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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 22, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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did not get the job the sheriff's office reached out to him and said give them a call to discuss his dreams. jillian: going for a job at a different sheriff's office. carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good day. ♪ >> the border is closed. the border is secure. >> he is lying. fox has learned that border agents are processing some asylum seekers and releasing them into the country without even setting a court date. >> it's ridiculous when they release them in our country, we never find them again. they never come back. >> are you thinking of going to the border? >> at some point i will, yes. >> you are commanded to immediately and peacefully disperse. >> miami beach hitting a spring break breaking point. thousands of party goers continue to fill the streets. >> despite threat arkansas governor says he will lift the mask mandate. >> common sense is going to replace mandate. >> "new york times" reporting
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that a second current aid accusing cuomo of ogling her body and kissing her on the forehead. >> this rein of abuse of power will end soon. >> oral roberts the 15th seed the upset maker are history makers. ♪ here i have am, baby ♪ signed sealed, delivered ♪ i'm yours ♪ >> drone today in studio. welcome aboard, folks. it is the first monday of spring 2021. hi, everybody. and look ainsley is on vacation this week. we have rachel with us and will is in for brian who is going to be hosting the 7:00 p.m. show all week long. good morning to both of you. will: good morning to both of you. rachel: good morning. will: so nice to meet rachel in person. will: first time after seven months. today is meeting rachel in person after the covid.
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steve: can you turn and look at each other rather than the camera. will: good to see you. steve: good to see you both. we just saw march madness, there is a lot of madness on our southern border. and president biden has vowed to ease the migrant surge while promising to visit the southern border some day. >> are you thinking of going to the border? >> at some point i will, yes. steve: yes. rachel: fox news learns border agents are releasing illegal immigrants that the u.s. without court dates. will: and he has been doing a great job from the border this morning in tijuana, mexico griff jenkins with the latest. good morning, griff. >> imoorpg, rachel, will and steve. president biden may want to come we traveled to here on tiawain that all 2,000 miles of it and it is every bit of a crisis. let's get to that rio grande valley story. that is the ground zero for the border surge. i spoke yesterday with multiple agents who are processing
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migrants now without issuing a court date, a notice to appear for an asylum name. they are putting their biomet particular data and turning them loose in a bus station in the case of mcallen, texas. ultimate catch and release. putting the migrants on honor system and-to-go and seek appointment with ice by walking into one of those offices. it is changing the game. agents there say it's unprecedented. and while it helps them to not have to do the three hours of paperwork per individual for that notice to appear, they are worried it will be a huge incentive to bring even larger numbers. now, congressman buddy carter from georgia was asked about it last night. here's what he had to say. listen. >> i think it's just incompetence at the height of incompetence as a matter of fact. it's very, very disappointing. listen, we have got a crisis at
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its border. whether this president, whether this administration wants to admit it or not, it is a crisis. griff: now let's talk about where i amity wanna chap prettyl camp. biden migrant camp flying the biden flag and wearing biden t-shirts. 5,000 individuals staying here that believe whole hearted ofly that president joe biden wants them here and will help them get across. we talked to one migrant named damion from honduras. listen to what he said. >> i think this president and the united states is a good person. the other person [inaudible] >> that's racist. referencing are president donald trump. going back to that rbg story
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though that game changer how they are processing them. i reached out to dhs and ccp multiple people who said can you please issue a statement so we can get clarity on why this is being done. we have yet to hear back. will, rachel, steve? will: griff, a great question for you. you are doing a great job as always. i noticed in several of your reports and you mentioned it this morning the biden t-shirts and biden flags. where is that coming from? are they bringing it to them re r. they getting the merchandise at the border? where is all of that coming from. >> a woman who has been here for a few months says that they were donated directly to this camp by an ngo. and that they choose to wear the shirts every time the media shows up because they believe if president biden sees them wearing the shirt, then he will feel compelled to do more to help them get across. most of them believe that joe biden is setting up shelters for them on the u.s. side and that
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any day now they will be asked to go across and stay there rather than here where it's dangerous out here on the streets. you can't see it now in the dark, but police have been guarding this camp because i have heard of people saying there are have been attempted kidnappings and at one point a few weeks ago an actual person in this camp was shot in the streets nearby. they haven't seen him since. steve: oh my goodness. griff jenkins live there in tijuana. griff, thank you very much. you know, right now, the only thing not open on the southern border is media access. yesterday, the secretary of homeland security said the coronavirus is preventing america's journalists from going down there. there is he right there. a veteran journalist by the name of john moore has photographed the cbp during the bush administration, obama administration, the trump administration, he is asking the
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government to allow him to take pictures of the facility and they say no. so what he has done is he has gone out and gotten a really long lens for his camera. and those are the only images he is able to produce because there are more press freedoms in mexico than there are in the united states when it comes to the southern border. rachel: and they don't want anyone to see what's going on, obviously,. steve: steve no. rachel: the facilities are overrun. steve: kids are sleeping on the street on the floor. rachel: letting people leave and come into the country and release them because they don't want us to see that the places are overrun. part of the reason is because the administration, the biden administration has literally reversed virtually every single trump era immigration policy. and at the same time, they are saying that, you know, it's trump's fault. it just doesn't make any sense, does it, will? will: no. you spoke with secretary
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flashing across the screen that joe biden put into place literally on his first day in office. this was his inauguration day executive orders reversing president trump's immigration policies. despite that, secretary went on the sunday circuit and laid the blame squarely on president trump's doorstep. listen to this. >> do you not see a connection between the surge at the border and the policy changes that joe biden has made in his first two month? >> chris, i do not. what i am seeing is the result and what we are seeing is the result of president trump's dismantlement of the safe and orderly immigration processes that were built over many, many years by presidents of both parties. that's what we are seeing and that's why it's taking time for us to execute our plans to
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administer the humanitarian claims of vulnerable children. that's what this is about. will: seems like a fairly simple math equation if you are blaming it on a president it a year ago it will policies in place a year ago here they are showing the number of encounters at the border. one year ago to now up 188%. largely, you would think that the dismantling of those trump era policies and if you don't believe that well, you might listen to the migrants themselves. steve: exactly the ones wearing the t-shirts this joe biden let us in business. the problem for the biden administration is the messaging has been confusing because you have got secretary mayorkas and he is saying for you folks interested in asylum don't come
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now. where they are at. that's the way they want it to happen. given the fact and rachel as you set up that scroll of all the things they have undone in the first 60 days of this creation. that's why there are so many people lined up counsel on our southern border and that's why, you know, those places where the kids are being kept super spreader events. now we heard yesterday that apparently they are going to be testing the children for covid. that's new. where are they going to put them? s maybe in those $80 million of hotels renting along our southern border? we don't know because there is such a press blackout. that will be interesting to see joe biden on thursday night finally answer some questions. rachel: let's see if he actually does. one of the things he is going to have to talk about is why he reversed remain in mexico policy. again, people were -- donald trump made an agreement with the mexican president to say hey, instead of having them come over our border because only mexicans can be sent back to their own country, central american people
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who come across our border are allowed to stay. it's a loophole in our law. which by the way we should probably talk about why that's the case. why we can't repatriate people who come from central american. that is the law and donald trump had a very clever idea keep them in mexico. made this agreement with the mexican president. and that's one of the things that biden reversed one of the very first things that you mentioned will that he reversed and look at what happened. trump was actually speaking with our own lisa booth on i heart radio and here is what donald trump, former president donald trump had to say about that. >> they say we're going to release you in the country and you will come back in two years for a legal case, that's the end of them. very few people show up. it's ridiculous. so we had a thing where we keep them in mexico. we got upheld in courts. meaning positively. all of these people were staying in mexico. what that did is forced mexico to not let them in on their northern border. so they wouldn't let them in. so sort of working for
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everybody. and then these people came along and they just ended everything. and now they are going to be flowing in by the millions. already started very substantially. nobody has ever seen it as bad it is now. it's really good compared to what it will be in a few months. rachel: now, it's going to get worse as he said as the spring and warm weather comes, you will see more people flowing in. it's really a disaster. will: it absolutely is. that's brand new sound from former president donald trump on the truth of lisa booth. you can check that out on her radio show. i mentioned this is a math equation. we can show you the numbers. we can show you the number of encounters that have gone up over the last several month. we can tell you about the policies that have changed that have at least correlated if not caused this rise in migrants at the southern border. the most compelling piece of evidence in my mind that we can give you here why this is happening is to listen the migrants themselves about why they are traveling knot. here you get to hear it in their
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own words. >> some say the new president gave them hope for a life in america. >> why did you decide to come now. >> take advantage of the opportunity that the president has given to the people who come from central america to come with their families. >> would have you tried to do this when donald trump was president? >> definitely not. >> so did you come here because joe biden was elected president? >> basically. basically. the main thing was the violence in our country. and the second thing, i think was joe biden, you know, it's like my hope. >> biden we can come with minors. >> she heard that because of president biden she would be welcomed. >> you heard it there. biden's promises are why we escaped admittedly a very bad situation to the greatest country on earth. they thought they would find a welcome mat. why did they think they would find that welcome mat? well because of promises like
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this. >> we could afford to take in a heart beat another 2 million people. i would also move to increase the total number of immigrants able to come to the united states. >> i will send an immigration bill to the united states senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people. i have already written, sent to the united states congress a, a, a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented folks? raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. [applause] steve: it's those images and those soundbites over the last year and a half that as soon as joe biden was elected it was like a flashing green light to a lot of people in less fortunate circumstances than here in the united states and they have headed north ever since donald trump got on the jet and headed to mar-a-lago and joe biden took
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the keys to air force 1. it's interesting. right now according to "the washington post," there are 15,000 kids being held by dhs. 15,000. that is a fraction of how many there were doing the trump time. and then with griff's big exclusive story, that because there are so many people, the border patrol can no longer process -- they can process people through biometrics which means fingerprints but does not set up a court date with these migrants. that means the migrants have to do it themselves. rachel: that's right. steve: so do you think they are gonna? that's the big question. i'm sure there are a lot of people at border protection who think we are never going to see that person again. rachel: and by the way with migrant who said i came because of joe biden, it continued and they actually asked him would you have come had donald trump been the president? and he goes no, i wouldn't have even come on this journey
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because they didn't want to get stuck in mexico. they wanted to come into the united states where they know they will be set free. donald trump talked a lot about the difference between how red states and blue states handled covid restrictions. he was on i-heart radio as you know. he is often called an authoritarian what he did was let governors decide what was right for their states and allowed us to see what worked for each state and what worked in general. here is donald trump talking about that. >> i allowed governors like ron desantis who has done a great job in texas they have done a really good job and in south dakota but many, many places i allowed them to keep open if they want. if -- the ones that shut down are the ones that are doing the worse. you look at new york and california, the ones that shut down are the states that have done the worst. it's sort of amazing to be honest if you look at it but
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they have done really terribly. they have ruined their economies and states. their numbers aren't better. in fact, their numbers are worse than the ones that have been much more open. will: do you know what i like about these stories steve and rachel whether or not it's economic shutdowns in red states vs. blue states or migration patterns at southern border is what we do, what politics often is, it's a battle of ideas. a constant battle of debate and spin. that has its place. debate is important. what we are looking at here is real world consequences of ideas. when we see people move from new york to texas or california to florida, in response to policies in response to shutdowns, when we see people migrant from hun temperature rance to texas from nicaragua to california we sea world world consequences of your policies. in essence at some point the debate is over. the evidence is in. the actions have spoken louder than the words. when it comes to economies in these united states and when it comes to our southern border, the evidence is in.
