tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News March 26, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. >> brian: will, six more hours for us. tucker carlson is next. thanks for watching. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." here's an amazing yesterday the pentagon special operations command made an announcement from its official twitter special operations command is a very significant thing in the u.s. military and in our country it.. oversees delta force the seal teams and most of our most celebrated best trained lethal war fighter the treat richard torres estrada is now the chief of diversity and inclusion of america's special forces and they included his picture with the announcement. then, at the very top of its website the special operations command included a link to its extensive quite long new
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diversity and inclusion strategic plan. now, the one thing we know about that plan is that it will result in the dramatic lowering of t standards within our elite ranks. probably already has. so how will that make america safer? well, the general has never said you couldn't find that on the website.e. instead they told us that, quote, all of us understand that diversity and inclusion are operational they didn't say how they just said they are imperative. so this is the initiative that richard tores estrada will be running. the question is who is richard torres estrada his you will find crude blm and donald trumpmp holding a bible in front of a church. next to trump is a photography of adolf hitler. the point is, they are the same. so this is the guy who now oversees hiring for the navy seals.
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if you are wondering whether our military leadership has gone woke can you consider that question settled for good. h the pentagon is now the yale faculty lounge but with cruise missiles. that should concern you. meanwhile the rest of the world rolls on and gets more menacing by the day.or tonight for example the sue he see canal one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world is blocked by a container ship. was it an accident? maybe, maybe not.. we don't know.en what we do know is that the sue he see canal is violate to the world's economy. that's not an overstatement. the sue he see canal is only of one dozen choke points that control virtually all global trade and now it's closed. this is a challenge to america's critical national interest? how is the pentagon responding to that? they are occupied with other things right for the last month the expire u.s. military has been operating under a so-called stand down order that was issued by the new secretary of defense lloyd austin. the defense contractor. now running the military.
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lloyd austin believes the real threat to america is not the chinese government or paralyzedi global trade, the real threat to this country is people who didn't vote for joe biden, watch. w >> and if confirmed i will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault and to rid our ranks of racist and extremists. the job of the department of defense is to keep america safe from our enemies. t but we can't do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks. >> tucker: so republicans voted to confirm him. is he himself an extremist and they have said virtually nothing about lloyd austin since because they're paralyzed. they are paralyzed because lloyd austin has no problem calling his opponents racist immediately. riding our ranks of racist and extremists. the key question is how does lloyd austin define a racist or an extremist? the definition matters? this show has been denounced as a dangerous white supremacist organ for the crime of reading martin luther king quotes on the
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air. so it's worth finding out what r those words mean but lloyd austin doesn't provide a definition. that's not accidentaloe because what you are seeing is not an attempt to make the military better. what you are seeing is a political purge of the military. consider what has been happeninu during the military's training on, quote, extremism. a lot of enlisted soldier have asked a pretty basic question. hey, wait a minute, weren't thep blm and antifa rioters this summer extremists? seems like they were. they murdered people. they murdered a lot more people than died at the capitol on january 6th. a lot more.e. m they burned businesses. they wrecked cities and somelo places it took the national guard to stop them why aren't these people extremists good question. a man called lopez called in to explain why call the troops. the senior enlisted adviser to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. these questions, he conceded, are, quote, coming from every
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echelon that we are talking to. some people may think already se the events of the 6th of january happened. how come you are not looking at the situation goings on in seattle prior to that? well, yeah, exactly kind of an obvious question. well, ramon colon-lopez has an answer actually more of a threat. i'm concerned about the way that some people are looking at the current environment and whatbo they're thinking. they can do an act upon based upon their personal beliefs. oh, in other words, if you ask questions like these obvious questions, you are, by definition, dangerous. colon-lopez was working hard to make sure that military members understand the difference between seattle and washington, d.c. all right. what are those differences, exactly? here is one.e. blm, colon-lopez explained is a social justice organization and therefore it's not extreme. also, quote: a when the militay called upon us to go ahead and support an effort in washington, we did. we never got called to law enforcement issue that was
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happening in seattle. oh, so the mayor of seattle never called the national guard to put down antifa; therefore, antifa is not an extremist organization. well, that's ludicrous, obviously. in fact, it's not even true. actually the national guard didb deploy ton seattle during the riot last summer. whatever. colon-lopez's job isn't to make sense to send a political message from the joe biden administration. we are in charge now. this week we spoke to a dea agent who was fired for being in washington on january 6th. he didn't riot.n he never even went into the capitol building. in fact, he defended the cops outside against the rioters. he is on video doing that but it didn't matter. he didn't vote for joe biden, so he is gone. and he is hardly alone. he shallier this month the fbi arrested a man from oklahoma called anthony alfred griffith. according to the fbi, here's anthony alfred griffith's crime. he walked into the capitol building, threw open doors, and took
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then he handed those pictures to federal investigators. here's the fbi's criminal complaint against golden gate transit. accuses him of, quote: witnessing multiple people trying to break down a door. oh, he saw it happen. so, for the crime of witnessing other people of trying to break down a door, anthony alfred griffith now faces seven years in prison. don't worry, people like anthony alfred griffith, our leaders tell us are extreme i. uses and white supremacists and our military needs to be laser focus on making certain that no one votes like these people do can ever serve in the armed forces again. >> we absolutely need to look at any type of white supremacists that are still members of the military and how they are being targeted for recruitment by white supremacist groups and we need weed this out. this whole idea of police officer on police officer violence with those officers who have been turned by white exextremists is really scary to me. i know it's got to be scary for the other police officers.
