tv Hannity FOX News March 29, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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back tomorrow and every week night, the show that's opposed to lying and a great think tank. >> sean: sincerely, sincerely yours enemy. i like that. thank you. welcome to hannity, tonight we're tracking multiple developing stories at this hour. 9:00 on the east. 6:00 on the west coast, including this horrific scene from washington, d.c. this video should shock the conscience of a nation. you have a local uber driver. you see him on video trying to protect his car, which is his livelihood in broad daylight murdered by two teen girls trying to steal his car. his livelihood. his future. we'll show that you video and we'll comment on it. also, new information strongly suggesting the malignant regime
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in china covered up and is still covering up the origins of the virus that they released to the world. that full report straight ahead but we start with the very latest from the crisis that is a crisis on our southern border. it's only getting worse thanks to biden and harris. make no mistake. this disaster that we're watching unfold on our nation's border was caused by joe and kamala's insane open border policy. on the campaign trail we played it. joe telling migrants seeking asylum. come to the border. if i'm president seek refuge here. he ended president's stay in mexico policy. he stopped all border wall construction after 450 new miles were built. he vowed to limit deportations, especially when it comes to children. now unaccompanied minors are crossing the border at the highest rate ever. 30% higher than at this same point last year. and then, of course, catch and
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release. he brought it back, which is nuts. now, biden once accused president trump of putting kids in cages. remember that? and called his policies an all-out assault on human dignity and immoral. first of all, he and barack, they built those cages. it has their signature all over it and now thanks to biden there are more kids suffering tonight in more cages and new cages, and separated from their parents more than ever before. see that? those are cages. those are joe's cages. a picture speaks a thousand words. now, to make matters even worse, we're in the middle of a pandemic. by the way, cdc warns don't travel to central america. the cdc director warned of impending doom and a third wave of covid-19. you can already hear the fear mongering, all the news, more
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draconian shutdowns for all of us. especially the wonderful now political anthony fauci who has been wrong pretty much about every single thing from day one. frankly, like everybody else, i'm tired of fauci. he's not on the front lines on this and he's been wrong much more than he's been right. now he's politicizing it. meanwhile at the border there is no testing. no social distancing. no mask wearing, and you have kids literally stacked on top of each other in the facilities that are operating at over 600 and even 800% capacity. where the hysteria from the media mob? where is joe and kamala that lecture us on mask wearing. why are they allowing this to happen? i can assure you that covid is not taking a hiatus at the border. as a matter of fact, according to a new report, yep, you have some cases, 25, 30, up to 50% of people are infected with covid-19 entering the country
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illegally and guess what? many of them are then released right into the united states. they are sent to all the different states. no testing. no treatment. no vaccine. nothing. and by the way, joe biden, you can blame trump all you want. you caused this. you're responsible for all of it and you're unable or unwilling to acknowledge the crisis and if you can't acknowledge it you can't fix it and you're doing this in the middle of the pandemic and you're putting american lives at risk but instead of addressing the crisis and getting tough at the board, reinstating the stay in mexico policy, ending catch and release, going back to building the wall, joe biden and kamala harris, they are trying to prevent you the american people from actually seeing. they don't want you to see. there is a media blackout. there is a gag order. they don't want you to know the truth because border patrol members are found the gag order they can't talk to the media.
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all communication has to go through d.c. if you want to talk and get facts about the border. the biden administration also blocking the media from accessing the migrant facilities. you see all of these pictures? they were literally taken out illegally. weren't allowed to take them. they won't even allow texas state child protective services access to these migrant holding centers to even check on the children there, and just take a look at what happened when senator ted cruz attempted to film inside one of the facilities in texas. they tried to stop a u.s. senator. by the way, that would be called oversight which is part of his job. he's a senator from texas. take a look. >> please give dignity to the people. >> there isn't dignity and respect. there is a pandemic, let me ask you. >> i respectfully ask you, sir -- wholeheartedly --
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>> are you respecting the rights of these kids? you're right and this is a dangerous place and your policies are unfortunately trying to hide them. i understand you were instructed -- i respect them and i want to fix this situation and the administration you're working for is responsible for these conditions. >> sean: that's called a biden-harris cover-up right before your eyes. they are trying to block all of us and a u.s. senator from performing basic oversight, from seeing what's behind that woman. another biden official demanding that ted cruz and all the other gop senators, 17 others, to delete all the photos from their tour of these facilities. they want you -- they don't want the truth out. something you would expect can, right, from an abusive, authoritarian regime, one where, let's say, they eliminate a coequal branch of government ruled by executive fiat.