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action has spoken. steve: and do you know what? when it comes to the covid vaccine, i heard over the weekend somebody who had been part of the operation warp speed said joe biden when he came in he said we didn't have a plan. 90% of the system right now in place was instituted by the trump administration. the best news we have heard in the week or two when two vaccinated people are in the same room they can take off their mask. they don't have to worry. which is another great reason why everybody should get the shots when they are available. rachel: will, your governor, governor greg abbott is going to be come up 8:35 eastern. we are looking forward to what he has to say. a governor who has done things differently. steve: what a great show. rachel: it is a great show. another great person coming up with jillian mele. jillian: you were just talking about vaccines. let's begin with this.
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astrazeneca reveals advanced data shows covid-19 vaccine to be 79% effective. the trial also finds the doses to be 100 percent affected against severe illness and hospitalization. several countries restarted using the vaccine following reports of blood clots that scientists believe were caused by overact investigation of platelets in the blood. former president trump is soon going to return to social media. >> probably about two or three months here with his own platform. this is something that i think will be the hottest ticket in social media. it's going to completely derefine the game. jillian: trump was banned from twitter along with other platforms following the january 26th riots. teams punching their tickets to march madness sweet 16. 16 oralroberts upsetting.
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oral roberts borders the 5th seed the upset maker are history makers. jillian: congrats to them. they will face 3 seed arkansas in the next round. syracuse jim 29 points help lift the orange over west virginia. loyola chicago getting free pregame inspiration with a prayer from sister jean. they went on to shock one seed illinois and face oregon state in the sweet 16 today. that is a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you. steve: great to see her back. will: i don't know which is best sister jean back coaching son in upset victory or oral robert what a cinderella story. steve: will, how did your team do? will: steve, we were doing so nicely here. [sighs] rachel: rachel, what's coming? rachel: latest to end the mandatory masking why he says america needs more of this in
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♪ steve: downtown nashville, tennessee. good morning, folks, 5:25 your time. it's good to have you back here. we have got rachel and will in for ainsley and brian. and once again, in addition to talking about immigration, we're also talking about covid. will: absolutely. we are looking at across this country right now mask mandates beginning to be lifted. the latest is arkansas.
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arkansas governor asa hutchinson said by the end of the month he will be able to lift the state's mask mandate. the reason is he trusts the common sense of his citizens. listen to this. >> we're a year into this and we know so much more today than we did a year ago. and so we had to educate people understand the importance of the mask and i expect even though we take the mask mandate away that people will continue to use the mask when you cannot socially distance and whenever there's the risk of the virus. so common sense is going to replace mandates. we have lifted the business restrictions in arkansas. we are going to school as we have all year long with in classroom instruction. and people need. this president biden has recognized that you can do all of that at the same time take the virus seriously. rachel: common sense making a comeback. i am loving it. you know, i love that he is
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doing. this especially when it comes to kids. i'm a parent. you both are, too. our kids are known to not be big spreaders. a lot of times the schools are doing, i think, just kabuki theater. some of the mask mandates for outdoor activities playing basketball, things that are kind of silly. and i think we ought to not instill this kind of fear in our children, not make them neurotic. and really recognize that the science is showing that, for example, for children being outside in particular it's really not necessary. let people make those decisions. steve: sure, at the same time, you have got some people who have used this as an excuse for not getting back to work. essentially how many groups have we heard well, you know, we have got vulnerable population, a demographic that would be susceptible to getting the coronavirus and it do be something really bad. and so even though the science shows that now you can be three feet away with the kids, rather than six feet. a lot of schools still not
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opening up yet. even though joe biden said his goal was a majority of schools by, what by 100 days something like that probably not going to make it to full participation. will: many people have conflated mandates with responsibility. in other words, if we don't force people to wear masks they will inherently be irresponsible and make bad choices. what asa hutchison is referencing there something i have seen. i have done a few diners. i was in texas last week with you, steve. i said many of the citizens while the mask mandate was lifted said i will continue to wear the mask when i feel like it's a situation where it would be helpful. when we have seen the data. this is about mandates. specifically whether or not you are forced to wear activist that. we have seen states like south dakota vs. north dakota. missouri vs. illinois. the data is relatively the same. that doesn't tell you by the way that one state is not wearing a mask and another is. it tells you whether or not there is a mandate. an element of force involved in it.
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and whether or not that's in place. whether or not that has improved the situation. steve: just one other thing about that a week ago i was in florida and, you know, florida famously, you know, they don't have the mask mandate. they are wide open. but, in states that have reduced the mask mandate, the businesses can still mandate that you need to have a mask. every time i went to the publix grocery store a big sign you have got to wear a of course that. go to walmart you have got to wear a mask and home depot have you got it wear a mask. the thing about florida the weather is gorgeous, as soon as did you go outside you can take the mask off and put in your pocket because you're going to be out in the air and you're 20 feet from people. that's living. will: imagine that trusting free people. steve: common sense. making a comeback as rachel said. rachel: i love it. listen, we have senator tom cotton coming up at 7:00 a.m., so stay tuned for that and we'll be right back. steve: yep, coming up we have
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congresswoman elect julia letlow joining a number of women in washington after she won her special election in the state of louisiana. she will join us next how she will honor her late husband's legacy when she fills his house seat. that's coming up. ♪
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the congresswoman elect will fill the seat of her late husband luke who one last year's election but died in december after being diagnosed with covid-19. luke letlow passed away just days before he was to be sworn in congresswoman elect julia letlow joins us now. doctor thank you so much. representative elect. thank you for joining us. tell us a little bit about your husband and why he wanted to run for congress. >> you know, luke had spent 0 years of his life cultivating relationships in the state of louisiana and really all over the nation. and he just had this desire to serve. and just really wanted to serve the people of this district that we call home. he was able to do that by running. he was so excited to represent the fifth district. rach rawch i'm sure your victory, of course, is bittersweet. tell me how your family is doing. >> oh, the family is great. i have two small children,
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jeremy is 3 and jacqueline is 1. so they are just doing wonderfully. and are excited. rachel: at what point after your husband passed away did you decide that this was how you wanted to carry on his legacy? >> you know, as you often are with your spouse and partner we become best friends and we had been that way the last eight years of our marriage. he would often say, julia, if the opportunity to run ever presents itself you have the background, you have the qualification. i hope you would take advantage of that situation and run for office because you have the desire to serve. and so it wasn't too long after that i felt that calling and that peace of the lord and knew this was the right decision to make. rachel: my husband is a former member of congress as you know and he actually said that to me once. i my heart just really goes out to you and what an amazing thing for you to do for him, for his legacy. for your family. what are the issues that you
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specifically want to bring to the office? >> sure. you know, the background -- the backbone of the fifth district is agriculture and that rural way of life. and so i want to represent our farmers, ranchers and loggers and make sure that they have what they need. we have the longest of the mississippi river that runs through this district in the country. there is a ton of opportunity for jobs and small businesses and so i just want to be an advocate for this rural way of life that i have grown to love. rachel: we are inspired by your race. you won by the way by a huge margin. you have a ton of support in your district and within the country. we wish you all the luck. congratulations? >> thank you so much. it's an honor to serve and i'm ready to get started. rachel: all right. great talking with you. all right. up next, border facilities still at arm's length for the press as the white house blocks access promising their own footage to come. will we ever find out the truth
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about this crisis? our next best has reported of from the border and will head down this week to get the story. ♪ ♪ ♪ out here, you're a landowner, a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. apps are used everywhere... except work. why is that? is it because people love filling out forms? maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much vacation time they have.