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>> i am considering legislation to create a stand alone punitive article in the uniform code of military justice to address violent extremism in the ranks and to send a message of deterrence that this kind of conduct will not be tolerated in the military. >> we have seen a lot of reports highlighting how many of the attackers were veterans. and there has been really a growing recognition that the military has to do more to address extremism in it ranks. >> tucker: really an amazing clip. the first two people you saw speaking hirono and duckworth are extremists they're the most extreme members of the u.s. senate. they went on television this week to tell us that people with the wrong skin color couldn't be hired for federal jobs. did anyone at the capitol on january 6th call for that? not one person had thatha we are aware of and we denounced it immediately. they are extremists by definition and they're lecturing us about extremism. the military has to do more to
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address extremism. and in a way they are doing that by aggressively promoting extremism. every two months senior enlisted leaders in the military gather for something called the commanding general stewardship of the army profession forum. in january, that forum included a, quote, professional dialogue on the racist hate tract white fragility written by lunatic robin d'angelo.t no one condemned robin d'angelo's obvious extremism. they grated it. brad webb, the commander of the air force education and training command made it very explicit. he acknowledged that the air force was recruiting candidates with a private pilot's license. that might seem like a wise course flying planes is what the air force does to general brad webb no that's systemic racism. >> one of the other areas in line with w. that has been aptitude tests and, in fact, the chief mentioned that one as well in his talk the other day.
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but we are deep under way in updating pilot odessas and also officer qualification tests that that is rude, you know, you get -- you get a weighted scorei if you have a private pilot's license. that's a socioeconomic a influencer. in other words, if you are rich enough to have private pilotot time, you can get a license. that ought not be, you know, weighted. >> right. >> in such a way that you exclude, you know, various ethnic groups. >> tucker: so the real question is how does a doughy moron like that end up with an important job in the military? this isn't the department of transportation. it's not the dmv. this is a serious thing. this is the federal agency to which we give the most money that exists to protect the rest of from us foreign threats and guys like that have power? that guy a commander of air force education. and it's not just him. in october, the head oft' the ar
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force recruiting office major general ed thomas published a piece on yahoo called 86% of air force pilots are white men, here's why that needs to change. so you read this and you have got to wonder what the families of the thousandsav of american white pilots who have died defending this country over the last 100 years thought of that. ed thomas wants them to know they are husbands and fathers and sons shouldn't be flying planes in the first place pause they were the wrong color. pretty remarkable. we actually called ed thomas after his peace came out to talk to him about this. he talked to us h a long conversation. he never explained the only thing that matters how his race mongering makes this country safer? he obviously didn't care. he really hadn't even thought about it. how does someone like that get power in the u.s. military? there are a lot of generals like that. well, matt gaetz represents thousands of military personnel. these are people who join the services because they love the country and they want to protect it. t these are the people who arete getting crushed by the stuff in
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the u.s. military. the enlisted people. no one is speaking up for them right now. so the hearing in congress the other day matt gaetz did.. >> how long until make america great again hats are considered an extremist symbol? how long until catholic or pro-life groups or those who believe in two genders are toor extreme for the woketopians. today is about nothing more than cancel culture coming for our military and it is disgusting. >> tucker: discussing he said. discuss something usually hyperbole but in this case it's under statement. matt gaetz joins us tonight to explain what happened in that hearing. thanks so much for coming on, as far as i know you were the only republican that hearing who seemed upset about what you were hearing. first tell us is that true? why were you the only one upset about it appeared what were you hearing? >> congressman austin scott and scott both stood up for membersr of our military.