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that does not look like the united states of america that i remember. this is joe biden's unity and so-called transparency, and meanwhile, on the other side of the border, cartels, they are loving it. they are making up to $14 million every single day. trafficking these migrants across the border. senator cruz actually encountered some of these human smugglers at the border. we'll show you that footage in a minute. our own sarah carter is down there investigating at this time whole time and we have a massive crisis and a massive cover-up on so many levels but the biden administration's point person on the border, v.p., maybe soon to be called president harris, is nowhere to be found. today, circle back, jen psaki -- she's mad according to reports about the ongoing renovations at the vice president's mansion in
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washington, d.c. while migrants are packed in covid-filled cages that she and joe are building along the southern border, kamala harris, she's very distraught that the renovations and her future home are taking too long, and forcing her to temporarily live in another mansion across the street from the white house. oh, while vice president harris is fretting about herman -- her iman -- her -- she was asked about the policies and while it wasn't being utilized, remember the national guard sleeping on the floors and the parking lots and parking garages in our nation's capitol, when they were mobilized in the freezing weather in january. take a look.
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the national guard troops who were sleeping in parking garages and some of them got sick from contaminated food, that's a disparity that a lot of people are pointing out, national guard were treated one way and illegal immigrants are going to be put in hotel rooms. >> at the time when we became wear of the conditions, national guard troops were in parking garages as you noted, the president called the head of the national guard that day and offered his assistance. >> sean: hole rooms for illegal immigrants is little more than a pr move, if the biden administration had compassion for illegal immigrants, they would tell them to stay home and not make that perilous journey. they would tell them we'll enforce the laws of this country. you will respect our sovereignty. you will respect our laws, and you will do it legally or you
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won't do it at all. and if anyone does cross the border illegally, they should be deported, instantaneously. in the end the only thing the administration seems to care about is their virtue signaling and their optics. that's about it and now as a result, you, we, the american people, we're now witnessing one of the least transparent administrations, one of the biggest cover-ups in history. democracy dies in darkness, right? "washington post." fox news contributor, she's been down at the border now for weeks. sarah carter, she was there when all of this was unfolding over the weekend. sarah? >> sean, i've got to tell you, when i spent that trip with the senators, it was senator ted cruz who led a delegation of 18 senators to the border late one night, i was actually stunned at what we were seeing. i wasn't expecting to see the amount of people that i saw
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while the senators were down there. you know, i've spent like three weeks out on the border back and forth and i've seen large numbers of migrants crossing the border, undocumented children, unaccompanied minors, family units as well as single males, but that night in particular, i could hear whistling off in the distance. some people thought it was just the birds in the estuary there and i said no, that's got to be people and we walked down this dark road. i whistled back. the whistling came back to me and out of the darkness came these young children, teenagers as well as some that were three and four years old, one with their mother, out of the brush. it was very, very dark. i could barely see ahead of the road. they walked towards me, they were very frightened. they didn't know who i was. i said, look, you don't need to be afraid, i'm a journalist. they said how can you prove that? they had just been dumped off by the rio, by a smuggler on the
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other end and they told me that another smuggler had taken people to another corridor not too r from the senators. that night, you could hear the smugglers from across the rio grande actually taunting the senators and taunting the people that were on the other side. i guess they suspected that they were border patrol. take a listen to this, sean. >> it's heartbreaking but this is dumb, this is stupid. >> what would you say to president biden? >> stop it. you don't know what you're talking about. you know who you need to apologize to for your policies? the men and women of the border patrol. you need to apologize to these people and families for what you're doing to them. they have to live through hell every night. can you imagine what it's like to get a 3-year-old child who is walking down some line by themselves and this madness. come to the border and find out what's really happening on your watch. >> i've been down a number of times to this exact same area. this is worse than it's ever
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been, and we had this problem solved. we're satisfying days where there are 6,000 people a day are being apprehended. and then the next day another 4,000 or 5,000 people. just a few minutes ago there were multiple smugglers on the other side who were shining flashlights at us, who were yelling at us, who were taunting us, who were taunting, i think they probably assumed we were border patrol but they routinely taunt the board patrol because they know there is nothing they can do to stop them because the biden administration hassed is you can't stop them. >> kamala harris said we should de criminalize what you see right here, crossing the board. she's the last person that should be in control of the border policy here. i hope she comes here and she sees the fiasco that the biden-harris policies have created. >> sean, this is the reason why these lawmakers want the biden administration to acknowledge that there is a humanitarian and
