tv Watters World FOX News March 20, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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we'll be back monday night 8:00 p.m. in every weeknight, sworn enemy of lying smugness, have a wonderful weekend with the ones you love. see you monday. ♪♪ >> welcome to "watters world". open the borders for donors, the subject of tonight waters words. water crisis is a republican talking., fox news isn't even driving the story. the network said they've been forced to cover it because it's become a catastrophe that affects all americans. >> humanitarian crisis on the southern border growing larger and dire by the day. jesse: the border mess will only get worse we haven't even reached peak season. department of homeland security
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insiders are saying about 6000 illegal immigrants are arriving at there border each day. during the obama administration, only security find the crisis as 1000 illegals a day so bidens triggered six times thatll numbr and just started. we are heading toward 200,000 border crossers a month. sources say biden policy rollout 90% of them to remain in america. how does that help the average american family? joe biden can't answer that because itt doesn't, it helps donors and we'll explain how that works in minute but biden doesn't want the american people to know what's taking place on the southern border because it's indefensible. information blackout on the border, the gag order, officials ordered not to speak with reporters, border patrolpe
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canceled and no media allowed inside the child's migrant camps. >> officials would not grant axis on the border patrol facilities forou ourselves. jesse: doesn't want you to see the kids in the cages. immigration lawyers report the conditions are atrocious, migrants sleeping on cement wars, no showers, nors country s designed to absorb human waste day after day in a desert. biden desperately tried to avoid greatly from the crisis be triggered. washington post reports the administration was buying airline tickets to fly under age illegals from their cages on the border to cities across the country and placing them with their so-called blood relatives. free airline tickets for border crossers, free bus tickets, too. news reports illegal aliens are
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put on buses given $1100 stipend. meanwhile, moving electric carir factory from ohio to mexico, united auto workers union who endorsed joe biden is fuming. have you heard biden say anything about this remember trump? he job owned the ceo for outsourcing production in new mexico, shamed them. he went all out to keep jobs here, note joe. he's building back better inui mexico. made in america talk was a slogan. as the president seemed engaged at all? >> you have plans to travel to the southern border? >> not at the moment. jesse: not at the moment. probably never.ea hear no evil, see no evil. republicans went down to see the crisis unfolding discovered there's danger lurking.
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>> it's not just people from mexico or el salvador, you're finding people from yemen, iran, turkey. people on a terrorist watch list they are catching and rushing it all at once. jesse: president biden's shutdown, the white house even nominating a director for ice or commissioner for customs and border protection. the two most important aggression enforcement jobs. i don't believe biden and democrats want to enforce the border. they want to turn texas blue and payback donors with cheap labor. the president asked like he had nothing to do with the borderde crisis. >> the idea that joe biden said, because io heard the other day here coming because they know i'm a nice guy. >> they are doing this? >> here's the deal, they are not. >> do you have to say clearly don't come? >> i can say clearly don't come.
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jesse: too little, too late. during the primary, he told illegals to search the border, we would welcome millions and gave free health insurance. >> i'd make sure there is sort of the border. >> would take in a heartbeat, another 2 million peoplehe. >> rate raise your hand if you plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. [applause] [cheering] jesse: biden promised asylum and free healthcare, stop the wall construction, gross deportation and kat size, invited underaged to apply for asylum on our soil and terminated the remaining mexico policy that trump got. now that we are overrun, biden says don't come. nobody's buying that. arizona mayor, an independent says is community can't handle omthe intrusion.
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>> we do not have the ability to care for these people. jesse: the mayor of texas, the democrat making biden to stop releasing illegals onto his town. the town has been hit with power outages, a pandemic and forth to absorb hundreds of poor migrant and limited resources need to go to americans first. the democrat delivered a firm message to president biden about importing illegals with covid-19. >> i'm asking to please stop. make another plan for the federal issue. i cannot make fun of the population with the residents extremely horrible. >> public health orders during the pandemic to quickly expel illegals of the border due to the covid thing. biden trashed it and releasing migrants into america without testing them. follow thegr signs, just another slogan. typically the media covers the
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story backwards. a reporter asked kamala harris if she's worried about kids of the border. vice president dodged, she's in over her head on the border anyway but the question is, the reporters should be asking, are you worried about american kids at the border? we are compassionate country and everybody emphasizes young migrants although it's not very compassionate travel policy that pushes them into the hands of brutal cartel smugglers and keep them in cages with the leaders of this country should empathize with young americans first. is a piece in the new york post, u.s. schools and students will pay a price for biden to open borders or minors. these unaccompanied minors are young men, 15 to 17.
