and what of the rules and what is the science? someone asked fauci at a senate hearing and here is how it went. >> you're telling anybody to wear a mask whether infection or vaccine. what i'm saying is they have immunity. what studies do you have that people that have had the vaccine or have the infection or spreading infection? if we are not spreading infection, isn't it just theater? >> no it's not. >> you've had a vaccine and wearing two masks. isn't that theater?
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>> here we go again, let's get to the facts. >> with hospitalizations and deaths from the variance? >> none in our country, zero. >> well, because we don't have a prevalence of a variant yet. >> tucker: senator rand paul represents kentucky and also not insignificant a physician so we had the ground team to ask those questions and thank god he did. senator rand paul, thank you a lot for coming on and for pressing anthony fauci. were you satisfied that there is science behind this? if so, what is the science? >> there was no scientific evidence presented. there was dr. fauci's opinion, his conjecture that someday there might be a variance that escapes the control to the vaccine and becomes the pandemic and hospitalize us and kills people. but there is no evidence it has happened. he thinks it might happen so you need to wear the mask until he sure that things that might
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happen are not going to happen. see, the thing is, dr. fauci is blase and unconcerned about liberty, but i think the burden should be on the government to prove if they want to dictate mine and your behavior, the burden is on them to present the evidence. i said is there an evidence that some new variants, some new strain of covid is hospitalizing and killing hundreds or even thousands of people in the united states? the evidence is zero. so i think the government when they tell you something, like you should be 6 feet apart or 3 feet apart, if they mandate this behavior that you can't have anybody in the end up with next to you in the restaurant. when they mandate it is incumbent upon them the burden is that they should have to show the proof. there is no proof when you have been vaccinated or when you have gotten the disease naturally that you are spreading it. if there were, it would be all over the news. there are no news reports or scientific studies saying after vaccination that there is some sort of widespread contagion that people vaccinated are spreading the disease. it is just not true.
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what fauci won't tell you is he is telling you a noble lie. he is lying because he doesn't think we are smart enough to make decisions. his fear is if the vaccinating if we quit wearing mask, the vaccinated will say what the hell, i'm not wearing a mask either. so he lies to say the mask makes a difference when in reality he knows better. he's wearing two masks for theater. complete the theater. he is immune and he knows he will not get it but he's not being honest with the american public. >> tucker: so the reason that i can tell there is lying going on, nobody acknowledges the downside and everything is a trade-off. that is the nature of life. i'm not about masks or argument against mask, but i mean there is no downside to wearing two masks were what about oxygen and -- why doesn't anyone mention the physical effects of wearing masks ever? >> one thing about freedom is
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freedom doesn't have to be practical or have a study to say why you should have to have freedom here they need to have a study in scientific proof to show us why we shouldn't have freedom. i shouldn't have to prove i want to be free and left alone. i want to breathe the air. i was on the treadmill the other day and some karen goes and tells people is on the treadmill running without a mask. for goodness sake, since the world we live in where everybody is reporting everyone and gestapo will come in a rescue like this poor woman? my goodness, they need to present the proof, the burden should be on the government to show someone vaccinated or significant numbers of those vaccinated are getting it again and being hospitalize and dying or spreading it instead of the conjecture of anthony fauci that says someday you might. my response was someday the spanish flu might come back so maybe we should always wear a mask because this isn't as bad as the spanish flu and a lot less deadly. but someday the spanish flu is
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going to come back. why should we not wear a mask until we die? >> tucker: and you need to find a new gym away from the crazy people, for sure. [laughter] senator, thank you for coming on tonight, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tucker: joe biden, that is absolutely sincere, it is wrong to laugh at people as they suffer. but we can't resist what you have already seen of the new president trying to climb the stairs of air force one today. he fell three times. and it was troubling, for real. it is not shallow criticism. it is totally sincere. the white house telling us he fell because of strong winds. is that true? he is the president. we have a right to know what's going on. dr. marc siegel will have his assessment of what we saw today next. ♪ ♪
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♪ piano playing ♪ ♪ “what the world needs now” ♪ the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope help now at
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>> tucker: just take it slow. president biden could have used that advice today, but instead he decided to race up the stairs to his airplane and this happened. well, it is awful, actually and there's a certain amount of guilt and replaying that because i'm sure you've saw it on the internet today. there was a couple of levels to assess, one is political. clearly they should be asking basic questions. the last president drank a glass of water correctly, and they thought he was dying or
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something. and the ramp was a sign of a problem. that was someone trying to tell us if joe biden didn't actually fall. but the glass is already trying that. it is the winds. tomorrow it might be that qanon did it. but there is another way to think about this, which is as an american leaving the partisan stuff behind. there are other indicators that the president is slipping. not being mean but completely honest. he is the president of the united states and controls nuclear weapons. do we have reason to be concerned about how joe biden is doing at the age of 78? dr. marc siegel a fox medical contributor and joins us tonight to rationally assess him. dr. siegel, thank you so much good to see you. >> hi, there, you know cancel culture will try to get in the way of actually finding out what the story is. notice that they didn't do that when president reagan in his last term was being attacked everyday by the media for supposedly slipping.
