tv The Five FOX News March 22, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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tomorrow. catch me on fox business network at 2 p.m. on making money. for right now, "the five" will take you the rest of the way and it starts right now. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> i am jesse watters with juan williams, dana perino, greg gutfeld and judge jeanine. 5 o'clock in new york city and this is "the five." >> ♪ ♪ >> it's a biden cover-up at the border. the white house is trying to hide the truth about what is really going on. we know now why they have been blocking the media. shocking new photos from inside a texas facility show horrific conditions for migrant children crammed in plastic cages.
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one pod is twice the capacity and holding more than 400 male minors. the dhs secretary said we might have to take the biden administration's word for it. >> we are in the middle of a pandemic. we are focussed on our operations. executing our operations in a crowded border patrol facilities where hundreds of migrant children are located. we are working on providing footage so the american public can see the border patrol stages. >> we are supposed to rely on the white house that says it's not a crisis to show us what is happening? that's ridiculous. president biden has everything under control and said he will eventually get down to the border. >> are you thinking of going to
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the border? >> at some point, yes. >> don't you want to see firsthand what is going on in those facilities? >> i know what is going on in those facilities. >> i am not sure he does. judge jeanine pirro you were there. what did you see down there? >> well, it's a mess. i have to comment, this guy claims there is covid-19 and we have to protect the children. this guy is lying. these children are not even being tested for covid. in addition to that, for him to say that we are working on it. these kids are in cages with some kind of blanket made of foil. they are being sent to the interior but being kept longer
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than 72 hours. 800 kept longer than 10 days. they are not following any guidelines. everything they complained about when president trump was in office. they are trying to hide it from us. they are lying. when i talked to the border patrol, they said it's a nightmare. they are being subjected to covid. they don't even treat the border patrol and sheriffs like they are part of america. they feel like they don't matter to the united states. they can be infected. they could be harmed. the cartels are coming in. no one is protecting them. it's a nightmare! >> dana perino, the bush administration and obama administration and trump administration all let the press
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take photos. now joe biden says no, we will prohibit press access. how can they blame the pandemic? you put a mask on and take a picture from 20 yards a way? >> we covered the protests. journalists have covered the super bowl to other things. i won't buy that. if henry the congressman 2 released those photographs worked with the administration as a career official they would call him a whistleblower. he is trying to raise an alarm. he is frustrated. it it feels like the white house is not listening to them. susan wright went down there for a meeting. they didn't tell him. didn't organize anything with him. he is frustrated. we get to see -- this is
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preventible by the biden administration. in addition, because thursday's press conference is an action even strength, meaning the press office will tell the chief of staff or the prime minister, here are 20 questions the president needs to answer by thursday. to me those are not just all communication questions. this is one in terms of policy. they have a communications problem. this is true. but that's only because they have a policy problem. you have to fix the policy problem. communications is secondary. the policy is the real issue. >> easy way, john, to fix the policy is to say teens are not allowed in. they have to wait in mexico. that solves 50% of the problem right there. >> well, it's not in keeping with who we are and our history in terms of asylum and children. i can't help but wonder why all
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this sky is falling. i have to believe. trump puts out a statement over the weekend. it's all about trying to drag down his successor joe biden who is a popular president. >> [laughing]. >> trump said the biden administration just had to keep doing what we were doing. just had to maintain it. it would have been fine and not give incentives for people to come. wrong! trump had 4 years of failed immigration policy. inhumane treatment. breaking apart the asylum system. we did away with the central america program and cut aid to honduras and guatemala. made the situation worse and gave people the more reason to want to come here. >> [overlapping talking]. >> we have a problem on the border and we have a surge right
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now that rivalled what trump experienced and may exceed that. the "wall street journal" editorial page said the way to deal with this is if congress would get involved and fix the problem by updating the asylum rules and expanding migrant workers visa. the democrats and the republicans enjoysticking it to each other rather than getting busy solving this problem. it's a horrible situation. i wish we could fix it. >> yes. greg, what do you think? >> what you said, jesse, is not in keeping with who we are. having a border is not in keeping with who we are. just letter teenager in. that's who we are! that entices them to come with adult smugglers who know their
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families and can use those kids to do what they want later because that's what happens when you are under the power of a criminal cartel. we have a president whose transparency allowed us to see the reality of the border. what was biden's solution? he removed transparency? it took a month for the media to figure this out. we have poor kids looking like baked potatoes. now it's dawning on them: where are the parents? where did the parents go? we said trump was separating kids from parents. it's clear that somebody else is separating the parents. the simple truth: there is no good answer for a situation like this. that nuance of complexity was missing when trump was president. now they are affording to biden. this is more complicated and it's trump's fault.
