tv The Five FOX News March 25, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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>> neil: it is a beautiful place and a lot of beautiful properties. the home of the indian resort and president ceo right now, becca storming back at 90% capacity. that reminds you that people want to go back if you just let them. that will do it here. here comes "the five." >> juan: hello, everyone i'm juan williams, jesse watters, dana perino, greg gutfeld and katie pavlich and it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." that weight is over. president biden holding his first news conference after 64 days in office taking questions on major issues like the border, ending the filibuster and if he will run for reelection. the president was not asked about covid in the new story involving his son, hunter, which
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we will talk about later in the show. also he was and asked about his massive infrastructure plan. the president also getting cold out for sticking to his written notes and calling on reporters from a prepared list. a white house correspondent peter doocy did not get to ask a question. the president spent a lot of his time on immigration and the border. take a look. >> that got you elected as a moral, decent man is why large immigrants are coming to the country. >> everybody suggest there was 31% increase because trump was a nice guy? we are building up the capacity that should have been maintained and built upon that trump dismantled. i will commit to transparency. as soon as i'm in a position to be able to implement what we are doing right now, make no apologies for earning that did not exist before trump became
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president that have an incredibly negative impact on the law. >> greg: president biden was also asked about the filibuster and working with republicans. >> president barack obama said he believes the filibuster was a relic of the jim crow era. do you agree? 's >> yes. >> are you moving closer to eliminating the filibuster, is that correct? >> i answered your question. i have electoral support from republican voters, republican voters. that agree with what i'm doing. >> juan: jesse critics made a lot of the fact that he didn't hold a press conference before now. some people suggested he was not up to it but there was no big gaps and he had to team up grip of the issue but what are the critics saying now?
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>> jesse: i'm not a critic, i am an umpire and its balls and strikes with me, but that's a pretty low bar to say he didn't have a gaffe. he is the president of the united states and he doesn't understand how bad the border crisis is hurting him. and the policy he put in place will only make it worse. that is why immigration will dominate the next couple of months but the keyword, he used word "accommodate, capacity." he didn't say deter or use this opportunity to tell the word caravans don't command. he said, the only reason his plan is not working because they don't have enough beds. that is why they are building all this housing. so this is in a policy of don't come here this is a policy of we have to keep building more beds, homes and pushing you and the military installation. that is not a good policy, juan.
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the other policy we will send kamala harris down to central america and create a martial plan for central america. kamala harris super talented, super -- so amazing that no one will leave central america. how long will that take, joe said question work it will take a while. yeah, no kidding it will take a while. then he said, oh, when can we see the houses that they are building for the illegal immigrants? the answer is "i don't know." so he asked at one point complained of mexico was not taking as many family units as he wanted them to. and then the very same breath, he said he terminated the remain in mexico policy. he doesn't know what he's doing, and this is a real problem. he made a false statement about president trump, said there were big surges under trump, no search in 2017, no surge 2018.
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he had a big surge in 2019, trump took strong action and it fell off the cliff. the biden is way above it, look at the green. absolutely on pace to knock trump 'a surge out of the ballpark. the three things at the end that were small, he read notes the whole time. he can't discuss our policy in the pacific with north korea and china without reading notes that his handlers gave to him, that is a little scary. he also short-circuited it one time talking about the filibuster. just gave up midsentence. i've never seen anything like that before. just the reporters, they are activists. he got four questions on when will you nuke the filibuster so we can drive home socialism. i don't remember asking trump when he have both chambers, when will you nuke the filibuster so you can initiate tax cuts in the wall? these people are encouraging joe biden to nuke the filibuster
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and push socialism. and then he didn't even call on peter doocy. he's a chicken. >> juan: dana, immigration has jesse said is the hot topic. biden said trump was the reason for the surge, and he had no apology for ending trump's program. did he handle this well in your opinion? >> dana: i think on the border, immigration, he had his weakest comments on the issue. and also, there were a lot of questions about that issue. i thought his response about cecilia vega question "abc news" about the 9-year-old child she met. i watched her broadcast the other day and she was quite affected about it. the way he answered was quite flippant and he didn't take it serious enough. the other thing that happened, juan, you know the people from the right were criticizing the president or be an umpire. and you knew that the immediate issue was going to be one, but i didn't expect this. the media criticism also coming
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from the left. what were they complaining about, including the white house chief of staff? complaining there was not a single question about covid, which i thought was very interesting. which i thought was interesting because it is getting better. what do they see as a crisis? the border. and so if i were the president, i would have had a much stronger piece of news to announce today about the border. maybe he could have held back kamala harris taking over the border news today to show border movement. that was a little bit of a swing and a miss but i will stop here. one last thing i wanted to mention, this is not about biden or anybody. this is the press corps in the white house. when i was a kid, i used to love to watch press conferences and there was not a woman in the press briefing room when i was a kid. and no one was working in the white house either. now, that is completely flipped. i thought that was notable and remarkable to see.