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national security crisis, and they are actually demanding that president biden and vice president kamala harris, if she is to be in charge of this immigration crisis find a resolution to this problem before it gets any worse. you can only imagine if this many people have come in just in the first few weeks of this year and the first few months what is it going to be like in the next four months? sean? >> sean: i'm very critical when the republicans are wrong but ron johnson, we had this problem solved. he's right. ted cruz was right. lindsey graham was right. senator cotton was right. all of them were right and the fact that they created this crisis and are in full denial demanding that senators have to delete their photos and not show it to the american people, unbelievable. and you've been telling us now for two weeks how bad this is. sarah, thank you. now we turn to an important story on election integrity and it matters.
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people ask me, hannity, what can i do? first, if you live in georgia, if you live in wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, or nevada, or arizona, work with your state legislatures and work with senators to make sure sr-1 never gets passed or we'll never have integrity or confidence in election results. over the weekend, in georgia, their governor brian kemp finally did one thing worthwhile and signed a new bill into law, one that required standard voting i.d. for everyone whether you vote in mail or you vote in person. if you live in georgia, and vote in person, or absentee, moving forward, a photo i.d. is required. by the way, according to joe biden and others, this is racist. it's worse than jim crow. well, if you want to visit joe in the white house, joe biden, that is, guess what? you'll have to show a photo i.d.
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wow! i guess he's talking about himself here. take a look. >> what i'm worried about is how unamerican this whole initiative is. it's sick. it's sick. the republican voters i know find this despicable. republican voters. folks out, outside this white house, i'm not talking about the elected officials, i'm talking about voters. voters. and so i'm convinced that we'll be able to stop this because it is the most pernicious thing. this makes jim crow look like jim eagle. this is gigantic what they are trying to do. >> sean: and guess what, joe? if you go to the white house to visit you, people need a photo i.d. or they aren't going to get into the white house or the dnc convention or the u.s. capitol? but according to you, joe,
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playing politics, racial politics, using a photo i.d. to prove you are who you are at the polls is worse than jim crow? really? coming from the guy that partnered with the former klansmen, that would be you, joe, you partnered with robert byrd, a former klansmen to stop the integration of schools, joe. you did that kamala harris even called you out on that i've not forgotten. ultimately this is part of the democratic plan surrounding hr and sr-1. they are trying to build through lying and in this case playing the race card what they believe is a moral rarely argument for what will be unconstitutional legislation that would eliminate election integrity as we know it. it would block state legislators from actually doing their job as defined by our constitution. they would have no voter identification whatsoever. hr-1, sr-1 need to be stopped immediately, and frankly, the
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use of the race card needs to end. joe biden, we don't need lectures from you, mr., oh, we can't integrate our public schools. according to a new poll from rasmussen, a lot of americans agree with me. 75% of all voters, they support simple basic voters i.d. laws, that's 69% of african-americans, and look at this poll from the "atlanta journal constitution." 74% of georgians support a photo i.d. requirement for absentee ballots. this has nothing to do with race. it has everything to do with integrity and the confidence in our elections. here with more, fox news analyst. we learned that statutes exist in most of the states, that said partisan observers could observe. check that off the list. that didn't happen. we know there were two signature verification standards, voter i.d. standards in georgia. we know the state constitution
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in pennsylvania was ignored. can't do that. you've got to change the constitution, and we know laws in wisconsin and michigan were ignored. so how important are all of these issues and what's the priority working with state legislatures or washington? >> look, working with state legislators and making sure hr-1 doesn't get through because then we would basically have to take that battle to the supreme court and try to argue hr-1 is unconstitutional. it would be an uphill battle but one we would have to do. they are all important but what happened in this election cycle, you mentioned wisconsin, another example of that was, they said in our constitution we want to show an i.d. when you get a mail-in ballot for first time but this time because of the pandemic, if you just said i'm indefinitely confined, i'm scared of covid you didn't have to show your i.d., you could get a ballot. it added more mass mail-in voting to the system and americans didn't like what they saw. they didn't like that system but hr-1 would make this system the