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stations. the border is secure. the border is closed. will: we are working on providing footage. what a stunning statement right there. senior writer for town julio will be on the ground visiting the texas border this week. he joins me now. start right there, julio. there are reportedly very little allowances for the press to get in there and see what's happening at the border because don't worry because the biden administration is going to provide you some footage. they are working on it but eventually provide you footage. do you think that will satisfy your curiosity, julio. >> no. in fact, i was supposed to go visit the springs facility for unaccompanied minors and all set up through congressman roy's office and i was gift agreement and once we got there we were starting the process to get let. in temperature check and medical grade face masks issued to us and waiting to get our covid tests that's what the administration has been using bar tests because of code
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restrictions. they found out we were members of the press and immediately divided and ordered to leaf. using covid-19 as a pretext to keep press out it. appears members of congress and their staff are able to tour the facility. will: you were part of a congressional delegation, media member congressional conscious carved out of the touring party reportedly or what they told you for covid protective reasons but then they let the congressional delegation go on. they were allowed to continue the tour. but the media were the ones that they had to protect from covid problems. >> right. and, look, it's pretty obvious why the administration doesn't want members of the press to document for themselves what's happening in these facilities and elsewhere along the border. just simply because this is a crisis and what makes it worse is that this is a self-inflicted crisis. this didn't need to happen. but pause of the open border rhetoric and policies that we have seen from this administration it has
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incentivized this massive surge. it's not the only reason why it is a big reason. last october i was with acting commissioner mark morgan doing a ride along with him. even in the age of covid, ride alongs with border patrol is still possible and yet that's not being allowed right now. will: as we said at the beginning of the segment you are headed back to the border next week this is potentially at least what you will see in numbers. here is the increase in adult quote encounters. that's the new term under the biden administration encounters up 188%. unaccompanied minors up 92%. what are you expecting to see not just in numbers but with your own eyes next week? >> unfortunately we are going to continue seeing unaccompanied minors and family units because the department of homeland security secretary has said that they are not going to deport those types of groups like they used to. and so that, again, that's incentivizing human trafficking among the most vulnerable groups
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unaccompanied minors. the cartels aren't doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. they take advantage of the people they traffic especially the minors. what i saw two weeks ago and what i expect to see this week is mostly unaccompanied minors and family units. like i said this, is a crisis. will: your ride along this coming week constable so you should get to see exactly what's happening down there. love to talk to you afterwards julio. thank you for giving us a preview this morning on "fox & friends." >> thank you. will: take care. all right. head over to jillian mele who has more headlines for us. jillian: good morning. start with what's going on in florida. miami beach hitting a spring break breaking point. overnight the city extending a curfew until april 12th as thousands continue to fill the streets. >> there is a curfew in effect from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. you are commanded to immediately and peacefully officers. [sirens] jillian: look at this video,
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unreal. police breaking up rowdy crowds who refused to clear out after . fist fights, property damage and possible covid-19 infections. keep you updated. meantime today a chicago suburb set to vote to begin represent war nation payments for black residents. evansston city council vote on the first 100,000 payments. first phase $25,000 for home repairs, down payments or mortgage payments. $10 million has already been committed for the next decade. it california ranks among the worst states in administering its covid-19 vaccine supply to vulnerable populations. a new cdc report finds the state has failed to equitably distribute vaccines in the poorest and most at risk counties. factors used in the report include race, education and housing. state health officials say they are trying to turn this around. the former national intelligence director reveals a new
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government report on ufos will be full of never before seen intel. >> frankly, there are a lot more sighting than have been made public. talking about objects that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain. movements hard to replicate that we don't have the technology for. jillian: john ratcliffe telling maria bartiromo some ufos seem to travel at it speeds exceeding the sound barrier without causing a sonic boom. the report must be released by june 1st. i'm so into that. steve: why did we wait 47 minutes to tell people this. holy cow. jillian: should be priority number one. steve: no kidding. all right. thank you very much. jillian. all right. coming up here on "fox & friends" on this monday, loved ones of the 15,000 who died in nursing homes from covid-19 are demanding justice and accountability. they want answers. new york assemblyman ron kemp
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says governor cuomo's rein of abuse will end soon. mr. kim is coming up next. >> coming together, taking on the most powerful politician in the state of new york. ♪
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♪ >> when i got that call from governor cuomo threatening me and my career and livelihood to lie for him, i wasn't scared of his bully tactics but i was afraid that he would escape accountability. this is about decency. this is about decent human beings coming together, taking on the most powerful politician in the state of new york. together, we will get to the truth. steve: and that's what so many people want. as you can see it was a solemn sunday in new york's brooklyn. that was democratic assemblyman ron kim demanding answers as new york families mourn the losses of more than 15,000 residents who died in nursing homes. but, their despair was joined by determination to hold governor andrew cuomo accountable for down playing the death toll after his deadly executive order
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and assemblyman ron kim joins us live this morning. assemblyman good morning to you. >> good morning. thank you for having me on. steve: hearing you talk yesterday brings it back a month ago we heard he picked up the phone and started yelling at you and saying he was going to wreck you unless you lie for him. >> that's right. i mean, it wasn't -- like i said, it wasn't the bullying. the moment he crossed that line and ordered me to issue a statement that covered up what his top aide admission of obstructing justice. that's what really motivated and pushed me to come out in public and push back. steve: right. >> i thought along with janice dean and others for 10 months to give these families the voice that they lacked and that in one second the governor wanted me to lie and cover everything up to protect him. and i wasn't going to have that. steve: well, the governor has
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denied threatening you during the phone call. essentially, you were just repeating what you had heard melissa der rosa, his secretary, secretary to the governor, say on a zoom call where she was apologizing to democrats, sorry that it was so rough on you during your re-election because of the nursing home thing. and essentially said we doctored the numbers who make us look better. >> that's right. she -- in a private meeting she admitted there was a cover-up and she implicated all of us, not just the members but the institutions, the senate and assembly. and the moment she did that it no longer became a private conversation. the public had a right to know and we have a duty to report to the public that this is what is going on with the executive. we need to check the governor and we need to do our jobs to get to the truth. steve: mr. kim, the "new york times" leaked an audio from 2018, i believe, it was a phone call between the governor and
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working family party head bill lipton. it came after cynthia nixon, who is running for governor, who the working party -- family party endorsed dropped out of the race. and just listen to how he spoke to this person on the phone. >> if you ever say whether he is better than a republican again i'm going to say you are better than a child rapist. how about that? >> governor, i want to -- i apologize but i have got to clarify one thing. you are free to say whatever you want, governor, but i just like want to be clear our line is going to be that we have differences with you but our differences with the republicans are far greater. >> i think you are better than a child rapist. steve: unbelievable. his spokesperson, assemblyman said the governor was being hyperbolic, he was exaggerating. >> first they denied it. they lied that he never said that and then when they get
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caught red-handed they punt and they deflect and come up with something else. the point is, they lie, they deflect, and they cover up and the public has had enough. we have had enough of his abusive behaviors, abuse of power. he needs to be removed so we can get back to protecting the people of new york. steve: and, of course, all you want is you just want answers and then that will lead to justice. assemblyman ron kim we thank you very much for joining us today on this monday. >> thank you so much. take care. steve: you as well. meanwhile, the battle of power in washington could come to filibuster. one senator is explaining away his flip flop ton as he challenges his colleagues including tom cotton. duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust.
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in this family, everyone does their own laundry, but they all do it a little different. honestly, i add a couple of tide pods and just stuff everything in. it works. and of course, everyone thinks their way is right. i stood in line for hours to get this. it has to be washed on delicate. it has to be cold water,
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it's better for the planet. the secret is, with tide pods it all works. of course it does. told ya! they're going to do it their way, and i get a break from the laundry. no matter how you wash, it's got to be tide. ♪ >> the prior administration dismantled the orderly and safe way that these children could make their claims. >> biden administration back to the blame game as border agents are releasing illegal immigrants without court dates it? >> is the ultimate catch and release putting the migrants on somewhat of an honor system. >> the biden administration looks to next big spending plan. >> 60 vote requirement stop the senate from meaningful activity. >> arkansas governor asa hutchison says by the end the month he will be able to lift the state's mask mandate. >> common sense is going to replace mandate. >> democrat operatives in the media threatened democrat turned
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republican congressman jeff van drew. >> he said i was a doppler radar and traders deserve to be executed. >> ryan blaney wins the fold of honor quick trip 500 in a shocker after karl larson dominates the day. [cheers and applause] ♪ whoa, yeah ♪ baby ♪ will: feels like a bit of a missed opportunity we could have bumped in with the still of new orleans incredible shot. steve: it's going to be a beautiful day down there. 57 degrees in new orleans. going for a daytime high of room temperature 72. here in new york city, where will and rachel and i are sitting, currently we have 46 and we're going to have 60 today and sunny for the first monday of spring. rachel: coming from wisconsin, that sounds like some pretty good weather for me. steve: sound like summer.
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rachel: it does. steve: do you still have snow on the ground. rachel: no, snow just melted we have been known to have snow each in may. we are ready for it. will: such best of your memory one more snowfall. rachel campus duffy, steve and will cain. steve: good morning. will: good morning. rachel: president biden vows to it migrant surge while easing the southern border. >> are you thinking of going to the border. >> at some point i will, yes. will: fox news learns border agents are releasing illegal immigrants into the u.s. without court dates. steve: wait, how is that going to work? steve: griff jenkins joins us now life from tijuana. griff, this is your story, you broke it yesterday. there is such a number, there is such a surge of migrants. they are just saying okay, we are going to fingerprint you and we are not going to give you a court date. so does that mean the migrant has got to call ice some time in the future and say hey, yeah, i
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came in on march 18th and i need to set up a court date? is that how it's going to work? >> that's right, steve. good morning, will, rachel, good morning to you. let's go back and remember we were in mcallen, texas, right at that river crossing and we have seen them come by the thousands across that one point that's ground zero for joe biden's border crisis. now, this is essentially what happened, steve. they will cross that river on a raft. they will walk right up to the border patrol, be taken into custody right there at the point of the river about a mile up the hill that we covered and some of those migrants. they will enter their name and biometric call data in a computer. be put on a bus be driven to the mcallen bus station and released into the united states with the onus and responsibility of them getting an islam hearinm hearing and are ice hearing. no recourse to deport or expel them unless they are some time
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later arrested for some criminal offense at which we would have the by metric call data and then a decision would be made whether or not to expel them. that is why i call it the ultimate catch and release. larger than that and what the lawmakers bipartisan lawmakers on the southern border tell you is this is the greatest incentive. nothing could be a stronger pull factor in the northern triangle country honduras, el salvador or honduras. it does not apply to from game changer officials worry going to lead to even greater numbers and we are already in march headed into the summer months in unprecedented numbers coming. now, let me tell you where i am though because there is certainly a different story than when we were two years ago in 2019. remember, we followed the caravan and we ended up here in tijuana there was a large camp. well, there is one growing here as well now. this one is different. because this one is joe biden's migrant camp. they are flying the biden flag
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here just across the u.s.-mexico border from san diego. they are wearing biden t-shirt. there is 500 to 1,000 people. they all believe that joe biden wants them here and he will help them get across. we talked to one migrant named louise. i told him the administration says the border is closed. >> we don't hear what's going on but at the same time we don't want to seat reality. we get blind by thinking about our situation by our family. they are so delicate they want to go across. >> let me come. [broken audio] asked me about. there is certainly every consideration that if numbers grow into other sectors they could move to that sort of policy because that is the only thing that will alleviate the agents from having three hours of paperwork per individual. dhs not releasing a statement that we keep asking for one. steve? steve: all right.
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griff jenkins live on our southern border. thank you very much. let's bring in arkansas republican senator tom cotton. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. good to be on with you all. steve: good to have you as well. over the last couple of weeks, we have noticed that the administration is reluctant to call it a crisis. it's not a crisis. it's a disaster when you look at what is going on down there. >> yeah. they also sent fema. in case anyone has forgotten the e in fema is for emergency. i guess you could call it an emergency. total disaster. you heard griff's report that now they may be releasing people into the country without so much as a court date. and i know that joe biden and secretary mayorkas claiming that crump dismantled the system. will joe biden dismantled the policy that had closed our border, allowing migrants to stay in mexico while they process asylum claims forcing them to make asylum claims not in the united states but the
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first country they pass through when they left their own country places like guatemala. they claim these countries are too violent can't possibly. baltimore has a higher murder rate than most of these countries in the central american northern triangle. why should we expect that migrants have a right to come to our country to escape the so-called high violence there when baltimore and other cities in america have higher murder rates than some of these countries than central america. will: senator, you mentioned that mayorkas is blaming the trump administration. let's listen to his own words yesterday on "fox news sunday." >> prior administration dismantled the orderly and safe way that these children could make their claims. it tore down the central american minors program that allowed these children to make their claims under united states law without having to take the perilous journey. we are rebuilding that process. we are encouraging families not to send their children. if they arrive at the border, we
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have a responsibility to allow them to make their claims under united states law and to address -- these are vulnerable children. to address their needs, and we can do so in a safe and orderly manner. it takes time because the entire system was dismantled. will: there is the biden administration blaming the current crisis on the trump administration. you pointed to and we laid out the policies that joe biden changed on literally his first day in office. we have heard from migrants in their own words say why they're traveling north. then there is this, senator, from a mexican official said the following when it comes to president trump's policies in the incentive or disincentive it created. it says the biden administration's appeal to do more against migration has put mexico know tough position. strong arm it while mr. trump strong armed mexico into militarizing border. carry the load migrants to attempt make the journey north. when we talk about rhetoric or
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policies, what is it that needs to change from the biden administration? >> >> yeah. secretary mayorkas is plainly in over his head. no matter how many tv interviews he does from washington while he went let press travel with him to the border or how many bumbling staples joe biden says over helicopter engines don't come now. actions speak louder than words. when thousands of migrants get from central america to our border and get released into our country and send text messages back and post on social media hey can you all come up now the border is open, guess what? people are going to come. if you let them, in more will come. simple policy changes again will be applying the pandemic exclusionary order to all migrants, not exempting minors. that's what joe biden did. not surprisingly this a lot more minors. second requiring so-called asylum seekers to seek especially guatemala. they must pass through guatemala all point from the south. donald trump had that in effect.