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that free pass or john mccain running for president in 2008 and they were all over this question. could he have a melanoma? but notice president biden runs up the stairs of air force one and last year he was mocking president trump going down a ramp when he was at west point. now, actually he is not the runner anymore, by the way, but he slips several times on the ramp. i have a question, could he have had a misstep or the white house or what the white house is saying, or could it be related to his broken foot, or could it be a problem related to cognitive problem? i think the american people have the right to know the answer to that. you know, when i was down at the white house and you sent me down there in july, president trump brought up this issue of shortness cognitive for a president. tucker, the media attacked that and mocked the whole issue of camera, tv, and that became viral. what about the real question
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about cognition, about sharpness to be president? i think it is an issue of great concern here. and i'm not his doctor and i've never examined him, but i'm not the only one raising this question. press conferences just yesterday calling vice president harris president harris? he's done that several times. that could be a slip or it could be something more, something neurologic, something cognitive. i will tell you what, tucker cancel culture will try to block this. you know who they can't block? they can't block me, they cannot block you, and they will not block the show. we will find out the truth tucker. >> tucker: yeah, i mean whatever biden's shortcomings we don't want to see president harris anytime soon. and you sort of wonder if we are going to because of things like this. dr. siegel, i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you. >> thank you, tucker.
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>> tucker: so george soros and you're not allowed to say this because somehow it is bad, but it is true. george soros helped get elected district attorneys all over the country. why would george soros be involved? he would like to make this country more dangerous and unstable. and it certainly worked. one of the das he helped to get into office is working to get cop killers out of jail and the widow of one slain police officer speaking up about this. she joins us right after the break. ♪ ♪ widow of one slain police officer speaking up about this. she joins us right after the break.
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: in the last few years, you have seen a series of legitimately radical district attorneys take office all over the country in states like florida, >> tucker: in the last few years, you have seen a series of legitimately radical district attorneys take office all over the country in states like florida, illinois, new mexico pennsylvania. we should be clear, these are not just left-wing district attorneys. we have seen those before. these are radical district attorneys who refused to enforce the law. they didn't get there by accident. this was not organic. it is not like the population decided, hey, let's not enforce the law. let's pick murders over citizens. no, they got elected because the richest people in the world got them elected. in los angeles, for example billionaire george soros helped elect a man george gascon to the d.a.'s office. gascon is legitimately radical and he's worked since the day he took office to reduce sentences for convicted murderers in los angeles. one of those murdered l.a. county sheriff's department cold steve owen october 2016.
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tania owen is the widow helping to run a campaign to recall george gascon. tania, thank you so much for coming on tonight. so tell us why you are working on this recall effort to get george gascon out of office? >> first of all, tucker thank you so much for having me. it really is truly an honor to be here. but october 5, 2016, my husband sergeant with the los angeles county sheriff's department responded to a call of a burglary in progress peered when he arrived to that location, he was met by a violent criminal who, in my opinion, ambushed him, and shot him. my husband then became disabled at which point, the individual walked up to him, stood over him, shot him three more times in the face and then shot him on the badge. to me, as a law enforcement officer he was trying to send a
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message. when the first responding officer got to the location, my husband was being searched by this individual. we later found out that he was actually searching my husband's body to gain control of his weapon and then shoot as many deputies as he could. he was subsequently arrested and you know, has been in jail for the last four years. right before george gascon was sworn into office, you were actually looking at taking the case to be considered for the death penalty, which is a just punishment for the individual. in the very minute that george gascon was sworn into office the directives he enacted and gave to the district attorneys clearly took away all of the enhancements that were supposed to be added to this individual.