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law of the land. no voter i.d. it doesn't matter that 36 states, that's 75% of people want this in 36 states, have it, it would just wipe away the will of the people. it's not for the people. it's against everything the people say they want according to that poll you just showed. >> sean: and joe biden is pushing to end the legislative filibuster. you were there, correct me if i'm wrong and he's even suggesting that in that particular case, again, he was playing the race card as a result of changing laws, et cetera but let me get to this with joe biden. joe biden was making the case on all of these issues if we don't change it, it's not fair to minorities in america. how is that unfair when everybody that visits that white house has to show a photo i.d.? i've been to the white house. i'm not been invited in a while, but i've been there and every time i went, i had to show photo i.d. to people who often said hi, mr. hannity, how are you?
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>> i still needed to show it. >> yes. that's exactly right. you need it to go to the doctor, boarding a plane or a train but in the case of georgia you even have the governor there saying we'll provide free i.d.'s. money is not a cost here. that should not be a barrier. it's a basic civic function we do every day when we do any of these various tasks, with an i.d., and voting should be one of the most important things. biden throws jim croat filibuster or voter i.d., when 60% of americans support voter i.d. >> sean: when we return, we're going back to the border. the surging crisis at the border. the cover-up at the border, a group of gop senators traveled to texas and they saw first hand this disaster unfolding.
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>> sean: still with no plans for biden or harris to ever visit the southern border and see first hand the crisis they themselves created gop senators, they are exposing exactly how bad these conditions have deteriorated on our border. 18 of them that have been down there. one of them lindsey graham will join us tonight. he's calling for biden to apologize to border patrol agents who tried to warn the biden transition team that a surge was coming, especially with the scrapping of the highly successful remain in mexico policy and stop building the wall. what we're seeing on the border
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is a full fledged catastrophe. the photos that they don't want you to see that we've been able to get tell you the whole story. overcrowded facilities, strained resources. no transparency, no accountability, no media, gag orders, you name it, and no solutions from anybody on team biden. the administration instead is more focused on reckless spending, more tax hikes, more blue state bail-outs, more attacks on your second amendment, that joe biden might use an executive fiot, too. here to react to all of, south carolina senator lindsey graham except i have the modified new york state legal model, which basically takes cosmetics and makes people think it's something that it's not because they don't know anything about guns to begin with but i have to follow the law because you and i both know they would love to put
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me in jail forever. let's go to the border first. >> this is why i don't live in new york. >> you're lucky. >> sean: i'm stupid. i admit it. but here's my question. you're down at the border. do they really tell you, senators, first of all, they told border patrol agents they could no longer do interviews or ride alongs and they aren't allowing any pictures. we still haven't seen the inside of one of those cargo shipping containers that they are putting kids in and then they wanted to delete your phones. >> i saw a giant cover-up. i can understand why the biden administration don't want the american people to know what's going on. massive system failure. i told you about this during the transition. you remember during the holidays i told you this would be the biggest issue for the country? the reason i told that you is the board patrol agents that i know were telling me they are going back to the old policy. they are going to do away with
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the remaining ex-mo and changing the unaccompanied policy of trump. what did i see? i saw 200 plus women and small children being processed in front of me. that were going to be released into the united states within eight hours. i saw children with numbers on their wrist, and here's what that means. they have family members in the united states, sean. they send money back to central america. they hire a human smuggler, a human trafficker to get them to the border. once we catch them, your tax dollars are used to reunite with family. this is not catch and release. this is catch and reunite. they call the family member, the number on the child's wrist and the american taxpayer pays to reunite the family who is here illegally. it will send the wrong signal. we'll have half of central america in the united states in a year if we don't change these policies, and the conditions in which these kids live in were
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terrible. >> sean: all right. i'm looking at these video. ron johnson was right, too, and that is, we had already solved this problem. it was fixed, get in the way, shut off the camera, don't take pictures. delete it off your phone and then the gag order. i'm going to tell you something, senator. we know a high percentage of people entering this country illegally have covid. a lot of them aren't even being tested. look at the conditions. these are abusive conditions for children. they are telling us why they are coming. because "uncle joe said come and seek asylum here." if we want to reverse this for the sake of the people inside these overcrowded cages that joe is building for them, don't we have to firmly say you're not getting in and you've got to go home? >> yes. yes. send them back or they are going to keep coming.