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joe biden tore it up. and then finally if those asylum seekers get to our southern border requiring them to remain in mexico rather than releasing them into the country or court date or now without a court date at all, those three policies could be reinside this week and they would immediately stop this border crisis. but joe biden refuses to do so. rachel: senator, we heard from an interview that will just had with rosas proof that the biden administration is having a press blackout. what can congress do let to let the american people know what's going on inside these detention centers and how the policies of this administration are playing out not just for those who are being key takenned but especially for the children? i mean, it seems like our government is now complicit in human trafficking and child trafficking. >> >> yeah. the biden administration is really proud of it so-called humane and more compassionate policy on our southern border. i think they would be letting the press travel with secretary
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mayorkas and senators and congressman going to the border. we will continue to highlight that they are denying that kind of press access. but, the questions that a lot of the press wants to ask, rachel, are really kind of the secondary question like how many beds are available or hot meals or showers if you don't let the migrants in, you don't have to worry about how many beds you have available or how many hot meals or how quickly they are being processed. that was the policy before joe biden took office. we didn't let migrants in. therefore, we didn't have the problems that we have at these processing centers. >> it's the policies of the biden administration that have sent the signal to latin america that our border is wide open. and why you see the kind of pictures that we just saw at the southern border. migrants wearing joe biden let us in t-shirts or flying the biden campaign flag at their migrant camp. the policies have to change. it's not about how many beds we have or how fast we can process illegal aliens into our country who have no right to be in our country in the first place. steve: senator, let's talk about your day job as a u.s. senator,
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currently the senate is split 50/50 republicans and democrats. the democrats can't get their entire agenda achieved the stuff that nancy pelosi sends over because you have got this crazy filibuster thing where you need 60 votes to move on. it's having, now that it's 50/50 and they have the white house and the white house, the senators who not too long ago talking about you can't get rid of the filibuster are now saying we should get rid of the filibuster. watch this flashback of people then and now. they are all democrats. >> i can tell that you would be the end of the senate as it was originally devised and created going back to our founding fathers. >> today's filibuster is often used to prevent the senate from even starting to debate important ideas. it has become the death grip. >> the point is we still left the 60 votes in place for the supreme court. >> would you bring it back. >> and mitch mcconnell changed that i would prefer to bring it back. >> i favor getting rid of the filibuster.
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>> without the 60 vote flesh hold for legislation the senate becomes much more subject to the whims of short-term electoral change. no senator would like to see this happen. >> we hope our republican colleague also work with us to produce that change. but, if not, we will put our heads together and figure out how to go and everything is on the table. steve: okay. so everything is on the table. they want to get rid of it so they can get stuff done. wait until the republicans take the senate and then they can get stuff done. is this a good idea? >> no, steve, it's not. if you are looking for stands on principle regardless of the circumstances, chuck schumer and dick durbin is probably not where you want to look. but it's not just those two. 27 democrats in the senate right now signed a letter four years ago pleading with mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer not to change the rules in the traditions of the senate. now they have the barest of majorities in the senate and the house and they want to ram through unpopular changes on a party line basis like making washington, d.c. a state or
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packing the federal court system or granting amnesty. republicans haven't filibustered a single bill in this congress. look last year democrats filibustered more bills and nominees than at any time in american history. they are claiming somehow that mitch mcconnell the republicans have been obstructionists again we haven't filibustered a single bill yet. the rules of the that the, the traditions of the senate are designed to foster compromise and consensus so we can craft legislation with broad bipartisan support that will be lasting and enduring not laws that are party line that will be unpopular and will be changed as soon as you get another election result. that's what our founding fathers disand the senate to do. that's what the senate rules and tradition accomplished throughout the years. will: senator, i want to leave the news cycle for just a moment. i have become fascinated with your ability to somehow curry
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controversy. a mild mannered guy but for some reason controversy comes calling. look back at the past year you writing an op-ed in the "new york times" calling for the military to intervene in riots on the streets of our country or you questioning at times the origins and the point is actually you were on to something that time has proven you correct about the origins of covid and, yet, in response to these points which, again, time has proven out for you, the left has absolutely lost their mind over what you have to say. why do you think that is? >> well, will, i'm just speaking my mind and observing some basic facts and common sense and the left acts like i'm saying something crazy. but, for the most part, i think i'm just saying that most arkansans think as well. so i'm grateful to have the chance to be their voice and be the voice of common sense americans all across the country who see things like our border crisis. or who see things like the
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rioting in our streets last week that was going unchecked and ask where is the leadership who is going to stand up and represent my views on this? that may not play well in tv studios in washington, d.c. or in media news rooms i reap arkansas i don't represent the far left and elite institutions. i will keep speaking out in my mind and defending i think are basic common sense to most americans can. rachel: speaking of common sense, your arkansas governor asa hutchison says common sense is going to replace mandates. take a listen. >> we're a area into this and we know so much more today than we did a year ago. and so, we had to educate people understand the importance of a mask. and i expect even though we take the mask mandate away that people will continue to use the mask when you cannot socially distance and whenever there's the risk of the virus. so common sense is going to
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replace mandates. we have lifted the business restrictions in arkansas. we are going to school as we have all year long with in classroom instruction. and people need this. president biden has recognized that. you can do all of that and the same time take the virus seriously. rachel: senator, what's been the reaction to this change in the mask mandate in arkansas? >> we're a year into this and we know. steve: go ahead. >> so good we wanted to hear it twice. [laughter] >> i support this decision. you know, we are just a few weeks away from vaccines being available to every adult in the country who wants one. and it's springtime. and we are a area into this pandemic. and we know a lot about it. so i support this decision. i suspect many states will be following suit. i'm looking forward to everything in arkansas getting back to normal very soon and across the country getting back to normal very soon as well. steve: seems like common sense was the theme this morning.
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senator, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you all. steve: 7:17 here in the east and jill i can't say has got the headlines. jillian: that's right. begin with this news. iran threatens a katie couric army base and a top general to retaliate for the killing of its general qasem soleimani. a.p. sources says chatter discussed a "u.s.s. cole" style attack on fort mcnair referring to the 17 sailors killed when suicide bombers blew up next to the boat. general martin resides at the d.c. base. we will keep you updated. lloyd austin makes a surprise visit to afghanistan. the trip comes amid questions surrounding the may 1st deadline to withdraw u.s. forces. an agreement between trump and the taliban. president biden recently said the may deadline will be tough to makes a the taliban warned of, quote, a reaction if troops are not pulled out.
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the dean of new york's community school of law is canceling herself. marilou is stepping down in june after referring to herself as a quote slave holder when taking blame for a controversial hiring proposal. she writes in part i realized the minute i heard myself say it and couldn't believe the word had come out of my mouth. actor matthew mcconaughey star studded to help texans hurt by winter storms ♪ i can't wait to get on the road again ♪ whole lot of woman. >> we are texas, together we are texas. >> the texas native is flirting with a run for governor saying it's a, quote, true consideration. will, what do you think? rachel: i was just going to ask i wanted to know. will: yes, he does. matthew mcconaughey's
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transformation rom come box office actor into an authentic real hollywood blockbuster actor and authentic real inciteful human being when it comes to politics absolutely fascinating. matthew talk to us about this transformation. jillian: i feel like he could do it. will: ing are longhorns we appreciate it. rachel: all right, all right, all right. steve: thank you, jillian. rachel: will says yes. will: gretchen whitmer under the microscope of her handling of the state's nursing home deaths. new lawsuit are covid-19 data aims to get to the truth. one of the plaintiffs joins us live next. (deborah vo) i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. (vo) discover the exclusive, new miracle-earmini- a nearly invisible hearing aid from the brand leader in hearing aids with over 70 years of experience. (deborah) when i finally had miracle-ear and i could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything.
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surfaces into new york governor andrew cuomo's nursing home cover-up, two michigan residents are suing the office of their governor gretchen whitmer to get their hands on nursing home data for their state and holding their democratic leadership accountable. steve deli is a director at michigan's mackinac center and attorney in the case suing to get this information. he joins me now. steve, thanks for being here with us this morning. let's just figure out with you here what's going on in michigan? tell us what in michigan appears to look similar to what went down in new york. >> sure. thanks for having me. realistically it's hard to tell at this point because the state hasn't produced any of the records we have been asking for since this pandemic started. that's really the key aspect of this suit is trying to get the records so we can have a better understanding of what the numbers actually look like. will: now, gretchen whitmer, steve, like, i believe several governors across the nation, put in place an order similar to
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governor cuomo's where she put covid-positive patients back into nursing homes. tell me if i'm getting that correct. and that was against the argument, i believe, of a lot of republicans in that state. did i characterize that correctly? >> that's a fair characterization. it was certainly a controversial decision in the state and she certainly was mandating some return of code-related patients to nursing homes. will: okay. here's a statement from the michigan attorney general's office. this is a previous statement. not a current one. they haven't given an update on this one i will not hesitate to act when justified. i will also not abuse the investigatory powers of this department to launch a political attack on any state official regardless of party or belief. i appreciate that you and your colleagues have policy differences in response to covid-19 investigation of my office is not the mechanism to resolve those disagreements. but, steve, there is two levels to this, right? there is the policy which we just talked about that mirrors or is somewhat similar to the one in new york. but then there is the potential for cover-up. that's what the focus of andrew
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cuomo's controversy is right now. did you cover-up death and correct me if i am wrong again, but that's what you are attempting to find out in michigan, did something similar happen with the numbers? >> that's exactly right. because we don't have the numbers, we can't reach any conclusions on whether or not this was a good or a bad policy. once we have that underlying data, we will be able to make that determination. but, because the state has refused to give it to us on multiple occasions, this lawsuit has become necessary. will: all right. steve delie will give us the latest there. talking about how that lawsuit plays out when you get ahold of those numbers in michigan. thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. will: take care. a north carolina school district tells teachers to ignore white parents, concerns over critical race theory. while a facebook group calls on volunteers to gather information on parents criticizing the curriculum. the outrage boiling over this morning coming up.