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the problem with republicans is that resurrender the frame. we allow ourselves to be lulled into this concept that what we really need to be talking about is whether or not there are people who liked the wrong people or who might be members of the wrong listserv or get their news in the wrong places. in china right now, tucker, theg are not doing gender sensitivity training. they are not wondering whether or not their military is woke enough.ey they are wondering whether they are advancing in quantum computing and artificial intelligence. now we see the wokeification of the department of defense and the reason why because the leftists have long sense taken control of the department of justice, the fbi, the department of state, and the department of defense was this last bastion where conservatives maintained a substantial amount of influence and they are trying to strangle out right leaning folks who are in the military by monitoring their social media and what troubles me is that this discussion in congress is gaslighting exactly what the biden administration is doing. i they are worried about wokeness,
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not winning, and our country deserves better and our military deserves better. >> tucker: well, we need better. i mean, flat out. we have a guy with hitler memes on his facebook page and garbage blm propaganda overseeing hiring for the navy seals? why is there not some red alert going off among republicans in congress like this is very serious? >> the left is always food at designating the umpire which is what they're doing at the senior levels of the military right now. do you know who we had testifying in front of us on this issue in congress the southern poverty law center. we literally had a hate group lecturing us about hate the southern poverty law center, of course, each designated ben carson a person of hate. it won't justs be white members of the military who are huntedf anyone who might have politics that doesn't align with the ruling class and that should trouble every american. >> tucker: well, that's exactly and nicely put.t. that's right. this is political fundamentally.
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congressman matt gaetz of florida represents an awful lot of active duty military. thank you. >> we're proud of them. thanks, tucker. >> tucker: aaron reese a major military reserve sat on how to root out extremism. he was brave enough for op-ed about it for "newsweek." he explained exactly what is happening to the soldiers. the training he went to warns members of the military to be og the lookout for anyone with, quote, antigovernment, antiauthority, or abortion related ideology. right. if you are not for abortion, you can't serve in the military. the training doesn'tt define those terms but everyone gets the point.. soldiers are told to simply turn in any one they expect of being a quote extremist.ur it's hard to believe it is real but it is. aaron reitz zions us with more on that training joins us now. i appreciate you coming on tonight. really brave of you and service to the country to write this tell us what you saw. >> sure, so, let me be clear, tucker, right off the bat that
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our military is chocked full of real patriots and real heroes. but the military leadership class and anyone who aspires to be a part of it appears to be given over wholly to this weak,, unamerican woke progressivism and this extremism training that the military and frankly all 1.4 million members of the department of defense are currently being subjected to iss just the latest instance of that agenda. now, during your opening monologue you went through the whole litany of how china is expanding its military, becoming more blue ridge representative and in fact even posing masculinity training. get that meanwhile, the american military's top brass is talking about putting pregnant women into combat. expanding it use of race and gender based quotas. putting a diversity an inclusion officer at the top of our special forces and so what you have right now is presidentt biden, his top generals, lookine
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at an ascendant russia and china, a lack of civility in the middle east, a crisis on the border. nuclear north korea and they are thinking you know what we need more of? we need extremism it's absolutely absurd. >> tucker: what i was so struck by in your op-ed is that you spoke up against it as an american, as someone who knows how impressive so many of our military members are.y that's what is so upsetting about this. they are not wrecking the dmv. who cares? this is real and there are greaa people in it. why are you almost alonee in saying anything about this? where are all the generals? where are all the colonels, really? i mean, there is some really good smart people. why aren't they saying anything? >> look, a lot of these guys are looking at a biden administration and what do they have their eyes on? they have their eyes on the next star. in order to join the uppero echelons of the biden administration or executive controlled branch is falling into lock step with whateverve that ideology is. i have got to tell you, tucker,