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i have never seen so many incentives for illegal immigration as i see today. if you're 16 and younger, we're going to make sure you never leave the country. if you have a family member here illegally, we're going to pay to reunite the family illegally. that it -- incent advises people. within two weeks you're released into the united states without a court date. by the summer we'll have 150,000 plus per month. if they don't change policies nothing will change. it's only going to get worse. i cannot tell you how hard it is, stressed, the board patrol agents are being asked to do something that's impossible. 50% of the force are now processing illegal immigrants. they aren't following drug smugglers and traffickers and terrorists trying to get into the country. they are overwhelmed and if we don't change the policy the worst is by far yet to come. it's really heartbreaking.
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sean, sarah is doing a great job. she's doing a great job for your show but i would encourage you to go. if you see what i saw, it would break your heart and you would be as mad as hell. >> sean: i've been down on the border, senator, as you know from the rio grande to san diego. let me go to this other issue, and now we have joe biden wanting to bypass this whole other, coequal branch of government again, you know, with a signature. institute new gun policies. my question is, republican party may have to, all 50 of you, to stop the end of the legislative filibuster because we know biden wants to change it. joe mansion has already buckled. we've got a new talking point. will republicans, then, if that's what they are going to do, if they unite all 50 of them they don't have to show up in the senate chamber and they don't get a quorum, harris
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couldn't break the tie, and would that put an end -- >> i'm confident if they tried to change 2 filibuster to pass the most liberal agenda in the history of the country, we'll use every tool to stop it including not giving their quorum. as for ar-2 ownership, i owner one. if you believe banning ar-15s is the answer to the problem bring up the assault weapons ban, senator schumer and let's voten on it. bring it to the floor and lets vote. i'm not afraid to vote. why don't you bring it up for a vote and see where the american people are at. >> sean: when you come up to new york next time i'll show you what they do in new york get an illegal gun? you can't belief it. 1.0 allows seven bullets. i had to follow the law.
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i follow the law, senator, because even you, a great lawyer, probably couldn't get me out of jail in cuomo's new york and deblasio's new york. thank you, sir. when we return, we'll provide with you an update on the derek chauvin murder trial. we'll tell you what happened in court today. the latest details on the horrific. this is unconscionable what happened. you have a guy trying to feed his family. he gets carjacked and murdered in broad daylight in our nation's capitol and then we'll show you how the media covered it. you'll be very angry by the end of that segment. that i can assure you.