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district. take a listen. >> i think it's more horrifying that they are trying to cut the parents out and assuming that we aren't talking to our kids about these things and that our kids are in some way biased. they are not focusing on the actual education of the kid which that is the foundation for everything in life. we are focusing on the social criteria and trying to reshape a narrative that isn't benefiting all children and isn't fair to a lot of them, which is actually isolating them. rachel: this comes as a facebook group calls on volunteers to gather information on -- into virginia parent who criticize the curriculum. here to discuss is philadelphia school teacher christopher paisley. welcome to the show. first of all, you wrote a book about this, which i want to thank you because i think coming from an actual teacher in the classroom are it's very instructive for parents. tell me what you think parents should know about critical race theory. >> well, the first thing is as teachers we should be working
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with the parents. we have the parent and child and teacher. it should be this communication no one should be cut out of that communication going around the parents is definitely inappropriate. so, but, parents need to know that students -- i agree with what the -- we just had the previous parent say, students should be getting rigorous academic instruction in the classroom. the classroom should not really be a place for indom tripating students with politics. the classroom should be a place for instruction. so i just think parents should be aware of the fact that is your child getting an education? are they learning the skills that they should need or are they more or less getting indoctrinated with politics? and i think the classroom is not really a place for that. rachel: yeah, it's such a great point if you look at our national test scores, it certainly points to the fact that we probably should be focusing more on reading and writing and math math tucks. ron desantis recently made an announcement that he was going to take funding for critical race theory out of the florida
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school system he was not going to fund that he claims that critical race theory teaches children to hate their country and hate each other. what's your response to that? , when you teach you need to trr destruct for other groups succeed not healthy way to go about things. we should be encouraging education. cooperation not necessarily disruption. i have heard, you know, certain segments of it where they say we need to target and disrupt things like whiteness. rachel: right. >> i wonder whether a do parents think of that? what do other students think of that? i think obviously there are other issues. racism we need to try to stop them. when you are targeting and disrupting and dismantling other groups in order to other groups to succeed is the zero sum and i don't think it's the best approach in certain cases. rachel: how have you seen in the classroom that critical race theory is maybe affecting
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relationships between students? >> i think that students organically, especially, you know, where i teach students organically they are friends. i teach in a school where there are students of many different races. you know, 30% black, 30% latino and 30% white. they are naturally just getting along with each other. sometimes when it gets too political and this stuff gets too much involved sometimes it does make them more aware and sometimes polarizing. in my case not but i could see how it could happen. rachel: very interesting. i think kids are naturally open-minded and tolerant especially these generations. i think this is actually feeding and fueling a lot of division. we know it's also profitable, the largest school district in north carolina, for example, say they spent $1 million on critical race theory. so somebody is making some money off of this. well, listen, mr. paisley, thank you for joining us. i think your book is really informative and instructive for
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parents. a lot of parents don't even know it's in their schools. thank you for writing that we appreciate you coming on the show today. by the way we reached out to the wake county public school system for a statement and we have not heard back yet. thank you, again. up next, joe biden declared that america is back on the world stage. but in a matter of days his administration are ignited new tensions with our adversaries. why is the media pausing their or praising their every move? we'll discuss. ♪ ♪
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alps ains we're coming up on 20 minutes before the top of the hour. jillian joins us with the
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hezbollah mean blefl headlines. jillian: fox news senior meteorologist janice dean and new york state assemblyman ron kim call for justice at the new york memorial for covid-19 victims. >> expert in trying to find answers and accountability for their deaths. jillian: kim joined us earlier to weigh in. >> for 10 months to give these families the voice that they lacked and that in one second the governor wanted me to lie and cover everything up to protect him. jillian: new york lawmakers are preparing an impeachment investigation. a fugitive pulled a gup on a florida deputy and his canine. watch this. >> i said stop. stop. >> no. no. no. no. >> put your hands behind your back. >> put your hands where you can see it. >> i can't. >> drop the gun. get down now. >> the marion county sheriff's office says the suspect choked the dog and bit the canine cop's
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ear. he now faces multiple charges including aggravated assault on an officer. the university of central oklahoma suspends its cheerleading squad for the rest of the school year over hazing allegations. the school's president says details of the reported incident will not be released but said in an email in part, quote: individuals team members found responsible may face university sanctions including removal from the team and suspension from the university. nascar seeing a late race upset at the atlanta motor speedway. watch. >> ryan blaney wins the folds of honor quick trip 500 in a shocker. jillian: well, are there you have it ryan blaney taking the checkered flag overtaking larson four laps to go. larson was in the lead for 26 laps but faded on a battered set of tires. steve: tires. will: new winner every week in nascar.
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can't predict the outcome. thanks, jillian. the biden administration igniting a war of word with some of america's most dangerous foreign adversaries all in artery math days. rachel: of course the media and members of congress are spinning his foreign policy blunders. >> what biden is trying to do is restore some kind of normality to world leadership and dismissing him like this in public labeling him like that bs putin but helps reestablish some kind of norms around what leaders can do. >> it's also a striking contrast, of course, to pind's predecessor donald trump. >> this type of behavior is completely acceptable outside the international rules based norm of how we should conduct ourselves. steve: okay. so that's some of the sound over the weekend here with reaction is former deputy national security adviser and author of that book "revolution trump, washington and we the people" kt
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mcfarland. >> good morning. very good to be with you. steve: to summarize what we heard in that bouquet of soundbites is now that trump is out, finally we can get back to normal. >> it was really that they thick. those soundbites were scrambling to try to make the best of a very bad situation. look, earlier in the week, the americans went to a meeting with the chinese and they basically they brought a knife to a gun fight. they made a few opening comments and the chinese wham, let them have it. using all of the woke media criticism of america is a racist nation. america has a lot of things to answer for, black lives matter, yadda yadda yadda. and then to make it even worse, president biden himself he calls putin, you know, he calls him he says you are a killer. everyone knows putin a killer. then he says putin doesn't have a soul. maybe god should figure that one out. the point is that i look at all of this, the biden administration has come in with a wall of words like you just said. no deeds behind the word.
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they talk a tough game. they are going to be really strong, but, yet, the deeds never are there. and so as a result, we are getting pushed around by everybody. joe biden is becoming jimmy carter 2.0. rachel: k.t., i have a question for you here on the meeting in alaska with the chinese. first of all, how frustrating to have the chinese, the most racist intolerant country in the world genocide and concentration camps lecturing us. tweant predictable if you brought up the uighurs that they were going to compact with all of this blm woke rhetoric? >> yeah. and the chinese knew what they were doing. they is had a very carefully scripted prepared words to pull out immediately to use. the biden administration should have gone into that with saying no expectations, but no talk. we met at the beginning of the trump administration, we met with the same officials. we sat across the same table and the same officials they gave their litany of what they demanded were red lines that you
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couldn't discuss taiwan, hong kong there were no uighurs at that point. they basically said these are internal chinese affairs we do what we want you mind your business. the biden administration doing this so publicly, they were now -- they were just caught in a really weak defensive position for a country, for an administration that says we are going to rally everybody around us to stand up to china, they didn't look real strong themselves. i think it was a major mistake to do it this way. will: k.t., let me follow up on this. president trump was no stranger to talking tough. you just pointed out calling vladimir putin is a killer is something everybody knows. therefore it's true. pointing out china's human rights abuses is also true. what's the real mistake with the biden administration here? they're talking tough, saying things that are true. so what are they doing wrong? >> well, they are not following it up with policies. i mean, i talked to president trump about two weeks ago, will. he said do you believe what everybody is doing to biden? china would have never had the
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nerve to do. this iran would have never had the nerve to do this to me. let's just unpack it. when trump left office he had in place a number of policies that would decouple the united states critical infrastructure supply chain from china. he had a number of other policies that were tough on china whether it was technology transfer, whether it was u.s. investment in china. now, the administration to its credit has kept a couple of those things in place they started dismantling others. if you are china and looking at president biden who have you known for decades has always been soft on china, whose son take as payroll from you, and you see the administration come in, you know, what are you thinking? you think i own this guy? the fact that, you know, if i had been there and the chinese had trash talked my country that way, i would have gotten up and left. i wouldn't have come back like tony blinken did where he said oh, you know, we know we are not perfect but we are trying to be better. nobody insults my country on my
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territory and gets away with it. rachel: maybe hunter biden is the elephant in the room there. steve: and k.t., if you were there i have a feel you would have brought up hey by the way, china, didn't you start covid? thanks for giving us a heads up on that because it did not work out well. all right, k.t., thank you for joining us frod sarasota. will: thanks, k.t. >> thanks, steve. steve: astrazeneca says their vaccine is 100 percent effective against serious illness. dr. marc siegel up next on their path toward an fda approval.
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♪ steve: well, south beach in miami hitting the spring break breaking with point. overnight the city extended the curfew as thousands of party goers continue to fill the streets past the curfew. carley shimkus not there, but shea is there to recap what happened last night. carley: yeah, steve. things certainly looked like a battle on ocean avenue. watch this. >> there is a curfew in effect from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. you're commanded to immediately and peacefully disperse. [sirens. carley: corral the crowds as city officials voted to extend that curfew and restrictions
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until april 12th. the hoards of spring breakers have caused havoc with first fights breaking out and property being destroyed like this car that people danced on. police had to use pepper pellets over the weekend. the city's mayor says the party goers are jeopardizing public safety. the former head of the fda says the u.s. should be able to avoid a fourth wave even when all those crowds and new variants. >> we have so much prior infection, 120 million americans have been infected. we have gotten one shot in at least 70 million americans. we are talking about some form of protective immunity 'in about 55% of the population. carley: gottlieb says unclear whether the new variants are protecting people who have had the virus or those who have received the vaccine. steve? steve: all right, carley, thank you very much. carley: you are welcome. steve: speaking of cody overnight astrazeneca has revealed their trial data has shown their vaccine is 79%
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effective and it is 100 percent effective against severe illness hospitalizations and most importantly death. here to react fox news medical contributor and author of "covid, the politics of fear and the power of science, dr. marc siegel. dr. siegel, good morning. >> hi. steve. how are you today? >> steve: doing okay. this is great news because the more vaccine out there the more people are going to be able to get it. does the united states even need astrazeneca at this point? >> well, first of all, julian tang top virologist in the u.k. saying this is very good news for oxford astrazeneca of the reason it is because there was a lot of bumps in the road and question about blood clots, 79% effective each in the elderly which was a group wasn't doing as well and no side effects, major ones linked to the vaccine. the to your point, steve, first of all, the fda advisory
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committee needs to look at this first. they are going to look at over 100 pages of data, pure data on this. then the fda will rule. that's one time when we are flat that the fda has that regulation in place to slow it down a little bit. each if it's approved, we already have the johnson and johnson vaccine, which uses a similar virus, same virus, actually, and that's out and that's approved and that's safe and that's useful. so i think we will have some use for it, but i think it will be much more useful in the developing country appeared in europe. right now europe is very nervous about this vaccine. this information may help. steve: yeah. just like the j and j shot astrazeneca is just a sing goin. two weeks later you are immunized. this is all good news one of the things that the cdc is saying is if you have gotten vaccinated you can be in a room with somebody else who has been vaccinated without a mask.
