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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 22, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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get non-stop democratic socialism on steroids. see you back here tomorrow night. in the meantime, this is my jewel right there. you were funny the other night. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham. she's not there. >> laura: oh, are we back? >> sean: [laughing]. i can never down play this? >> laura: i have another question for you. my question is: "hannity" on spring break. you claim you never were on spring break. laid down houses? >> sean: i worked in
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construction. >> laura: i don't need the whole litany. hannity in spring break i would have paid to see that. >> sean: the good old days. >> laura: we done have money to go on spring break. >> sean: i didn't have money to pay for college. i was growing and dropping out. i paid my own way. >> laura: my producers are telling me i have to go. i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. the democrats relentless drum beat is giving china the moral cover it speaks. victor davis hanson will tell us how they are using and joe biden does a santa impression and dr. fauci gets a kids book. all in "seen and unseen." first the lies that bind. that's the focus of tonight's
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"angle." you can't say that trump didn't warn everyone about what would happen to the southern border if biden won the white house. >> joe biden pledged to open boards and said maybe we will rip down the wall. can you believe it? our opponents want open borders. if you don't have borders you don't have a country. >> laura: migrants and human trafficics were happy when biden won the white house. president trump was doing everything to keep america from being deluged with cheap labor and criminals. border crossing sharply declined as trump turned migrants away due to covid and sent asylum seekers to wait in mexico before their hearings. the border wall would have been
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finished had trump won. the fact is biden's win was a huge win for cartels and anyone who didn't want to go through legal chance to get here. >> what i want for my people is i want patience to get to the u.s. they have a new president. biden will help all of us. he is giving us 100 days to get to the u.s. >> would you have done this when donald trump was president? >> definitely not. >> did you come here because joe biden was elected president? >> basically, basically. >> laura: now the entire situation has blown up at the border with so many people coming, the border patrol is overwhelmed am facilities are overflow asking unsanitary. there are 15,000 minors in u.s. custody sleeping on floors with
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tinfoil blankets. according to the "washington post" children as young as 5 are separated from parents. when congresswoman jackson lee is worried you know it's bad. >> the plan is not working at this time. >> laura: and in arizona she signed a letter urging biden to take aggressive steps to secure our border. failing to report the simple facts about what lax border enforcement means the media are complicit in this crisis. they demonized trump on immigration and now they are trying to save their own reputation. check out these headlines: immigration challenges mount for
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biden. after several weeks of white house stone walling about allowing media access, the associated press requested access to border facilities for more than a month. they asked homeland security officials for access at least 7 times with no response. even a pro-amnesty congressman in texas was so frustrated he released his own photos. here is one of them. gone is the wire fencing and cages replaced with plexiglas and plastic. the white house wants to stall opening the campus to the media as long as possible. >> when will reporters be
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allowed to tour the facilities for the children? >> we are finalizing stilts. i hope to have an update in the coming days. we are committed to transparency and we want to make sure the media has access to these sites. >> laura: there is no way to put this except that's a total and complete lie. they could have opened the states on day one. blur out the kids faces if you are worried about privacy. trump administration allowed reporters to go into the border facilities in texas. there was no reason to hide anything. it's different because the biden administration knows the conditions inside are horrific. they know biden risks coming off as a total fraud on this issue. back in july 2019, he was the guy railing against trump's border detention policies saying
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trump's immigration policies are an assault on human dignity. that's not who we are. apparently plexiglas is who we are. biden's media groupies echoed what biden did in 2019 and repeated the same lies. they are all call with their pants down but it's too late. biden still thinks he can lie his way out of here. >> you have to say clearly don't come? >> yes, we are in the process of getting set up. it won't take a long time. to be able to apply for asylum in place. don't leave your town or city or community. >> laura: of course no one believes him. not the migrants flying biden
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flag in tijuana and so what? we return to 2019 for just one of the reasons. >> if you want to flee, you should come. >> laura: and they did. what is really important now, this is key, republicans must avoid making a bad situation worse. i am talking republicans on capitol hill. democrats want to use the crisis they are responsible for to force the hands of gop members on immigration amnesty. hell no, they will not. you can't negotiate already legislation with people who don't believe in borders and tell lies to the american people. >> the border is closed. we are expelling families and single adults. >> laura: the man goes on national tv and says the border is closed.