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>> jesse: maybe peter doocy should have stayed a little longer. >> juan: katie, the president also said that he felt republicans are abusing the filibuster and a gigantic way, and he wants the filibuster weekend or even ended. what did you make of it? >> katie: i think joe biden put himself in a box today when it came to the filibuster by saying he think it is a relative of the jim crow era. if that is what it is, he has to agree they should get rid of it. but let's talk about his accusations that republicans are abusing the filibuster. he is going to say it is a relic of the jim crow era. let's go back in history a minute and remember robert byrd, a democratic senator use the filibuster to filibuster the 1964 civil rights act. guess who spoke at robert byrd's funeral in 2010? that was joe biden. robert byrd was an actual kkk member. last year, senate democrats use the filibuster to go after him
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to get rid of tim scott republican from south carolina, his criminal justice reform bill. the first african-american senator since reconstruction. so just throw that out there the time that they are talking about unity. one thing on the border i want to talk about quickly, biden said he will not give a timeline when he's letting these reporters and to take photos. what they are doing as is, they are not allowing people into the cp see facility but wait to them to those facilities to the military installations and bring in the reporters and say, look, there is no crisis here, and overcrowding and nothing to report on this pier that is propaganda and i think we should call him out on this. >> juan: greg, a lot of people were surprised to hear that he is running for reelection and to say also he thinks that china, we've got to hold them accountable. schools, you know, should be open, close to reopening k-8 and
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coronavirus, 200 million vaccinated by his first 100 days. but what about him announcing he's running for reelection? >> greg: what about what he said when he started this speech, juan, when he said he was elected not to divide? and then he said, he wasn't sure if there would be a republican party. we should have had that on tape. but i don't even know what that means. i'm not sure that there is going to be a republican party? has the democrats decided that now they will cancel the republican party? this is kind of rich coming from the party of slavery. let's be very, very specific about that, okay? the democrats and the media are referring to this filibuster as a relic of the jim crow era. well, do you know what else is a relic of the jim crow era? the democratic party. so if you're going to cancel the filibuster, you are going to have to cancel the democratic party.
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you have to change the name because it is disgusting. it is shameful you hold onto it. if i do want to go back and give you an assessment of everything i saw including before the presser. it reminded me of the 1970s winning for evel knievel to commit one of his towns. will he pulled it off, can he make it over the snake river canyon or will he go down in flames? of course, that is a low bar, right? quite a contrast with trump, it was, will he stand up with the press? with joe, will he stand up? he's lucky he's lucky the 100 day bill lower the expectations combined with absenteeism and incoherent. so a victory he didn't show up in a bathrobe with a live raccoon on his head. he did pass his first presser but you might have passed his last one too. i would say as infomercial for life alert, it was pretty good. as a presser, it sucks and he's
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abandoning his sexes like teens at the border, juan. and we talked about the pbs softball question, oh, you know where they are coming, joe, it is because you are so awesome! why are you so awesome? well this is a presser, not a bachelor robe ceremony, okay? so i thought it was hilarious! thank you. >> juan: you enjoyed it, okay. coming up, new york governor andrew cuomo. he is facing another big scandal. this time over a report he gave his brother and other members of the family special treatment on covid testing. next for you on "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ you come and go ♪ ♪ karma-karma-karma- karma-karma chameleon ♪ ♪ you come and go ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: life is pretty good if you are a democrat and your last name is cuomo. the governor giving special treatment to members of his family by getting special access to tests while they were in short supply for everybody else, including the q-tip loving brother, chris, who was diagnosed with covid last year. cnn is getting ripped to shreds trying to defend the anchor, claiming he simply "turn to anyone he could for advice as in the human being would." and it look like all the special treatment put the cuomo brothers in a great mood.
