tv Outnumbered FOX News March 23, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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death. >> harris: yeah. the pictures tell part of the story, you tell us the rest with your on the ground experience. we appreciate that, opening our eyes to what's going on. thanks for being with me always, it's high noon on the east coast, "outnumbered" now. let's begin with a fox news alert. authorities in colorado, giving an update a short time ago, the mass shooting in the boulder supermarket yesterday, that left ten people dead including a veteran police officer. the victims have been identified now ranging in age from 20-65. witnesses say the gunman walked into that store, opened fire and didn't say a word. and we don't know why he did it. the suspect is now in custody and hospitalized after a leg injury, we are told.
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police officer eric talley, the first officer at the scene now being called a hero and credited with saving many lives after sacrificing his own life during the massacre. he was just 51 years old, the data of seven children. family members say he loved his kids more than anything and took his job as a police officer very seriously. this is video showing a police procession honoring officer talley last night led by an ambulance that carried his body from the grocery store to a funeral home as police officers and other members of the community lined the streets. talley's death is a reminder that officers across america put their lives on the line for us every civil day. >> he died heroically, died turned to the line of fire to save people who were simply trying to live their lives and go food shopping.
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>> i feel numb and it's heartbreaking. it's heartbreaking to talk to victims. their families. you know, it's tragic. this officer had seven children. ages 5-18. i just had that officer's whole family in my office two weeks ago to give them an award and so it is personal. >> harris: i want to bring in now "outnumbered," emily compagno, syndicated radio host and fox news contributor leslie marshall, former white house press secretary and fox news analyst kayleigh mcenany and in the virtual couch center seat today, former chief of staff for senator mitch mcconnell, cohost of "the ruthless podcast," josh holmes. great to see everybody today, kayleigh, i'm going to begin with you. colorado has been such a ground
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zero for these tragedies. columbine, aurora, and now boulder. and our hearts go out to the people there. some on the ground are calling for more than just hearts and prayers. >> kayleigh: look, harris, this is an absolute tragedy in my heart is with all of these victim victims including the police officer you mentioned, not remembering him for a moment, he charged into the line of fire, as you just heard, his youngest child was five years old. he believed in jesus christ, the way the family ended their statement of memory towards him and he is our hero. our law enforcement officers are heroes and in this case, you have an officer who died charging into the line of fire but it's worth remembering over the last year, 2020 was one of the deadliest years on record for police officers and half of the deaths were covid-related deaths. so while we all worked from home and locked ourselves down, our
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police officers couldn't lock down by they were out in the streets fighting crime as this to fund the police movement took off. he is our hero, we need to remember the victims and i think the call to bring politics into this right now are very unfortunate when we should be remanded remembering this officer and the other victims of this tragic event. >> harris: leslie? >> leslie: you know, i honestly cried when i saw that he had seven children and the youngest, like you say, is five years of age. i lost my dad at 30 and it still hurts today and i can't imagine how difficult life will be going forward for that woman to be a single parent of seven children. look, this man didn't become a police officer until he was 40, it was a later in life career choice. he also was just recently working with and training to be part of the drone program specifically so he wouldn't be on the front lines, so he wouldn't put his family through what they are going through
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right now. truly a hero. that's what first responders are, they run toward the bullets when others run away and quite frankly his presence there i would imagine would have saved lives, perhaps not ten would have died, perhaps more had he not been there and he gave his life in service, not only to the city of boulder end of the state of colorado but also to the people and even though it's going to be so difficult going forward for those children they need to know that their father was a hero and quite frankly, his presence and even his death may have saved lives. >> harris: definitely. i mean, absolutely, they are saying without question, he was the first one there. such beautiful sentiments about that officer and the nine other victims today, we finally learned their names, they were waiting in order, officials wanted to let families know. we learned some demographics
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about them and their ages, 20-65. i come to you, we saw a lot of people talking about what had gone on moments before and how normal this seemed, a time when we have very little normality, there were people in line getting there covid-19 shots inside the king sooper. >> josh: it's a tragedy beyond words and i agree with the sentiments expressed here. i think what we are looking at in societies across this country's people obviously morning for the families of those who are lost but you always see in this rush to attempt to try to inject politics and an agenda into tragedies and i just wish just one time that we as a society could take a step back and think about, how can we make this better? everybody's been struggling during covid, mental health is a very big issue, we have no idea the circumstances around the