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when weer pace to break a 20 year record for the most migrant crossing. more than 100,000 people in february alone. that's triple number under trump in february 2020. he lost all credibility. confident that the press corp will cover for them. the biden team thinks they can skate past this crisis by calling it a challenge. democrats are confident in their minds that the american people won't hold them accountable for what will be billion dollars in taxpayer money to feed, educate and house an endless stream of migrants from poor countries. when is the last time you have been in a hotel in the past year? for years democrats worked to
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undermine any of us who called for strong border enforcement and warned that migrants were exploiting the asylum laws and employers were exploiting the migrants and attacked trump for anti-immigrant for doing things that got our border under control. in just 8 weeks the biden administration's policies are directly hurting americans by lowering the entry-level wages for first time job seekers. jobs in retail, construction work and elder and child care which are dominated by foreign labor. there is no end in sight. democrats will never force the border aggressively.
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they will talk but that's a ruse to speed up catch and release. this crisis will change our country forever. what the open borders zealots wanted. they conceal instead of reveal their true intentions. the ultimate biden lie. >> i promise you. i always try to do what i say i am going to do. if i make a mistake, i will tell you i made mistakes and i will take responsibility. >> laura: he is so authentic even on zoom. the whole time they were telling americans to stay home, slow the spread, mask up and avoid other people, these same people were encouraging everyone in the rest of the world to come here as quickly as possible. that's the "angle." joining me is arkansas senator tom cotton. are you worried that some of your fellow republicans might see this crisis as a opportunity to strike an immigration deal
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that some years back a bunch of us helped defeat, all talk on enforcement and no action? >> laura, i hope they don't see this as an opportunity to pass that anti-immigration bill. they gave amnesty to 15 million illegal aliens and flood our countries with workers who drive down wages for american workers. the last thing we need to do is encourage more migrants to come here with promises of amnesty. the biden border crisis was not created by legislation. joe biden can solve it this week with 3 steps. apply the public health exclusionary orders to minors like president trump did. 2, reinstate third country
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agreements with countries like guatemala. if you pass through a country not your own, you have to apply for asylum in the first country you are in. for those who seek asylum elsewhere and they get denied they have to remain in mexico. they don't get to come here and live here and work here. those could be re-implemented this week. >> laura: biden needs to be trump on the border and things will be solved. well, yeah! they won't do that, are they? they might say stay in your home country. given what senator duckworth said about the crisis, it's doubtful. watch. >> president trump before
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dismantling the peaceful process of allowing people to apply for asylum, president biden is doing everything he can. he is cleaning up a mess left by president trump and his inhumane attacks on the immigration system. >> laura: the blame shifting to president trump another lie. >> of course. they all talk about how donald trump dismantled the immigration system. joe biden dismantled the safe third country agreements to contrast himself with donald trump. our border is dangerous and opening up our border to more drug trafficicking and people on the terrorists watch list. -- it's going to put the public
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health and economic will being of americans at risk as we continue to have thousands of migrants in our country every day without know figure they have the coronavirus and competing with americans for jobs. >> laura: the talk is, one congressman said treat these kids like they are own. we have enormous compassion for everyone. but we have american kids on zoom and many still in school not at all, we need to have compassion for the american kids first, do we not? that's why they are not showing these border facilities to the press. they don't want us to call on showing compassion to americans first. >> yes, we should put american kids and their education first. some of the images you showed in the opening were very concerning.