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after plusing that article, i have received tremendous outpouring of support be it email private messages and so forth among the ranks. i derive a lot of optimism, top supporting echelons of our military the future is not very bright but i'm still fairly optimistic. >> tucker: boy, i know the seal teams are just a tiny part of our military but they are s symbolically important and get so much attention more than any other group. they are going to wreck them, aren't they? that's clearly the plan like they can't handle how masculine the seal teams are or am i being paranoid. >> no. you are not being paranoid at all, tucker. in fact, whether this subject it's hard to be paranoid enough. look, the way that the military is treating this extremism training it gist these sort ofar h.r. departments within the military tremendouslyway to decide what does or does not constitute extremism. okay, but we don't have to listen to the mealy-mouth left
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about what those things mean. t we can look to the government's own documents about what they're looking to do. so extremism training is literally and i'm quoting from documents, to eradicate, eliminate, and conquer all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia and so forth. what does that stuff mean? who knows? and we saw from wednesday's house armed services committeeo that there is no agreement within the congress about what those things mean. and the military is eager to offload decisions about what those terms mean to college campus style diversity and inclusion committees. >> and so, this is a deeply unserious undertaking. and it shows you how far off our top biden ally military leaders are from keeping their eyes off the ball about what really matters and it's fights and winning wars. >> tucker: amen. nicely put. aaron, i appreciate your coming on tonight. you are brave. thank you. >> thanks, tucker, appreciate it. >> tucker: so let's say the police want to come into your home with no warrant and, i don't know, take your guns awayi
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they can't do that right? the constitution prohibits it. interestingly, the current administration is now arguing before the supreme court that they do have a right to do that. no one seems to be noticing this. we will tell you what happened. also, our news show tucker carlson today begins on monday. how do you watch it? we will show you how you watch it straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> tucker: in 2015, are a man called edward got into a fight with his wife. the next at a his wife went to the police and told them that her husband was mentally unstable and suggested he mighte kill himself. several police officers did what they are trained to do and they came to the house and they took him to the hospital. at the hospital he was evaluated. after that evaluation, doctors determined that he did not need to be admitted to the hospital and that he was not a danger to himself or others, end of storye but not really. because while edward was in the hospital, the police decided to check what was inside his home. they didn't have a warrant. they knew that new mental health professional had made any conclusions about his psychological state but they went ahead and rooted through his possessions anyway and b that's when they found two firearms. no one says that they were
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illegally owned but the police took them anyway. again, they had no warrant, thep suspect wasn't there. they just took the gun. and even after doctors said,k their determination was edward is not a threat to himself or others, the police kept those guns. they just stole them. now, you didn't think that could happen in america and, ofw, course, it's not supposed to. the constitution prohibits that the police just can't show up at your house and take things. so, this case is now before the supreme court as it should here's the remarkable thing. n the biden administration is backing the police officers who stole edward's guns with no warrant. in fact, the biden administration is asking the supreme court to approve of this and make it a precedent.ur they are asking for permission to search any home they want without a warrant and take what they want. any guns that joe biden's police find will be confiscated in the name of public safety. think about that.
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it's almost beyond belief. it should be on the front page of every paper of the country and the aclu should be fighting it.he none of that is happening. e according to joe biden though firearms are just that dangerous and most dangerous of all, joe biden has told us, including this week, are something called assault weapons, assault weaponh are such a threat, joe biden says, is he not going to wait for the supreme he wants congress, which his party controls, to pass a total ban on assault weapons. if that sounds familiar it's because we did it before for 10 years and it didn't work. it didn't work for a bunch of different reasons because first no one can define what an assault weapon is. second is because not that many people are akilled by assault weapons. joe biden doesn't care. if you go to biden's website you learn that assault weapons are c responsible for, quote, our gun violencet epidemic. they are weapons of war and if g you can get them off the street this country will be a much safer place. well, that's a total crock and not only is did a lie, it's an appalling lie contradicted completely by actual evidence.