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shooting but i think we could all be a little introspective here and try to figure out how to make our own communities a better place rather than injecting politics into a time like this. >> harris: it is true and i don't want to do anything other than report what people are saying and that was reflectively where some went almost immediately after this because of what has happened in the state of colorado and i don't know if you want to call it politics. certainly if you do you want to say it's too soon and certainly that is true but it is existing right now. emily? i come to you. >> emily: this entire thing is heartbreaking and eric talley was the seventh boulder officer to die in the line of duty and to continue memorializing him and in the wake of what we know thus far i thought it was remarkable that two weeks ago, the chief of boulder police, marise harold had her whole family in her office and was awarding his son and award that officer talley had taught his
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entire family cpr and when his son started choking on a quarter another son saved his life and she awarded that's on our lord and said specifically about officer talley, i'd like to say this because it really struck me has incredible, she said he was a very kind man, he didn't have to go into policing, he had a profession before this but he felt a higher calling, he loved his community and she said he is everything that policing deserves and needs. and i just would also like to say that the caliber in my opinion of the individuals working on this, specifically fbi special agent in charge, michael shiner, the d.a. and acting u.s. attorney matt kirsch, all three of those gentlemen struck me of their caliber that already they are talking about the cohesiveness of resources being deployed on a local, state, and federal level toward investigating this crime, developing a motive, they said it's far too soon to even draw an attempt at a conclusion. they said to expect a year from now. obviously later today we will
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expect an affidavit of the arrest of the suspect now in the hospital, he will be transferred to the local jail and we will know more details but as of now it's simply a time of morning, especially officer eric talley. >> harris: i want to get back to the law enforcement part of this and i'm so glad kayleigh started this for us. it's such an important issue and it's not a new one. i conducted a town hall event right here on fox about a year and a half ago now on the dangers facing our men and women in law enforcement, watch this. >> what we are seeing instead is that we are having politicians cast a broad brush and instead of the isolating a few instances, they wish to denounce the police as a whole, dehumanize the police department rather than recognizing that these are men and women of the community, their mothers and fathers, nieces and nephews, sons and daughters. police officers are going out there doing the job every single day, putting their lives on the line for their communities and they have their actions second-guessed at every step.
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>> harris: that sure does resonate for today's world. it was a year and a half ago but you've got the talk about defunding the police, you've got people, you know, just so disrespectful in the streets with them, with their equipment that we are seeing, right? >> kayleigh: that's exactly right, a few years before that he found the police movement emerged i had the honor of interviewing and writing in my book about an officer who lost his life confronting a gunman and i sat down with his father and his father said to me, they installed blue lights in every house in the community to remember that our law enforcement officers are neighbors, our friends, they are the thin blue line that keeps us from chaos and that's all we need to think of our police officers, not dehumanizing them. democrats had a call apparently or some sort of messaging conversation debating that he found the police movement and
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whether it was isolating or whether it had support. let me tell you, it doesn't. most americans know our police officers by and large are good, hardworking people and we need to remember that especially in the wake of finding yet another hero among them in eric talley. >> harris: you know what we learned in that town hall, again, you can almost overlay tapestry onto what what we are living through today in our current times from a year and a half ago and that was the rate of suicides among police officers. they are dealing with so much and we saw the first spike raid in new york city, nypd and we saw the defund movement take hundreds of millions of dollars from police department's across the country beginning in new york. so this has been particularly a tough year, 2020 into 2021 but with lots of reminders of what they do and this colorado officer reminds us of what they do as we have this conversation. going forward.
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there he is, officer talley. coming up, the crisis on the border is escalating. former president trump told me yesterday, of course it is and it's going to continue to. critics are going after the ban and administration for not allowing reporters in the sites where migrants are being held and as vice president kamala harris gets slammed for this response. >> have you been to the border? >> not today. [laughs] i was covered from head to toe. i was afraid to show my skin. after i started cosentyx i wasn't covered anymore. four years clear. five years now. i just look and feel better. see me. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur.