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>> do you think you are an attractive personnel because you are single and ready to mingle? >> this was the actual swab that was being used to fit up that double barrel shotgun that you have mounted on the front of your pretty face. >> jesse: greg, you know i like hoechst. >> greg: may too. >> jesse: i like special treatment too, some of the things i like the most. so tell me come i will play devil's advocate, if you are the governor and you have access and your brother has sniffles, maybe send him a free test by one of your guys. is that so bad? >> greg: they scratched each other's backs with that giant q-tip. he went on his brothers show, some testing and just another story that chris can't report on because he can't do nursing homes can he can't do sexual harassment, the covid test scandal and soon all he can report on is what he had on his
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corn dog purity here is why it matters, it's a funny story, chris cuomo and i would say don lemon or the faces of the shame, right, that shame network from 9:00 a.m. until midnight they shame you about race, gender, income, covid practices from the remote perch of high morality they smear americans left and right and primary mode to demonizing is always domestic privilege. this is a story about privilege. think about this, i love that q-tip. they were doing improv comedy, the celebrities love it overlooking the deaths of the nursing home so people are dying. so my theory is, the q-tip killed way more people than qanon ever code but it was cnn who did a special on qanon. they should have done a special what was going on with that q-tip. >> jesse: all right, dana,
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what was cnn's response? do you think that would passed muster with you? >> dana: i love again they are trying to shame people, how dare you question that chris cuomo who was not feeling well was just being a human like anybody else and looking out for his brother to get tested before anybody else? obviously, anybody else would do that. and also, chris cuomo, about humanity, that guy saves his reemergence after he broke quarantine. >> greg: yes. >> dana: that is crazy. if i would have seen in person with whom i would've said, chris you're on your own on this one. >> jesse: juan are you going to say that desantis gave free tests to his family?
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>> juan: you brought him up and i'm glad you took care of it for me. >> jesse: okay. >> juan: but i want to say that, you know, i think this is an example, to my mind of abuse of public trust, especially when it comes to benefit to your family or friends or the people in your inner circle. i think that is something that people know about. it hits a voter where you live like hey, you know what the elites take care of each other and they don't take care of me. and most people don't think that he should resign. they are willing to wait for him to not leave until 2022 and not run a fourth time. another point and this goes to what you mention about the florida governor who told me not to name and i want is that i think that if i were the press secretary for 49 other governors and thousands of mayors in this country, i would be like whoa i don't know if they look at me because i think a lot of
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politicians play this game. he has sexual harassment, he's being impeached, he's got the nursing home. there's a lot going on for old governor be ten. >> jesse: he's just getting caught, right, katie? >> katie: right. it is a big issue because it's in another pile of scandals he has going on, including the 15,000 nursing home deaths. but the swamp is not just in washington, d.c. it existed in a number of state capitals all over the country and that is just another example of it. >> jesse: coming up shocking new report on hunter biden and the secret service and how he could be facing a major felony charge. ♪ ♪ not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a little differently. hey, i'll take one, please!
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>> katie: there is a new scandal with joe biden son hunter. a bizarre case in 2019 with his missing gun. hunters think girlfriend who lost the weapon after tossing it in a grocery store trashing can because she thought he was going to kill himself with it. secret service agents tried to obtain the paperwork with a gun sale from the owner of the store hunter bought it from, but was unsuccessful. then there is a spirit hunter may have broken the law. the report says he answered no to a question on the background check form about using drugs and lying on the form is a felony. so jesse, this is a very bizarre story. the gun was tossed into a trash can and found by a man rummaging through it. and it was a high school so
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could have gotten someone severely injured had that been loaded in the trash can and that man found it. but hunter seems to leave things around. he left a gun in his truck. and then took it to the grocery store, left his laptop and computer at the repair shop and it gets him in trouble. >> jesse: and everybody cleans up after him. that is the story of hunter's life. imagine if don jr. left a firearm in a trash bin up across a school and then the secret service swept in and tried to cover it up here and oh, man, that is something chris cuomo would be allowed to report on my guarantee. hunter biden is just a chaotic person. he's been drug addicted to. apparently he was suicidal. he is reckless. a woman he was obviously with at the time is incredibly irresponsible to have a fit and throw a gun in a place like that. and delaware is a small state.
