tv FOX and Friends FOX News March 29, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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that next time. congressman kat, thank you very much for joining us this morning we appreciate it. griff: thank you. >> thank you so much. happy monday. carley: all right. and "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> you are being less transparent than the trump administration. >> we are committed to allowing cameras into the border patrol facility. >> please give dignity to the people. >> you were hired two weeks ago and you are entrusted to ask us to not have any pictures taken. >> refloat the colossal container ship blocking the sue he see canal. >> $10 billion lost every day. >> oorigins of the covid-19 pandemic. >> you are saying china did the investigation? >> pretty much that was it. >> imagine if we had asked the soviet union to do a co-investigation of chernobyl. it doesn't really make sense. >> right here is where little uighurs normally would play. as you can see there is homeless
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encampments everywhere. >> you see the needles, cocaine, all of this is right in front of the pool. >> quickly. launches bulls eye ♪ i mean, think about a little bit what we just saw with the open, i mean, baseball is queued up ready to go. crowd, down to 8 now in the ncaa tournament. little by little as spring comes things are getting somewhat pack to normal, guys. steve: we are all back here at 6:00 a.m. eastern, good morning, ainsley. time away. ainsley: we got to go to disney world. i took hayden down there for the first time. it was a wonderful trip away. brian: was it crowded. ainsley: open 35%. so i actually enjoyed that because it wasn't so crowded and you didn't have to wait as long. brian: that's the biggest 35% i
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have ever seen in my life. it looks 100 percent. ainsley: they did make you wear the mask and if your daughter or any of the kid if they mask went right bloat nose, they were right on you. put that mask back on, please. it really is the happiest place in the world because everyone is so polite and nice. please get in front of me in line. oh, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to step in front of you. everyone there was just in a great mood. brian: i will say, this an example between california and florida. disneyland, disney world. they just shut it down in california. they are not each going to listen to your explanation and protocols. we are not opening up. they are about to open up. florida has been open about nine months. ainsley: we did get to have lunch with cinderella. brian: a celebrity. steve: take a lot of pictures. ainsley: she wasn't allowed to come near your table. steve: was she wearing a mask. ainsley: she was not. she was up on the stage. steve: great to have you back on
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the dawn patrol. ainsley: thank you. good to be back with all of you. griff jenkins joins us live as the president claims a plan is in place to control the crisis at the border, really, griff? griff: that's right, ainsley, brian, and steve. good morning. the president says that they are working on a border plan but, perhaps it's a secret one because there is no word on what it is or when it is going to happen. here is what president biden had to say yesterday. >> we are putting in place a plan that i feel very confident about. and i don't care what the other guy does. griff: the other guy is he referring to there is former president trump. the president biden brushing off his plans to visit the border. and as you mentioned, foxconn firming the surge of unaccompanied minor also last at least seven months. the situation is getting so bad, so dire, the biden administration is pretty much begging for help from any government worker wig to volunteer. the office of personnel
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management, opm, sending a memo to all agency heads reading, in part, quote: the office of refugee resettlement or orr needs further government civilian employees for up to 120-day deployment for unaccompanied children. right now, there are more than 18,000 children in hh is and cbp custody. jen psaki confirming on "fox news sunday" yesterday that the children will not be sent back. listen. >> we are not going to send children under the age of 18, kids under the age 18 back on this treacherous journey. it does not mean that they get to stay in the united states. it means their cases are adjudicated. griff: there are roughly 5800 crossings every day. it's projected going up to up to 26,000 a month by september. as you guys full well know, we are just at the beginning of the heavily trafficked part of the migrants routes and headed for
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uncharted, unprecedented numbers and territory with the president saying there is a plan but we just don't get to see it just yet. brian, ainsley, steve? brian: are so diplomatic. steve: griff, i have a question for you. for the federal employees who want to go volunteer to help with the migrant crisis. we have no place for the migrants to stay. where are the government employees going to stay? griff: great question. i i can reach out and see if i can get more when i was talking with them yesterday they simply were being a knowledging that they are asking across the entire government for volunteers to go down there. because, remember, in the big picture, steve, when you take border patrol agents off the line of protecting the border, you are having them in these facilities like donna crazy and springs caring for the children and transporting them back and forth. they are hoping that government employees will step up and go down there and put agents back on the line. where are they going to stay? who knows, perhaps hotels, last
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time i was in mcallen and brownsville it was already hard enough to get a hotel room. brian: if you can, pick up more hours, i don't see you enough on the channel. good to see you. amazing how you have changed. ainsley: you have been working hard. brian: let's talk about this if we can i think where the rubber hit the road with this administration, where no one seems to ask this question, if you let unaccompanied minors stay in our country, you might think to yourself well, we have a great country have a lot of room, but, in the big picture what you are saying is to every unaccompanied potential come one, come all. you are saying, families, get your life savings or take out a loan, maybe get 10 or $5,000 to send your kid with a stranger into our country because they get to stay. and for jen psaki to say when they show up with a note in their pocket we send them to that address to their parents, what is this an episode of home alone where the parent suddenly find themselves in another country and they forgot their kids? that never happens. so much of this is disingenuous.
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so, their answer is to cob vert military facilities to day care and to see this, ainsley, because they don't want us to see this. ainsley: they don't want us to see it. ted cruz and a bunch of lawmakers went down there and we will show you video in a moment. first, we will hear from jen sacky. this is actually video ted cruz shot. i want to show you some video in a second after we hear from jen psaki about them saying don't roll on that. you are not allowed to use your video cameras here. jen psaki was asked by chris wallace pressed hard when are we going to be able to see what's going on inside these facilities? why won't you let the press in. listen to this. >> at this point, in terms of allowing access to border patrol facilities for reporters, you are being less transparent than the trump administration. >> well, first of all, chris, the trump administration was turning away kids at the border, sending them back on the treacherous journey or they were ripping kids from the arms of their parents. we are not doing that we are committed to allowing cameras
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into the border patrol facilities, absolutely. steve: so the question arises, what is joe biden hiding? i know it rhymes, not trying to be cute. but that's what it comes down to, so many people just want to go town and see what the facilities are like, keep in mind, you know, a couple years ago such a double standard where, you know, we saw those images of the kids sitting on the benches with the chain linked fence inside one of those facilities in carrizo springs, i do believe. that became kids in cages. the situation suspect worse now when you look at the jail like detention centers, these particular spots are completely maxed out. in donna, texas, that tent facility was built for 250 people. it has 4,000 people in it right now. and, ainsley, to your point, you were setting up ted cruz a moment ago, the donna, texas, facility is where what happened to him with the staffer.
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this is what happened. watch. >> please give dignity to the people. please give dignity to the people. >> so you work for the commissioner, senior adviser. you were hired two weeks ago and instructed to ask us to not have any pictures here. >> please expect the people, the rules. >> dhs does not want the people to know. you keep standing in front of the picture. the pictures are taken. the rules are arbitrary and designed to keep the american people. >> dignity and respect is all we ask. >> is this dignity and respect? look at these people there is a pandemic. let me ask you there is a pandemic. >> i respectfully ask you, sir with full hearted. >> are you respecting the rights of these kid? >> this is not a zoo, sir. please don't treat the people. >> your rights and this is a dangerous place and your policies are unfortunately trying to hide them. i understand you were instructed. >> i ask you to please respect the people, give them dignity and respect. >> i respect them and i want to fix this situation. >> we all want to fix did. >> the administration you are
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working for is responsible. >> please respect these beam dignity and respect. >> i ask to you respect them as well. >> i respect you and respecting the people. >> this is not respect. >> he does not back down, does he? brian: no. he is telling the story that henry cuellar has been saying alone. if he didn't go in there and take the pictures and give them axios and ted cruz didn't shoot video think they weren't ready yet. the wallpaper wasn't up or molding wasn't finished and that's why we are not allowed in there when joe biden was allowed in his press conference what the follow-up question was do you want to be transparent? yes. do you know when we can get in there? no. since when do you take no for an answer? why is this okay? am i okay with it no. fix it that's why we are opening up military paces. taken you three weeks. keep in mind, they were warned by officials if you get rid of the remain in mexico, and the third country rule, if you allow unaccompanied minors to stay, it will be a disaster. they did it anyway.
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ainsley: brian and steve, what was really disturbing, if you listen to ted cruz's interviews over the weekend, he talked about how they are sleeping on floors, they are wrapped up in aluminum blankets. some of these kids are babies and they are in play pens and some of these kids are used time and time again. many of them are abused sexually. and then he said some of these kid they will see the same kids come through because these cartels are renting out the babies. look at that picture. steve: the reason for that, ainsley, we have heard jen psaki say repeatedly that they expel most people who come to our southern border. the data shows that only 10% of the families are actually turned back. think about that. if 100 families come, only 0 are turned back, 20 are turned back. nearly all the children are allowed to remain and so, more families are coming because it's like okay, we have got a kid. maybe they will let us stay. so that is why there is so much confusion on our southern
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border. brian: we are in the middle of a pandemic. that adds more tension to the border situation. it makes it unthinkable, unfathomable and unexplainable that he would actually lift the title 42 restrictions for health reasons, any time you have got to go back pandemic. goes beyond explaining and you can't explain it away. meanwhile the big story is a year later, how did this virus start? don't worry, the w.h.o. is on it, wait. they have been paid off, it seems, to work with china to cover this whole thing up. now, they are supposed to allow our w.h.o. officials and doctors to go epidemiologist go in there and try to figure out how this happened to try to stop the next one. but the w.h.o. seems to be white washing this whole thing because china wants them to. and it doesn't seem to bother anthony fauci and company or w.h.o. officials or the world which is unthinkable. jamie met zelle former nsc official with the clinton administration and member of the
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who advisory committee knows the street outraged about the inspection that's in and the report that's about to be released. listen to what he said on "60 minutes." >> i wouldn't really call what's happened now an investigation. it's essentially a highly chaperoned, highly curated study tour. everybody around the world is imagining this is some kind of full investigation. it's not. this group of experts only saw what the chinese government wanted them to see. a it was agreed, first, that china would have veto power over who even got to be on the mission. w.h.o. agreed to that on top of that the w.h.o. agreed that in most instances china would do the primary investigation and then just share its findings with these international experts. >> wait, you are saying that china did the investigation and showed the results to the committee and that was it? >> pretty much that was it.