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there is a secondary question of legislate migrants into our country in the first place. if you don't let them in and they have no legal right to be here, you don't have to worry about bed space or showers or hot meals. the trump administration was not turning young children away to the mexican desert. if you showed up and said you were from guatemala and you didn't seek asylum there they would send you back to your country and try to reunite with your family. the biden administration is misrepresenting what was happening at our border. someone from central america shows a kid to our border and 2 weeks later that child turns back up to their home. how many of their neighbors will try the same trip? almost none. >> laura: the biden administration doesn't care
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about putting americans first. under president trump the administration enacted title 42. it was intended to stop illegals from spreading covid in the united states. title 42 allowed the administration to turn illegals away and return them to their countries of origin. none were put in depension. -- detention. the cdc suspended this and we have 15,000 minors in custer dee. -- custody. my next guest filed a lawsuit to resume this policy. you say biden is breaking federal law. >> he is breaking federal law. i appreciate hearing senator tom cotten reach 3 things that president biden could do right
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now. we at hhs. he used public health authorities to issue the title 42 order to shut down the border to illegal immigration and covid-19. the problem with what he did in february, he acted like a dictator. we are a nation of laws. you can't just come into office and change lawful orders from previous administration. he left the title 42 order in place. he knows he can't take that down. this is the same administration that doesn't want kids in schools and won't let you barbecue with grandma even after she's vaccinated. he said every illegal immigrants 18 and younger come on in. we have a super spreader event right now in texas.
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buses bringing 15 to 15 years old boys into the convention center at dallas. >> laura: what is the standing to file this? >> i have standing here. myself and my family and friends and neighbors. we are at increased risk of getting covid by this open border policy. >> laura: the specific text from cdc for unaccompanied minors is this: cdc decided to exercise discretion unaccompanied children pending the reassessment of the order. where is that? >> like we are supposed to be a nation with borders and he is undoing that. we are supposed to be a nation
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of law and order and he's undoing that. they are admitting to breaking the law putting this order in place in february. you have to go through a process in federal law. you have to given reason and have an analysis. right there they admit they had no data and no reason to change the order. it is illegal. >> laura: we will get into how many stimulus money they are getting later on with victor davis hanson. people are going to be shocked when they find out how much stimulus money illegal immigrants are getting. as america grows restless over covid regulations the super
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scientists are scrambling but should we ever let them forget the damage they have already done?
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>> ♪ ♪ >> laura: the reopening of schools, it's been complicated by the science of social distancing in the classroom. 6 feet separation was not rooted
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in science. now the cdc is changing it to 3 feet. is that backed by science? i remember a certain host warning you about this shell game. it seemed like social distancing would be necessary but there was no scientific basis for believing that. as one doctor told me last week, trying to stop it virus with social distancing is like trying to drive a nail through jell-o. viruss spread. joining us a former special advisor to the president. dr. atlas, the shift from 6 to 3 feet is a shameless move by the cdc. we knew that in may last year. i was trashed online. when will it go down to 24 inches? >> the rule of 6 feet was
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harmful to schools but also to small businesses, restaurants and gyms and family gatherings themselves. the second part it exposes how arbitrary these things are. these people that claim to be all about the science. it's not the science. it was an arbitrary rule. one way you can tell beside knowing the research it was based on was on droplet studies and not connotation -- contagious infections the world health organization said 3 feet and so did other countries. several countries, sweden. what happened to this? someone -- from what i saw on the task force it doesn't surprise me -- decided maybe it
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should be 6 feet. this is a shame because it exposes the pseudo-science used. they didn't have science. it's arbitrary and so destructive. somebody should ask them when are you going to say you were wrong? >> laura: there is never a maya cull pa. -- they just move on to the next lockdown. cdc director today said states should consider more lockdowns. >> we are looking today and reaching out to individual states to look at their case data and what happened with the variants and slow down the
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relaxation. >> laura: they clearly want certain states to lock down again or stay the course of more restrictions. your reaction to that? >> i think people should are very frightened by that recommendation. right now we have 70% of the entire population of 65 and older seniors in this country having had vaccinations. the purpose is to stop people from dying. not to stop people from getting a positive test result. these people that are making policies, people have to understand something very important which is what redfield said when i was there. the cdc didn't make rules they make suggestions. they make guidelines. i hope our governors have enough