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and here's the evidence.te the most recent data from the fbi on this subject come from 2019 was just released and those numbers show that a total of 364 homicides in the entire country were committed in 2019 with ahe rifle. assault weapon or not. all rifles. to give you some context that same year, 600 people were killed by what the fbi calls y personal weapon, fists, feet and hand. meanwhile, knives, and other cutting tools were used in a total of 1476 homicides. w oh, so, rifles of all kinds, including assault rifles, 370-something. knives 1400. in other words, using the argument that joe biden is now making before the supreme court, police ought to be allowed to come into your how fast and seize your cutlery without a warrant. cutlery control can save many
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times as many lives as a ban on ar-15s. so why aren't they making that argument? if you really wanted to save lives, you would ban the things that cause the most deaths, wouldn't you? 'you would if you cared about public safety, if you cared about public safety, you would also enforce the gun laws already on the books in say, chicago, washington, minneapolis, where they are not enforcing the gun laws. this has nothing to do with public safety. it's an attempt to punish the people who didn't vote for joe biden in november. a lot of these problematic voters have the guns the biden administration is describing as assault weapon. t and they know they can humiliate edward just walk in and steal his guns they can do it to you, too. by the way, whatever you do, don't lie on a federal pack ground check, joe biden would like every gun transaction,, including gifts to your children, to require a federal background check. and if you lie on one of those forms you will go to prison for five years, done, you are done.
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you go to prison for five years. unless you are hunter biden. in which case the secret service shows up and tries to cover for you by confiscating the evidence from the gun store. t that's what they tried to do in delaware. if you are hunter biden you are fine. if you are you, you are a felon. that will teach you to vote the right well, monday we have a new show coming up it's called tucker carlson today. it's not a very original titleom but there you go. you can watch it anywhere. can you watch at home if you want. all kind of different devices. how do you watch it exactly? we will show you after the break step-by-step so there is no confusion for those of us not good at tech. also one of the coronavirus relief bills signed by they- previous administration requires that the director of national intelligence release a public report on everything the government knows about ufos and they are going to do that in june but we have a sneak peek on what they found tonight in just a minute. ♪ a minute. a minute.
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♪ >> tucker: so we are launching a new show on monday called tucker carlson today it's on fox nation. the question is how do you see it? you are watching fox on television right now on cable tv.e this is on fox nation. how do you get to it? and the answer is hard for us to explain because we are not that good at tech but it's actually quite simple and so we have asked someone who is fluent in the subject to come on and explain it to us. brett larson is here to help us teach us how it works. hey, bret. >> hey, tucker good to see you i
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will admit i'm capital d dork so i many at right person to explain. this i'm sure many people watching right now would consider themselves tucker holics. new show documentary seriess tucker carlson originals launching as the new flagship premium product. tucker carlson starts monday tucker carlson originalling not far behind april is literally next week. we know you want both of these programs, many of you have asked what is fox nation? how does it work? and how do you get it? we're here to help and with tucker carlson day starting on i monday you have tonight to get signed up for free. we wanted to give you a few h basic tasks to get done this weekend so you don't miss the first episode on your tv or whatever device you prefer. here's what we are going to do to show you how it works. go to the laptop, we will go there it is. look at that there is the screen. you can scroll down here and see
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all the different shows that you are going to get to see. all the different devices can you use. all your favorite fox personalities. here right here big red button start your free trial. pick a plan, can you do monthly, pay for aer i don't. we will give you guys a month for free though just use the code word tucker. create your free account here. your fox nation account i'm going to skip this part because unlike the thing i tell you guys to do all the time i actually use the same password for every single thing that i sign into. i'm joking it's not my dog's name. t so once have you created yourg fox nation account, then you go to your tv, your streaming device, here we are using the roku device hooked up to our big screen tv. this is fox nation right now. can you see the chosen season n one is there let's go to some other shows, click over here "duck dynasty," if you sign this up weekend binge watch "duck dynasty" all weekend., >> pop down there, coming soonee tucker carlson today. if you are thinking i don't know what a roku is and i don't think
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i have one, that's fine these roku devices and streaming devices super easy to get. go to any electronics store, go to amazon or best buy this is actually the roku streaming stick say that ten times fast. this will fit in your pocket. can you take it with you. literally plugs into the back of your tv. not just roku though. there are a dozen devices that you can watch fox nation on. apple tv, can you get it on the amazon fire stick. i have have got it here i actually prefer to watch it on my ipad or iphone do you know what else you can do? can you down load the episodes to watch them later. so let's say you get up in the morning you download a couple of shows, you get tucker carlson today later in the day. maybe go out for a jog or go for a drive get on the subway and go somewhere, can you watch it wherever you go even when you are not connected to the internet. lots of great devices super easy to set up. again, you don't have to have just the roku device it works on multiple devices.