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people take care of each other there. joe has been in office 40 years. his son was ag there. law enforcement knows each other. the secret service, of course, we'll take care of a former vp's family. the daughter is definitely on their radar so i can guarantee you that that it was covered up and i'm surprised the median is not saying, danger, prosecute! he will never get prosecuted. >> katie: juan, that is the big question. we are hearing a lot about joe biden for the need for more "gun safety measures." and we have hunter biden lying on background check form and it felony but most people have prosecuted ten years in prison and a $250,000 fine. >> juan: what strikes me about the story, first, i guess it was the girlfriend, the widow of the girlfriend who threw the gun, not him.
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but i think the drugs, the computer. >> katie: the computer. >> jesse: you shouldn't lie on these forms. i don't think it is a cover-up. i think we are hearing about it. i don't know the details of the story but now the computer and then the gun. there is no evidence that anybody asked him to cover up anything with regards to hunter biden. in fact come i think he has written a book. his troubles have been pretty public. >> katie: greg. >> greg: he loses a laptop here. he loses a gun over there. he impregnates a stripper. the guy can't keep anything in his pants. but the big point here and you bring it up, how can you push for gun control when your own can can't control his own gun? and this is what bugs me. every family has a counter somewhere here to could be a cousin, but the law isn't that kind, you know, drug addict,
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addict loser. you don't get this many breaks. this guy, he's not just the black sheep, he's the whole flock. but his deviance is allowed to prosper because his privilege allows him so many chances to keep going. i mean, there is no way a minority kid could have gotten away with this resume of escapades. this is truly a leap privilege. that suicidal mention, i don't know what is going on, but that is generally a lot of times used as manipulation when your lifestyle is threatened by a loved one. if they say they want to take away your drugs or they want you to seek help, no, i will kill myself because i will maintain more kind of gratuitous lifestyle. so he's a prime manipulator. that is what he is. he hurts a lot of people. >> katie: dana, for me, this is about hunter biden getting away from lying on a federal
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form that would be a felony for any other personal while joe biden and other democrats are preaching we need more laws. and yet we are not willing to prosecute hunter biden and an unfair standard of justice. >> dana: indeed come and also this. juan says we are hearing about it but when are we hearing about it? we are hearing about it in the spring of 2021. we are not hearing about it in october of 2020. and why is that? and also, the u.s. secret service, joe biden wasn't, i believe, he was under their protection at the time in 2018. so where the u.s. it secret service acting on their own, or were they acting unofficially? will the biden administration encourage inspector general investigation of this and keep their hands clean of it and be transparent about it? that was a great question at the press conference today.
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that would have been, dana. >> katie: it would have been, dana, you are absolutely right. there should be the same legal standard of relying on background check forms as there is for hunter biden. coming up next, president biden will meet his goal to open 100% of schools but gave no details. an educational official said something completely different. ♪ ♪ my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward. they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement. these are real people, not actors, who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within
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kids in class make sense. >> do you have a position on that? >> you know, one thing that i know as a commissioner of education, covid-19 numbers will dictate how we move to reopen schools. it is not just about what is happening in the schools, but what is happening in the community. >> dana: greg, you guys the cdc said it is safe to open schools for the last five months and he say maybe not even next fall? how was that possible? >> greg: i don't know. if you are a leader you are supposed to make decisions based on cost every day. there are industries that do this. but there are certain leaders, mostly democrats more concerned with holding onto their power, therefore, any risk could threaten their grasp. they would rather have us under lockdown but this is another example of they have no concept of how things work and what a process it is. they look at law and order and people with police trying to
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spite crying. voter i.d., that is racist and the border, that's racist. so the inability to grasp how necessary it is to get kids back in school is mind-boggling. i think it is only because it doesn't affect them. like they are not enduring this. if you've got money and power, it doesn't matter. >> dana: katie, you would think because they care about women and getting women back to work. one of the reason so many women left the workforce during covid's because they had to stay home to help the kids with zoom class. >> katie: welcome i would disagree with greg when he says it doesn't affect them. because i think it does affect them. they like the teachers union getting hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government because the money goes back to democrat campaign which means they get to hold onto power. that is how they benefit. but it is amazing how there is 10% covid positive rate and to keep these key issues on the