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not entirely but pretty much that was it. imagine, if we had asked the soviet union to do a co-investigation of chernobyl. it doesn't really make sense. steve: so, what the w.h.o. has been trying to figure out is was it leaked from a lab in wuhan, which seems like it's pretty plausible, or was it a situation where there were infected animals somehow that jumped to the human species? and the w.h.o. has been leaning toward it's been infected animals, so people are going, wait a minute, how did it get 1,000 miles from the bat caves in southern china up to the virology area in wuhan? and they say that they think it could have been some wildlife transported to some of these farmer's markets and some of the employees got, you know, infected from some of the tainted animal meat, ainsley. but that just seems like a stretch. ainsley: um-huh. >> steve: because wuhan has the only level 4 virology lab in the
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country with the world's largest collection of bat viruses in the world and specifically they were working on something identical to covid-19. ainsley: we might not ever know. if china is going to handle this investigation and they let the w.h.o. and expert from the w.h.o. come in and his name is peter dazak a member of the w.h.o. team. he went in last month, and he says he believes that it was transported through some sort of. >> anna: mall, transmitted to a bat then to. >> anna: mall and people when they were cutting up the animals in that market. but, dr. robert redfield, the former head of the cdc, for prevention, he says he believes that it escaped the lab. he said i'm allowed to have my opinion now and that's what i think happened. brian: i don't think the w.h.o. is trying. they gave up their credibility and they handed it to china. this guy, what are his name is, he should be fired yesterday. they are not trying to get to the bottom of it, and for some reason the rest of the world is
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okay with that it's incredible. steve: well, two dozen experts have signed' an open letter calling for brand new investigation because you can't trust w.h.o. ainsley: there is something political going on there. '. brian: that's why we left and bowed out of it. ainsley: head over to carley schiff for headlines for us. carley: we will start with a fox news alert. the massive coorg ship blocking the sue he see canal being turned in the right direction. overnight engineers were able to refloat the evergiven after it ran aground last week. the fears grow of an impact due to the week lock blockage. bloomberg estimates $9.6 billion is being lost every day the canal is closed. happening today, the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin is expected to begin. the excop is facing manslaughter as well as second and third degree murder charges in the death of george floyd last may.
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a vigil was held by floyd's family sunday as crowds have already become gathering outside the government building where the trial is taking place. turning now to extreme weather, a state of emergency is in effect for nashville after at least four people died from flash flooding. first responders rescuing dozens of people as the water began rising, submerging cars and homes. drone video shows the extent of damage, a high school's athletic facility flooded as water nearly rises over a highway. the rain fall going down as one of the wettest days in the at a time's history. and today nascar hopes to start its engines at bristol meter speedway after torrential rain turned the dirt track into a muddy mess on sunday. both the cup series and truck series races were postponed. kyle larson is set to start from pole position as a result for
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nascar's inclement weather policies. the green flag is set for 4:00 p.m. eastern. and guess what, guys, you can catch all the action on fox. steve: that's right. last friday the worry was that it was going to be rainy and look at what happened? carley: that's exactly right. hopefully today they can like i said start their engines. steve: excellent. brian: thanks, carley. let me tell you what's coming up straight ahead after spending nearly $2 trillion on cody relief. president biden is looking to spend another $3 trillion infrastructure another stimulus plan after in the works after that. it's easy when it is not your money right, joe? ♪ ♪
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♪ >> i don't think republicans in this country think we should be 13th in the world as it relates to infrastructure. roads, railways, rebuilding them, that's not a partisan issue. that's a lot of what the president will talk about this wednesday. then he will have another package, another proposal that he will put forward in just a couple of weeks that will address a lot of issues that the american people are struggling with. child care, the cost of healthcare. so that's what they can expect to hear from him in april. steve: so, after the administration was able to jam through close to $2 trillion worth of stimulus, regarding the coronavirus, now it looks like they are on the verge of announcing $3 trillion worth of infrastructure but it's not all infrastructure. it looks as if it's going to be something close to two different things.
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one thing they would like to do is they would like to pass in the house h.r. 2, which is infrastructure. they would like it pass hr 3 drug passing, the hispanic congressional caucus would like to make sure they pass the white house immigration bill. also the progressives want to raise the minimum wage once again, even though the parliamentarian said you can't do it pause they want to do it all via reconciliation. a lot of the senate democrat say, look, the filibuster we have got keep it, but their house counterpart are saying look, we have a simple majority in the house, why don't you do the same thing. and then you can get everything done before the midterm elections because after this particular package, the worry is the democrats will not be able to pass anything else via reconciliation until the elections in 2022. ainsley: if they get rid of that 60 vote rule this is a way for them to push their progressive platform through. larry kudlow was talking about that. listen to this. >> if they reverse the trump tax
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cuts, it is the middle class, the blue collar, and the lower income. it is minorities. black americans, asian americans, hispanic americans. it is women who will be hurt the most by reversing the trump tax cut because they benefited the most, again, income wages, wealth and 50 year lows in unemployment. so, this is a very bad story in this so-called infrastructure package it's a trojan horse for higher taxes that are really going to damage the economy next year and trojan horse for the green new deal clean-up is really going to damage the energy sector. brian: that's what they are trying to do in transportation they are talking about having a use tax every time you drive charged. sales person charged every time driving around on clients. 1. the trillion hard to stomach purely partisan. trillion of roads and bridges
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and technologies and sewage systems and waterways. okay. and then you get hit with this one, universal pre-k. community college, also they are going to be looking at healthcare plans, black college university fully financed excuse me what does that have to do with infrastructure? free money. isn't it great to be able to write out and pay for everything and then hand the bill over to the next generation? mcginnis president of the bipartisan committee for spans responsible budgeting. that it's okay to borrow during the recession to continue borrowing she want tried to invest in the next generation while simultaneously hand them the bill and raise taxes and 7 out of 10 taxes go to federal government or the state government. ainsley: all these high taxes are making corporations leave. we are seeing that here in new york. i don't even know there ask talks new york might never come back because the companies like the big banks they let everyone work from home. many of them have moved to
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florida, low taxes, or move to texas. you are hearing those stories, too. these businesses, all these buildings, skyscrapers have floors completely empty. a lot of the big bosses say we are not going to make them come back because we are saving so much money. steve: the thing is about all these things the democrats want to pass, if they can talk the senate parliamentarian saying look this is part of the budget deal when it comes to healthcare or pre-k or any of that stuff, they will be able to pass it with a simple majority which they have. so stay tuned for that all right. in the meantime, let's go out to the west coast. seattle's homeless crisis hitting new lows and the community is fed up. >> do you think the city leadership is doing enough to rectify the problem? >> no. >> are you hopeful that this will change some time soon? >> i am not hopeful. steve: that is just a mess. lawrence jones went there more with him coming up. also, as you can see, senator tom cotton and lara trump, tom
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homan and dan bongino, charles payne, you are watching "fox & friends." good morning, everybody, it's monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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oregon state capital. >> disperse from this location immediately. if you do not disperse immediately you will be arrested. carley: exextremeists surrounding a man's truck. threw balloons of paint and other at drivers. >> city council is considering a permanent ban on some nonlethal weapons used by police. if approved officers would no longer be aused to use pepper spray, tear gas or water canons to help control unruly crowds. last june the city council temporarily banned the devices, following black lives matter protests. conservatives are slamming rapper lilnazx for releasing 666 pairs of satan shoes during holly week. the modified nike shoe worth over 1,000 bucks contain a drop of human blood in the sole it.
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researches the bible verse lucifer's fall from heaven. jokingly tweeted another shoe design a white pair of shoes with john 3:16. my pleasure and chick-fil-a along the side. now i feel like i need to go to church just reading it, ainsley. ainsley: happy hole holy week to everyone out there. homelessness across the united states grew by 2% or nearly 1,000 people in 2020. in washington state though that number is more than 6 hers. and in seattle, the crisis is pushing parents past their limits as encampments are taking over their parks, their playgrounds and little league fields. lawrence jones joins us now and he is live in seattle. lawrence, what did you find out? >> hey, good morning, ainsley. a truly tragic story that is impacting the young people. i had appear opportunity to go
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and see it firsthand yesterday. take a look. ♪ ♪ right here is where little leaguers with normally play at baseball, play at the park, play basketball, as you can see there is homeless encampments everywhere. just in the past three weeks, there has already been four incidents with homeless individuals and children. and residents are reaching a breaking point. >> there was a fellow that was taken out on a stretch earlier this week with all the softball kids around. parents coming in the morning before kids come to the park and do a sweep of the park to make sure there are any kneels to pick up before kids got there. >> how do we get to a place where we think that's normal or a part of life in seattle. >> you see all these encampments, how does that make you feel? >> makes me feel sad. it's a shame people can't enjoy
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the park. >> when you see the needles on the streets and drugs that you have to cross over, do you think it's a safety issue? >> yes. definitely: i have a little dog and i have to be careful that she doesn't step on something. >> do you think the city leadership is doing enough to rectify the problem? >> no. i would like to see more leadership on the part of the city. and i do have a teenager and he is just really distressed about the situation. >> are you hopeful that this will change some time soon? >> i am not hopeful. >> you are not. >> i am not hopeful. i'm not hopeful. but i would like to be hopeful. i mean, i think the community needs to be brought into the more. >> you sea the kneels, the cap of the kneels, you see the tin cans. you see they use it to cook food but they also use this to cook drugs as well. methamphetamines, cocaine, heroin, all of this is right in front of a school right there. they are supposed to return back here in april. and this is what they are going
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to sees a they're dropping their kids off to school. when they come out here to play for recess, this is what they are going to see. >> another cap right here. they're everywhere surrounding this field. this is where kids are supposed to be able to play. >> this is miller play field, multiuse field. used for soccer, baseball, lacrosse, ultimate frisbee, all ages, right now the field is not being scheduled for use because of the condition of the field and the proximity. >> they can't even use this field. >> it's not being scheduled anymore. >> why not. >> because it's unsafe. this dug out here has got a tent in it. those dug outs over there have tents in them. i see people in need. i see people that need help and that's what we are trying to do help them but help them return the field for intended use. >> are you hearing back from the city leadership? >> i have talked to a number of city officials. >> what do they say? >> it's a tough problem to solve and we are doing the best we can. >> what is the commitment? we all agree.
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>> we haven't gotten a plan, we would like to see miller prioritized because of its proximity to the school and because of its high use. our kids are in danger right now, too. you know, who is advocating for our children? >> we reached out to the mayor's office and seattle but we did not hear back from them. so this is just a tragic story. ainsley: gosh, i don't know why they don't go in there and get them out of there so the kids can have their parks back. it's ridiculous. >> it's kind of unacceptable, ainsley. these are kids that are supposed to be returning back into april. one lady we talked to she said that someone stole her car and she had to track it down herself and now she has to put trackers in there to make sure this doesn't happen again. this is impacting people all over seattle, not just the kids on this baseball field. ainsley: yep. a lot of people are going to be moving. thanks so much, lawrence. >> that's right. thanks, ainsley. ainsley: disturbing new photos of crowded migrant facilities
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these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur at the same time and some more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance for more horizons. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. steve: texas house democrat henry cuellar among lawmakers handling of the border crisis is
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sharing these new photos as 11 border patrol leaders sound the alarm on the migrant influx they wrote to the congress and white house quote in a letter the change in administrations and strong signals in policy changes has created a hyper acceleration in the number of undocumented migrants seeking to enter the united states. that is an understatement. former cbp chief patrol agent roy villareal co-authored that letter and joins you now from out in tucson. hey, roy, good morning to you. >> good morning, thanks for having me on. steve: you wrote to congress and said you have got act now because it's a disaster there. >> absolutely. the piggest concern with the chiefs and this is the first time collectively the retired chiefs have gotten together to vocalize concern, we have a crisis at the border and we needed immediate action and acknowledgment of the fact that there is a crisis. we need to move away from calling it a challenge or seasonal pattern and simply accept the fact that there is a crisis at the border.