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>> tucker: bret, i appreciate it? >> of course. >> tucker: thank you for your time. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: so there have been a number of different coronavirus bills. but, and they are big and they have a lot of stuff in them that has nothing to do with coronavirus and a lot of it bad. here is one good thing and interesting thing this is in the bill that the previous administration got through in december.hi and it had a provision in it that started 180-day countdown for the government to tell us everything the government knows about ufos that would include classified ufo sightings. john ratcliffe the director of national intelligence said the report will have massive implications.nt frankly, he said, there are a lot more sightings than have been made chris has been on this subject more carefully than anybody in the united states. is he a former pentagon officiaa and he joins us tonight for ata preview of what we may find out. chris, i appreciate your coming on tonight.ev what do you think we are going to learn in this report? >> well, thanks very much,
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tucker. thanks for drawing attention to this issue. i think it could be profound and transformative as a former dni john ratcliffe suggested because in 1970 when project blue book concluded, they concluded and told the american people we don't see any evidence ofhe technological breakthroughs beyond anything that we can do ourselves.t we don't see any evidence of a threat to national security. i don't think they can honestly say either of those things in this case. and, as people begin to digest that, and they are going toeg tracy this unclassified levels, that will be a public statement. i think that's going to raise a lot of questions and send soment shock waves. >> tucker: they have been lying i think we can say that and no knows why but that really is the question? why? why haven't we heard this before? it's a huge deal. it could change our perception of our place in the solar system, in the universe, really. why hasn't anyone come forward prior to this coming june?
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>> it's largely been a matter of stigma and people are afraid to discussing it. you know, it's shocking and this is how i got involved. i became aware in 2016 that us navy squadrons operating off the east coast of the united states were having recurring encounters with these vehicles and nobody in the intelligence community was responding. nobody was supporting them. nobody was backing them up.nd nobody was investigating. it was not being reported up the chain of command. the secretary of defense didn't know. it wasn't a matter of concealing the information.di in the sense of they knew it and processed it and he withheldld t from the public. it was a matter of hear no evil, see no evil. that's okay personal choice, perhaps. that's not what you want in the intelligence community. >> tucker: no, it's igent and r, actually. do you think that we'll find thg government has physical evidence of these vehicles? >> we may. i do want to teacher expectations a little bit.e
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the request from the congress is not to release classifiedst information but to review all of the classified information regardless of source and then render an unclassified judgment based on that review. so, it's not going to be a big document dump. it's not going to be revealing necessarily new videos or anything of that nature. but, they will be reviewing all of the information if they do this in the manner that it's been requested. and then they are going to have to also have to address who is in charge, how are we going to man these going forward? who do we think is behind this? are there any technological breakthroughs here that we should be concerned about? so there is a lot on the plate and i think it is going to be a big deal. >> tucker: man, it's just so frustrating. i wish they would just be honest about everything. they are still hiding material from the kennedy assassination almost 60 years ago. really chris melon, have you done so
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much on this topic. i hope you will come back. >> thank you so much for having me.ou >> tucker: of course. so the biden administration with total power, full one party state get rid of the filibusterr do whatever they want. they are playing the race card really really hard in order to get what they want. will they get it? we have got some disturbing new footage that shows joe biden and close associates what they are willing to do to get this done.a that's next.t ♪ ♪
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♪ >> tucker: joe biden gave a kind of sad press conference yesterday. a lot of the time he lookeded st of confused. he was reading from notes there were a few moments where did you learn at one point, for example, a reporter asked biden whether he agreed with this statement from his best friend, barack obama, during a funeral last year. >> by ending some of the partisan jerry man kerring, so that all voters have the power to choose their politicians, not the other way around. and if all this takes eliminating the filibuster, another jim crow relic, in order to secure the god-given rights
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of every american, then that's what we should do. >> tucker: barack obama is from alabama, that's why -- oh, no, sorry he is from whatever, why would someone launch into a bitterly dishonest partisan rant in the middle of a eulogy? barack obama does that. here he is attacking thehe filibuster as racist but didn't barack obama support the filibuster when he was a senator? when did it become racist? joe biden didn't ask those questions. he heard barack obama's sermon and he shouted back amen. at least that's what biden said at the press conference this week. forget that joe biden himself defended can the filibuster for decades. biden is now concluded, of course he is just saying the filibuster must be eliminated not so he can have absolute power over the country because e if you are for the filibuster you are a racist.r >> well, peter, one of the a things he talked about, yesterday, was the fact that between 1917 and 1971 theye filibuster was used about 58 times. last year, last year alone, it