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the ex-minneapolis police officer who was seen kneeling on george floyd's neck for almost eight minutes last may before floyd later died is charged with second-degree and third-degree murder along with second-degree manslaughter. here to break down each side's arguments, fox news analyst greg jarrett. a lot of this will come down to what it seems, and i'll let you lay it out, cause of death. i have a very strong view as a martial artist of eight years, i'm a student of the arts, i'm not a black belt, i'm a brown belt but my question to you is, when you hear both sides' opening arguments what do you come away with? >> it was extraordinary today because jurors, sean, became eyewitnesses to the horrifying death of george floyd. the digital recording transported them effectively back in time placing them at the scene observing events minute by agonizing minute, and the
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seconds seemed to tick away like a slow motion death spiral. sean, this is compelling evidence of guilt. the jurors heard floyd's frightened pleas, i can't breathe. i can't breathe. help me, please. they heard bystanders say you're killing them and then the jury saw floyd's both go limp as he lapsed into unconsciousness, lifeless and by any measure it was heartwrenching and grotesque and any compassionate person would be incensed and angry at chauvin's actions which is precisely why prosecutors made the digital recording their star witness. all other evidence or testimony in this trial will pale in comparison. there were so many opportunities for chiven to stop quit he refused. and when it was obvious that floyd was not breathing chauvin could have rendered aid and he didn't do it. it wasn't just indifference to human life. it was malice. a couple of legal points and you brought up one of them, first,
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the question is not whether chauvin intended to kill floyd, only that his actions toward floyd were intentional. second of all, prosecutors don't have to prove that chauvin's conduct was the sole cause of death, only that it was a substantial factor. the defense is claiming the drug overdose killed floyd but the law, the autopsy, the recording itself, especially the videotape, will overcome all of that. the defense is claiming that the client did not use excessive force. that seems utterly preposterous when you watch the tape. there is more than enough evidence to convict because, sean, seeing is believing. >> sean: what's frustrating to me is, and again, i've been doing martial arts an hour and a half a day five days a week for eight years. we practice what we call targeted strikes. one of them would be if you strike somebody, a little bit,
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you get the bottom, the end of their jaw into your carotid artery, that fraction of a second can knock you to your knees and if you try to stand up you'll probably fall down again. you've watched -- if i put somebody in a choke, 15 seconds, greg, i could have you, i have the two carotids, you'll pass out in 15 seconds. i would assume that kind of testimony will come out here and that, coupled with your perfect description of the video, where do you see this going? >> it goes toward conviction. look, sean, it's very clear, you may never use lethal force to meet nonlethal threat. and that's precisely what derek chauvin and officers in minnesota, minneapolis are taught. so there will be an expert who will make it abundantly clear. in fact, the chief of police, that this is excessive force.
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it was not proportional, and it was completely unreasonable resulting in death. >> sean: i can tell you, he was in handcuffs. if you did a simple manipulation of two fingers, two, you'll get full compliance with somebody that's in handcuffs. it's very frustrating. >> it was so easy to de-escalate. it could have been done and george floyd is not alive because of it. >> sean: and they are going to say, he had drugs in his system. i would say the neck is the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy. if you have him in handcuffs and you have some degree, some basic fundamental knowledge, one-on-one knowledge, manipulating two fingers gets you full compliance. i'm not talking about breaking fingers either. all right. greg jarrett, thank you. also tonight two teens have been charged in this deadly carjacking. this is hard to watch.
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you have an immigrant, a uber eats driver. he's in washington, d.c. the video, this is his lifeline. this is how he makes his money. i don't think he makes a lot of money. he's not getting rich being an uber eats driver but he's out there working hard to provide for himself and his family that car givers him a living and these teens storm the vehicle. they pull out a knife. they take control of the steering wheel, he's trying to protect his car and he's halfway out of the car and they drive up, drive away with him pinned between the door and the driver's seat. then you see at the end of this video, it crashes. he lays lifelessly on the pavement. following the death of this man, the failed d.c. mayor sent out this despicable tweet, "preventing auto thefts and --" he appeared to be blaming the victim. this guy did nothing wrong except try to work.