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your process must sent on buses and planes across the country. houston, tallahassee, they are traumatized, impoverished, speak no english and haven't been tested for the virus. they'll go to school and our crippled public school districts, take up valuable t resources attention, right when schools are recovering and reopening after a lost year. statistics tell us most graduatn high school, will live on the poverty line, require entitlement from taxpayers and stress out the healthcare sector, the housing market and police department some will succeed. many will make cash under the table, paid no taxes and wire the money home to central america. this makes the economy of central america dependent on sending caravans north.
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the cycle repeats itself. so what americans benefit from unchecked illegal immigration on our southern border? author of the critically acclaimed book, hillbilly of the newsweek that explains the issue very well. he argues true compassion requires secure borders and stop illegal immigration. he describes meeting one of the wealthiest men in the world a few years ago, a hotel tycoon, hated trump and the guy was complaining trump strong border policies were making him pay american workers a higher wage. he was complaining he had to pay american workers $20 an hour because there weren't enough heillegal available to pay $18 n hour. tens of millions of americans are unemployed, still dealing with this pandemic.
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small businesses crushed and wealthy donors and their political puppets are still looking for the same thing. cheap foreign labor labor. even if they compete directly with struggling middle-class workers. by? it's about money. nearly every major business and financial leader in this country isde a supporter of the democrac party, they love illegal immigration for the simple reason their livelihoods are subsidized by illegal aggression while illegal aliens themselves are subsidized by the taxpayer, a redistribution schemee from te core to the rich, lower immigration means lower wages for workers and easier access to serpents or their personal lives. if you say you want a secure border and higher-paying jobs
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for american citizens against central american children being trafficked for drug cartels that earn obscene profits from functional tradition, that's compassionate but your compassion is called racism by the liberal ruling class. profit from illegal immigration at the expense of american citizens.d that's how the game is played and you should never be ashamed of calling it what it is. joining me not to react, texas governor greg governor, my assessment is that president biden is trying to turn your stately and reward bir donors with this flow of cheap labor. what can you and texans do to reduce this intrusion? >> what we can do is what we have already begun to do, i watched operation loan software we are deploying 1000 texas
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department of public safety officers as well as 1000 national guard to the border. the reason is cartels involved in working people across the border, the cartels search the border and occupy border patrol, when the border patrol occupied, it leaves gaps open for the cartel to bring in more high valuable people to get across the borderh including the chairs you heard about but also bring across opioids and high valued drugs as welll as other things the cartel wants to smuggle across the border to what texas is doing, filling the gaps left open by border patrol in the people they are encountering, it's going to be texas department of public safety making apprehensive the people coming across thec border but have got to telll you this,
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because the biden administration has been building while taking off, it crashed, there are three detention centers in texas, one is in carrizo springs south texas and another is just outside midland in the third is in dallas. we learned there is an outbreak of covid in that location and the location outside of midland, texas, we learned two things. there's no available clean running water there. a report showed about 10% of the kids at that location tested positive for covid and we are trying to get updates on the positivity rate of the kids in dallas. what apologies are always catastrophic challenging for the u.s. during a pandemic, this is a total disaster not just for
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texas but the entire country. jesse: it seems like you and texas are doing everything you can as a state toou make sure te border is secure becausere you'e not in charge of the border, the feds are and what's happening now is a disgrace so i wish you and your citizens good luck on that battle because it looks like it's just getting started. thank you very much foror your time, i appreciate it. >> thank you. jesse: thanks to the open borders, cartels are now dominating our immigration system, completely dictating migration and making record profits trafficking in humans, weapons and drugs.g next guest is a former golf cartel member serving time for pushing drugs in the 80s but now it's easier to smuggle over drugs and guns than ever before. joining me now for a "watters' world" exclusive owner of
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jesse's top korean bakery, so you were dealing cocaine in the 80s with the cartel and served your time and now you're back is a business owner. knowing what you know about how the cartel operates on the border, how are they specifically exploiting the border policy today? >> usually a cartel would have persecution houses and border towns red zone, they smuggle kids and put them there before they go across and they use little girls like 12 years old and teach them and mold them to their practice, prostitutes, we put young kids on the street and teach them the ways of the street and give them guns.