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steve: and, at this point, roy, you can't get a straight earn from the white house. they say we turn away most of the people and, yet, when you look at the numbers, it's something like they only turn away 0 or 20% of the families and they let in pretty much 100 percent of the children. and that's a problem. that's why we are seeing this phi began particular surge. >> the children is the tip of the spear. the fact is at this point somewhere in the realm of almost 11,000 unaccompanied children in custody at the border patrol. add to that family units and then, of course, the every day occurrence of criminal aliens, narcotic traffickers, people that have warrants that have been outstanding be the mixture in and of itself as it becomes a crisis. the fact of the matter that mexico is beginning to refuse to accept expulsions under title 4. so this current situation is going to continue to increase to the point where it's going to
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overwhelm the capabilities of the immigration system. steve: yeah. you know, roy, we have heard from the president, we have heard from jen psaki. they are going to let the cameras in just not right now. why won't they let them in right now? >> i can't speak to the timing of whether or not they will let media in. the fact of the matter is what's in place today and what's in place during the obama administration and during the trump administration, the detention cells that are designed are utilized by the border patrol weren't designed for containment of children and families. they have been existence for decades. one of the things that we have asked for or border patrol has asked for is the ability to revamp and reinvest in its detention capabilities. i think what's often overlooked is the fact that there is a type night dollars toward border enforcement. when you have a surge of this nation it draws away from the mission of the border patrol, operations those funds are now dedicated to the care and
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well-being of these populations. steve: something going on right now and griff jenkins had it as part of our lead story today is the fact that the border patrol and the administration asking any federal employee how would you like to volunteer for up to 120 days down at our southern border to help, you know, tend to the children and families and things like that so the border patrol people inside with the kids right now can actually go out and patrol the border? have you ever heard of such a situation where they have put an all-points bulletin hey, who can help us? >> well, it's not unheard of during the last crisis the same thing was done. the reason we call this a crisis for the border patrol the current population in custody, i'm speaking of when i was in the tucson sector, nearly 40% of my workforce was dedicated to the care and well-being of the children and their family units, that meant the feeding the medical runs, bringing in assistance is certainly a
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benefit. but it's not the solution. steve: all right. let's see what happens. roy, thank you very much for joining us today from tucson have a great day and great week. >> thank you, take care. >> steve: all right. 46 minutes now after the top of the hour. kind of a gray day here in new york city. janice dean, the weather machine, joins us with the "foxcast." janice: gray, cold and windy across the northeast. the storm system that brought heavy rain and even storm reports all along the east coast this weekend is finally exiting but in its wake we have got cooler temperatures and very strong winds across portions of the northeast. let's take a look at it. that's the past 24 hours. we still have some residual snow showers for parts of the interior northeast and wind advisories all the way up towards maine. wind is the big weather story for a big chunk of the country including the plain states and the rockies where we have high wind warnings in effect. this is a very strong cold front that's going to move across the plains so not only those strong winds, 50, 60 miles per hour, but the potential for wildfire
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danger really from texas and the southwest all the way up to the northern plains and the miffed. that's something we are going to have to watch. otherwise, a pretty good forecast, when you don't count in the wind problem across the central u.s. it's going to remain warm over the gulf coast and parts of the south and in towards the southeast, we will dry out over parts of tennessee and kentucky. they got incredible amounts of rain this weekend. and we will get the sunshine across the northeast. 90 by the way in phoenix, arizona. that's quite notable on the map as well. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. steve: all right. janice, thank you very much. brian: all right, janice, thanks. major georgia based companies facing boycott threats from activists enraged by the state's g.o.p. election reforms. our next guest says the new law is actually designed to protect the vote, not suppress it. it's time to get that message out. plus senator tom cotton will join us the top of the hour to talk about a mere adof issues.
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i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala.
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♪ brian: 8 minutes after the top of the hour. now. this georgia republicans new voting law the cancel culture left to put pressure on the states' major events and businesses. companies like coca cola, delta airlines and home depot are all facing boycott threats denounce legislation including the masters major league all star's game. hear to react speak georgia inc. janel king. janel, it's all about this georgia law. before we get into the law, here we go again with pressuring corporations to go along with your party. >> i know. it's really ridiculous and i'm really over the whole cancel culture. but i really believe the power to defeat the cancel culture is in the hands of us, the people. you know, the 74 million people that voted for president trump, we are rejecting all of this. what we need is the 80 million people that, quote, up quote, voted for president biden to stand up and say no, you are not
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going to tell me where i can go, what i can wear, what i can do during my leisure time. it's absolutely ridiculous. >> go the to reality of what this georgia is bill is the governor and his communication teams doesn't which is ridiculous. janel, first off, no water, it's a crime to give water or refreshments to people on n. line, the reality. >> no. the reality is that you are not supposed to walk up to individuals within a certain feet from the precinct that they will be voting in and hand them water and food. but there can be refreshment stations that are there go and grab or bring your own water. it's totally fine. and not to mention if the line gets too long you can simply -- they have the power now the counties to open up new precincts. brian: what about this -- so election nearing is the problem. not refreshments. number two is limit time to request absentee ballots and ballot drop boxes location.
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what's the reality. >> i mean, the reality is when it comes to these drop boxes we have never had them prior to the pandemic. and now that we do, we just want to make sure that they are in secure locations. if you are not comfortable with going there or the drop box is too far from your home, the drop box that's closest to you is your mailbox, drop it in the mailbox and it keep it going. brian: allows election boards to replace election officials in underperforming. it does allow sunday voting, correct? >> it does. and actually out of the 159 counties in our state about 100 counties never voted on sunday. now they have two sundays they can vote on so they increased voting days in those counties. brian: i think these corporations have to stand up and find out what this bill is coca cola made this statement to the threat. we believe voting is a foundational right in america and broad base and inclusive throughout the lengths legislative solution. we have been active with the metro atlanta chamber of commerce in expressing our concerns. we along with partners sought
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improvements that enhance voting. maintain election integrity and serve all georgians. all a political boycott going on baseball and the masters is beginning to cave. does it bother you? >> oh, absolutely. you know, my husband and i are season ticket holders at the atlanta braves and we look forward to the games. so, yeah, it totally bothers us. prescribe brian thanks so much janel, hopefully the truth will get out there. >> thank you, brian. brian: the biden administration has refused to give former president trump credit for the success of operation warp speed, coming up, guess who is trying to take credit for covid-19 vaccines now it rhymes with fauci. so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ are you managing your diabetes... ...using fingersticks?
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with the new freestyle libre 2 system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose with a painless, one-second scan. and now with optional alarms, you can choose to be notified if you go too high or too low. and for those who qualify, the freestyle libre 2 system is now covered by medicare. ask your doctor for a prescription. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at freestyle libre 2 dot u.s. ♪♪ guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional.
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♪ griff: a surge of migrant children could last at least seven months. >> please give dignity to the people. >> you were hired two weeks ago and you were instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken. >> all we have to do is go back to what we were doing before president biden, itlike fixed in a week. >> the total package we are still working out he is going to introduce some ways to pay for that. >> if they reverse the trump tax cuts, it is the middle class and the lower income who will be hurt the most. >> the world health organization team only spent three hours at the lab. >> this group of experts only saw what the chinese government wanted them to see. >> the most likely etiology of this pathogen in wuhan was from a laboratory.
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carley: massive cargo ship blocking the sue he see canal is being turned in the right direction. >> it is the of the ship the bough is still plowed into the heavy mud. ♪ let me take you dancing ♪ ♪ steve: some at a, when tourism returns to u.s. city that's one of the most popular spots the intrepid museum on the hudson river. if you go to our location and drive out toward the river it's right there. welcome, everybody, to monday, march 29 the 9th, 2021. it's also holly monday. yesterday was palm sunday and the day before passover started. brian: just reminds me of that song how much i miss the clubs. that's the type of song that i would stay in the clubs dancing 2:30 until one of the producers said you have got to go to work. those were the old days. ainsley: did you ever do that?
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be honest. [buzzer] brian: never done that. steve: only club i ever danced in price club. brian: maybe a sport bar. someone says the game is over you should leave. that's about it. meanwhile, back to the issue at hand, peter doocy joins us live from the white house with the president's new plan to handle the border crisis. is he going to try, peter? peter: he is going to try. he says he is and we are learning now though that the border patrol is bracing for this migrant surge to last through october and the feds are so overwhelmed ahead of this seven month prolonged surge that government is now asking current federal employees not just from health and human services to consider 120 days deployments to the most overwhelmed areas. >> our objective is to take a different approach from the last administration. we are not going to send children under the age of 18, kids under the age of 18 back on
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this treacherous journey. it does not mean that they get to stay in the united states. it means their cases are adjudicated. >> president trump announced this weekend he is heading to the border within the next several weeks because he says that he has heard from law enforcement officials who want him to drop by. but, he doesn't think there is a rush for him to take that trip and these are travel plans that president biden doesn't seem to want to be bothered with. >> we are putting in place a plan that i feel very confident about, and i don't care what the other guy does. pete: president biden's public schedule does not have any events about immigration on it. the focus today is on covid-19. he is going to get a private briefing about the pandemic from his team and then he is going to step in front of the cameras and give update about the state of vaccinations, back to you. ainsley: he hasn't been down there, kamala harris hasn't been down there either. brian: she has a folder on this
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stuff, didn't she? steve: thank you, peters. let's bring in republican arkansas senator tom cotton. good morning to you. >> good morning, everyone. steve: what do you make of the fact. peter just mentioned this that the federal government is taking the extraordinary measure of sending out word to any federal employee hey, how would you like to leave that boring job in washington and come down to our southern border for 120 days because it's all messed up down here? >> well, i was there last week and what i saw was an absolute crisis. these things are heart-breaking, of course. you have young moms and dads with small children sitting under a bridge in the middle of the night waiting to be processed. inside some of these facilities you have small children without even parents there are who are sleeping right next to each other in large, i guess you might call them cages, guys. they replaced the chain linked fence with plastic walls. but, still they are packed in
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tight. but all of that all of that steve, is addressing the symptoms not the cause. asking federal employees to deploy to the border is addressing the symptoms, not the cause. the cause is joe biden opening our border and saying anyone who comes here can get in. especially anyone who has a child under the age of 18. well, guess what you get? tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands more of? people showing up with young kids. i spoke to several of them on friday night. or thursday night underneath that bridge. and i asked them why they came? almost to a person they said to find a job or to get a better life. they didn't say they were facing persecution because of their race or ethnicity or sex or political views or religion. they came because they want a better life. i can understand that's not basis for asylum under our country's laws. they are coming because joe biden dismantled the highly effective policies of the trump administration. they could reinstitute all of those today. they could say we are going to turn back everyone who comes to the border because of the pandemic. they can say you have to adjudicate your asylum claims in
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the first country you enter after you left your country most likely gawt. if you get to the border, you have to remain in mexico. all of those highly effective policies and not a single one resulted in kids or even adults being turned that the mexican desert as he and his administration lied. they put them back on planes and sent them home. after you send them back home on one plane and neighbors and country men see that guess what in the rest of them stop coming. ainsley: senator ted cruz was on that trip with you. he was at a facility in donna, i think it was donna, texas. and staffer came up to him and said you need to put down your phone you are not allowed to record. this watch this. >> you don't want the pictures taken, the rules are arbitrary and they are designed. >> give the people dignity and respect. that's all we ask. >> well, no, it's not. you are -- is this dignity and respect. >> please give dignity and respect to the people i ask you. >> there is a pandemic. >> i respectfully ask you, sir. with full hearted. >> disrespecting the rights. >> full hearted i ask you please
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respect the people. >> are you respecting the rights for the kids. >> this is not a zoo, sir. please respect the rights of the people. >> you are right this is a dangerous place. >> tried to hide them. i understand you are instructed when 18 senators came down here. >> respect the people. >> i respect them and i want to fix this situation. >> we all want to fix, this sir. we don't want this to happen anymore. >> responsible for this condition. ainsley: senator, tell us what you experienced? what's going on in that video? >> i saw the same thing. this little political worked two weeks. tried to told sullivan it escort out of the facility i wondered who is going to da that. the border patrol agrees that joe biden's policy utter and toddle total failure. that's the thing we consistently heard. is if you let them in, more will come. not shockingly if you say that minors get into the country or that anyone who shows up with a child under the age of 6 gets into the country, guess what?