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that's another good reason for everybody to get the shot. >> so important, steve. the slowdowns we're doing on the supply side now we're getting over 3 million doses a day given out. to break the back of this virus we have got to get almost everybody in the country to take the vaccine. listen, we already never have a vaccine 95% effective the way the pfizer and moderna is. j and j very effective. everybody out there take this shot, we will break the back of this vice. steve: that's what we wanted to hear we have been saying all along once we get a vaccine we can get ahead of this. dr. siegel, thank you for joining us on this monday. >> thank you, steve. steve: coming up, fox is confirming that border patrol is releasing illegals into the rio grande valley without a court date. governor abbott coming up. plea! wait, this isn't a hot-dog stand?
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platform. it's going to completely re define the game. steve: loved ones of the 15,000 who died in nursing homes from covid-19 are demanding justice. >> we had enough of this behavior, it's abuse of power and he needs to be removed . >> [buzzer] >> the upset, our history-maker >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ steve: good morning, miami. it's 8:01 and this is your 8:01 wakeup call. little hazy there, it's going to burn off, 51 degrees now miami is going for a high of 80 degrees why aren't we there? rachel: i know, miami sounds really good. steve: well there's a curfew and we love to stay up late. will: it is beautiful in new york city all the more so because rachel campos-duffy is
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onset with will cain and steve doocy, good morning and welcome to fox & friends. rachel: it's so great to be here will: president biden pledges to ease the my grant surge while promising to visit our southern border. someday. >> are you thinking of going to the border? >> at some point i will, yes. steve: at some point. fox news is learning that border agents are now releasing illegal migrants into the united states after they fingerprint them, but they don't give them a court date, which is something brand new, never done before. rachel: that's right, griff jenkins our own griff jenkins broke that story and he joins us live from tijuana, mexico with the latest. griff: good morning, rachel, will, and steve. so, this is a significant thing. you have to understand when the administration says that the borders are closed, they may be inviting greater numbers than we've ever seen. the biggest poll factor from these countries like honduras, el salvador, is to see the
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success of those who went before them and now this change in the rio grande valley, they are simply processing them by putting their fingerprints and biometric data into a computer right after they cross the river, putting them on a bus, taking them to a local bus station and releasing them. there is no court date. the responsibility is on the migrant now, to go to an i.c.e. office or seek through legal assistance their own asylum court date, and, it looks like based on the number of appearances that they made when they had that court date and not showing up around 70% that do not show this is going to really drive more people to end upcoming here. it's just in the rio grande valley right now because of the overwhelming numbers. it does not apply to un accompanied minors and congressman buddy carter had this to say last night. listen. >> i think that it's just in competence at the height of in competence as a matter of fact and it's very disappointing. listen we've got a crisis at the border whether this president, whether this administration wants to admit it or not, it is
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a crisis. griff: we reached out to dhs andcbp for a statement on why and how they are exactly doing this and they have not sent us one and obviously we cannot get our cameras in there to see that. meanwhile where i am in tijuana on the other end of the u.s. / mexico border across the country there's about 500 to 1,000 folks here at the camp right across from the port of entry in san diego and it is nothing but a biden camp. they are wearing biden t-shirts, a flag is flying and they believe very strongly, guys, that biden will help them get in we talked to one migrant aimed named anna. here is what she said. >> as humans we need an answer. i just see people trying to survive. if bid en kisses it and says i'm going to hear their stories. please, biden, let us in. griff: and just one other part of all of this larger story and
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that is we learned yesterday that the biden administration has granted an i.c.e. contract worth some $86 million, partnering with a non-profit called "endeavors" to help put hotel rooms some 1,200 up for the migrants while they are staying on the u.s. side of the border. steve, will, rachel? steve: griff, you mentioned that generally they just when they release them into the country they drop them off at a bus depot. do they test those people for covid before they are released into the interior of the united states? griff: they are not tested by border patrol when they are released and they aren't tested when they come across the border , but the local government s in the case of brownsville and in mcallen, it's falling on an ngo to do the testing and they have tents setup in mcallen and this is primarily where this is happening. they do tests, the migrants, for covid but it's quite unclear
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, exactly what happens to them specifically when they test positive. in the case of of course brownsville, we saw more than 214, i'm not sure what the latest number is, we'll check that for you. i assume it's a bit larger, but it is upon the local government or ngo's to do the testing right now, and they do not have the authority to keep them there , so, if they don't want to stay and isolate somewhere near by, they're free to run the country. will: griff jenkins in tijuana, thanks, griff. let's bring in fox news contributor former nypd officer former secret verse agent soon to be radio host, fox news contributor dan bongino. hey, dan we've known each other for quite a few years. i actually don't know if you have children, but one of the things i notice about government policy is how often common sense can and should guide you but also parenting can and should guide you. make clear rules, enforce the rules, live up to your word,
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and when it comes to this border crisis it's clear all of those common sense and parenting rules, dan, have been violated. >> yeah, that's actually a good point. i have two daughters and i mean, my daughter her first, i remember my daughter isabelle, my oldest, her first sleepover was like a three-week long event i wanted the fingerprints and the dna sample, both criminal checks, can i tour the home. seriously it was like do you have a power generator in case the power goes out this is the stuff like basic parenting and believe me nobody knows parenting better than my good friend there rachel. she is the queen of all. she is an expert in parenting but it's such a great point. this is just common sense, right am i crazy? like whoever says i've got this idea, right? there's this coyote whose going to take my kid across this really dangerous portion of the border, known for sex trafficking, drugs, counterfeit money by the way, one of the
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things i did in the secret service and other things and we're just going to hand them off and hope everything works out okay? you're right like i'm scratching my head like how is that what's empathetic, compassionate or kind about that i don't get it. steve: and dan we've been talking about how all these people are coming to this country after joe biden made it very clear the doors going to be wide open even though the secretary of homeland security says that's not the case, but the people who are really taking advantage of this are the chi coyotes and the traffickers because they know the loopholes so they get the money, the big money from the people who are desperately trying to come to the united states, and it is a cash cow for them. >> you know, steve, i love how liberals. i debate geraldo a lot on hannity's show at night and he's not here to defend himself to be fair but he brings up a lot of the whole idea of kindness and empathy and immigration policy and i say to
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him often, great, like it's a good thing to be kind and have morals and ethics, obviously, right? point stipulated but that's not a public policy, okay? people respond to incentives in public policy, and when you do things like say to people hey, listen, you won't be forced to stay in mexico anymore if you claim asylum. we will let you in the united states. and according to the breaking news, i was just going to say according to breaking news at fox over the weekend now it's the honor system for a court date like hey i'll call and check in myself. people respond to those incentives and say okay, great. sounds like a free pass to me, and then you have to ask yourself people mike lie wife and mother-in-law and family that came into the country and their family, the legal right way, why would you do that? rachel: right. >> i'm serious not trying to send some message to the world they aren't getting themselves. why do it the right way? what's the point? just come on in, say yeah, don't worry i'll call the local i.c.e.
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office and cbp, whatever office in a little while and just get back to you? i mean really there's no incentive to do it the right way. rachel: you're so right, dan, we talk about the coyotes making money, somebody else is making money it costs like $700 a day to keep these illegal immigrants into these detention centers and now $86 million going to hotels. somebody is making money. tell me why you think the administration changed the remain in mexico policy, because by all even mexico is saying it was working. >> yeah, well listen. the democrats it's not a secret. this is a good question and this is a larger global question of why liberals specifically, because it's not all democrats even henry quaar has been like of course he was in texas whose he's a democrat probably hearing it from his local constituents, hey what the heck, we're being overrun here by people breaking
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the law, right? so it's not all democrats but it answers the question here about why liberals love illegal immigration and the reason it's just so simple. they've been hemorrhaging working class votes in the trump era and earlier for a long time. they know they don't have a long term plan to stay in power, without having a class of people that need to rely on them, and when you're handing out goodies at the border as an incentive to break our laws, then yeah, i mean, it's a strict power play and i can prove it to you. there was kind of a poison pill stuck in legislation a little while ago where it was ted cruz that said yeah, maybe we'll consider some type of legalization process, but you can't vote for about 10 years because you broke the law. rachel, the democrats said no, no, we're not doing that. wait i thought it was about compassion. if it's about compassion they should have just said yes but they said no, no, we don't want that because it's not about compassion it's a strict power play to stay in power and everybody knows it. will: well here is a clear, clear power play and that is one where the federal government is
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exercising their muscle to keep the press out of seeing crisis at the border. now, dan, secretary is saying that's because we're in the middle of a pandemic at least that's what he's saying in the sunday news shows. >> let's not forget that we're in the midst of a pandemic. we're working on providing footage so that the american public can see the border patrol stations. >> respectfully, sir, i think that there is a safe condition under which a pool reporter and a pool camera crew could go into some of these facilities. >> they say it's impossible to do because of covid sounds like an excuse. >> chris, we're working on providing access so that individuals will be able to see what the conditions in the border patrol station are like, but first things first. we are in the midst of a pandemic and we're focused on operations and executing on our plans. that's our highest priority.
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will: dan, it's tempting to focus on the pandemic excuse for why there's no media access but i think the more outrageous statement might be we're focusing on providing you some footage. government sanctions. >> well i can't take it. i can't, these people are the narrative spinning so just to be clear. it was a-okay to stick the press in the middle of a blm rally in the summer with no vaccine in the middle of the worst part of the pandemic. that was okay, but god forbid you put them in ppe and let them walk in and photograph an immigration cbp. no, no, we definitely can't have that. what kind of an idiot falls for this stupidity. this guy should be embarrassed, and what's the dirty little secret here? why are they really not allowing press photos i'll tell you why. because you'd find out if you saw the press photos that the conditions in the trump adminitration were far more humane than the conditions they have there now, and god forbid the media had to tell that story
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that's the dirty little secret of why the biden administration has got totally incognito mode now when it comes to this stuff. they don't want anybody seeing. steve: yeah, because they have kids who are sleeping on the floors. kids are going to sleep hungry, and the federal government, as you know, can only hold somebody 72 hours, but there are hundreds of them have been kept three, four times that length. rachel: yeah. steve: crazy. >> steve it was the most predictable immigration crisis in human history. the numbers don't lie. 30,000 they were processing per- month, roughly at the same time last year. 100,000 now. i don't know about you but 4th grade math i did okay at. i think that i got a b or whatever, i can do math. that sounds like more than three times. someone fact check me the fox news ombudsman, i'm pretty sure that math is accurate.