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not only do we have the cartels but also, they've gotten smaller but more dangerous the cocktails, they use the border towns and come across so we have the cartel from el paso and this is very complicated for those who don't understand. i've seen the works. i was involved with drugs and i see how they work the drug scene, making it from mexico to california california to where it's distributed all the way up
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to washington d.c., chicago, michigan, they have to go that way but now it's a little different. it's like everybody else cominge inel, all these people, and. how could they tell who they are now? they are amongst children, they are amongst mom and dad, if all these people can't make it to the u.s., they can make them do whatever they need to. there come in left and right now. sometimes it's easy, can you imagine. jesse: that's what i said, it's only going to getet worse and i don't think anybody understands the sophistication of the cartel business and how ingrained they
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denial and not just about crisis at the border. they been ignoring reality for some time whether it's antifa, under scandal or violent rise taking over democratic cities. >> can you believe right now the crisis of the border? >> the answer is no. >> talk about building a wall that never got built, a fictional wall. >> he scared of this idea of antifa, i think that doesn't even exist. >> conspiracy theories about joe biden and his son, hunter. >> democratic cities are in chaos right now, that's what you want from joe biden and they will take the country away, they are taking on statues, china's rising. it's so bad. jesse: joining me now for reaction, fox news contributor and former speaker of the house, gingrich. speaker, the wall never got built, there's no crisis of the border, no crime wave this
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summer, antifa doesn't exist, the hundredth thing was just a conspiracy, is a defense mechanism of the telegraphic to the media so thehe media doesn't cover things that hurt them? >> i think the entire left is moving into fantasy world when you have thousands and thousandd of people, 3000 teens andn convention center in dallas who had come in illegally, when you have night after night of violence in portland, rising crime rates almost everywhere in the country and gas prices starting back up, normal everyday americans are going to realize the gap between the fantasy world of biden and harris the real world of everyday americans and i think that's going to be extraordinarily messy in the democrats in 2022. you basically have a fight between the american people and
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the democratic machine and on m almost every major issue now, the american people are on one side and the machine is on the other so i think they are deluded, strengthened by the news media which is equally deluded so they all sit together and chant, there's no crisis, no crisis or proposed tax increases everybody opposes but they say we have to do this and we are sure the american people will go along. i think it's 94 and 2010, picked up 54 seat the first time, 63 the second and i suspect next year will be both the senate and the house and the democrat are going to say what happened? [laughter] jesse: i think you are right, publicans are keyed out perfectly for historic wave because they are not going to put up with a party that closes their eyes and ears and sit in
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the corner and wish things away, that's not how adult deal with real problems. i apologize we've run out of time and i am deeply sorry, we have to go. >> a great interview with governor abbott. good to be with you. jesse: thank you. ♪♪ reemergence of racial segregation in america, shocking report. right back. ♪♪
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welcome to fox news live. a new study find nearly half of all healthcare workers in the u.s. has not received a coronavirus vaccine, only 52% of what might medical workers including doctors, nurses, home health aide have gotten only one dose of a vaccine. according to a report from the family foundation and washington post, the unvaccinated did not plan to get a shot 12% are still undecided. cracking down on unruly spring breakers declaring a state of emergency and using s.w.a.t. team to enforce an 8:00 p.m. curfew. that will be in place for 72 hours. spring breakers flocked to the
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city gathering of beaches and the bars while ignoring covid protocols back to "watters' world". ♪♪ >> columbia university plans to hold six separate graduation ceremonies this spring. a native graduation, asian graduation, latin graduation, a black graduation, a low income graduation and a lavender graduation for the lgbtq i a d+ community. the school has one big graduation open for everybody butt i've never heard of this before, have you? "watters' world" looked into it and discovered college campuses in america have become deeply segregated. did you know hundreds of universities call them segregated graduation
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ceremonies? i didn't. george down has an asian graduation, harvard arizona state, stanford and many others segregation is mandatory but it's what minority students want apparently and is encouraged by the institutions. why? the national association scholars deemed this phenomenonia neil segregation. it began after the supreme court 9054 landmark board of education followed by the civil rights movement a decade later, both aiming to achieve racial integration at schools and throughout the country. initially, racial integration and higher education didn't go well for a number of reasons that we don't have time for tonight but the d nas says what ensued helped spark some extent the black nationalist movement which is black separation on campus. the school administrator offered
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concessions to them and the result of decades of these concessions is what you are seeing today. colleges promote ethnic enclaves and racial divisions and many state schools receive our tax dollars to do it. the national association scholars defined neil segregation as voluntary racial segregation 85 college institution, racially exclusive housing and common spaces, orientation and commencement ceremonies, student association, scholarships and classes, hundreds of schoolsar today offr all black dorms. wesleyan university has a malcolm x house, black students of brown university have around the house. mit has chocolate city. the university of las vegas. ♪♪
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>> these are cool. jesse: schools have segregated dorms for asians, latinos, pretty much every group you can think of. at first i was a little offended others wouldn't want to live with me until i remember what it was like in college, total mess and i wouldn't want to live with me either but it's not just where you live.. yale has a separate orientation for nonwhite students. yale has deans for each separate ethnic group. schools have segregated staff training, networking programs. for your college experience from orientation to dorm life to extracurriculars to student centers, graduation to be completely segregated if you want to be. last year, a black student at the university of virginia demanded white students leave the campus diversity center.