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you get more in this country it. leads to the heart breaking scenes that we have seen in pictures and videos from my colleagues. again, those are all just the symptoms not the cause. the cause is letting them into the country in the first place. once they are in, they will never go home. many of them are not even getting a notice to appear in court. if they do appear in court, and they get a notice of removal deportation, joe biden has halted deportations. these people know that they can get into our country and they are never going to have to go home and lead a better life. that is the ultimate failure of our immigration system. it could all be solved by simply saying you cannot get. in do not come. if you do we will send you home. brian: you don't have a big heart when you say every unaccompanied minor gets to stay. you have -- i think you are not thinking this through. because if every kid comes, what about the kids that are here? we don't exactly have a social infrastructure right now overrun with cash. we are $27 trillion in debt. we have a lot of foster kids that need homes, we have a lot
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of kids that need to be adopted. why are we taking in four different countries and i will bring something else up? they made two ridiculous statements. joe biden says he replaced a light on a city block and he stopped gangs in central america. remember that from thursday. and then yesterday kate bettingfield said we are going to put money into opening up boys clubs in these triangle countries. that's right, they are here because there are no boys clubs. that's really going to make tremendous progress. maybe can play intramuller basketball or tag that will really stem. this some of the things they are saying is farcical and never pressed on them. >> are, brian. let's look at the facts, as well. that's countries like guatemala, el salvador and honduras. they are not heaven on earth. there are plenty of places in those countries that are safe. you have a first duty if you want to seek asylum is to seek it within your own country. move to a safer part of your own
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country. those countries as a whole have lower murder rates than some of our cities like baltimore. so those people who are claiming they want to come here and seek asylum have no basis under our law to seek asylum. just because your country has violence or poorer than the united states doesn't give you a basis to come here. you have to be the victim of sissatic persecution for things like religious you have as or political views race or sex. not a single one with whom i spoke claimed that the other night. they all were responding to joe biden and to his decisions to allow them in. and if we let them, in more will come by the hundreds of thousands. brian: they are coming. >> it's going to cost hard-working taxpayers billions of dollars. it's going to put not just our border security at risk, it's going to put our national security at risk as well. steve: that's absolutely right. let's talk a little bit about your day job, aside from your trip last week to -- down to texas. and that is as the u.s. senator it sounds like very soon you are going to be considering even more legislation that has
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gigantic price tag. if you thought that $2 trillion economic stimulus for covid was big, that just turns out to be an advertiser it. looks like, senator, there could be a $3 trillion immigration bill, at least that's what jen psaki alluded to yesterday on "fox news sunday." watch this. >> i don't think republicans in this country think we should be 13th in the world as it relates to infrastructure. roads, railways, rebuilding them, that's not a partisan issue. that's a lot of what the president will talk about this wednesday. then he will have another package, another proposal that he will put forward in just a couple of weeks that will address a lot of issues that the american people are struggling with child care, the colmes of healthcare. so that's what they can expect to hear from him in april. steve: that's all part of an infrastructure. i said immigration. democrats are actually considering immigration into the infrastructure. they are talking about drug prices, healthcare, pre-k, anything they can think of they
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know, senator, this is the last chance before the train leaves the station to put everything in that because they want to get rid of the filibuster and they just want to pass it with a simple majority through reconciliation. >> they know their agenda is extremely unpopular. what they're calling a infrastructure bill by aall accounts a trojan horse. raise taxes on american businesses and families. and then, two, they will stuff that bill not with money for roads and bridges and highways, but for their longstanding liberal priorities. we could reach a bipartisan compromise on infrastructure. we did just five years ago. we got more than 80 votes and it didn't raise taxes. one thing we did was streamline a lot of regulation and permitting requirements that liberals have piled on for decades. that's one reason why it only
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took a year and a half to build the pentagon which is still the world's largest office building in the 1940s, it took years to repair, simply to repair a bridge in front of the pentagon that only runs a couple hundred feet. it it's that kind of regulatory burdens and red tape that has driven up the cost of infrastructure so high. we should keep our focus on where we can have the biggest impact without adding more and more taxes on the american people. the administration now through pete buttigieg is saying they may tax how many miles we may drive. require us all to download an app. on smart phones or install something in our vehicle to tell the government where we're drivinger single minute so the government can send a tax bill at the end. steve: they already know they are tracking us all. ainsley: if you move to a lower tax state they are going to tax you if you move during the pandemic. speaking of the pandemic, we all want to note origin of how this thing started because some people have lost their lives and it's just a paused our entire world. and the w.h.o. sent a group of experts over to china to try to
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investigate and jamie mets zelle who is the former national security official in the clinton administration and advisory committee interviewed on "60 minutes" said this is no investigation china is setting all this up. listen. >> really call what's happened now an investigation? it's essentially a highly chaperoned and curated study tour. everybody around the world is imagining this is some kind of full investigation. it's not. this group of experts only saw what the chinese government wanted them to see. it was agreed, first, that china would have veto power over who even got to be on the mission. secondly,. >> and w.h.o. agreed to that? >> w.h.o. agreed to that. imagine if we had asked the soviet yet union to do a co-investigation of chernobyl. it doesn't really make sense. ainsley: what is your reaction to that?
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>> well, is he right about that. this is not an investigation. it was not a real inquiry about the w.h.o. they went to wuhan and had the equivalent of coffee and donuts in a conference room at wuhan. told by officials there is nothing to see here. a bat in wet market or frozen food from abroad. they didn't get to conduct a real investigation because china is continuing to cover up the origins as i have said now for over a year. the best case of looking at the evidence, circumstantial evidence but the evidence we have available thanks to the chinese cover-up is that this virus was being studied in one of those labs in wuhan and it accidentally escaped. that's the best evidence. we may never know for sure because china has probably destroyed a lot of the evidence. it's incumbent on china to discover what has happened. i and others have best explanation why this virus originated where it did. if china wants to disperuvian it they're become to come over. china has a history of laboratory sloppiness. they had safety concerns about this specific laboratory as
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reported by our didn'ts a couple years ago. i think the best case this was an accidental leak are from that lab in wuhan and china should be responsible for it. brian brine there is nobody better we could be speaking to right now than you. you were the first one who said in december and january to stop the flights from china and look at the wuhan lab and they came out ripping at you irresponsible lawmaker makes a statement. they probably will arrest you if you ever show up in china and you end up being 100 percent right. the secretary of state anthony blinken said yesterday when asked about punishing china for the pandemic. he kind of punted on it. we want to make sure to stop the next one. shouldn't would he be looking at punishment for the country that poisoned the world and seems to be profiting from it? >> yeah, brian, that's why i have introduced legislation that would take away their immunity from lawsuits in america from people who have suffered because of this virus. other steps we can take, too, though, that will hit china where it will hurt in pocketbook. tariffs placed on them. trying to decouple our economy from china's economy on a
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targeted and sensible basis from sanctioning those people that were involved in the cover-up of this outbreak. so there are many steps we can take both directly and indirectly to make china pay. brian: h and m and nike getting that course now. getting sanctioned because they spoke up about the slave labor to make their stuff and now they are getting sanctioned. i think there should be a notice to corporations in america to bring your stuff here or make it somewhere else. get it out of china. steve: senator, thank you very much for spending a little of your monday with us. ainsley: thanks, senator. >> thank you all. steve: you bet. ainsley: carley has more headlines for us. carley: update for you here. funeral for the boulder shooting victims are set to begin one week after a gunman carried out a deadly reign of terror. this as first responders from northern colorado raised $22,000 for fallen police officer eric talley's family. pledging to donate all proceeds to help the hero's wife and seven children.
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talley will be laid to rest tomorrow. governor andrew cuomo's administration kept covid-19 tests from nursing homes at the height of the pandemic. the "new york post" reporting the state's department of health ignored a county official's plea for testing equipment for three nursing homes in his jurisdiction. cuomo allegedly pulled strings to secure test for pharma executives as well as relatives, including his brother chris. cuomo, a spokesperson denied allegations of preferential treatment. today, ohio, louisiana, and texas become the latest states to allow anyone 16 and over to get the covid-19 vaccine. they join more than a handful of states that allow any adult to receive a vaccine. state health departments are still asking providers to prioritize those 80 and over. 14 states have announced plans to open eligibility in april. good news there. not so good news here.
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take a look at this. two florida teens get stuck high in the sky while on a ride at an amusement park. they were suspended more than 3a slingshot ride broke down. it is part of the old town theme park in kissimmee. passed a inspection earlier this month. the teens were thankfully not hurt, but that is certainly a ride they will never forget, guys. ainsley: yeah, that would be scary. steve: i was on one of those once. that was enough. carley: i agree with you there. ainsley: thanks, carley. the massive cargo ship stuck in the suez canal finally -- shortage like your toilet paper ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ you got to give for what you take ♪ freedom ♪ freedom
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♪ freedom ♪ you got to give for what you take ♪ i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala.