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rachel: god forbid we speak to the children who tell us about the sexual assault they encountered. >> yeah, that would create a bad media narrative can't have that stuff. rachel: absolutely well president biden, dan, said he was going to be a moderate. he was going to work with all these americans from across the aisle. let's take a look at what he said and see what you think on the other side. >> i beat the socialists. that's how i got elected and the nomination. do i look like a socialist? look at my career, my whole career, i am not a socialist. >> unity also is trying to reflect what the majority of the american people, democrat republican, independent, think i'm going to be the president of all america. all, there's no red or blue. it's all about commitment to the american people. we're going to stay in close contact with members of both sides of the aisle and keep advancing our shared goals. rachel: so dan before you respond, i want you to hear one
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other clip. this is donald trump former president donald trump speaking about this. >> but beyond border patrol, this is more radical, what he's doing, and i don't even think it's him, but it's the cabal. this is more radical than anything he campaigned on but this is more radical than bernie sanders. bernie sanders never dreampt that they were going to be approving things like they are approving, and it's unbelievable what's happening. this is far more than bernie sanders ever thought was possible. it's disgraceful and they are trying to destroy our country. rachel: that was the president speaking on lisa boothe's show, what do you say, dan? >> i have a mental file drawer in my head. trump was right, what did he do during the debates? he warned us biden would not have the guts to stand up to the radical left. there's never a sister soldier,
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moment with biden, ever. he's just got no guts, no spine. he's never going to do it, so trump is right. think about the big three issues right? economics, education and healthcare. he has been more radical than sanders. he's pushing this massive tax hike, while just getting out of the deadly pandemic, he's already pushed an expansion of obamacare built into that stimulus package that will eventually phase out overtime, private healthcare, so you can choose your own doctor and look at school choice issues. you're not even in school. forget about school choice and charters right? biden is like school? we don't need no stinkin school, forget about that because he can't stand up to the teacher's union. you even have andrew yang running for mayor of new york city, basic universal income guy saying listen maybe it's time with we stood up to the teacher's union. not get low joe biden and he doesn't have any guts.
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trump warned us this guy doesn't have no guts at all and trump was right again. steve: joining us today from stuart, florida, dan bongino. by the way, dan at the beginning will said you're going to be a radio show host we read in the news you're taking over on a number of the rush limbaugh radio stations, congratulations. will: congratulations, dan. rachel: the perfect choice. congratulations, dan. >> thank you, thank you, guys. ira sends his love from 1,000 north so he misses you get back in there. steve: i love that place. >> that's right. steve: thank you very much i might just get a free appetizer now. rachel: [laughter] thank you, dan. >> get the tuna poke. rachel: [laughter] all right still ahead the battle of power in washington could come down to the senate filibuster. why top democrats are now changing their stance and calling for a rule change. plus, texas governor greg abbott will join us live, coming up, stay with us. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> i can tell you that be the end of the senate as it was originally created going back to our founding fathers. these filibusters often used to prevent the senate from even starting to debate important ideas. it has become the grip. >> the point is we still left the 60 votes in place for the supreme court. and mitch mcconnell changed that i would prefer to bring it back. >> i favor getting rid of the filibuster. >> without the 60 vote threshold for legislation the senate becomes much more subject to the wins of short-term electoral change. no senator would like to see
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this happen. >> we hope our republican colleagues will work with us to produce that change but if not, we will put our heads together, and figure out how to go, and everything is on the table. rachel: wow. steve: do you think they know that we've got video tape, all we have to do is go to the archive and find all these democrats who were against blowing up the filibuster before now, they are for blowing up the filibuster. rachel: they don't care about that. steve: that is the definition of flip-floppery. rachel: they promised a long time ago, steve, to fundamental ly change america and if you want to fundamentally change america this is definitely a way to do it. will: well then the filibuster was advantageous to their goals in power and today it's problematic thus the flip flop then the filibuster was a procedural technique used in the senate and now it's racist that's how it works apparently senator tom cotton was on fox & friends earlier talking about this hypocrisy from the deputies >> if you're looking for stands
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on principle regardless of the circumstances, chuck schumer and dick durbin is probably not where you want to look, but it's not just those two. 27 democrats in the senate right now signed a letter four years ago, pleading with mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer not to change the rules and the traditions of the senate and now they have the majority in the senate and the house and they want to ram through unpopular changes on a party line basis, like making washington d.c. a state or packing the federal court system or granting amnesty to 15 million illegal aliens and giving them voting rights. they want to do that because they are afraid they will lose power next year. steve: so the big question is, would they have a way to get rid of the filibuster. you would need currently 60 votes but if you go with the nuclear option just a simple majority, they would still need people like kristen cinema and joe manchin to say yeah, let's get rid of it which is problematic for them because they have said very recently, we are for keeping it in place.
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will: just really quickly, filibuster night be a word whose synonym is boring and often something people go why is this important and the reason it's important is the united states is not a democracy it's a republic. we have all types of protections in place to ensure a simple majority does not get its way including our founding document the constitution, when the democrats want to put aside the filibuster they want to put aside any check on their power. that's what this is about. steve: well they have a simple majority in the house and the people in the house on the democratic side love it, and the people in the democratic side in the senate, rachel and will, are a little jealous. oh, wouldn't it be easy if we just needed 50. rachel: weird they are saying it's racist. isn't that just crazy? i mean, i guess being a republic is racist. will: everything is. president biden finally set for a solo press conference after more than 60 days while his administration blocks press access at the border. what happened to their so-called transparency? we'll discuss with shannon brean , plus after a stalled 2020 season it's almost
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steve: well, baseball is almost starting its last week of spring training games. rachel: that's right, connell mc shane from our sister network fox business is live at the atlanta braves training facility in northport, florida. connell? can you hear us? steve: i don't think so. will: i don't think we have connell. steve: connell thank you very much for that brief report. rachel: sometimes these things happen. steve: sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. all right, brand new images giving finally you'll want to come to the screen to look at this , brand new images giving an inside look inside a crowded migrant tent in a texas border facility, as the press demands transparency over the summary. rachel: those photos from coming to us from representative quaar in texas, a democrat who took photos as he toured the site and here to
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react is fox news at night host shannon bream, welcome. thank you, rachel. rachel: the press has not been allowed in so these are pretty remarkable photos taken by a member of congress. steve: no wonder they don't want the press in. this looks terrible. >> i mean, it's hard to look at those in the midst of covid because you see folks in very crowded conditions and what the administration continues to tell us is they're doing the best they can with the situation that they have with the numbers they have, with the facilities they have, but how stunning that these pictures come to us now from a democratic congressman. this is his state, texas is his home, and so as you all talked about earlier, he's hearing from people all the time his own constituents, business owners, land owners, people there who are concerned and listen we've talked to many of them, griff jenkins has, others down at the border, and talked to people who say they have compassion for these young kids and for these families who are coming, and they want to see them taken care of, but they are also realizing that these communities are absolutely overwhelmed when it comes to the
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ability to house them, to test them, with covid protocols to make sure they have somewhere to go or a court date so for now, these pictures to come from a democratic congressman who says i'm trying to get to the biden administration to get them to understand people are coming, they feel a magnet to the policies, so for him to be the one to now give the world access and to show these pictures is a pretty remarkable turn of events. will: what does it tell us, shannon, about the messages we've heard over the last several years? we heard about kids in cages, obviously, under donald trump, now we're looking at these images. we see kids packed into tight quarters in plastic wrap separated cubicals, almost, there with those foil blankets. pods with those foil blankets you see after somebody runs a marathon or something like that how do we reconcile that with what we heard under president trump from democrats about kids in cages? >> well, there was certainly a blasting from the mainstream
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media from president trump during conditions under his watch. now what he says he was trying to do and the numbers showed us was to discourage people in many ways from coming here saying it's not going to be a welcome situation for you unless you come legally. they were just overwhelmed with illegal immigration. president biden, during the campaign, made no bones about the fact that he be more welcoming and that he would roll back asylum restrictions and all kind of other things that were designed to at least sort of channel and handle this traffic, so it's no mistake , as we've talked about and as we have shown that people who are coming feel very hopeful that president biden is going to change the rules and that he essentially has signaled they are changed so it's interesting to watch the mainstream media now have to go through these conditions, go through these camp, have the frustration of trying to get access, and to realize that many of the same criticisms they made of president trump are going to apply here. there are just no two ways about the facts. steve: well, obviously, they should, but the big question is will they?