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>> there are just too many white people in here it's a space for people of color. you're taking up. space some of us feel uncomfortable when there's too many white people in here. there's a whole university for all of you to be at. jesse: in february a white only caucus event was planned to take place at the long university, intended to give white people of space to learn about and process their awareness of and complicity in unjust systems without harming their friends of color. this progressive as "i", or doesn't, i don't even know anymore, the event was canceled by the university because it would have been at odds with universityly policies. only minorities can self
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segregate. i understand people have a variety of clubs and organizations on campus and no society perfectly degraded, it like a high school cafeteria, people sit at the tables, it ish what it is but students with the schools help or drawing sharper and sharper lines around each other. race, becoming the defining line. columbia graduation came up and when we agree on something, people should listen. >> i can't look at the separate graduation stuff. the goal ison graduation. they all come together. thus the finish line, you have the credential as a columbia rat and i think we all need to stand together on that stage. jesse: so this is a confusing trend on campus. across the nation as watters words reported last week.
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judging people by the contents f their character, not by the color of their skin is out. colorblind society is out and now racial integration and education is out? but separate but equal is back? my gut tells me this isn't progress but maybe i'm not enlightened enough to understand. there is a good chance of a. maybe someone can enlighten me. "watters' world" mass investigation. a year later and what did we learn? ahead. ♪♪
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we go to new york, it's basically report. if you walk outside about a mask, people yell at you and i don't want to be yelled at, it brings back childhood memories. masks work, right? and makes sense, it blocks droplet out of your mouth and you talk and sneeze so anything you can do is look the spread. after being told at first not to wear a mask, americans were and still are ridiculed for not wearing them to told it was the only thing it would save lives. president biden recently ripped texas for removing the mask mandate. >> since texas removed the mask mandate, cases continue to go down, look at the charts. we haven't heard biden call out climates are john kerry who got caught mask was but i miss seeing people's faces, even john kerry's so with the pandemic winding down, cases go from 250,000 a day in january 250,000
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a day to day, we thought we would do and after reaction report and how much a difference masks made. disclaimer. i'm not a health professional no not even playing one on tv. i came across some charts that blew my mind. let's start with liberal california leading the nation in deaths and cases. gavin newsom slapped a statewide mask mandate very early, and soon. then late fall while everybody was wearing masks, indoor and outdoor dining was close, stay home order in place, curfew in effect, covid cases skyrocketed. massive second wave. let's dip into ohio. mandating masks, statewide late july and quoting thehe cdc if we all work masks asked weeks, it could drive the epidemic to the ground.
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well, the over six weeks later with everybody massed up, ohio witnessed a big second wave. alabama mask mandate in the summer followed by a second wave starting in the fall right after the national title in january, one of the celebrations with super spread in the opposite happens. with that. dropped like a rock. in tampa during the super bowl weekend, thousands parted without masks on and chris predicted pandemic pandemonium and after february 7, cases kept dropping. let's frame up california with california. interesting. same weather, different policies, different outcomes. florida does much better. let's compare state mask mandates and state without.