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move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. >> emily: a fox news alert for you, a state emergency in the border town in arizona where the mayor believes team i blames the biden administration for creating crisis as migrants are
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dumped off by the busload. exclusive video of the first bus of migrants arriving yesterday comes as the source tells fox news of a private prison outside phoenix releasing undocumented migrants into the community because ice does not have the resources to take them into custody. in the meantime, the biden administration supplying this video from the inside out temporary processing center in texas while still denying media access to those sites. journalists pressing white house jen psaki on the lack of transparency, watch. it's what we hope independent press coverage, we believe that should happen and should be the case and i don't pull the levers here. i wish i was that all power and not but i can just reiterate our commitment to transparency and i certainly hope to have an update for you very soon. i can't give you a deadline on that. >> emily: kayleigh, the a commitment to transparency is quite different from the actions being undertaken by the
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administration, well, we are working on access to the site, we are working on getting the media coverage. which one is it art is it to simply open the site to the press? >> kayleigh: this administration is setting an unprecedented tone here and not allowing right along's, not allowing press access but i can tell you exactly why they are denying it you're hearing from the podium is very different from the picture on the ground and they know cameras in media and press access would expose that. also from yesterday's briefing, i want to quote the press secretary exactly, she said the vast majority of people are being turned away, there are narrow, narrow circumstances in which families can be expelled, this three days after she reiterated that exact same line, the vast majority of families are being turned away. apart from axios, in the last
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week if they're reporting is accurate only 13% of families are being turned away. the other 87% were going into the united states that their cases adjudicated. that is very different. you would see these families being processed, there is a very different reality on the ground, pictures are very powerful and that's why they are banning the press. >> emily: the mayor of gila bend arizona estimates at the budget to covid test those two busloads of migrants every week for a year would cost $600,000, over a third of the town's annual budget. thus far he's received no funds from the state or from men feet per house, or covid test these migrants and he is footing the bill for now which means us taxpayers are. >> josh: is just outrageous, i think what you are watching here is the failure of liberal immigration policy in real time, we said we cannot send an
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invitation to people to show up at the southern border and you will be invited in, you're going to pass a comprehensive immigration plan that makes illegal immigrants american citizens in the first, he's raising his hand when he says that its health care bill will include health care for illegal immigrants and then you feign surprise when everybody shows up, right? they had no plan to deal with this crisis happening on the southern border, liberals were the first ones to say that this is at the border. when the trump administration was working to try to secure my build a wall and prevent this crisis, everyone is telling us this crisis did not exist, it was exclusive, joe biden said it, aoc said it, she said the facilities where concentration camps and now president biden is using them at three times her capacity. this is just totally outrageous. >> emily: at the heart of the
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narrative, this administration and there but for southern border, the compassion and gravitas and appreciation of the situation and please take a listen. kamala harris, by vice president harris, here's the thing. at a minimum, this is an appropriate affect but it also sends a message, that there isn't an appreciation of gravitas that is a new line what we should expect from the vice president. take a listen we will get your thoughts on the other side, leslie. >> do you intend to visit the border? >> not today. [laughs] but i have before and i'm sure i will again. we've got to treat this issue in a way that is reflective of our values as americans and played in a way that is fair and humane. >> emily: of the lieutenant governor of texas, dan patrick laughed at her reaction ron fox.
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>> well, she's laughing, the dhs secretary is lying on the president is lost. he's just lost on this issue. we have apprehended 100,000 people crossing the border in texas in the month of february. if you do the math it will be over a million this year. in another two or three for everyone we catch, two or 3 million this year. >> leslie: i have a lot to say on this and i know we have limited time. one, we shouldn't be laughing, it's not think situation, it's a very difficult situation and that's whether you are a democrat or republican. the last nine months of the trump administration, 690% increase of migrant children, whether they are democrat or republican one of the problems has been the asylum issue. the asylum issue, you can't apply for asylum country, you can only apply for asylum when
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you come to the border of the united states. so many people coming here and always have been coming here for years now, that's one of the things. that's one of the things the president is trying to address and the administration is trying to address to allow them for asylum from their home country. you've heard this weekend, the mayor of mesa, and other border town actually applied the biden administration in their efforts and he is a republican, he's not a democrat so the different messaging obviously coming from democrats and coming from republicans on this but i at the end of the day this is a crisis that needs to be changed with my faceted, comprehensive immigration reform. everybody can visit but if you don't legislate and change our current asylum laws which have been a mess for years, it's going to continue to be like this and it doesn't matter if joe biden is the president or not i may be two i agree with you on legislation.