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and as you look at those images, you know, how many times have we heard joe biden's administration is trying to get rid of covid. that's what we're looking at right there, ladies and gentlemen. it's a super spreader event. will: steve, axios is saying one of those pods held 400 male minors. steve: right and they were apparently built to hold 240, but as our white house correspondent has been reporting over the last 10 days or so, they've gotten an exemption and essentially, shannon, thrown the covid protocols out the whipped owe just because so many people are running to our southern border and we're not turning the kids around. >> uh-huh, and that becomes very difficult for americans to listen to and to watch and hear this where president biden just days ago said this is a national emergency, we've got to not let our foot off the gas pedal when it comes to covid. we all have to wear our mask, get our vaccines, still keep our distance maybe have a 4th of july with a few people in the
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backyard so when he sends a message about how deadly and it has been a deadly deadly situation, he sends that message but then when people see what's happening at the border and know it's completely out of control it sounds like when it comes to covid testing it's difficult to get americans to go along with the restrictions you're asking of them and their everyday lives if they feel like there's no consistency at the border. rachel: right that's so true and again representative cuellar released these to axios saying these conditions are not good. just imagine being one of these children you came across this dangerous journey, so many of them have been assaulted i mean if we can barely meet their physical needs in that as you can see from these photos how many of them actually need counseling after these sexual assaults they encounter on the border? how many are traumatized because they have been separated from their parents and they don't know whose going to pick them up and our border patrol has no idea when somebody does come to claim them, if that truly is a relative or not. we really are as a u.s. , you know the u.s. government, is
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becoming complicit in this very evil criminal human trafficking of children. at what point will the biden administration from pressure like people like representative cuellar and other representatives who live along the border what point are they going to be able to just keep defending this? >> yeah, we know that churches and charity organizations there are doing everything they can to try to help these kids as they have over past years. they are overwhelmed, there's only so much they can do but these young kids and adults who come here are often in the clutches of people who are exploiting them. this is not an easy journey or a safe one for many of them. they are coming here for their reasons but there are those who will exploit whatever financial gain they can, that there will be assault on children and adults along the way so this is a very treacherous situation and we have to acknowledge that's part of what they are going to try to get here. steve: by the way we should point out mr. cuellar was not
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in attendance this weekend, however, somebody else took those images and he has released them. when kevin mccarthy was with us last week, he said that when he toured one of the facilities, they took his camera away. they took everybody's camera away, so the images we just saw would not be seen, but henry cue llar today released them to axios. >> striking they are out from a democratic congressman. will: we should mention shannon has a new book coming out "women of the bible speak" available march 30 and a new podcast based on the book dropping today. tell us about that. >> yeah, so we dig into these different women' lives and i say they are problems they had thousands of years ago are really common to women today dealing with all kinds of things , infertility, betrayal, chronic illness, but we see a lot of these women come through and triumph one after another and some faithful from the beginning some of them get off track. i thought it was important to include that because we all get off track sometimes but god
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was working in all of their stories. i found a lot of encouragement and inspiration i'm applying to my life as a woman today. i hope others will get that message too and yeah, we have a podcast that kicks off today go to foxnews and we talk about stories in the book with familiar names you'll know and a preview and hopeful you'll enjoy that and the book yeah fox it's out march 3. rachel: i am so looking forward to that, shannon. it is march 30 and again, the podcast what a grade addendum to that book so thank you for putting that out there for us. shannon brings her book to life in a new fox nation special so look out for that as well. steve: we've got a clip, sarah evans, in your special. watch this. >> it wasn't until i was 21 that i really understood what salvation is, and really fell into a deep, loving relationship with jesus. i think the biggest lesson is that so many women do want to
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control their situations and i think that we would all do well to relink wish some of that control and remember god is in control, so trust him. rachel: wonderful. women of the bible speak is available march 28 on fox nation sign up for fox nation now to see this , plus get exclusive access to other original content events and your favorite personalities on any device. thanks again, shannon what a great thing you're putting out in the world we need that now. >> we do. we need some encouragement. great to see you guys. will: thanks shannon. rachel: coming up los angeles da promising his controversial policies are just the beginning and his deputy da joins us as families demand justice. >> i don't feel safe. i don't feel the justice. >> he's victimizing families. >> listen to these mothers. these families out there are all suffering.
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>> i have instituted serious reforms based on data and science that will enhance the safety for our community while reducing racial disparities and the misuse of incarceration. our efforts to transform the approach that creates more crime, more victims and inequit ies are just beginning. steve: you got la county district attorney george gascon touting what he calls accomplishments on his 100th day in office, but as he faces a recall threat and intense backlash from grieving families over his progressive policies our next guest is calling his first 100 days a failure of justice. la deputy district attorney joins us right now, john, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, thank you for having me. steve: what's he trying to do?
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>> you know, i mean, it only looks like he's trying to help the criminal. he only cares about the criminal he doesn't care about normal ang elinos. he doesn't care about normal individuals who live here, family members, he doesn't care about them. he doesn't care about the victims or survivors. on friday, he actually released new directives and he's basically moved the goal post. he originally said we couldn't seek the ultimate punishment for police killers or child murders and now he's saying we can't seek life without the possibility of parole on any of these type of cases, so if you walked into a school and killed numerous children, or if you walked into a church and killed numerous churchgoers in a hate-related crime, we couldn't seek special circumstances or life without the possibility of parole, and that's just a tragedy. that's horrible. steve: and you mentioned a moment ago the families of these murder victims it is a tragedy to them because they have lost
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somebody and now george gascon wants to make it much easier on them. here are some who have appeared on this program. listen. >> listen to me and listen to these mothers. these families out there that we're all suffering through what he's doing to us right now. >> i don't feel safe and i don't feel the justice. >> i don't see anything good coming out of anything that gascon is doing so far. seems like the criminals are getting the upper hand. >> he's victimizing families. he is potentially putting more harm to his people of la. steve: you say he is actually committing misconduct. explain. >> he is pro-criminal and anti- victim. his job is to be the district attorney, so many people right now are talking about the shootings in atlanta. his tweet was we should all hold hands. we need a did a who steps up and says listen, if you commit a
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crime, in los angeles and you murder somebody as a hate- related crime you kill a police officer, we're going to seek the maximum punishment under the law. if you listen to those victims if you listen to desire. , her john julian was murdered, her brother juan diaz was murdered and i want him to face juan diaz's sister and i want him to face keith boyar's family and face tonya owen whose husband was killed i want him to face felicia, whose two daughter s were killed and tell them that he doesn't want to seek justice for them. tell them that he only cares more about the criminal than they does about these family members and seeking justice. steve: he has undone so many long-standing guidelines in the first 100 days it's jaw- dropping. john hatami, thank you very much for joining us from la. >> thank you. steve: you bet by the way we did reach out to the la district
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attorney' office for a statement have not heard back. we'll keep you posted. >> all right still ahead, we're getting our first look inside one of those crowded texas border facilities. it's terrible. governor greg abbott here with reaction coming up next but first let's check in with bill and dana for a preview of coming attractions. >> dana: thank you, steve, so speaking of immigration we are going to cover the entire story including a couple of mayors from border towns you'll want to hear what they have to say, and we're going to answer this question because this is where i think the stories going, bill. what did the biden administration know before this happened and why didn't they act on those warnings? >> bill: what would you expect if you are changing the rules the way they have been setup also talked with the a.g. in georgia steve there's a ton of republican attorneys general take on washington about the stimulus bill. if they take the money, can they lower taxes? it's a great risk. >> dana: congress says no. >> bill: we'll try and figure this out coming up on a monday morning see you at the top of the hour here, see you then.
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ent. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine!
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so jeff, you need all those screens streaming over your xfinity xfi... for your meeting? uhh yes. and your lucky jersey? oh, yeah. lauren, a cooler? it's hot. it's march. and jay, what's with all your screens? just checking in with my team... of colleagues. so you're all streaming on every device in the house, what?!! that was a foul.
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it's march... ...and you're definitely not watching basketball. no, no. i'm definitely not watching basketball. right... ( horn blaring ) steve: all right, shocking new images giving an inside look into a crowded tent in a texas migrant facility as the border faces an alarming surge of migrants. they were given to axios by
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congressman henry cuellar, whose a democrat he was not in attendance but he leaked them to axe cross. rachel: this as fox news learns border agents are releasing illegal immigrants into the u.s. without setting court dates. will: texas governor greg abbott joins us now to react and with some breaking news of his own coming out of the midland, texas facility. good morning, governor. >> good morning. i do want to share with you all some news the public doesn't know about yet. the news comes from a texas state senator in whose district the midland facility is located and is very disturbing to learn he took a tour of that facility this weekend and got to see firsthand what it looked like. two thins about it. one as migrants were already on that facility, there was no exterior fencing around that facility, which meant that the people who had migrated into the country, who were put into that facility, they could wander
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off anywhere in the midland or leave the midland area altogether, and go anywhere across the country. it is reprehensible and astonishing that the biden administration would be putting migrants into a location like that without having an exterior security and so it shows how in secure these facilities are. the second thing is based upon his information it was his understanding that yes, there is a more than 10% of the migrants in this location do have covid-19, but amazingly this. he told me that the adults who are working in that migrant center, they go and stay in hotels in the midland area, so these workers are exposed to these kids who have covid-19, they maybe taking that covid-19 into these hotels, exposing hotel workers and other people in the hotels as well as other people in the city of midland to covid-19. the biden administration is completely unprepared for the
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catastrophe that they are wrecking on the state of texas. steve: so governor, to recap, your two bits of news, one the biden administration is using the honor system essentially to keep migrants there, which is crazy, because that flies in the face of longstanding regulations for this government, but then, these things are, these detention centers are super spreader events, and if you've looked at the pictures that were released to axios that governor is why the administration does not want to have the press go down there, because those conditions are worse than they were when donald trump was president, because not only are they overcrowded, sleeping on the floor, and hungry, but there's covid-19 ripping through that place. >> well you're exactly right, because what i just told you is the last thing that the biden administration would want the public to know, but i've got to tell you as governor of texas i'm extremely frustrated because yesterday, we reported that the
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second-lowest covid positive iterate that we've had in the past 12 months and now the biden administration is importing covid into the state of texas, exposing more texans to that, and who knows on what we're going to see whether there will be an explosion of covid in the locations where the biden administration is putting these migrants. but i have to tell you this also and as you also may have reported earlier today as was reported yesterday and that is the biden administration is paying millions of dollars to put these migrants in a hotel in the state of texas. now first i will tell you this. how do they come up with money to put migrants -- steve: 86 million. >> and not spend a penny to put the national guard of washington d.c. in a hotel but instead make them sleep on hard floors but that point aside is this point. if you're putting these migrants in the hotel what type of security do they have there? who are these kids exposing to with regard to covid, the hotel workers there? how easy is it going to be for the migrants to get out of
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the hotel and how easy is it for covid to spread in that hotel as well as outside that hotel, this is an extremely wreckless approach by the biden administration to what they're doing bringing these migrants in especially during the time of a pandemic. rachel: this is autopsy an interesting point you bring up, the disparity between how our citizens are treated during covid versus people who are non-citizens i just had to travel on an emergency trip to europe and i had to pay, my husband and i had to pay $500 to take a covid test in the country we were at to get back into the u.s. , so that's remarkable what i'm hear ing. i know you've brought up these covid concerns before. this is what dhs secretary has to say about you bringing up these concerns. >> the minors who are arriving and who are placed in the department of health and human services facilities are tested. we also, i should say, work very closely with local officials in texas with local organizations
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to also test, isolate, and quarantine children, and we offer reimbursement 100% from fema and i do hope that governor abbott reconsiders his position of not allowing those local organizations and local official s to be reimbursed 100% by the federal government. steve: your reaction quickly, governor? >> it's the biggest snow job i've ever heard. the federal government has the unilateral authority to fund any other federal government operations such as fema, they can send the money there directly. secondly, the state of texas already is providing covid-19 tests to all municipalities in the state of texas. there is no unmet need from our local municipalities with regard to getting covid tests from texas. the federal government need to step up and provide testing equipment to all of these locations they've setup in the state of text texas to test everybody.
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steve: governor you broke a lot of news we thank you very much for joining us live today. rachel: thank you, governor. >> thank you. steve: all right where did the three hours go? will and rachel i'll see you back here tomorrow. will: all right steve: same time , same channel here now mesh 's newsroom.


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