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you know, he was a known gang member. a patrolee, a third stryker and also the weapon that he used that day was stolen from a burglary. and all of those enhancements will be taken away so essentially, or effectively, the day that he was sworn in, we were looking at potentially pursuing the death penalty. and after he was sworn into office, now, because of his directives, we are looking at potentially this man only getting eight years in jail after all said and done. and you know, george gascon wants to say that he is a progressive district attorney. he, in fact, is a regressive
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person. >> tucker: that's right. >> clearly, take us back to the revolving doors of the '70s and '80s that resulted in the murder of polly claus and marcy nicholson. and because of those murders with polly claus, the third strike law was in effect again and because of marcy nicholson the california victims bill of rights became in effect to protect the victims like me. and as a result because of what this man is doing, these radical blanket policies in his district attorneys are really turning our system completely upside down. and as a result, i am going to stand up for my husband and make sure that the individual that murdered him, you know, is held accountable. >> tucker: good for you. >> i am now the cochair of the recall george gascon effort. >> tucker: i hope you repudiate what george soros has done to your city and so many other cities.
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it is really a travesty. and i'm grateful you are taking action like so many others. tania, thank you for coming on tonight. >> thank you. >> tucker: well the biden administration has announced a new plan to handle the hundreds of thousands of foreign national streaming illegally from the border of mexico. the canadians may be unhappy. we will tell you what it is after the break.
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>> tucker: the situation at border gets crazier. the biden administrationuc announced there are more than 14,000 migrant children sitting in border detention facilities. that's more than 3 times the highest recorded number under the previous administration. who are these migrant children? thousands are not really children. theyy are almost fully grown adults. the 3,000 minors housed in the dallas convention center are teenage boys between 15 to 17. don't mention kids in cages. sidney cortez is weeping in the park lot.
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no it's totally under control. >> the administration is pullini this under control. it's important to know that. the administration has plans in place to take care of the children in a much more humane way than before. >> tucker: what a liar. the story gets crazier. the new plan to take care of the children from the biden administration is this according to the "washington post," the string ever migrants in texas is requesting airplanes to transport the migrants from the southern u.s. to the canadian border for processing.en that's the absolutely! move them around the country
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from the bottom to the very top. the canadians will deal with it. that's the plan. to assess that man we are joined by the former acting director of "ice." this seems very crazy. what is your perspective? >> it is remarkable. the quote you just played and just -- this is so predictable this would happen. your point was great whether they talk about the children that are coming through. they don't know these are necessarily children. these are people self-reporting their ages. they can be between 15 and 18. they could even be older. we call them children because it fits the narrative.
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they want the public to think it's little kids as opposed to teenagers. they don't know whether they are gang members and they don't care. gang tattoos is not sufficient evidence they are gang members. they areer getting what they wa. as many illegal immigrants to come in the country as they can. the communities they will live in. the people will have no say whatsoever. they will meet the burden of overcrowded schools and reduced access to medical care or lower wages. they can't say anything about it or they will be called names. this was planned. they don't want to import any illegal immigrants. the democratic party embraced the safer city movement to keep illegal immigrants in the country no matter how bad the crimes they committed were. that's the message. we are not deporting anyone. come on in and you get every right every american citizen gets. it benefits the rich and the
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powerful and the democratic party and the illegal immigrants. the american workers are left out in the cold. they pay the cost and can't say anything about it. it's an absolute disgrace and get worse. they are trying to disperse the problem so it doesn't seem as bad. the media coverage is only on the issue of the condition of the migrants and not the overall issue. every time an agent has to stop illegal immigrants they are not getting a drug dealer or getting a gang member. where is dr. fauci on this issue? our officers are encountering these people at a great rate and no one cares about their health. >> tucker: i appreciate your coming on tonight. a great point about fauci.
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we are out of time. back monday and every weeknight. have the best weekend with the ones you love. good-bye. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" friday nighta lot of breaking news to cover including brand new breaking allegations, a new andrew cuomo accuser: this is the 8th woman making allegation of sexual misconduct against the governor. first a fair and honest look at the president of the united states boarding air force one he fell 3 times as his leg appeared to give out. we don't show you this to make fun of joe biden or to have a good laugh at his expense. at this point it's difficult to watch.


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