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we want i want to get back to the lack of transparency if we could come in really quickly. we have those pictures from 2014 of the kids in cages because there were journalists there, that was under barack obama as president. we have evidence of the migration that has, either legal or illegal from our southern border because journalists have been present. when things are happening with little girls and little boys traffic, raped along the way, left behind because their shoes fell off and we don't have an accounting of any children that have been left behind but when they get to the border, part of the reason why we know their story is because people stand there and gather them. to have a gag order officially or unofficially, whatever you want to call it, maybe they are incompetent to get things together and give us access, i don't know what the story is but without those eyes we don't know
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what's in the darkness. and it's hard to fix it, you heard president trump, former president trump stay with me yesterday, going to the border is important for him to know how to fix it. he wanted to build a certain kind of wall that wasn't going to work until he spent some time on the border with the agents and got to see it close. so when you see it senator harris laugh off, going, not today, when so we heard it at some point for the president of the united states after they had effectively close the border, when is it important enough to put on the calendar? it's just a question. speech is one that everyone has under sunlight is the greatest disinfectant we don't even know how bad the wound is at this point. none of the matter unless we know what's going on and that starts with the press. moving on, teachers and other in one district are compiling a hit list of parents who questioned critical race theory. that's not all, why some parents
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say they feel threatened. stay with. >> over defending the first amendment and ending up for color-blind meritocracy against racism you are threatened with the help of a neighbor. what country is this, you know? no. ♪ ♪ refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates to save money every month plus you could get an average of $50,000 cash. that's money for security today and money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus, it's only for veterans and it's only from newday usa.
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to say they've been targeted. >> i was in the group twice. the first time i was in the group was for going to a school board meeting to speak up about first amendment concerns and schools and that got me on the list in the second thing that got me up i'll bet i had written and open with the federalists" october that i got put on the list again. by a neighbor. speed rush, i come to you first on this, your topline thought? >> josh: look, for those of us who live in suburban america i think the woke parents are sadly familiar, because of the people who subscribe to the antiracist facebook pages and are also the first one to call the cops when a young african-american walked through their neighborhood. they are hypocrites, they are often liars, they target innocent people who are interested in promoting educational growth for their children. i know ian, he is not a crazy guy, he is not the right wing conservative, this guy is a
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really thoughtful individual expressing concerns at a local school board and now finds himself the list being targeted, it's crazy. people have broken their brains during covid and we have to work to try to stop this. >> harris: leslie, how do you understand the critical race theory of? you are a mom, you are in california, what is being said about it there and what's your understanding of it? e3 we've had years of critical race theory changes in the state of california. there would be hindus or jews or asian-americans. here in l.a. county is being well received, one of the most diverse and just counties in the united states. i don't care if you are left or right, if you is with somebody you shouldn't try to silence them, you certainly shouldn't threaten them. that's just wrong, that's not who we are or who we as
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americans should be. however if you write something like he ended in the federalist are you are on tv like all of us are, ladies and josh, going to be opening yourself up to and subject yourself to discipline. and to ridicule, and people who disagree with you and we certain it when there's any change in the school curriculum whether it has to do with race >> harris: i'm okay with this agreement as long as you use your words but you can't threaten people. you can come up with a hit list, that's not debate, tha intimidation. as our silencing, that's something that is not speech, actually. kayleigh? >> that's exactly right, sending hackers after these people and it boils down to this, they can't defend their ideology or their argument so they had to silence dissent, that is what's going on here. apparently the local sheriffs are looking into a criminal investigation into what's going on. i don't have much faith because