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actually, trump had to deal with these caravans while the democrats incited them to come over. where are all the sanctuary city heroes now with biden? they are not getting their photo-op. they believe keeping migrants in mexico is bad. in fact cnn described mexico as squalid. you have the party and the press that describes america as racist. telling people you can't keep them in mexico. they have to come to this racist country. so mexico is inferior to the united states and squalid. isn't that racist? tiwould call that racist. >> right. good points all around. up next we will keep hitting this. the border is wide open thanks
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so jeff, you need all those screens streaming over your xfinity xfi... for your meeting? uhh yes. and your lucky jersey? oh, yeah. lauren, a cooler? it's hot. it's march. and jay, what's with all your screens? just checking in with my team... of colleagues. so you're all streaming on every device in the house, what?!! that was a foul. it's march... ...and you're definitely not watching basketball. no, no. i'm definitely not watching basketball. right... ( horn blaring )
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> law enforcement at the border blasting president biden. judge jeanine was there with the whichever who said the president's policies are directly to blame. >> i think the message is clear, judge. we have an open border. it's upseting and disrespectful for the men and women that are putting their lives on the line every day. for local law enforcement and sheriffs and disrespectful for the communities enduring this. >> why won't they be honest? >> they have an agenda, judge. that is to open up this border. >> the biden white house is claiming the previous administration caused the crisis at the border biden flags in migrant campus and people crossing the border are telling
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reporters this. >> you believe that president biden will help you? i see biden t-shirts? >> yes. >> why did you decide to come now? >> take advantage of the opportunities this president has given to come here with families. >> did you come here because joe biden was elected president? >> yes. >> jesse, that montage right there. the migrants said this to many different reporters. >> this is intentional. biden has an open borders policy for teenagers. trying to absorb the flow of teenagers. he was warned that his policy would trigger the crisis, but he did it any way and didn't have a plan. the "washington post" reported that over the weekend. this is an intentional policy. it's catch and release for kids. the policy is being covered up
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by the media blackout. he brought back family separation but the families are separated in mexico. the parents bring them from central america. hand them to the coyotes in mexico and they hand them to border patrol. they smuggle the weapons and the drugs and the adults through the other side. they are getting rich doing it. $14 million a day to the cartels. taxpayers are getting fleeced. children are traumatized and separated from their family. the only people that benefit are biden's donors who get cheap foreign labor. that's what this is about. here's now i know this is intentional, he hasn't nom nated a single person to head i.c.e.
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he is trying to slow walk this crisis to turn texas blue and pay back his donors. that's that simple. >> the reporting from the "washington post." 4 bylines on the story that ran yesterday morning. one of the things it said is career officials told the biden team, you are going to have a problem. the administration is saying we didn't know? will that past mustard? >> no, the whole argument coming from democrats is where weren't you better prepared? why did you hand this to critics? biden for an open border? he's never been for an open border. weeks ago we talked about how during the democratic primary, he said he would not decriminalize anybody crossing
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the border during the time of obama and biden, the left absolutely vilifying joe biden and barack obama for the number of arrests and deportations. this open border stuff doesn't fly with me. when i hear people say they are coming because of joe biden, you are so far from reality. the reality is that people are making that very dangerous trip because, 1, they are living in desperate situations with violence and poverty that can hard to believe. the parents feel that the children, they would rather have their children make a dash to get into the united states -- 80% have relatives in the united states -- and they would rather have them do that than have no future and possibly die in some of those countries. that's the reality of what is going on. our values as americans have always been about, what it says
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on the statue of liberal. we will take your poor. >> migrants told the reporters specifically, she asked them a follow-up question. would you have tried if this trump were sill president? he said definitely not. >> just because you see them say that and record it, doesn't make it real. that never happened. i deny i just saw that. that's what juan did. we heard it! i want people who love this country to come here. the more the better. we have people risking their lives to come here because they don't see america as the land of oppression. but the land of opportunity and