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following the outrage, he deleted the post saying it was a pre-scheduled tweet and even worse fake news cnn, get this, they actually called this murder carjacking an accident. this was not an accident. police said the girls, 13 and 15, assaulted an uab ber eats driver which led to an accident in which he was fatally injured. that was what cnn tweeted out. let me be clear that video shows you, our eyes do not lie to us. those kids killed this man. this innocent man trying to provide for his family and himself. that's not an accident. he was working hard. i doubt he makes a lot of money. murdered in cold blood and it's all on tape. here with reaction, radio host, salem radio host, i can't even watch this without my blood boiling, larry elder. it drives me insane to see this
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level of evil. >> well, you know, sean, the media tweets black people like children to whom the truth cannot be told. they do not want to hold black people responsible for crime. i'll give you an even more glaring example of this. 2006, i'm in los angeles. halloween night, three white girls were beaten brutally by a member of 30 to 40 blacks. the l.a. times is 20 minutes away from where this took place, sean. the l.a. times did not write one word about this egregious attack against these three white girls for an entire week. even though the girls were being bombarded with rarely epithets, they said we're not sure yet if this is a hate crime and when 10 people were charged, initially they weren't even charged with a hate crime. this is what's going on here. a month later npr did a story about this, and the angle of the story, sean, was whether or not black people could ever be charged with a hate crime
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because they are black. >> sean: to me, there is no color. it's good versus evil. end of story. dana? >> yes. >> yes, i'm curious, sean is the media going to treat these teenagers in the story, are they going to get the kyle rittenhouse treatment? are they going to get the nick sandman treatment because i know a lot of news outlets love when it there are teenagers involved but they are interestingly silent on this particular story, and then at one point in the video, you can't -- it's so unbelievably disturbing one of the teenagers while you have this man who is literally dying on the sidewalk, is more interested in her phone that's still in the car and she's freaking out about that. so i'm very curious as to whether or not the media is going to be all over these teenagers the way they have been other teens. and another point, sean, where in the world are these kids' parents? they are teenagers. they are not even 16 years old. what teenagers are running around on the streetcar jacking people with tasers like this?
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my mom would have beaten me within six inches of my life had i even so much as thought about doing something like that? she would have grabbed her flip-flops and beaten me. >> sean: a man working hard, and he's dead for no reason at all. thank you both. where did covid-19 originate? multiple theories now circulating. things, if you asked the question six months ago you probably would have been canceled. straight ahead.
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you know, the hell that was unleashed on the world as well as growing evidence supporting the lab leak theory which was written off as a conspiracy there this time last year. even "60 minutes" is asking questions. wow! how times change. here with reaction former white house senior adviser steve miller along with the author of the great u.s.-china tech war. gordon chang. we talked about this a year ago, what would people have said? meanwhile, china, and this says it all to me, they would not allow people from wuhan province to travel anywhere else in china or people from anywhere else in china to travel to wuhan, but wuhan residents could travel around the world. that to me speaks volumes. >> it certainly does, sean, because, first of all, comp ping, the china's rural, they lied about the contagiousness of the disease. they said it was not transmissible human-to-human knowing it was highly contagious
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and they leaned on other countries not to impose your teens while locking down their own country. by locking down their own country they knew they were stopping the spread of the disease which means they were spreading the disease outside china when they were forcing other countries to take chinese passengers. >> and steve miller, the w.h.o., that we fund more than anyone else, they have been propaganda, lying, protecting the communist chinese the whole time. why do they get one tax penny from anybody? >> one of the best things that trump did, and i was there when he did it, was to cut off funding to the world health organization and get the united states out of that china corrupted and china-owned organization. the w.h.o. will put out a report which is simply chinese government propaganda claiming this thing didn't come out of the wuhan virology laboratory even though the circumstantial evidence that senior trump
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administration officials reviewed strongly indicated that it did, and that included the fact that china now denies it. that workers in that laboratory had covid-like symptoms. it includes the fact this virus is suspiciously well designed to spread throughout the whole u.s. population. we need answers, and the biden administration needs to sanction china if they don't open that lab to full inspections. >> sean: it's a little late now. how many people are dead? unbelievable. you're right. coming up. tonight's villain of the day, oh, governor cuomo. yes can, another accuser, number nine. maybe even number 10. straight ahead.
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and shown in that -- what is with this face grabbing thing? manhandled her, kissed her when they were doing a flood damage to her in 2017. we will see what happens. we are fair and balanced, laura ingraham is next. let not your heart be troubled. big show tonight. >> laura: yes, sean, and i was fascinated by gregg jarrett's -- his commentary about what happened. it was extremely interesting, we are going to pick up where you left off on that because this is going to get really, really wild and interesting if you love the law, but everyone is on pins and needles, so thank you for that interview, i enjoyed that. >> sean: thanks, have a great show, thank you as always buried >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." we are going to have a full breakdown of the opening arguments, what they really mean, where is this headed with alan dershowitz? plus, covid's true origin, the
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