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apparently the county's top prosecutor who got elected with a lot of money from george soros is also a member of this facebook group but when it comes down to is they can't defend critical race theory which is a heinous ideology that in trauma grid out of the federal government, teaching our company that america and our institutions are all inherently racist. parents have a right to speak against that kind of thought process being their children which only speaks to further divide they are right to stand up and the others are wrong to target them to attack, emily, i worry about what our children are being taught in this process, that if you don't fit into a compartmentalized box and think the way everybody else does, then you just don't have a place in they want to cancel you and it's been a former military i've never thought like everybody else and you guys know i have an enormous list of questions at all times it's
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rather annoying, i've been told. i don't fit into a nice little box of i guess what people say, most recently i've been told i'm not black enough to get into some of these conversations. which, okay. emily? >> emily: i promise you you are not annoying and we love and respect you for all the questions you always have, especially the flex so many questions we all have. and absolutely that's part of the tragedy of this process is that the more you create these boxes to show people into the more you are other rising people that don't fit neatly into those boxes. to make clear, worse you are right to speak your opinion as protected by the first amendment. to josh's point, even if you are a right wing conservative, that's completely fine. what's not right and what is criminal is soliciting assistance to potential cybercrime and identify targets of destruction. there are multiple potential laws this breaks including
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virginia state law, and even a civil rights era reconstruction era that essentially says if you criminalize someone exercising their first amendment right to speak then you will be prosecuted for it but i think the larger question here that you identify quite well is that all of these opinions and all of these keyboard warriors literally identifying targets here are creating hit list, these things you could even say at a cookout, this is in the kind of thing you could say at normal conversation and these radicalized notions that the neighbors are now hiding behind online eyelid are threatening others. for existing and exercising their right to free speech. >> harris: what a great conversation, i'm so glad to be with you guys. says president biden is in regular communication with his former boss range of issues. what does that mean? so what are critics who call the biden administration barack obama's third term supposed to make when you hear
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president biden say stuff like that? the debate you don't want to. ♪ ♪ i'll be observing your safe-driving abilities. play your cards right, and you could be in for a tasty discount. [ clicks pen] let's roll. hey, check it out. one time i tripped on the sidewalk over here. [ heavy-metal music playing ] -[ snoring ] -and a high of 89 degrees. [ electronic music playing ] ooh! ooh! who just gives away wood? the snapshot app from progressive rewards you for driving safe and driving less. there's an app? -[ chuckles ] beth. -save money with progressive. [ tires screech ] well, that came out of nowhere. if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. switch today and get 2 lines of unlimited and 2 free smartphones. plus you'll now get netflix on us. all this for up to 50% off vs. verizon. it's all included. 2 lines of unlimited for only $70 bucks. and this rate is fixed. you'll pay exactly $70 bucks total. this month and every month.
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the one we have breaking news on "outnumbered" is all the jurors seated in the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin and of course we know that name because of george floyd and opening statements are set for march 29th. we know who will sit on the jury in terms of their demographics and i want to go straightaway to our legal guru here on "outnumbered," my cohost emily. emily, what can you tell us what we've seen in terms of this jury? it took 13 days, and what this tells us about the forward. >> emily: 13 days is quite a long time and she was here in this particular trial include contesting the prejudice, right?