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was used five times that many. it is not being used for the intended purpose. it is being abused and, yes, there are scenarios as it relates to voting rights where it is oppressing, it is allowing for systematic racism in the country. that's the concern he was expressing. >> tucker: so the filibuster is a tool of systemic racism. well, the take away, of course, woke robots like that will literally say anything and they will say anything to achieve power. if they eliminate the filibuster, they can do anything. it will be literally a one-party state with all that entails. the question is will members of congress will be sufficiently intimidated by accusationsf of racism to let that happen? well ned rye unhas been watching this closely he is the ceo and founder of american majority. we are happy to see him tonight. do you think that accusation you are a racist white supremacist, whatever, does it still have
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enough force to allow them to grab complete and total power over the country by eliminating the filibuster? >> well, i certainly hope not. but just to go back and look at that comment that was just made by that commentator. it was used 327 times last year by senate democrats alone theyey must be a bunch of big meany pant racist. disingenuous is pretty staggering call it a relic of jim crow since it's been around since 1860. they want to remove the filibuster out of the way far left can reengineer america into their vision of a regressive socialist vision. hr-1 to give americans allusion of self-governance, equalities act. d.c. statehood, packing the courts.el democrats are really shootingt. for perpetual power. they want to be in charge of government for forever, at least for generations. as they are making these totalitarian moves and authoritarian moves as we are calling them out for doing it they are pointing at us you are
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fascist, racist bigots how dare you call us out. i think most people would agree most americans would agree we have always had an understanding in this country that one party should not always be in power because that leads to totalitarianism and this is what is going on. democrats have decided they don't want to be told no anymore not by republicans but not by voters either. those dirty little peasants n haven't figured out what's best for them therefore we should be in control at all times forget this whole idea of self-governance.ul >> tucker: what's so interesting is the people who should be defending the country and critical institutions the things that actually matter the military equality, basically aln surrendered because they would rather see the country destroyed than be called racist. >> that's a staggering thing, tucker. they are afraid to be called a name, if everybody is a racist, nobody is a racist. they seem to forget that and that's what democrats call everybody. it has no meaning. if seven a fascist, nobody is a fascist.
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everybody a racist therefore nobody is a racist. i hope republicans will take a page from donald trump's playbook and go i don't accept the premise. all i know that you are trying to do is intimidate me ande silence and i hope enoughw republicans and quite frankly a lot of the democrat i think, tucker, maybe when you think about it 205, 30% of thiss country really pushing for this i don't think a lot of democrats agree with this at all. i hope they stand up and say we did not sign up for this we will not stand for it. >> tucker: let's try next week where we only speak in martin luther king quotes and see how often we are denounced as white supremacists. >> that's right. >> tucker: just tells you ned, great to see you. have a happy weekend. >> you too, tucker. >> tucker: we'll be right back. thank you. ♪ ♪
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- hello, friends, michael youssef here, the bodily resurrection of jesus christ from the dead, on the third day after he was buried, is the clearest demonstration that he is the god of power and might. without his resurrection, there can be no power for living here and now or eternal life with him in heaven. will you come and experience the power of his resurrection?
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type 2 diabetes can have a big impact on your life. but how can it be prevented? well, the first step is knowing if you something called prediabetes. take the 1-minute risk test today at >> tucker: we are out of time this evening. we will be back monday 8 p.m. and every weeknight the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. have the best weekend with the
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ones you love. some things are more important than politics. and tucker carlson today starts then. we will see you then. >> welcome to a special edition of "hannity." the biden administration failures i am dan bongino in for sean. the biden administration failures are mounting including the crisis at the southern border where tens of thousands of migrants are flowing into the country. sarah carter will join us with shocking new images. first it was one of the worst press conferences ever conducted by a sitting u.s. president. for more than an hour joe biden stood in front of the world and
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