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we should welcome them. but you can't change the process without first respecting why the process was there in the first place. countries have borders for a reason. enforcing the borders, believe it or not, creates avenues for exceptions like asylum. you can only offer asylum if you have a strong border. if you just point at the thousands of people and go asylum, that doesn't work. you need to have a border to funnel people to the right direction. a border is a variable of control you can tighten or loosen. the only way you can make a change is if you understand the protocols and sustain it over time. if you don't care about that, you are just feeding us a load of bull. i said it. a load of bull. >> judge jeanine whether you were down there talking to the
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sheriff, they are there to too their job. they are not partisan. some democrats think they are. you talked to them. >> partisan has nothing to do with it. this sheriff and all of the sheriffs i spoke to and the prosecutors as well as the individual land owners, it's not about politics. it's not about saying that the border is close or not close. i am telling you for a fact. the border is open! i stood there with the sheriff who showed me when they stopped the wall. where they are literally from mexico cutting the bottom of the wall and allowing people to come in. let's not kid each other. this issa not asylum seeking group. when we have now is a cartel who is in the business of bringing young children 2000 miles where
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those children are being molested and even juan said that 20% of them don't even have family members here. then i spoke to a woman who owns the newspaper who said these kids are not being fingerprinted. they are not taking dna from them. we are not giving them to the right organizations. people are just showing up and taking kids. in addition to that, the cartels have people inside the united states where they are using social media for the young men that are brought in to get them from these countries to facilitate the movement of drugs. child sexual assault and drug cartels and we are talking about fentanyl and heroin, this is a total disaster. there is no border, there is no
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wall. we are a sovereignination. we have a right to decide who comes into this country. anyone who thinks we are just a landing point is out of their minds. we are spending 86 million dollars for 1200 families to get them hotel rooms and we have 10 million americans out of work? 10 million americans competing for people with jobs. it's not about politics. when that sheriff said, this is modern-day slavery. the bringing of these children into this country where they will be forever connected to a cartel is slavery. they will be controlled from other countries. stop trying to make this about this is not who we are. this is about crime coming into this country and it's a reality. we are losing!
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>> okay. up next a cancel culture controversy. a woman who has a history of racially charged statements. (deborah vo) i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. (vo) discover the exclusive, new miracle-earmini- a nearly invisible hearing aid from the brand leader in hearing aids with over 70 years of experience. (deborah) when i finally had miracle-ear and i could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything. new miracle-earmini. so small and comfortable that no one will see them, but you'll notice the difference. call today to start your 30-day risk-free trial at your local miracle-ear.
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christine cheered the ouster and gloated on line forgetting she had her own past 2. woke envy can only work if you are pure. she forced one woman to resign and how do they give this woman a free ride for using the "n" word repeatedly. if you don't fire this irish-filipino woman that editor as a case for racial discrimination. unintended consequences are forgivable but intended ones are not. heads should roll. perhaps the only way to kill a moral pan sick to turn it on itself. especially now that a magazine and planet are run by people
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with adolescent mentalitys. maybe christine sees the value of empathy and grace. she and her co-workers locked down their twitter feed, all they fear right now is fear. >> all right. juan, we saw this coming. the woke will eat its own. no one is pure. if you don't forgive people, you can't be forgive people. >> everybody on thissy shop knows what it's like to talk out live people who make mistakes should know they will be held accountable. making this error as a kid she
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deserves this leeway. teen vogue, the ceo said the decision was made. they knew about this. 2 weeks she was still there but they responded to a revolt from the staff and a loss of advertising dollars because the advertisers began to pull out. they made that decision. then you have to throw in the fact last week the country was on pins and needles because of the shooting in atlanta and anti-asian bias which was in her tweet, it was front and center for the country and pushed the button on her. it's bigger than any one critic who may be a hypocrite. >> yes. what do you think, jesse? amazing how they lock down their tweets. i think they have something to hide. [laughing]. >> yeah. that's why i don't tweet. nothing to lock down.