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like many notable cases, the arguments by defense will always be for the venue had i was overcome. and now was 14 which is typical of those two alternates. a pool of 12 plus two alternates but here the judge has said he would like an additional alternative as a precaution. and last one of the other 14 props out for some reason now note as well that the judges protecting the identity of the people in the jury pool. there are scammers in the courtroom but they are not allowed to show the potential jurors and they are identified only by number, not by name. among those 14 seated we know they're back american including two who are immigrants, one black american woman, two women who identify as multiracial, two white men and six white women. george floyd's cause of death will be a central and highly
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contested issue at trial, this is what the judge told the court on friday and i just want to point out for our viewers, finally, that the defense theory here is that mr. floyd's death was due in part to drug toxicity and not positional asphyxia or other causes so they really will be a focus, a central focus not only on the video of the tragic death of mr. george floyd but also expert testimony, there will be a lot of expert testimony brought in to really cover this issue which is at the heart of this trial. >> harris: where do we stand right now in terms of what we expect in that community? you mentioned how long it took to pick the jury, one of the issues was, do you want to change venue? because the immediate area has been so impacted by the death of george floyd caught on camera, h anita his neck. >> emily: we know there is an autonomous zone set up by the community, we know as well that there are other voices who want to be amplified in that
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community that argue against it, that are resisting that autonomous known that say we welcome not only law-enforcement but other members of the community to be able to come in their so i think it's representative of frankly a lot of strife, a lot of heartbreak, a lot of tragedy and remember as well that mr. floyd's family in receiving a settlement by the city, part of that settlement was that they are donating a significant portion of that money to that community, right? to the specific community where his death occurred and so i think that there is, the overwhelming culture there, the overwhelming sentiment is one that wants to work toward healing, one that wants to work toward unity but certainly there is still a lot of heartbreak that that community is trying to overcome at this moment, here is. >> harris: all right, covering the breaking news as it is happening out of the state of minnesota today, they have seated a whole jury in the case. former minneapolis officer derek chauvin. we will bring you more news as it happens. emily, thank you as always for
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breaking it down. only two months into the biden administration and it already seems the president may be turning to his former boss, former president barack obama for advice. here's what what white house press secretary jen psaki says when she was asked about the former president's contact with the current commander in chief. >> they were not just president and vice president, they were friends and they consult and talk about a range of issues and you know, i would expect that to continue through the course of president biden's presidency. >> harris: all right, josh holmes, you worked closely with the now ready leader in the senate but former majority leader mitch mcconnell, you've been around very politically powerful people, they sometimes would, i imagine, ask each other there close to four participation and help. your take on it? >> josh: i don't know, it feels like it's a little bit more than that, my first reaction when i heard the comments from jen psaki was to
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laugh because it's like, of course, right? the one thing i'm virtually certain of its it's not joe biden that's running the government, he doesn't even know the name of the defense secretary so he's got to be getting help from somewhere but i think ultimately if you look at the administration itself it's basically comprised of everybody in the obama administration now, this permanent establishment class of operatives in washington, d.c., that make up the establishment government when a democrat is elected so i haven't seen a lick of difference between biden and obama except for the fact that it's more progressive, their agenda is more progressive than obama which i actually didn't think was possible prior to the last two months but here we go. to be when i remember not too long ago, barack obama i think was on the campaign trail for joe biden talking about how woke we all are and how that makes it politically difficult to move
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around, paraphrasing former president barack obama but that's what he was getting at, leslie? >> leslie: there is a president by the name of george w. bush whose father was a former president, george, george w. bush, and he asked his father for advice all the time. look, joe biden was not only the vice president of barack obama, barack obama was his boss, he's also his friend and i would imagine joe biden doesn't just speak to barack obama because joe biden has been input been in a fix for many years and he has many individuals that he would seek the advice of our use as a sounding board and honestly i think any president should. this is not a kingdom, this is not a king and quite frankly, any man or woman in power to be able to say i need some help with this, i need some advice with this, is a true measure of strength. for myself i certainly have looked at people that have mentored me in the past and looked up to and respect greatly to bounce things off of our asked questions of.