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common sense to see what is happening to. to see that people are protected. there are only 2 states in the country where there is less than 60% of elderly that had the vaccine. we are making headway on protecting the vulnerable. that's the whole point. it doesn't matter if you have a mild infection. it matters if you are super sick or going to die. that's what the vaccine protects against and we know who is at risk. common sense has to take hold. >> laura: i think people have moved on even in the experts have not. throughout the pandemic, the medical establishment failed to highlight or prevent tough treatments for covid-19. a new study from the university of chicago is finding that black americans are 1.1 times more likely to get covid and 3 times as likely to be hospitalized and 2 times as likely to die from
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covid. the study shows the risk of a positive result in black individual size 2.5 times greater in those with a lower vitamin-d level. doctor, why haven't the fda and the cdc been at the forefront of pushing early treatments for vitamin-d deficiency with over-the-counter supplements? >> it's too easy. they have just not been straightforward with the american public about what works and what is safe to use. they ignore everything that is different to their message. >> laura: well, we on this show highlighted many doctors who
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were treating covid-19 patients. they have seen this early on. i think we have a flash back clip we will play. watch. all right. it's a doctor who is on this show. he and others, dr. smith from new jersey has an extensive clinic where he treats covid-19. i think we have it now. >> what is notable the use of vitamin-d and zinc and pepcid are beneficial in covid patients. and vitamin-d is depleted in patients who get the most severe cases. >> laura: this is not new information. i am glad the university of
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chicago and others came out since. this is not new. they saw this in the blood of covid patients a year ago. >> yes, that's true. vitamin-d is part of the recipe for early treatment just to make sure that people are not depleteed in vitamin-d especially during the winter months when everybody is depleted of vitamin-d and everybody should take vitamin-d as a matter of it's winter and we take vitamin-d. >> laura: do you apply the same analysis to early intervention drugs such as ivermechtin? >> they are demeaned because they are a threat to higher-priced medications.
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>> laura: constant testing. thank you very much. joe biden playing santa claus and dr. fauci landed another cover. raymond arroyo explains it in "seen and unseen" next. but loweh once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show. ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction.
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this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement. >> ♪ ♪ >> laura: it's time for "seen and unseen" where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. we turn to raymond arroyo. is biden still out there trying to sell that covid relief boondoggle? >> the home edition of health this year. rather than travel the president does a staged routine calling americans on zoom and tells them how much money he will send them. this is his chat with a grand mother raising grandchildren at home.
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watch. >> you will get a check for $5,600. $1400 for every dependent. you will be able to get coverage under the affordable care act. most people can find coverage for less than $10 a month. >> oh! you have made it easier for some of us in our neighborhood that just have enough money to recover the rent or food and not both. >> this act will get them both. >> what is so awful about this, he makes it sound like it's his money and not our money. i will send you a check. we will do this. of the 2 trillion dollars only 9% goes to covid relief. that's why we are getting this heavy sales job. there is a 3 trillion dollars
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infrastructure package on his desk. >> laura: a lot of new migrants coming in, they need child care. pre-k, we have endless money. >> that may be the only job left. printing money. that lady in the video like people you will talk to at our town hall have children who are stuck at home staring at communities. for the wealthy, they just set up their own schools. this is jimmy falon who opened his show this way. >> i am coming to you from my home. but this is a pod school. it's the barn school. they are very good students and very polite. thank you, i appreciate that. before it was a school, we did a show from here a year ago.
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>> fallon put this school together with friends and neighbors. shouldn't all parents have the same opportunity with vouchers to get their kids into functional school and the barn school as no teachers union . >> laura: how many times have we talked about going back to the one room school house? you would get a lot more done. i am thinking that's coming. he might be on to something. >> i don't think he is a tone deaf star. we should copy it. let people in less wealthy communities do the same. speak of education, one of your favorites will be the subject of a new children's book. dr. fauci how a boy from
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brooklyn became america's doctor hits shelves this summer. dr. fauci found time to be interviewed by the author of this book. they should have called it dr. fauci masking mistakes. >> laura: i think he will social distancing readers with this book. maybe people are desperate. raymond, covid has been so much fun for everyone. now they want to read about it. >> why would you want to remember this? why not governor cuomo protector of women and nursing homes? or duchess markle the gracious, contented royal? >> laura: or mitt romney pet lover and every man? >> [laughing]. i will pre-order you a copy. and speaker pelosi bipartisan
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leadership for america for the children. >> laura: joe biden trainer of canines. >> [laughing]. climber of stairs. i would not mind this if kids knew who the doctors who created vaccines were not bureaucrats. >> laura: one of our producers said does fauci book, keep changing as you read it? each page is a different message? >> one mask, two masks. four. it it could be a fun book. >> laura: it could be dr. seuss but acceptable this time. bad-mouthing america.