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being. ainsley: we are back with a fox news alert. the mammoth cargo ship blocking one of the world's vital shipping lanes is almost free. blocked traffic in the suez canal six days now costing nearly $10 billion per day in global trade. here to react is the host of making money on fox business charles payne. good morning to you, charles. >> good morning. ainsley: how did this even happen? >> they say the wind. i don't know. it's kind of remind me when that one guy that one ship director was showing off for a woman a few years ago and turned a whole big ship over this. obviously is much bigger. we are talking about a ship that
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contain 220,000 tons of dead weight. we will see what happens. but it really is remarkable and points to a couple things how fragile our international trade is. right? you have got just a few areas, of course, the suez canal if they don't go clown they have to go down to south africa the cape of good hope and the trans-pacific trade that we do. and it's really amazing. you mentioned it. $10 billion a day of good that go in and out of this canal. and i think this is yet another wake-up call for america and americans and our leaders to maybe think about what we want to produce in this country. what we would like to pay a little bit extra for because every now and then we get a ding that reminds us the cost can actually be a lot higher if we are not prepared and if we are not more self-sufficient. ainsley: that's good point. hundreds of vessels are waiting to pass through that area the suez canal blocking so many
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people and companies from getting their supplies including toilet paper and coffee and furniture. how big of a deal is that for our country? >> let me tell you the whole coffee thing, the furniture, all of that, that's actually precedes the suez canal and much bigger deal. we have had a container shipment issue crisis if you will in the world and what happened ainsley as we started coming out of the pandemic, our economy, the american economy has taken off big time, the rollout of the vaccine has been much better than anybody else's and certainly better than any nation in asia. what happened is whenever thee containers get to america we don't send them back. they are not buying our goods. they can't afford our goods. so every time we get them, we have been stacking them up and stacking them up. so now china doesn't have any. and what's happening is it's become a perilous thing where 9/11 brazil where we get most of the pulp for our toilet paper they don't have them. it's become a global
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international issue. one thing to be short of toilet paper. another thing not to have enough computer chips made in this country. not enough to have enough steel made in this country particularly as we probably in the next five years will need more warships. it's another wake-up call. on an ordinary day or time whenever thee vessels come in from china, arab sharks particularly china, when we send them back outs of every four we get we send back three empty. that tells us how lopsided our trade is with asia and particularly with china. it's a wake-up call. it's a wake-up call and i hope someone wakes up today and tomorrow without toilet paper they wonder what else should would he be supplying ourselves with. ainsley: never thought we would be talking about this again right, a toilet paper shortage. >> oh, boy. ainsley: thanks, charles you can making money weekdays at 2:00 p.m. eastern. dr. fauci taking credit for operation warp speed.
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>> the decision we made to go all out and develop a vaccine may have been the best decision that i have ever made. ainsley: dr. marc siegel is going to react to that coming up next. ♪ down the road ♪ got a long, long way to go ♪ care to live, care to die ♪ it's not perfect but we try ♪ get along ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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♪ carley: good morning, we are back with a look at your headlines, d.c. mayor muriel bowser takes heat for tweeting after carjacking and death of a uber eats. telling fox news in a statement today's prescheduled social media post was part of that effort and should not detract from the tragic death of who he ham mad anwr, the 66-year-old died last week when he was throne from his car. thrown from their car. dog marlee after help fight off a knife wielding intruder. >> if it hadn't been for her that guy could have gone -- he could have gone into their rooms or something. >> my goodness, the crook was
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able to get in through a back door. marlee and his owner fighting off the suspect who ran away. police were able to catch up with the man a little while later. krispy kreme controversy. the company's ceo defending its covid promotion giving free donuts to those who show proof of vaccination. this after critics claim the company is promoting obesity. ceo mike at that time%field pushing back calling it generosity telling yahoo finance, quote if folks don't want to visit a doughnut shop they don't have to. sounds like a reasonable response, brian. brian: i don't mind the free market helping out. i don't like mandates. thanks a lot, carley. 27 minutes before the top of the hour. the ongoing success of operation warp speed has been one of president trump's greatest accomplishment, i thought. it appears someone else wants credit for it. >> the decision we made on january the 10th to go all out and develop a vaccine may have
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been the best decision that i have ever made. [laughter] brian: whoever thought a vaccine when a virus hits? let's bring in dr. marc siegel. dr. siegel, what's the reality there? >> well, the relate is that president trump put together a project that involved the military, fiewrmt companies, hhss, yes, nih and they made a deal and bought vaccines in advance of knowing if the science worked. that's never been done in history and that's why we got vaccines out in unbelievable record time. dr. fauci played an important role at nih they oversaw the no concern in a vaccine they were involved. they at any time oversee all the vaccines they came out of. if da. he should not be taking credit for this. it's out of line. time to stop bashing president trump by of the way regarding operation warp speed. this is a huge accomplishment of the administration. fauci played a role. brian: is he such political figure that people look up as someone to worship when is he purely playing politics almost
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every day. when he is asked to put himself on the line he henels constantly. i'm dying to get a soundbite that actually helps people or helps show when he gist out information. something else he had an opportunity to dos yesterday. jamie metzl was on "60 minutes," adviser, former clinton adviser and also somebody who is an adviser to the w.h.o. incensed by the fact that the w.h.o. is kowtowing to china on this investigation having said that the reality that the w.h.o. brought through in a dog and pony show through -- for the wuhan lab and try to find out how this pandemic started well, here is what jamie said last night. >> i wouldn't really call what's happened now an investigation. it's essentially a highly chaperoned, highly curated study tour. this grouch experts only saw what the chinese government wanted them to see.
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brian: dr. fauci had a chance to respond to that. and he punted. oh the w.h.o. in china we still don't know where it started. why wouldn't he be more incensed than anyone that we don't have the origins of this virus? >> well, he should be, brian. as you know, the nih was involved with research going on in the wuhan institute of virology. and i have a question. which is this. it's a question dr. redfield was asking on that show, which is okay, maybe it started in a bat cave in southern china and maybe it was in a coronavirus there. but how did it get to wuhan? well, guess what? the wuhan institute of virology studies bat coronavirus. they go to pat caves. they harvest these viruses. they bring them into the lab. redfield asked another question how did it suddenly overnight become this enormous pandemic when we know that's not how viruses work. it takes many, many months unless someone in a lab is
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manipulating it. has this lab ever had lab accidents before? where people have gotten sick on viruses they have been studying? yes. they have a very poor safety record. could this have leaked out of the lab? absolutely. the alternative story that it somehow went from a wild animal farm to the wet market, you know, thousands of miles away and then, bam, jump species overnight, that's less plausible. so, of course china is covering this up. and, of course we have not gotten the proper answers and maybe now we can finally start to investigate this with jamie metzl come up front like this and tom cotton how just had on. we have to find out the answer. it's very suspicious, brian. brian: why do you need to find out the answer from the medical perspective real quick? why does it matter? >> first of all it, matters in terms of future pandemics. this is the second sars virus that came out of china. this one has been horrendous to the world. if this is what is happening other there, the world has to be way, way more involved. we wanted boots on the ground initially we didn't get it.
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if there is a cover-up here it's an international crime of unprecedented proportions. we need to know. brian: how do we stop the next one if we don't know how this started? dr. siegel, thanks so much. >> >> thank you, brian. brian: border towns across texas overwhelmed as the migrant crisis shows no signs of slowing. tom homan and chip roy are touring the border today. they will sound off next. ♪
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with. >> you just said moments ago this could be fixed in a week. how? >> just go back to doing what we were doing in december. all you have to do is talk to the border patrol members. they will tell you straight up. all we have to do is go back to what we were doing before president biden -- fraudian slip, president biden undid everything that the republican congress and the trump administration did. easy peasy, done. it will be fixed in a week. brian: simple solution from g.o.p. senator john kennedy, is he right? as the migrant on ourborder int. ainsley: congressional delegates from texas are visiting the borders to assess the situation for themselves. steve: retired acting ice director tom homan and texas congressman chip roy will take part. they join us right now. good morning both of you. ainsley: good morning. >> good morning, y'all. >> good morning.
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steve: congressman roy, you know, the administration has been reluctant to let any members of the press come down there and just look at it with their own two eyes. what is it joe biden is hiding? >> well, first of all, i don't believe the letter last week to push on the administration to allow press to get down to the border today i hope to take some press with me directly down to the rio grande. you know, i go to the border frequently. i have been there two weeks ago i went to laredo and saw firsthand i was being interviewed by bright part on the rio grande in a number of illegals bolted across the river behind us. we had to interrupt the would you have while cbp had to stop it. i i was there hundreds of detentions sitting on the river. the reality is president biden doesn't want the american people to know that his specific policies, his administration's policies that are causing this crisis. this is a criticize. we are going to have upwards of 125,000 apprehensions in february. that's not the whole story. because border patrol is now
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distracted running processing facilities in the mcallen and now we have got massive amounts of narcotics coming up between the ports of entry and cartels exploiting it for profit. i had the district attorney of bernie, texas, a suburb of san antonio call me all sorts of frustrated because they encountered a car load of illegals one of them was a boy who paid $4,000 to go work for a vineyard in california lo and behold he was taking to a stash house to be put into human trafficking. they nabbed the cartel guy behind it and then they took to the feds and the feds won't do anything about it. that's the story that joe biden doesn't want the american people to know. cartels are getting full operational control of our border. they have got control of mexico and it's all because they stopped doing the policies of president trump which was actually tough on the border. ainsley: tom, ted cruz just went down there and he said what he saw was the worst he has ever seen. he said they are renting out babies and they will use the same babies or same little
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children over and over and over. just so that they can get into the country. have you seen anything like that? >> well, yes, actually when i was ice director, we had numerous investigations on children being arrested by cartels. they would be put with adult male and female and got released by the border patrol the child would be sent back to be rerented. i'm not waiting. i actually went out there last night, within 20 minutes i saw two separate groups by the time we were done about 180 that walked out of the brush and turned themselves into border patrol two. things i want to share. first of all fox network someone yelled ice manic name, border agent walks up to me and thanks me and thanks fox network and telling the truth his words. their boss secretary president crisis so thank god fox news [inaudible] talk of the station that fox news is telling the story. the second thing i want to say is i saw compassion last night.
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i saw 7-year-old little girl scared and crying. i saw big burly border patrol agent get down on his knee and talk to that child like it was his child. within a few minutes she cracked a smile. unlike what the president said, these aren't people watching starving children on river bank, they are heros that show much compassion. brian: do you know what the key is tom homan worked for two administrations democrat and republican. you have congressman cuellar and gonzalez. you have to get democrats with you who obviously congressman cuellar get it who are just as passionate about you because people look when you speak and the other side speaks as partisan. this is a bipartisan american problem. have you done that at all? >> i had dinner with henry cuellar in laredo with border patrol two weeks ago or today. and we sat down and talked about what we need. henry and i introduced legislation to establish a road along the rio grande to help
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border patrol do their job. this is a problem that i think increasingly, you know, the democrat mayor of del rio he raised his hand up and said hey, look, president biden, you guys are failing. you are overrunning our cities, our hospitals, our schools, but also this is the important part and tom just mentioned it, this is horrible for the immigrants, the democrats are saying they are trying to help. they are being literally used as pawns to make money, tens of thousands of dollars per individual sometimes. three to 7,000 for some. $11 million a day for the cartels in laredo, $11 million a day moving human beings for profit. that's what's really going on. president biden now appoints kamala harris to clean up. brian: where is she. >> even worse because she called ice the equivalent of the kkk? tom homan, my friend here, she is making the brave officers of ice and equalgt them to the kkk. said they should be abolished. she said she was for sanctuary cities.