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i don't think this is a big deal and i don't think it makes if the obama administration part three at all. >> harris: i wonder if, you know, there wasn't a little bit of advice perhaps for anybody that biden would check in on like obama, you may want to have a news conference in europe for 64 days. >> kayleigh: that will be a good piece of ice for president obama care about look, yes, president trump called people, he had advisors but always knew his gut was and what's really interesting about biden's i'm not so sure he's having a ton of calls with the must be having a bunch of calls with aoc, ilhan omar, rashida tlaib and the squad. had a compromise proposal that included border security measures, joe biden doesn't. it expands illegal immigration when he wants blanket amnesty. there's a big difference there and i think that biden may be
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phoning the squad a little more than former president obama, his policies are certainly more progressive. >> harris: that's interesting. we'll move on, like maybe starting to return to normal after a pandemic, a year of it plus. but will many of us ever really returned to the office in quite the same way? next, the overwhelming response in a wide-ranging survey. ♪ ♪ just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. here's exciting news for veteran homeowners who need cash. refiplus from newday usa. it lets you refinance at today's record low rates plus get cash. with mortgage rates low and home values high refiplus can help you lower your rate
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>> harris: with more people getting vaccinated, microsoft is inviting workers back to the office, but survey of some 30,000 people worldwide and found out, the percent want employers to keep providing flexible work from home options. and people are now asking employees currently working from home really ever get back to what they had before? kayleigh, i come to you. before anything for others it certainly helps on child care, to care for your child and work from home. there are challenges for the zoo
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meeting where i was with someone last week and someone said, did a dog just walked through the back of your shot? i had my daughter screaming for the other room and it is a crazy world but we've learned to adjust to it and i certainly think that landscape for the workplace. josh, one of the things we often say on this hour because we've been virtual for a while now, are that we have jobs. and kayleigh, you kick this off earlier this hour, police officers and others will really responding when things are unfolding, don't have that option so we are unfortunate to have it. what are your thoughts flexible and extremely fortunate, no question about it although i missed the couch, harris. it's sort of important to the benefit of the show, i miss that i think we've been dealing with this and you know, i think there are things that are going to change in terms, may be the
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location of the office, a lot of people want to get out of town but the one thing we had unanimously as everybody wanted to get back as soon as they possibly could, people like working with people, right? it depends a little work you are in but ultimately people are going to want to get back to work in their office space. we won by the way, leslie, you're one of the most gorgeous shoe collections. now we don't get to see your kicks, girl b3 wait a minute, wait a minute, girlfriend, are telling me that i have nice issues, i covet your shoes. i break a commandment looking at your shoes. 6%, 56% of, about 56% of americans are working from home. companies are finding that a lot of their employees, the majority in his l.a. we have a lot of
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freeways and a lot of my friends are, a lot of my friends are very happy not to have to commute. >> harris: all right, we have breaking news and i want to get their president biden making remarks on what happened in butler colorado, the mass shooting. from the white house. >> president biden: i've spoken with the governor and i will be speaking with the mayor. we are working very closely with state and local law enforcement officials and they are going to keep me updated as they learn more. you're going to ask me to speculate, understand understandably asked me to speculate about what happened and i'm not going to do that now because we don't have all the information. not until i have all the facts. but i do know this, as president, i will use all the resources as i might as american people safe.
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as i said, at this moment, a great deal remains unknown but three things are certain first, ten lives have been lost and more families have been shattered by gun back colorado. and jill and i are devastated and the feeling, i just can't imagine, the families are feeling, the victims, whose feet were stolen from them from their families, from this. now i've just struggle to go on and try to make sense of it less than a week after the horrific murders of eight people and the assault the aapi community in georgia, while the flag was flying half-staff, another tragic lives and who kid,
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terrified, unsure if they would ever see their families again and friends again. the consequences of all of those are deeper than i suspect we know. by that i mean the mental consequences. anyway, we've just been through too many of these. the second point i want to make it my deepest thanks to the heroic police and other first responders did so quickly to address the situation and my deepest condolences to his family. you know, when he pinned on that bad yesterday morning he didn't know what the day would bring.
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ready to think about this, every time an officer walks out of his or her home and pins that bad john, that they just try to whether they will subconsciously come up when they get that call, all that his wife got. he thought he be coming home to his family and his children. the moment that acts came, officer talley did not have hesitated in his duty, making the ultimate sacrifice in his effort to save lives. that's a definition of american hero. and thirdly i want to be very fair. one thing i do know enough to say on when we are still waiting for more information regarding the shooter and his motive, the weapons modifications that have apparently taken place through those weapons, i don't need to wait another minute, let alone
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an hour to take common sense steps that will save the lives in the future and to urge my we can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again. i got that done when i was a senator. if passed, it was law for the longest time and it brought down these mass killings. we should do it again. we should close the loopholes in the background check system including the charleston loophole. that's one of the best tools we have to prevent. if the should immediately pass, the united states senate should immediately pass the two house passed bills that would close loopholes in the background check systems. these are bills that received votes from both republicans and democrats in the house. this should
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