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we have a very small whiny group of 20 years old woke losers who control corporate america. >> yes. >> ceos who are 60 years old who have life experience, well traveled, well read and well educated. making payroll and in charge of 1,000 employees and investing and they are terrified of someone living in their dorm who gets 50 likes on twitter who says they are offended about something. what is that all about? why are we catering to this mop? jersey girl '88 with 60 likes. >> that's me. >> she feels upset because some stranger she doesn't know said something to hurt her feelings? 24 hours later she will forget about that. you will just like fire talented people based on that.
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you will dish 100 grand in advertising campaigns because of jersey girl '68 with 30 likes? what about the million customers you have? it's upside down. i don't blame the 20-year-old losers who spend all day being offended and trying to hate people. they don't have anything else to do. i blame the adults in the room. >> yes. >> the adults saying okay, i will give you whatever you want. just shut up. that's bad parenting. strong parents say no, knock it off. that's how you top cancel culture. >> it's so important. it's watching advertisers leave and people freak out. they are not doing the hard work of examining what they are terrified of. >> it wasn't just any adults. this was the devil wears prada.
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>> right! >> she can't handle it? that was shocking. remember the monty python skit at the end we apologize for the people who wrote the credits and they were fired -- no, we will sack those peoples and it never ended. >> judge, politics is replacing religion for a lot of people. you have to obey. if you violate it you have committed serious sins. >> well, the truth is that we don't want to be a part of that religion if you refer to it as a religion. people are tired ever cancel culture and being offended by things. for those young women who complained about the editor,
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they got hoisted. maybe they learned something. you are right. the adults. why does anybody listen to these people? we don't want to be a part of that. we have family members who went to war and we are allowing these people who control what we see and don't see. it's absurd. >> yes. >> not as fun as it sounds. >> it hurts. >> could not sit down for days. up next biden fired staffers who smoked pot. what happens to kamala harris who bragged about doing the same thing? >> ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners: during uncertain times, money in the bank can bring you and your family real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history
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>> there is a big double standard at the white house when it comes to smoking manor. -- marine. marijuana. what about kamala harris. >> you have ever smoked? >> i did inhale. it was a long time ago. [laughing]. >> do you remember the high? >> i do. >> it gives a lot of people joy. >> [laughing]. >> hmmm. okay. i will start with you. jesse. it's against the law. the federal law to be in possession of marijuana. but not in 14 states. so the issue is for this white house, they are saying they let five people go.
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what if you smoked marijuana in a state where it was not illegal? should they be fired? >> i assumed that everybody working at the white house was high. how do you explain their behavior? kamala harris is cracking up all of the time. joe biden is so paranoid he won't leave the white house to talk to reporters. he was tripping really hard on friday. they are making the cartels filthy rich and want everybody to stay inside their homes and order delivery. you are saying they are sober at the white house? i don't buy it. >> dana perino, what about the idea of firing people for past marijuana use? >> i am confused by this. if you lie on the form, then i could see maybe firing them. i don't understand why they had to announce this. if these five people are going
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to be let go because they can't get a clearance or pass a background check, let them go. why announce it? they look like hypocrites. they tripped over themselves to talk about legalizing marijuana all through the campaign. tulsi gabbard went after kamala harris for locking up people for smoking marijuana. the federal and state government are messing up. they had an opportunity to fix it. they could put forward legislation to change it. >> all right. greg, kamala harris has suggested in 2019 that we decriminalize on the federal level marijuana. if five people are thrown out because of past marijuana use, how does she stay in the white house? did she get a security clearance? >> that's a good question.
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sadly, i will never be able to survive in the white house. i don't know what i would do if i had to fill out a form. if i don't lie, do i get arrested? if i do lie, will they come after me for lying? from i understood i thought these people were told don't worry about it. i will say i smoked pot and then they lose their job. we are being governored by illogical meat puppets. we don't need laws that governor substances, only their abuse. before you say you are a crazy drug head. you can't be pro second amendment and use the same anti-gun argument against drugs. it's the same exact argument. individual freedoms are based on the idea you could be a trained law-abiding citizens.