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she is going to take what's already a bad situation and make it worse. the way to fix this is on a bipartisan basis, understand that what trump from was right, that we should go back to mexico, have the return-to-mexico policy put in place. stand up strong on title 42 and covid and stop this crisis before it hurts more americans and more immigrants. steve: all right. congressman, mr. homan, we know you have got to go take a tour later today. thank you very much for joining us today here on "fox & friends." >> thanks, y'all, god bless you. ainsley: god bless you. brian: straight ahead, all eyes on alabama as amazon employs effort to unionize brought even bernie sanders attention a report on importance of such vote in decades. marco rubio is on board. us on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine!
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♪ steve: well, today could be the most important union vote in decades here in the united states. as amazon warehouse workers in the state of alabama decide whether or not they should unionize. connell mcshane with our sister network fox business joins us live from alabama with the implications of today's vote. connell jeff bezos has plenty of dough, what's at stake here. >> i mentioned before the last
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break that bernie sanders and marco rubio are on the same side of this so it's made for political strange bed fellows. there has never been a amazon union in the u.s. company is doing all it can to not be the first one formed here. actively encouraging to vote no. representatives on the road pushing for the yes vote. union leadership retail wholesale and department store union is just getting this far with amazon in alabama. that's a win. >> i believe this campaign has opened the door no matter what happens with the vote count, with more organized and across the country of amazon facilities and at other companies as well. >> workers here all make over $15 an hour. so money ♪ the only issue they are fighting over. the union officials have been tell us they have been getting complaints about working conditions. people saying that they are
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treated like robots, that they are afraid to take bathroom breaks. that kind of thing. not all workers tell that same story. in fact, we spoke to a couple here in bessemer who tell us they want nothing to do with the union. they like things just the way they are. >> my associates go to the bathroom when they have to use it all that kind of stuff. i don't understand where it is actually coming from. >> i mean, where can you find an entry level job, entry level does not require you to have college, anything else, and you start at 15.30 an hour? >> yeah, both sides seem to expect this vote to be close. it's right-to-work state, remember, alabama, which means it is still an uphill fight for the union here. if they do win here, they feel like they can win anywhere around the country. that's what really we will be watching. i should point out, guys, we won't know the result for some time, they don't start counting the votes until tomorrow and then there could be challenges from both side. this could drag out a little bit. steve: absolutely. the argument from the amazon
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employees during 20 to, during code, their, amazon's profits went up 84% so they can give them a little more, connell, yep, they would like to see a little bit more of that. and, again, they keep coming back to the working conditions inside the plant. you heard both sides of it there. some people say it's great. the best job they have ever had. some people say yeah, it's a little bit much and they would like oversight of that. steve: connell mcshane in alabama, sir, thank you very much. meanwhile president donald trump has been vocal on the border crisis and has a trip in the works. still don't have a plan from president biden that he has announced. lara trump on her take on this monday "fox & friends." ♪ now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ...
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does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. >> you you are being less transparent than the trump adminitration. we are committed to allowing cameras into the border patrol facility. >> please give dig it to the people. >> you were hired two weeks ago and were instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken. >> overnight engineers reportedly refloat the container ship blocking the suez canal. >> the amount of traffic stopped every day is about $10 billion. >> new questions about the origins of the covid-19 pandemic. >> saying that china did the investigation pretty much, that was it. >> imagine if we had asked the soviet union to do a co- investigation of chernoble. it doesn't really make sense. >> right here is where they would normally play but as you can see there's homeless
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encampments everywhere. you see the needles, cocaine, all of this is right in front of a school. >> something happened in brooklyn. >> [chanting] >> launches it. >> ♪ i just can't hide it, i know, i know, i know ♪ ainsley: tampa, florida it was a little hazy there i was in orlando last week, disney world and went down to the palm beach area and the weather could not have been better, sorry guys. i really missed you all. steve: it may be a little grey there but it's still going for a high today, i saw, in janice's map in the 80s. so that's great, ainsley, great to have you back from vacation. brian, great to have you back from the 7:00 show. brian: right. we'll roll together and we have big hour coming your way. steve: meanwhile peter doocy joins us live from the white house as we learn the crisis at the southern border is expected to get worse and peter, they are
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also asking for volunteers. who would like to head south? reporter: yes, the border patrol now expects this migrant surge is not going to end until october. that's seven more months and they are running out of federal employees to run the shelters for unaccompanied children in dallas, san diego, san antonio, and fort bliss, so now, the office of personnel management that runs the entire federal government workforce is asking for civilian federal employees to consider volunteering at one of those places for up to 120 days. >> our objective is to take a different approach from the last administration. we are not going to send children under the age of 18, kids under the age of 18, back on this treacherous journey. it does not mean that they get to stay in the united states it means their cases are adjudicated. reporter: former president trump says after hearing from law enforcement officials working the southern border he's planning to visit there within the next several weeks but there's no rush, as for president biden, he was asked if there's any update as
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to when he might take air force one to the border and see things for himself. he talked more about those trump plans than his own. >> we are putting in place a plan i'm still very confident about and i don't care what the other guy does. reporter: the president made that comment as he returned from a weekend at home in wilmington. we will see him this afternoon, talking about vaccinations but no public events about immigration on his schedule today. back to you. ainsley: thank you so much, peter. let's bring in lara trump, former senior advisor for the trump campaign, and we have a big announcement. she is a new fox news contributor. welcome to the family, lara. [applause] >> thank you. ainsley: for the folks at home that don't know you, they see you and know you're married to eric and you all have these two beautiful children but tell them a little bit about your life and where you grew up, what you're like and what you plan to
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do here at fox. >> well i'm so excited first of all to be joining the fox family i sort of feel like i've been an unofficial member of the team for so long, you guys know it was kind of a joke over the past five years i would come there so often that the security guards were like maybe we should just give you a key, so to be a part of the team i'm so so excited, but i grew up in north carolina, i grew up in north carolina, my family still lives there, i moved to new york about 14 years ago and that's when i met my husband, eric. i never expected to be part of a family like the trump family, certainly never expected to have the incredible opportunity that i had, one of them, obviously now to be part of the fox news team, so i'm so excited and so honored, and really looking forward to what's to come. steve: indeed. although, i've readjust a couple of days ago, you were still considering running for senate in north carolina. >> yeah, well, fox has been very generous with me and they had said look if that's something that you ultimately
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decide to do they are going to work with me on that front and make sure that everything all the rules are followed and we do everything properly, so thank you to the fox team for allowing me to have the possibility that that's in the future so i still haven't officially made a decision, but hopefully some time soon. brian: all right so let's move on to one of the reasons why you're valuable is your position on the big stories of the day. you know, during the campaign no one was really talking about illegal immigration to a great degree because the border was pretty settled and the big debate was on the wall and financed and they took that money and they aren't spending it and took the wall built and they're storing it or destroy ing it and now we're seeing an n our southern border. they even have to take guards from the north and bring them down to the south. here is jen psaki trying to explain her way through why it's okay for kids to come. >> at this point, in terms of allowing access to border patrol facilities for reporters, you are being less transparent than
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the trump adminitration. >> well, first of all, chris, the trump adminitration was turning away kids at the border, sending them back on the treacherous journey or they were ripping kids from the arms of their parents. we're not doing that. we are committed to allowing cameras into the border patrol facilities, absolutely. brian: treacherous journey, rip ping kids from parents? >> yeah, totally ridiculous. obviously none of that was the case. in fact, we had the most secure border under my father-in-law under president donald trump that we have had in decades and i think the best thing possible is to discourage people from making that really dangerous awful journey north through our southern border. the problem is that the biden administration has said, well if they come, we'll take you in so guess what's going to continue to happen. you're going to continue to have all of these children, you know, flooding our southern border. it is so sad. it is so hard to watch, but we have to get this under control. this is not tear to these kids.