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arkansas put a mask mandate on july,an oklahoma didn't. the state order each other. cases follow the exact same pattern. same thing with indiana and missouri does not have a mask mandate. the trajectory is nearly identical. the state without the c mask mandate, missouri there's a little better. charts for nearly every state in covid does almost the exact same thing everywhere, small wave in the beginning, settling down late summer, early fall in big second wave the winter and then cases fall off the cliff will probably a combo of the vaccines, herd immunity, mitigation but who knows? i know what some are going to say, don't be an idiot, not everybody wears masks, especially republicans but that's not true. it is a tour of the whole
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country. these show when service came out on maskpl compliance. early on people were wearing masks. look at before the wave, 92 -- 93% of folks said they wear masks before they head outside. over 90% of americans were wearing masks and masks are the number one thing that stopped the spread and get hammered with theng wicked second wave. would've been bigger if weve hadn't been wearing masks at are no, i'm just asking. biden says things will continue to get worse before they get better, things got immediately better. i have no idea what to make of all of this bullet talk to someone who does. doctor marc siegel. the cdc said state have a mask mandate, 100 days later could reduce the spread of infection by 2%. it doesn't seem that big of a deal, how effective were the
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mask mandates? >> the keyword is mandate and you have to understand a mandate is in place, is it being enforced? are people covering the nose with thehe mask? where are they wearing them? the mandate gives you sense that some big government is coming down on yourr back and i think what you said clearly here is almost never does the mandate cause the response you want. i think masks work if there's a lot of virus around, both people wear them effectively. the one that you didn't mention where i saw provement was north dakota and that's because public health department in north dakota works closely with the citizens to get to work. i don't think the mandates work, i think masks at something provided they are together . jesse: i think you're right. and tight and closed spaces
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inside slapping a mask on is good but when they are going jogging at the beach or something, that they will be fine for wearing a mask, i don't think that plays at all. now after the vaccine, you still have to wear a mask, not so sure about that but we'll have you back on to assess because we'ves got to run. thank you. >> completely agree. thanks. ♪♪ jesse: hate crime coverage in the american media, is there a double standard? ♪♪
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robert aaron long facing murder and assault charges for the shooting that three massage parlors around atlanta. eight people dead and six of them are asian. the story got good traction, the media had anti- asian hate crime attack. police say he claims the violence was not racially motivated. >> he claims it's not racially motivated, he has an issue, what he considered an eviction in these locations us something that allows him to go to these places, he wanted to eliminate them. jesse: is it was revealed he was in rehab for sex addiction and drug addiction.
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his roommate described long asoa christian who struggled with sex and porn addiction. visited massage parlors for sex during his relapses. he may have been motivated by anti- asian hatred as well but it too early ton assess completely. meanwhile two black teens charged with murder after setting a mentally ill white man on fire in rochester, new york. he died tuesday. motive? unknown. reports are they instructed ther victim to tell police that it was two white men who perpetrated the crime. most media reports left the racial dynamic completely out of the story if they covered it all. too early to tell if it was a racially motivated crime. this story has almost got zero mainstream media coverage so how does the media decide what alleged hate crime stories to cover?
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here to explain, nancy grace. nancy, you covered crime for quite some time, how would you have covered these stories and how do you interpret how theer media cover these type of stories in general? >> thank you for having me. any chance to highlight violent crime are welcome. how media covers crime? that's an animal'm i'm not familiar with. having been a crime victim myself as well as prosecute crimes as well as hate crimes,th the first hate crime i worked on was a series of gay males before the georgia supreme court. what hate crime does in a practical setting is add a layer with motivation, as far as why media takes one case or another,
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speaking for them notf, myself,i think they do it for ratings. i think most media takes whatever crime things work at the best numbers with regardless of the victims were what it means to them. jesse: a ratings calculation what they see some guy gunning down masseuses spots all over the georgia with a mug shot, they have the. he might be right about that. >> i think most of these women,, let's get real, using the women want to work in a massage parlor sex asked in the back room no that's not what they want. a lot of them can't even speak english, can't make a better living. the kind of forced into this, now they are shot dead. it's a hate crime for sure against women, against sex workers, against agents. jesse: i think you're right. i do, too. >> nobody is even mentioning that.
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jesse: spring breakout. full sprint. a legend with a record. police tackled the teen 50 yards down the beach. i mean that with no disrespect. president biden made a break for it and had a little trouble sprinting up the steps of air force one. the commander-in-chief shrugged it off when he got to the top and gave everybody a nice salute. every president has a presidential blooper. but it reminds me of president
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ford's misstep. '. that's all for tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. and remember i'm "watters' world" and this is my world. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. in a moment you will see my exclusive investigation into the growing humanitarian and national security crisis at the u.s.-mexico border. but first let's get to my open. i am just back from a visit to our southwest border with mexico. and i come away with one overarching thought. the united states understood the bind administration as knowingly, intentionally and with due deliberation, surrendered our southern border. it is now ope
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