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it's a racist country. it empowers our greatest enemies. victor davis hanson is here in moments to tell us how this is unfolding in regards to china. stay there. out here, you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it.
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aliens are real, alright. there's just too much evidence. kill weeds not the lawn with roundup for lawns products.
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so jeff, you need all those screens streaming over your xfinity xfi... for your meeting? uhh yes. and your lucky jersey? oh, yeah. lauren, a cooler?
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it's hot. it's march. and jay, what's with all your screens? just checking in with my team... of colleagues. so you're all streaming on every device in the house, what?!! that was a foul. it's march... ...and you're definitely not watching basketball. no, no. i'm definitely not watching basketball. right... ( horn blaring )
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>> ♪ ♪ >> let me say here in front of
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the chinese side the united states doesn't have the qualifications to say it wants to speak to china from a position of strength. >> laura: the continued rhetoric painting our country racist, it's given china all of the cover it needs it. after the summer of 2020 the election mess, biden's frailty and this anti-asian crime wave narrative china feels like it's golden. joining me victor davis hanson. i think you and i talked about this a long time ago. if you trash your country enough, why would anyone want to work with you or be like you? then china walks in. >> the operative word in the diplomats on us is strength.
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they are a blood and soil nation and playing the victim of a liberal democracy that is racist because they are channelling antifa and blm and this country is 30 trillion dollars in debt. they have 800 bases all over the world. they are falling part inside. they are rioting and can't deal with the virus. this makes us look weak. they are doing what we never wanted -- we never wanted russia to be an ally of china. this russian collusion hoax and paranoid russian under every bed. we are pussing russia and china together and they are telling everybody, the united states is
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a long way away. they are disentgrating. do you want to go us against us or join us. we are the rising sun and they are the setting sun. what japan did in the 1930s when we were broken in the depression and isolation. >> laura: we called it about the russia and china alliance. >> [speaking foreign language]. >> laura: fantastic. that's just what he wanted. the left created a foreign policy mess in 8 weeks. well, going back to it trump
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with the russian collusion disaster. how serious is a china and russia alliance? how did that box us out? >> well, russia has no economic power but 7,000 nuclear weapons something china doesn't have. they fit hand in glove. russia has a dangerous strategic lever over us with nuclear power and china has economic and conventional power. they should be enemies but we are all over in the world in places that don't count anymore. afghanistan doesn't cut it with these people. they are happy for us to be in afghanistan. i just think we did the impossible. we made 2 natural enemies allies
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in mutual hatred. their sense that we are declining and falling apart and we are broke and arrogant and lecture people. biden lectures too many people but he has a twig instead of a stick. >> laura: an update on the horrific tragedy in colorado in moments.
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>> [sirens wailing]. >> shots fired. >> my heart goes out to the victims of this incident. i am grateful for the police officers that responded. i am so sorry about the loss of officer tally. again, we will be here working night and day. >> laura: police announced that ten people including one police officers have died in that boulder, colorado grocery store
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shooting. the suspect was taken out of the store alive and is in custody. authorities stress there is no on-going threat to the public. everyone's hearts grieve for the people of boulder. we will pray for the entire community. shannon bream has all of the latest and the fox news @ night team. >> shannon: thank you. we will pick it up right there. breaking tonight, authorities are keeping a tight hold on information. the injured suspect in custody. there are ten dead including a boulder police officer. law enforcement just held a procession for the 51-year-old officer eric tally. on the boulder police department since 2010. we offer prayers for him and the other 9 lives lost. president biden has a


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