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it's not fair to americans who are footing the bill now. $86 million to pay for hotel rooms for illegal immigrants. people that are breaking our law , coming to america, we are paying $86 million for hotel rooms. it is totally unacceptable, but you know what? we don't expect to see that change because this seems almost like it's part of the biden plan , sadly. steve: well you know, lara, as we look at these images that dead cruz, i think, took over the weekend inside that facility at donna, texas, they are horrible and of course when your father-in-law was president they referred to conditions much nicer than that as kids in cages , but you know what? i don't think the people there and i don't think the democrats, for the most part, mind those particular overcrowded conditions because they know that everybody in that facility is going to wind up getting released into the united states. they are being processed. next stop, any town usa so it's
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just the price you have to pay for them to get into the united states. >> yeah, well and it's total hypocrisy you bring up a great point. the way they covered this , under the trump adminitration versus the biden administration, is total hypocrisy. where is the outrage from the folks on the left? where is aoc down there doing a photo op crying in front of a wall because i have news for her it's much worse right now than it ever was under the trump adminitration yet it has been crickets from those folks and i think it tells a very scary story. they know that they have million s of illegal immigrants coming to america. they are trying to change our voting laws, they are hoping one day that all of these folks can go in and vote with no id, because that's one of the things in hr-1 they are proposing these are their new voters and it is a terrifying prospect if we let everybody flee flow over our southern border, guys it is a very very scary thing going on. ainsley: i know your father-in-law worked really hard to get the vaccines and that was
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operation warp speed but democrat joe biden and his administration, refuse to give him credit. watch this. >> there was no national strategy or plan for vaccinations. in many ways, we're starting from scratch. >> two months ago, the country, this country, didn't have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or near all of the american public. >> does former president trump not deserve any credit on vaccines? >> making the progress that was made and we've said this publicly, that was made on these vaccines was incredible efforts by science, and by medical experts, and certainly, we have applauded that in the past and we're happy to applaud that again. ainsley: but then there's dr. fauci. he's taking credit for it, listen. >> when i saw what happened in new york city, almost over running of our healthcare system, it was like oh, my goodness, and that's when it
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became very clear that the decision we made on january 10 to go all-out and develop a vaccine may have been the best decision that i've ever made with regard to an intervention as the director of the institute. ainsley: lara, what's your response for that? >> well it's almost hard to watch that without laughing and with all due respect to dr. anthony fauci, it was president donald trump and operation warp speed that allowed us to get to this point right now, where we have so many millions of people vaccinated across the country, we're headed towards herd immunity. i have been in the presence of my father-in-law. when he would get a call from the folks that were developing these vaccines and they would say we don't know if it'll be ready and he would say go back to work, we need this vaccine, we need a safe, effective vaccine to get america backup and running so i don't know sort of what fantasy land dr. fauci was living in but it was under the direct direction
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of president donald trump that we got these vaccines and thank god we did, because america is finally starting to come back. i think people are starting to feel like this nightmare might be over but i give full and 100% complete president to president donald trump. brian: so lara, can you give us an idea of what's going on in mar-a-lago? we know the president gave an impromptu speech at a wedding over the weekend, had a tux on and talked a little bit about politics and we also know he's considering going down to the border. he says he's been asked to go in the next two weeks. is he getting, are you getting the sense that he's getting set to run again? >> well, i'll leave that announcement up to him if that's something he ultimately decides to do, but it's really hard, i think, to see sort of the disaster that has ensued since joe biden took office. whenever you set things up so well, and stay silent, so i know the border patrol wants to have my father-in-law come down to the southern border. i mean, he was the person that really turned things around down
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there, and really got us in such a better spot with illegal immigration and america. he did give a speech at a wedding, eric and i were there over the weekend. he was so happy to be there, but look, he is doing what he feels he needs to do. he's standing up and continuing to speak out for the 75 million-plus americans that voted for him. he has not forgotten about them. they will not be left behind by president donald trump, and quite frankly it's one of the reasons that i'm so happy now to be part of the fox family , because i hope every single day i can represent them, here on fox and you know, make sure that we are transparent because quite frankly, the biden administration is not. we need to call them out for their failures. my father-in-law will continue to do that and i will continue to do that here on fox. steve: that's right people said at the very beginning of the segment, lara trump is now the newest member of the fox news family. ainsley: welcome to the family, lara. >> thank you, guys so great to be with you. brian: we'll see you at the
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christmas party. steve: hope we have one this year. ainsley: i was going to say that can i go to the christmas party? brian: you definitely can go. steve: you didn't say what year. ainsley: very excited to have lara trump, she's such a sweetheart good person in terms of the knowledge. brian: so you will approve this >> yes, i sign off on the dotted line. we'll start with a fox news alert the massive cargo ship blocking the suez canal is being turned into the right direction. overnight engineers were able to refloat it after it ran aground last week. the hopeful development comes as it grows with an international impact due to the week-long blockage. bloomberg estimates $9.6 billion is being lost every day. the canal is closed. >> happening today, the trial of former minneapolis police officer derrick chovin is expected to begin. the ex-cop is facing
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manslaughter as well as second and third degree murder charges in the death of george floyd last may. a vigil was held by floyd's family on sunday as crowds have already begun gathering outside the government building where the trial is taking place. >> turning to extreme weather. a state of emergency is in effect for nashville after at least four people died from flash flooding. first responders rescuing dozens of people as the water began rising, sub merging cars and homes. drone video shows the extent of damage. a high school's athletic facility flooded as water nearly rises over a highway. the rainfall going down as one of the wettest days in the state 's history. >> well, get ready for one more game of football. the nfl is reportedly announcing the expansion of the regular season from 16 to 17 games. the move was actually ratified a year ago but several high profile players are not happy about it, including seattle
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seahawks quarterback russel wilson. the 16-game season has been in place since 1978 but one more game, guy, means one more chance of injury is that right, brian? brian: that could be the negative, that's where the players look at it this is tackle football. >> i stole that from you when you said it in the 5:00 hour and i claimed it as mine. brian: how dare you. ainsley: so what's the positive of it? brian: the positive is we get to watch more football. steve: for the fans another game brian: more sales, more coffee, more -- ainsley: popcorn, beer. steve: the big foam fingers. brian: a lot of money in foam fingers. ainsley: thanks so much, carlie if you can hear us. coming up, next, we bring you an up close look into seattle's homeless crisis as it spirals out of control. lawrence jones was on the ground talking to the residents there, who are reaching their breaking point. then, meet the new hampshire team whose thanking florida's governor, ron desantis, for getting his grandparents vaccinated. he's going to join us with a
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very special message for the governor. >> plus a surprise mystery guest brian: oh, no. ainsley: you do not want to miss that. steve: what a show! brian: i'm going to stick around. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ here's huge news for veteran homeowners who need cash. refiplus from newday usa. record low mortgage rates have fallen again, while home values just keep climbing. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000 for retirement tomorrow and for peace of mind today. refiplus. it's huge news. it's only for veterans. and it's only from newday usa. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur.
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brian: a new congressional report reveals homelessness across the u.s. grew by more than 2%, nearly 13,000 people, that's last year alone. in washington state though, the number was more than 6%, seattle the crisis pushing parents past their limits as encampments and you're seeing it take over parks, playgrounds, little heel fields, soccer fields fox news analyst lawrence jones went to seattle to see for
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himself. lawrence, what did you see? reporter: yeah, that's right, brian, good morning. it's a crisis that's impacting cities all across america. last week, we showed you philly. this week it's seattle, and the residents have had enough. take a look. right here is where little leaguers would normally play baseball, play at the park, play basketball but as you can see there's homeless en compment s everywhere just in the last three weeks there's already been four incidents with homeless individuals and children, and residents are reaching a breaking point. >> there was someone taken out on a stretcher earlier this week with the softball kids around. there's parents coming in the morning before kids come to the park and do a sweep to see if there's needles they needed to pick-up. >> how is that okay? how do we get to a place where we think that's normal or part of life in seattle? >> you see all of these
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encampments how does that make you feel? >> sad and depress depressed and a shame that people can't enjoy the park: reporter: you see these needles that are on the streets and drugs that you have to cross over, do you think it's a safety issue? >> y definitely. i have a little dog and i have to be careful she doesn't step on something. reporter: do you think the city leadership is doing enough to rectify the problem? >> no. >> i would like to see more leadership on the part of the city, and i do have a teenager and he's just really distressed about the situation. reporter: are you hopeful that this will change sometime soon? >> i'm not hopeful. reporter: you're not? >> i'm not hopeful but i'd like to be hopeful. i mean, i think the community needs to be brought into the process more. reporter: you see the needles, the caps to the needles, you see the tin cans, you see they use this to cook food but they also use this to cook drugs as
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well. methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin , all of this is right in front of a school, right there. they're supposed to return back in april and this is what they see as they're dropping their kids off to school. when they come out here to play for recess this is what they are going to see. they're everywhere, surrounding this field. this is where kids are supposed to be able to play. >> this is miller play field used as a multi-use field, used for soccer, baseball, lacrosse, all ages and right now the field is not being scheduled for use because of the conditions of the field and the proximity. reporter: they can't even use this field? >> it's not being scheduled any more. reporter: why not? >> because it's unsafe. this dug out here has tents in them. i see people in need, i see people that need help, and that's what we're trying to do, help them but to help ourselves return the field to its intended use. reporter: are you hearing back from the city leadership? >> i've talked to a number of
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city officials. reporter: what do they say? >> it's a tough problem to solve and we're doing the best we can. reporter: but what is the commitment? >> we haven't gotten a plan but we would like to see miller prioritized because of its proximity to the school, and because of its high use and our kids are in danger right now too whose advocating for our children? reporter: whose advocating for our children? we reached out to the mayor' office in seattle but we did not hear back from them, brian. this is a tragic story, one lady i talked to talked about her car being stolen, and she had to actually track that car down when she went into the car all she could smell is the fumes from all of the drugs that was being cooked inside of her car. this is a safety issue. kids are supposed to return back to that school in april. the question is how are they going to return when there's literally needles surrounding their school? a real impact that is, a real
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story impacting the community in seattle. brian: lawrence from what i saw , i heard about the philadelphia's issue before you went there, and it was even worse than i thought when you came back with a video, but from what i saw, looking around that area, it doesn't look like a run down area like in philadelphia. it seems like an area that normally be a safe place for kids and families. reporter: yeah, that's true, brian. you look at these communities and these nice parks, these beautiful homes, but they've been taken over and it's not just in one specific area in seattle. it's everywhere. they have made it very clear that they want this to be the city leadership a welcoming place for these people, and look , there's a balance. you want these people to get the help they need, but you can't take over parks and do drugs openly in these spaces. it's just crazy. brian: you're just saying the homeless matter more than kids, so congratulations, seattle. another good move. good job, lawrence, thank you.
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reporter: thanks, brian. brian: straight ahead president biden's spending spree shows no signs of slowing as he pushes yet another coronavirus stimulus package? does he have the political capital to pull it off weeks after securing his $2 trillion relief bill? ben domenech is up next. >> ♪ i've got my mind set on you ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal,
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and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of passover. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need
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to celebrate the holy season of passover. do you remember matza? this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. she hasn't seen unleavened bread since before the holocaust. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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steve: it sounds like president joe biden wants to continue that gigantic spending spree pushing for even more covid-19 relief, just weeks after he signed the close to $2 trillion stimulus. time for more. >> when the president advocated for the american rescue plan, he talked about this being two stages. rescue, then recovery. he will have another package, another proposal that he will put forward in just a couple of weeks that will address a lot of issues that american people are struggling with. child care, the cost of healthcare. steve: and how is all that going to be paid for? let's talk to the publisher of the federalist, fox news contributor ben domenech. ben, good morning to you. >> good morning. good to be with you. steve: okay so it's called the american rescue plan, it sounds really good, but what
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does immigration have to do with it? what does infrastructure have to do with it? what does drug prices, what does the $15 minimum wage have to do with rescuing america with covid >> well what this really is is rebranding a laundry list of lefty policies as being something that is designed to address covid when it really isn't, and we knew that in terms of the last go-around. we saw all of this money that wasn't going to be spent for years that the would not even go to anything related to covid relief or to reopening schools, and yet, the approach under barack obama was to, as ram emmanuel famously said, never let a crisis go to waste and this time, a when it comes to rebranding all of these different things, the left and via joe biden are essentially approaching this as a way to stamp covid on all of the different things they wanted to achieve anyway, and push it forward in that vein.