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border. and the hhs facility where they get an education, they are getting taught things and set down in a classroom like setting but yes, the teachers union are holding americans children hostage because they want more incentives to get back into the classroom, if they ever get there. i think it opens up enormous opportunity for betsy devos the former education secretary, a billionaire and another way of education where the teachers unions refusing to let them learn. that is the free market and there is an opportunity here i think you can get rid of the teachers union and power forever. >> dana: do you think that multiple choice will be the result for this? >> juan: i think we will go to work with more innovation and education everyday. in some cases, parents want to know that they want their kids back in school so they go through private schools and not just the chargers. i disagree. i just think he is saying you have to pay attention to
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infection rates in communities. that seems logical to me that president biden would say listen, you have more money for protective equipment, poor ventilation, for hiring staff, nurses and all the rest, vaccinating all the teachers. our goal is to get back by the fall. those to me are not inconsistent. one final thing, dana, i was really surprised today by some statistics from the education department. it indicated like a high percentage of my think it is three quarters of k-8 schools are either back in person or hybrid. but in terms of the students, very interesting, half of the white kids but then less of the black kids and even fewer hispanic kids and absolutely almost none of the asian kids. who is staying home? the parents are keeping certain kids home appearance before the other thing, jesse, that is happening that the teachers union sank to the cdc, we don't
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believe you. the cdc said you don't have to be 6 feet apart for 3 feet apart. no, we need more information on that. what's going on here? the one i liked biden's low expectations. he says these low goals and brags about exceeding them. i set a goal of having breakfast, lunch, and dinner and at this time i'm on track to exceed that goal and i have dessert afterwards. >> dana: well done. >> jesse: joe and i will pat ourselves on the back with schools closed? if i was advising biden about vaccines i would hit school so hard i would have been talking about every single day. every mom come every dad knew i wanted to get things back to normal. and that is the biggest signal of things getting back to normal and getting kids back into school. >> dana: and also getting communities and small businesses around schools and things like that. ahead, getting stranger by the moment with a new mask or your
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nose. "the fastest" is next. ♪ ♪ so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option.
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>> greg: welcome back time for "the fastest." next up, researchers rolling out a knows only covid mask while to be worn while eating or talking. it reduces the risk of infection. it appears to be misusing a hygiene product, but i will leave it at that. i'm sorry. >> dana: it looks like a mouth or a cat. >> greg: you know what, dana, it takes some getting used to, no? >> dana: this is never happening on my face. i will say that. it is almost like if you wanted to walk around like pretending you are a little mouse. doesn't that look like a nose with your mask on? >> greg: it is like halloween,
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eyes wide shut and maybe a little leather with. jesse? >> jesse: i think they tried to give this mask to hunter in the navy and it didn't stick. >> greg: katie, thoughts? >> katie: i can save people money. you don't have to buy this new mask if you have snorkeling gear because it's even better if you have snorkeling gear. it comes with your nose and goggles on your face. it makes it easier. >> greg: juan do you understand they are wearing this underneath their other mask so it is basically, you are wearing two masks over your nose essentially. >> juan: isn't smelling part of eating? i think this is crazy. it looks like the pretty dog or something to me.
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but the only way this could really be effective if you chewed with your mouth shut because if you open your mouth, if you are going to get it, you are going to get it. >> greg: next up, who doesn't love to hold a grudge? not me. but suffice to say, longer negative emotions linger and the brain, the worse it is for your mental health. jesse, they are sating grudges are bad. i disagree. >> jesse: i don't hold grudges against anybody, but i have a feeling that a lot of people hold grudges against me. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: i have a feeling i have wronged several people throughout my life. but i don't hold a grudge. i forget. >> greg: yeah, katie, i think this is jump science bred by a very bad people. hey, baby, i just got a stripper pregnant and slept with your sister-in-law, but hey, holding a grudge against me will just make it worse.