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i hate this administration. it's immoral to punish people for seeking oblivion in their spare time. it doesn't affect your work. i am proof of that. >> thank you, greg. juan, last question to you. they apparently told people applying for jobs we will overlook marijuana use and there is a reverse in the biden administration and people are complaining about that. >> i am perplexed too. there are thousands of people who are working in the executive branch and we have five? what we heard from jen psaki is there are other factors involved. i don't know if that's lying or hard drug use or some other kind of slip up on that person's part. my sense this is not about marijuana. i think that the policy is we
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discourage you from using any illegal drug, but it's not the case that you will be fired. i think something else is going on here. >> well, they would have to be to have it make sense. it doesn't always. coming up secret evidence about ufo what the government knows. >> ♪ ♪ cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> it looks like the federal government could be a lot closer to telling us what it knows about ufo's. former director of national intelligence dropping bomb shells about what could number a pentagon report to be released this summer. >> there are more sightings than have been made public. we are talking about objects seen by pilots that engage in action nascar difficult to
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explain. >> greg, what do we do is this build a wall to keep the aliens out? >> sure, why not. it's a mistake looking at this stuff. we choose our own context. they could be operating in a totally different dimension so actual aliens could be thoughts. think about this: unusual and weird thoughts that cause to you do things that could be aliens. aliens -- you don't know this, but thoughts could be a substance. >> i will use that as an excuse next time i get in troubles. >> yes, aliens. >> dana perino, something to unify the country? >> i have a feeling peter is into this and will tell me a big i told you so tonight. i am a major skeptic.
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i will say what i have to say. >> do you know there is any reason not to release this information? >> juan, you nailed it. it will unify the country. you can't play the race card. the white house -- whites and blacks have to unite to defeat the aliens who are probably a superior race. this will be our first war. perfect timing. >> yes. judge jeanine, this is going to be like men in black or the movie independence day when the president goes up and he is a fighter pilot and beats them. >> all i know from the '50s anyone who talked about this was supposed to be crazy.
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well, it is real and the government knew about it. i want to know what do they wear? >> maybe nothing! >> [laughing]. >> oh, all right, all right. this is a family show. "one more thing" up next for you on "the five." >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ struggling to manage my type 2 diabetes was knocking me out of my zone, but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show. ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles.
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you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. losing a tooth didn't stop you but your partial can act like a bacteria magnet,h, eh. putting natural teeth at risk. new polident propartial helps purify your partial and strengthens and protects natural teeth. so, are you gonna lose another tooth? not on my watch! ♪ ♪ >> time now for "one more thing." juan williams. >> all right, jessie, congratulations congratulations it's a boy! yes, take a look at aaron paul young. the young man was born saturday to one of the five star producers. it's her second child, her daughter arianna is 5. i want to say a big
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congratulations also to their dad, michael. it's a spring treat for the whole family but also for all of us who know her. i got to say, everyone here is so very happy for you and your entire family. much love and we want to see you soon. god bless to that young man. >> cheers to that. >> make sure that baby sends me "one more thing" tomorrow because we definitely need one e of those. right, greg? >> yes. were looking for a white male approximately 40, take a look. last seen at jenny's house stealing a box making off with it in his mouth. i don't know if he's been apprehended and we have a tough time with criminal docs because we don't know how to sentence them. their one year equal 7 and you get a good lawyer, we need to get out and one which is seven or ten years which would be somebody. you can see the problem.
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[laughter] >> judges laughing. >> i thought it was funny. >> you were the only person. >> the only person who left, it's okay, it's a rough monday. >> at least we don't only have that volga of greg down in the right hand corner of the screen. very distracting. to greg's on "the five," it's distracting. you let jasper off the leash in the park and mayhem ensues? a guy in russia let his pet bear off the leash and mayhem ensued. you can't do that, you're not allowed to have a pet bear in russia. i thought you were allowed to, but he got off the leash, no leash at all and he starts chasing his honor down the street and it caused all sorts of problems all over the neighborhood. that's russia, that's a regular monday in russia. >> how do you know that's his honor? how do you know that's his owner?
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>> how do you know that's regular -- >> they reported that, judge. >> i'm going to say my "one more thing" for tomorrow it's the best "one more thing" you'll ever see. >> that's a tease. >> hegarty's. >> all right, judge. that's it for us, "special report"'s up next with bright. >> bret: thanks, jesse, no relation to that guy in moscow. good evening, welcome to "special report" in washington. an active shooter situation in a grocery store, breaking the past few minutes we will get the latest news from correspondent trace gallagher in los angeles. a good evening. >> good evening, the grocery store is called king super which also has to be a very busy mall in the business center. we have seen video of people who appeared to be
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