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this is something that is just going to be an enormous amount of money. i mean, you can't even wrap your arms around it. it's going to be something that you're paying for , that your children are paying for , that your grandchildren are paying for for the foreseeable future and yet, i think that what's really going on here is that democrats are concerned about the upcoming mid-term elections. they are concerned there's going to be a backlash, and so they are trying to push through as much spending as they possibly can in order to alter the nation in a number of critical ways. steve: well you know when you look at the american rescue plan that was signed a couple of weeks ago, politically it was brilliant because when you look at the laundry list, it had $422 billion for stimulus, aid to state and local governments, largely blue states to bail them out from some bad decisions and lockdowns, quarter of a trillion dollars for unemployment, and then 168 billion to help with education of all sorts which is
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obviously going to help the teacher's unions, but what was politically brilliant about it is most people didn't even pay attention to that. although we're worried about was where's my check? and everybody got a check who qualified, and it's like i don't care about that other stuff. just where's my check? a lot of people needed it. >> well, i think a lot of people really didn't deserve and need that kind of support because of the decisions that their governments had made, lock ing down in different ways that i think we now are going to be able to look back on and reconsider, particularly given the differences in outcome s, you know, the neanderthal thinking that is supposedly went into texas' reopening, obviously leading to continued downturns in case numbers and the kind of results that you wanted to see all along , but i think in this context what we're going to what we need to expect is that the left and democrats under joe biden's leadership are going to essentially stamp covid on every single thing that they want to achieve between now and the mid-term elections. they're going to brand it in
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some way or find some way to make it about coronavirus relief or helping those who have been communities that have been dramatically impacted by it based on race or based on class , et cetera, and that's going to be the approach that they have and we should be prepared for that in terms of arguing these issues and not allowing them to push through a laundry list of leftist policies under under the having tok anything do with with this virus steve: when you look at the national debt we are close to almost $28 trillion and i remember, i'm old enough to remember back when the republican party, you know, was all about trying to cut the deficit and trying to get the budget under control, but over the last number of years, i'd say the last six or eight years, there hasn't been much emphasis on that. >> fiscal conservatism as it turns out does not have as much of a truck among voters as it does among some portions of the republican leadership, or
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conservatives in washington, who certainly care about this and definitely work to try to get these entitlement reforms and proposals along those lines passed when they had a window of opportunity to do so. that window is now closed. we're really past it. we're seeing, you know, baby boomers retire at such a scale that it really seems to be political impossiblity, but i think that people do need to understand that there's certain economic fundamentals at play here that don't just vanish because washington would like them to, and as much as we have this attitude that printing all this money isn't going to have ramifications for the economy, i certainly think that this is something that ought to concern people going forward, not just for themselves but for future generations. steve: you know, it's great to have you here on the program. for the folks at home, anytime you're thinking you know i wonder what ben domenech is thinking, you can listen to the ben domenech podcast if you go to or wherever you download your favorite podcast you can get a little bit of ben, anytime you
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want. ben, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you very much. great to talk to you as always. steve: it always is good to have you, have a good week. straight ahead shocking new video shows biden staff members blocking lawmakers in particular , ted cruz, from recording the migrant facilities dan bongino reacts to that am coming up and then florida governor ron desantis discusses the successful vaccine rollout in florida being felt beyond the sunshine state. you'll meet a 13-year-old boy from new hampshire who has a special thank you for the governor. >> plus, look at this. a mystery guest. whose that going to be? you'll find out within the next 24 minutes.
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want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements— neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. >> you don't want the pictures taken. the rules are arbitrary and designed to keep the american people in the dark. >> that's all we ask. >> you're asking is this dignity and respect? look at these people, there's a pandemic. let me ask you, there's a pandemic. >> i ask you, sir. >> there is a pandemic. >> wholeheartedly i ask you. >> are you respecting the rights of these kids? you're right and this is a dangerous place. >> please don't treat the people like this , that's
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all i ask. >> i understand you were instructed when 18 senators came down here. >> you respect the people and give them the dignity. >> i respect them and i want to fix this situation and the administration you're working for is responsible for these conditions. ainsley: oh, that's ted cruz, he's down there at one of the facilities migrant facilit ies he's trying to record it and she comes up and says, you need to stop recording, you know, we've been suspicious as to why they won't let reporters in there and why they won't let us go in there let's bring in dan bongino, fox news contributor former secret service agent and former nypd officer, hey, dan. >> how are you good morning. ainsley: good morning, what's your reaction to that? >> well, i mean, how is this not infuriating, guys? i mean, this is a branch of government, ted cruz is a member of congress, member of the united states senate, and he's a duly-elected senator. he represents one of the largest states in the union, texas. he's down there, trying to, just take on video tape for america to see what's happening at their border. we own this.
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it's our country. it's not joe biden, okay it's ours. are we not entitled to see this and think of the nonsense from that press person or whoever she was, she's a government employee which is scary your tax dollars are paying her to block a u.s. senator from seeing what's going on. she says a couple things there which are so absurd you'd think liberals be losing their minds too. she says at one point, this is not a zoo. well, i mean, that's obvious it's not a zoo, but why are you treating people like animals then? you have them head-to- toe stacked in plastic boxes you're watching the video now guys i can see it, and wrap ped in literally, not figuratively, wrapped in literal emergency blankets, and you're claiming it's not a zoo? again, why are you treating people like animals? this is the great irony of the left. they accuse you of what they do and then they put themselves on
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this higher moral arc than you. it's just ridiculous. this is seriously, like old soviet union-type stuff. brian: yeah i was just thinking every network should be just as outraged when they offer stock footage or to see one sanitized facility as opposed to those. chris wallace did a great job pressing yesterday. former nypd cop, i find this unbelievable. new york is ending qualified immunity for police. essentially if somebody you arrest or detain doesn't like the way you treat them, you could be sued. >> yeah, i have a thought on this. you know, congress has qualified immunity too. they can go on the house floor and say things and can't be prosecuted to spur open debate. i say we take qualified immunity away from them. then you'd see a real debate about qualified immunity. brian: this is devastating. >> it is devastating having been a police officer, brian a strong libertarian streak and i'm all about accountability for police officers and most good police officers support
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that too. we already have a, know internal affairs. you have the civil civilian complaint review board where if you want to file a complaint against a cop and you're turned way that police officer can be fired for turning you away. now you want to open up police officers in the course of their duties have to engage in all kinds of behavior normal people don't. fist fights on a daily basis for people who attack police officers. now you want to open them up to lawsuits? this reminds me of thomas soul who always says liberals never think of second order effects and then what? what's going to happen after this you'll see a ferguson effect on steroids, guaranteed. steve: oh, man oh, man another reason why he moved from new york to florida. dan bongino, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thanks, guys. good talking to you. steve: quarter before the top of the hour and janice dean joins us on this holy monday, with the foxcast. >> janice: right, we had severe weather unfortunately across the east coast and flooding over tennessee, epic
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amounts of rainfall. the good news is this storm is exiting. we do have some remnant snow across the interior northeast, not a big deal here, but still very windy conditions for the northeast if you're traveling just keep that in mind , and speaking of windy conditions, and the potential for wildfire danger, we have red flag warnings in effect from texas all the way up towards the northern plains and the midwest, and there's your forecast today, so other than the windy conditions, not too bad. very warm across the southern u.s. and then we'll deal with our next storm system moving across the west tuesday into wednesday and we'll keep you up-to-date on that. enjoy your day, steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. steve: thank you very much we'll take it one day at a time, jd. straight ahead on our program, you're going to meet the new hampshire teenager whose thanking florida governor ron desantis for getting his grandparents vaccinated plus we've got a mystery guest still on deck and it's not bill hemmer or dana perino. we're going to announce right now they're coming up in 13
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minutes. >> i want a mystery guest. >> door number two. >> or you're working to get one now steve, let us know. >> good monday to you we have jim justice the governor from west virginia wants to lower taxes and the problem is this new bill is not going to let him do it so he'll make his case among many other things. >> lots of updates on immigration, and working in the trump adminitration, he will be here to talk about the difference between the trump adminitration and now, and also, we have georgia election law we'll talk about what's myth, what is facts so that you have what you need to know. >> it's like an hour and 45 minutes of more stuff too so we just say come join us for a monday we'll kick it off in 12 minutes. >> see you there. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing.
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ainsley: a 13-year-old boy from new hampshire thanking florida's governor ron desantis for protecting those most vulnerable to the coronavirus, including his grandparents, pictured right there. anthony henry writing, "you are probably curious why a teenager all the way in new hampshire is writing, or typing, to the governor of florida. my grandparents live in fort lauderdale, broward county, and they are high risk to covid-19. i thank you very deeply for getting my grandparents the
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vaccine and anthony henry joins us now. hey, anthony. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: you're welcome. thanks for spending the time most 7th graders won't do that and you sat down in front of the computer and typed out this beautiful letter. why was that important? >> well, i felt that he has been doing a great job the whole time, and i feel like he's always kind of painted as the bad guy, and it's a little unfair. ainsley: well, anthony someone wanted to thank you. we have governor desantis to surprise you. governor, are you with us? >> [applause] >> i'm here, good morning. anthony, just wanted to say thank you for the letter. i really appreciate it, and you know, really made us feel good that you care so much about your grandparents and look, we're excited about what we've been able to do in florida. we've done close to 3.5 million seniors have gotten shots in florida, and we're close to 75%, so appreciate it and thank you for writing in. ainsley: anthony do you have a message for him now that you're
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talking to him? >> thank you! thanks for getting my grandparents vaccinated and thanks for having great leadership. ainsley: mr. governor? >> yeah, no, look, we're happy to do it. we've got so many seniors and they have been so happy to be able to get this. they're doing well. ainsley, florida is doing very well. our economy is humming. people are wanting to come here. we're one of only a handful of states that is at 100% parents able to send their kids to school in-person from the very beginning of the school year, so we think we've had a successful school year, we'll finish that up. so people like anthony recognizing that, appreciate it, and hopefully, he's got a good future in-store for himself. ainsley: and anthony when was the last time you saw your grandparents? >> i think 2019 before the pandemic. ainsley: wow so does this mean now you get to go down and visit >> yeah! last week of april, which is my april vacation, and this is kind of a symbol that the world is
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getting back to normal. ainsley: governor that's because of you. he's going to get reunited with his grandparents and we know if we don't have our grandparents anymore, what that means and i would give anything to see my grandparents again so anthony you'll get to do that because of you governor. governor, thank you so much. >> yeah, no, happy to do it. anthony enjoy your trip to florida. you're not the only one coming down here right now, but we welcome you guys, and, you know, hope you have a great time with them. >> [applause] ainsley: that's great. governor, who are those beautiful ladies behind you? >> so i was actually speaking in front of the florida federated of republican women state convention in tallahassee, we knew anthony was going to be on, had the invitation and i said i'm going to stop the speech and we'll come do it and say high to anthony and thank him for writing in but these are great ladies and they are really excited to be in florida. >> [applause] ainsley: that's awesome. anthony i know that you want the governor to run for
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president, right? >> yes, i do. ainsley: and what do you want to be when you grow up? >> i like making films, so i think that. ainsley: that's great. governor, any plans you want to make any announcements this morning? >> you know, actually, we're plotting about 2022 here, these are the ladies that are going to deliver a huge victory for me and all republicans in florida in 2022 so stay tuned on that it's going to be important. ainsley: all right, governor thank you. tell the ladies thank you so much. i went to college there in tallahassee my freshman and sophomore year, it's beautiful and i was just in disney world so thank you for opening that up and giving my daughter that opportunity a few days ago. god bless you i'm so glad you're getting this vacation with your grandparents. do you want to say anything to your grandparents really quickly why you love them so much? >> you're great, you've always supported me when things haven't been good, and can't wait to see
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you soon. ainsley: that's so sweet. sure they're loving that message well god bless you both, god bless you all, thank you. >> thank you. ainsley: we have more "fox & friends" just moments away. introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel. the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. veteran homeowners: during uncertain times, money in the bank can bring you and your family real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa.
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