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[laughter] >> katie: welcome on my irish ancestors i think would disagree because the reason they have a short temper is because they are always holding grudges. maybe it is true for some people but not for others depending on the behavior. >> greg: juan, grudges, pro or con? >> juan: con and i think this is true, if you let that stuff build up in you, you are the victim and not the person you are angry with. >> greg: that is true. danica my do not hold grudges. i forgive and forget. >> jesse: fake news. >> dana: fake news, but you know what, greg, who says the bible is not based on science. the scientists are confirming what the bible said all along, to forgive, forgive sets you free. and you are forgiven. >> greg: thank you, thank you. up next though women's bible calendar. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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2:55 pm
♪ ♪ >> jesse: time for one more thing, dana perino. >> i want to tell you about some weekend programming you can check out, the big saturday and sunday show. these are new programs, you're going to let that come at 5:00 eastern time on saturday and sunday, as some of your favorite pop tomon fox personalities. got gillian turner, john duffy and lisa boothe. if that will be a good time. i had a chance to be on newt gingrich's podcast, newt's world. a couple of days ago we talked about politics which started when he was speaker. >> news world? really? you're just going to rip me off like that? wow. before i don't know if he has a hand gesture.
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i'm not firing on all cylinders. that's all i've got. >> jesse: it makes me so relaxed. these two men were caught smuggling cash and gold in their hair. a check this guy out in dubai. if you peel back their little blue fonts, look what they smuggled to be yep, that some 24 karat gold. these smugglers, these guys are pretty sneaky. you've got to be quick. if a guy's got a big haircut or it it looks suspicious, just grabbed his hair. to start yanking guys hairs off. you will find something, like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow have the time. then you pay a fine and do you -- wow. what do they haven't dubai? are those euros? they have a lot of cash in that
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hair. >> i think it if you're really clever at smuggling, you get a pass. of those guys deserve to keep everything they brought in. sports corner! i'm so excited, the american hedgehog warrior has their latest hedgehogs going at it on. you've got cocoa, and then you have an obstacle course. i don't know -- this is my first time seeing this. i don't know who's going to win. hedgehogs, i don't know if you know this. if they both hedgehogs. you should know what a hedgehog is, didn't you have to milk them for hedgehog milk? who won by the way? before the one on the left was going pretty fast. >> juan: here we go. okay. >> dana: the one on the left made it first.
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if >> juan: do you want to see what petty and vindictive looks like? here you go. take a look at 90,000 pennies, or $915 covered in grease. andre's and his former employer owed him a final paycheck, since november, he hadn't been paid until that stack of oily coins was jumped in his driveway. the auto shop owner miles walker said, he doesn't recall if he dropped the pennies in the driveway, but he did call him a. they're having fun looking through the pennies and found one from 1937. she said, you know what? i'm going to be positive, he's not going to spoil my fun, even without oily mess. >> jesse: i would hold a grudge for something like that. i would hold a grudge for that. >> dana: they should put them in order by date.
2:59 pm
if the cops get called all the time for invasions, right? three wisconsin police officers responded to an out of the ordinary situation the other night, a deer crashed through a window and was found running around in a nursing home. at the officers caught it on body cams, capturing the deer and safely guiding you out of the building. the good news is the deer was on the injured, the police were on injured he crashed into the nursing home looking for a party, and boy, does he have a story to tell everybody back home. >> greg: if that happened in new york, he would die because cuomo would've had covid in there. >> jesse: got to be careful. >> juan: i think people would've had to hide in their rooms. how long did it take the cops to get there? that was scary.
3:00 pm
>> jesse: of course it's the policeman's fault? you are worried about the response time? >> katie: you know what the cops said when they saw the perpetrator, they said oh, dear. >> dana: very good, katie. >> juan: that's it for us, special report, up next. >> bret: and thank you, quan. i'm bret baier, breaking tonight president biden is pushing for gun control, a change in the senate filibuster and better relations with china and north korea. he wants to change the paradigm and will do what he needs to get things done. he says he expects to run for reelection in 2024, what he is not doing is following his first formal news conference since taking office is taking responsibility for the crisis of the southern border. we have complete coverage of his first solo q&a session with reporters, but we start o
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